def exporttogeojson(geojsonfilename, buildinglist): # # geojsonname should end with .geojson # building list should be list of dictionaries # list of Dictionaries {'ImageId': image_id, 'BuildingId': building_id, 'polyPix': poly, # 'polyGeo': poly} # image_id is a string, # BuildingId is an integer, # poly is a ogr.Geometry Polygon # # returns geojsonfilename driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('geojson') if os.path.exists(geojsonfilename): driver.DeleteDataSource(geojsonfilename) datasource = driver.CreateDataSource(geojsonfilename) layer = datasource.CreateLayer('buildings', geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("ImageId", ogr.OFTString) field_name.SetWidth(75) layer.CreateField(field_name) layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("BuildingId", ogr.OFTInteger)) # loop through buildings for building in buildinglist: # create feature feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetField("ImageId", building['ImageId']) feature.SetField("BuildingId", building['BuildingId']) feature.SetGeometry(building['polyPix']) # Create the feature in the layer (geojson) layer.CreateFeature(feature) # Destroy the feature to free resources feature.Destroy() datasource.Destroy() return geojsonfilename
def mergePolyList(geojsonfilename): multipolygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) datasource = ogr.Open(geojsonfilename, 0) layer = datasource.GetLayer() print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) for idx, feature in enumerate(layer): poly = feature.GetGeometryRef() if poly: multipolygon.AddGeometry(feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone()) return multipolygon
def get_envelope(poly): env = poly.GetEnvelope() # Get Envelope returns a tuple (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) # Create ring ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(env[0], env[2]) ring.AddPoint(env[0], env[3]) ring.AddPoint(env[1], env[3]) ring.AddPoint(env[1], env[2]) ring.AddPoint(env[0], env[2]) # Create polygon poly1 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly1.AddGeometry(ring) return poly1
def ogr_add_geometry(layer, geom, attrs): """ Copies single OGR.Geometry object to an OGR.Layer object. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Given OGR.Geometry is copied to new OGR.Feature and written to given OGR.Layer by given index. Attributes are attached. Parameters ---------- layer : OGR.Layer object geom : OGR.Geometry object attrs : list attributes referring to layer fields """ defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feat = ogr.Feature(defn) for i, item in enumerate(attrs): feat.SetField(i, item) feat.SetGeometry(geom) layer.CreateFeature(feat)
def ogr_to_numpy(ogrobj): """Backconvert a gdal/ogr geometry to a numpy vertex array. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- ogrobj : ogr.Geometry object Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` a nested ndarray of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) """ jsonobj = eval(ogrobj.ExportToJson()) return np.squeeze(jsonobj['coordinates'])
def get_centroid(polyg): """Return centroid of a polygon Parameters ---------- polyg : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of shape (num vertices, 2) or ogr.Geometry object Returns ------- out : x and y coordinate of the centroid """ if not type(polyg) == ogr.Geometry: polyg = numpy_to_ogr(polyg, 'Polygon') return polyg.Centroid().GetPoint()[0:2]
def get_features_as_geojson(layer, bbox=None, union=False): """ Get features in this layer and return as GeoJSON """ if bbox is not None: layer.SetSpatialFilterRect(bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[1]) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) if union: for feature in layer: geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() # required for ogr2 if hasattr(geom, 'GetLinearGeometry'): geom = geom.GetLinearGeometry() poly = poly.Union(geom) if bbox is not None: wkt = "POLYGON ((%s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s))" % \ (bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[1]) bbox_wkt = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) poly = poly.Intersection(bbox_wkt) return json.loads(poly.ExportToJson())
