def _connect(self, address, lazy_connection=False): """Set up a connection to the MongoDB server. Parameters: address: MongoDB server address. lazy_connection: avoid testing if the connection is working while initializing it. """ client = pymongo.MongoClient(address, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=FLAGS.mongodb_connection_timeout) if lazy_connection: return client # Send a query to the server to see if the connection is working. try: client.server_info() except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as e: logging.error("Unable to connect to %s.", address) client = None return client
def __loadTicksFromMongo(self,host,port,dbName,symbolName,startDatetimeStr,endDatetimeStr): """mid ??mongodb????????????????? """ mongoConnection = MongoClient( host=host,port=port) collection = mongoConnection[dbName][symbolName] startDate = dt.datetime.strptime(startDatetimeStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') endDate = dt.datetime.strptime(endDatetimeStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cx = collection.find({'datetime': {'$gte': startDate, '$lte': endDate}}) tickDatetimeNums = [] tickPrices = [] for d in cx: tickDatetimeNums.append(mpd.date2num(d['datetime'])) tickPrices.append(d['lastPrice']) return tickDatetimeNums,tickPrices #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def validate_all_collections(): """ Connecto to mongo and run db.collection.validate() on everything """ retry_count = 0 try: client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", 27017, maxPoolSize=50) except Exception as exc: if retry_count > 20: raise Exception("Retries exceeded") from exc retry_count += 1 sleep(6) for db in (client[name] for name in client.database_names() if name != "local"): for collection in db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False): if db.validate_collection(collection, scandata=True, full=True)['errors']: raise ValidationFailed("Collection failed to validate", collection)
def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """record this page """ mongo_uri=spider.crawler.settings.get('MONGO_URI') mongo_db=spider.crawler.settings.get('MONGO_DB') client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_uri) db = client[mongo_db] def add_field(request, response): if isinstance(request, Request): db[self.collection_name].update_one( {}, {'$set': {'page_url': response.request.url}}, upsert=True) return True ret = [req for req in result if add_field(req, response)] client.close() return ret
def validate_all_human_protein(): # runs all proteins through the validator # and generates a log file coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene metadata_coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene_sources metadata = metadata_coll.find_one() doc_filter = {'taxid': 9606, 'entrezgene': {'$exists': True}} docs = coll.find(doc_filter) print("total number of records: {}".format(coll.find(doc_filter).count())) validate_type = 'eukaryotic' docs = HelperBot.validate_docs(docs, validate_type, 'P351') records = HelperBot.tag_mygene_docs(docs, metadata) _ = list(records)
def test_make_gene_class(): coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene metadata_coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene_sources metadata = metadata_coll.find_one() doc_filter = {'_id': '100861512'} docs = coll.find(doc_filter) print("total number of records: {}".format(coll.find(doc_filter).count())) validate_type = 'eukaryotic' docs = HelperBot.validate_docs(docs, validate_type, 'P351') records = HelperBot.tag_mygene_docs(docs, metadata) record = next(records) organism_info = { "name": "Homo sapiens", "type": "mammalian", "wdid": "Q15978631", 'taxid': 9606 } login = wdi_login.WDLogin(WDUSER, WDPASS) gene = Gene(record, organism_info, login) gene.create_item(fast_run=False, write=True) gene.remove_deprecated_statements()
def validate_all_human_genes(): # runs all genes through the validator # and generates a log file coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene metadata_coll = MongoClient().wikidata_src.mygene_sources metadata = metadata_coll.find_one() doc_filter = {'taxid': 9606, 'entrezgene': {'$exists': True}} docs = coll.find(doc_filter) print("total number of records: {}".format(coll.find(doc_filter).count())) validate_type = 'eukaryotic' docs = HelperBot.validate_docs(docs, validate_type, 'P351') records = HelperBot.tag_mygene_docs(docs, metadata) _ = list(records)
def connect(self): try: logging.debug("Getting MongoDB connection to %s (replicaSet=%s, readPreference=%s, readPreferenceTags=%s, ssl=%s)" % ( self.uri, self.replset, self.read_pref, self.do_rp_tags, self.do_ssl(), )) conn = MongoClient(**self.client_opts()) if self.do_connect: conn['admin'].command({"ping": 1}) except (ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure, ServerSelectionTimeoutError), e: logging.error("Unable to connect to %s! Error: %s" % (self.uri, e)) raise DBConnectionError(e) if conn is not None: self._conn = conn return self._conn
def mongo_no_context_get_job(job_id): """ Get job object from MongoDB. This does not use context object from Flask. Parameters ---------- job_id: str Returns ------- dict Job object """ client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[MONGO_DBNAME] key = dict(_id=ObjectId(job_id)) response = db.jobs.find_one(key) return response
