Python paramiko 模块,rsakey() 实例源码


项目:watchmen    作者:lycclsltt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_server_key(self, key):
        Add a host key to the list of keys used for server mode.  When behaving
        as a server, the host key is used to sign certain packets during the
        SSH2 negotiation, so that the client can trust that we are who we say
        we are.  Because this is used for signing, the key must contain private
        key info, not just the public half.  Only one key of each type (RSA or
        DSS) is kept.

        @param key: the host key to add, usually an L{RSAKey <rsakey.RSAKey>} or
            L{DSSKey <dsskey.DSSKey>}.
        @type key: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
        self.server_key_dict[key.get_name()] = key