def twoDimensionalScatter(title, title_x, title_y, x, y, lim_x = None, lim_y = None, color = 'b', size = 20, alpha=None): """ Create a two-dimensional scatter plot. INPUTS """ pylab.figure() pylab.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=size, alpha=alpha, edgecolors='none') pylab.xlabel(title_x) pylab.ylabel(title_y) pylab.title(title) if type(color) is not str: pylab.colorbar() if lim_x: pylab.xlim(lim_x[0], lim_x[1]) if lim_y: pylab.ylim(lim_y[0], lim_y[1]) ############################################################
def view_dataset(X, color='blue', title=None, save=None): n_components = 2 pca = PCA(n_components) pca.fit(X) x = pca.transform(X) fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=color, s=5, lw=0.1) ax.grid(True) if title is None: ax.set_title("Dataset ({} samples)".format(X.shape[0])) else: ax.set_title(title + " ({} samples)".format(X.shape[0])) ax.set_xlabel("1st component") ax.set_ylabel("2nd component") if save is None: pylab.show() else: pylab.savefig(save) pylab.close(fig) return
def view_loss_curve(losss, title=None, save=None): '''Plot loss curve''' x_min = 1 x_max = len(losss) - 1 fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.semilogy(range(x_min, x_max + 1), losss[1:], color='blue', linestyle='solid') ax.grid(True, which='both') if title is None: ax.set_title("Loss curve") else: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("iteration") ax.set_ylabel("loss") ax.set_xlim([x_min - 1, x_max + 1]) if save is None: pylab.show() else: pylab.savefig(save) pylab.close(fig) return
def display_results_figure(results, METRIC): import pylab as pb color = iter(pb.cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(results)))) plots = [] for method in results.keys(): x = [] y = [] for train_perc in sorted(results[method].keys()): x.append(train_perc) y.append(results[method][train_perc][0]) c = next(color) (pi, ) = pb.plot(x, y, color=c) plots.append(pi) from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('small') pb.legend(plots, map(method_name_mapper, results.keys()), prop=fontP, bbox_to_anchor=(0.6, .65)) pb.xlabel('#Tweets from target rumour for training') pb.ylabel('Accuracy') pb.title(METRIC.__name__) pb.savefig('incrementing_training_size.png')
def predicted_vs_actual_y_xgb(self, xgb, best_nrounds, xgb_params, x_train_split, x_test_split, y_train_split, y_test_split, title_name): # Split the training data into an extra set of test # x_train_split, x_test_split, y_train_split, y_test_split = train_test_split(x_train, y_train) dtrain_split = xgb.DMatrix(x_train_split, label=y_train_split) dtest_split = xgb.DMatrix(x_test_split) print(np.shape(x_train_split), np.shape(x_test_split), np.shape(y_train_split), np.shape(y_test_split)) gbdt = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain_split, best_nrounds) y_predicted = gbdt.predict(dtest_split) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.scatter(y_test_split, y_predicted, s=20) rmse_pred_vs_actual = self.rmse(y_predicted, y_test_split) plt.title(''.join([title_name, ', Predicted vs. Actual.', ' rmse = ', str(rmse_pred_vs_actual)])) plt.xlabel('Actual y') plt.ylabel('Predicted y') plt.plot([min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)], [min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)]) plt.tight_layout()
def display_pr_curve(precision, recall): # following examples from sklearn # TODO: f1 operating point import pylab as plt # Plot Precision-Recall curve plt.clf() plt.plot(recall, precision, label='Precision-Recall curve') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title('Precision-Recall example: Max f1={0:0.2f}'.format(max_f1)) plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.show()
def plotaffine(aff, RR, DD, exag=1000, affineOnly=False, doclf=True, **kwargs): import pylab as plt if doclf: plt.clf() if affineOnly: dr,dd = aff.getAffineOffset(RR, DD) else: rr,dd = aff.apply(RR, DD) dr = rr - RR dd = dd - DD #plt.plot(RR, DD, 'r.') #plt.plot(RR + dr*exag, DD + dd*exag, 'bx') plt.quiver(RR, DD, exag*dr, exag*dd, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, pivot='middle', color='b', **kwargs) #pivot='tail' ax = plt.axis() plt.plot([aff.getReferenceRa()], [aff.getReferenceDec()], 'r+', mew=2, ms=5) plt.axis(ax) esuf = '' if exag != 1.: esuf = ' (x %g)' % exag plt.title('Affine transformation found' + esuf)