def mongo_no_context_get_tasks(job_id): """ Get all tasks for a job from MongoDB. This does not use context object from Flask. Parameters ---------- job_id: str Returns ------- list(dict) All task objects for given job """ client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[MONGO_DBNAME] key = dict(job_id=job_id) response = list(db.tasks.find(key)) return response
def mongo_no_context_get_task(job_id, task_id): """ Get a task from MongoDB. This does not use context object from Flask. Parameters ---------- job_id: str task_id: int Returns ------- dict task object """ client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[MONGO_DBNAME] key = dict(job_id=job_id, task_id=task_id) response = db.tasks.find_one(key) return response
def mongo_no_context_add_tasks(tasks): """ Add tasks to MongoDB. This does not use context object from Flask. Parameters ---------- tasks: list(dict) List of all task objects. Returns ------- dict response from MongoDB. """ client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[MONGO_DBNAME] response = db.tasks.insert_many(tasks) return response
def init(): connection = MongoClient(secret.mongo_url, secret.mongo_port) db = connection[secret.mongo_db] db.authenticate(secret.mongo_user, urllib.quote_plus(secret.mongo_pass)) r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Samachar Bot for /r/india by /u/sallurocks") scopes = {u'edit', u'submit', u'read', u'privatemessages', u'identity', u'history'} oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=secret.news_app_key, app_secret=secret.news_app_secret, access_token=secret.news_access_token, refresh_token=secret.news_refresh_token, scopes=scopes) init_object = {'db': db, 'reddit': r, 'oauth': oauth_helper, 'goose': Goose()} return init_object
def get_database(cred, **mongo_client_kwargs): """Connect to a database given a credential dict. Args: cred (dict): {database, [host, port, username, password]} Returns: pymongo.database.Database: The database object. """ # respect potential multiprocessing fork mc_kwargs = dict(connect=False) mc_kwargs.update(mongo_client_kwargs) conn = MongoClient( cred.get('host', 'localhost'), cred.get('port', 27017), **mc_kwargs) db = conn[cred['database']] if cred.get('username'): db.authenticate(cred['username'], cred['password']) return db
def connect(self, url, max_retries, retry_interval): connection_options = pymongo.uri_parser.parse_uri(url) del connection_options['database'] del connection_options['username'] del connection_options['password'] del connection_options['collection'] pool_key = tuple(connection_options) if pool_key in self._pool: client = self._pool.get(pool_key)() if client: return client splitted_url = netutils.urlsplit(url) log_data = {'db': splitted_url.scheme, 'nodelist': connection_options['nodelist']} LOG.info('Connecting to %(db)s on %(nodelist)s' % log_data) try: client = MongoProxy(pymongo.MongoClient(url), max_retries, retry_interval) except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure as e: LOG.warning(_('Unable to connect to the database server: ' '%(errmsg)s.') % {'errmsg': e}) raise self._pool[pool_key] = weakref.ref(client) return client
def get_conn(): """ Get a database connection Ensures that only one global database connection exists per thread. If the connection does not exist a new one is created and returned. """ if external_client is not None: return external_client global __client, __connection if not __connection: try: __client = MongoClient(mongo_addr, mongo_port) __connection = __client[mongo_db_name] except ConnectionFailure: raise SevereInternalException("Could not connect to mongo database {} at {}:{}".format(mongo_db_name, mongo_addr, mongo_port)) except InvalidName as error: raise SevereInternalException("Database {} is invalid! - {}".format(mongo_db_name, error)) return __connection
def save_to_database(list_id, scangroup_id): return db_connector.saveSingleUrl.s(list_id, scangroup_id) # state = db_connector.SaveScan(list_id, scangroup_id, urls) # # TODO The following is just error handling for the insert - will probably also have to be moved (statekeeping in MongoDB) # client = MongoClient(config.MONGODB_URL) # db = client['PrangerDB'] # if state.startswith('error'): # db.ScanGroup.update({'_id': ObjectId(scangroup_id)}, {'$set': {'state': "error during SaveScan - %s" % state}}) # print "error during SaveScan - %s" % state # elif state.startswith('success'): # db.ScanGroup.update({'_id': ObjectId(scangroup_id)}, {'$set': {'state': 'finish'}}) # db.ScanGroup.update({'_id': ObjectId(scangroup_id)}, {'$set': {'progress': "finish"}}) # db.ScanGroup.update({'_id': ObjectId(scangroup_id)}, {'$set':{'progress_timestamp': datetime.now().isoformat()}}, upsert=False) # else: # db.ScanGroup.update({'_id': ObjectId(scangroup_id)}, {'$set': {'state': 'unknown error during SaveScan: no status returned'}}) # print "unknown error during SaveScan: no status returned"
