def preprocess(self, questions: List[QASetting], answers: Optional[List[List[Answer]]] = None, is_eval: bool = False) -> List[XQAAnnotation]: if answers is None: answers = [None] * len(questions) preprocessed = [] if len(questions) > 1000: bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=len(questions), widgets=[' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ']) for q, a in bar(zip(questions, answers)): preprocessed.append(self.preprocess_instance(q, a)) else: for q, a in zip(questions, answers): preprocessed.append(self.preprocess_instance(q, a)) return preprocessed
def preprocess(self, questions: List[QASetting], answers: Optional[List[List[Answer]]] = None, is_eval: bool = False) -> List[MCAnnotation]: if answers is None: answers = [None] * len(questions) preprocessed = [] if len(questions) > 1000: bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=len(questions), widgets=[' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ']) for i, (q, a) in bar(enumerate(zip(questions, answers))): preprocessed.append(self.preprocess_instance(i, q, a)) else: for i, (q, a) in enumerate(zip(questions, answers)): preprocessed.append(self.preprocess_instance(i, q, a)) return preprocessed
def progressbarize(iterable, progress=False): """Construct progressbar for loops if progressbar requested, otherwise return directly iterable. :param iterable: iterable to use :param progress: True if print progressbar """ if progress: # The casting to list is due to possibly yielded value that prevents # ProgressBar to compute overall ETA return progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ progressbar.Timer(), ', ', progressbar.Percentage(), ', ', progressbar.SimpleProgress(), ', ', progressbar.ETA() ])(list(iterable)) return iterable
def deleteHostsByHostgroup(groupname): hostgroup = zapi.hostgroup.get(output=['groupid'],filter={'name': groupname}) if hostgroup.__len__() != 1: logger.error('Hostgroup not found: %s\n\tFound this: %s' % (groupname,hostgroup)) groupid = int(hostgroup[0]['groupid']) hosts = zapi.host.get(output=['name','hostid'],groupids=groupid) total = len(hosts) logger.info('Hosts found: %d' % (total)) if ( args.run ): x = 0 bar = ProgressBar(maxval=total,widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() logger.echo = False for host in hosts: x = x + 1 bar.update(x) logger.debug('(%d/%d) >> Removing >> %s' % (x, total, host)) out = zapi.globo.deleteMonitors(host['name']) bar.finish() logger.echo = True else: logger.info('No host removed due to --no-run arg. Full list of hosts:') for host in hosts: logger.info('%s' % host['name']) return
def hosts_disable_all(): """ status de host 0 = enabled status de host 1 = disabled """ logger.info('Disabling all hosts, in blocks of 1000') hosts = zapi.host.get(output=[ 'hostid' ], search={ 'status': 0 }) maxval = int(ceil(hosts.__len__())/1000+1) bar = ProgressBar(maxval=maxval,widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() i = 0 for i in xrange(maxval): block = hosts[:1000] del hosts[:1000] result = zapi.host.massupdate(hosts=[ x for x in block ], status=1) i += 1 bar.update(i) bar.finish() logger.info('Done') return
def proxy_passive_to_active(): """ status de prxy 5 = active status de prxy 6 = passive """ logger.info('Change all proxys to active') proxys = zapi.proxy.get(output=[ 'shorten', 'host' ], filter={ 'status': 6 }) if ( proxys.__len__() == 0 ): logger.info('Done') return bar = ProgressBar(maxval=proxys.__len__(),widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() i = 0 for x in proxys: i += 1 proxyid = x['proxyid'] result = zapi.proxy.update(proxyid=proxyid, status=5) logger.echo = False logger.debug('Changed from passive to active proxy: %s' % (x['host'])) bar.update(i) bar.finish() logger.echo = True logger.info('Done') return