def plot_rectified(self): import pylab pylab.title('rectified') pylab.imshow(self.rectified) for line in self.vlines: p0, p1 = line p0 = self.inv_transform(p0) p1 = self.inv_transform(p1) pylab.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1]), c='green') for line in self.hlines: p0, p1 = line p0 = self.inv_transform(p0) p1 = self.inv_transform(p1) pylab.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1]), c='red') pylab.axis('image'); pylab.grid(c='yellow', lw=1) pylab.plt.yticks(np.arange(0, self.l, 100.0)); pylab.xlim(0, self.w) pylab.ylim(self.l, 0)
def plot_original(self): import pylab pylab.title('original') pylab.imshow(self.data) for line in self.lines: p0, p1 = line pylab.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1]), c='blue', alpha=0.3) for line in self.vlines: p0, p1 = line pylab.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1]), c='green') for line in self.hlines: p0, p1 = line pylab.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1]), c='red') pylab.axis('image'); pylab.grid(c='yellow', lw=1) pylab.plt.yticks(np.arange(0, self.l, 100.0)); pylab.xlim(0, self.w) pylab.ylim(self.l, 0)
def plot(self): """ Plot the layer data (for debugging) :return: The current figure """ import pylab as pl aspect = self.nrows / float(self.ncols) figure_width = 6 #inches rows = max(1, int(np.sqrt(self.nlayers))) cols = int(np.ceil(self.nlayers/rows)) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences pallette = {i:rgb for (i, rgb) in enumerate(pl.cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, 4), bytes=True))} f, a = pl.subplots(rows, cols) f.set_size_inches(6 * cols, 6 * rows) a = a.flatten() for i, label in enumerate(self.label_names): pl.sca(a[i]) pl.title(label) pl.imshow(self.color_data) pl.imshow(colorize(self.label_data[:, :, i], pallette), alpha=0.5) # axis('off') return f
def plot(self, overlay_alpha=0.5): import pylab as pl rows = int(sqrt(self.layers())) cols = int(ceil(self.layers()/rows)) for i in range(rows*cols): pl.subplot(rows, cols, i+1) pl.axis('off') if i >= self.layers(): continue pl.title('{}({})'.format(self.labels[i], i)) pl.imshow(self.image) pl.imshow(colorize(self.features[i].argmax(0), colors=np.array([[0, 0, 255], [0, 255, 255], [255, 255, 0], [255, 0, 0]])), alpha=overlay_alpha)
def plotPopScore(population, fitness=False): """ Plot the population score distribution Example: >>> Interaction.plotPopScore(population) :param population: population object (:class:`GPopulation.GPopulation`) :param fitness: if True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw. :rtype: None """ score_list = getPopScores(population, fitness) pylab.plot(score_list, 'o') pylab.title("Plot of population score distribution") pylab.xlabel('Individual') pylab.ylabel('Score') pylab.grid(True) pylab.show() # -----------------------------------------------------------------
def plotHistPopScore(population, fitness=False): """ Population score distribution histogram Example: >>> Interaction.plotHistPopScore(population) :param population: population object (:class:`GPopulation.GPopulation`) :param fitness: if True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw. :rtype: None """ score_list = getPopScores(population, fitness) n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(score_list, 50, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75, normed=1) pylab.plot(bins, pylab.normpdf(bins, numpy.mean(score_list), numpy.std(score_list)), 'r--') pylab.xlabel('Score') pylab.ylabel('Frequency') pylab.grid(True) pylab.title("Plot of population score distribution") pylab.show() # -----------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_profiles(self): """ Plot TOPP profiles, e.g. for debugging. """ import pylab pylab.ion() self.topp.WriteProfilesList() self.topp.WriteSwitchPointsList() profileslist = TOPP.TOPPpy.ProfilesFromString( self.topp.resprofilesliststring) switchpointslist = TOPP.TOPPpy.SwitchPointsFromString( self.topp.switchpointsliststring) TOPP.TOPPpy.PlotProfiles(profileslist, switchpointslist) TOPP.TOPPpy.PlotAlphaBeta(self.topp) pylab.title("%s phase profile" % type(self).__name__) pylab.axis([0, 1, 0, 10])
