def convert_pixgwktList_to_wgs84wktList(inputRaster, wktPolygonPixList): ## returns # [[GeoWKT, PixWKT], ...] wgs84WKTList=[] if os.path.isfile(inputRaster): srcRaster = gdal.Open(inputRaster) targetSR = osr.SpatialReference() targetSR.ImportFromWkt(srcRaster.GetProjectionRef()) geomTransform = srcRaster.GetGeoTransform() for wktPolygonPix in wktPolygonPixList: geom_wkt_list = pixelWKTToGeoWKT(wktPolygonPix, inputRaster, targetSR='', geomTransform=geomTransform, breakMultiPolygonPix=False) wgs84WKTList.extend(geom_wkt_list) # [[GeoWKT, PixWKT], ...] return wgs84WKTList
def reprojectRaster(src,match_ds,dst_filename): src_proj = src.GetProjection() src_geotrans = src.GetGeoTransform() match_proj = match_ds.GetProjection() match_geotrans = match_ds.GetGeoTransform() wide = match_ds.RasterXSize high = match_ds.RasterYSize dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(dst_filename, wide, high, 1, gdalconst.GDT_Int16) dst.SetGeoTransform( match_geotrans ) dst.SetProjection( match_proj) gdal.ReprojectImage(src, dst, src_proj, match_proj, gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear) del dst # Flush return(gdal.Open(dst_filename,gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)) #finds the intersecting extent of a series of scenes (left,right,bottom,top are arrays containing the respective lat/lon of the left,right,bottom,top of each image)
def get_lulc_source(ds): """For a given input dataset extent, select the appropriate mask source (NLCD vs. global bareground) """ ds_geom = geolib.ds_geom(ds) lulc_fn = get_nlcd_fn() lulc_ds = gdal.Open(lulc_fn) lulc_geom = geolib.ds_geom(lulc_ds) #If the dem geom is within CONUS (nlcd extent), use it geolib.geom_transform(ds_geom, t_srs=lulc_geom.GetSpatialReference()) if lulc_geom.Contains(ds_geom): print("Using NLCD 30m data for rockmask") lulc_source = 'nlcd' else: print("Using global 30m bare ground data for rockmask") #Otherwise for Global, use 30 m Bare Earth percentage lulc_source = 'bareground' #lulc_fn = get_bareground_fn() #lulc_ds = gdal.Open(lulc_fn) return lulc_source
def read_naip(file_path, bands_to_use): """ Read in a NAIP, based on www.machinalis.com/blog/python-for-geospatial-data-processing. Bands_to_use is an array like [0,0,0,1], designating whether to use each band (R, G, B, IR). """ raster_dataset = gdal.Open(file_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) bands_data = [] index = 0 for b in range(1, raster_dataset.RasterCount + 1): band = raster_dataset.GetRasterBand(b) if bands_to_use[index] == 1: bands_data.append(band.ReadAsArray()) index += 1 bands_data = numpy.dstack(bands_data) return raster_dataset, bands_data
def tag_with_locations(test_images, predictions, tile_size, state_abbrev): """Combine image data with label data, so info can be rendered in a map and list UI. Add location data for convenience too. """ combined_data = [] for idx, img_loc_tuple in enumerate(test_images): raster_filename = img_loc_tuple[2] raster_dataset = gdal.Open(os.path.join(NAIP_DATA_DIR, raster_filename), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) raster_tile_x = img_loc_tuple[1][0] raster_tile_y = img_loc_tuple[1][1] ne_lat, ne_lon = pixel_to_lat_lon_web_mercator(raster_dataset, raster_tile_x + tile_size, raster_tile_y) sw_lat, sw_lon = pixel_to_lat_lon_web_mercator(raster_dataset, raster_tile_x, raster_tile_y + tile_size) certainty = predictions[idx][0] formatted_info = {'certainty': certainty, 'ne_lat': ne_lat, 'ne_lon': ne_lon, 'sw_lat': sw_lat, 'sw_lon': sw_lon, 'raster_tile_x': raster_tile_x, 'raster_tile_y': raster_tile_y, 'raster_filename': raster_filename, 'state_abbrev': state_abbrev, 'country_abbrev': 'USA' } combined_data.append(formatted_info) return combined_data
def import_summary_geojson(geojsonfilename, removeNoBuildings=True): # driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('geojson') datasource = ogr.Open(geojsonfilename, 0) layer = datasource.GetLayer() print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) buildingList = [] for idx, feature in enumerate(layer): poly = feature.GetGeometryRef() if poly: if removeNoBuildings: if feature.GetField('BuildingId') != -1: buildingList.append({'ImageId': feature.GetField('ImageId'), 'BuildingId': feature.GetField('BuildingId'), 'poly': feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone()}) else: buildingList.append({'ImageId': feature.GetField('ImageId'), 'BuildingId': feature.GetField('BuildingId'), 'poly': feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone()}) return buildingList