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): """ Use the PubMed web services to retrieve the title and abstract of each PMID :param corenlpserver: :param process: :return: """ time_per_abs = [] widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(self.pmids), redirect_stdout=True).start() for i, pmid in enumerate(self.pmids): t = time.time() newdoc = PubmedDocument(pmid) if newdoc.abstract == "": logging.info("ignored {} due to the fact that no abstract was found".format(pmid)) continue newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents["PMID" + pmid] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) pbar.update(i+1) pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def _setup_progress(self, options): if options.progress: if self.beanstalk: # With Beanstalk C&C we don't know how many... self.progress = progressbar.ProgressBar( redirect_stdout=True, redirect_stderr=True, widgets=[ 'Total: ', progressbar.Counter(), ', ', progressbar.Timer() ]) else: self.progress = progressbar.ProgressBar( redirect_stdout=True, redirect_stderr=True, widgets=[ progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ', ]) else: self.progress = None
def bar_update(self, epoch, logs): ologs = {} for k in self.custom_log_functions: ologs[k] = self.custom_log_functions[k]() for k in logs: if len(k) > 5: ologs[k[-5:]] = logs[k] else: ologs[k] = logs[k] if not hasattr(self,'bar'): import progressbar widgets = [ progressbar.Timer(format='%(elapsed)s'), ' ', progressbar.Counter(), progressbar.Bar(), progressbar.AbsoluteETA(format='%(eta)s'), ' ', ] keys = [] for k in ologs: keys.append(k) keys.sort() for k in keys: widgets.append(progressbar.DynamicMessage(k)) widgets.append(' ') self.bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self.max_epoch, widgets=widgets) self.bar.update(epoch+1, **ologs)
def __call__(self, epoch): if self._batches is None: logger.info("Preparing evaluation data...") self._batches = self.reader.input_module.batch_generator(self._dataset, self._batch_size, is_eval=True) logger.info("Started evaluation %s" % self._info) metrics = defaultdict(lambda: list()) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=len(self._dataset) // self._batch_size + 1, widgets=[' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ']) for i, batch in bar(enumerate(self._batches)): inputs = self._dataset[i * self._batch_size:(i + 1) * self._batch_size] predictions = self.reader.model_module(batch, self._ports) m = self.apply_metrics(inputs, predictions) for k in self._metrics: metrics[k].append(m[k]) metrics = self.combine_metrics(metrics) super().add_to_history(metrics, self._iter, epoch) printmetrics = sorted(metrics.keys()) res = "Epoch %d\tIter %d\ttotal %d" % (epoch, self._iter, self._total) for m in printmetrics: res += '\t%s: %.3f' % (m, metrics[m]) self.update_summary(self._iter, self._info + '_' + m, metrics[m]) if self._write_metrics_to is not None: with open(self._write_metrics_to, 'a') as f: f.write("{0} {1} {2:.5}\n".format(datetime.now(), self._info + '_' + m, np.round(metrics[m], 5))) res += '\t' + self._info logger.info(res) if self._side_effect is not None: self._side_effect_state = self._side_effect(metrics, self._side_effect_state)
def __init__(self, nbytes, nfiles): self._total_bytes = nbytes self._pending_files = nfiles self._transferring_files = 0 self._complete_files = 0 self._lock = Lock() self._data = {} widgets = ['Progress: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(left='[',right=']'), ' ', Timer(format='Time: %s'), ' ', FileTransferSpeed()] if self._total_bytes > 0: self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self._total_bytes).start() else: self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=nfiles).start()
def create_app(load_db=True, populate_qr_cache=True, progressbar=False): # Set up logging log_level = os.environ.get('AF_LOGGING_LEVEL', None) if log_level is not None: log_levels = ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL') if log_level.upper() in log_levels: log_level = getattr(log, log_level) log.basicConfig(level=log_level) else: log.warning('Invalid log level: {}'.format(log_level.upper())) else: log.warning('No log level set, using default level.') log.info('Creating Flask application') app = Flask(__name__) app.register_blueprint(root) # Now load the database if requested if load_db: from . import database_handler as dh log.info('Loading database.') dh.get_database() # This loads the database into memory. log.info('Database loaded.') if populate_qr_cache: if progressbar: from progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, Timer, ETA pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Populating QR cache: ', Bar(), ' ', Timer(), ' ', ETA()]) kwargs = {'pbar': pbar} else: log.info('Populating QR cache.') kwargs = {} from .cache_utils import populate_qr_cache populate_qr_cache(**kwargs) return app