def predicted_vs_actual_sale_price(self, x_train, y_train, title_name): # Split the training data into an extra set of test x_train_split, x_test_split, y_train_split, y_test_split = train_test_split(x_train, y_train) print(np.shape(x_train_split), np.shape(x_test_split), np.shape(y_train_split), np.shape(y_test_split)) lasso = LassoCV(alphas=[0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1], max_iter=50000, cv=10) # lasso = RidgeCV(alphas=[0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, # 0.3, 0.6, 1], cv=10) lasso.fit(x_train_split, y_train_split) y_predicted = lasso.predict(X=x_test_split) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.scatter(y_test_split, y_predicted, s=20) rmse_pred_vs_actual = self.rmse(y_predicted, y_test_split) plt.title(''.join([title_name, ', Predicted vs. Actual.', ' rmse = ', str(rmse_pred_vs_actual)])) plt.xlabel('Actual Sale Price') plt.ylabel('Predicted Sale Price') plt.plot([min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)], [min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)]) plt.tight_layout()
def predicted_vs_actual_sale_price_xgb(self, xgb_params, x_train, y_train, seed, title_name): # Split the training data into an extra set of test x_train_split, x_test_split, y_train_split, y_test_split = train_test_split(x_train, y_train) dtrain_split = xgb.DMatrix(x_train_split, label=y_train_split) dtest_split = xgb.DMatrix(x_test_split) res = xgb.cv(xgb_params, dtrain_split, num_boost_round=1000, nfold=4, seed=seed, stratified=False, early_stopping_rounds=25, verbose_eval=10, show_stdv=True) best_nrounds = res.shape[0] - 1 print(np.shape(x_train_split), np.shape(x_test_split), np.shape(y_train_split), np.shape(y_test_split)) gbdt = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain_split, best_nrounds) y_predicted = gbdt.predict(dtest_split) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.scatter(y_test_split, y_predicted, s=20) rmse_pred_vs_actual = self.rmse(y_predicted, y_test_split) plt.title(''.join([title_name, ', Predicted vs. Actual.', ' rmse = ', str(rmse_pred_vs_actual)])) plt.xlabel('Actual Sale Price') plt.ylabel('Predicted Sale Price') plt.plot([min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)], [min(y_test_split), max(y_test_split)]) plt.tight_layout()
def check_acf(df): df_num = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.float, np.int]) for index in df_num.columns: plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) if index in ['LOG_BULL_RETURN', 'LOG_BEAR_RETURN','RTISf', 'TOTAL_SCANNED_MESSAGES_DIFF', 'TOTAL_SENTIMENT_MESSAGES_DIFF']: fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(df_num[index][1:],lags=40) plt.title(index) elif index in ['LOG_BULL_BEAR_RATIO']: fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(df_num[index][2:],lags=40) plt.title(index) else: fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(df_num[index],lags=40) plt.title(index) return fig # check adf test
def show_results(self): pl.plot(self.t1, self.n_A1, 'b--', label='A1: Time Step = 0.05') pl.plot(self.t1, self.n_B1, 'b', label='B1: Time Step = 0.05') pl.plot(self.t2, self.n_A2, 'g--', label='A2: Time Step = 0.1') pl.plot(self.t2, self.n_B2, 'g', label='B2: Time Step = 0.1') pl.plot(self.t1, self.n_A1_true, 'r--', label='True A1: Time Step = 0.05') pl.plot(self.t1, self.n_B1_true, 'r', label='True B1: Time Step = 0.05') pl.plot(self.t2, self.n_A2_true, 'c--', label='True A2: Time Step = 0.1') pl.plot(self.t2, self.n_B2_true, 'c', label='True B2: Time Step = 0.1') pl.title('Double Decay Probelm-Approximation Compared with True in Defferent Time Steps') pl.xlim(0.0, 0.1) pl.ylim(0.0, 100.0) pl.xlabel('time ($s$)') pl.ylabel('Number of Nuclei') pl.legend(loc='best', shadow=True, fontsize='small') pl.grid(True) pl.savefig("computational_physics homework 4(improved-7).png")
def show(self): # pl.semilogy(self.theta, self.omega) # , label = '$L =%.1f m, $'%self.l + '$dt = %.2f s, $'%self.dt + '$\\theta_0 = %.2f radians, $'%self.theta[0] + '$q = %i, $'%self.q + '$F_D = %.2f, $'%self.F_D + '$\\Omega_D = %.1f$'%self.Omega_D) pl.plot(self.theta_phase ,self.omega_phase, '.', label = '$t \\approx 2\\pi n / \\Omega_D$') pl.xlabel('$\\theta$ (radians)') pl.ylabel('$\\omega$ (radians/s)') pl.legend() # pl.text(-1.4, 0.3, '$\\omega$ versus $\\theta$ $F_D = 1.2$', fontsize = 'x-large') pl.title('Chaotic Regime') # pl.show() # pl.semilogy(self.time_array, self.delta) # pl.legend(loc = 'upper center', fontsize = 'small') # pl.xlabel('$time (s)$') # pl.ylabel('$\\Delta\\theta (radians)$') # pl.xlim(0, self.T) # pl.ylim(float(input('ylim-: ')),float(input('ylim+: '))) # pl.ylim(1E-11, 0.01) # pl.text(4, -0.15, 'nonlinear pendulum - Euler-Cromer method') # pl.text(10, 1E-3, '$\\Delta\\theta versus time F_D = 0.5$') # pl.title('Simple Harmonic Motion') pl.title('Chaotic Regime')
def show_log(self): # pl.subplot(121) pl.semilogy(self.time_array, self.delta, 'c') pl.xlabel('$time (s)$') pl.ylabel('$\\Delta\\theta$ (radians)') pl.xlim(0, self.T) # pl.ylim(1E-11, 0.01) pl.text(42, 1E-7, '$\\Delta\\theta$ versus time $F_D = 1.2$', fontsize = 'x-large') pl.title('Chaotic Regime') pl.show() # def show_log_sub122(self): # pl.subplot(122) # pl.semilogy(self.time_array, self.delta, 'g') # pl.xlabel('$time (s)$') # pl.ylabel('$\\Delta\\theta$ (radians)') # pl.xlim(0, self.T) # pl.ylim(1E-6, 100) # pl.text(20, 1E-5, '$\\Delta\\theta$ versus time $F_D = 1.2$', fontsize = 'x-large') # pl.title('Chaotic Regime') # pl.show()
def show_complex(self): font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'k', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, } pl.title('The Trajectory of Tageted Baseball\n with air flow in adiabatic model', fontdict = font) pl.plot(self.x, self.y, label = '$v_0 = %.5f m/s$'%self.v0 + ', ' + '$\\theta = %.4f \degree$'%self.theta) pl.xlabel('x $m$') pl.ylabel('y $m$') pl.xlim(0, 300) pl.ylim(-100, 20) pl.grid() pl.legend(loc = 'upper right', shadow = True, fontsize = 'small') pl.text(15, -90, 'scan to approach the minimum velocity and corresponding launching angle', fontdict = font) pl.show()
def show_simple(self): font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'k', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, } pl.title('The Trajectory of Tageted Baseball\n with air flow in adiabatic model', fontdict = font) pl.plot(self.x, self.y, label ='$\\alpha = %.0f \degree$'%self.alpha) pl.xlabel('x $m$') pl.ylabel('y $m$') pl.xlim(0, 400) pl.ylim(-100, 200) pl.grid() pl.legend(loc = 'upper right', shadow = True, fontsize = 'medium') pl.text(5, -80, 'trojectories varing with angles of wind', fontdict = font) pl.show()
def show_results(self): font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'k', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 14, } pl.plot(self.x, self.y, 'c', label='firing angle = 45°') pl.title('The Trajectory of a Cannon Shell', fontdict = font) pl.xlabel('x (k$m$)') pl.ylabel('y ($km$)') pl.xlim(0, 60) pl.ylim(0, 20) pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='large') pl.text(41, 16, 'Only with air drag', fontdict = font) pl.show()
def show_results(self): font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'k', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 12, } pl.plot(self.x, self.y, 'c', label='firing angle = 45°') pl.title('The Trajectory of a Cannon Shell', fontdict = font) pl.xlabel('x (k$m$)') pl.ylabel('y ($km$)') pl.xlim(0, 60) pl.ylim(0, 20) pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='large') pl.text(34, 16, ' With both air drag and \n reduced air density-isothermal', fontdict = font) pl.show()
def show_results(self): font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'k', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 12, } pl.plot(self.x, self.y, 'c', label='firing angle = 45°') pl.title('The Trajectory of a Cannon Shell', fontdict = font) pl.xlabel('x (k$m$)') pl.ylabel('y ($km$)') pl.xlim(0, 60) pl.ylim(0, 20) pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='large') pl.text(34.5, 16, ' With both air drag and \n reduced air density-adiabatic', fontdict = font) pl.show()
def DrawDvs(pl, closes, curve, sign, dvs, pandl, sh, title, leag=None, lad=None ): pl.figure pl.subplot(311) pl.title("id:%s Sharpe ratio: %.2f"%(str(title),sh)) pl.plot(closes) DrawLine(pl, sign, closes) pl.subplot(312) pl.grid() if dvs != None: pl.plot(dvs) if isinstance(curve, np.ndarray): DrawZZ(pl, curve, 'r') if leag != None: pl.plot(leag, 'r') if lad != None: pl.plot(lad, 'b') #pl.plot(stock.GuiYiHua(closes[:i])[60:]) pl.subplot(313) pl.plot(sign) pl.plot(pandl) pl.show() pl.close()
