def start_simulation(self): """Starts the simulation with visualization.""" self.show_setup(halt=False) main_plot, = self.axes.plot([]) sim_process = mp.Process(target=self._sim_function, args=(self._plot_queue,)) sim_process.start() # wait for simulation initialization while self._plot_queue.empty(): pl.pause(0.1) finished = False while not finished: # wait for new simulation result while self._plot_queue.empty(): pl.pause(0.01) message = self._plot_queue.get() # simulation function returns field object when simulation is complete to get output if isinstance(message, fld.Field): # update main process field components with simulation result self._update_components(message) finished = True else: time, data = message self.axes.title.set_text('{title} $t$ = {time:.{prec}f} {prefix}s' .format(title=self.plot_title, time=time/self._t_factor, prec=self.time_precision, prefix=self._t_prefix)) main_plot.set_data(self.field.x.vector / self._x_axis_factor, data) pl.pause(self.frame_delay) sim_process.join() pp.show()
def start_simulation(self): """Starts the simulation with visualization.""" self.show_setup(halt=False) main_plot = self.axes.imshow(self.field_as_matrix(), extent=(0, max(self.field.x.vector) / self._x_axis_factor, max(self.field.y.vector) / self._y_axis_factor, 0), cmap='viridis') main_plot.set_clim(-self.scale, self.scale) color_bar = pp.colorbar(main_plot) color_bar.set_label(self.observed_component, rotation=270) sim_process = mp.Process(target=self._sim_function, args=(self._plot_queue,)) sim_process.start() # wait for simulation initialization while self._plot_queue.empty(): pl.pause(0.1) finished = False while not finished: # wait for new simulation result while self._plot_queue.empty(): pl.pause(0.01) message = self._plot_queue.get() # simulation function returns field object when simulation is complete to get output if isinstance(message, fld.Field): # update main process field components with simulation result self._update_components(message) finished = True else: time, data = message self.axes.title.set_text('{title} $t$ = {time:.{prec}f} {prefix}s' .format(title=self.plot_title, time=time/self._t_factor, prec=self.time_precision, prefix=self._t_prefix)) main_plot.set_data(self.field_as_matrix(data)) pl.pause(self.frame_delay) sim_process.join() pp.show()
def onclick(event): #print 'button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f'%(event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata) start_point = int(event.xdata) sum_data = get_noise(start_point) #plot_sum_data(sum_data) process_data(start_point,sum_data) display_wav('junk_out.wav') cmd5 = 'play junk_out.mp3' os.system(cmd5) pylab.pause(2**31-1)
def db_plot(*args, **kwargs): # plot utility for debugging plt.plot(*args, **kwargs) plt.show() pause(1)
def image_loop(self, decay, display_mode): import pylab fig = pylab.figure() pylab.ion() img = pylab.imshow(self.image, vmax=1, vmin=-1, interpolation='none', cmap='binary') pylab.xlim(0, 127) pylab.ylim(127, 0) regions = {} if self.count_spike_regions is not None: for k, v in self.count_spike_regions.items(): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = v rect = pylab.Rectangle((minx - 0.5, miny - 0.5), maxx - minx, maxy - miny, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.2) pylab.gca().add_patch(rect) regions[k] = rect if self.track_periods is not None: colors = ([(0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (1,0,1)] * 10)[:len(self.p_y)] scatter = pylab.scatter(self.p_x, self.p_y, s=50, c=colors) else: scatter = None while True: img.set_data(self.image) for k, rect in regions.items(): alpha = self.get_spike_rate(k) * 0.5 alpha = min(alpha, 0.5) rect.set_alpha(0.05 + alpha) if scatter is not None: scatter.set_offsets(np.array([self.p_x, self.p_y]).T) c = [(r,g,b,min(self.track_certainty[i],1)) for i,(r,g,b) in enumerate(colors)] scatter.set_color(c) if display_mode == 'quick': # this is much faster, but doesn't work on all systems fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() else: # this works on all systems, but is kinda slow pylab.pause(0.001) self.image *= decay
def images_loop(self, decays, display_mode): import pylab fig = pylab.figure() num_images = len(decays) pylab.ion() imgs = [] for i in range(len(decays)): fig.add_subplot(1, num_images, i+1) imgs.append( pylab.imshow(self.images[i], vmax=1, vmin=-1, interpolation='none', cmap='binary') ) pylab.xlim(0, 127) pylab.ylim(127, 0) regions = {} if self.count_spike_regions is not None: for k, v in self.count_spike_regions.items(): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = v rect = pylab.Rectangle((minx - 0.5, miny - 0.5), maxx - minx, maxy - miny, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.2) pylab.gca().add_patch(rect) regions[k] = rect if self.track_periods is not None: colors = ([(0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (1,0,1)] * 10)[:len(self.p_y)] scatter = pylab.scatter(self.p_x, self.p_y, s=50, c=colors) else: scatter = None while True: for i,d in enumerate(decays): imgs[i].set_data(self.images[i]) for k, rect in regions.items(): alpha = self.get_spike_rate(k) * 0.5 alpha = min(alpha, 0.5) rect.set_alpha(0.05 + alpha) if scatter is not None: scatter.set_offsets(np.array([self.p_x, self.p_y]).T) c = [(r,g,b,min(self.track_certainty[i],1)) for i,(r,g,b) in enumerate(colors)] scatter.set_color(c) if display_mode == 'quick': # this is much faster, but doesn't work on all systems fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() else: # this works on all systems, but is kinda slow pylab.pause(0.001) for i,d in enumerate(decays): self.images[i] *= d