Python pyproj 模块,Proj() 实例源码


项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(p1, p2, c1, c2, c3):
    if PYPROJ:
        if type(p1) is Proj and type(p2) is Proj:
            if p1.srs != p2.srs:
                return proj_transform(p1, p2, c1, c2, c3)
                return (c1, c2, c3)
        elif type(p2) is TransverseMercator:
            wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
            if p1.srs != wgs84.srs:
                t2, t1, t3 = proj_transform(p1, wgs84, c1, c2, c3)
                t1, t2, t3 = c2, c1, c3  # mind c2, c1 inversion
            tm1, tm2 = p2.fromGeographic(t1, t2)
            return (tm1, tm2, t3)
        if p1.spherical:
            t1, t2 = p2.fromGeographic(c2, c1)  # mind c2, c1 inversion
            return (t1, t2, c3)
            return (c1, c2, c3)
项目:groundfailure    作者:usgs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getClassBalance(pshapes, bounds, proj):
    Get native class balance of projected shapes, assuming a rectangular
    bounding box.

        pshapes: Sequence of projected shapely shapes.
        bounds: Desired bounding box, in decimal degrees.
        proj: PyProj object defining orthographic projection of shapes.

        Float fraction of hazard polygons (area of hazard polygons/total
        area of bbox).

    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bounds
    bpoly = Polygon([(xmin, ymax),
                     (xmax, ymax),
                     (xmax, ymin),
                     (xmin, ymin)])
    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84'),
    bpolyproj = transform(project, bpoly)
    totalarea = bpolyproj.area
    polyarea = 0
    for pshape in pshapes:
        polyarea += pshape.area

    return polyarea / totalarea
项目:groundfailure    作者:usgs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getProjectedShapes(shapes, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
    Take a sequence of geographic shapes and project them to a bounds-centered
    orthographic projection.

        shapes: Sequence of shapes, as read in by fiona.collection().
        xmin: Eastern boundary of all shapes.
        xmax: Western boundary of all shapes.
        ymin: Southern boundary of all shapes.
        ymax: Northern boundary of all shapes.

       Tuple of
           - Input sequence of shapes, projected to orthographic
           - PyProj projection object used to transform input shapes
    latmiddle = ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 2.0
    lonmiddle = xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2.0
    projstr = ('+proj=ortho +datum=WGS84 +lat_0=%.4f +lon_0=%.4f '
               '+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0' % (latmiddle, lonmiddle))
    proj = pyproj.Proj(projparams=projstr)
    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84'),

    pshapes = []
    for tshape in shapes:
        if tshape['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
            pshapegeo = shape(tshape['geometry'])
            pshapegeo = shape(tshape['geometry'])
        pshape = transform(project, pshapegeo)
        pshapes.append(pshape)  # assuming here that these are simple polygons

    return (pshapes, proj)
项目:geostatil    作者:akariv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'data')
        self.stat_data = {}
        self.header_conversion = {}
        self.stat_data, self.header_conversion = \
        geometries = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path,'geometries.json')))
        crs = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path,'crs.json')))
        self.proj = pyproj.Proj(crs)
        self.recs = [{
            'area': area_id,
        } for area_id, geometry in geometries.items()]

        for r in self.recs:
            bounds = r['shp'].bounds
            r['key'] = bounds[2] + bounds[3]
            r['bounds'] = bounds
        self.recs.sort(key=lambda r:r['key'])
        self.rec_keys = [r['key'] for r in self.recs]
项目:assessor-scraper    作者:codefornola    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_address_location(parcel_map_link):
        Parses the parcel map link and calculates coordinates from the extent.
        An example link looks like this:
        o = urlparse(parcel_map_link)
        query = parse_qs(o.query)
        bbox = query['extent'][0].split(' ')
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = [float(pt) for pt in bbox]
        # get the midpoint of the extent
        midpoint = [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2]
        # transform projected coordinates to latitude and longitude
        in_proj = Proj(init='epsg:3452', preserve_units=True)
        out_proj = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
        return transform(in_proj, out_proj, midpoint[0], midpoint[1])
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(p1, p2, c1, c2, c3):
    if PYPROJ:
        if type(p1) is Proj and type(p2) is Proj:
            if p1.srs != p2.srs:
                return proj_transform(p1, p2, c1, c2, c3)
                return (c1, c2, c3)
        elif type(p2) is TransverseMercator:
            wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
            if p1.srs != wgs84.srs:
                t2, t1, t3 = proj_transform(p1, wgs84, c1, c2, c3)
                t1, t2, t3 = c2, c1, c3  # mind c2, c1 inversion
            tm1, tm2 = p2.fromGeographic(t1, t2)
            return (tm1, tm2, t3)
        if p1.spherical:
            t1, t2 = p2.fromGeographic(c2, c1)  # mind c2, c1 inversion
            return (t1, t2, c3)
            return (c1, c2, c3)
项目:PH5    作者:PIC-IRIS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def geod2utm (zn, datum, lat, lon, elev) :
    '''   Convert geodetic coordinates to UTM   '''
    if zn == None :
        zn = lon2zone (lon)

    p = Proj (proj='utm', zone=zn, ellps=datum)