def addMetricDistanceToEdge(x1,y1,x2,y2, epsgCode): # we assume initial epsg is wsg84 (merctor projection) if epsgCode != 4326: sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(4326) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(epsgCode) # https://epsg.io/2154 coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(x1,y1) line.AddPoint(x2,y2) if epsgCode != 4326: line.Transform(coordTrans) length = line.Length() return length
def addMetricDistanceToEdges(graph, epsgCode): # we assume initial epsg is wsg84 (merctor projection) metricDistance = {} if epsgCode != 4326: sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(4326) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(epsgCode) # https://epsg.io/2154 coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) for edge in graph.edges(): node1, node2 = edge line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(graph.node[node1]['longitude'], graph.node[node1]['latitude']) line.AddPoint(graph.node[node2]['longitude'], graph.node[node2]['latitude']) if epsgCode != 4326: line.Transform(coordTrans) length = line.Length() metricDistance[edge] = length nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'length', metricDistance) return graph
def get_bbox(shapefile): """ Gets the bounding box of a shapefile in EPSG 4326. If shapefile is not in WGS84, bounds are reprojected. """ driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # 0 means read, 1 means write data_source = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) # Check to see if shapefile is found. if data_source is None: failure('Could not open %s' % (shapefile)) else: layer = data_source.GetLayer() shape_bbox = layer.GetExtent() spatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() target = osr.SpatialReference() target.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # this check for non-WGS84 projections gets some false positives, but that's okay if target.ExportToProj4() != spatialRef.ExportToProj4(): transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatialRef, target) point1 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point1.AddPoint(shape_bbox[0], shape_bbox[2]) point2 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point2.AddPoint(shape_bbox[1], shape_bbox[3]) point1.Transform(transform) point2.Transform(transform) shape_bbox = [point1.GetX(), point2.GetX(), point1.GetY(), point2.GetY()] return shape_bbox
def readwktcsv(csv_path,removeNoBuildings=True, groundTruthFile=True): # # csv Format Expected = ['ImageId', 'BuildingId', 'PolygonWKT_Pix', 'PolygonWKT_Geo'] # returns list of Dictionaries {'ImageId': image_id, 'BuildingId': building_id, 'poly': poly} # image_id is a string, # BuildingId is an integer, # poly is a ogr.Geometry Polygon buildinglist = [] with open(csv_path, 'rb') as csvfile: building_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(building_reader, None) # skip the headers for row in building_reader: if removeNoBuildings: if int(row[1]) != -1: polyPix = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(row[2]) if groundTruthFile: polyGeo = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(row[3]) else: polyGeo = [] buildinglist.append({'ImageId': row[0], 'BuildingId': int(row[1]), 'polyPix': polyPix, 'polyGeo': polyGeo, }) else: polyPix = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(row[2]) if groundTruthFile: polyGeo = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(row[3]) else: polyGeo = [] buildinglist.append({'ImageId': row[0], 'BuildingId': int(row[1]), 'polyPix': polyPix, 'polyGeo': polyGeo, }) return buildinglist
def latlon2pixel(lat, lon, input_raster='', targetsr='', geom_transform=''): # type: (object, object, object, object, object) -> object sourcesr = osr.SpatialReference() sourcesr.ImportFromEPSG(4326) geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) geom.AddPoint(lon, lat) if targetsr == '': src_raster = gdal.Open(input_raster) targetsr = osr.SpatialReference() targetsr.ImportFromWkt(src_raster.GetProjectionRef()) coord_trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourcesr, targetsr) if geom_transform == '': src_raster = gdal.Open(input_raster) transform = src_raster.GetGeoTransform() else: transform = geom_transform x_origin = transform[0] # print(x_origin) y_origin = transform[3] # print(y_origin) pixel_width = transform[1] # print(pixel_width) pixel_height = transform[5] # print(pixel_height) geom.Transform(coord_trans) # print(geom.GetPoint()) x_pix = (geom.GetPoint()[0] - x_origin) / pixel_width y_pix = (geom.GetPoint()[1] - y_origin) / pixel_height return (x_pix, y_pix)
