Python pydub.AudioSegment 模块,from_wav() 实例源码


项目:knuverse-sdk-python    作者:KnuVerse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _words_list_to_file(anim_words):
    Creates an audio file from the words specified in the given list
    anim_files = [os.path.join(
        word.lower() + ".wav"
        for word in anim_words

    out_audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(anim_files[0])
    for word_file in anim_files[1:]:
        out_audio += AudioSegment.from_wav(word_file)
    out_file = out_audio.export("/tmp/file.wav", format="wav")

    return "/tmp/file.wav"
项目:rr_tools    作者:mitmedialab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cut_audio(line):
    ''' cuts the audio file at the specified start and stop times,
    and then exports to the desiginated output folder
    line format: [AUDIO_FILE_NAME, START, STOP]
    audio_file_name = line[0]
    file_type = audio_file_name[-4:]

    if file_type == '.wav':
        audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(args.in_dir + audio_file_name)
        cut = audio[cvt_time(line[1]):cvt_time(line[2])]
        #create name for cut audio file
        file_num = get_num(audio_file_name)
        cut_name = audio_file_name[0:-4] + '_cut_%d' % file_num + '.wav'
        #export to output folder
        cut.export(args.out_dir + cut_name, format="wav")
        print('---> ' + cut_name + '\n')
    elif file_type == '.mp3':
        audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(args.in_dir + audio_file_name)
        cut = audio[cvt_time(line[1]):cvt_time(line[2])]
        #create name for cut audio file
        file_num = get_num(audio_file_name)
        cut_name = audio_file_name[0:-4] + '_cut_%d' % file_num + '.mp3'
        #export to output folder
        cut.export(args.out_dir + cut_name, format="mp3")
        print('---> ' + cut_name + '\n')
        #error, incompatible file type
        print('**** ' + audio_file_name + ' caused an error')
        print('**** ' + file_type + ' incompatible file type')
        print('**** skipping file\n')
项目:typecaster    作者:nbedi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_text_to_speech(self):

        text = ('hello')

        audio = utils.text_to_speech(text=text, synthesizer=self.synthesizer, synth_args=self.synth_args, sentence_break='. ')
        sample = AudioSegment.from_wav('tests/test_files/test.wav')
        audio.export('.test_utils/test.mp3', format='mp3')

        self.assertEquals(len(audio), len(sample))
项目:typecaster    作者:nbedi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_text_to_speech_sentence_break(self):

        text = ('hello ' * 51)

        audio = utils.text_to_speech(text=text, synthesizer=self.synthesizer, synth_args=self.synth_args, sentence_break=' ')
        sample = AudioSegment.from_wav('tests/test_files/test.wav')

        self.assertGreater(len(audio), len(sample) * 50)
项目:audio-tagging-toolkit    作者:hipstas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tags_to_wav(media_path,out_dir,tag_pairs):
    if media_path.lower()[-4:] not in ('.mp3','.wav'):     # Creates a temporary WAV
        wav_source=False                         # if input is MP4
        audio_path='/var/tmp/'+temp_filename   # Pathname for temp WAV['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', media_path, audio_path]) # '-y' option overwrites existing file if present
        if audio_path[-4:].lower()=='.mp3':
            song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio_path)
            song = AudioSegment.from_wav(audio_path)

    except Exception as inst:

    for pair in tag_pairs:
        start = pair[0]
        duration = pair[1]-pair[0]
        start_msec = float(start) * 1000.0
        duration_msec = float(duration) * 1000
        if not os.path.exists(clip_pathname):
            clip_data = song[start_msec:start_msec+duration_msec]
            clip_data.export(clip_pathname, format="wav")
项目:audio-tagging-toolkit    作者:hipstas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def excerpt_segments(segments_df,inputfile,out_dir,mono):
        song = AudioSegment.from_wav(inputfile)
        return "ERROR: "+inputfile+" can't be found."
    start = float(segments_df[segments_df['Names']=="<START>"]['Instants'])
    end = float(segments_df[segments_df['Names']=="<END>"]['Instants'])
    start_msec = start * 1000.0
    end_msec = end * 1000
    clip_data = song[start_msec:end_msec]
    if mono==True:
    clip_data.export(clip_pathname, format="wav", parameters=["-ar 48000", "-acodec pcm_s24le"])
项目:eva    作者:edouardpoitras    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def play(filepath, content_type='audio/wav'):
    Will attempt to play various audio file types (wav, ogg, mp3).
    if 'wav' in content_type:
        sound = AudioSegment.from_wav(filepath)
    elif 'ogg' in content_type or 'opus' in content_type:
        sound = AudioSegment.from_ogg(filepath)
    elif 'mp3' in content_type or 'mpeg' in content_type:
        sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(filepath)
项目:HanTTS    作者:junzew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def synthesize(self, text, src, dst):
        Synthesize .wav from text
        src is the folder that contains all syllables .wav files
        dst is the destination folder to save the synthesized file
        print("Synthesizing ...")
        delay = 0
        increment = 355 # milliseconds
        pause = 500 # pause for punctuation
        syllables = lazy_pinyin(text, style=pypinyin.TONE3)