    X, Y = p (lon, lat)

    #   Return Y, X, Z
    return Y, X, elev
项目:PH5    作者:PIC-IRIS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def txncsptolatlon (northing, easting) :
       Convert texas state plane coordinates in feet to 
       geographic coordinates, WGS84.
    #   Texas NC state plane feet Zone 4202
    sp = Proj (init='epsg:32038')
    #   WGS84, geographic
    wgs = Proj (init='epsg:4326', proj='latlong')
    #   Texas SP coordinates: survey foot is 1200/3937 meters
    lon, lat = transform (sp, wgs, easting * 0.30480060960121924, northing * 0.30480060960121924)

    return lat, lon
项目:PH5    作者:PIC-IRIS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def utmcsptolatlon (northing, easting) :
       Mount Saint Helens
       Convert UTM to
       geographic coordinates, WGS84.
    #   UTM
    utmc = Proj (proj='utm', zone=UTM, ellps='WGS84')
    #   WGS84, geographic
    wgs = Proj (init='epsg:4326', proj='latlong')
    lon, lat = transform (utmc, wgs, easting, northing)

    return lat, lon
项目:pastas    作者:pastas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_coordinates(self, to_projection):
            from pyproj import Proj, transform
            inProj = Proj(init=self.metadata['projection'])
            outProj = Proj(init=to_projection)
            x, y = transform(inProj, outProj, self.metadata['x'],
            self.metadata['x'] = x
            self.metadata['y'] = y
            self.metadata['projection'] = to_projection
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                'The module pyproj could not be imported. Please '
                'install through:'
                '>>> pip install pyproj'
                'or ... conda install pyproj')
项目:piksi_ros    作者:uscresl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_proj(self, latlon):
        self.proj = Proj(proj='utm',zone=calculate_utm_zone(*latlon)[0],ellps='WGS84')
项目:DeepOSM    作者:trailbehind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lat_lon_web_mercator(raster_dataset, col, row):
    """Convert a pixel on the raster_dataset to web mercator (epsg:3857)."""
    spatial_reference = osr.SpatialReference()
    ds_spatial_reference_proj_string = spatial_reference.ExportToProj4()
    in_proj = Proj(ds_spatial_reference_proj_string)
    out_proj = Proj(init='epsg:3857')

    geo_transform = raster_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
    ulon = col * geo_transform[1] + geo_transform[0]
    ulat = row * geo_transform[5] + geo_transform[3]

    x2, y2 = transform(in_proj, out_proj, ulon, ulat)
    x2, y2 = out_proj(x2, y2, inverse=True)
    return x2, y2
项目:PyOnSSET    作者:KTH-dESA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def condition_df(self):
        Do any initial data conditioning that may be required.
        """'Ensure that columns that are supposed to be numeric are numeric')
        self.df[SET_GHI] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GHI], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_WINDVEL] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_WINDVEL], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_NIGHT_LIGHTS] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_NIGHT_LIGHTS], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_ELEVATION] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_ELEVATION], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SLOPE] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SLOPE], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_LAND_COVER] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_LAND_COVER], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_CURRENT] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_CURRENT], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_PLANNED] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_PLANNED], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SUBSTATION_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SUBSTATION_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_ROAD_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_ROAD_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_HYDRO_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_HYDRO_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_HYDRO] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_HYDRO], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SOLAR_RESTRICTION] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SOLAR_RESTRICTION], errors='coerce')'Replace null values with zero')
        self.df.fillna(0, inplace=True)'Sort by country, Y and X')
        self.df.sort_values(by=[SET_COUNTRY, SET_Y, SET_X], inplace=True)'Add columns with location in degrees')
        project = Proj('+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')

        def get_x(row):
            x, y = project(row[SET_X] * 1000, row[SET_Y] * 1000, inverse=True)
            return x

        def get_y(row):
            x, y = project(row[SET_X] * 1000, row[SET_Y] * 1000, inverse=True)
            return y

        self.df[SET_X_DEG] = self.df.apply(get_x, axis=1)
        self.df[SET_Y_DEG] = self.df.apply(get_y, axis=1)
项目:PyOnSSET    作者:KTH-dESA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def condition_df(self):
        Do any initial data conditioning that may be required.
        """'Ensure that columns that are supposed to be numeric are numeric')
        self.df[SET_GHI] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GHI], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_WINDVEL] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_WINDVEL], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_NIGHT_LIGHTS] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_NIGHT_LIGHTS], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_ELEVATION] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_ELEVATION], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SLOPE] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SLOPE], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_LAND_COVER] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_LAND_COVER], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_CURRENT] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_CURRENT], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_PLANNED] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_GRID_DIST_PLANNED], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SUBSTATION_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SUBSTATION_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_ROAD_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_ROAD_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_HYDRO_DIST] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_HYDRO_DIST], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_HYDRO] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_HYDRO], errors='coerce')
        self.df[SET_SOLAR_RESTRICTION] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[SET_SOLAR_RESTRICTION], errors='coerce')'Replace null values with zero')
        self.df.fillna(0, inplace=True)'Sort by country, Y and X')
        self.df.sort_values(by=[SET_COUNTRY, SET_Y, SET_X], inplace=True)'Add columns with location in degrees')
        project = Proj('+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')