def returnBoundBox(xOff, yOff, pixDim, inputRaster, targetSR='', pixelSpace=False): # Returns Polygon for a specific square defined by a center Pixel and # number of pixels in each dimension. # Leave targetSR as empty string '' or specify it as a osr.SpatialReference() # targetSR = osr.SpatialReference() # targetSR.ImportFromEPSG(4326) if targetSR == '': targetSR = osr.SpatialReference() targetSR.ImportFromEPSG(4326) xCord = [xOff - pixDim / 2, xOff - pixDim / 2, xOff + pixDim / 2, xOff + pixDim / 2, xOff - pixDim / 2] yCord = [yOff - pixDim / 2, yOff + pixDim / 2, yOff + pixDim / 2, yOff - pixDim / 2, yOff - pixDim / 2] ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for idx in xrange(len(xCord)): if pixelSpace == False: geom = pixelToGeoCoord(xCord[idx], yCord[idx], inputRaster) ring.AddPoint(geom[0], geom[1], 0) else: ring.AddPoint(xCord[idx], yCord[idx], 0) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) if pixelSpace == False: poly.AssignSpatialReference(targetSR) poly.AddGeometry(ring) return poly
def search_rtree(test_building, index): # input test poly ogr.Geometry and rtree index if test_building.GetGeometryName() == 'POLYGON' or \ test_building.GetGeometryName() == 'MULTIPOLYGON': fidlist = index.intersection(test_building.GetEnvelope()) else: fidlist = [] return fidlist
def getRasterExtent(srcImage): geoTrans = srcImage.GetGeoTransform() ulX = geoTrans[0] ulY = geoTrans[3] xDist = geoTrans[1] yDist = geoTrans[5] rtnX = geoTrans[2] rtnY = geoTrans[4] cols = srcImage.RasterXSize rows = srcImage.RasterYSize lrX = ulX + xDist * cols lrY = ulY + yDist * rows # Create ring ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(lrX, lrY) ring.AddPoint(lrX, ulY) ring.AddPoint(ulX, ulY) ring.AddPoint(ulX, lrY) ring.AddPoint(lrX, lrY) # Create polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) return geoTrans, poly, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY
def createPolygonFromCorners(lrX,lrY,ulX, ulY): # Create ring ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(lrX, lrY) ring.AddPoint(lrX, ulY) ring.AddPoint(ulX, ulY) ring.AddPoint(ulX, lrY) ring.AddPoint(lrX, lrY) # Create polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) return poly
def evaluateLineStringPlane(geom, label='Airplane'): ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for i in range(0, geom.GetPointCount()): # GetPoint returns a tuple not a Geometry pt = geom.GetPoint(i) ring.AddPoint(pt[0], pt[1]) pt = geom.GetPoint(0) ring.AddPoint(pt[0], pt[1]) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84, utm_cs = gT.createUTMTransform(geom) geom.Transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM) pt0 = geom.GetPoint(0) # Tail pt1 = geom.GetPoint(1) # Wing pt2 = geom.GetPoint(2) # Nose pt3 = geom.GetPoint(3) # Wing Length = math.sqrt((pt2[0]-pt0[0])**2 + (pt2[1]-pt0[1])**2) Width = math.sqrt((pt3[0] - pt1[0])**2 + (pt3[1] - pt1[1])**2) Aspect = Length/Width Direction = (math.atan2(pt2[0]-pt0[0], pt2[1]-pt0[1])*180/math.pi) % 360 geom.Transform(transform_UTM_To_WGS84) return [poly, Length, Width, Aspect, Direction]
def __init__(self, lat, lng): """ Coordinates are in degrees """ self.point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) self.point.AddPoint(lng, lat)
def transPoint(point, inproj, outproj): sr_srs = osr.SpatialReference() sr_srs.ImportFromEPSG(inproj) dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(outproj) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sr_srs, dst_srs) gps_point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) gps_point.AddPoint(point[0], point[1]) gps_point.Transform(coordTransform) x = float(gps_point.ExportToWkt().split()[1].split('(')[1]) y = float(gps_point.ExportToWkt().split()[2]) return [x,y]