        # initialize to be complete silence, each character takes up ~500ms
        result = AudioSegment.silent(duration=500*len(text))
        for syllable in syllables:
            path = src+syllable+".wav"
            sound_file = Path(path)
            # insert 500 ms silence for punctuation marks
            if syllable in TextToSpeech.punctuation:
                short_silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=pause)
                result = result.overlay(short_silence, position=delay)
                delay += increment
            # skip sound file that doesn't exist
            if not sound_file.is_file():
            segment = AudioSegment.from_wav(path)
            result = result.overlay(segment, position=delay)
            delay += increment

        directory = dst
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        result.export(directory+"generated.wav", format="wav")
项目:typecaster    作者:nbedi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def text_to_speech(text, synthesizer, synth_args, sentence_break):
    Converts given text to a pydub AudioSegment using a specified speech
    synthesizer. At the moment, IBM Watson's text-to-speech API is the only
    available synthesizer.

    :param text:
        The text that will be synthesized to audio.
    :param synthesizer:
        The text-to-speech synthesizer to use.  At the moment, 'watson' is the
        only available input.
    :param synth_args:
        A dictionary of arguments to pass to the synthesizer. Parameters for
        authorization (username/password) should be passed here.
    :param sentence_break:
        A string that identifies a sentence break or another logical break in
        the text. Necessary for text longer than 50 words. Defaults to '. '.
    if len(text.split()) < 50:
        if synthesizer == 'watson':
            with open('.temp.wav', 'wb') as temp:
                temp.write(watson_request(text=text, synth_args=synth_args).content)
            response = AudioSegment.from_wav('.temp.wav')
            return response
            raise ValueError('"' + synthesizer + '" synthesizer not found.')
        segments = []
        for i, sentence in enumerate(text.split(sentence_break)):
            if synthesizer == 'watson':
                with open('.temp' + str(i) + '.wav', 'wb') as temp:
                    temp.write(watson_request(text=sentence, synth_args=synth_args).content)
                segments.append(AudioSegment.from_wav('.temp' + str(i) + '.wav'))
                os.remove('.temp' + str(i) + '.wav')
                raise ValueError('"' + synthesizer + '" synthesizer not found.')

        response = segments[0]
        for segment in segments[1:]:
            response = response + segment

        return response
项目:Speech-Hacker    作者:ParhamP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def audio_generator(dict_dir, text, output_dest):

    with open(dict_dir + "/") as f:
        myDict = ast.literal_eval(

    textList = text.split(" ")

    mainList = []

    for i in textList:
        if i in myDict.keys():
            mainList.append(AudioSegment.from_wav(dict_dir + "/" + myDict[i]))

    # Check to see if at least one word was generated
    if mainList == []:
        raise Exception('\033[91m' + "None of the words you entered was" +
                        " spoken by your figure." + '\033[0m')

    # If a file with the default name exits, create a new name with a
    # new suffix
    res = 0
    while(os.path.exists(output_dest + "/output" + str(res) + ".wav")):
        res += 1

    mainAudio = mainList[0]

    # Concatenate selected audio words
    for i in range(1, len(mainList)):
        mainAudio += mainList[i]

    # Export the joined audio
    mainAudio.export(output_dest + '/output' + str(res) + '.wav', format="wav")

    if os.path.exists(output_dest + "/output" + str(res) + ".wav"):
        print ('\033[94m' + "Speech-Hacker: " +
               "Your audio was generated at: " + output_dest + "/output" +
               str(res) + ".wav" + '\033[0m')
        print ("Speech-Hacker: " '\033[91m' +
               "Failed to generate your requested audio." + '\033[0m')
项目:wechatvoice    作者:netcharm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wavconvert(wav, codec):
  from pydub import AudioSegment
  song = AudioSegment.from_wav(wav)

  fn = os.path.splitext(wav)
  out = fn[0]+'.'+codec

  tags = {
          'artist'  : 'Various Artists',
          'album'   : 'WeChat Voice',
          'year'    : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
          'comments': 'This album is awesome!'

  parameters = ['-q:a', '0']
  if codec.lower() == 'ogg':
    parameters = ['-q:a', '0']
  elif codec.lower() in ['mp3', 'mp2', 'mpa']:
    parameters = ['-q:a', '6']
  elif codec.lower() in ['aac', 'mp4', 'm4a']:
    parameters = ['-q:a', '0']
    codec = 'mp4'

  song.export(out, format=codec, parameters=parameters, tags=tags)
项目:audiolearning    作者:jingwang3235    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def audio_to_export(sourcepath,wavepath,start,end):

    wav = AudioSegment.from_wav(sourcepath) 

    wav[start*1000:end*1000].export(wavepath, format="wav") # ?e