        def get_x(row):
            x, y = project(row[SET_X] * 1000, row[SET_Y] * 1000, inverse=True)
            return x

        def get_y(row):
            x, y = project(row[SET_X] * 1000, row[SET_Y] * 1000, inverse=True)
            return y

        self.df[SET_X_DEG] = self.df.apply(get_x, axis=1)
        self.df[SET_Y_DEG] = self.df.apply(get_y, axis=1)
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def georeference(self, scene, center):
        if "latitude" not in scene and "longitude" not in scene:
            if type(self.pScene) is TransverseMercator:
                scene['latitude'] =
                scene['longitude'] = self.pScene.lon
                scene['altitude'] = 0
            elif type(self.pScene) is not None:
                wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
                latlon = transform(self.pScene, wgs84, center[0], center[1], center[2])
                scene['longitude'] = latlon[0]
                scene['latitude'] = latlon[1]
                scene['altitude'] = latlon[2]
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def entities(self, name, scene=None):
        Iterates over all DXF entities according to the options set by user.
        if scene is None:
            scene = bpy.context.scene

        self.current_scene = scene

        if self.recenter:
            self.objects_before += scene.objects[:]

        if self.combination == BY_BLOCK:
            self.combined_objects((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace()), scene)
        elif self.combination != SEPARATED:
            self.combined_objects((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if is_.combined_entity(en)), scene)
            self.separated_entities((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if is_.separated_entity(en)), scene)
            self.separated_entities((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if en.dxftype != "ATTDEF"), scene)

        if self.recenter:
            self._recenter(scene, name)
        elif self.pDXF is not None:
            self.georeference(scene, Vector((0, 0, 0)))

        if type(self.pScene) is TransverseMercator:
            scene['SRID'] = "tmerc"
        elif self.pScene is not None:  # assume Proj
            scene['SRID'] = re.findall("\+init=(.+)\s", self.pScene.srs)[0]

        bpy.context.screen.scene = scene

        return self.errors
        # trying to import dimensions:
        # self.separated_objects((block for block in self.dwg.blocks if"*")))
项目:sentinel-s3    作者:developmentseed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_latlon(geojson, origin_espg=None):
    Convert a given geojson to wgs84. The original epsg must be included insde the crs
    tag of geojson

    if isinstance(geojson, dict):

        # get epsg code:
        if origin_espg:
            code = origin_espg
            code = epsg_code(geojson)
        if code:
            origin = Proj(init='epsg:%s' % code)
            wgs84 = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
            wrapped = test_wrap_coordinates(geojson['coordinates'], origin, wgs84)
            new_coords = convert_coordinates(geojson['coordinates'], origin, wgs84, wrapped)
            if new_coords:
                geojson['coordinates'] = new_coords
                del geojson['crs']
            except KeyError:

    return geojson
项目:wxgen    作者:metno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filename):
      self.filename = filename
      self.file = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, 'r')
      proj = pyproj.Proj(self.proj)
      if "latitude" not in self.file.variables or "longitude" not in self.file.variables:
         x, y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
         self._lons, self._lats = proj(x, y, inverse=True)
         self._lats = self.file.variables["latitude"][:]
         self._lons = self.file.variables["longitude"][:]
      self._field_cache = dict()
项目:georaster    作者:GeoUtils    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_extent_projected(self, pyproj_obj):
        """ Return raster extent in a projected coordinate system.

        This is particularly useful for converting raster extent to the 
        coordinate system of a Basemap instance.

        :param pyproj_obj: The projection system to convert into.
        :type pyproj_obj: pyproj.Proj

        :returns: extent in requested coordinate system (left, right, bottom, top)
        :type: tuple


        >>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
        >>> my_im = georaster.SingleBandRaster('myfile.tif')
        >>> my_map = Basemap(...)
        >>> my_map.imshow(my_im.r,extent=my_im.get_extent_basemap(my_map))

        if self.proj != None:
            xll,xur,yll,yur = self.get_extent_latlon()
            xll,xur,yll,yur = self.extent

        left,bottom = pyproj_obj(xll,yll)
        right,top = pyproj_obj(xur,yur)
        return (left,right,bottom,top)
项目:groundfailure    作者:usgs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getProjectedShapes(shapes, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
    Take a sequence of geographic shapes and project them to a bounds-centered
    orthographic projection.

        shapes: Sequence of shapes, as read in by fiona.collection().
        xmin: Eastern boundary of all shapes.
        xmax: Western boundary of all shapes.
        ymin: Southern boundary of all shapes.
        ymax: Northern boundary of all shapes.