def import_chip_geojson(geojsonfilename, ImageId=''): # driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('geojson') datasource = ogr.Open(geojsonfilename, 0) if ImageId=='': ImageId = geojsonfilename layer = datasource.GetLayer() print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) polys = [] BuildingId = 0 for idx, feature in enumerate(layer): poly = feature.GetGeometryRef() if poly: BuildingId = BuildingId + 1 polys.append({'ImageId': ImageId, 'BuildingId': BuildingId, 'poly': feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone()}) return polys
def mergePolyList(geojsonfilename): multipolygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) datasource = ogr.Open(geojsonfilename, 0) layer = datasource.GetLayer() print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) for idx, feature in enumerate(layer): poly = feature.GetGeometryRef() if poly: multipolygon.AddGeometry(feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone()) return multipolygon
def import_glcf_tile(glcf_header, cell_num, tilefile): glcfgrid = grids.GLCFGrid() glcf_data = np.zeros((glcfgrid.cell_height, glcfgrid.cell_width, 1), dtype=np.uint8) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: # uncompress with gzip.open(tilefile, 'rb') as f_in, open(f.name, 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) gdal_ds = gdal.Open(f.name) assert gdal_ds is not None, "Failed to open GDAL dataset" band = gdal_ds.GetRasterBand(1) nodata_val = band.GetNoDataValue() print "NoData : ", nodata_val glcf_data[:, :, 0] = band.ReadAsArray() glcf_header.write_frac((cell_num, 0), glcf_data) print 'Finished %d' % cell_num return True
def reproject_tiff_from_model(old_name, new_name, model, unit): """ Reprojects an tiff on a tiff model. Can be used to warp tiff. Keyword arguments: old_name -- the name of the old tiff file new_name -- the name of the output tiff file model -- the gdal dataset which will be used to warp the tiff unit -- the gdal unit in which the operation will be performed """ mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM") old = gdal.Open(old_name) new = mem_drv.Create(new_name, model.RasterXSize, model.RasterYSize, 1, unit) new.SetGeoTransform(model.GetGeoTransform()) new.SetProjection(model.GetProjection()) res = gdal.ReprojectImage(old, new, old.GetProjection(), model.GetProjection(), gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour) assert res == 0, 'Error in ReprojectImage' arr = new.ReadAsArray() new = None return arr
def readImageMetaData(inputFile, name): # Open the dataset in read only mode dataset = gdal.Open(inputFile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Check that the image has been opened if not dataset is None: # Get the meta value specified metaData = dataset.GetMetaDataItem(name) # Check that it is present if metaData == None: # If not present, print error. print("Could not find \'", name, "\' item.") else: # Else print out the metaData value. print(name, "=\'", metaData, "\'") else: # Print an error messagge if the file # could not be opened. print("Could not open the input image file: ", inputFile) # A function to read a meta-data item # from a image band
def listImageMetaData(inputFile): # Open the dataset in Read Only mode dataset = gdal.Open(inputFile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Check that the image has been opened. if not dataset is None: # Get the meta-data dictionary metaData = dataset.GetMetaData_Dict() # Check it has entries. if len(metaData) == 0: # if it has no entries return # error message. print("There is no image meta-data.") else: # Otherwise, print out the # meta-data. # Loop through each entry. for metaItem in metaData: print(metaItem) else: # Print an error message if the file # could not be opened. print("Could not open the input image file", inputFile) # This is the first part of the script to # be executed.
