def win_probability_matrix(matrix_df): 'returns the win probability matrix plot as a plotly heatmap' trace = go.Heatmap( z=matrix_df.transpose().values.tolist(), x=matrix_df.columns[::-1], y=matrix_df.columns[::-1], colorscale='Viridis' ) data = [trace] layout = go.Layout( title='Win Probability Matrix', xaxis=dict(title='Loser', ticks=''), yaxis=dict(title='Winner', ticks=''), height=750 ) return offl.plot(dict(data=data, layout=layout), output_type='div')
def csv_heatmap_generator_plotly(in_directory, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Plots heatmaps for all the csv files in the given directory Args: in_directory (str): location of input csv files output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: null """ file_list = glob.glob(in_directory+"*.csv") for file in file_list: csv_data = genfromtxt(file, delimiter=',') trace = go.Heatmap( z=csv_data, x=list(range(48)), y=list(range(1, 12)), colorscale=[ [0, 'rgb(255, 255, 204)'], [0.13, 'rgb(255, 237, 160)'], [0.25, 'rgb(254, 217, 118)'], [0.38, 'rgb(254, 178, 76)'], [0.5, 'rgb(253, 141, 60)'], [0.63, 'rgb(252, 78, 42)'], [0.75, 'rgb(227, 26, 28)'], [0.88, 'rgb(189, 0, 38)'], [1.0, 'rgb(128, 0, 38)'] ] ) data = [trace] layout = go.Layout(title='HeatMap', width=800, height=640) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.image.save_as(fig, filename=in_directory+file[file.rfind("/")+1:-4]+'_heatmap.png')
def ml_plot_confusion_matrix(TP, FP, FN, TN, x_axis = ['Predict True', 'Predict False'], y_axis= ['Predict True', 'Predict False'], plot=True): trace = go.Heatmap(z=[[TP, FP], [FN, TN]], x=x_axis, y=y_axis, hoverinfo='x+y+z') layout = dict(margin = dict(l=100), width = 500, height=500) data=[trace] fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) if plot == True: iplot(fig, config={'showLink' : False, 'displaylogo' : False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove' : ['sendDataToCloud']}) else: return trace
def plot_pairdensity(ls, column1, column2): """Plot the pairwise density between two columns. This plot is an approximation of a scatterplot through a 2D Kernel Density Estimate for two numerical variables. When one of the variables is categorical, a 1D KDE for each of the categories is shown, normalised to the total number of non-null observations. For two categorical variables, the plot produced is a heatmap representation of the contingency table. Parameters ---------- ls : :class:`~lens.Summary` Lens `Summary`. column1 : str First column. column2 : str Second column. Returns ------- :class:`plotly.Figure` Plotly figure containing the pairwise density plot. """ pair_details = ls.pair_details(column1, column2) pairdensity = pair_details['pairdensity'] x = np.array(pairdensity['x']) y = np.array(pairdensity['y']) Z = np.array(pairdensity['density']) if ls.summary(column1)['desc'] == 'categorical': idx = np.argsort(x) x = x[idx] Z = Z[:, idx] if ls.summary(column2)['desc'] == 'categorical': idx = np.argsort(y) y = y[idx] Z = Z[idx] data = [go.Heatmap(z=Z, x=x, y=y, colorscale=DEFAULT_COLORSCALE)] layout = go.Layout( title='<i>{}</i> vs <i>{}</i>'.format(column1, column2)) layout['xaxis'] = { 'type': pairdensity['x_scale'], 'autorange': True, 'title': column1 } layout['yaxis'] = { 'type': pairdensity['y_scale'], 'autorange': True, 'title': column2 } fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig.data[0]['showscale'] = False return fig
def gen_heatmap(model_name): evaluator, valid_stream, ds = build_evaluator(model_name) analysis_path = os.path.join('heatmap_analysis', model_name + ".html") out_file = open(analysis_path, 'w') out_file.write('<html>') out_file.write('<body style="background-color:white">') printed = 0; for batch in valid_stream.get_epoch_iterator(as_dict=True): if batch["context"].shape[1] > 150: continue; evaluator.initialize_aggregators() evaluator.process_batch(batch) analysis_results = evaluator.get_aggregated_values() q_c_attention = analysis_results["question_context_attention"] context_words = [ds.vocab[i]+' '+str(index) for index,i in enumerate(batch["context"][0])] question_words = [str(index)+' '+ ds.vocab[i] for index, i in enumerate(batch["question"][0])] answer_words = [ds.vocab[i] for i in batch["answer"][0]] out_file.write('answer: '+' '.join(answer_words)) out_file.write('<br>') x= context_words y= question_words z = q_c_attention[0] # print z.shape data = [ go.Heatmap(z=z,x=x,y=y,colorscale='Viridis') ] div = plotly.offline.plot(data,auto_open=False, output_type='div') out_file.write(div) out_file.write('<br>') out_file.write('<br>') printed += 1 if printed >= 20: break; out_file.write('</body>') out_file.write('</html>') out_file.close() print "done ;)"