       Tuple of
           - Input sequence of shapes, projected to orthographic
           - PyProj projection object used to transform input shapes
    latmiddle = ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 2.0
    lonmiddle = xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2.0
    projstr = ('+proj=ortho +datum=WGS84 +lat_0=%.4f +lon_0=%.4f '
               '+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0' % (latmiddle, lonmiddle))
    proj = pyproj.Proj(projparams=projstr)
    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84'),

    pshapes = []
    for tshape in shapes:
        if tshape['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
            pshapegeo = shape(tshape['geometry'])
            pshapegeo = shape(tshape['geometry'])
        pshape = transform(project, pshapegeo)
        pshapes.append(pshape)  # assuming here that these are simple polygons

    return (pshapes, proj)
项目:groundfailure    作者:usgs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def projectBack(points, proj):
    Project a 2D array of XY points from orthographic projection to decimal

        points: 2D numpy array of XY points in orthographic projection.
        proj: PyProj object defining projection.

        2D numpy array of Lon/Lat coordinates.


    mpoints = MultiPoint(points)
    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84'))
    gmpoints = transform(project, mpoints)
    coords = []
    for point in gmpoints.geoms:
        x, y = point.coords[0]
        coords.append((x, y))
    coords = np.array(coords)
    return coords
项目:groundfailure    作者:usgs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def projectBack(points, proj):
    Project a 2D array of XY points from orthographic projection to decimal

        points: 2D numpy array of XY points in orthographic projection.
        proj: PyProj object defining projection.

        2D numpy array of Lon/Lat coordinates.


    mpoints = MultiPoint(points)
    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84'))
    gmpoints = transform(project, mpoints)
    coords = []
    for point in gmpoints.geoms:
        x, y = point.coords[0]
        coords.append((x, y))
    coords = np.array(coords)
    return coords
项目:PyPSA    作者:PyPSA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def area_from_lon_lat_poly(geometry):
    Compute the area in km^2 of a shapely geometry, whose points are in longitude and latitude.

    geometry: shapely geometry
        Points must be in longitude and latitude.

    area:  float
        Area in km^2.


    import pyproj
    from shapely.ops import transform
    from functools import partial

    project = partial(
        pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), # Source: Lon-Lat
        pyproj.Proj(proj='aea')) # Target: Albers Equal Area Conical

    new_geometry = transform(project, geometry)

    #default area is in m^2
    return new_geometry.area/1e6
项目:errorgeopy    作者:alpha-beta-soup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_proj(epsg):
    """Returns a pyproj partial representing a projedction from WGS84 to
    a given projection.

        epsg: EPSG code for the target projection.
    project = partial(
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def georeference(self, scene, center):
        if "latitude" not in scene and "longitude" not in scene:
            if type(self.pScene) is TransverseMercator:
                scene['latitude'] =
                scene['longitude'] = self.pScene.lon
                scene['altitude'] = 0
            elif type(self.pScene) is not None:
                wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
                latlon = transform(self.pScene, wgs84, center[0], center[1], center[2])
                scene['latitude'] = latlon[0]
                scene['longitude'] = latlon[1]
                scene['altitude'] = latlon[2]
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def entities(self, name, scene=None):
        Iterates over all DXF entities according to the options set by user.
        if scene is None:
            scene = bpy.context.scene

        self.current_scene = scene

        if self.recenter:
            self.objects_before += scene.objects[:]

        if self.combination != SEPARATED:
            self.combined_objects((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if is_.combined_entity(en)), scene)
            self.separated_entities((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if is_.separated_entity(en)), scene)
            self.separated_entities((en for en in self.dwg.modelspace() if en.dxftype != "ATTDEF"), scene)

        if self.recenter:
            self._recenter(scene, name)
        elif self.pDXF is not None:
            self.georeference(scene, Vector((0, 0, 0)))

        if type(self.pScene) is TransverseMercator:
            scene['SRID'] = "tmerc"
        elif self.pScene is not None:  # assume Proj
            scene['SRID'] = re.findall("\+init=(.+)\s", self.pScene.srs)[0]

        bpy.context.screen.scene = scene

        return self.errors
        # trying to import dimensions:
        # self.separated_objects((block for block in self.dwg.blocks if"*")))
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_extents(self, proj, res, lon_arr, lat_arr):
        p = Proj(proj)
        res = float(res)
        first_good = self._first_good_nav(lon_arr, lat_arr)
        one_x, one_y = p(lon_arr[first_good], lat_arr[first_good])
        left_x = one_x - res * first_good[1]
        right_x = left_x + res * lon_arr.shape[1]
        top_y = one_y + res * first_good[0]
        bot_y = top_y - res * lon_arr.shape[0]
        half_x = res / 2.
        half_y = res / 2.
        return (left_x - half_x,
                bot_y - half_y,
                right_x + half_x,
                top_y + half_y)
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lonlat_from_geos(self):
        """Get lonlats from geos."""
        geos_area = mock.MagicMock()
        lon_0 = 0
        h = 35785831.00
        geos_area.proj_dict = {'a': 6378169.00,
                               'b': 6356583.80,
                               'h': h,
                               'lon_0': lon_0}

        expected = np.array((lon_0, 0))

        import pyproj
        proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='geos', **geos_area.proj_dict)

        expected = proj(0, 0, inverse=True)

                                   hf._lonlat_from_geos_angle(0, 0, geos_area))

        expected = proj(0, 1000000, inverse=True)