def get_data_by_geom(self, geom=None): """ Returns DataSource geometries filtered by given OGR geometry Parameters ---------- geom : OGR.Geometry object """ lyr = self.ds.GetLayer() lyr.ResetReading() lyr.SetAttributeFilter(None) lyr.SetSpatialFilter(geom) return self._get_data()
def _get_intersection(self, trg=None, idx=None, buf=0.): """Just a toy function if you want to inspect the intersection points/polygons of an arbitrary target or an target by index. """ # TODO: kwargs necessary? # check wether idx is given if idx is not None: if self.trg: try: lyr = self.trg.ds.GetLayerByName('trg') feat = lyr.GetFeature(idx) trg = feat.GetGeometryRef() except Exception: raise TypeError("No target polygon found at index {0}". format(idx)) else: raise TypeError('No target polygons found in object!') # check for trg if trg is None: raise TypeError('Either *trg* or *idx* keywords must be given!') # check for geometry if not type(trg) == ogr.Geometry: trg = georef.numpy_to_ogr(trg, 'Polygon') # apply Buffer value trg = trg.Buffer(buf) if idx is None: intersecs = self.src.get_data_by_geom(trg) else: intersecs = self.dst.get_data_by_att('trg_index', idx) return intersecs
def _create_dst_features(self, dst, trg, **kwargs): """ Create needed OGR.Features in dst OGR.Layer Parameters ---------- dst : OGR.Layer destination layer trg : OGR.Geometry target polygon """ # TODO: kwargs necessary? # claim and reset source ogr layer layer = self.src.ds.GetLayerByName('src') layer.ResetReading() # if given, we apply a buffer value to the target polygon filter trg_index = trg.GetField('index') trg = trg.GetGeometryRef() trg = trg.Buffer(self._buffer) layer.SetSpatialFilter(trg) feat_cnt = layer.GetFeatureCount() if feat_cnt: [georef.ogr_add_geometry(dst, ogr_src.GetGeometryRef(), [ogr_src.GetField('index'), trg_index]) for ogr_src in layer] else: layer.SetSpatialFilter(None) src_pts = np.array([ogr_src.GetGeometryRef().GetPoint_2D(0) for ogr_src in layer]) centroid = georef.get_centroid(trg) tree = cKDTree(src_pts) distnext, ixnext = tree.query([centroid[0], centroid[1]], k=1) feat = layer.GetFeature(ixnext) georef.ogr_add_geometry(dst, feat.GetGeometryRef(), [feat.GetField('index'), trg_index])
def get_shape_points(geom): """ Extract coordinate points from given ogr geometry as generator object If geometries are nested, function recurses. .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry Returns ------- result : generator object expands to Nx2 dimensional nested point arrays """ type = geom.GetGeometryType() if type: # 1D Geometries, LINESTRINGS if type == 2: result = np.array(geom.GetPoints()) yield result # RINGS, POLYGONS, MULTIPOLYGONS, MULTILINESTRINGS elif type > 2: # iterate over geometries and recurse for item in geom: for result in get_shape_points(item): yield result else: print("Unknown Geometry")
def numpy_to_ogr(vert, geom_name): """Convert a vertex array to gdal/ogr geometry. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- vert : array_like a numpy array of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) geom_name : string Name of Geometry Returns ------- out : ogr.Geometry object of type geom_name """ if geom_name in ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon']: json_str = "{{'type':{0!r},'coordinates':[{1!r}]}}".\ format(geom_name, vert.tolist()) else: json_str = "{{'type':{0!r},'coordinates':{1!r}}}".\ format(geom_name, vert.tolist()) return ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(json_str)
def ogr_geocol_to_numpy(ogrobj): """Backconvert a gdal/ogr geometry Collection to a numpy vertex array. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 This extracts only Polygon geometries! Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- ogrobj : ogr.Geometry Collection object Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` a nested ndarray of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) """ jsonobj = eval(ogrobj.ExportToJson()) mpol = [] for item in jsonobj['geometries']: if item['type'] == 'Polygon': mpol.append(item['coordinates']) return np.squeeze(mpol)
def testAddingFeatureUsingOgr(self): dataSource =self._getOgrTestLayer() layer = dataSource.GetLayer() point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(123, 456) featureDefn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(point) feature.SetField("fid", 5) feature.SetField("n", 5) layer.CreateFeature(feature) dataSource.Destroy()
