def run(self, *args, **options): p_path = os.path.join('/proc', str(os.getppid()), 'cmdline') with open(p_path, 'rb') as f: p_cmdline = f.read().split(b'\x00') p = None if b'runserver' not in p_cmdline: self.stdout.write("Starting webpack-dev-server...") p = webpack_dev_server() wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, line_buffering=True) first_line = next(wrapper) webpack_host = first_line.split()[-1] print(webpack_host) super().run(**options) if p: p.kill() p.wait()
def startEventLoop(name, port, authkey, ppid, debug=False): if debug: import os cprint.cout(debug, '[%d] connecting to server at port localhost:%d, authkey=%s..\n' % (os.getpid(), port, repr(authkey)), -1) conn = multiprocessing.connection.Client(('localhost', int(port)), authkey=authkey) if debug: cprint.cout(debug, '[%d] connected; starting remote proxy.\n' % os.getpid(), -1) global HANDLER #ppid = 0 if not hasattr(os, 'getppid') else os.getppid() HANDLER = RemoteEventHandler(conn, name, ppid, debug=debug) while True: try: HANDLER.processRequests() # exception raised when the loop should exit time.sleep(0.01) except ClosedError: break
def get_num_processes(num_servers): # Since each process is not resource heavy and simply takes time waiting for pings, maximise the number of processes (within constraints of the current configuration) # Maximum open file descriptors of current configuration soft_limit, _ = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) # Find how many file descriptors are already in use by the parent process ppid = os.getppid() used_file_descriptors = int(subprocess.run('ls -l /proc/' + str(ppid) + '/fd | wc -l', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')) # Max processes is the number of file descriptors left, before the sof limit (configuration maximum) is reached max_processes = int((soft_limit - used_file_descriptors) / 2) if num_servers > max_processes: return max_processes else: return num_servers
def get_os_info(): """ Get some OS info with psutils and humanfriendly. """ is_win = lambda: True if os.name == 'nt' else False pid = os.getgid() if not is_win() else None ppid = os.getppid() now = time.time() current_process = psutil.Process(pid=ppid) process_uptime = current_process.create_time() process_uptime_delta = now - process_uptime process_uptime_human = humanfriendly.format_timespan(process_uptime_delta) system_uptime = psutil.boot_time() system_uptime_delta = now - system_uptime system_uptime_human = humanfriendly.format_timespan(system_uptime_delta) free_memory = psutil.disk_usage('/').free total_memory = psutil.disk_usage('/').total percent_used_memory = psutil.disk_usage('/').percent used_memory = psutil.disk_usage('/').used free_memory_human = humanfriendly.format_size(free_memory) return vars()
def get_cmdlines(): """Retrieve the cmdline of each process running on the system.""" processes = [] # Get our current PID as well as the parent so we can exclude them. current_pid = os.getpid() parent_pid = os.getppid() for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if proc.pid not in [current_pid, parent_pid]: processes.append(' '.join(proc.cmdline())) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass return processes
def is_process_started_by_init(): """ Determine whether the current process is started by `init`. :return: ``True`` iff the parent process is `init`; otherwise ``False``. The `init` process is the one with process ID of 1. """ result = False init_pid = 1 if os.getppid() == init_pid: result = True return result
def run(self): setproctitle(self.process_name) while True: if os.getppid() != self.parent_pid: logging.info(u"Parent process is die. Exit..") break for task_class_string, processes_count in self.config['tasks'].iteritems(): task_class = Command.import_from_string(task_class_string) if self._time_to_set_tasks_for(task_class) and task_class.SELF_SUPPORT: self.shedule_cache[task_class.name] = datetime.now() try: task_class.set_tasks() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) sleep(self.SET_PERIOD_SECONDS)
def run(self): setproctitle(self.process_name) while True: try: if os.getppid() != self.parent_pid: logging.info(u"Parent process is die. Exit..") break task = self.queue.get_nowait() try: self.run_task(task) except Exception as e: logging.exception(u"Worker {0} catch exception on task {1}: {2}".format( self, task.id, e )) finally: pass except QueueEmpty: sleep(1) except Exception as e: logging.exception( u"Error in queue preparing: %s".format(e) )