def setBandName(inputFile, band, name): # Open the image file, in update mode # so that the image can be edited. dataset = gdal.Open(inputFile, GA_Update) # Check that the image has opened if not dataset is None: # Get the image Band imgBand = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) # Check the image band was available if not imgBand is None: # Set the image band name imgBand.SetDescription(name) else: # Print out an error message print("Could not open the image band: ", band) else: # Print the error message if the file # could not be opened print("Could not open the input image file: ", inputFile) # This is the first par of the script # to be executed
def raster2array(rasterfn): raster = gdal.Open(rasterfn) band = raster.GetRasterBand(1) nodata = band.GetNoDataValue() array = band.ReadAsArray() proj = raster.GetProjection() inproj = osr.SpatialReference() inproj.ImportFromWkt(proj) geoTransform = raster.GetGeoTransform() minx = geoTransform[0] maxy = geoTransform[3] maxx = minx + geoTransform[1]*raster.RasterXSize miny = maxy + geoTransform[5]*raster.RasterYSize extent = [minx, maxx, miny, maxy] pixelSizeXY = [geoTransform[1], geoTransform[5]] del raster, band return [array, nodata, extent, inproj, pixelSizeXY] #clip a raster by vector
def gdal2np_dtype(b): """ Get NumPy datatype that corresponds with GDAL RasterBand datatype Input can be filename, GDAL Dataset, GDAL RasterBand, or GDAL integer dtype """ dt_dict = gdal_array.codes if isinstance(b, str): b = gdal.Open(b) if isinstance(b, gdal.Dataset): b = b.GetRasterBand(1) if isinstance(b, gdal.Band): b = b.DataType if isinstance(b, int): np_dtype = dt_dict[b] else: np_dtype = None print("Input must be GDAL Dataset or RasterBand object") return np_dtype #Replace nodata value in GDAL band
def copyproj(src_fn, dst_fn, gt=True): """Copy projection and geotransform from one raster file to another """ src_ds = gdal.Open(src_fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) dst_ds = gdal.Open(dst_fn, gdal.GA_Update) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) if gt: src_gt = np.array(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) src_dim = np.array([src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize]) dst_dim = np.array([dst_ds.RasterXSize, dst_ds.RasterYSize]) #This preserves dst_fn resolution if np.any(src_dim != dst_dim): res_factor = src_dim/dst_dim.astype(float) src_gt[[1, 5]] *= max(res_factor) #src_gt[[1, 5]] *= min(res_factor) #src_gt[[1, 5]] *= res_factor dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_gt) src_ds = None dst_ds = None
def split_metatiles(output_dir, metatiles): # Determine metatile size and bit depth. mt_ds = gdal.Open(metatiles[0]) assert mt_ds.RasterXSize % UF_TILE_SIZE == 0 assert mt_ds.RasterYSize % UF_TILE_SIZE == 0 x_uf_count = mt_ds.RasterXSize / UF_TILE_SIZE y_uf_count = mt_ds.RasterYSize / UF_TILE_SIZE for ytile in range(y_uf_count): print 'Process Row: ', ytile split_row_of_unit_fields(output_dir, metatiles, ytile) logging.info('Wrote %d piles to directory %s.', x_uf_count * y_uf_count, output_dir)
def mask_chip(feature): ''' Apply polygon mask to bounding-box chips. Chips must be named 'feature_id.tif' and exist in the current working directory. ''' fn = feature[:-4] + '.geojson' chip = gdal.Open(feature) # Create ogr vector file for gdal_rasterize vectordata = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [feature]} with open(fn, 'wb') as f: geojson.dump(vectordata, f) # Mask raster cmd = 'gdal_rasterize -q -i -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -burn 0 -burn 0 -burn 0 {} {}'.format(fn, feature) subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) # Remove ogr vector file os.remove(fn)
def rasterize(self,inRaster,inShape,inField): filename = tempfile.mktemp('.tif') data = gdal.Open(inRaster,gdal.GA_ReadOnly) shp = ogr.Open(inShape) lyr = shp.GetLayer() driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = driver.Create(filename,data.RasterXSize,data.RasterYSize, 1,gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(data.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(data.GetProjection()) OPTIONS = 'ATTRIBUTE='+inField gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], lyr, None,options=[OPTIONS]) data,dst_ds,shp,lyr=None,None,None,None return filename