def bbox(coordinates, crs, outname=None, format='ESRI Shapefile', overwrite=True): """ create a bounding box vector object or shapefile from coordinates and coordinate reference system coordinates must be provided in a dictionary containing numerical variables with names 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin' and 'ymax' the coordinate reference system can be in either WKT, EPSG or PROJ4 format """ srs = crsConvert(crs, 'osr') ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(coordinates['xmin'], coordinates['ymin']) ring.AddPoint(coordinates['xmin'], coordinates['ymax']) ring.AddPoint(coordinates['xmax'], coordinates['ymax']) ring.AddPoint(coordinates['xmax'], coordinates['ymin']) ring.CloseRings() geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) geom.AddGeometry(ring) geom.FlattenTo2D() bbox = Vector(driver='Memory') bbox.addlayer('bbox', srs, ogr.wkbPolygon) bbox.addfield('id', width=4) bbox.addfeature(geom, 'id', 1) geom.Destroy() if outname is None: return bbox else: bbox.write(outname, format, overwrite)
def createPoly(xn, yn, xmax, ymax): ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(0, 0) for item in zip(xn, yn): item = map(int, item) if item != [0, 0] and item != [xmax, ymax]: ring.AddPoint(item[0], item[1]) ring.AddPoint(xmax, ymax) ring.AddPoint(xmax, 0) ring.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) return poly
def convertNodesCoordinates(graph, sourceEPSG, targetEPSG): sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(sourceEPSG) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(targetEPSG) coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) for node in graph.nodes(): x, y = graph.node[node]['longitude'], graph.node[node]['latitude'] point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(x,y) point.Transform(coordTrans) graph.node[node]['longitude'], graph.node[node]['latitude'] = point.GetX(), point.GetY() return graph
def convertCoordinates(coordinate, sourceEPSG, targetEPSG): sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(sourceEPSG) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(targetEPSG) coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) lon, lat = coordinate point.AddPoint(lon,lat) point.Transform(coordTrans) return point.GetX(), point.GetY()
def batchConvertCoordinates(sourceCoordinates, sourceEPSG, targetEPSG): targetCoordinates = [] sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(sourceEPSG) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(targetEPSG) coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) for lon, lat in sourceCoordinates: point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(lon,lat) point.Transform(coordTrans) targetCoordinates.append((point.GetX(), point.GetY())) return targetCoordinates
def get_convex_hull(shape_name, destination_directory): ''' This method will read all objects from a shape file and create a new one with the convex hull of all the geometry points of the first. ''' driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(str('ESRI Shapefile')) shape = driver.Open(shape_name, 0) layer = shape.GetLayer() layer_name = layer.GetName() spatial_reference = layer.GetSpatialRef() prefix = get_basename(shape_name) output_name = create_filename(destination_directory, '%s-hull.shp' % prefix) geometries = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection) for feature in layer: geometries.AddGeometry(feature.GetGeometryRef()) if os.path.exists(output_name): driver.DeleteDataSource(output_name) datasource = driver.CreateDataSource(output_name) out_layer = datasource.CreateLayer(str('states_convexhull'), spatial_reference, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) out_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(str('id'), ogr.OFTInteger)) featureDefn = out_layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(geometries.ConvexHull()) feature.SetField(str('id'), 1) out_layer.CreateFeature(feature) shape.Destroy() datasource.Destroy()
