def _data_format(self, x): """The data types in numpy needs to be mapped to the equivalent type in portaudio. This is an issue for 24 bit audio files since there isn't a 24 bit data type in numpy. This is currently not implemented. There are some options on how to do this. We could for example use a 32 bit int and store the 24 bits either so that bits 1 to 8 is set to zeroes or so that bits 25 to 32 is set to zeros. """ retval = None if x.samples.dtype == np.dtype(np.float32): self._logger.debug("pyaudio.paFloat32") retval = pyaudio.paFloat32 elif x.samples.dtype == np.dtype(np.int16): self._logger.debug("pyaudio.paInt16") retval = pyaudio.paInt16 elif x.samples.dtype == np.dtype(np.int32): self._logger.debug("pyaudio.paInt32") retval = pyaudio.paInt32 else: raise NotImplementedError("Data type not understood: %s" %x.samples.dtype) return retval
def record(record_len): # in second if p is None or idx is None: init() # Constant area. These are put inside because this function will not be in main thread. channels = 6 rate = 48000 chunk = 1200 # Bit depth and max value goes together. record_format, numpy_format = pyaudio.paInt32, numpy.int32 stream = p.open(format=record_format, channels=channels, rate=rate, input=True, input_device_index=idx, frames_per_buffer=chunk) print('Begin recording...') wave_data = numpy.empty((channels, 0), dtype=numpy_format) for i in range(0, int(rate / chunk * record_len)): data = stream.read(chunk, exception_on_overflow=False) np_tmp = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype=numpy_format) np_tmp = numpy.reshape(np_tmp, (chunk, channels)) np_tmp = np_tmp.transpose() wave_data = numpy.append(wave_data, np_tmp, axis=1) stream.stop_stream() stream.close() return rate, wave_data, pos
def _recreate_outputter(self): if self.samp_queue: self.play(None) self.samp_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.queue_size) stream_ready = threading.Event() def audio_thread(): audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() try: audio_format = audio.get_format_from_width(self.samplewidth) if self.samplewidth != 4 else pyaudio.paInt32 self.stream = audio.open(format=audio_format, channels=self.nchannels, rate=self.samplerate, output=True) stream_ready.set() q = self.samp_queue try: while True: sample = q.get() if not sample: break sample.write_frames(self.stream) if self.played_callback: self.played_callback(sample) if q.empty(): time.sleep(sample.duration) self.all_played.set() finally: self.stream.close() self.all_played.set() finally: audio.terminate() outputter = threading.Thread(target=audio_thread, name="audio-pyaudio", daemon=True) outputter.start() stream_ready.wait()
def _apiai_stt(self): from math import log import audioop import pyaudio import time resampler = apiai.Resampler(source_samplerate=settings['RATE']) request = self.ai.voice_request() vad = apiai.VAD() def callback(in_data, frame_count): frames, data = resampler.resample(in_data, frame_count) if settings.show_decibels: decibel = 20 * log(audioop.rms(data, 2) + 1, 10) click.echo(decibel) state = vad.processFrame(frames) request.send(data) state_signal = pyaudio.paContinue if state == 1 else pyaudio.paComplete return in_data, state_signal p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt32, input=True, output=False, stream_callback=callback, channels=settings['CHANNELS'], rate=settings['RATE'], frames_per_buffer=settings['CHUNK']) stream.start_stream() click.echo("Speak!") while stream.is_active(): time.sleep(0.1) stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate()