def save_part(lines): """save last part on rst file""" # has content ? if len(lines) > 2: # get path title = lines[0].replace(' ', '_') path = os.path.join(README_DOC_PATH, '%s.rst' % title) # get content content = '\n'.join(lines[:-2]) content = content.replace('docs/img/', ' ../img/') print(content) # save pypandoc.convert_text(content, 'rst', format='md', outputfile=path) # flush last part return lines[-2:] # create directory
def get_long_description(): current_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) readme_path = path.join(current_dir, 'README.md') with open(readme_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: try: import pypandoc long_description = pypandoc.convert_text(f.read(), 'rst', 'markdown_github').replace('\r', '') except(OSError, ImportError): print('\n\n!!! pandoc not found. long_description is not correct. Do not upload this to PyPI. !!!\n\n') long_description = f.read() return long_description
def __init__(self, source_data): try: import pypandoc except ImportError as e: raise PypandocImportError(e) super(MediaWikiTableFormatter, self).__init__( pypandoc.convert_text(source_data, "html", format="mediawiki"))
def md2rst(text): return pypandoc.convert_text(text, 'rst', format='markdown_github')
def convert(file, stdin, instanceid): if stdin: text = "" with open(file, 'r') as filehandle: text = filehandle.read() # this fails pypandoc.convert_text(text, "asciidoc", format="html", outputfile="%s.asciidoc" % instanceid) else: # this works output = pypandoc.convert_file(file, "asciidoc", format="html")
def main(input_file, output='', to='', extra_args=None): """ the main process :param input_file: the path of input mdac file :param output: the output file full path :param to: the output format of the file :param extra_args: a list of extra arguments provided to pandoc """ if to: logging.warning('it is recommend to include command line arguments in' 'your mdac file meta') # get the file name if no file name is specified if not output: output = __get_output_filename__(input_file=input_file, config={}, output_format=to) compile_function = __get_compile_function__(to) with open(input_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: input_content = f.read() pre_compile_res = pre_compile(input_content) compile_res = compile_function(pre_compile_res) pypandoc.convert_text(source=compile_res, outputfile=output, format='md', to=to, extra_args=extra_args) else: __compile_with_reg_data__(input_file)
def read_description(filename): with codecs.open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: try: import pypandoc return pypandoc.convert_text(f.read(), format='md', to='rst') except ImportError: return f.read()
def get_long_description(): """Pypi doesn't like .md - I don't like .rst - let's compromise.""" here = Path(__file__).parent readme = (here / 'README.md').read_text() changelog = (here / 'CHANGELOG.md').read_text() if 'upload' in sys.argv: import pypandoc readme = pypandoc.convert_text(readme, to='rst', format='md') changelog = pypandoc.convert_text(changelog, to='rst', format='md') changelog = linkify(changelog) return "%s\n\n%s" % (readme, changelog)
def md2html(content, to_file): import pypandoc if os.path.isfile(content): content = open(content).read() if not os.path.splitext(to_file)[1] == '.html': to_file += '.html' output = pypandoc.convert_text(content, 'html', format = 'md') with open(to_file, 'w') as f: f.write(output)
def get_long_description(): descr = _read(README_PATH) try: import pypandoc descr = pypandoc.convert_text(descr, to='rst', format='md') except (IOError, ImportError): pass return descr
def to_pdf_file(self, filename): results = self.sorted_results tally = lambda c, s: sum(1 for res in results if res['issue_confidence'] == c and res['issue_severity'] == s) summary_table = [[s] + [tally(c, s) for c in reversed(bandit.RANKING)] for s in reversed(bandit.RANKING)] summary_table = tabulate.tabulate( summary_table, headers=[''] + list(reversed(bandit.RANKING)), tablefmt='markdown' ) ctr = collections.Counter() ctr.update(((res['test_id'], res['test_name'], res['issue_severity']) for res in results)) findings_table = [(k[0], k[1], k[2], v) for k, v in ctr.items()] findings_table = sorted(findings_table, key=lambda k: k[3]) findings_table = sorted(findings_table, key=lambda k: bandit.RANKING_VALUES[k[2]]) findings_table = reversed(findings_table) findings_table = tabulate.tabulate( findings_table, headers=('ID', 'Finding Name', 'Severity', 'Occurrences'), tablefmt='markdown' ) text = PDF_TEMPLATE.render( extra=self.data.get('_jj'), findings_table=findings_table, results=results, python_version=self.data.get('python_version'), summary_table=summary_table, timestamp=self.generated_at ) pypandoc.convert_text(text, 'pdf', extra_args=['--latex-engine=xelatex'], format='markdown', outputfile=filename)
def markdown_to_reveal(text: str, config: Config) -> str: """ Transform a Markdown input file to an HTML (reveal.js) output string. Parameters ---------- markdown_text Markdown text to convert to HTML. config Markdownreveal configuration. Returns ------- The converted string. """ extra_args = [ '-s', '--slide-level=2', '-V', 'revealjs-url=revealjs', ] if config['katex']: extra_args.extend([ '--katex=katex/katex.min.js', '--katex-stylesheet=katex/katex.min.css', ]) extra_args.extend(pandoc_extra_to_args(config)) extra_args.extend(reveal_extra_to_args(config)) input_format = 'markdown' if config['emoji_codes']: input_format += '+emoji' output = convert_text( source=text, format=input_format, to='revealjs', extra_args=extra_args, ) # HTML substitution output = tweak_html(output, config) return output