def __init__(self, database, collection, host=None): """ :param host: ("localhost", 27017) :param database: :param collection: :return: """ host = host or ("localhost", 27017) self.ip, self.port = host # ???? self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.ip, self.port) self.log = self.client[database][collection] # ????? self.deals = None
def on_change(): ''' called when there is a change in the list of IPs and ports for this backend ''' hostname = socket.gethostname() ip = get_ip() local_mongo = MongoClient(ip, connect=False) try: repl_status = local_mongo.admin.command('replSetGetStatus') is_mongo_primary = repl_status['myState'] == 1 # ref https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/replica-states/ except Exception as e: log.error(e, 'unable to get primary status') return False if is_mongo_primary: return mongo_update_replset_config(local_mongo, ip) else: return True # ---------------------------------------------------------
def get_collection(collection_name, custom_mongo_client=None): """ Return the collection :type collection_name: str :param collection_name: :type custom_mongo_client: MongoClient :param custom_mongo_client: :rtype: Collection :return: """ if custom_mongo_client is None: custom_mongo_client = get_mongo_client() db = custom_mongo_client[config.db_name] return db[collection_name]
def get(self): client = pymongo.MongoClient(config.MONGO_URI) db = client[config.MONGO_DATABASE] problems = db['problems'].find({'oj': 'poj'}, {'problem_id': 1, 'title': 1}) problem_list = [] problem_num = 0; for one in problems: problem = { 'problem_id': one['problem_id'], 'title': one['title'] } problem_list.append(problem) problem_num += 1 return { 'problem_num': problem_num, 'problem_list': problem_list }
def post(self, username): get_user = AccountCrawler() get_user.crawl('poj', username, request.json['password']) client = pymongo.MongoClient(config.MONGO_URI) db = client[config.MONGO_DATABASE] user_info = db['users'].find_one({'oj': 'poj', 'username': username}) client.close() if user_info is None: return { 'status': 404, 'message': 'not found' } return { 'username': user_info['username'], 'status': 200, 'submit': user_info['submit'], 'oj': user_info['oj'], 'accept': user_info['accept'], 'rank': user_info['rank'], 'solved': dict(user_info['solved']) }
def loadTick(self, dbName, collectionName, days): """???????Tick???startDate?datetime??""" startDate = datetime.now() d = {'datetime': {'$lte': startDate}} host, port, logging = loadMongoSetting() client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port) collection = client[dbName][collectionName] cursor = collection.find(d).limit(days * 10 * 60 * 120) l = [] if cursor: for d in cursor: tick = CtaTickData() tick.__dict__ = d l.append(tick) return l # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def loadBar(self, dbName, collectionName, days): """???????Bar???startDate?datetime??""" startDate = datetime.now() d = {'datetime': {'$lte': startDate}} host, port, logging = loadMongoSetting() client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port) collection = client[dbName][collectionName] cursor = collection.find(d).limit(days * 10 * 60) l = [] if cursor: for d in cursor: bar = CtaBarData() bar.__dict__ = d l.append(bar) return l # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def dbConnect(self): """??MongoDB???""" if not self.dbClient: # ??MongoDB??? host, port, logging = loadMongoSetting() try: # ??MongoDB????????0.5? self.dbClient = MongoClient(host, port, connectTimeoutMS=500) # ??server_info????????????????????? self.dbClient.server_info() self.writeLog(u'MongoDB????') # ???????????????????? if logging: self.eventEngine.register(EVENT_LOG, self.dbLogging) except ConnectionFailure: self.writeLog(u'MongoDB????') #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_analytic(text, classname): time = datetime.now() analytic_id = classname # + str(time.year) + str(time.month) + str(time.day) + str(time.hour) + str(time.minute) + str(time.second) with open(ANALYTICS_OPALS + analytic_id + '.py', 'w') as alg: alg.write(text) #get the metadata from the file metadata = get_metadata(analytic_id) metadata['analytic_id'] = analytic_id client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT) col = client[ANALYTICS_DB_NAME][ANALYTICS_COL_NAME] col.insert(metadata)
def connect_to_client(url="mongodb://localhost:27017/"): """ Fill: Connect to a mongodb server accessible via the given url Args: url (str): url of the mongodb server Returns: mongodb client """ return MongoClient(url)
def build_new_mongo_databases_and_collection(client): """ Fill: Create the toplevel mongodb for TAXII, discovery_database, with its two collections: discovery_information and api_root_info Args: client (pymongo.MongoClient): mongodb client connection Returns: discovery_database object """ db = client["discovery_database"] db["discovery_information"] db["api_root_info"] return db
def __init__(self): self.client = pymongo.MongoClient( settings['MONGO_HOST'], settings['MONGO_PORT'] ) self.db = self.client[settings['MONGO_DB']] self.collection = self.db[settings['MONGO_COLLECTION']]
def init_client(): client = pymongo.MongoClient(config['db_host'], config['db_port']) if len(config['db_user']) != 0: admin = client[config['db_name']] admin.authenticate(config['db_user'], config['db_pass']) return client # ??????tor??????http???
