def show(self): r"""Display an image of the transfer function This function loads up matplotlib and displays the current transfer function. Parameters ---------- Examples -------- >>> tf = TransferFunction( (-10.0, -5.0) ) >>> tf.add_gaussian(-9.0, 0.01, 1.0) >>> tf.show() """ import pylab pylab.clf() pylab.plot(self.x, self.y, 'xk-') pylab.xlim(*self.x_bounds) pylab.ylim(0.0, 1.0) pylab.draw()
def plot_2D_heat_map(states,p,labels, inter=False): import pylab as pl X = np.unique(states[0,:]) Y = np.unique(states[1,:]) X_len = len(X) Y_len = len(Y) Z = np.zeros((X.max()+1,Y.max()+1)) for i in range(len(p)): Z[states[0,i],states[1,i]] = p[i] pl.clf() pl.imshow(Z.T, origin='lower') pl.xlabel(labels[0]) pl.ylabel(labels[1]) if inter== True: pl.draw() else: pl.show()
def plot_2D_contour(states,p,labels,inter=False): import pylab as pl from pyme.statistics import expectation as EXP exp = EXP((states,p)) X = np.unique(states[0,:]) Y = np.unique(states[1,:]) X_len = len(X) Y_len = len(Y) Z = np.zeros((X.max()+1,Y.max()+1)) for i in range(len(p)): Z[states[0,i],states[1,i]] = p[i] Z = np.where(Z < 1e-8,0.0,Z) pl.clf() XX, YY = np.meshgrid(X,Y) pl.contour(range(X.max()+1),range(Y.max()+1),Z.T) pl.axhline(y=exp[1]) pl.axvline(x=exp[0]) pl.xlabel(labels[0]) pl.ylabel(labels[1]) if inter == True: pl.draw() else: pl.show()
def _plot(self): # Called from the main thread pylab.ion() if not getattr(self, 'data_available', False): return if self.peaks is not None: for key in self.sign_peaks: for channel in self.peaks[key].keys(): self.rates[key][int(channel)] += len(self.peaks[key][channel]) pylab.scatter(self.positions[0, :], self.positions[1, :], c=self.rates[key]) pylab.gca().set_title('Buffer %d' %self.counter) pylab.draw() return
def show(X, C, centroids, keep = False): import time time.sleep(0.5) plt.cla() plt.plot(X[C == 0, 0], X[C == 0, 1], '*b', X[C == 1, 0], X[C == 1, 1], '*r', X[C == 2, 0], X[C == 2, 1], '*g') plt.plot(centroids[:,0],centroids[:,1],'*m',markersize=20) plt.draw() if keep : plt.ioff() plt.show() # generate 3 cluster data # data = np.genfromtxt('data1.csv', delimiter=',')
def wrcontour(dir, var, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8] ax = WindroseAxes(fig, rect) fig.add_axes(ax) ax.contour(dir, var, **kwargs) l = ax.legend(axespad=-0.10) plt.setp(l.get_texts(), fontsize=8) plt.draw() plt.show() return ax
def wrbox(dir, var, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8] ax = WindroseAxes(fig, rect) fig.add_axes(ax) ax.box(dir, var, **kwargs) l = ax.legend(axespad=-0.10) plt.setp(l.get_texts(), fontsize=8) plt.draw() plt.show() return ax
def wrbar(dir, var, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8] ax = WindroseAxes(fig, rect) fig.add_axes(ax) ax.bar(dir, var, **kwargs) l = ax.legend(axespad=-0.10) plt.setp(l.get_texts(), fontsize=8) plt.draw() plt.show() return ax
def add_gaussian(self, location, width, height): r"""Add a Gaussian distribution to the transfer function. Typically, when rendering isocontours, a Gaussian distribution is the easiest way to draw out features. The spread provides a softness. The values are calculated as :math:`f(x) = h \exp{-(x-x_0)^2 / w}`. Parameters ---------- location : float The centroid of the Gaussian (:math:`x_0` in the above equation.) width : float The relative width (:math:`w` in the above equation.) height : float The peak height (:math:`h` in the above equation.) Note that while values greater 1.0 will be accepted, the values of the transmission function are clipped at 1.0. Examples -------- >>> tf = TransferFunction( (-10.0, -5.0) ) >>> tf.add_gaussian(-9.0, 0.01, 1.0) """ vals = height * np.exp(-(self.x - location)**2.0/width) self.y = np.clip(np.maximum(vals, self.y), 0.0, np.inf) self.features.append(('gaussian', "location(x):%3.2g" % location, "width(x):%3.2g" % width, "height(y):%3.2g" % height))
