def plot_bar_mapq(self, fontsize=16, filename=None): """Plots bar plots of the MAPQ (quality) of alignments .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import BAM, sequana_data b = BAM(sequana_data('test.bam', "testing")) b.plot_bar_mapq() """ df = self.get_mapq_as_df() df.plot(kind='hist', bins=range(0,df.max().values[0]+1), legend=False, grid=True, logy=True) pylab.xlabel("MAPQ", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Count", fontsize=fontsize) try: # This may raise issue on MAC platforms pylab.tight_layout() except: pass if filename: pylab.savefig(filename)
def hist_coverage(self, bins=100): """ .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data, BAM b = BAM(sequana_data("measles.fa.sorted.bam")) b.hist_coverage() """ try: self.coverage except: self.set_fast_stats() pylab.hist(self.coverage, bins=bins) pylab.xlabel("Coverage") pylab.ylabel("Number of mapped bases") pylab.grid()
def plotmatchdisthist(M, mas=True, nbins=100, doclf=True, color='b', **kwa): import pylab as plt if doclf: plt.clf() R = np.sqrt(M.dra_arcsec**2 + M.ddec_arcsec**2) if mas: R *= 1000. rng = [0, M.rad*1000.] else: rng = [0, M.rad] print 'Match distances: median', np.median(R), 'arcsec' n,b,p = plt.hist(R, nbins, range=rng, histtype='step', color=color, **kwa) if mas: plt.xlabel('Match distance (mas)') else: plt.xlabel('Match distance (arcsec)') plt.xlim(*rng) return n,b,p
def plotHistPopScore(population, fitness=False): """ Population score distribution histogram Example: >>> Interaction.plotHistPopScore(population) :param population: population object (:class:`GPopulation.GPopulation`) :param fitness: if True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw. :rtype: None """ score_list = getPopScores(population, fitness) n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(score_list, 50, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75, normed=1) pylab.plot(bins, pylab.normpdf(bins, numpy.mean(score_list), numpy.std(score_list)), 'r--') pylab.xlabel('Score') pylab.ylabel('Frequency') pylab.grid(True) pylab.title("Plot of population score distribution") pylab.show() # -----------------------------------------------------------------
def DrawHist(pl, shs): """??????, shs: ??? array""" shs = np.array(shs, dtype=float) #print "mean: %.2f"%shs.mean() shs = shs[np.isnan(shs) == False] if len(shs)>0: pl.figure pl.hist(shs) def ShowHitCount(shs): #???? go_count = len(shs) - len(shs[np.isnan(shs)]) #??? if len(shs) != 0: v = float(go_count)/ float(len(shs)) #print("trade rato:%.2f%%"%(v*100)) #????? if go_count>0: v = float(len(shs[shs>0]))/float(go_count) #print("win rato: %.2f%%"%(v*100)) pl.show() #ShowHitCount(shs)
def data_loop(self): import pylab fig = pylab.figure() pylab.ion() while True: fig.clear() #pylab.plot(self.t[np.where(self.on==0)]) hz = 1000000 / self.delta pylab.hist(hz, 50, range=(800, 1200)) pylab.xlim(500, 1500) pylab.ylim(0, 100) self.delta = self.delta[:0] fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events()
def plotAgainstGFP_hist2d(self): fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize = (20, 15)) print len(self.GFP) for i in xrange(min(len(data.cat), 4)): print len(self.GFP[self.categories == i]) vect = [] pylab.subplot(2,2,i+1) pop = self.GFP[self.categories == i] print "cat", i, "n pop", len(self.GFP[(self.categories == i) & (self.GFP > -np.log(12.5))]) H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(self.angles[self.categories == i], self.GFP[self.categories == i], bins = 10) hist = pylab.hist2d(self.GFP[self.categories == i], self.angles[self.categories == i], bins = 10, cmap = pylab.cm.Reds, normed = True) pylab.clim(0.,0.035) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title(data.cat[i]) pylab.xlabel('GFP score') pylab.ylabel('Angle (degree)') pylab.xlim([-4.2, -1]) pylab.show()