def setup_db(): """ Creates a mongodb instance and shuts it down after testing has concluded. """ client = MongoClient(api.config.testing_mongo_addr, api.config.testing_mongo_port)[api.config.testing_mongo_db_name] if len(client.collection_names()) != 0: client.connection.drop_database(api.config.testing_mongo_db_name) #Set debug client for mongo if api.common.external_client is None: api.common.external_client = client return client
def teardown_db(): """ Drops the db and shuts down the mongodb instance. """ client = MongoClient(api.config.testing_mongo_addr, api.config.testing_mongo_port)[api.config.testing_mongo_db_name] client.connection.drop_database(api.config.testing_mongo_db_name) client.connection.disconnect()
def get_conn(): """ Get a database connection Ensures that only one global database connection exists per thread. If the connection does not exist a new one is created and returned. """ global __client, __connection if not __connection: try: # Allow more complex mongodb connections conf = api.app.app.config if conf["MONGO_USER"] and conf["MONGO_PW"]: uri = "mongodb://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1".format( conf["MONGO_USER"], conf["MONGO_PW"], conf["MONGO_ADDR"], conf["MONGO_PORT"], conf["MONGO_DB_NAME"]) else: uri = "mongodb://{}:{}/{}".format( conf["MONGO_ADDR"], conf["MONGO_PORT"], conf["MONGO_DB_NAME"]) __client = MongoClient(uri) __connection = __client[conf["MONGO_DB_NAME"]] except ConnectionFailure: raise SevereInternalException("Could not connect to mongo database {} at {}:{}".format(mongo_db_name, mongo_addr, mongo_port)) except InvalidName as error: raise SevereInternalException("Database {} is invalid! - {}".format(mongo_db_name, error)) return __connection
def connect(self): """ Connect to the database and get a reference to the Mongo collection. :returns: the mongo collection. """ self.conn = MongoClient(self.databaseUri) self.database = self.conn[self.databaseName] return self.database[self.collection]
def getTableList(uri, internalTables=False, **kwargs): """ Get a list of known databases, each of which has a list of known collections from the database. This is of the form [{'database': (database 1), 'tables': [{'table': (collection 1)}, {'table': (collection 2)}, ...]}, {'database': (database 2), 'tables': [...]}, ...] :param uri: uri to connect to the database. :param internaltables: True to return tables about the database itself. Ignored for Mongo. :returns: A list of known collections. """ conn = MongoClient(uri) databaseName = base.databaseFromUri(uri) if databaseName is None: databaseNames = conn.database_names() else: databaseNames = [databaseName] results = [] for name in databaseNames: database = conn[name] results.append({ 'database': name, 'tables': [{'table': collection, 'name': collection} for collection in database.collection_names(False)] }) return results
def Conn(self): self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.ip,self.port) self.connection=self.client.stock #storage stock information self.index=self.client.index #storage index self.pool=self.client.pool #storate pool self.treasure=self.client.treasure #print self.connection.collection_names() #print self.index.collection_names() #print self.pool.collection_names()
def __init__(self): try: self.Client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=self.HOST, port=self.PORT) self.db = self.Client.yitu8 assert self.db.authenticate(self.user, self.pwd), "mongo???????!" except Exception as err: logging.error("mongo connect error: {}".format(str(err)))
def get_connection(self): """ Get the most secure kind of connection available. Returns: pymongo.MongoClient instance """ fqdn, port = self.cred['nodelist'][0] if hasattr(self, 'conn'): self.conn.close() return self.get_plain_connection(fqdn, port) else: return self.get_tls_connection(fqdn, port)