def createSQL(table,values,name='insert'): ''' Generate the SQL insert line, breaking each insert to up to ~1k values and up to ~1k insert's (~1M values total for each SQL file) ''' logger.info('Generating SQL file') queryInsert='INSERT INTO %s (itemid,clock,num,value_min,value_avg,value_max) VALUES' % table i=0 # Controls the progress bar x=0 # Controls number of inserts in one line y=0 # Controls number of lines in one file z=0 # Controls number of file name valuesLen=values.__len__() sqlFile='%s.sql.%d' % (name,z) logger.debug('Total itens for %s: %d' % (name,valuesLen)) if valuesLen > 0: bar=ProgressBar(maxval=valuesLen,widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() for value in values: i+=1 x+=1 if x != 1: # First line only sqlInsert='%s,%s' % (sqlInsert,value) else: sqlInsert=value if y >= 1000: # If there is more than 1k lines, write to new file z+=1 y=0 if x >= 1000 or i == valuesLen: # If there is more than 1k values or we finished our list, write to file sqlFile='%s.sql.%d' % (name,z) fileAppend(f=sqlFile,content='%s %s;\n' % (queryInsert,sqlInsert)) x=0 y+=1 sqlInsert='' if args.loglevel.upper() != 'DEBUG': # Dont print progressbar if in debug mode bar.update(i) bar.finish() else: logger.warning('No values received')
def discovery_disable_all(status=0): """ Alterar status de todos os discoveries *auto* Status 0 = enable Status 1 = disable """ logger.info('Disabling all network discoveries') druleids = zapi.drule.get(output=[ 'druleid', 'iprange', 'name', 'proxy_hostid', 'status' ], selectDChecks='extend', filter={ 'status': 0 }) if ( druleids.__len__() == 0 ): logger.info('Done') return bar = ProgressBar(maxval=druleids.__len__(),widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() i = 0 for x in druleids: params_disable = { 'druleid': x['druleid'], 'iprange': x['iprange'], 'name': x['name'], 'dchecks': x['dchecks'], 'status': 1 } out = zapi.drule.update(**params_disable) logger.echo = False if out: logger.debug('\tNew status: %s (%s) --> %d' % (x['name'],out['druleids'],status)) else: logger.warning('\tFAILED to change status: %s (%s) --> %d' % (x['name'],out['druleids'],status)) i += 1 bar.update(i) logger.echo = True bar.finish() logger.info('Done') return
def desabilitaItensNaoSuportados(): query = { "output": "extend", "filter": { "state": 1 }, "monitored": True } filtro = raw_input('Qual a busca para key_? [NULL = ENTER] ') if filtro.__len__() > 0: query['search']={'key_': filtro} limite = raw_input('Qual o limite de itens? [NULL = ENTER] ') if limite.__len__() > 0: try: query['limit']=int(limite) except: print 'Limite invalido' raw_input("Pressione ENTER para voltar") main() opcao = raw_input("Confirma operação? [s/n]") if opcao == 's' or opcao == 'S': itens = zapi.item.get(query) print 'Encontramos {} itens'.format(itens.__len__()) bar = ProgressBar(maxval=itens.__len__(),widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() i = 0 for x in itens: result = zapi.item.update({"itemid": x['itemid'], "status": 1}) i += 1 bar.update(i) bar.finish() print "Itens desabilitados!!!" raw_input("Pressione ENTER para continuar") main()
def find_samples_bounding_rect(path): min_w = 0 min_h = 0 print ('finding bounding box:') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=num_classes*num_samples, widgets=[ ' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ', ]) bar.start() counter = 0 for i in range(1, num_classes + 1): for j in range(1, num_samples + 1): filename = '{0}/Sample{1:03d}/img{1:03d}-{2:03d}.png'.format(path, i, j) # opencv read -> Gray Image -> Bounding Rect im = cv2.imread(filename) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgray = cv2.bitwise_not(imgray) _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(imgray, cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) _, _, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contours[len(contours) - 1]) # find maximum resolution min_w = max(min_w, w) min_h = max(min_h, h) # update progress bar counter = counter + 1 bar.update(counter) bar.finish() return min_w, min_h