def pixelToGeoCoord(xPix, yPix, inputRaster, sourceSR='', geomTransform='', targetSR=''): # If you want to garuntee lon lat output, specify TargetSR otherwise, geocoords will be in image geo reference # targetSR = osr.SpatialReference() # targetSR.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # Transform can be performed at the polygon level instead of pixel level if targetSR =='': performReprojection=False targetSR = osr.SpatialReference() targetSR.ImportFromEPSG(4326) else: performReprojection=True if geomTransform=='': srcRaster = gdal.Open(inputRaster) geomTransform = srcRaster.GetGeoTransform() source_sr = osr.SpatialReference() source_sr.ImportFromWkt(srcRaster.GetProjectionRef()) geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) xOrigin = geomTransform[0] yOrigin = geomTransform[3] pixelWidth = geomTransform[1] pixelHeight = geomTransform[5] xCoord = (xPix * pixelWidth) + xOrigin yCoord = (yPix * pixelHeight) + yOrigin geom.AddPoint(xCoord, yCoord) if performReprojection: if sourceSR=='': srcRaster = gdal.Open(inputRaster) sourceSR = osr.SpatialReference() sourceSR.ImportFromWkt(srcRaster.GetProjectionRef()) coord_trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceSR, targetSR) geom.Transform(coord_trans) return (geom.GetX(), geom.GetY())
def geoPolygonToPixelPolygonWKT(geom, inputRaster, targetSR, geomTransform, breakMultiPolygonGeo=True, pixPrecision=2): # Returns Pixel Coordinate List and GeoCoordinateList polygonPixBufferList = [] polygonPixBufferWKTList = [] polygonGeoWKTList = [] if geom.GetGeometryName() == 'POLYGON': polygonPix = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) for ring in geom: # GetPoint returns a tuple not a Geometry ringPix = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for pIdx in xrange(ring.GetPointCount()): lon, lat, z = ring.GetPoint(pIdx) xPix, yPix = latlon2pixel(lat, lon, inputRaster, targetSR, geomTransform) xPix = round(xPix, pixPrecision) yPix = round(yPix, pixPrecision) ringPix.AddPoint(xPix, yPix) polygonPix.AddGeometry(ringPix) polygonPixBuffer = polygonPix.Buffer(0.0) polygonPixBufferList.append([polygonPixBuffer, geom]) elif geom.GetGeometryName() == 'MULTIPOLYGON': for poly in geom: polygonPix = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) for ring in poly: # GetPoint returns a tuple not a Geometry ringPix = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for pIdx in xrange(ring.GetPointCount()): lon, lat, z = ring.GetPoint(pIdx) xPix, yPix = latlon2pixel(lat, lon, inputRaster, targetSR, geomTransform) xPix = round(xPix, pixPrecision) yPix = round(yPix, pixPrecision) ringPix.AddPoint(xPix, yPix) polygonPix.AddGeometry(ringPix) polygonPixBuffer = polygonPix.Buffer(0.0) if breakMultiPolygonGeo: polygonPixBufferList.append([polygonPixBuffer, poly]) else: polygonPixBufferList.append([polygonPixBuffer, geom]) for polygonTest in polygonPixBufferList: if polygonTest[0].GetGeometryName() == 'POLYGON': polygonPixBufferWKTList.append([polygonTest[0].ExportToWkt(), polygonTest[1].ExportToWkt()]) elif polygonTest[0].GetGeometryName() == 'MULTIPOLYGON': for polygonTest2 in polygonTest[0]: polygonPixBufferWKTList.append([polygonTest2.ExportToWkt(), polygonTest[1].ExportToWkt()]) return polygonPixBufferWKTList
def polygon_to_shapefile(polygons, poly_sr, fname, fields_defs=None, poly_attrs=None): """ Write a set of polygons to a shapefile Args: polygons: a list of (lat, lng) tuples fields_defs: The list of fields for those polygons, as a tuple (name, ogr type) for each field. For example : [('field1', ogr.OFTReal), ('field2', ogr.OFTInteger)] poly_attrs: A list of dict containing the attributes for each polygon [{'field1' : 1.0, 'field2': 42}, {'field1' : 3.0, 'field2': 60}] """ shp_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") out_ds = shp_driver.CreateDataSource(fname) assert out_ds is not None, "Failed to create temporary %s" % fname out_layer = out_ds.CreateLayer(fname, poly_sr, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) has_attrs = fields_defs is not None if has_attrs: attrs_name = [] for field_name, field_type in fields_defs: out_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(field_name, field_type)) attrs_name.append(field_name) layer_defn = out_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i, poly in enumerate(polygons): ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) # gdal uses the (x, y) convention => (lng, lat) for point in poly: ring.AddPoint(point[1], point[0]) ring.AddPoint(poly[0][1], poly[0][0]) # re-add the start to close p = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) p.AddGeometry(ring) out_feature = ogr.Feature(layer_defn) out_feature.SetGeometry(p) if has_attrs: attrs = poly_attrs[i] for field_name in attrs_name: out_feature.SetField(field_name, attrs[field_name]) out_layer.CreateFeature(out_feature) out_feature.Destroy() out_ds.Destroy()