def get_mapped_read_length(self): """Return dataframe with read length for each read .. plot:: from pylab import hist from sequana import sequana_data, BAM b = BAM(sequana_data("test.bam")) hist(b.get_mapped_read_length()) """ read_length = [read.reference_length for read in self if read.is_unmapped is False] return read_length
def plot_gc_content(self, fontsize=16, ec="k", bins=100): """plot GC content histogram :params bins: a value for the number of bins or an array (with a copy() method) :param ec: add black contour on the bars .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import BAM, sequana_data b = BAM(sequana_data('test.bam')) b.plot_gc_content() """ data = self.get_gc_content() try: X = np.linspace(0, 100, bins) except: X = bins.copy() pylab.hist(data, X, normed=True, ec=ec) pylab.grid(True) mu = pylab.mean(data) sigma = pylab.std(data) X = pylab.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 100) pylab.plot(X, pylab.normpdf(X, mu, sigma), lw=2, color="r", ls="--") pylab.xlabel("GC content", fontsize=16)
def plotfitquality(H, xe, ye, A): ''' H,xe,ye from plotalignment() ''' import pylab as plt xe /= 1000. ye /= 1000. xx = (xe[:-1] + xe[1:])/2. yy = (ye[:-1] + ye[1:])/2. XX,YY = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) XX = XX.ravel() YY = YY.ravel() XY = np.vstack((XX,YY)).T Mdist = np.sqrt(mahalanobis_distsq(XY, A.mu, A.C)) assert(len(H.ravel()) == len(Mdist)) mod = A.getModel(XX, YY) R2 = XX**2 + YY**2 mod[R2 > (A.match.rad)**2] = 0. mod *= (H.sum() / mod.sum()) plt.clf() rng = (0, 7) plt.hist(Mdist, 100, weights=H.ravel(), histtype='step', color='b', label='data', range=rng) plt.hist(Mdist, 100, weights=mod, histtype='step', color='r', label='model', range=rng) plt.xlabel('| Chi |') plt.ylabel('Number of matches') plt.title('Gaussian peak fit quality') plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def histlog10(x, **kwargs): import pylab as plt I = (x > 0) L = np.log10(x[I]) plt.clf() plt.hist(L, **kwargs)
def ex3(): x = np.random.randn(1000) # Boxplot #plt.boxplot(x) # Histogram plt.hist(x) plt.title("Mon Titre") plt.show()
def check_pdf(df): df_num = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.float, np.int]) for index in df_num.columns: try: if index in ['LOG_BULL_RETURN', 'LOG_BEAR_RETURN','RTISf', 'TOTAL_SCANNED_MESSAGES_DIFF', 'TOTAL_SENTIMENT_MESSAGES_DIFF']: h = df_num[index][1:].sort_values().values fit = s.norm.pdf(h, np.mean(h), np.std(h)) #this is a fitting indeed P.plot(h,fit,'-o') P.hist(h,normed=True) #use this to draw histogram of your data P.title(index) P.show() # fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(df_num[index][1:],lags=40) # plt.title(index) elif index in ['LOG_BULL_BEAR_RATIO']: h = df_num[index][1:].sort_values().values fit = s.norm.pdf(h, np.mean(h), np.std(h)) #this is a fitting indeed P.plot(h,fit,'-o') P.hist(h,normed=True) #use this to draw histogram of your data P.title(index) P.show() else: h = df_num[index][1:].sort_values().values fit = s.norm.pdf(h, np.mean(h), np.std(h)) #this is a fitting indeed P.plot(h,fit,'-o') P.hist(h,normed=True) #use this to draw histogram of your data P.title(index) P.show() except: print index, "error" # check autocorrelation # provide a range of graphics which diagramatically show spikes for autocorrelation