def _init_pbar(self, ini_val, max_val, label): self._pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( min_value=0, max_value=max_val, initial_value=ini_val, widgets=[ label, progressbar.Percentage(), '(', progressbar.SimpleProgress(), ')', progressbar.Bar(), progressbar.Timer(), ' ', '|', progressbar.ETA(), ] ) self._pbar.start()
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): """Load the CHEMDNER corpus file on the dir element""" # open filename and parse lines total_lines = sum(1 for line in open(self.path)) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_lines).start() n_lines = 1 time_per_abs = [] with io.open(self.path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as inputfile: for line in inputfile: t = time.time() # each line is PMID title abs tsv = line.split('\t') doctext = tsv[1].strip().replace("<", "(").replace(">", ")").replace(". ", ", ") + ". " doctext += tsv[2].strip().replace("<", "(").replace(">", ")") newdoc = Document(doctext, process=False, did=tsv[0], title=tsv[1].strip() + ".") newdoc.sentence_tokenize("biomedical") if process: newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) pbar.update(n_lines) n_lines += 1 pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): total_lines = sum(1 for line in open(self.path)) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_lines, redirect_stdout=True).start() time_per_abs = [] with codecs.open(self.path, 'r', "utf-8") as trainfile: current = 0 for line in trainfile: #logging.debug('%s:%s/%s', f, current + 1, total) x = line.strip().split(" ") did = x[0] doctext = " ".join(x[1:]) newdoc = Document(doctext, process=False, did=did) #newdoc.sentence_tokenize("biomedical") sid = did + ".s0" newdoc.sentences.append(Sentence(doctext, offset=0, sid=sid, did=did)) if process: newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc # abs_time = time.time() - t # time_per_abs.append(abs_time) #logging.info("%s sentences, %ss processing time" % (len(newdoc.sentences), abs_time)) pbar.update(current+1) current += 1 pbar.finish() # abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) # logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): soup = BeautifulSoup(codecs.open(self.path, 'r', "utf-8"), 'html.parser') docs = soup.find_all("article") widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(docs)).start() n_lines = 1 time_per_abs = [] for doc in docs: did = "GENIA" + doc.articleinfo.bibliomisc.text.split(":")[1] title = doc.title.sentence.get_text() sentences = doc.abstract.find_all("sentence") doc_sentences = [] doc_text = title + " " doc_offset = 0 for si, s in enumerate(sentences): t = time.time() stext = s.get_text() sid = did + ".s" + str(si) doc_text += stext + " " this_sentence = Sentence(stext, offset=doc_offset, sid=sid, did=did) doc_offset = len(doc_text) doc_sentences.append(this_sentence) newdoc = Document(doc_text, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentences = doc_sentences[:] newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") #logging.info(len(newdoc.sentences)) self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) logging.debug("%s sentences, %ss processing time" % (len(newdoc.sentences), abs_time)) pbar.update(n_lines) n_lines += 1 pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): # self.path is just one file with every document time_per_abs = [] with open(self.path, 'r') as xml: t = time.time() root = ET.fromstring(xml.read()) all_docs = root.findall("document") widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(all_docs)).start() for i, doc in enumerate(all_docs): doctext = "" did = doc.get('id') doc_sentences = [] # get the