def add_gaussian(self, location, width, height): r"""Add a Gaussian distribution to the transfer function. Typically, when rendering isocontours, a Guassian distribution is the easiest way to draw out features. The spread provides a softness. The values are calculated as :math:`f(x) = h \exp{-(x-x_0)^2 / w}`. Parameters ---------- location : float The centroid of the Gaussian (:math:`x_0` in the above equation.) width : float The relative width (:math:`w` in the above equation.) height : list of 4 float The peak height (:math:`h` in the above equation.) Note that while values greater 1.0 will be accepted, the values of the transmission function are clipped at 1.0. This must be a list, and it is in the order of (red, green, blue, alpha). Examples -------- This adds a red spike. >>> tf = ColorTransferFunction( (-10.0, -5.0) ) >>> tf.add_gaussian(-9.0, 0.01, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) """ for tf, v in zip(self.funcs, height): tf.add_gaussian(location, width, v) self.features.append(('gaussian', "location(x):%3.2g" % location, \ "width(x):%3.2g" % width, \ "height(y):(%3.2g, %3.2g, %3.2g, %3.2g)" % (height[0], height[1], height[2], height[3])))
def show_tf(self): if self._pylab is None: import pylab self._pylab = pylab if self._tf_figure is None: self._tf_figure = self._pylab.figure(2) self.transfer_function.show(ax=self._tf_figure.axes) self._pylab.draw()
def draw(self): self._pylab.draw()
def show_results_plot(self): pl.figure(1) pl.plot(self.x, self.y,label = "firing angle = %.1f °"%self.theta) pl.draw() pl.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='small') print("\ninitial velocity:", _input.initial_velocity, "m/s") print("time step:", _input.time_step, "s") print("firing angle:", self.theta, "°") print("falling fange:%.4f km"%self.x[-1], "\n") #Users input the initial values
def plot_2D_heat_map(states,p,labels): import pylab as pl X = np.unique(states[0,:]) Y = np.unique(states[1,:]) X_len = len(X) Y_len = len(Y) Z = np.zeros((X.max()+1,Y.max()+1)) for i in range(len(p)): Z[states[0,i],states[1,i]] = p[i] pl.clf() pl.imshow(Z.T, origin='lower') pl.xlabel(labels[0]) pl.ylabel(labels[1]) pl.draw() #pl.show()
def plot_marginals(state_space,p,name,t,labels = False,interactive = False): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as pl if interactive == True: pl.ion() pl.clf() pl.suptitle("time: "+ str(t)+" units") #print("time : "+ str(t)) D = state_space.shape[1] for i in range(D): marg_X = np.unique(state_space[:,i]) A = np.where(marg_X[:,np.newaxis] == state_space[:,i].T[np.newaxis,:],1,0) marg_p = np.dot(A,p) pl.subplot(int(D/2)+1,2,i+1) pl.plot(marg_X,marg_p) pl.yticks(np.linspace(np.amin(marg_p), np.amax(marg_p), num=3)) pl.axvline(np.sum(marg_X*marg_p),color= 'r') pl.axvline(marg_X[np.argmax(marg_p)],color='g') if labels == False: pl.xlabel("Specie: " + str(i+1)) else: pl.xlabel(labels[i]) if interactive == True: pl.draw() else: pl.tight_layout() pl.show()
def sample_cond(self, X): """ActInfHebbianSOM.sample_cond: draw single sample from model conditioned on X""" # print("%s.sample_cond X.shape = %s, %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, X.shape, 0)) # fix the SOMs with learning rate constant 0 self.filter_e_lr = self.filter_e.map._learning_rate self.filter_p_lr = self.filter_p.map._learning_rate # print("fit_hebb", self.filter_e.map._learning_rate) self.filter_e.map._learning_rate = self.CT(0.0) self.filter_p.map._learning_rate = self.CT(0.0) e_shape = (np.prod(self.filter_e.map._shape), 1) p_shape = (np.prod(self.filter_p.map._shape), 1) # activate input network self.filter_e.learn(X) # pl.plot(self.filter_e. # propagate activation via hebbian associative links if self.hebblink_use_activity: e_ = self.filter_e.activity.reshape((np.prod(self.filter_e.map._shape), 1)) e_ = (e_ == np.max(e_)) * 1.0 e2p_activation = np.dot(self.hebblink_filter.T, e_) # print("e2p_activation", e2p_activation) self.filter_p.activity = np.clip((e2p_activation / (np.sum(e2p_activation) + 1e-9)).reshape(self.filter_p.map._shape), 0, np.inf) else: e2p_activation = np.dot(self.hebblink_filter.T, self.filter_e.distances(e).flatten().reshape(e_shape)) # sample the output network with sidx = self.filter_p.sample(1)[0] e2p_w_p_weights = self.filter_p.neuron(self.filter_p.flat_to_coords(sidx)) # e2p_w_p_weights = self.filter_p.neuron(self.filter_p.flat_to_coords(np.argmax(self.filter_p.activity))) return e2p_w_p_weights.reshape((1, self.odim)) # ret = np.random.normal(e2p_w_p_weights, self.filter_p.sigmas[sidx] * 0.001, (1, self.odim)) # ret = np.random.normal(e2p_w_p_weights, 0.01, (1, self.odim)) # return ret
def show(self, genes, color): if self.vis: self.get_fig(genes, color) pylab.draw() pause(0.05) pylab.clf() self.reset()
def redraw(self): global hist_box, HaveTix, marker_size bshot.label.set_text(str(self.shot)) status=call_spec() if HaveTix: # update shot field in either case, only update history if good # this updates hist_box if the shot was changed by the other (matplotlib) widgets hist_box.set_silent(str(self.shot)) if status==True: hist_box.add_history(str(self.shot)) print("marker_size", marker_size) # if marker_size>0: plot_flucstrucs_for_shot(self.shot, size_factor=marker_size, savefile='') # pl.draw() # what does this do? return(status) # False if no data
def remove_last_plot_xy(self, name="xy"): """Remove last individual x-y trajectory generated with plot_xy().""" import pylab l = self._lines[name].pop() l.remove() trajectory = self._lines_annotation[name].pop() pylab.draw() print "remove_last_plot_xy(): Removed trajectory path %(trajectory)r." % vars() # #------------------------------------------------------------
def remove_last_transition(db): import pylab l = db._lines['transitions'].pop() l.remove() trajectory = db._lines_annotation['transitions'].pop() pylab.draw() print "Removed trajectory path %(trajectory)r." % vars()
def onpick(self, event): for dataind in event.ind: site = self.dataObject.sites[dataind] if len(str(site)) == 1: site = '0'+str(site) x1, y1 = self.dataObject.extracts[dataind] t = self.dataObject.times[dataind] f = glob( '{0}ANGLEsite{1}_extract{2}&{3}_t{4}.png'.format(self.imagespath, int(site), x1, y1, t)) if len(f) >1 : print f elif len(f) == 0: print '{0}ANGLEsite{1}_extract{2}&{3}_t{4}.png'.format(self.imagespath, int(site), x1, y1, t) subprocess.call(['eog', f[0]], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) val = input('Good (1) or not (0) ? If you want the stats, enter a negative number. ') self.stats[dataind] = val while val < 0 : print "True : {0}, False {1}".format(len(self.stats[self.stats==1]), len(self.stats[self.stats==0])) val = input('Good or not ? ') if val == 0: self.ax.scatter(self.X[dataind], self.Y[dataind], c= 'k', marker = 'v') print "!!! BUG : ", f[0] else: self.ax.scatter(self.X[dataind], self.Y[dataind], c = 'r', marker = 'v') pylab.draw() return True
def plot_rels(data, labels=None, colors=None, outfile="rels", latent=None, alpha=0.8, title=''): ns, n = data.shape if labels is None: labels = map(str, range(n)) ncol = 5 nrow = int(np.ceil(float(n * (n - 1) / 2) / ncol)) fig, axs = pylab.subplots(nrow, ncol) fig.set_size_inches(5 * ncol, 5 * nrow) pairs = list(combinations(range(n), 2)) if colors is not None: colors = (colors - np.min(colors)) / (np.max(colors) - np.min(colors)) for ax, pair in zip(axs.flat, pairs): diff_x = max(data[:, pair[0]]) - min(data[:, pair[0]]) diff_y = max(data[:, pair[1]]) - min(data[:, pair[1]]) ax.set_xlim([min(data[:, pair[0]]) - 0.05 * diff_x, max(data[:, pair[0]]) + 0.05 * diff_x]) ax.set_ylim([min(data[:, pair[1]]) - 0.05 * diff_y, max(data[:, pair[1]]) + 0.05 * diff_y]) ax.scatter(data[:, pair[0]], data[:, pair[1]], c=colors, cmap=pylab.get_cmap("jet"), marker='.', alpha=alpha, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax.set_xlabel(shorten(labels[pair[0]])) ax.set_ylabel(shorten(labels[pair[1]])) for ax in axs.flat[axs.size - 1:len(pairs) - 1:-1]: ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], marker='.') fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 #6 # pylab.draw() # fig.set_tight_layout(True) pylab.tight_layout() pylab.