Python plotly.plotly 模块,iplot() 实例源码


项目:python-linux-distro-list    作者:mlouielu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_all(data, output):
    result = defaultdict(int)
    for distro in data:
        for d in distro['data']:
            if d['Python_version'] not in ['', '--', '\xa0']:
                result[d['Python_version']] += 1

    labels = []
    values = []
    for k, v in sorted(result.items()):
        if v > 2:

    trace = go.Pie(labels=labels, values=values)
    py.iplot([trace], filename=output)
项目:python-linux-distro-list    作者:mlouielu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw(data, output):
    result = defaultdict(int)
    for distro in data:
        if not distro['data']:
        if distro['data'][0]['Python_version'] not in ['', '--', '\xa0']:
            result[distro['data'][0]['Python_version']] += 1

    labels = []
    values = []
    for k, v in sorted(result.items()):

    trace = go.Pie(labels=labels, values=values)
    py.iplot([trace], filename=output)
项目:python-linux-distro-list    作者:mlouielu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw6(data, output):
    result = defaultdict(int)
    for distro in data:
        if not distro['data']:
        if distro['data'][0]['Python_version'] not in ['', '--', '\xa0']:
            if distro['data'][0]['Python_version'].startswith('3'):
                result['Python 3'] += 1
                result['Python 2'] += 1

    labels = []
    values = []
    for k, v in sorted(result.items()):

    trace = go.Pie(labels=labels, values=values)
    py.iplot([trace], filename=output)
项目:mbot    作者:michaelkuty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, msg):
        """`plot: hovno`"""

        params = msg.extract_parameters(self.parameters, )

        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
        from yahoo_finance import Share
        import plotly.plotly as py
        import plotly.graph_objs as go
        from dateutil.parser import parse

        yahoo = Share(params['finance'])

        history = yahoo.get_historical(params['date-from'],
        x = [parse(d['Date']) for d in history]
        data = [go.Scatter(x=x, y=[d['Close'] for d in history])]
        f = py.iplot(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser').find_all("iframe")[0]
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _plot_option_logic(plot_options_from_call_signature):
    Given some plot_options as part of a plot call, decide on final options.
        1 - Start with DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS
        2 - Update each key with ~/.plotly/.config options (tls.get_config)
        3 - Update each key with session plot options (set by py.sign_in)
        4 - Update each key with plot, iplot call signature options

    default_plot_options = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS)
    file_options = tools.get_config_file()
    session_options = get_session_plot_options()
    plot_options_from_call_signature = copy.deepcopy(plot_options_from_call_signature)

    # Validate options and fill in defaults w world_readable and sharing
    for option_set in [plot_options_from_call_signature,
                       session_options, file_options]:

        # dynamic defaults
        if ('filename' in option_set and
                'fileopt' not in option_set):
            option_set['fileopt'] = 'overwrite'

    user_plot_options = {}
    user_plot_options = {k: v for k, v in user_plot_options.items()
                         if k in default_plot_options}

    return user_plot_options
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iplot_mpl(fig, resize=True, strip_style=False, update=None,
    """Replot a matplotlib figure with plotly in IPython.

    This function:
    1. converts the mpl figure into JSON (run help(
    2. makes a request to Plotly to save this figure in your account
    3. displays the image in your IPython output cell

    Positional agruments:
    fig -- a figure object from matplotlib

    Keyword arguments:
    resize (default=True) -- allow plotly to choose the figure size
    strip_style (default=False) -- allow plotly to choose style options
    update (default=None) -- update the resulting figure with an 'update'
        dictionary-like object resembling a plotly 'Figure' object

    Additional keyword arguments:
    plot_options -- run help(plotly.plotly.iplot)

    fig = tools.mpl_to_plotly(fig, resize=resize, strip_style=strip_style)
    if update and isinstance(update, dict):
    elif update is not None:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyGraphObjectError(
            "'update' must be dictionary-like and a valid plotly Figure "
            "object. Run 'help(plotly.graph_objs.Figure)' for more info."
    return iplot(fig, **plot_options)
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ishow(cls, figure_or_data, format='png', width=None, height=None,
        """Display a static image of the plot described by `figure_or_data`
        in an IPython Notebook.