sentences of this document doc_offset = 0 # offset of the current sentence relative to the document for sentence in doc.findall('sentence'): sid = sentence.get('id') #logging.info(sid) text = sentence.get('text') #text = text.replace('\r\n', ' ') doctext += " " + text # generate the full text of this document this_sentence = Sentence(text, offset=doc_offset, sid=sid, did=did) doc_offset = len(doctext) doc_sentences.append(this_sentence) newdoc = Document(doctext, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentences = doc_sentences[:] newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) pbar.update(i+1) pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): # self.path is the base directory of the files of this corpus trainfiles = [self.path + '/' + f for f in os.listdir(self.path) if f.endswith('.txt')] total = len(trainfiles) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total, redirect_stdout=True).start() time_per_abs = [] for current, f in enumerate(trainfiles): #logging.debug('%s:%s/%s', f, current + 1, total) print '{}:{}/{}'.format(f, current + 1, total) did = f.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1] t = time.time() with io.open(f, 'r', encoding='utf8') as txt: doctext = txt.read() newdoc = Document(doctext, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentence_tokenize("biomedical") if process: newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) #logging.info("%s sentences, %ss processing time" % (len(newdoc.sentences), abs_time)) pbar.update(current+1) pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): # self.path is the base directory of the files of this corpus trainfiles = [self.path + '/' + f for f in os.listdir(self.path) if f.endswith('.txt')] total = len(trainfiles) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total, redirect_stdout=True).start() time_per_abs = [] for current, f in enumerate(trainfiles): #logging.debug('%s:%s/%s', f, current + 1, total) print '{}:{}/{}'.format(f, current + 1, total) did = f.split(".")[0] t = time.time() with io.open(f, 'r', encoding='utf8') as txt: doctext = txt.read() newdoc = Document(doctext, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentence_tokenize("biomedical") if process: newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) #logging.info("%s sentences, %ss processing time" % (len(newdoc.sentences), abs_time)) pbar.update(current+1) pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): trainfiles = [self.path + '/' + f for f in os.listdir(self.path)] total = len(trainfiles) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total, redirect_stdout=True).start() time_per_abs = [] for current, f in enumerate(trainfiles): #logging.debug('%s:%s/%s', f, current + 1, total) print '{}:{}/{}'.format(f, current + 1, total) did = f t = time.time() with open(f, 'r') as f: article = "<Article>" + f.read() + "</Article>" soup = BeautifulSoup(article, 'xml') #doc = soup.find_all("article") title = soup.ArticleTitle.get_text() abstract = soup.AbstractText.get_text() doc_text = title + " " + abstract newdoc = Document(doc_text, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentence_tokenize("biomedical") newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") #logging.info(len(newdoc.sentences)) self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc abs_time = time.time() - t time_per_abs.append(abs_time) logging.debug("%s sentences, %ss processing time" % (len(newdoc.sentences), abs_time)) pbar.update(current) pbar.finish() abs_avg = sum(time_per_abs)*1.0/len(time_per_abs) logging.info("average time per abstract: %ss" % abs_avg)
def __init__(self): self.lines = [] self.line_acc = [] self.duration = None self.source = None self.started = False self.pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ lambda w, d: self.source, ' ', progressbar.AnimatedMarker( markers="—/|\\", ), progressbar.Bar( marker='?', fill='?', left=' ?', right='? ', ), progressbar.Percentage( '%(percentage)3d% % ' ), progressbar.Timer( format='(%(elapsed)s / ' ), AbsoluteTimeETA( format='%(eta)s)', format_finished='%(elapsed)s', format_not_started='--:--:--' ), ])
