def write_int16_to_tiff(name, data, sr, geot, nodata_val=None): assert data.dtype == np.int16 gtiff_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") tiff_file = gtiff_drv.Create(name, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Int16, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'ZLEVEL=1']) tiff_file.SetGeoTransform(geot) tiff_file.SetProjection(sr) band = tiff_file.GetRasterBand(1) if nodata_val is not None: band.SetNoDataValue(nodata_val) band.WriteArray(data) band.FlushCache() del band del tiff_file
def open_data(filename): ''' The function open and load the image given its name. The type of the data is checked from the file and the scipy array is initialized accordingly. Input: filename: the name of the file Output: im: the data cube GeoTransform: the geotransform information Projection: the projection information ''' data = gdal.Open(filename,gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if data is None: print 'Impossible to open '+filename exit() nc = data.RasterXSize nl = data.RasterYSize d = data.RasterCount # Get the type of the data gdal_dt = data.GetRasterBand(1).DataType if gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_Byte: dt = 'uint8' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_Int16: dt = 'int16' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_UInt16: dt = 'uint16' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_Int32: dt = 'int32' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_UInt32: dt = 'uint32' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_Float32: dt = 'float32' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_Float64: dt = 'float64' elif gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_CInt16 or gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_CInt32 or gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_CFloat32 or gdal_dt == gdal.GDT_CFloat64 : dt = 'complex64' else: print 'Data type unkown' exit() # Initialize the array if d == 1: im = sp.empty((nl,nc),dtype=dt) else: im = sp.empty((nl,nc,d),dtype=dt) if d == 1: im[:,:]=data.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() else : for i in range(d): im[:,:,i]=data.GetRasterBand(i+1).ReadAsArray() GeoTransform = data.GetGeoTransform() Projection = data.GetProjection() data = None return im,GeoTransform,Projection
def write_data(outname,im,GeoTransform,Projection): ''' The function write the image on the hard drive. Input: outname: the name of the file to be written im: the image cube GeoTransform: the geotransform information Projection: the projection information Output: Nothing -- ''' nl = im.shape[0] nc = im.shape[1] if im.ndim == 2: d=1 else: d = im.shape[2] driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dt = im.dtype.name # Get the data type if dt == 'bool' or dt == 'uint8': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_Byte elif dt == 'int8' or dt == 'int16': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_Int16 elif dt == 'uint16': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_UInt16 elif dt == 'int32': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_Int32 elif dt == 'uint32': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_UInt32 elif dt == 'int64' or dt == 'uint64' or dt == 'float16' or dt == 'float32': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_Float32 elif dt == 'float64': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_Float64 elif dt == 'complex64': gdal_dt=gdal.GDT_CFloat64 else: print 'Data type non-suported' exit() dst_ds = driver.Create(outname,nc,nl, d, gdal_dt) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(GeoTransform) dst_ds.SetProjection(Projection) if d==1: out = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) out.WriteArray(im) out.FlushCache() else: for i in range(d): out = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(i+1) out.WriteArray(im[:,:,i]) out.FlushCache() dst_ds = None
def warp(nimrod_dataset): """ Warps the data array into one that has longitude/latitude as axes an fits the EPSG:4326 spatial reference system. The original array has the srs EPSG:27700 (OSGB 1936). :param nimrod_dataset: dictionary containing the data from the NIMROD file """ # http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/139906/replicating-result-of-gdalwarp-using-gdal-python-bindings # Create synthetic data gtiff_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') cols, rows = nimrod_dataset['cols'], nimrod_dataset['rows'] raster = np.reshape(nimrod_dataset['data'], (cols, rows)) raster = np.int16(raster) top_left = (nimrod_dataset['start_easting'], nimrod_dataset['start_northing']) pixel_height = nimrod_dataset['column_interval'] pixel_width = nimrod_dataset['row_interval'] src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() src_srs.ImportFromEPSG(27700) src_geotran = [top_left[0], pixel_width, 0, top_left[1], 0, -pixel_height] rows, cols = raster.shape src_ds = gtiff_drv.Create( 'test_epsg3413.tif', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) src_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_geotran) src_ds.SetProjection(src_srs.ExportToWkt()) src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster) # Transform to EPSG: 4326 dest_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dest_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) int_ds = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(src_ds, src_srs.ExportToWkt(), dest_srs.ExportToWkt()) nimrod_dataset['data_warped'] = int_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() nimrod_dataset['GeoTransform'] = int_ds.GetGeoTransform() src_ds = None int_ds = None return nimrod_dataset