def clip(self): """ This function clips the mosaicked, projected images to the size of the referenceImage """ subprocess.call(['gdaltindex', self.extent, self.referenceImagePath]) dataNames = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/full*.tif')) splitAt = len(self.fullPath) + 1 for i in range(len(dataNames)): x = dataNames[i] y = dataNames[i][:splitAt] + dataNames[i][splitAt+4:] subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', '-r', 'near', '-cutline', self.extent, '-crop_to_cutline', x, y, '-dstnodata', '9999']) for n in dataNames: os.remove(n) dataNames = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*.tif')) test = gdal.Open(dataNames[0]).ReadAsArray() logger.log('SUCCESS', 'Clipping complete! %d %s files were successfully clipped to the size of %s with dimensions %d rows by %d columns' % (len(dataNames), str(self.outformat), str(self.referenceImagePath), test.shape[0], test.shape[1]))
def rasterize_polygons(polygon_shp, template_raster, out_raster, field): """ generate a categorical raster based on polygons :rtype: None :param polygon_shp: input polygon shapefile :param template_raster: raster template for cellsize and extent :param out_raster: output raster file """ # Source: https://pcjericks.github.io/py-gdalogr-cookbook/raster_layers.html gdal.UseExceptions() # Get template raster specs src_ds = gdal.Open(template_raster) if src_ds is None: print 'Unable to open %s' % template_raster sys.exit(1) try: srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) except RuntimeError, e: print 'No band %i found' % 0 print e sys.exit(1) # Open the data source and read in the extent source_ds = ogr.Open(polygon_shp) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(out_raster, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) target_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(srcband.GetNoDataValue()) # Rasterize gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], source_layer, options=["ATTRIBUTE={}".format(field)])
def readTodayBands(path,row): allFiles=sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(getCurrentDirectory(),'Today',path,row,'*.TIF'))) allRasters=dict([]) fileNumber=1 percent=(fileNumber/len(allFiles))*100 for file in allFiles: percent=(fileNumber/len(allFiles))*100 sys.stdout.write("\rReading today's bands...%d%%" % percent) sys.stdout.flush() bandName=file[file.rfind('_')+1:-4] sys.stdout.write("\rReading today's bands...%d%%" % percent) sys.stdout.flush() allRasters[bandName]=gdal.Open(file,gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) fileNumber+=1 todayExtent = getRasterExtent(allRasters['B4'])#saves the extent of today's rasters (they'll match band 4) so that we can crop during the cloudmask backfill print('') return(allRasters,todayExtent) #large function that will back-fill cloudy areas of most recent imagery using historic imagery
def downloadLandsatScene(jd,year,month,day,path,row,directory): LandsatID=LSUniqueID(path,row,year,jd,os.path.join(directory,str(row))) downLoadCommand=getCurrentDirectory() + "/download_landsat_scene.py -o scene -b LC8 -d "+ year + month + day + ' -s ' + path + '0'+str(row)+ " -u usgs.txt --output " + LandsatID os.system(downLoadCommand) print('extracting...') tarName=extractTar(LandsatID,os.path.join(directory,str(row))) allFiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(directory,str(row),'*.TIF')) for filename in allFiles: bandName=filename.strip('.TIF')[filename.rfind('_')+1:] if bandName != 'B4' and bandName != 'B5' and bandName != 'B7' and bandName != 'B8' and bandName != 'BQA': os.remove(filename) try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName)) except: print('No folder to delete called: ' + os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName)) try: os.remove(os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName + '_MTL.txt')) except: print('No file to delete called: ' + os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName + '_MTL.txt')) reprojectPanBand(gdal.Open(os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName + '_B8.TIF'),gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly),gdal.Open(os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName + '_B4.TIF'),gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly),os.path.join(directory,str(row),tarName + '_B8.TIF')) SLIP.model(year+month+day,path,str(row))
def test_hall_rectification(self): '''Should rectify an image in the expected way.''' control_sets = { 'High/Bright': [(331501.45,4694346.66), (319495.39,4706820.66), (298527.006,4691417.99)], 'Low/Dark': [(322577.40,4658508.99), (361612.79,4694665.62), (378823.69,4692132.56)] } ref_raster = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'multi7_raster.tiff')) sub_raster = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'multi7_raster2.tiff')) # NOTE: Using same control sets for reference, subject hall_rectification(ref_raster, sub_raster, self.test_dir, control_sets, control_sets) arr, gt, wkt = as_array(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'rect_multi7_raster2.tiff')) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(arr.shape, (6, 74, 81))) self.assertTrue(np.array_equiv(arr[:,50,50].round(5), np.array([ 17, 1331, 1442, 3422, 2916, 2708 ]).round(5)))