def getppid(): ''' :return: The pid of the parent of this process. ''' pe = PROCESSENTRY32() pe.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) mypid = GetCurrentProcessId() snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0) result = 0 try: have_record = Process32First(snapshot, ctypes.byref(pe)) while have_record: if mypid == pe.th32ProcessID: result = pe.th32ParentProcessID break have_record = Process32Next(snapshot, ctypes.byref(pe)) finally: CloseHandle(snapshot) return result
def maybe_promote_master(self): if self.master_pid == 0: return if self.master_pid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Master has been promoted.") # reset master infos self.master_name = "Master" self.master_pid = 0 self.proc_name = self.cfg.proc_name del os.environ['GUNICORN_PID'] # rename the pidfile if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.rename(self.cfg.pidfile) # reset proctitle util._setproctitle("master [%s]" % self.proc_name)
def fetch_in_thread(sr, nsa): """fetch a sequence in a thread """ def fetch_seq(q, nsa): pid, ppid = os.getpid(), os.getppid() q.put((pid, ppid, sr[nsa])) q = Queue() p = Process(target=fetch_seq, args=(q, nsa)) p.start() pid, ppid, seq = q.get() p.join() assert pid != ppid, "sequence was not fetched from thread" return pid, ppid, seq
def __init__(self, name, mode, chain, interval, result_queue, logging_level=0): self.name = name self.mode = mode self.chain = chain self.interval = interval self.result_queue = result_queue self.pid = str(os.getpid()) if hasattr(os, 'getppid'): # only available on Unix self.ppid = str(os.getppid()) # self.job_id = job_id self.registered = False self.logging_level = logging_level self.logger = Logger(self.name, self.logging_level) try: self.logger.log_debug('Starting new process with PID ' + self.pid) self.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def getDebug(self): return { "environment": self.req.env, "client": self.req.client.__dict__, "database": self.db.get_debug(), "system": { "uname": os.uname() }, "process": { "cwd": os.getcwdu(), "pid": os.getpid(), "ppid": os.getppid(), "pgrp": os.getpgrp(), "uid": os.getuid(), "gid": os.getgid(), "euid": os.geteuid(), "egid": os.getegid(), "groups": os.getgroups() } }
def procinfo(str): if "sched_getcpu" not in show_available_c_functions(): cpu_idx = -1 else: cpu_idx = sched_getcpu() pid = os.getpid() ppid = os.getppid() uid = os.getuid() gid = os.getgid() euid = os.geteuid() egid = os.getegid() hostname = gethostname() procs = os.listdir("/proc") printf("""%s: cpu: %d pid: %d ppid: %d uid %d gid %d euid %d egid %d hostname: %s procs: %s""" % (str, cpu_idx, pid, ppid, uid, gid, euid, egid, hostname, ", ".join(procs[-4:])))
def _check_alive(self): # If our parent changed then we shut down. pid = os.getpid() try: while self.alive: self.notify() req_count = sum( self.servers[srv]["requests_count"] for srv in self.servers ) if self.max_requests and req_count > self.max_requests: self.alive = False self.log.info("Max requests exceeded, shutting down: %s", self) elif pid == os.getpid() and self.ppid != os.getppid(): self.alive = False self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) else: await asyncio.sleep(1.0, loop=self.loop) except (Exception, BaseException, GeneratorExit, KeyboardInterrupt): pass
def get_client_properties_with_defaults(provided_client_properties={}): ppid = 0 try: ppid = os.getppid() except: pass client_properties = {"product": "qpid python client", "version": "development", "platform": os.name, "qpid.client_process": os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), "qpid.client_pid": os.getpid(), "qpid.client_ppid": ppid} if provided_client_properties: client_properties.update(provided_client_properties) return client_properties
def run(self): """ Run the parentpoller. """ # We cannot use os.waitpid because it works only for child processes. from errno import EINTR while True: try: if os.getppid() == 1: if hasattr(self.quitfunction, '__call__'): self.quitfunction() waitForClose() os._exit(1) time.sleep(1.0) except OSError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: continue raise
def test_proc_info(self): """Proc info test.""" proc_info = sysinfo.proc_info(os.getpid()) # Handle running python with options, as in: # sys.argv[0] == 'python -m unittest' expected = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0].split()[0]) # TODO: When running coverage, script is execed under python. # but sys.argv[0] reports as setup.py # # train starts subprocess for the test with altnose.py # this makes this assert unusable expected_progs = ['setup.py', 'altnose.py', 'sysinfo_test.py'] if expected not in expected_progs: self.assertEqual(expected, proc_info.filename) self.assertEqual(os.getppid(), proc_info.ppid) # We do not check the starttime, but just verify that calling # proc_info twice returns same starttime, which can be used as part of # process signature. self.assertEqual( proc_info.starttime, sysinfo.proc_info(os.getpid()).starttime )
