def publish(self, topic, payload, qos=0, retain=False): """Publish a message, with the given parameters. Substitute in the _msg_seq if the payload contains {seq}.""" if not topic: print("Topic must be specified") else: if not payload: print("Payload not specified, so a zero-length message will be published.") payload = None elif (not isinstance(payload, bytearray)) and ("{seq}" in payload): payload = payload.format(seq=self._msg_seq) (result, msg_id) = self._mqttclient.publish(topic=topic, payload=payload, qos=qos, retain=retain) print("...msg_id={!r}, result={} ({})".format(msg_id, result, mqtt.error_string(result))) if result == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self._msg_seq += 1
def publish_file(file_name, file_path): global mqtt_client log.debug('publish_file({})'.format(file_path)) try: with open(file_path) as fh: file_contents = fh.read() ret_obj = mqtt_client.publish(topic=file_name, payload=file_contents, qos=0) if ret_obj.rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: log.debug('MQTT published file: {}'.format(file_path)) else: log.warning('MQTT failed to publish file: {}'.format(file_path)) log.warning('MQTT failed to publish file. error: {}'.format(mqtt.error_string(ret_obj.rc))) except Exception as ex: log.error('Exception in publish_file(). ex: {}'.format(ex)) # This function will periodically publish device data to the MQTT Broker
def _publish(self, message): """ publish WolkMQTTPublishMessage """ logger.info("Publish %s", message) if not self.client: raise WolkMQTTClientException("No mqtt client") if not message: logger.warning("No message to publish") return(False, "No message to publish") info = self.client.publish(message.topic, message.payload, self.clientConfig.qos) if info.rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: return(True, "") elif info.is_published: return(True, "") else: return(False, mqtt.error_string(info.rc))
def loop(self, timeout=1): """ Performs network activity when connected in non blocking mode """ if self._looping: raise Exception("Connection in blocking mode, don't call loop") if self._mqtt_client: result = self._mqtt_client.loop(timeout) if result != mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: LOGGER.debug("Attempting another reconnect for %s...", self._device_id) self._wrapped_reconnect()
def send_state(self, state, time_like=None): """ Reports the given state to Losant for this device """ LOGGER.debug("Sending state for %s", self._device_id) if not self._mqtt_client: return False if isinstance(time_like, datetime.datetime): # getting utc tuple, and so use timegm seconds = calendar.timegm(time_like.utctimetuple()) millis = time_like.microsecond / 1000 time_like = int(seconds * 1000 + millis) if isinstance(time_like, time.struct_time): # don't know the timezone, assume it is local and use mktime time_like = int(time.mktime(time_like) * 1000) if not time_like: time_like = int(time.time() * 1000) payload = json.dumps({"time": time_like, "data": state}, sort_keys=True) result = self._mqtt_client.publish(self._state_topic(), payload) return mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS == result # ============================================================ # Private functions # ============================================================
def _cb_client_disconnect(self, client, userdata, response_code): if not self._mqtt_client: return if response_code == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: # intentional disconnect self._mqtt_client = None LOGGER.debug("Connection closed for %s", self._device_id) self._fire_event("close") else: LOGGER.debug("Connection abnormally ended for %s, reconnecting...", self._device_id) self._wrapped_reconnect()
def subscribe(self, sub): """Subscribe to a topic, using the Subscription (namedtuple).""" if not sub.topic: print("Topic must be specified") else: (result, msg_id) = self._mqttclient.subscribe(topic=sub.topic, qos=(sub.qos or 0)) print("...msg_id={!r}, result={} ({})".format(msg_id, result, mqtt.error_string(result))) if result == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self._discard_sub(sub.topic) # do not want two Subscriptions with same topic, but different qos self._subscriptions.add(sub)
def unsubscribe(self, topic): """Unsubscribe from a topic.""" if not topic: print("Topic must be specified") else: (result, msg_id) = self._mqttclient.unsubscribe(topic) print("...msg_id={!r}, result={} ({})".format(msg_id, result, mqtt.error_string(result))) if result == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self._discard_sub(topic)
def do_connect(self, arg): """Connect to the MQTT server, using the current connection parameters. If connection is successful, then go to the Messaging console.""" connected = None ca = self.context.connection_args try: if ca.will: self.context.mqttclient.will_set(topic=ca.will.topic, payload=ca.will.payload, qos=ca.will.qos, retain=ca.will.retain) if ca.username: self.context.mqttclient.username_pw_set(ca.username, ca.password) else: self.context.mqttclient.username_pw_set("", None) if ca.tls_args.ca_certs_filepath: ta = ca.tls_args self.context.mqttclient.tls_set(ca_certs=ta.ca_certs_filepath, certfile=ta.cert_filepath, keyfile=ta.key_filepath, cert_reqs=ta.cert_reqs, tls_version=ta.tls_version, ciphers=ta.ciphers) self.context.mqttclient.tls_insecure_set(ta.tls_insecure) rc = self.context.mqttclient.connect(host=ca.host, port=ca.port, keepalive=ca.keepalive, bind_address=ca.bind_address) connected = (rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS) except Exception as e: print(e) else: if not connected: print("Unable to connect") else: self.context.mqttclient.loop_start() # Initiate the "Messaging" console. MessagingConsole(self.context).cmdloop() # Clean up (disconnect), after returning from "Messaging" console. self.context.mqttclient.disconnect() connected = False self.context.mqttclient.loop_stop()
def _internal_send_message(self, topic, payload, queue): self.logger.debug("sending topic %s with value \"%s\"" % (topic, payload)) result = self.mqtt.publish(topic, payload, retain=True) if result == MQTT_ERR_NO_CONN and queue: self.logger.debug("no connection, saving message with topic %s to queue" % topic) self.queue.append([topic, payload]) elif result[0] != MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self.logger.warn("failed sending message %s, mqtt error %s" % (topic, result)) return False return True