def read_long_description(): try: import pypandoc with open("README.md") as f: text = f.read() # Remove screenshots as they get rendered poorly on PyPi stripped_text = text[:text.index("# Screenshots")].rstrip() return pypandoc.convert_text(stripped_text, 'rst', format='md') except: return ""
def _process_value(self, config_section, config_key, value_type): """ Process the value :param config_section: The section in the config :param config_key: The key in the config :param value_type: The type of the value :return: The processed value """ if config_section not in self.config: return None if config_key not in self.config[config_section]: return None value = self.config[config_section][config_key] if value_type == bool: value = value.strip().lower() == 'true' elif value_type == str: if value.startswith('file://'): value_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, value[len('file://'):]) with open(value_path, 'r') as value_file: value = value_file.read() if value_path.lower().endswith('.md'): try: import pypandoc value = pypandoc.convert_text(value, 'rst', format='md') value = value.replace("\r", "") except ImportError: print("Pandoc not found. Markdown to reStructuredText conversion failed.") elif value_type == list: if value.startswith('file://'): value_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, value[len('file://'):]) with open(value_path, 'r') as value_file: value = value_file.readlines() value = filter(lambda k: bool(k), value) value = list(map(lambda k: k.strip().replace('\n', ''), value)) else: value = value.split(',') return value
def as_json(document): "JSON representation of the markdown document" return json.loads(pypandoc.convert_text(document, 'json', format='markdown'))
def convert(source: str, to: str, extra_args=(), output_file: str=None) -> None: """ Convert a source document to an output file. Parameters ---------- source : str to : str extra_args : iterable output_file : str Notes ----- Either writes to ``output_file`` or prints to stdout. """ output_name = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(output_file))[0] if output_file is not None else 'std_out' ) standalone = '--standalone' in extra_args self_contained = '--self-contained' in extra_args stitcher = Stitch(name=output_name, to=to, standalone=standalone, self_contained=self_contained) result = stitcher.stitch(source) result = json.dumps(result) newdoc = pypandoc.convert_text(result, to, format='json', extra_args=extra_args, outputfile=output_file) if output_file is None: print(newdoc)
def tokenize(source: str) -> dict: """ Convert a document to pandoc's JSON AST. """ return json.loads(pypandoc.convert_text(source, 'json', 'markdown'))
def convert_figure(self): r""" This uses pandoc to convert the explicit table text only. """ pandoc_args = ["--mathjax"] try: converted_table = pypandoc.convert_text( self.table_text, to='markdown', format='latex', extra_args = pandoc_args) except AttributeError: # for pypandoc version before 1.2 converted_table = pypandoc.convert( self.table_text, to='markdown', format='latex', extra_args=pandoc_args) if self.label_text: this_label = self.label_text else: this_label = "tbl:" + self.uid converted_caption = ": {} {{#{}}}".format(self.caption_text.replace("\n", " "), this_label) self.output_content = "{}{}".format(converted_table, converted_caption)
def run_pandoc(content, extra=[]): """ Creates a temporary file, runs pandoc TeX->MD on it (with content) and then reopens and returns the string. """ print("Running Pandoc (LT -> MD)") output = pypandoc.convert_text(content, "md", format="latex", extra_args=extra) return output
def __invoke_pandoc__(input_content: str, output_format: str, extra_args: dict, output_file: str, default: dict): """ invoke pandoc via pypandoc. :param output_file: the file name of the output file :param default: the default argument dict. the key is long name of the para, the :param input_content: the markdown content ready to be compiled :param output_format: a string indicate the output format of the file like 'beamer', 'pdf', 'html') :param extra_args: all the other argument that pandoc accepts """ def __convert_arg(arg: Tuple[str, Union[str, bool, list]]): """ a helper that converts the a arg tuple into regular command line arg :param arg: a tuple, where the first is the long name of the argument the second is the value of the argument :return: if the second one is a bool, """ # extract info from arg arg_name = arg[0] val = arg[1] # if the value is true # if the second element is false it should be filtered out by # the parent function if val is True: return '--{arg}'.format(arg=arg_name) # if the value is a list # gives the elif isinstance(val, list): return ' '.join("--{arg}={val}".format(arg=arg_name, val=element) for element in val) # if the val is a string else: return "--{arg}={val}".format(arg=arg_name, val=val) # merge the two dict arg_dict = default.copy() arg_dict.update(extra_args) # default will be overloaded via extra_args # convert extra args to list # exclude where the second one is false converted_args = [__convert_arg(arg) for arg in arg_dict.items() if arg[1] is not False] # invoke pandoc pypandoc.convert_text(source=input_content, format='md', to=output_format, outputfile=output_file, extra_args=converted_args)