def test_ppid(self): if hasattr(os, 'getppid'): self.assertEqual(psutil.Process().ppid(), os.getppid()) this_parent = os.getpid() sproc = get_test_subprocess() p = psutil.Process(sproc.pid) self.assertEqual(p.ppid(), this_parent) self.assertEqual(p.parent().pid, this_parent) # no other process is supposed to have us as parent reap_children(recursive=True) if APPVEYOR: # Occasional failures, see: # https://ci.appveyor.com/project/giampaolo/psutil/build/ # job/0hs623nenj7w4m33 return for p in psutil.process_iter(): if p.pid == sproc.pid: continue # XXX: sometimes this fails on Windows; not sure why. self.assertNotEqual(p.ppid(), this_parent, msg=p)
def handle_request(client_connection): request = client_connection.recv(1024) print( 'Child PID:{pid}.Parent PID {ppid}'.format( pid=os.getpid(), ppid=os.getppid(), ) ) print(request.decode()) http_response = """ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Hello world! """ client_connection.sendall(http_response) time.sleep(60)
def is_valid_parent(): """ Authenticates the script by validating top 3 parents, if any of them belongs to VALID_PARENTS, with matching RECORDED_DIGEST. """ # f = open('/tmp/typtop.log', 'a') RECORDED_DIGESTS = load_recoreded_digest() ppid = os.getppid() for _ in xrange(3): ppid, uid, user, exe = get_ppid_and_attr(ppid) if not ppid or int(ppid) <= 0: break ppid = int(ppid) continue; if uid and int(uid) == 0: # any of the uids is 0 (root) return True if sha256(exe) in RECORDED_DIGESTS: return True # f.close() return False
def run(self): print 'BlobFetcher started: pid %d; ppid %d'%(os.getpid(), os.getppid()) self._parent_pid = os.getppid() self._self_pid = os.getpid(); self._prefetch_process_id_q.put(self._self_pid); global shared_mem_list while True: #blobs = get_minibatch(minibatch_db, self._num_classes) self.self_cleanup(); if self._slots_used.empty(): continue; slot = self._slots_used.get(); im_datas = self._funct_to_call(); for t in range(self._num_tops): shared_mem = shared_mem_list[t][slot]; with shared_mem.get_lock(): s = np.frombuffer(shared_mem.get_obj(), dtype=np.float32); # print s.size, self._shared_shapes[t]; shared_mem_arr = np.reshape(s, self._shared_shapes[t]); shared_mem_arr[...] = im_datas[t].astype(np.float32, copy=True); # print 'helper:: ',im_datas[t].min(), im_datas[t].max(), im_datas[t].mean() self._slots_filled.put(slot);
def test_garbage_collect_2(self): """ Garbage collection should not remove live pid. """ self.args.session = os.getppid() working_dir = common.get_working_dir(self.args) assert os.path.exists(working_dir) common.garbage_collect() assert os.path.exists(working_dir)
def test_set_state(self): self.args.session = os.getppid() state = { "connections": { "foo": { "url": "some url"}}} common.set_state(self.args, state) result = common.get_state(self.args) assert state == result
def _daemonize(self): # double-fork. refer to "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" try: # first fork pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # first parent os.waitpid(pid, 0) # wait for second child to start return False # return to caller of daemonize() except OSError, e: self.log('fork #1 failed: %s' % e) return # return caller of daemonize() # decouple first parent os.setsid() os.chdir("/") os.umask(0) ppid = os.getpid() # yes, getpid(). it will be the child's ppid try: # second fork self._pid = os.fork() if self._pid > 0: # second parent. just exit os._exit(0) # this is the wait() above except OSError, e: self.log('fork #2 failed: %s' % e) os._exit(1) # wait until ppid changes while os.getppid() == ppid: time.sleep(0.1) return True
def _process_entry_point(channel, iface_name): logger.info('Bus monitor process started with PID %r', os.getpid()) app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Inheriting args from the parent process def exit_if_should(): if RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS: return False else: return os.getppid() != PARENT_PID # Parent is dead exit_check_timer = QTimer() exit_check_timer.setSingleShot(False) exit_check_timer.timeout.connect(exit_if_should) exit_check_timer.start(2000) def get_frame(): received, obj = channel.receive_nonblocking() if received: if obj == IPC_COMMAND_STOP: logger.info('Bus monitor process has received a stop request, goodbye') app.exit(0) else: return obj win = BusMonitorWindow(get_frame, iface_name) win.show() logger.info('Bus monitor process %r initialized successfully, now starting the event loop', os.getpid()) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # TODO: Duplicates PlotterManager; refactor into an abstract process factory