def display_histogram_scipy(bench, mean, bins): values = bench.get_values() values = sorted(values) if mean: fit = stats.norm.pdf(values, bench.mean(), bench.stdev()) pylab.plot(values, fit, '-o', label='mean-stdev') else: fit = stats.norm.pdf(values, bench.mean(), bench.stdev()) pylab.plot(values, fit, '-o', label='mean-stdev') plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large') pylab.hist(values, bins=bins, normed=True) pylab.show()
def layer(self, x, y): """""" #n = np.random.randn(1000) #plt.hist(n, 100) plt.plot(x, y, 'r') #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def hist(self, *args, **kwargs): pl.hist(*args, **kwargs)
def histogram(title, title_x, title_y, x, bins_x): """ Plot a basic histogram. """ pylab.figure() pylab.hist(x, bins_x) pylab.xlabel(title_x) pylab.ylabel(title_y) pylab.title(title) ############################################################
def draw_sum_slices(hist, **kwargs): return draw_slices(hist,func=np.sum, **kwargs)
def draw_max_slices(hist, **kwargs): return draw_slices(hist,func=np.max, **kwargs)
def plot_distributions(sortedlist, title): fit = stats.norm.pdf(sortedlist, np.mean(sortedlist), np.std(sortedlist)) #this is a fitting indeed pl.title(title) pl.plot(sortedlist,fit,'-o') pl.hist(sortedlist,normed=True) #use this to draw histogram of your data pl.savefig(title) pl.show() #use may also need add this
def histplot(self, extradataA = [], extradataG = [], intensity = []): pylab.figure(figsize = (25,8)) cat = ['NT, 500ng/mL DOX', 'DLG siRNA, 500ng/mL DOX', 'NuMA siRNA, 500ng/mL DOX', 'NT, 1ug/mL DOX'] pops = [] for i in xrange(3): pylab.subplot(1,3,i+1) pop = self.angles[(self.categories == i)]# & (self.GFP > -np.log(12.5))]# & (intensity == 'r')] print "cat {0}, pop {1}, pop + GFP {2}".format(i, len(self.angles[self.categories == i]), len(pop)) pops.append(pop) hist, binedges = np.histogram(pop, bins = 18) pylab.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) pylab.plot(binedges[:-1], np.cumsum(hist)/1./len(pop), data.colors[i], label = data.cat[i], linewidth = 4) if len(extradataA) > i: print extradataA[i] h, bins = np.histogram(extradataA[i], bins= 18) hbis = h/1./len(extradataA[i]) x, y = [], [] for index in xrange(len(hbis)): x.extend([bins[index], bins[index+1]]) y.extend([hbis[index], hbis[index]]) print x, y, len(x) pylab.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) pylab.plot(bins[:-1], np.cumsum(h)/1./len(extradataA[i]), 'k', linewidth = 4) pylab.xlabel("Angle (degre)", fontsize = 25) #pylab.title(cat[i]) pylab.ylim([0., 1.2]) pylab.legend(loc = 2, prop = {'size' : 20}) for ip, p in enumerate(pops): for ip2, p2 in enumerate(pops): ksstat, kspval = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(p2, p) print "#### cat{0} & cat{3} : ks Stat {1}, pvalue {2}".format(ip, ksstat, kspval, ip2) pylab.show() #pylab.savefig("{0}hist.png".format(dirpath, nbins, 2, randint(0,999), dirpath))
def plotAgainstGFP(self, extradataA = [], extradataG = [], intensity = [], seq = []): fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize = (25, 10)) print len(self.GFP) for i in xrange(min(len(data.cat), 3)): print len(self.GFP[self.categories == i]) vect = [] pylab.subplot(1,3,i+1) #pylab.hist(self.GFP[self.categories == i], bins = 20, color = data.colors[i]) pop = self.GFP[self.categories == i] pylab.plot(self.GFP[self.categories == i], self.angles[self.categories == i], data.colors[i]+'o', markersize = 8)#, label = data.cat[i]) print "cat", i, "n pop", len(self.GFP[(self.categories == i) & (self.GFP > -np.log(12.5))]) x = np.linspace(np.min(self.GFP[self.categories == i]), np.percentile(self.GFP[self.categories == i], 80),40) #fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick) for j in x: vect.append(np.median(self.angles[(self.GFP > j) & (self.categories == i)])) pylab.plot([-4.5, -0.5], [vect[0], vect[0]], data.colors[i], label = "mediane de la population entiere", linewidth = 5) print vect[0], vect[np.argmax(x > -np.log(12.5))] pylab.plot([-np.log(12.5), -0.5], [vect[np.argmax(x > -np.log(12.5))] for k in [0,1]], data.colors[i], label = "mediane de la population de droite", linewidth = 5, ls = '--') pylab.axvline(x = -np.log(12.5), color = 'm', ls = '--', linewidth = 3) pylab.xlim([-4.5, -0.5]) pylab.legend(loc = 2, prop = {'size':17}) pylab.title(data.cat[i].split(',')[0], fontsize = 24) pylab.xlabel('score GFP', fontsize = 20) pylab.ylabel('Angle (degre)', fontsize = 20) pylab.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20) pylab.ylim([-5, 105]) ##pylab.xscale('log') pylab.show()
def bootstrap(self, nBoot, nbins = 20): pops = np.zeros((nBoot, nbins)) #medianpop = [[] for i in data.cat] pylab.figure(figsize = (20,14)) for i in xrange(3): pylab.subplot(1,3,i+1) #if i ==0: #pylab.title("Bootstrap on medians", fontsize = 20.) pop = self.angles[(self.categories == i)]# & (self.GFP > 2000)] for index in xrange(nBoot): newpop = np.random.choice(pop, size=len(pop), replace=True) #medianpop[i].append(np.median(newpop)) newhist, binedges = np.histogram(newpop, bins = nbins) pops[index,:] = newhist/1./len(pop) #pylab.hist(medianpop[i], bins = nbins, label = "{2} median {0:.1f}, std {1:.1f}".format(np.median(medianpop[i]), np.std(medianpop[i]), data.cat[i]), color = data.colors[i], alpha =.2, normed = True) meanpop = np.sum(pops, axis = 0)/1./nBoot stdY = np.std(pops, axis = 0) print "width", binedges[1] - binedges[0] pylab.bar(binedges[:-1], meanpop, width = binedges[1] - binedges[0], label = "mean distribution", color = data.colors[i], alpha = 0.6) pylab.fill_between((binedges[:-1]+binedges[1:])/2., meanpop-stdY, meanpop+stdY, alpha = 0.3) pylab.legend() pylab.title(data.cat[i]) pylab.xlabel("Angle(degree)", fontsize = 15) pylab.ylim([-.01, 0.23]) pylab.savefig("/users/biocomp/frose/frose/Graphics/FINALRESULTS-diff-f3/distrib_nBootstrap{0}_bins{1}_GFPsup{2}_{3}.png".format(nBoot, nbins, 'all', randint(0,999)))
def draw_slices(hist, func=np.sum, **kwargs): """ Draw horizontal and vertical slices through histogram """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable kwargs.setdefault('ls','-') ax = plt.gca() data = hist # Slices vslice = func(data,axis=0) hslice = func(data,axis=1) npix = np.array(data.shape) #xlim,ylim = plt.array(zip([0,0],npix-1)) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() #extent = ax.get_extent() #xlim =extent[:2] #ylim = extent[2:] # Bin centers xbin = np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],len(vslice))#+0.5 ybin = np.linspace(ylim[0],ylim[1],len(hslice))#+0.5 divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) #gh2 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=self.header, axis_nums=[2, 1]) hax = divider.append_axes("right", size=1.2, pad=0.05,sharey=ax, axes_class=axes_divider.LocatableAxes) hax.axis["left"].toggle(label=False, ticklabels=False) #hax.plot(hslice, plt.arange(*ylim)+0.5,'-') # Bin center hax.plot(hslice, ybin, **kwargs) # Bin center hax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4,prune='both')) hax.set_ylim(*ylim) #gh1 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=self.header, axis_nums=[0, 2]) vax = divider.append_axes("top", size=1.2, pad=0.05, sharex=ax, axes_class=axes_divider.LocatableAxes) vax.axis["bottom"].toggle(label=False, ticklabels=False) vax.plot(xbin, vslice, **kwargs) vax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4,prune='lower')) vax.set_xlim(*xlim) return vax,hax