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) for ax in axs.flat[axs.size - 1:len(pairs) - 1:-1]: ax.set_visible(False) filename = outfile + '.png' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) fig.savefig(outfile + '.png') pylab.close('all') return True # Hierarchical graph visualization utilities
def contour(self, dir, var, **kwargs): """ Plot a windrose in linear mode. For each var bins, a line will be draw on the axes, a segment between each sector (center to center). Each line can be formated (color, width, ...) like with standard plot pylab command. Mandatory: * dir : 1D array - directions the wind blows from, North centred * var : 1D array - values of the variable to compute. Typically the wind speeds Optional: * nsector: integer - number of sectors used to compute the windrose table. If not set, nsectors=16, then each sector will be 360/16=22.5°, and the resulting computed table will be aligned with the cardinals points. * bins : 1D array or integer- number of bins, or a sequence of bins variable. If not set, bins=6, then bins=linspace(min(var), max(var), 6) * blowto : bool. If True, the windrose will be pi rotated, to show where the wind blow to (usefull for pollutant rose). * colors : string or tuple - one string color ('k' or 'black'), in this case all bins will be plotted in this color; a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. * cmap : a cm Colormap instance from matplotlib.cm. - if cmap == None and colors == None, a default Colormap is used. others kwargs : see help(pylab.plot) """ bins, nbins, nsector, colors, angles, kwargs = self._init_plot(dir, var, **kwargs) #closing lines angles = np.hstack((angles, angles[-1]-2*np.pi/nsector)) vals = np.hstack((self._info['table'], np.reshape(self._info['table'][:,0], (self._info['table'].shape[0], 1)))) offset = 0 for i in range(nbins): val = vals[i,:] + offset offset += vals[i, :] zorder = ZBASE + nbins - i patch = self.plot(angles, val, color=colors[i], zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.patches_list.extend(patch) self._update()
def contourf(self, dir, var, **kwargs): """ Plot a windrose in filled mode. For each var bins, a line will be draw on the axes, a segment between each sector (center to center). Each line can be formated (color, width, ...) like with standard plot pylab command. Mandatory: * dir : 1D array - directions the wind blows from, North centred * var : 1D array - values of the variable to compute. Typically the wind speeds Optional: * nsector: integer - number of sectors used to compute the windrose table. If not set, nsectors=16, then each sector will be 360/16=22.5°, and the resulting computed table will be aligned with the cardinals points. * bins : 1D array or integer- number of bins, or a sequence of bins variable. If not set, bins=6, then bins=linspace(min(var), max(var), 6) * blowto : bool. If True, the windrose will be pi rotated, to show where the wind blow to (usefull for pollutant rose). * colors : string or tuple - one string color ('k' or 'black'), in this case all bins will be plotted in this color; a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. * cmap : a cm Colormap instance from matplotlib.cm. - if cmap == None and colors == None, a default Colormap is used. others kwargs : see help(pylab.plot) """ bins, nbins, nsector, colors, angles, kwargs = self._init_plot(dir, var, **kwargs) null = kwargs.pop('facecolor', None) null = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None) #closing lines angles = np.hstack((angles, angles[-1]-2*np.pi/nsector)) vals = np.hstack((self._info['table'], np.reshape(self._info['table'][:,0], (self._info['table'].shape[0], 1)))) offset = 0 for i in range(nbins): val = vals[i,:] + offset offset += vals[i, :] zorder = ZBASE + nbins - i xs, ys = poly_between(angles, 0, val) patch = self.fill(xs, ys, facecolor=colors[i], edgecolor=colors[i], zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.patches_list.extend(patch)
def bar(self, dir, var, **kwargs): """ Plot a windrose in bar mode. For each var bins and for each sector, a colored bar will be draw on the axes. Mandatory: * dir : 1D array - directions the wind blows from, North centred * var : 1D array - values of the variable to compute. Typically the wind speeds Optional: * nsector: integer - number of sectors used to compute the windrose table. If not set, nsectors=16, then each sector will be 360/16=22.5°, and the resulting computed table will be aligned with the cardinals points. * bins : 1D array or integer- number of bins, or a sequence of bins variable. If not set, bins=6 between min(var) and max(var). * blowto : bool. If True, the windrose will be pi rotated, to show where the wind blow to (usefull for pollutant rose). * colors : string or tuple - one string color ('k' or 'black'), in this case all bins will be plotted in this color; a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. * cmap : a cm Colormap instance from matplotlib.cm. - if cmap == None and colors == None, a default Colormap is used. edgecolor : string - The string color each edge bar will be plotted. Default : no edgecolor * opening : float - between 0.0 and 1.0, to control the space between each sector (1.0 for no space) """ bins, nbins, nsector, colors, angles, kwargs = self._init_plot(dir, var, **kwargs) null = kwargs.pop('facecolor', None) edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None) if edgecolor is not None: if not isinstance(edgecolor, str): raise ValueError('edgecolor must be a string color') opening = kwargs.pop('opening', None) if opening is None: opening = 0.8 dtheta = 2*np.pi/nsector opening = dtheta*opening for j in range(nsector): offset = 0 for i in range(nbins): if i > 0: offset += self._info['table'][i-1, j] val = self._info['table'][i, j] zorder = ZBASE + nbins - i patch = Rectangle((angles[j]-opening/2, offset), opening, val, facecolor=colors[i], edgecolor=edgecolor, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.add_patch(patch) if j == 0: self.patches_list.append(patch) self._update()
def box(self, dir, var, **kwargs): """ Plot a windrose in proportional bar mode. For each var bins and for each sector, a colored bar will be draw on the axes. Mandatory: * dir : 1D array - directions the wind blows from, North centred * var : 1D array - values of the variable to compute. Typically the wind speeds Optional: * nsector: integer - number of sectors used to compute the windrose table. If not set, nsectors=16, then each sector will be 360/16=22.5°, and the resulting computed table will be aligned with the cardinals points. * bins : 1D array or integer- number of bins, or a sequence of bins variable. If not set, bins=6 between min(var) and max(var). * blowto : bool. If True, the windrose will be pi rotated, to show where the wind blow to (usefull for pollutant rose). * colors : string or tuple - one string color ('k' or 'black'), in this case all bins will be plotted in this color; a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. * cmap : a cm Colormap instance from matplotlib.cm. - if cmap == None and colors == None, a default Colormap is used. edgecolor : string - The string color