def plot_density_map(x, y, xbins, ybins, Nlevels=4, cbar=True, weights=None): Z = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(xbins, ybins), weights=weights)[0].astype(float).T # central values lt = get_centers_from_bins(xbins) lm = get_centers_from_bins(ybins) cX, cY = np.meshgrid(lt, lm) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xbins, ybins) im = plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z, cmap=plt.cm.Blues) plt.contour(cX, cY, Z, levels=nice_levels(Z, Nlevels), cmap=plt.cm.Greys_r) if cbar: cb = plt.colorbar(im) else: cb = None plt.xlim(xbins[0], xbins[-1]) plt.ylim(ybins[0], ybins[-1]) try: plt.tight_layout() except Exception as e: print(e) return plt.gca(), cb
def joint_density(X, Y, bounds=None): """ Plots joint distribution of variables. Inherited from method in src/graphics.py module in project git://github.com/aflaxman/pymc-example-tfr-hdi.git """ if bounds: X_min, X_max, Y_min, Y_max = bounds else: X_min = X.min() X_max = X.max() Y_min = Y.min() Y_max = Y.max() pylab.plot(X, Y, linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green', alpha=.2, zorder=-99) gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([X, Y]) x,y = pylab.mgrid[X_min:X_max:(X_max-X_min)/25.,Y_min:Y_max:(Y_max-Y_min)/25.] z = pylab.array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(), y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape) pylab.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=2) pylab.axis([X_min, X_max, Y_min, Y_max])
def scatter_plot(x, y, ellipse=False, levels=[0.99, 0.95, 0.68], color='w', ax=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if faststats is not None: im, e = faststats.fastkde.fastkde(x, y, (50, 50), adjust=2.) V = im.max() * np.asarray(levels) plt.contour(im.T, levels=V, origin='lower', extent=e, linewidths=[1, 2, 3], colors=color) ax.plot(x, y, 'b,', alpha=0.3, zorder=-1, rasterized=True) if ellipse is True: data = np.vstack([x, y]) mu = np.mean(data, axis=1) cov = np.cov(data) error_ellipse(mu, cov, ax=plt.gca(), edgecolor="g", ls="dashed", lw=4, zorder=2)
def plot_reg_2D_stoc(X,stoc_vector): deter_vec = np.invert(stoc_vector) dom_max = np.amax(X[stoc_vector,:]) + 1 A = np.zeros((dom_max,dom_max)) stoc_indexs = np.arange(0,X.shape[0],1)[stoc_vector].astype(int) for i,deter_element in enumerate(deter_vec): if deter_element == True: A[X[int(stoc_indexs[0]),:].astype(int), X[int(stoc_indexs[1]),:].astype(int)] = X[i,:] pl.figure(i) #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') #surf = ax.plot_surface(X[int(stoc_indexs[0]),:].astype(int), X[int(stoc_indexs[1]),:].astype(int),X[i,:], rstride=1, cstride=1, #cmap=cm.coolwarm,linewidth=0, antialiased=False) pl.contour(A,X[i,:]) #ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) #ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) #fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) pl.show()
def plot_2D_contour(states,p,labels,inter=False): import pylab as pl from pyme.statistics import expectation as EXP exp = EXP((states,p)) X = np.unique(states[0,:]) Y = np.unique(states[1,:]) X_len = len(X) Y_len = len(Y) Z = np.zeros((X.max()+1,Y.max()+1)) for i in range(len(p)): Z[states[0,i],states[1,i]] = p[i] Z = np.where(Z < 1e-8,0.0,Z) pl.clf() XX, YY = np.meshgrid(X,Y) pl.contour(range(X.max()+1),range(Y.max()+1),Z.T) pl.axhline(y=exp[1]) pl.axvline(x=exp[0]) pl.xlabel(labels[0]) pl.ylabel(labels[1]) if inter == True: pl.draw() else: pl.show()
def contour_area(self,edges,resolution=0.1,**limits): """Return the area of each contour interval within the limits. edges list containing the contour edges (1D array) resolution resolution of the spline map used to calculate the area TODO: better handling of limits """ lim = self.limits.copy() lim.update(limits) XX,YY = numpy.mgrid[lim['minNMP']:lim['maxNMP']:resolution, lim['minLID']:lim['maxLID']:resolution] A = self.F(XX,YY) e = numpy.asarray(edges) area = numpy.zeros(len(e)-1,dtype=int) area[:] = [len(A[numpy.logical_and(lo <= A, A < hi)]) for lo,hi in zip(e[:-1],e[1:])] return area * resolution**2
def contour(self, *args, **kwargs): defaults = {'origin': 'lower', 'cmap': plt.cm.Greys, 'levels': np.sort(self.nice_levels())} defaults.update(**kwargs) ax = kwargs.pop('ax', plt.gca()) return ax.contour(self.im.T, *args, extent=self.e, **defaults)