def filterByCoverage(vectorFile, rasterFile, covPerc): srcVector = ogr.Open(vectorFile) srcLayer = srcVector.GetLayer() # merge all features in one geometry (multi polygone) multi = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) for feature in srcLayer: geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() multi.AddGeometry(geom) #attributes of raster file rasList = raster2array(rasterFile) xsize = rasList[4][0] ysize = abs(rasList[4][1]) pixel_area = xsize*ysize rows = rasList[0].shape[0] cols = rasList[0].shape[1] x1 = rasList[2][0] y1 = rasList[2][3] #iterate over raster cells for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(x1, y1) ring.AddPoint(x1 + xsize, y1) ring.AddPoint(x1 + xsize, y1 - ysize) ring.AddPoint(x1, y1 - ysize) ring.AddPoint(x1, y1) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) intersect = multi.Intersection(poly) if intersect.ExportToWkt() != 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY': perc = (intersect.GetArea()/pixel_area)*100 if perc > covPerc: rasList[0][i][j] = numpy.nan x1 += xsize x1 = rasList[2][0] y1 -= ysize return(rasList[0]) #return the filtered array # numpy array to geo raster
def LoadGeometry( pszDS, pszSQL, pszLyr, pszWhere): poGeom = None poDS = ogr.Open( pszDS, False ) if poDS is None: return None if pszSQL is not None: poLyr = poDS.ExecuteSQL( pszSQL, None, None ) elif pszLyr is not None: poLyr = poDS.GetLayerByName(pszLyr) else: poLyr = poDS.GetLayer(0) if poLyr is None: print("Failed to identify source layer from datasource.") poDS.Destroy() return None if pszWhere is not None: poLyr.SetAttributeFilter(pszWhere) poFeat = poLyr.GetNextFeature() while poFeat is not None: poSrcGeom = poFeat.GetGeometryRef() if poSrcGeom is not None: eType = wkbFlatten(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryType()) if poGeom is None: poGeom = ogr.Geometry( ogr.wkbMultiPolygon ) if eType == ogr.wkbPolygon: poGeom.AddGeometry( poSrcGeom ) elif eType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon: for iGeom in range(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryCount()): poGeom.AddGeometry(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryRef(iGeom) ) else: print("ERROR: Geometry not of polygon type." ) if pszSQL is not None: poDS.ReleaseResultSet( poLyr ) poDS.Destroy() return None poFeat = poLyr.GetNextFeature() if pszSQL is not None: poDS.ReleaseResultSet( poLyr ) poDS.Destroy() return poGeom
def _create_dst_features(self, dst, trg, **kwargs): """ Create needed OGR.Features in dst OGR.Layer Parameters ---------- dst : OGR.Layer destination layer trg : OGR.Geometry target polygon """ # TODO: kwargs necessary? # claim and reset source ogr layer layer = self.src.ds.GetLayerByName('src') layer.ResetReading() # if given, we apply a buffer value to the target polygon filter trg_index = trg.GetField('index') trg = trg.GetGeometryRef() trg = trg.Buffer(self._buffer) layer.SetSpatialFilter(trg) # iterate over layer features for ogr_src in layer: geom = ogr_src.GetGeometryRef() # calculate intersection, if not fully contained if not trg.Contains(geom): geom = trg.Intersection(geom) # checking GeometryCollection, convert to only Polygons, # Multipolygons if geom.GetGeometryType() in [7]: geocol = georef.ogr_geocol_to_numpy(geom) geom = georef.numpy_to_ogr(geocol, 'MultiPolygon') # only geometries containing points if geom.IsEmpty(): continue if geom.GetGeometryType() in [3, 6, 12]: idx = ogr_src.GetField('index') georef.ogr_add_geometry(dst, geom, [idx, trg_index])