                                   hf._lonlat_from_geos_angle(0, 1000000 / h,

        expected = proj(1000000, 0, inverse=True)

                                   hf._lonlat_from_geos_angle(1000000 / h, 0,

        expected = proj(2000000, -2000000, inverse=True)

                                   hf._lonlat_from_geos_angle(2000000 / h,
                                                              -2000000 / h,
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fill_sector_info(self):
        for sector_info in self.scmi_sectors.values():
            p = Proj(sector_info['projection'])
            if 'lower_left_xy' in sector_info:
                sector_info['lower_left_lonlat'] = p(*sector_info['lower_left_xy'], inverse=True)
                sector_info['lower_left_xy'] = p(*sector_info['lower_left_lonlat'])
            if 'upper_right_xy' in sector_info:
                sector_info['upper_right_lonlat'] = p(*sector_info['upper_right_xy'], inverse=True)
                sector_info['upper_right_xy'] = p(*sector_info['upper_right_lonlat'])
项目:beachfront-py    作者:venicegeo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_latlon(geoimg, lines):
    srs = osr.SpatialReference(geoimg.srs()).ExportToProj4()
    projin = Proj(srs)
    projout = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
    newlines = []
    for line in lines:
        l = []
        for point in line:
            pt = transform(projin, projout, point[0], point[1])
    return antimeridian_linesplit(newlines)
项目:django-mapproxy    作者:terranodo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bbox_3857(self):
        inProj = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
        outProj = Proj(init='epsg:3857')

        sw = transform(inProj, outProj, self.bbox_x0, self.bbox_y0)
        ne = transform(inProj, outProj, self.bbox_x1, self.bbox_y1)

        return [sw[0], sw[1], ne[0], ne[1]]
项目:esmgrids    作者:DoublePrecision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_area_of_polygons(clons, clats):
    Calculate the area of lat-lon polygons.

    We project sphere onto a flat surface using an equal area projection
    and then calculate the area of flat polygon.

    This is slow we should do some caching to avoid recomputing.

    areas = np.zeros(clons.shape[1:])
    areas[:] = np.NAN

    for j in range(areas.shape[0]):
        for i in range(areas.shape[1]):

            lats = clats[:, j, i]
            lons = clons[:, j, i]

            lat_centre = lats[0] + abs(lats[2] - lats[1]) / 2
            lon_centre = lons[0] + abs(lons[1] - lons[0]) / 2

            pa = pyproj.Proj(proj_str.format(lat_centre, lon_centre))
            x, y = pa(lons, lats)

            cop = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [zip(x, y)]}
            areas[j, i] = shape(cop).area

    assert(np.sum(areas) is not np.NAN)
    assert(np.min(areas) > 0)

    return areas
项目:pandarus    作者:cmutel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def project(geom, from_proj=None, to_proj=None):
Project a ``shapely`` geometry, and returns a new geometry of the same type from the transformed coordinates.

Default input projection is `WGS84 <>`_, default output projection is `Mollweide <>`_.

    *geom*: A ``shapely`` geometry.
    *from_proj*: A ``PROJ4`` string. Optional.
    *to_proj*: A ``PROJ4`` string. Optional.

    A ``shapely`` geometry.

    from_proj = wgs84(from_proj)
    if to_proj is None:
        to_proj = MOLLWEIDE
        to_proj = wgs84(to_proj)

    to_proj, from_proj = pyproj.Proj(to_proj), pyproj.Proj(from_proj)

    if ((to_proj == from_proj) or
            (to_proj.is_latlong() and from_proj.is_latlong())):
        return geom

    projection_func = partial(pyproj.transform, from_proj, to_proj)
    return transform(projection_func, geom)
项目:py3dtiles    作者:Oslandia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_ecef(x, y, z, epsg_input):
    inp = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:{0}'.format(epsg_input))
    outp = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4978')  # ECEF
    return pyproj.transform(inp, outp, x, y, z)
项目:metro-atlas_2014    作者:scities-data    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def LatLonToMeters(lat, lon ):
    """"Converts given lat/lon in WGS84 Datum to XY in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913
    We Use Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection.

    proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='laea')
    mx,my = proj(lon,lat)

    return mx, my
项目:PH5    作者:PIC-IRIS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def utm2geod (zn, datum, X, Y, Z) :
    '''   Convert UTM coordinates to geodetic coordinates   '''
    p = Proj (proj='utm', zone=zn, ellps=datum)

    lon, lan = p (X, Y, inverse=True)

    return lat, lon, Z
项目:gbdxtools    作者:DigitalGlobe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _tile_coords(self, bounds):
        """ Convert tile coords mins/maxs to lng/lat bounds """
        tfm = partial(pyproj.transform,
        bounds = ops.transform(tfm, box(*bounds)).bounds
        params = list(bounds) + [[self.zoom_level]]
        tile_coords = [(tile.x, tile.y) for tile in mercantile.tiles(*params)]
        xtiles, ytiles = zip(*tile_coords)
        minx = min(xtiles)
        maxx = max(xtiles)
        miny = min(ytiles)
        maxy = max(ytiles)
        return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
项目:gbdxtools    作者:DigitalGlobe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transpix(self, geometry, gsd, dem, proj):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geometry.bounds
        x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=int((xmax-xmin)/gsd))
        y = np.linspace(ymax, ymin, num=int((ymax-ymin)/gsd))
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')