def drawKernelHist(ax, kernel): ext = kernel.extension theta = kernel.theta lon, lat = kernel.lon, kernel.lat xmin,xmax = -5*ext,5*ext ymin,ymax = -5*ext,5*ext, x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)+kernel.lon y = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,100)+kernel.lat xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y) zz = kernel.pdf(xx,yy) im = ax.imshow(zz)#,extent=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) hax,vax = draw_slices(ax,zz,color='k') mc_lon,mc_lat = kernel.sample(1e5) hist,xedges,yedges = np.histogram2d(mc_lon,mc_lat,bins=[len(x),len(y)], range=[[x.min(),x.max()],[y.min(),y.max()]]) xbins,ybins = np.arange(hist.shape[0])+0.5,np.arange(hist.shape[1])+0.5 vzz = zz.sum(axis=0) hzz = zz.sum(axis=1) vmc = hist.sum(axis=0) hmc = hist.sum(axis=1) vscale = vzz.max()/vmc.max() hscale = hzz.max()/hmc.max() kwargs = dict(marker='.',ls='',color='r') hax.errorbar(hmc*hscale, ybins, xerr=np.sqrt(hmc)*hscale,**kwargs) vax.errorbar(xbins, vmc*vscale,yerr=np.sqrt(vmc)*vscale,**kwargs) ax.set_ylim(0,len(y)) ax.set_xlim(0,len(x)) #try: ax.cax.colorbar(im) #except: pylab.colorbar(im) #a0 = np.array([0.,0.]) #a1 =kernel.a*np.array([np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)),-np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta))]) #ax.plot([a0[0],a1[0]],[a0[1],a1[1]],'-ob') # #b0 = np.array([0.,0.]) #b1 =kernel.b*np.array([np.cos(np.radians(theta)),np.sin(np.radians(theta))]) #ax.plot([b0[0],b1[0]],[b0[1],b1[1]],'-or') label_kwargs = dict(xy=(0.05,0.05),xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points',ha='left', va='bottom',size=10, bbox={'boxstyle':"round",'fc':'1'}, zorder=10) norm = zz.sum() * (x[1]-x[0])**2 ax.annotate("Sum = %.2f"%norm,**label_kwargs) #ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ LON (deg)') #ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ LAT (deg)') ###################################################
def doit(csvfile): sensordata=[] timestamplist=[] if 1:#with open(fname, 'rb') as csvfile: for t in range(args.skip_lines): csvfile.readline() reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=args.delimiter) for a in reader: if a==[]: continue # empty line try: values = [float(t.replace(',','.')) for t in a if t !=''] except Exception,e: print a, e continue if args.columns: values = [values[t] for t in args.columns] if args.timestamps: sensordata.append(values[1:]) timestamplist.append(values[0]) else: sensordata.append(values) if args.histogram: import matplotlib.mlab as mlab mu = mlab.np.average(sensordata) sigma = max(abs(mlab.np.max(sensordata)- mu), abs(mlab.np.min(sensordata)- mu)) # the histogram of the data n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(mlab.np.array(sensordata), 100, normed=True, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75) pylab.grid() pylab.show() if args.output_file_name: outfile = open(args.output_file_name,'w') for line in sensordata: outfile.write(args.output_delimiter.join([args.output_formatter % round(t*args.output_multiplier) for t in line])+'\n') else: if timestamplist!=[]: # data with timestamp pylab.plot(timestamplist, sensordata, args.tick_mark) pylab.xlabel('time') else: pylab.plot(sensordata, args.tick_mark) pylab.xlabel('sample #') pylab.title(csvfile.name) if args.legend: pylab.legend(args.legend) pylab.grid() pylab.show()