def crop(seq, maxpoints=20, proximity=100, straighten=False): x = map(float, range(0, len(seq))) VWpts = simplify(x, seq, maxpoints) xn, yn = map(list, zip(*VWpts)) simple = np.interp(x, xn, yn) seq[abs(seq - simple) > proximity] = simple[abs(seq - simple) > proximity] points = [] for xi, yi in enumerate(seq): point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(xi, yi) points.append(point) points = np.array(points) while True: poly = createPoly(xn, yn, len(seq), max(seq)) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) for xi, yi in zip(xn, yn): line.AddPoint(xi, yi) dists = np.array([line.Distance(point) for point in points]) contain = np.array([point.Within(poly) for point in points]) dists[~contain] = 0 points = points[(dists > 0)] dists = dists[(dists > 0)] if len(dists) == 0: break candidate = points[np.argmax(dists)] cp = candidate.GetPoint() index = np.argmin(np.array(xn) < cp[0]) xn.insert(index, cp[0]) yn.insert(index, cp[1]) if straighten: indices = [i for i in range(0, len(xn)) if (xn[i], yn[i]) in VWpts] for i, j in enumerate(indices): if i < (len(indices)-1): if indices[i+1] > j+1: dx = abs(xn[j] - xn[indices[i + 1]]) dy = abs(yn[j] - yn[indices[i + 1]]) if dx > dy: seg_y = yn[j:indices[i + 1]+1] print(seg_y) for k in range(j, indices[i + 1]+1): yn[k] = min(seg_y) return np.interp(x, xn, yn)
def reduce(seq, maxpoints=20, straighten=False): if min(seq) == max(seq): return np.array(seq) x = map(float, range(0, len(seq))) # plt.plot(seq) VWpts = simplify(x, seq, maxpoints) xn, yn = map(list, zip(*VWpts)) # plt.plot(xn, yn, linewidth=2, color='r') simple = np.interp(x, xn, yn) seq2 = np.copy(seq) points = [] for xi, yi in enumerate(seq2): point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(xi, yi) points.append(point) points = np.array(points) while True: poly = createPoly(xn, yn, len(seq2), max(seq2)) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) for xi, yi in zip(xn, yn): line.AddPoint(xi, yi) dists = np.array([line.Distance(point) for point in points]) contain = np.array([point.Within(poly) for point in points]) dists[~contain] = 0 points = points[(dists > 0)] dists = dists[(dists > 0)] if len(dists) == 0: break candidate = points[np.argmax(dists)] cp = candidate.GetPoint() index = np.argmin(np.array(xn) < cp[0]) xn.insert(index, cp[0]) yn.insert(index, cp[1]) if straighten: indices = [i for i in range(0, len(xn)) if (xn[i], yn[i]) in VWpts] for i, j in enumerate(indices): if i < (len(indices)-1): if indices[i+1] > j+1: dx = abs(xn[j] - xn[indices[i + 1]]) dy = abs(yn[j] - yn[indices[i + 1]]) if dx > dy: seg_y = yn[j:indices[i + 1]+1] for k in range(j, indices[i + 1]+1): yn[k] = min(seg_y) # plt.plot(xn, yn, linewidth=2, color='g') # plt.show() return np.interp(x, xn, yn).astype(int)
def point_to_pixel_geometry(points, source_epsg=None, target_epsg=None, pixel_side_length=30): ''' Where points is a list of X,Y tuples and X and Y are coordinates in meters, returns a series of OGR Polygons where each Polygon is the pixel extent with a given point at its center. Assumes square pixels. Arguments: points Sequence of X,Y numeric pairs or OGR Point geometries source_epsg The EPSG code of the source projection (Optional) target_epsg The EPSG code of the target projection (Optional) pixel_side_length The length of one side of the intended pixel ''' polys = [] # Convert points to atomic X,Y pairs if necessary if isinstance(points[0], ogr.Geometry): points = [(p.GetX(), p.GetY()) for p in points] source_ref = target_ref = None if all((source_epsg, target_epsg)): source_ref = osr.SpatialReference() target_ref = osr.SpatialReference() source_ref.ImportFromEPSG(source_epsg) target_ref.ImportFromEPSG(target_epsg) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_ref, target_ref) for p in points: r = pixel_side_length / 2 # Half the pixel width ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) # Create a ring vertices = [ (p[0] - r, p[1] + r), # Top-left (p[0] + r, p[1] + r), # Top-right, clockwise from here... (p[0] + r, p[1] - r), (p[0] - r, p[1] - r), (p[0] - r, p[1] + r) # Add top-left again to close ring ] # Coordinate transformation if all((source_ref, target_ref)): vertices = [transform.TransformPoint(*v)[0:2] for v in vertices] for vert in vertices: ring.AddPoint(*vert) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) polys.append(poly) return polys