def merge_reads(bams, merged_output_dir): """ Merge bam files, can take odd numbers of reads. """ try: os.mkdir(merged_output_dir) except OSError: pass bam_list = get_bam_pairs(bams) for sample_id, bams in bam_list.items(): header = get_header(bams[0]) bam_out = os.path.join(merged_output_dir, os.path.basename(sample_id)) + '.bam' out = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_out, 'wb', header=header) for bam in bams: sam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, 'rb') for read in sam: out.write(read) out.close() pysam.sort(bam_out, 'tmp') os.rename('tmp.bam',bam_out) pysam.index(bam_out)
def CigarIndex(cigar, pos) : position = 0 k = 0 # cigar index addpos = pos # extra positions for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar : position += cigarlength if position < pos : k += 1 addpos -= cigarlength else : return k, addpos # Converts string of cigar symbol characters into the format used by Pysam
def index(file_name): pysam.index(str(file_name)) if not os.path.isfile(file_name + ".bai"): raise RuntimeError("samtools index failed, likely bam is not sorted")
def sort_and_index(file_name, sorted_prefix=None): """ Sorts and indexes the bam file given by file_name. """ if sorted_prefix is None: sorted_prefix = file_name.replace('.bam', '') + '_sorted' sorted_name = sorted_prefix + '.bam' subprocess.check_call(['samtools','sort', '-o', sorted_name, file_name]) pysam.index(sorted_name)
def load_key_index(self): f = open(self.index_file_name, 'r') in_index = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') self.keys = [] for row in in_index: if len(row) != 2: raise Exception("BAM index file %s has incorrect format" % self.index_file_name) key, pos = row if not pos.isdigit(): raise Exception("BAM index file %s has incorrect format" % self.index_file_name) self.keys.append((key, long(pos))) f.close()
def collapse_stack(stack, collapse_dict, max_tags): """DOCSTRING Args Returns """ new_alignment_list = [] new_alignment_dict = defaultdict(list) for aln in stack: new_alignment_dict[aln.query_sequence].append(aln) # TODO 2017.10.21: # further collapse `new_alignment_dict` # based on degeneracy and/or read tags for seq in new_alignment_dict: this_alignment_qname_list = [x.qname for x in new_alignment_dict[seq] ] is_collapsed = [True if x in collapse_dict else False for x in this_alignment_qname_list] ## if any of the alignment is collapsed before, ## we require all of them to be collapsed if any(is_collapsed): assert all(is_collapsed) target_alignment_qname = collapse_dict[this_alignment_qname_list[0]][0:max_tags] assert len(collapse_dict[this_alignment_qname_list[0]]) <= max_tags target_alignment = [new_alignment_dict[seq][this_alignment_qname_list.index(x)] for x in target_alignment_qname] else: target_alignment = new_alignment_dict[seq][0:max_tags] for aln_qname in this_alignment_qname_list: collapse_dict[aln_qname] = [x.qname for x in target_alignment] new_alignment_list.extend( target_alignment ) return new_alignment_list, collapse_dict
def _second_start(read, poss, strand, chrom, segmentation, holesize_th): """ Return the coordinate of second start. If read is not split or we wish algorithm to think of read as linear, second_start equals to 0. """ holes = [j - i - 1 for i, j in zip(poss, poss[1:])] # Get the size of the biggest hole: biggest_hole_size = max(holes) if holes else 0 second_start = 0 is_strange = False if not segmentation: # Effectively this means, that read is considered as it has no holes. if biggest_hole_size > holesize_th: # Still, read is not treated as on with distinct second_start. # However, it is reported as starnge: is_strange = True else: biggest_hole_size_index = holes.index(biggest_hole_size) # Take right border of hole on "+" and left border on "-" strand: if strand == '+': second_start = poss[biggest_hole_size_index + 1] else: second_start = poss[biggest_hole_size_index] # Read is strange if: # it is not intersecting with segmentation AND # if there actually is a hole if not _intersects_with_annotaton(second_start, segmentation, chrom, strand) and \ biggest_hole_size != 0: is_strange = True return second_start, is_strange
def MatchingBases(md, cigar, FromBeginning) : if not FromBeginning : md = md[::-1] cigar = cigar[::-1] i = 0 # md index number = '' mlen = len(md) while i < mlen and md[i] in '0123456789' : number += md[i] i += 1 if not number : number = '0' if FromBeginning : number = int(number) else : number = int(number[::-1]) # Go through cigar to find possible inserts clen = 0 for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar : if cigartype in [1,3] : break elif cigartype == 5 : pass else : clen += cigarlength if number < clen : number += AddClips(cigar, True) # cigar has been reversed here! return min(number, clen) # Takes flag as input and returns whether alignment is primary (True) or not (False). # If additional input parameter is set to True, then also check whether read is properly # paired (definition of properly paired depends on mapper).