def _process_entry_point(channel): logger.info('Plotter process started with PID %r', os.getpid()) app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Inheriting args from the parent process def exit_if_should(): if RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS: return False else: return os.getppid() != PARENT_PID # Parent is dead exit_check_timer = QTimer() exit_check_timer.setSingleShot(False) exit_check_timer.timeout.connect(exit_if_should) exit_check_timer.start(2000) def get_transfer(): received, obj = channel.receive_nonblocking() if received: if obj == IPC_COMMAND_STOP: logger.info('Plotter process has received a stop request, goodbye') app.exit(0) else: return obj win = PlotterWindow(get_transfer) win.show() logger.info('Plotter process %r initialized successfully, now starting the event loop', os.getpid()) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def daemon_start(pid_file, log_file): def handle_exit(signum, _): if signum == signal.SIGTERM: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_exit) # fork only once because we are sure parent will exit pid = os.fork() assert pid != -1 if pid > 0: # parent waits for its child time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0) # child signals its parent to exit ppid = os.getppid() pid = os.getpid() if write_pid_file(pid_file, pid) != 0: os.kill(ppid, signal.SIGINT) sys.exit(1) os.setsid() signal.signal(signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIGHUP) print('started') os.kill(ppid, signal.SIGTERM) sys.stdin.close() try: freopen(log_file, 'a', sys.stdout) freopen(log_file, 'a', sys.stderr) except IOError as e: shell.print_exception(e) sys.exit(1)
def parent_is_alive(self): if os.getppid() == 1: logger.info("Parent process has gone away, exiting process {}!".format(os.getpid())) return False return True
def fork_case(): #can't work under windows print "Process %s start " %os.getpid() pid=os.fork() if pid==0: print "i am child process %s. and my parent pid is %s " %(os.getpid(),os.getppid()) else: print "i am parent process %s, and create my child process %s" %(os.getpid(),pid)
def basic_usage(): print 'pid ',os.getpid() #print 'ppid ',os.getppid() cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print cpus name=multiprocessing.current_process().name print name
def process_info(): print('Module:' + str(__name__) + '\n') print('Parent Process id:' + str(os.getppid())+ '\n' ) print('Process id:' + str(os.getpid())+ '\n\n' )
def start_or_get_daemon(self): global daemon if (daemon != None): return daemon is_windows = os.name == 'nt' executable = 'importjsd' try: daemon = subprocess.Popen( [executable, 'start', '--parent-pid', str(os.getppid())], cwd=self.project_root(), env=import_js_environment, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=is_windows ) # The daemon process will print one line at startup of the command, # something like "DAEMON active. Logs will go to [...]". We need to # ignore this line so that we can expect json output when running # commands. daemon.stdout.readline() return daemon except FileNotFoundError as e: if(e.strerror.find(executable) > -1): # If the executable is in the error message, then we believe # that the executable cannot be found and show a more helpful # message. sublime.error_message(no_executable_error(executable)) else: # Something other than the executable cannot be found, so we # pass through the original message. sublime.error_message(e.strerror) raise e
def watchdog(self): if self.alive: self.notify() if self.ppid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) self.alive = False
def is_parent_alive(self): # If our parent changed then we shut down. if self.ppid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) return False return True
def _run(self): for sock in self.sockets: factory = self.get_factory(sock.sock, sock.cfg_addr) self.servers.append( (yield from self._create_server(factory, sock))) # If our parent changed then we shut down. pid = os.getpid() try: while self.alive or self.connections: self.notify() if (self.alive and pid == os.getpid() and self.ppid != os.getppid()): self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) self.alive = False # stop accepting requests if not self.alive: if self.servers: self.log.info( "Stopping server: %s, connections: %s", pid, len(self.connections)) for server in self.servers: server.close() self.servers.clear() # prepare connections for closing for conn in self.connections.values(): if hasattr(conn, 'closing'): conn.closing() yield from asyncio.sleep(1.0, loop=self.loop) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self.servers: for server in self.servers: server.close() yield from self.close()
def notify(self): super(GeventWorker, self).notify() if self.ppid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) sys.exit(0)