def plot(self, contour={}, scatter={}, **kwargs): # levels = np.linspace(self.im.min(), self.im.max(), 10)[1:] levels = self.nice_levels() c_defaults = {'origin': 'lower', 'cmap': plt.cm.Greys_r, 'levels': levels} c_defaults.update(**contour) c = self.contourf(**c_defaults) lvls = np.sort(c.levels) s_defaults = {'c': '0.0', 'edgecolor':'None', 's':2} s_defaults.update(**scatter) self.scatter(lvl=[lvls], **s_defaults)
def autoplot(self,mode='observable',runtype=None,figdir=None, **plotargs): """Make the standard plot of the data. autoplot(AngleprojectedObservable, mode=MODE,runtype='RUNTYPE',figdir=None,**plotargs) plotargs (see AngleprojectedObservable.plot()): title None: generate title for each individual plot using the observables legend string: use provided title for _all_ plots "": no title min_contour | max_contour +- boundaries for the contour plot cmap pylab colormap instance or None for the default [cm.jet] alpha alpha for the filled contours [1.0] overlay function that is called with no arguments, eg overlay = lambda : coRMSD.DeltaRMSD.plot(with_colorbar=False,clf=False,with_filled=False,linewidth=3,colors='white') """ import pylab qualifier = self.qualifier or "" # gives just trailing slash if no self.qualifier figdir = figdir or os.path.join(config.basedir,'figs',self.observable_type,qualifier) filebasename = self.filebasename(runtype) was_interactive = pylab.matplotlib.is_interactive() pylab.matplotlib.interactive(False) self._auto_plots(mode,filebasename,figdir,plotargs) pylab.matplotlib.interactive(was_interactive) # revert to previous state return figdir
def plot_all(self,runtype=None,figdir=None, **plotargs): """Make the 6 standard plots of the observable data. plot_all(runtype='RUNTYPE',figdir=None,**plotargs) plotargs (see AngleprojectedObservable.plot()): title None: generate title for each individual plot using the observables legend string: use provided title for _all_ plots "": no title min_contour | max_contour +- boundaries for the contour plot cmap pylab colormap instance or None for the default [cm.jet] alpha alpha for the filled contours [1.0] overlay function that is called with no arguments, eg overlay = lambda : coRMSD.DeltaRMSD.plot(with_colorbar=False,clf=False,with_filled=False,linewidth=3,colors='white') """ kwargs = dict(runtype=runtype,figdir=figdir,**plotargs) self.autoplot('observable',**kwargs) self.autoplot('stdev',**kwargs) figdir = self.autoplot('counts',**kwargs) print "-- Figures in %r." % figdir return figdir
def plot_contours(self): """filled contour plot with lines""" try: from pylab import contour,contourf except ImportError: print "pylab is required to plot" return None contour(self.x,self.y,self.histogram.transpose()) contourf(self.x,self.y,self.histogram.transpose())
def _test(npoints=1000): """test Histogram2D by binning npoints random points which are Gaussian dsitributed""" xmin, xmax = -20, 20 ymin, ymax = -3, 5 from random import gauss from pylab import plot,contour,contourf xmu, xsigma = 0, 6.0 ymu, ysigma = 0, 1.0 points = [(gauss(xmu,xsigma), gauss(ymu,ysigma)) for i in range(0,npoints)] h = Histogram2D(points,xlimits={'min':xmin,'max':xmax,'nbins':20}, ylimits={'min':ymin,'max':ymax,'nbins':10}) try: import pylab h.plot_points() h.plot_contours() pylab.show except: pass return h
def allplot(xb,yb,bins=30,fig=1,xlabel='x',ylabel='y'): """ Input: X,Y : objects referring to the variables produced by PyMC that you want to analyze. Example: X=M.theta, Y=M.slope. Inherited from Tommy LE BLANC's code at astroplotlib|STSCI. """ #X,Y=xb.trace(),yb.trace() X,Y=xb,yb #pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) fig=pylab.figure(fig) pylab.clf() gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[1,3], wspace=0.07, hspace=0.07) scat=pylab.subplot(gs[2]) histx=pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=scat) histy=pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=scat) #scat=fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) #histx=fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, sharex=scat) #histy=fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, sharey=scat) # Scatter plot scat.plot(X, Y,linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green',alpha=.2, zorder=-99) gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([X, Y]) x,y = numpy.mgrid[X.min():X.max():(X.max()-X.min())/25.,Y.min():Y.max():(Y.max()-Y.min())/25.] z = numpy.array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(), y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape) scat.