Python pip.wheel 模块,wheel_ext() 实例源码


项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:NeuroMobile    作者:AndrewADykman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:NeuroMobile    作者:AndrewADykman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:NeuroMobile    作者:AndrewADykman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:dymo-m10-python    作者:pbrf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:dymo-m10-python    作者:pbrf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, url, comes_from=None, internal=None, trusted=None):
        self.url = url
        self.comes_from = comes_from
        self.internal = internal
        self.trusted = trusted

        # Set whether it's a wheel
        self.wheel = None
        if url != Inf and self.splitext()[1] == wheel_ext:
            self.wheel = Wheel(self.filename)
项目:Sudoku-Solver    作者:ayush1997    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:Sudoku-Solver    作者:ayush1997    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:Sudoku-Solver    作者:ayush1997    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:youtube-trending-music    作者:ishan-nitj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:youtube-trending-music    作者:ishan-nitj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:youtube-trending-music    作者:ishan-nitj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:facebook-face-recognition    作者:mathur    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:facebook-face-recognition    作者:mathur    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_wheel(self):
        return self.ext == wheel_ext

# An object to represent the "link" for the installed version of a requirement.
# Using Inf as the url makes it sort higher.
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _known_extensions(self):
        extensions = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.tgz', '.zip')
        if self.use_wheel:
            return extensions + (wheel_ext,)
        return extensions
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_line(cls, name, comes_from=None, prereleases=None):
        """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
        requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL.
        url = None
        name = name.strip()
        req = None
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
        link = None

        if is_url(name):
            link = Link(name)
        elif os.path.isdir(path) and (os.path.sep in name or name.startswith('.')):
            if not is_installable_dir(path):
                raise InstallationError("Directory %r is not installable. File '' not found." % name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))
        elif is_archive_file(path):
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logger.warn('Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the file does not exist', name)
            link = Link(path_to_url(name))

        # If the line has an egg= definition, but isn't editable, pull the requirement out.
        # Otherwise, assume the name is the req for the non URL/path/archive case.
        if link and req is None:
            url = link.url_without_fragment
            req = link.egg_fragment  #when fragment is None, this will become an 'unnamed' requirement

            # Handle relative file URLs
            if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', url):
                url = path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))

            # fail early for invalid or unsupported wheels
            if link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)

            req = name

        return cls(req, comes_from, url=url, prereleases=prereleases)
项目:twitter_word_count    作者:prrateekk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link_sort_key(self, link_tuple):
        Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples.
        The greater the return value, the more preferred it is.
        If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only.
        If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then:
          1. existing installs
          2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min()
          3. source archives
        Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link
              comparison operators, but then different sdist links
              with the same version, would have to be considered equal
        parsed_version, link, _ = link_tuple
        if self.use_wheel:
            support_num = len(supported_tags)
            if link == INSTALLED_VERSION:
                pri = 1
            elif link.ext == wheel_ext:
                wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
                if not wheel.supported():
                    raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It can't be sorted." % wheel.filename)
                pri = -(wheel.support_index_min())
            else: # sdist
                pri = -(support_num)
            return (parsed_version, pri)
            return parsed_version