def UpdateFlag(flag) : if (flag & 16) == 16 : return 16 else : return 0 # Returns the cigar length when cigar is expressed base by base, # up to the index k of cigarlist (default is a very large index)
def ReadCigarLength(cigar, k=100) : if k < len(cigar) : cigarlist = cigar[:(k+1)] else : cigarlist = cigar l = sum([c[1] for c in cigarlist]) return l # Input cigar and pos denoting index within a cigar transformed into a string sequence. # Return what is the index in the original cigar and how many extra positions from the beginning # of this index is the current position.
def generate_index_if_needed(filepath): index_file = os.path.abspath(filepath) + '.bai' if not os.path.isfile(index_file): # Index file doesn't exist; generate it pysam.index(filepath, index_file) return True # end .generate_index_if_needed()
def find_roi_bam(chromosome_event): chr,event = chromosome_event .split("_") roi,sortbyname,sortbyCoord, hetsnp = init_file_names(chr, event, tmpbams_path, haplotype_path) exonsinroibed = "/".join([haplotype_path, event + "_exons_in_roi_"+ chr +'.bed']) success = True try: if not terminating.is_set(): roisort = sub('.bam$', '.sorted', roi) if(os.path.isfile(exonsinroibed)): cmd=" ".join(["sort -u", exonsinroibed, "-o", exonsinroibed]); runCommand(cmd) extractPairedReadfromROI(sortbyname, exonsinroibed, roi) removeIfEmpty(tmpbams_path,ntpath.basename(roi)) pysam.sort(roi ,roisort ) pysam.index(roisort+'.bam') os.remove(roi) except (KeyboardInterrupt): logger.error('Exception Crtl+C pressed in the child process in find_roi_bam for chr ' +chr + event) terminating.set() success=False return except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception in find_roi_bam %s" ,e ) terminating.set() success=False return if(success): logger.debug("find_roi_bam complete successfully for "+chr + event) return
def removeReadsOverlappingHetRegion(inbamfn, bedfn,outbamfn,path): print "___ removing reads overlapping heterozygous region ___" inbamsorted = sub('.bam$','.sorted',inbamfn) pysam.sort(inbamfn, inbamsorted) pysam.index(inbamsorted+'.bam') alignmentfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(inbamsorted+'.bam', "rb" ) outbam = pysam.Samfile(outbamfn, 'wb', template=alignmentfile ) bedfile = open(bedfn, 'r') for bedline in bedfile: c = bedline.strip().split() if (len(c) == 3 ): chr2 = c[0] chr = c[0].strip("chr") start = int(c[1]) end = int(c[2]) else : continue try: readmappings = alignmentfile.fetch(chr2, start, end) except ValueError as e: print("problem fetching the read ") for shortread in readmappings: try: outbam.write(shortread) except ValueError as e: print ("problem removing read :" + shortread.qname) outbamsorted = sub('.bam$','.sorted',outbamfn) pysam.sort(outbamfn, outbamsorted) bamDiff(inbamsorted+'.bam', outbamsorted +'.bam', path ) outbam.close()