        if self.proj is None:
            from_proj = "EPSG:4326"
            from_proj = self.proj

        itfm = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init=proj), pyproj.Proj(init=from_proj))

        xv, yv = itfm(xv, yv) # if that works

        if isinstance(dem, GeoImage):
            g = box(xv.min(), yv.min(), xv.max(), yv.max())
                dem = dem[g].compute(get=dask.get) # read(quiet=True)
            except AssertionError:
                dem = 0 # guessing this is indexing by a 0 width geometry.

        if isinstance(dem, np.ndarray):
            dem = tf.resize(np.squeeze(dem), xv.shape, preserve_range=True, order=1, mode="edge")

        return self.__geo_transform__.rev(xv, yv, z=dem, _type=np.float32)[::-1]
项目:gbdxtools    作者:DigitalGlobe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reproject(self, geometry, from_proj=None, to_proj=None):
        if from_proj is None:
            from_proj = self._default_proj
        if to_proj is None:
            to_proj = self.proj if self.proj is not None else "EPSG:4326"
        tfm = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init=from_proj), pyproj.Proj(init=to_proj))
        return ops.transform(tfm, geometry)
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def proj(self, co):
        :param co: coordinate
        :return: transformed coordinate if self.pScene is defined
        if self.pScene is not None and self.pDXF is not None:
            u = self.dxf_unit_scale
            if len(co) == 3:
                c1, c2, c3 = co
                c1, c2 = co
                c3 = 0
            if u != 1.0:
                c1 *= u
                c2 *= u
                c3 *= u

            # add
            add = Vector((0, 0, 0))
            if "latitude" in self.current_scene and "longitude" in self.current_scene:
                if PYPROJ and type(self.pScene) not in (TransverseMercator, Indicator):
                    wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
                    cscn_lat = self.current_scene.get('latitude', 0)
                    cscn_lon = self.current_scene.get('longitude', 0)
                    cscn_alt = self.current_scene.get('altitude', 0)
                    add = Vector(transform(wgs84, self.pScene, cscn_lon, cscn_lat, cscn_alt))

            # projection
            newco = Vector(transform(self.pDXF, self.pScene, c1, c2, c3))
            newco = newco - add
            if any((c == float("inf") or c == float("-inf") for c in newco)):
                self.errors.add("Projection results in +/- infinity coordinates.")
            return newco
            u = self.dxf_unit_scale
            if u != 1:
                if len(co) == 3:
                    c1, c2, c3 = co
                    c1, c2 = co
                    c3 = 0
                c1 *= u
                c2 *= u
                c3 *= u
                return Vector((c1, c2, c3))
                return Vector((co[0], co[1], co[2] if len(co) == 3 else 0))
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_pyproj(self, box, scene):
        valid_dxf_srid = True

        # DXF SCALE
        box.prop(self, "dxf_scale")

        # EPSG DXF
        box.alert = (self.proj_scene != 'NONE' and (not valid_dxf_srid or self.proj_dxf == 'NONE'))
        box.prop(self, "proj_dxf")
        box.alert = False
        if self.proj_dxf == 'USER':
                box.alert = True
                valid_dxf_srid = False
            box.prop(self, "epsg_dxf_user")
        box.alert = False


        # EPSG SCENE
        col = box.column()
        # Only info in case of pre-defined EPSG from current scene.
        if self.internal_using_scene_srid:
            col.enabled = False

        col.prop(self, "proj_scene")

        if self.proj_scene == 'USER':
            except Exception as e:
                col.alert = True
            col.prop(self, "epsg_scene_user")
            col.alert = False
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.
        elif self.proj_scene == 'TMERC':
            col.prop(self, "merc_scene_lat", text="Lat")
            col.prop(self, "merc_scene_lon", text="Lon")
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.

        # user info
        if self.proj_scene != 'NONE':
            if not valid_dxf_srid:
                box.label("DXF SRID not valid", icon="ERROR")
            if self.proj_dxf == 'NONE':
                box.label("", icon='ERROR')
                box.label("DXF SRID must be set, otherwise")
                if self.proj_scene == 'USER':
                    code = self.epsg_scene_user
                    code = self.proj_scene
                box.label('Scene SRID %r is ignored!' % code)
项目:Twitter_Geolocation    作者:shawn-terryah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_predictions_for_a_city(df, name_of_predictions_col, city):
    INPUT: DataFrame with location predictions; name of column in DataFrame that 
    contains the predictions; city ('City, State') to plot predictions for
    OUTPUT: Bokeh map that shows the actual location of all the users predicted to
    be in the selected city

    df_ = df[df[name_of_predictions_col] == city]