def TradeResult_Boll(pl, bars, trade_positions, zhijin,changwei, title=''): """?????? bars: df ??? c???? trade_positions: np.darray or df ???? zhijin: df index?bars changwei: df index?bars title: str ??????decode(utf8) """ signals = pd.DataFrame(index=bars.index) signals['signal'] = 0.0 signals['signal'] = np.zeros(len(bars['c'])) if agl.IsNone(trade_positions): signals['positions'] = signals['signal'].diff() signals['positions'][10] = 1 signals['positions'][13] = 1 signals['positions'][20] = -1 else: signals['positions'] = trade_positions ShowTradeResult2(pl, bars, signals, zhijin,changwei , 0, title=title)
def plotdata(obsmode,spectrum,val,odict,sdict, instr,fieldname,outdir,outname): isetting=P.isinteractive() P.ioff() P.clf() P.plot(obsmode,val,'.') P.ylabel('(pysyn-syn)/syn') P.xlabel('obsmode') P.title("%s: %s"%(instr,fieldname)) P.savefig(os.path.join(outdir,outname+'_obsmode.ps')) P.clf() P.plot(spectrum,val,'.') P.ylabel('(pysyn-syn)/syn') P.xlabel('spectrum') P.title("%s: %s"%(instr,fieldname)) P.savefig(os.path.join(outdir,outname+'_spectrum.ps')) matplotlib.interactive(isetting)
def starPlot(targ_ra, targ_dec, data, iso, g_radius, nbhd): """Star bin plot""" mag_g = data[mag_g_dred_flag] mag_r = data[mag_r_dred_flag] filter = star_filter(data) iso_filter = (iso.separation(mag_g, mag_r) < 0.1) # projection of image proj = ugali.utils.projector.Projector(targ_ra, targ_dec) x, y = proj.sphereToImage(data[filter & iso_filter]['RA'], data[filter & iso_filter]['DEC']) plt.scatter(x, y, edgecolor='none', s=3, c='black') plt.xlim(0.2, -0.2) plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.2) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta \alpha$ (deg)') plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta \delta$ (deg)') plt.title('Stars')
def show_particles(rbm, state, dataset, display=True, figname='PCD particles', figtitle='PCD particles', size=None): try: fantasy_vis = rbm.vis_expectations(state.h) except: fantasy_vis = state if size is None: size = (dataset.num_rows, dataset.num_cols) imgs = [fantasy_vis[j, :np.prod(size)].reshape(size).as_numpy_array() for j in range(fantasy_vis.shape[0])] visual = misc.norm01(misc.pack(imgs)) if display: pylab.figure(figname) pylab.matshow(visual, cmap='gray', fignum=False) pylab.title(figtitle) return visual
def show_chains(rbm, state, dataset, num_particles=20, num_samples=20, show_every=10, display=True, figname='Gibbs chains', figtitle='Gibbs chains'): samples = gnp.zeros((num_particles, num_samples, state.v.shape[1])) state = state[:num_particles, :, :] for i in range(num_samples): samples[:, i, :] = rbm.vis_expectations(state.h) for j in range(show_every): state = rbm.step(state) npix = dataset.num_rows * dataset.num_cols rows = [vm.hjoin([samples[i, j, :npix].reshape((dataset.num_rows, dataset.num_cols)).as_numpy_array() for j in range(num_samples)], normalize=False) for i in range(num_particles)] grid = vm.vjoin(rows, normalize=False) if display: pylab.figure(figname) pylab.matshow(grid, cmap='gray', fignum=False) pylab.title(figtitle) pylab.gcf().canvas.draw() return grid
def visualiseNormObject(self): shape = (2*self.extent, 2*self.extent) pylab.ion() pylab.clf() #pylab.set_cmap("bone") pylab.hot() pylab.title("image: %s" % self.fitsFile) pylab.imshow(np.reshape(self.signPreserveNorm(), shape, order="F"), interpolation="nearest") pylab.plot(np.arange(0,2*self.extent), self.extent*np.ones((2*self.extent,)), "r--") pylab.plot(self.extent*np.ones((2*self.extent,)), np.arange(0,2*self.extent), "r--") pylab.colorbar() pylab.ylim(-1, 2*self.extent) pylab.xlim(-1, 2*self.extent) pylab.xlabel("Pixels") pylab.ylabel("Pixels") pylab.show()
def plotstuff(): X__ = np.load("tm_X.npy") S_pred = np.load("tm_S_pred.npy") E_pred = np.load("tm_E_pred.npy") M = np.load("tm_M.npy") pl.ioff() pl.suptitle("mode: %s (X: FM input, state pred: FM output)" % ("bluib")) pl.subplot(511) pl.title("X[goals]") pl.plot(X__[10:,0:4], "-x") pl.subplot(512) pl.title("X[prediction error]") pl.plot(X__[10:,4:], "-x") pl.subplot(513) pl.title("state pred") pl.plot(S_pred) pl.subplot(514) pl.title("error state - goal") pl.plot(E_pred) pl.subplot(515) pl.title("state") pl.plot(M) pl.show()