def update(content_type, reload_metadata, path): """ Add a specific path to the databases, loading all content and updating the database where necessary. The path at PATH will be recursively searched for data. """ import os from . import database_handler as dh from .resolver import Resolver from progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, Timer, ETA def pbar(msg): return ProgressBar(widgets=[msg, ' ', Bar(), ' ', Timer(), ' ', ETA()]) # If this is a relative path, interpret it as relative to the base # media path, not the cwd. path = Resolver().resolve_media(path).path if content_type in ('b', 'books'): updater = dh.BookDatabaseUpdater(path) else: raise ValueError('Unknown type {}'.format(utype)) print('Loading database') db = dh.load_database() print('Loading all new entries.') updater.update_db_entries(db) dh.save_database(db) # Save as we progress print('Loading books associated with entries.') updater.assign_books_to_entries(db) dh.save_database(db) updater.update_book_metadata(db, pbar=pbar('Loading book metadata:'), reload_metadata=reload_metadata) dh.save_database(db) print('Updating author database') updater.update_author_db(db) dh.save_database(db) print('Updating book covers') updater.update_cover_images(db) dh.save_database(db)
def __init__(self, present, past=None, max_value=1, vars=None, **kwargs): self.present = present self.sub_bar = None self.finished = None if past is None: past = present self.msg_bar = MessageBar( msg=present, finish_msg="%s finished in" % past) widgets = [self.msg_bar, " "] if max_value is None: widgets.append(progressbar.Timer(format="%(elapsed)s")) else: widgets.append(progressbar.ETA( format="ETA: %(eta)s", format_finished="%(elapsed)s")) if vars is not None: self.var_vals = progressbar.FormatCustomText( " (" + ", ".join("%s: %%(%s)s" % (v, v) for v in vars) + ")", {v: "---" for v in vars}) widgets.append(self.var_vals) else: self.var_vals = None def update_thread(): while not self.finished: if self.sub_bar is None or self.sub_bar.finished: self.update() time.sleep(0.001) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=update_thread) self.thread.daemon = True if max_value is None: max_value = progressbar.UnknownLength super(ProgressBar, self).__init__( poll_interval=0.1, widgets=widgets, fd=sys.stdout, max_value=max_value, **kwargs)
def main(): ''' Controls general flow of operations ''' # If it exists, use the cached data of hosts and items if (os.path.isfile(move_items_file)): with open(move_items_file) as infile: hosts=json.load(infile) logger.info('Cache loaded from file (%s)' % move_items_file) else: hosts=getItems() with open(move_items_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(hosts, outfile) logger.info('Cache written to file (%s)' % move_items_file) for host in hosts: logger.info('Geting trends data of host: %s' % host['name']) host['trends']=list() host['trends_uint']=list() if host['itens'].__len__() > 0: bar=ProgressBar(maxval=host['itens'].__len__(),widgets=[Percentage(), ReverseBar(), ETA(), RotatingMarker(), Timer()]).start() i=0 for item in host['itens']: temp=getTrends(hostname=host['name'],item=item) i+=1 if args.loglevel.upper() != 'DEBUG': bar.update(i) if temp['table'] == 'trends': for value in temp['values']: host['trends'].append('(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)' % (int(item['itemid']), int(value[1]), int(value[2]), int(value[3]), int(value[4]), int(value[5]))) elif temp['table'] == 'trends_uint': for value in temp['values']: host['trends_uint'].append('(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)' % (int(item['itemid']), int(value[1]), int(value[2]), int(value[3]), int(value[4]), int(value[5]))) else: logger.warning('Unknown value type: %s' % temp['table']) bar.finish() ''' Now, we send in blocks of up to ~1M values to generate the SQL files ''' if host['trends'].__len__() > 0: createSQL(table='trends',values=host['trends'],name=host['name']) elif host['trends_uint'].__len__() > 0: createSQL(table='trends_uint',values=host['trends_uint'],name=host['name']) else: logger.warning('No data from %s found to be sent.' % host['name']) # Start DB connection