    # Initialize two lists to hold all the latitudes and longitudes
    all_lats = []
    all_longs = []

    # Pull all latitudes in 'centroid' column append to all_lats
    for i in df_['centroid']:

    # Pull all longitudes in 'centroid' column append to all_longs
    for i in df_['centroid']:

    # Initialize two lists to hold all the latitudes and longitudes 
    # converted to web mercator
    all_x = []
    all_y = []

    # Convert latittudes and longitudes to web mercator x and y format
    for i in xrange(len(all_lats)):
        pnt = transform(
                Point(all_longs[i], all_lats[i]))

    p = base_plot()
    p.add_tile(STAMEN_TERRAIN), y=all_y, line_color=None, fill_color='#380474', size=15, alpha=.5)
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def proj(self, co):
        :param co: coordinate
        :return: transformed coordinate if self.pScene is defined
        if self.pScene is not None and self.pDXF is not None:
            u = self.dxf_unit_scale
            if len(co) == 3:
                c1, c2, c3 = co
                c1, c2 = co
                c3 = 0
            if u != 1.0:
                c1 *= u
                c2 *= u
                c3 *= u

            # add
            add = Vector((0, 0, 0))
            if "latitude" in self.current_scene and "longitude" in self.current_scene:
                if PYPROJ and type(self.pScene) not in (TransverseMercator, Indicator):
                    wgs84 = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
                    cscn_lat = self.current_scene.get('latitude', 0)
                    cscn_lon = self.current_scene.get('longitude', 0)
                    cscn_alt = self.current_scene.get('altitude', 0)
                    add = Vector(transform(wgs84, self.pScene, cscn_lat, cscn_lon, cscn_alt))

            # projection
            newco = Vector(transform(self.pDXF, self.pScene, c1, c2, c3))
            newco = newco - add
            if any((c == float("inf") or c == float("-inf") for c in newco)):
                self.errors.add("Projection results in +/- infinity coordinates.")
            return newco
            u = self.dxf_unit_scale
            if u != 1:
                if len(co) == 3:
                    c1, c2, c3 = co
                    c1, c2 = co
                    c3 = 0
                c1 *= u
                c2 *= u
                c3 *= u
                return Vector((c1, c2, c3))
                return Vector((co[0], co[1], co[2] if len(co) == 3 else 0))
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_pyproj(self, box, scene):
        valid_dxf_srid = True

        # DXF SCALE
        box.prop(self, "dxf_scale")

        # EPSG DXF
        box.alert = (self.proj_scene != 'NONE' and (not valid_dxf_srid or self.proj_dxf == 'NONE'))
        box.prop(self, "proj_dxf")
        box.alert = False
        if self.proj_dxf == 'USER':
                box.alert = True
                valid_dxf_srid = False
            box.prop(self, "epsg_dxf_user")
        box.alert = False


        # EPSG SCENE
        col = box.column()
        # Only info in case of pre-defined EPSG from current scene.
        if self.internal_using_scene_srid:
            col.enabled = False

        col.prop(self, "proj_scene")

        if self.proj_scene == 'USER':
            except Exception as e:
                col.alert = True
            col.prop(self, "epsg_scene_user")
            col.alert = False
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.
        elif self.proj_scene == 'TMERC':
            col.prop(self, "merc_scene_lat", text="Lat")
            col.prop(self, "merc_scene_lon", text="Lon")
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.
            col.label("")  # Placeholder.

        # user info
        if self.proj_scene != 'NONE':
            if not valid_dxf_srid:
                box.label("DXF SRID not valid", icon="ERROR")
            if self.proj_dxf == 'NONE':
                box.label("", icon='ERROR')
                box.label("DXF SRID must be set, otherwise")
                if self.proj_scene == 'USER':
                    code = self.epsg_scene_user
                    code = self.proj_scene
                box.label('Scene SRID %r is ignored!' % code)
项目:nllgrid    作者:claudiodsf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def project(self, lon, lat):
        """Project lon, lat into grid coordinates."""
        if self.proj_name == 'LAMBERT':
            ellipsoids = {
                'WGS-84': 'WGS84',
                'GRS-80': 'GRS80',
                'WGS-72': 'WGS72',
                'Australian': 'aust_SA',
                'Krasovsky': 'krass',
                'International': 'new_intl',
                'Hayford-1909': 'intl',
                'Clarke-1880': 'clrk80',
                'Clarke-1866': 'clrk66',
                'Airy': 'airy',
                'Bessel': 'bessel',
                # 'Hayford-1830':
                'Sphere': 'sphere'
                ellps = ellipsoids[self.proj_ellipsoid]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Ellipsoid not supported: {}'.format(self.proj_ellipsoid))
            p = Proj(proj='lcc', lat_0=self.orig_lat, lon_0=self.orig_lon,
                     lat_1=self.first_std_paral, lat_2=self.second_std_paral,
        elif self.proj_name == 'SIMPLE':
            p = Proj(proj='eqc', lat_0=self.orig_lat, lon_0=self.orig_lon)
            raise ValueError('Projection not supported: {}'.format(
        x, y = p(lon, lat)
        x = np.array(x)
        y = np.array(y)
        x[np.isnan(lon)] = np.nan
        y[np.isnan(lat)] = np.nan
        x /= 1000.
        y /= 1000.
        # inverse rotation
        theta = np.radians(self.map_rot)
        x1 = x*np.cos(theta) + y*np.sin(theta)
        y1 = -x*np.sin(theta) + y*np.cos(theta)
        x = x1
        y = y1
        # Try to return the same type of lon, lat
        if not isinstance(lon, np.ndarray):
            if isinstance(lon, Iterable):
                x = type(lon)(x)
                x = float(x)
        if not isinstance(lat, np.ndarray):
            if isinstance(lat, Iterable):
                y = type(lat)(y)
                y = float(y)
        return x, y
项目:rowgenerators    作者:Metatab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """ Returns generator over shapefile rows.