def test_spectral_profile(self): ''' Should correctly retrieve a spectral profile from a raster dataset. ''' coords = ((-84.5983, 42.7256), (-85.0807, 41.1138)) pixels = [(18, 0), (2, 59)] file_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'multi3_raster.tiff') ds = gdal.Open(file_path) kwargs = { 'gt': ds.GetGeoTransform(), 'wkt': ds.GetProjection(), 'dd': True } # The true spectral profile spectra = np.array([[237, 418, 325], [507, 616, 445]], dtype=np.int16) sp1 = spectra_at_xy(ds, coords, **kwargs) sp2 = spectra_at_xy(ds.ReadAsArray(), coords, **kwargs) sp3 = spectra_at_idx(ds.ReadAsArray().transpose(), pixels) self.assertEqual(spectra.tolist(), sp1.tolist()) self.assertEqual(spectra.tolist(), sp2.tolist()) self.assertEqual(spectra.tolist(), sp3.tolist())
def array_to_raster_clone(a, proto, xoff=None, yoff=None): ''' Creates a raster from a given array and a prototype raster dataset, with optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped. Arguments: a A NumPy array proto A prototype dataset xoff The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped yoff The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped ''' rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a) kwargs = dict() if xoff is not None and yoff is not None: kwargs = dict(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) # Copy the projection info and metadata from a prototype dataset if type(proto) == str: proto = gdal.Open(proto) gdalnumeric.CopyDatasetInfo(proto, rast, **kwargs) return rast
def get_lulc_ds_full(ds, lulc_source=None): if lulc_source is None: lulc_source = get_lulc_source(ds) if lulc_source == 'nlcd': lulc_ds_full = gdal.Open(get_nlcd_fn()) elif lulc_source == 'bareground': lulc_ds_full = gdal.Open(get_bareground_fn()) return lulc_ds_full
def proc_modscag(fn_list, extent=None, t_srs=None): """Process the MODSCAG products for full date range, create composites and reproject """ #Use cubic spline here for improve upsampling ds_list = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn(fn_list, res='min', extent=extent, t_srs=t_srs, r='cubicspline') stack_fn = os.path.splitext(fn_list[0])[0] + '_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn_list[-1])[1])[0] + '_stack_%i' % len(fn_list) #Create stack here - no need for most of mastack machinery, just make 3D array #Mask values greater than 100% (clouds, bad pixels, etc) ma_stack = np.ma.array([np.ma.masked_greater(iolib.ds_getma(ds), 100) for ds in np.array(ds_list)], dtype=np.uint8) stack_count = np.ma.masked_equal(ma_stack.count(axis=0), 0).astype(np.uint8) stack_count.set_fill_value(0) stack_min = ma_stack.min(axis=0).astype(np.uint8) stack_min.set_fill_value(0) stack_max = ma_stack.max(axis=0).astype(np.uint8) stack_max.set_fill_value(0) stack_med = np.ma.median(ma_stack, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) stack_med.set_fill_value(0) out_fn = stack_fn + '_count.tif' iolib.writeGTiff(stack_count, out_fn, ds_list[0]) out_fn = stack_fn + '_max.tif' iolib.writeGTiff(stack_max, out_fn, ds_list[0]) out_fn = stack_fn + '_min.tif' iolib.writeGTiff(stack_min, out_fn, ds_list[0]) out_fn = stack_fn + '_med.tif' iolib.writeGTiff(stack_med, out_fn, ds_list[0]) ds = gdal.Open(out_fn) return ds
def _open(self): if not _gdal: load_lib() self._ds = _gdal.Open(self.request.get_local_filename())
def polygonize(self,rasterTemp,outShp): sourceRaster = gdal.Open(rasterTemp) band = sourceRaster.GetRasterBand(1) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") # If shapefile already exist, delete it if os.path.exists(outShp): driver.DeleteDataSource(outShp) outDatasource = driver.CreateDataSource(outShp) # get proj from raster srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt( sourceRaster.GetProjectionRef() ) # create layer with proj outLayer = outDatasource.CreateLayer(outShp,srs) # Add class column (1,2...) to shapefile newField = ogr.FieldDefn('Class', ogr.OFTInteger) outLayer.CreateField(newField) gdal.Polygonize(band, None,outLayer, 0,[],callback=None) outDatasource.Destroy() sourceRaster=None band=None ioShpFile = ogr.Open(outShp, update = 1) lyr = ioShpFile.GetLayerByIndex(0) lyr.ResetReading() for i in lyr: lyr.SetFeature(i) # if area is less than inMinSize or if it isn't forest, remove polygon if i.GetField('Class')!=1: lyr.DeleteFeature(i.GetFID()) ioShpFile.Destroy() return outShp
def test_gdal_vs_numpy(self): for t in self.tifs: ds = gdal.Open(t) n_list = geoinfo.numpy_band_stats(ds, t, 1) g_list = geoinfo.band_stats(ds, t, 1) self.assertEqual(n_list[0], g_list[0]) self.assertEqual(n_list[-3], g_list[-3]) self.assertEqual(n_list[-2], g_list[-2]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( np.array([float(t) for t in n_list[1:-3]]), np.array([float(t) for t in g_list[1:-3]]), decimal=4 )