def rh_model_plot(self): """prepare and plot model outputs over input variations from sweep""" assert hasattr(self, "X_model_sweep") assert hasattr(self, "Y_model_sweep") print "%s.rh_plot_model sweepsteps = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.X_model_sweep.shape[0]) print "%s.rh_plot_model environment = %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment) print "%s.rh_plot_model environment proprio dims = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment.conf.m_ndims) # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((self.X_model_sweep[:,1:], self.Y_model_sweep)) # scatter_data_cols = ["X%d" % i for i in range(1, self.X_model_sweep.shape[1])] # scatter_data_cols += ["Y%d" % i for i in range(self.Y_model_sweep.shape[1])] # print "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape # # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])]) # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=scatter_data_cols) title = "%s, input/output sweep of model %s at time %d" % (self.mode, self.model, -1) # plot_scattermatrix(df) # plot_scattermatrix_reduced(df) plot_colormeshmatrix_reduced(self.X_model_sweep, self.Y_model_sweep, ymin = -1.0, ymax = 1.0, title = title) ################################################################################
def plot_scattermatrix(df, title = "plot_scattermatrix"): """plot a scattermatrix of dataframe df""" if df is None: print "plot_scattermatrix: no data passed" return from pandas.tools.plotting import scatter_matrix # df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['x1_t', 'x2_t', 'x1_tptau', 'x2_tptau', 'u_t']) # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((np.array(Xs), np.array(Ys))) # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((Xs, Ys)) # print "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape pl.ioff() # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])]) sm = scatter_matrix(df, alpha=0.2, figsize=(10, 10), diagonal='hist') fig = sm[0,0].get_figure() fig.suptitle(title) if SAVEPLOTS: fig.savefig("fig_%03d_scattermatrix.pdf" % (fig.number), dpi=300) fig.show() # pl.show()
def main(): data = pd.read_table('../Real_Values.txt').get_values() x = [float(d) for d in data] test = np.array([669, 592, 664, 1005, 699, 401, 646, 472, 598, 681, 1126, 1260, 562, 491, 714, 530, 521, 687, 776, 802, 499, 536, 871, 801, 965, 768, 381, 497, 458, 699, 549, 427, 358, 219, 635, 756, 775, 969, 598, 630, 649, 722, 835, 812, 724, 966, 778, 584, 697, 737, 777, 1059, 1218, 848, 713, 884, 879, 1056, 1273, 1848, 780, 1206, 1404, 1444, 1412, 1493, 1576, 1178, 836, 1087, 1101, 1082, 775, 698, 620, 651, 731, 906, 958, 1039, 1105, 620, 576, 707, 888, 1052, 1072, 1357, 768, 986, 816, 889, 973, 983, 1351, 1266, 1053, 1879, 2085, 2419, 1880, 2045, 2212, 1491, 1378, 1524, 1231, 1577, 2459, 1848, 1506, 1589, 1386, 1111, 1180, 1075, 1595, 1309, 2092, 1846, 2321, 2036, 3587, 1637, 1416, 1432, 1110, 1135, 1233, 1439, 894, 628, 967, 1176, 1069, 1193, 1771, 1199, 888, 1155, 1254, 1403, 1502, 1692, 1187, 1110, 1382, 1808, 2039, 1810, 1819, 1408, 803, 1568, 1227, 1270, 1268, 1535, 873, 1006, 1328, 1733, 1352, 1906, 2029, 1734, 1314, 1810, 1540, 1958, 1420, 1530, 1126, 721, 771, 874, 997, 1186, 1415, 973, 1146, 1147, 1079, 3854, 3407, 2257, 1200, 734, 1051, 1030, 1370, 2422, 1531, 1062, 530, 1030, 1061, 1249, 2080, 2251, 1190, 756, 1161, 1053, 1063, 932, 1604, 1130, 744, 930, 948, 1107, 1161, 1194, 1366, 1155, 785, 602, 903, 1142, 1410, 1256, 742, 985, 1037, 1067, 1196, 1412, 1127, 779, 911, 989, 946, 888, 1349, 1124, 761, 994, 1068, 971, 1157, 1558, 1223, 782, 2790, 1835, 1444, 1098, 1399, 1255, 950, 1110, 1345, 1224, 1092, 1446, 1210, 1122, 1259, 1181, 1035, 1325, 1481, 1278, 769, 911, 876, 877, 950, 1383, 980, 705, 888, 877, 638, 1065, 1142, 1090, 1316, 1270, 1048, 1256, 1009, 1175, 1176, 870, 856, 860]) n_predict = 100 extrapolation = fourierExtrapolation(x, n_predict) pl.figure() pl.plot(np.arange(len(x), len(extrapolation) + len(x)), extrapolation, 'r', label = 'extrapolation') pl.plot(x, 'b', label = 'Given Data', linewidth = 3) pl.legend() pl.ylabel('BPM') pl.xlabel('Sample') pl.title('Fourier Extrapolation') pl.savefig('FourierExtrapolation.png') #pl.show() with open('Fourier_PredValues.txt', 'w') as out: out.write(str([e for e in extrapolation]).strip('[]'))
def plot_multiple_rocs_separate(rocList,title='', labels = None, equal_aspect = True): """ Plot multiples ROC curves as separate at the same painting area. """ pylab.clf() pylab.title(title) for ix, r in enumerate(rocList): ax = pylab.subplot(4,4,ix+1) pylab.ylim((0,1)) pylab.xlim((0,1)) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') if not labels: labels = ['' for x in rocList] pylab.text(0.2,0.1,labels[ix],fontsize=8) pylab.plot([x[0] for x in r.derived_points],[y[1] for y in r.derived_points], 'r-',linewidth=2) pylab.show()