            The first column is an id field, taken from the id value of each shape
            The middle values are taken from the property_schema
            The last column is a string named geometry, which has the wkt value, the type is geometry_type.


        # These imports are nere, not at the module level, so the geo
        # support can be an extra


        vfs, shp_file, layer_index = self._open_file_params()

        with, vfs=vfs, layer=layer_index) as source:

            if'init') != 'epsg:4326':
                # Project back to WGS84

                project = partial(pyproj.transform,
                                  pyproj.Proj(, preserve_units=True),

                project = None

            yield self.headers

            for i,s in enumerate(source):

                row_data = s['properties']
                shp = asShape(s['geometry'])

                row = [int(s['id'])]
                for col_name, elem in row_data.items():

                if project:
                    row.append(transform(project, shp))


                yield row

项目:high-risk-traffic    作者:kshepard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_records(records_csv, road_projection, record_projection, tz, col_id,
                 col_x, col_y, col_occurred):
    """Reads records csv, projects points, and localizes datetimes
    :param records_csv: Path to CSV containing record data
    :param road_projection: Projection CRS for road data
    :param record_projection: Projection CRS for record data
    :param tz: Timezone id for record data
    :param col_id: Record id column name
    :param col_x: Record x-coordinate column name
    :param col_y: Record y-coordinate column name
    :param col_occurred: Record occurred datetime column name

    # Create a function for projecting a point
    project = partial(

    records = []
    min_occurred = None
    max_occurred = None
    with open(records_csv, 'rb') as records_file:
        csv_reader = csv.DictReader(records_file)
        for row in csv_reader:
            # Collect min and max occurred datetimes, as they'll be used later on
                parsed_dt = parser.parse(row[col_occurred])

                # Localize datetimes that aren't timezone-aware
                occurred = parsed_dt if parsed_dt.tzinfo else tz.localize(parsed_dt)
                # Skip the record if it has an invalid datetime

            if not min_occurred or occurred < min_occurred:
                min_occurred = occurred
            if not max_occurred or occurred > max_occurred:
                max_occurred = occurred

                'id': row[col_id],
                'point': transform(project, Point(float(row[col_x]), float(row[col_y]))),
                'occurred': occurred

    return records, min_occurred, max_occurred
项目:geonymapi    作者:geonym    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getGeonym(self, req, resp, query=None):
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
        geo = None

        # projections utilisées pour transformation en WGS84/Lambert93
        s_srs = Proj(init='EPSG:2154')
        t_srs = Proj(init='EPSG:4326')

        if 'x' in req.params and 'y' in req.params:
            lon,lat = transform(s_srs,t_srs,req.params['x'],req.params['y'])
            query = geonym.ll2geonym(lat, lon)
        elif 'lat' in req.params and 'lon' in req.params:
            query = geonym.ll2geonym(float(req.params['lat']), float(req.params['lon']))
        elif 'geonym' in req.params:
            query = req.params['geonym']
        elif 'adresse' in req.params:
            r = requests.get(URL_GEOCODER+'/search', params={"q":req.params['adresse'], "autocomplete":0, "limit":1}, timeout=1)
            geo = json.loads(r.text)
            query = geonym.ll2geonym(geo['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][1], geo['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0])

        if query is not None and geonym.checkGeonym(query):
            rev = None
            data = geonym.geonym2ll(query)
            if 'reverse' in req.params and req.params['reverse']=='yes':
                r = requests.get(URL_GEOCODER+'/reverse', params={"lat":data['lat'],"lon":data['lon'],"limit":1}, timeout=1)
                if r.status_code == 200:
                    rev = json.loads(r.text)

            x,y = transform(t_srs,s_srs,data['lon'],data['lat'])
            # on ne retourne les coordonnées Lambert que si on est en zone Lambert93
            if y > -357823.2365 and x > 6037008.6939 and y < 1313632.3628 and x< 7230727.3772:
                data['x'] = int(x)
                data['y'] = int(y)

            data['checksum'] = geonym.checksum(query)

            geojson = {"type":"Feature",
                "link": "" % (geonym.cleanGeonym(query),),
            if rev is not None:
                geojson['reverse'] = rev
            if geo is not None:
                geojson['geocode'] = geo
            resp.body = json.dumps(geojson, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
            geojson = {
                "type": "Feature",
                "link": "",
                "params": geonym.getParams()
            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_400
            resp.set_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
            resp.body = json.dumps(
                geojson, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))