def test_geotransform_projection_nodata(self): tmp_output = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tif') extents = [str(s) for s in [920000, -4300000, 929000, -4290000]] # the mock is already geotransformed, so this will have no effect # to projection and nodata, but will be cropped making the # geotransform tuple different crop.crop_reproject_resample(self.std2000_no_mask, tmp_output, sampling='bilinear', extents=extents, reproject=True) ds = gdal.Open(tmp_output) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() projection = ds.GetProjection() nodata = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() ds = None ds = gdal.Open(self.std2000_no_mask) projection_input = ds.GetProjection() nodata_input = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() ds = None self.assertEqual(nodata, nodata_input) self.assertEqual(projection, projection_input) self.assertEqual(gt[1], float(crop.OUTPUT_RES[0])) self.assertEqual(gt[0], float(extents[0])) self.assertEqual(gt[3], float(extents[3])) os.remove(tmp_output)
def test_apply_mask(self): output_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tif') jpeg = False tmp_out_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tif') shutil.copy(self.std2000_no_mask, tmp_out_file) crop.apply_mask(mask_file=self.mask, tmp_output_file=tmp_out_file, output_file=output_file, jpeg=jpeg) ds = gdal.Open(output_file) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() projection = ds.GetProjection() nodata = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() ds = None ds = gdal.Open(self.std2000) projection_input = ds.GetProjection() nodata_input = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() ds = None self.assertEqual(nodata, nodata_input) self.assertEqual(projection, projection_input) self.assertEqual(gt[1], float(crop.OUTPUT_RES[0])) self.assertEqual(gt[0], self.extents[0]) self.assertEqual(gt[3], self.extents[3]) os.remove(output_file)
def test_mpi_vs_serial(self): tmpdir1 = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpdir2 = tempfile.mkdtemp() for n, partitions in product(range(1, 3), range(2, 100, 10)): size = 2 * n + 1 raster_average.treat_file(self.test_tif, out_dir=tmpdir1, size=size, func='nanmean', partitions=partitions) arr1 = gdal.Open( join(tmpdir1, basename(self.test_tif))).ReadAsArray() raster_average.treat_file(self.test_tif, out_dir=tmpdir2, size=size, func='nanmean', partitions=partitions) arr2 = gdal.Open(join(tmpdir2, basename(self.test_tif))).ReadAsArray() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(arr1, arr2) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir2) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir1)
def apply_mask(mask_file, tmp_output_file, output_file, jpeg): """ Parameters ---------- mask_file: mask file path tmp_output_file: intermediate cropped geotiff before mask application output_file: output geotiff path jpeg: boolean, whether to produce jpeg or not ------- """ mask = get_mask(mask_file) out_ds = gdal.Open(tmp_output_file, gdal.GA_Update) out_band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1) out_data = out_band.ReadAsArray() no_data_value = out_band.GetNoDataValue() log.info('Found NoDataValue {} for file {}'.format( no_data_value, os.path.basename(tmp_output_file))) if no_data_value is not None: out_data[mask] = no_data_value else: log.warning('NoDataValue was not set for {}'.format(tmp_output_file)) log.info('Manually setting NoDataValue for {}'.format(tmp_output_file)) out_band.WriteArray(out_data) out_ds = None # close dataset and flush cache # move file to output file shutil.move(tmp_output_file, output_file) log.info('Output file {} created'.format(tmp_output_file)) if jpeg: dir_name = os.path.dirname(output_file) jpeg_file = os.path.basename(output_file).split('.')[0] + '.jpg' jpeg_file = os.path.join(dir_name, jpeg_file) cmd_jpg = ['gdal_translate', '-ot', 'Byte', '-of', 'JPEG', '-scale', output_file, jpeg_file] + COMMON subprocess.check_call(cmd_jpg) log.info('Created {}'.format(jpeg_file))
def average(input_dir, out_dir, size): input_dir = abspath(input_dir) log.info('Reading tifs from {}'.format(input_dir)) tifs = glob.glob(join(input_dir, '*.tif')) for tif in tifs: data_source = gdal.Open(tif, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) band = data_source.GetRasterBand(1) # data_type = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType) data = band.ReadAsArray() no_data_val = band.GetNoDataValue() averaged_data = filter_data(data, size, no_data_val) log.info('Calculated average for {}'.format(basename(tif))) output_file = join(out_dir, 'average_' + basename(tif)) out_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( output_file, data_source.RasterXSize, data_source.RasterYSize, 1, band.DataType) out_band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1) out_band.WriteArray(averaged_data) out_ds.SetGeoTransform(data_source.GetGeoTransform()) out_ds.SetProjection(data_source.GetProjection()) out_band.FlushCache() # Write data to disc out_ds = None # close out_ds data_source = None # close dataset log.info('Finished converting {}'.format(basename(tif)))