def plot(self,title='',include_baseline=False,equal_aspect=True): """ Method that generates a plot of the ROC curve Parameters: title: Title of the chart include_baseline: Add the baseline plot line if it's True equal_aspect: Aspects to be equal for all plot """ pylab.clf() pylab.plot([x[0] for x in self.derived_points], [y[1] for y in self.derived_points], self.linestyle) if include_baseline: pylab.plot([0.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0],'k-.') pylab.ylim((0,1)) pylab.xlim((0,1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity') pylab.ylabel('Sensitivity') pylab.title(title) pylab.show()
def plot_clusters_pca(responsibilities, color_groups): from sklearn.decomposition import RandomizedPCA import pylab as pl from random import shuffle colors = list(colors_dict.values()) shuffle(colors) pca = RandomizedPCA(n_components=2) X = pca.fit_transform(responsibilities) # print >>stderr, pca.explained_variance_ratio_ pl.figure() pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c="grey", label="unknown") for c, sub, i in zip(colors, color_groups, count(0)): pl.scatter(X[sub, 0], X[sub, 1], c=c, label=str(i)) pl.legend() pl.title("PCA responsibility matrix") pl.show()
def plot(func): random_state = check_random_state(0) one_core = [] multi_core = [] sample_sizes = range(1000, 6000, 1000) for n_samples in sample_sizes: X = random_state.rand(n_samples, 300) start = time.time() func(X, n_jobs=1) one_core.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() func(X, n_jobs=-1) multi_core.append(time.time() - start) pl.figure('scikit-learn parallel %s benchmark results' % func.__name__) pl.plot(sample_sizes, one_core, label="one core") pl.plot(sample_sizes, multi_core, label="multi core") pl.xlabel('n_samples') pl.ylabel('Time (s)') pl.title('Parallel %s' % func.__name__) pl.legend()
def plotAccuracyGraph(X, Y, Xlabel='Variable', Ylabel='Accuracy', graphTitle="Test Accuracy Graph", filename="graph.pdf"): """ Plots and saves accuracy graphs """ try: timestamp = int(time.time()) fig = P.figure(figsize=(8,5)) # Set the graph's title P.title(graphTitle, fontname='monospace') # Set the axes labels P.xlabel(Xlabel, fontsize=12, fontname='monospace') P.ylabel(Ylabel, fontsize=12, fontname='monospace') # Add horizontal and vertical lines to the graph P.grid(color='DarkGray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.1, axis='both') # Add the data to the graph P.plot(X, Y, 'r-*', linewidth=1.0) # Save figure prettyPrint("Saving figure to ./%s" % filename)#(graphTitle.replace(" ","_"), timestamp)) P.tight_layout() fig.savefig("./%s" % filename)#(graphTitle.replace(" ", "_"), timestamp)) except Exception as e: prettyPrint("Error encountered in \"plotAccuracyGraph\": %s" % e, "error") return False return True
def ansQuest(maxTime,numTrials): means=[] distLists=performSim(maxTime,numTrials) for t in range(maxTime+1): tot=0.0 for distL in distLists: tot+=distL[t] means.append(tot/len(distL)) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(means) pylab.xlabel('distance') pylab.ylabel('time') pylab.title('Average Distance vs. Time ('+str(len(distLists))+'trials)')
def plotFields(layer,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None,padding=0.01): # Receptive Fields Summary try: W = layer.W except: W = layer wp = W.eval().transpose(); if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4: # Fully connected layer, has no shape fields = np.reshape(wp,list(wp.shape[0:-1])+fieldShape) else: # Convolutional layer already has shape features, channels, iy, ix = np.shape(wp) if channel is not None: fields = wp[:,channel,:,:] else: fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix]) perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0]))) perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow))) fig = mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf() # Using image grid from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid grid = ImageGrid(fig,111,nrows_ncols=(perRow,perColumn),axes_pad=padding,cbar_mode='single') for i in range(0,np.shape(fields)[0]): im = grid[i].imshow(fields[i],cmap=cmap); grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im) mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' % layer.name) # old way # fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))]) # tiled = [] # for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn): # tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn])) # # tiled = np.vstack(tiled) # mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar(); mpl.figure(figOffset+1); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(np.sum(np.abs(fields),0),cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Total Absolute Input Dependency' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar()