def _connDB(self): configuration = MongoConfig() mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=configuration.host, port=configuration.port) self._client = mongo_client try: db = mongo_client[configuration.db_name] if configuration.username is not None: db.authenticate(configuration.username, password=configuration.password) self._currentDB = db except: pass
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseCollection.__init__(self) if 'passed_mongo' in kwargs: self.mongo = kwargs['passed_mongo'] self.mongo_database = self.mongo[args[2]] if args[0] and args[1]: self.mongo_database.authenticate(args[0], args[1]) self.mongo_collection = self.mongo_database[args[3]] else: self.mongo = pymongo.MongoClient(args[0], int(args[1])) self.mongo_database = self.mongo[args[4]] if args[2] and args[3]: self.mongo_database.authenticate(args[2], args[3]) self.mongo_collection = self.mongo_database[args[5]]
def test_pass_in_mongo(self): mongo_to_pass = pymongo.MongoClient(config['mongo']['host'], int(config['mongo']['port'])) collection = MongoCollection( config['mongo']['user'], config['mongo']['password'], config['mongo']['database'], config['mongo']['collection'], passed_mongo=mongo_to_pass ) self.assertTrue(len(list(collection.set_limit(10).get_iterator())) > 0)
def _get_connection(self, host, port): ckey = "{}:{}".format(host, port) conn = self._conns.get(ckey, None) if conn is None: mps = ('max_pool_size' if pymongo.version_tuple[0] == 2 else 'maxPoolSize') conn = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port, **{mps: self.MAX_POOL}) self._conns[ckey] = conn return conn
def stream_events(self, inputs, ew): for input_name, input_item in inputs.inputs.iteritems(): host = input_item["server"] port = input_item["port"] if not port is None: port = int(port) client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port) self.stream_events_mongo(input_name, input_item, client, ew)
def QA_util_sql_mongo_setting(ip='', port=27017): QA_sql_mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(ip, int(port)) QA_util_log_info('ip:{},port:{}'.format(str(ip), str(port))) return QA_sql_mongo_client # async
def get(self): client = MongoClient(DB_URI) database = client[DB_NAME] collection = database.nationalparks collection.remove({}) collection.create_index([('Location', GEO2D)]) with open(DATASET_FILE, 'r') as fp: entries = [] for data in fp.readlines(): entry = json.loads(data) loc = [entry['coordinates'][1], entry['coordinates'][0]] entry['Location'] = loc entries.append(entry) if len(entries) >= 1000: collection.insert_many(entries) entries = [] if entries: collection.insert_many(entries) return 'Items inserted in database: %s' % collection.count()
def get(self): client = MongoClient(DB_URI) database = client[DB_NAME] collection = database.nationalparks return format_result(collection.find())
def get(self): args = request.args box = [[float(args['lon1']), float(args['lat1'])], [float(args['lon2']), float(args['lat2'])]] query = {'Location': {'$within': {'$box': box}}} client = MongoClient(DB_URI) database = client[DB_NAME] collection = database.nationalparks return format_result(collection.find(query))
def insertMongoDB(items): collection_name = 'wechat' client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client[MONGO_DATABASE] for item in items: item['_id'] = str(ObjectId()) db[collection_name].insert(dict(item))
def open_spider(self, spider): self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.mongo_uri) self.db = self.client[self.mongo_db]
def test_bson(self): import pymongo outputs = run( self.analysis, inputs={ 'a': { 'format': 'objectlist.bson', 'mode': 'mongodb', 'db': 'test', 'collection': 'a' }, 'b': { 'format': 'objectlist.bson', 'mode': 'mongodb', 'db': 'test', 'collection': 'b' } }, outputs={ 'c': { 'format': 'objectlist.bson', 'mode': 'mongodb', 'db': 'test', 'collection': 'temp' } }) self.assertEqual(outputs['c']['format'], 'objectlist.bson') coll = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost')['test']['temp'] self.assertEqual([d for d in coll.find()], [self.aobj, self.bobj])