        positional arguments:
        - figure_or_data: The figure dict-like or data list-like object that
                          describes a plotly figure.
                          Same argument used in `py.plot`, `py.iplot`,
                          see for examples
        - format: 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf'
        - width: output width
        - height: output height
        - scale: Increase the resolution of the image by `scale` amount
               Only valid for PNG and JPEG images.

import plotly.plotly as py
    fig = {'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [3, 1, 5], 'type': 'bar'}]}
    py.image.ishow(fig, 'png', scale=3)
    if format == 'pdf':
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
            "Aw, snap! "
            "It's not currently possible to embed a pdf into "
            "an IPython notebook. You can save the pdf "
            "with the `image.save_as` or you can "
            "embed an png, jpeg, or svg.")
    img = cls.get(figure_or_data, format, width, height, scale)
    from IPython.display import display, Image, SVG
    if format == 'svg':


项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iplot(figure_or_data, **plot_options):
    """Create a unique url for this plot in Plotly and open in IPython.

    plot_options keyword agruments:
    filename (string) -- the name that will be associated with this figure
    fileopt ('new' | 'overwrite' | 'extend' | 'append')
        - 'new': create a new, unique url for this plot
        - 'overwrite': overwrite the file associated with `filename` with this
        - 'extend': add additional numbers (data) to existing traces
        - 'append': add additional traces to existing data lists
    sharing ('public' | 'private' | 'secret') -- Toggle who can view this graph
        - 'public': Anyone can view this graph. It will appear in your profile
                    and can appear in search engines. You do not need to be
                    logged in to Plotly to view this chart.
        - 'private': Only you can view this plot. It will not appear in the
                     Plotly feed, your profile, or search engines. You must be
                     logged in to Plotly to view this graph. You can privately
                     share this graph with other Plotly users in your online
                     Plotly account and they will need to be logged in to
                     view this plot.
        - 'secret': Anyone with this secret link can view this chart. It will
                    not appear in the Plotly feed, your profile, or search
                    engines. If it is embedded inside a webpage or an IPython
                    notebook, anybody who is viewing that page will be able to
                    view the graph. You do not need to be logged in to view
                    this plot.
    world_readable (default=True) -- Deprecated: use "sharing".
                                     Make this figure private/public
    if 'auto_open' not in plot_options:
        plot_options['auto_open'] = False
    url = plot(figure_or_data, **plot_options)

    if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
        layout = figure_or_data.get('layout', {})
        layout = {}

    embed_options = dict()
    embed_options['width'] = layout.get('width', '100%')
    embed_options['height'] = layout.get('height', 525)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        embed_options['width'] = str(embed_options['width']) + 'px'

    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        embed_options['height'] = str(embed_options['height']) + 'px'

    return tools.embed(url, **embed_options)
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_as(cls, figure_or_data, filename, format=None, width=None,
                height=None, scale=None):
        """Save a image of the plot described by `figure_or_data` locally as

        Valid image formats are 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'pdf'.
        The format is taken as the extension of the filename or as the
        supplied format.

        positional arguments:
        - figure_or_data: The figure dict-like or data list-like object that
                          describes a plotly figure.
                          Same argument used in `py.plot`, `py.iplot`,
                          see for examples
        - filename: The filepath to save the image to
        - format: 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf'
        - width: output width
        - height: output height
        - scale: Increase the resolution of the image by `scale` amount
               Only valid for PNG and JPEG images.

import plotly.plotly as py
    fig = {'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [3, 1, 5], 'type': 'bar'}]}
    py.image.save_as(fig, 'my_image.png', scale=3)
    # todo: format shadows built-in name
    (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if not ext and not format:
        filename += '.png'
    elif ext and not format:
        format = ext[1:]
    elif not ext and format:
        filename += '.' + format

    img = cls.get(figure_or_data, format, width, height, scale)

    f = open(filename, 'wb')