def gdalaverage(input_dir, out_dir, size): """ average data using gdal's averaging method. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str input dir name of the tifs that needs to be averaged out_dir: str output dir name size: int, optional size of kernel Returns ------- """ input_dir = abspath(input_dir) log.info('Reading tifs from {}'.format(input_dir)) tifs = glob.glob(join(input_dir, '*.tif')) process_tifs = np.array_split(tifs, mpiops.chunks)[mpiops.chunk_index] for tif in process_tifs: data_set = gdal.Open(tif, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # band = data_set.GetRasterBand(1) # data_type = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType) # data = band.ReadAsArray() # no_data_val = band.GetNoDataValue() # averaged_data = filter_data(data, size, no_data_val) log.info('Calculated average for {}'.format(basename(tif))) output_file = join(out_dir, 'average_' + basename(tif)) src_gt = data_set.GetGeoTransform() tmp_file = '/tmp/tmp_{}.tif'.format(mpiops.chunk_index) resample_cmd = [TRANSLATE] + [tif, tmp_file] + \ ['-tr', str(src_gt[1]*size), str(src_gt[1]*size)] + \ ['-r', 'bilinear'] check_call(resample_cmd) rollback_cmd = [TRANSLATE] + [tmp_file, output_file] + \ ['-tr', str(src_gt[1]), str(src_gt[1])] check_call(rollback_cmd) log.info('Finished converting {}'.format(basename(tif)))
def get_stats(tif, partitions=100): ds = gdal.Open(tif, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) number_of_bands = ds.RasterCount if ds.RasterCount > 1: d = {} log.info('Found multibanded geotif {}'.format(basename(tif))) for b in range(number_of_bands): d['{tif}_{b}'.format(tif=tif, b=b)] = band_stats(ds, tif, b + 1, partitions) return d else: log.info('Found single band geotif {}'.format(basename(tif))) return {tif: band_stats(ds, tif, 1, partitions)}
def get_numpy_stats(tif, writer): ds = gdal.Open(tif, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) number_of_bands = ds.RasterCount if ds.RasterCount > 1: log.info('Found multibanded geotif {}'.format(basename(tif))) for b in range(number_of_bands): write_rows(stats=number_of_bands(ds, tif, b + 1), writer=writer) else: log.info('Found single band geotif {}'.format(basename(tif))) write_rows(stats=number_of_bands(ds, tif, 1), writer=writer)
def VPMprmt (directory,tile): tempfile=None for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: if (tile in name) and (".tif" == name[-4:]) : tempfile=os.path.join(path,name) print tempfile inprmtdata=gdal.Open(tempfile) prmtdata=inprmtdata.ReadAsArray() return prmtdata #Function to build vrt
def movingaverage(tile): # Output directories for moving average LSWImax # if the output directories don't exist, create the new directories if not os.path.exists(dirLSWIMA): os.makedirs(dirLSWIMA) # build LSWImax vrt file and read as an array file=buildVrtFile(year,tile) vrtLSWImax=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file),year+tile+'LSWImax_vrt.vrt') #print "Building the vrt file: ", year+tile+vrtLSWImax os.system('gdalbuildvrt -separate -input_file_list '+file+' '+vrtLSWImax) global rows, cols, geoProj,geoTran inLSWImax=gdal.Open(vrtLSWImax) #print "reading the multi-LSWI..." LSWImax=inLSWImax.ReadAsArray() rows = 2400 cols = 2400 geoTran=inLSWImax.GetGeoTransform() geoProj=inLSWImax.GetProjection() #find the second largest LSWImax secLSWImax = numpy.sort(LSWImax, axis=0, kind='quicksort', order=None)[3,:,:] write_file(dirLSWIMA+'/'+tile+'.'+year+'.maxLSWI_MA.tif',secLSWImax,geoTran,rows,cols,geoProj,driverName='GTiff') secLSWImax=None LSWImax=None
def buildTindex(rasterFolder, rasterExtention='.tif'): rasterList = glob.glob(os.path.join(rasterFolder, '*{}'.format(rasterExtention))) print(rasterList) print(os.path.join(rasterFolder, '*{}'.format(rasterExtention))) memDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('MEMORY') gTindex = memDriver.CreateDataSource('gTindex') srcImage = gdal.Open(rasterList[0]) spat_ref = osr.SpatialReference() spat_ref.SetProjection(srcImage.GetProjection()) gTindexLayer = gTindex.CreateLayer("gtindexlayer", spat_ref, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) # Add an ID field idField = ogr.FieldDefn("location", ogr.OFTString) gTindexLayer.CreateField(idField) # Create the feature and set values featureDefn = gTindexLayer.GetLayerDefn() for rasterFile in rasterList: srcImage = gdal.Open(rasterFile) geoTrans, polyToCut, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY = gT.getRasterExtent(srcImage) feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(polyToCut) feature.SetField("location", rasterFile) gTindexLayer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None return gTindex, gTindexLayer