def plotOutput(layer,feed_dict,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None): # Output summary try: W = layer.output except: W = layer wp = W.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict); if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4: # Fully connected layer, has no shape temp = np.zeros(np.product(fieldShape)); temp[0:np.shape(wp.ravel())[0]] = wp.ravel() fields = np.reshape(temp,[1]+fieldShape) else: # Convolutional layer already has shape wp = np.rollaxis(wp,3,0) features, channels, iy,ix = np.shape(wp) if channel is not None: fields = wp[:,channel,:,:] else: fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix]) perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0]))) perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow))) fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))]) tiled = [] for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn): tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn])) tiled = np.vstack(tiled) if figOffset is not None: mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Output' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar();
def plotFields(layer,fieldShape=None,channel=None,maxFields=25,figName='ReceptiveFields',cmap=None,padding=0.01): # Receptive Fields Summary W = layer.W wp = W.eval().transpose(); if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4: # Fully connected layer, has no shape fields = np.reshape(wp,list(wp.shape[0:-1])+fieldShape) else: # Convolutional layer already has shape features, channels, iy, ix = np.shape(wp) if channel is not None: fields = wp[:,channel,:,:] else: fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix]) fieldsN = min(fields.shape[0],maxFields) perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fieldsN))) perColumn = int(math.ceil(fieldsN/float(perRow))) fig = mpl.figure(figName); mpl.clf() # Using image grid from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid grid = ImageGrid(fig,111,nrows_ncols=(perRow,perColumn),axes_pad=padding,cbar_mode='single') for i in range(0,fieldsN): im = grid[i].imshow(fields[i],cmap=cmap); grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im) mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' % layer.name) # old way # fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))]) # tiled = [] # for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn): # tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn])) # # tiled = np.vstack(tiled) # mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar(); mpl.figure(figName+' Total'); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(np.sum(np.abs(fields),0),cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Total Absolute Input Dependency' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar()
def plotOutput(layer,feed_dict,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None): # Output summary W = layer.output wp = W.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict); if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4: # Fully connected layer, has no shape temp = np.zeros(np.product(fieldShape)); temp[0:np.shape(wp.ravel())[0]] = wp.ravel() fields = np.reshape(temp,[1]+fieldShape) else: # Convolutional layer already has shape wp = np.rollaxis(wp,3,0) features, channels, iy,ix = np.shape(wp) if channel is not None: fields = wp[:,channel,:,:] else: fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix]) perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0]))) perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow))) fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))]) tiled = [] for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn): tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn])) tiled = np.vstack(tiled) if figOffset is not None: mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Output' % layer.name); mpl.colorbar();