each edge bar will be plotted. Default : no edgecolor """ bins, nbins, nsector, colors, angles, kwargs = self._init_plot(dir, var, **kwargs) null = kwargs.pop('facecolor', None) edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None) if edgecolor is not None: if not isinstance(edgecolor, str): raise ValueError('edgecolor must be a string color') opening = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi/16, nbins) for j in range(nsector): offset = 0 for i in range(nbins): if i > 0: offset += self._info['table'][i-1, j] val = self._info['table'][i, j] zorder = ZBASE + nbins - i patch = Rectangle((angles[j]-opening[i]/2, offset), opening[i], val, facecolor=colors[i], edgecolor=edgecolor, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.add_patch(patch) if j == 0: self.patches_list.append(patch) self._update()
def allplot(xb,yb,bins=30,fig=1,xlabel='x',ylabel='y'): """ Input: X,Y : objects referring to the variables produced by PyMC that you want to analyze. Example: X=M.theta, Y=M.slope. Inherited from Tommy LE BLANC's code at astroplotlib|STSCI. """ #X,Y=xb.trace(),yb.trace() X,Y=xb,yb #pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) fig=pylab.figure(fig) pylab.clf() gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[1,3], wspace=0.07, hspace=0.07) scat=pylab.subplot(gs[2]) histx=pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=scat) histy=pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=scat) #scat=fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) #histx=fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, sharex=scat) #histy=fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, sharey=scat) # Scatter plot scat.plot(X, Y,linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green',alpha=.2, zorder=-99) gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([X, Y]) x,y = numpy.mgrid[X.min():X.max():(X.max()-X.min())/25.,Y.min():Y.max():(Y.max()-Y.min())/25.] z = numpy.array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(), y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape) scat.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=2) scat.set_xlabel(xlabel) scat.set_ylabel(ylabel) # X-axis histogram histx.hist(X, bins, histtype='stepfilled') pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label #histx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no X label # Y-axis histogram histy.hist(Y, bins, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal') pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label #histy.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no Y label #pylab.minorticks_on() #pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) #pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1) pylab.draw() pylab.show()
def plot_rels(data, labels=None, colors=None, outfile="rels", latent=None, alpha=0.8): ns, n = data.shape if labels is None: labels = list(map(str, range(n))) ncol = 5 # ncol = 4 nrow = int(np.ceil(float(n * (n - 1) / 2) / ncol)) #nrow=1 #pylab.rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) fig, axs = pylab.subplots(nrow, ncol) fig.set_size_inches(5 * ncol, 5 * nrow) #fig.set_canvas(pylab.gcf().canvas) pairs = list(combinations(range(n), 2)) #[:4] pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda q: q[0]**2+q[1]**2) # Puts stronger relationships first if colors is not None: colors = (colors - np.min(colors)) / (np.max(colors) - np.min(colors)).clip(1e-7) for ax, pair in zip(axs.flat, pairs): if latent is None: ax.scatter(data[:, pair[0]], data[:, pair[1]], marker='.', edgecolors='none', alpha=alpha) else: # cs = 'rgbcmykrgbcmyk' markers = 'x+.o,<>^^<>,+x.' for j, ind in enumerate(np.unique(latent)): inds = (latent == ind) ax.scatter(data[inds, pair[0]], data[inds, pair[1]], c=colors[inds], cmap=pylab.get_cmap("jet"), marker=markers[j], alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax.set_xlabel(shorten(labels[pair[0]])) ax.set_ylabel(shorten(labels[pair[1]])) for ax in axs.flat[axs.size - 1:len(pairs) - 1:-1]: ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], marker='.') pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 #6 pylab.draw() #fig.set_tight_layout(True) fig.tight_layout() for ax in axs.flat[axs.size - 1:len(pairs) - 1:-1]: ax.set_visible(False) filename = outfile + '.png' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) fig.savefig(outfile + '.png') #df') pylab.close('all') return True
def sample_cond(self, X): """smpHebbianSOM.sample_cond: draw single sample from model conditioned on X""" # print("%s.sample_cond X.shape = %s, %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, X.shape, 0)) # fix the SOMs with learning rate constant 0 self.filter_e_lr = self.filter_e.map._learning_rate self.filter_p_lr = self.filter_p.map._learning_rate # print("fit_hebb", self.filter_e.map._learning_rate) self.filter_e.map._learning_rate = self.CT(0.0) self.filter_p.map._learning_rate = self.CT(0.0) e_shape = (np.prod(self.filter_e.map._shape), 1) p_shape = (np.prod(self.filter_p.map._shape), 1) # activate input network self.filter_e.learn(X) # pl.plot(self.filter_e. # propagate activation via hebbian associative links if self.hebblink_use_activity: e_ = self.filter_e.activity.reshape((np.prod(self.filter_e.map._shape), 1)) e_ = (e_ == np.max(e_)) * 1.0 e2p_activation = np.dot(self.hebblink_filter.T, e_) # print("e2p_activation", e2p_activation) self.filter_p.activity = np.clip((e2p_activation / (np.sum(e2p_activation) + 1e-9)).reshape(self.filter_p.map._shape), 0, np.inf) else: e2p_activation = np.dot(self.hebblink_filter.T, self.filter_e.distances(e).flatten().reshape(e_shape)) # sample the output network with sidxs = self.filter_p.sample(100) # print("sidxs", stats.mode(sidxs)[0], sidxs) # sidx = self.filter_p.sample(1)[0] # find the mode (most frequent realization) of distribution sidx = stats.mode(sidxs)[0][0] e2p_w_p_weights = self.filter_p.neuron(self.filter_p.flat_to_coords(sidx)) # e2p_w_p_weights = self.filter_p.neuron(self.filter_p.flat_to_coords(np.argmax(self.filter_p.activity))) # ret = np.random.normal(e2p_w_p_weights, self.filter_p.sigmas[sidx], (1, self.odim)) ret = np.random.normal(e2p_w_p_weights, np.sqrt(self.filter_p.sigmas[sidx]), (1, self.odim)) # ret = np.random.normal(e2p_w_p_weights, 0.01, (1, self.odim)) # print("hebbsom sample", sidx, e2p_w_p_weights) # , sidxs) # , self.filter_p.sigmas[sidx]) # ret = e2p_w_p_weights.reshape((1, self.odim)) return ret
def add_markers(self, ax=None, where=0.0, orientation='horizontal', jitter=0, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # draw the positions if 'marker' not in kwargs: if orientation == 'horizontal': kwargs['marker'] = '|' else: kwargs['marker'] = '_' if ('facecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('fc' not in kwargs.keys()) | \ ('markerfacecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('mfc' not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs['markerfacecolor'] = 'None' if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ec' not in kwargs.keys()) | \ ('markeredgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('mec' not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs['markeredgecolor'] = 'k' if ('linestyle' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ls' not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs['linestyle'] = 'None' if ('size' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('markersize' not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs['markersize'] = 3 if orientation == 'horizontal': # Draw the lines if jitter > 0: pos = np.random.uniform(low=float(where - jitter), high=float(where + jitter), size=len(self.x)) ax.plot(self.x, pos, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(self.x, float(where) * np.ones(len(self.x)), **kwargs) plt.draw_if_interactive() elif orientation == 'vertical': # Draw the lines if jitter > 0.: pos = np.random.uniform(low=float(where - jitter), high=float(where + jitter), size=len(self.x)) ax.plot(pos, self.x, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(float(where) * np.ones(len(self.x)), self.x, marker='_', **kwargs) plt.draw_if_interactive()
def rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid_a(self): sweepsteps = 11 # 21 # extero config dim_axes = [np.linspace(self.environment.conf.s_mins[i], self.environment.conf.s_maxs[i], sweepsteps) for i in range(self.environment.conf.s_ndims)] # dim_axes = [np.linspace(self.environment.conf.s_mins[i], self.environment.conf.s_maxs[i], sweepsteps) for i in range(self.mdl.idim)] print "rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid: s_ndims = %d, dim_axes = %s" % (self.environment.conf.s_ndims, dim_axes,) full_axes = np.meshgrid(*tuple(dim_axes), indexing='ij') print "rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid: full_axes = %s, %s" % (len(full_axes), full_axes,) for i in range(len(full_axes)): print i, full_axes[i].shape print i, full_axes[i].flatten() # return proxy error_grid = np.vstack([full_axes[i].flatten() for i in range(len(full_axes))]) print "error_grid", error_grid.shape # draw state / goal configurations X_accum = [] states = np.linspace(-1, 1, sweepsteps) # for state in range(1): # sweepsteps): for state in states: # randomize initial position # self.M_prop_pred = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, self.odim))) # draw random goal and keep it fixed # self.goal_prop = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, self.odim))) self.goal_prop = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.ones((1, self.odim)) * state) # self.goal_prop = np.random.uniform(self.environment.conf.m_mins, self.environment.conf.m_maxs, (1, self.odim)) GOALS = np.repeat(self.goal_prop, error_grid.shape[1], axis = 0) # as many goals as error components # FIXME: hacks for M1/M2 if self.mdl.idim == 3: X = GOALS elif self.mdl.idim == 6: X = np.hstack((GOALS, error_grid.T)) else: X = np.hstack((GOALS, error_grid.T)) X_accum.append(X) X_accum = np.array(X_accum) # don't need this? # X_accum = X_accum.reshape((X_accum.shape[0] * X_accum.shape[1], X_accum.shape[2])) print "X_accum.shape = %s, mdl.idim = %d, mdl.odim = %d" % (X_accum.shape, self.mdl.idim, self.mdl.odim) # print X_accum X = X_accum # X's and pred's indices now mean: slowest: goal, e1, e2, fastest: e3 self.X_model_sweep = X.copy() return X # print "self.X_model_sweep.shape", self.X_model_sweep.shape
def check_matplotlib_backends(): # from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5091993/list-of-all-available-matplotlib-backends # get the directory where the backends live backends_dir = os.path.dirname(matplotlib.backends.__file__) # filter all files in that directory to identify all files which provide a backend backend_fnames = filter(is_backend_module, os.listdir(backends_dir)) backends = [backend_fname_formatter(fname) for fname in backend_fnames] print("supported backends: \t" + str(backends)) # validate backends backends_valid = [] for b in backends: try: plt.switch_backend(b) backends_valid += [b] except: continue print("valid backends: \t" + str(backends_valid)) # try backends performance for b in backends_valid: pylab.ion() try: plt.switch_backend(b) pylab.clf() tstart = time.time() # for profiling x = range(0,2*pylab.pi,0.01) # x-array line, = pylab.plot(x,pylab.sin(x)) for i in range(1,200): line.set_ydata(pylab.sin(x+i/10.0)) # update the data pylab.draw() # redraw the canvas print(b + ' FPS: \t' , 200/(time.time()-tstart)) pylab.ioff() except: print(b + " error :(")