def createTiledGeoJsonFromSrc(rasterFolderLocation, vectorSrcFile, geoJsonOutputDirectory, rasterTileIndex='', geoJsonPrefix='GEO', rasterFileExtenstion='.tif', rasterPrefixToReplace='PAN' ): if rasterTileIndex == '': gTindex, gTindexLayer = buildTindex(rasterFolderLocation, rasterExtention=rasterFileExtenstion) else: gTindex = ogr.Open(rasterTileIndex,0) gTindexLayer = gTindex.GetLayer() shapeSrc = ogr.Open(vectorSrcFile,0) chipSummaryList = [] for feature in gTindexLayer: featureGeom = feature.GetGeometryRef() rasterFileName = feature.GetField('location') rasterFileBaseName = os.path.basename(rasterFileName) outGeoJson = rasterFileBaseName.replace(rasterPrefixToReplace, geoJsonPrefix) outGeoJson = outGeoJson.replace(rasterFileExtenstion, '.geojson') outGeoJson = os.path.join(geoJsonOutputDirectory, outGeoJson) gT.clipShapeFile(shapeSrc, outGeoJson, featureGeom, minpartialPerc=0.0, debug=False) imageId = rasterFileBaseName.replace(rasterPrefixToReplace+"_", "") chipSummary = {'chipName': rasterFileName, 'geoVectorName': outGeoJson, 'imageId': os.path.splitext(imageId)[0]} chipSummaryList.append(chipSummary) return chipSummaryList
def createTruthPixelLinePickle(truthLineFile, pickleLocation=''): if pickleLocation=='': extension = os.path.splitext(truthLineFile)[1] pickleLocation = truthLineFile.replace(extension, 'Pixline.p') if truthLineFile != '': # get Source Line File Information shapef = ogr.Open(truthLineFile, 0) truthLayer = shapef.GetLayer() pt1X = [] pt1Y = [] pt2X = [] pt2Y = [] for tmpFeature in truthLayer: tmpGeom = tmpFeature.GetGeometryRef() for i in range(0, tmpGeom.GetPointCount()): pt = tmpGeom.GetPoint(i) if i == 0: pt1X.append(pt[0]) pt1Y.append(pt[1]) elif i == 1: pt2X.append(pt[0]) pt2Y.append(pt[1]) lineData = {'pt1X': np.asarray(pt1X), 'pt1Y': np.asarray(pt1Y), 'pt2X': np.asarray(pt2X), 'pt2Y': np.asarray(pt2Y) } with open(pickleLocation, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(lineData, f) # get Source Line File Information
def createTruthPixelPolyPickle(truthPoly, pickleLocation=''): # returns dictionary with list of minX, maxX, minY, maxY if pickleLocation=='': extension = os.path.splitext(truthPoly)[1] pickleLocation = truthPoly.replace(extension, 'PixPoly.p') if truthPoly != '': # get Source Line File Information shapef = ogr.Open(truthPoly, 0) truthLayer = shapef.GetLayer() envList = [] for tmpFeature in truthLayer: tmpGeom = tmpFeature.GetGeometryRef() env = tmpGeom.GetEvnelope() envList.append(env) envArray = np.asarray(envList) envelopeData = {'minX': envArray[:,0], 'maxX': envArray[:,1], 'minY': envArray[:,2], 'maxY': envArray[:,3] } with open(pickleLocation, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(envelopeData, f) # get Source Line File Information
def openm3(input_data): if input_data.split('.')[-1] == 'hdr': # GDAL wants the img, but many users aim at the .hdr input_data = input_data.split('.')[0] + '.img' ds = gdal.Open(input_data) ref_array = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() metadata = ds.GetMetadata() wv_array = metadatatoband(metadata) return wv_array, ref_array, ds
def openmi(input_data): ds = gdal.Open(input_data) band_pointers = [] nbands = ds.RasterCount for b in xrange(1, nbands + 1): band_pointers.append(ds.GetRasterBand(b)) ref_array = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() wv_array = None return wv_array, ref_array[::3, ::3], ds
def readBandMetaData(inputFile, band, name): # Open the dataset in Read Only mode dataset = gdal.Open(inputFile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Check that the image has opened if not dataset is None: # Get the image band imgBand = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) # Check the image band was available if not imgBand is None: # Get the meta data value specified metaData = imgBand.GetMetaDataItem(name) # Check that it is present if metaData == None: # If not present, print error. print("Could not find \'", name, "\' item.") else: # Else print out the metadata value print(name, "=\'", metaData, "\'") else: # Print out an error message. print("Could not open the image band: ", band) else: # Print an error message if the file # could not be opened. print("Could not open the input image file: ", inputFile) # A function to read a meta-data item # from an image