def load_corpus(self, corenlpserver, process=True): widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] nlines = 0 with open(self.path) as f: for nlines, l in enumerate(f): pass print nlines pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=nlines).start() with codecs.open(self.path, 'r', "utf-8") as corpusfile: doc_text = "" sentences = [] for i,l in enumerate(corpusfile): if l.startswith("###"): # new doc if doc_text != "": logging.debug("creating document: {}".format(doc_text)) newdoc = Document(doc_text, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentences = sentences[:] newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") # logging.info(len(newdoc.sentences)) self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc doc_text = "" did = "JNLPBA" + l.strip().split(":")[-1] logging.debug("starting new document:" + did) sentence_text = "" doc_offset = 0 sentences = [] elif l.strip() == "" and sentence_text != "": # new sentence #logging.debug("creating mew sentence: {}".format(sentence_text)) sid = did + ".s" + str(len(sentences)) this_sentence = Sentence(sentence_text, offset=doc_offset, sid=sid, did=did) doc_offset += len(sentence_text) + 1 doc_text += sentence_text + " " sentences.append(this_sentence) if i == nlines: logging.debug("creating document: {}".format(doc_text)) newdoc = Document(doc_text, process=False, did=did) newdoc.sentences = sentences[:] newdoc.process_document(corenlpserver, "biomedical") # logging.info(len(newdoc.sentences)) self.documents[newdoc.did] = newdoc doc_text = "" # start new sentence sentence_text = "" else: #logging.debug(str(i) + "/" + str(l)) t = l.strip().split("\t") if sentence_text != "": sentence_text += " " #if t[1] == "B-protein" sentence_text += t[0] pbar.update(i) pbar.finish()
def load_annotations(self, ann_dir, etype, ptype): trainfiles = [ann_dir + '/' + f for f in os.listdir(self.path)] total = len(trainfiles) widgets = [pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.AdaptiveETA(), ' ', pb.Timer()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total, redirect_stdout=True).start() time_per_abs = [] for current, f in enumerate(trainfiles): # logging.debug('%s:%s/%s', f, current + 1, total) print '{}:{}/{}'.format(f, current + 1, total) did = f with open(f, 'r') as f: article = "<Article>" + f.read() + "</Article>" soup = BeautifulSoup(article, 'xml') title = soup.ArticleTitle abstract = soup.AbstractText title_text = title.get_text() abstract_text = abstract.get_text() abs_offset = len(title.get_text()) + 1 title_entities = title.find_all("prot", recursive=False) abs_entities = abstract.find_all("prot", recursive=False) lastindex = 0 for ei, e in enumerate(title_entities): estart = title_text.find(e.text, lastindex) eend = estart + len(e.text) etext = title_text[estart:eend] #print etext, estart, eend, self.documents[did].text this_sentence = self.documents[did].find_sentence_containing(estart, eend, chemdner=False) eid = this_sentence.tag_entity(estart, eend, "protein", text=e.text) if eid is None: print "did not add this entity: {}".format(e.text) # print e.text lastindex = estart lastindex = 0 for ei, e in enumerate(abs_entities): estart = abstract_text.find(e.text, lastindex) eend = estart + len(e.text) etext = self.documents[did].text[estart:eend] # logging.info("{} - {}".format(lastindex, e.text)) #logging.info(estart) #logging.info("{} + {} {}: {}-{}: {}".format(abstract_text.find(e.text, lastindex), abs_offset, e.text, estart, # eend, "-".join([str(s.offset) for s in self.documents[did].sentences]))) #logging.info(abstract_text) this_sentence = self.documents[did].find_sentence_containing(estart + abs_offset, eend + abs_offset, chemdner=False) eid = this_sentence.tag_entity(estart + abs_offset - this_sentence.offset , eend + abs_offset - this_sentence.offset, "protein", text=e.text) if eid is None: print "did not add this entity: {}".format(e.text) # print e.text lastindex = estart #for s in all_entities: # print s, len(all_entities[s])