Python pyparsing 模块,quotedString() 实例源码


项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _finalize_app_parameters(self):
        self.commentGrammars.ignore(pyparsing.quotedString).setParseAction(lambda x: '')
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        self.shortcuts = sorted(self.shortcuts.items(), reverse=True)

        # Make sure settable parameters are sorted alphabetically by key
        self.settable = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.settable.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
项目:cumin    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grammar(backend_keys):
    """Define the main multi-query grammar.

    Cumin provides a user-friendly generic query language that allows to combine the results of subqueries for multiple

    * Each query part can be composed with the others using boolean operators ``and``, ``or``, ``and not``, ``xor``.
    * Multiple query parts can be grouped together with parentheses ``(``, ``)``.
    * Specific backend query ``I{backend-specific query syntax}``, where ``I`` is an identifier for the specific
    * Alias replacement, according to aliases defined in the configuration file ``A:group1``.
    * The identifier ``A`` is reserved for the aliases replacement and cannot be used to identify a backend.
    * A complex query example: ``(D{host1 or host2} and (P{R:Class = Role::MyClass} and not A:group1)) or D{host3}``

    Backus-Naur form (BNF) of the grammar::

              <grammar> ::= <item> | <item> <boolean> <grammar>
                 <item> ::= <backend_query> | <alias> | "(" <grammar> ")"
        <backend_query> ::= <backend> "{" <query> "}"
                <alias> ::= A:<alias_name>
              <boolean> ::= "and not" | "and" | "xor" | "or"

    Given that the pyparsing library defines the grammar in a BNF-like style, for the details of the tokens not
    specified above check directly the source code.

        backend_keys (list): list of the GRAMMAR_PREFIX for each registered backend.

        pyparsing.ParserElement: the grammar parser.

    # Boolean operators
    boolean = (pp.CaselessKeyword('and not').leaveWhitespace() | pp.CaselessKeyword('and') |
               pp.CaselessKeyword('xor') | pp.CaselessKeyword('or'))('bool')

    # Parentheses
    lpar = pp.Literal('(')('open_subgroup')
    rpar = pp.Literal(')')('close_subgroup')

    # Backend query: P{PuppetDB specific query}
    query_start = pp.Combine(pp.oneOf(backend_keys, caseless=True)('backend') + pp.Literal('{'))
    query_end = pp.Literal('}')
    # Allow the backend specific query to use the end_query token as well, as long as it's in a quoted string
    # and fail if there is a query_start token before the first query_end is reached
    query = pp.SkipTo(query_end, ignore=pp.quotedString, failOn=query_start)('query')
    backend_query = pp.Combine(query_start + query + query_end)

    # Alias
    alias = pp.Combine(pp.CaselessKeyword('A') + ':' + pp.Word(pp.alphanums + '-_.+')('alias'))

    # Final grammar, see the docstring for its BNF based on the tokens defined above
    # Group are used to have an easy dictionary access to the parsed results
    full_grammar = pp.Forward()
    item = backend_query | alias | lpar + full_grammar + rpar
    full_grammar << pp.Group(item) + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.Group(boolean + item))  # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

    return full_grammar