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=2) scat.set_xlabel(xlabel) scat.set_ylabel(ylabel) # X-axis histogram histx.hist(X, bins, histtype='stepfilled') pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label #histx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no X label # Y-axis histogram histy.hist(Y, bins, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal') pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label #histy.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no Y label #pylab.minorticks_on() #pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) #pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1) pylab.draw() pylab.show()
def jointplotx(X,Y,xlabel=None,ylabel=None,binsim=40,binsh=20,binscon=15): """ Plots the joint distribution of posteriors for X1 and X2, including the 1D histograms showing the median and standard deviations. Uses simple method for drawing the confidence contours compared to jointplot (which is wrong). The work that went in creating this method is shown, step by step, in the ipython notebook "error contours.ipynb". Sources of inspiration: - http://python4mpia.github.io/intro/quick-tour.html Usage: >>> jointplot(M.rtr.trace(),M.mdot.trace(),xlabel='$\log \ r_{\\rm tr}$', ylabel='$\log \ \dot{m}$') """ # Generates 2D histogram for image histt, xt, yt = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binsim,binsim], normed=False) histt = numpy.transpose(histt) # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back. # assigns correct proportions to subplots fig=pylab.figure() gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[1,3], wspace=0.001, hspace=0.001) con=pylab.subplot(gs[2]) histx=pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=con) histy=pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=con) # Image con.imshow(histt,extent=[xt[0],xt[-1], yt[0],yt[-1]],origin='lower',cmap=pylab.cm.gray_r,aspect='auto') # Overplot with error contours 1,2 sigma # Contour plot histdata, x, y = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binscon,binscon], normed=False) histdata = numpy.transpose(histdata) # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back. pmax = histdata.max() cs=con.contour(histdata, levels=[0.68*pmax,0.05*pmax], extent=[x[0],x[-1], y[0],y[-1]], colors=['black','blue']) # use dictionary in order to assign your own labels to the contours. #fmtdict = {s[0]:r'$1\sigma$',s[1]:r'$2\sigma$'} #con.clabel(cs, fmt=fmtdict, inline=True, fontsize=20) if xlabel!=None: con.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel!=None: con.set_ylabel(ylabel) # X-axis histogram histx.hist(X, binsh, histtype='stepfilled',facecolor='lightblue') pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label pylab.setp(histx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence yax=histx.set_ylim() histx.plot([numpy.median(X),numpy.median(X)],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k-',linewidth=2) # median xsd=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(X, [15.87,84.13]) histx.plot([xsd[0],xsd[0]],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k--') # -1sd histx.plot([xsd[-1],xsd[-1]],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k--') # +1sd # Y-axis histogram histy.hist(Y, binsh, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal',facecolor='lightyellow') pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label pylab.setp(histy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence xax=histy.set_xlim() histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[numpy.median(Y),numpy.median(Y)],'k-',linewidth=2) # median ysd=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(Y, [15.87,84.13]) histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[ysd[0],ysd[0]],'k--') # -1sd histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[ysd[-1],ysd[-1]],'k--') # +1sd