def find_roi_amp(chromosome_event): chr, event = chromosome_event.split("_") roi, sortbyname, sortbyCoord, hetsnp = init_file_names(chr, event, tmpbams_path, haplotype_path) exonsinroibed = "/".join([haplotype_path, event + "_exons_in_roi_" + chr + '.bed']) success = True try: if not terminating.is_set(): roisort = sub('.bam$', '.sorted', roi) if (os.path.isfile(exonsinroibed)): cmd = " ".join(["sort -u", exonsinroibed, "-o", exonsinroibed]); runCommand(cmd) extractPairedReadfromROI(sortbyname, exonsinroibed, roi) removeIfEmpty(tmpbams_path, ntpath.basename(roi)) pysam.sort(roi, roisort) pysam.index(roisort + '.bam') os.remove(roi) except (KeyboardInterrupt): logger.error('Exception Crtl+C pressed in the child process in find_roi_bam for chr ' + chr + event) terminating.set() success = False return except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception in find_roi_bam %s", e) terminating.set() success = False return if (success): logger.debug("find_roi_bam complete successfully for " + chr + event) return
def index_bam(in_bam): if not os.path.isfile(in_bam + ".bai") or os.stat(in_bam).st_mtime >= os.stat(in_bam + ".bai").st_mtime: pysam.index(in_bam, catch_stdout=False)
def _sort_index(unsorted, output_bam): pysam.sort("-o", output_bam, "-m", PYSAM_SORT_MEM, unsorted) os.unlink(unsorted) pysam.index(output_bam)
def qname_cmp_func(qname1, qname2): def update_char(qname, index): index += 1 if index < len(qname): c = qname[index] else: c = '' return c, index def get_ord(c): if c: return ord(c) return 0 i, j = 0, 0 c1 = qname1[0] if qname1 else None c2 = qname2[0] if qname2 else None while c1 and c2: if c1.isdigit() and c2.isdigit(): while c1 == '0': c1, i = update_char(qname1, i) while c2 == '0': c2, j = update_char(qname2, j) while c1.isdigit() and c2.isdigit() and c1 == c2: c1, i = update_char(qname1, i) c2, j = update_char(qname2, j) if c1.isdigit() and c2.isdigit(): k, l = i, j while c1.isdigit() and c2.isdigit(): c1, k = update_char(qname1, k) c2, l = update_char(qname2, l) return 1 if c1.isdigit() else (-1 if c2.isdigit() else get_ord(qname1[i]) - get_ord(qname2[j])) elif c1.isdigit(): return 1 elif c2.isdigit(): return -1 elif i != j: return 1 if i < j else -1 else: if c1 != c2: return get_ord(c1) - get_ord(c2) c1, i = update_char(qname1, i) c2, j = update_char(qname2, j) return 1 if c1 else (-1 if c2 else 0)
def realigner(out_dir, tmp_dir, winsize=50, unstranded=False): """DOCSTRING Args: Returns: """ # file handlers mbam = pysam.Samfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'multi.sorted.bam'),'rb') ubam = pysam.Samfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'unique.sorted.bam'),'rb') obam = pysam.Samfile(os.path.join(out_dir, 'realigned.bam'), 'wb', template = mbam) chr_list=[x['SN'] for x in ubam.header['SQ']] # construct the mread_dict; this will be needed throughout mread_dict = defaultdict(list) for alignment in mbam: mread_dict[alignment.qname].append(alignment) # keep a record of processed reads processed_mreads = set() # iterate through all mreads for read_qname in mread_dict: if read_qname in processed_mreads: continue ## construct the fully-connected subgraph for each read read_to_locations, processed_mreads = \ construct_subgraph(mbam, read_qname, mread_dict, processed_mreads, chr_list, winsize=winsize, unstranded=unstranded) subgraph = set() for read in read_to_locations: _ = map(subgraph.add, read_to_locations[read].keys()) subgraph = list(subgraph) ## build the BIT tracks node_track, multi_reads_weights = \ construct_BIT_track(subgraph, read_to_locations, ubam, unstranded) ## run EM multi_reads_weights = \ run_EM(node_track, multi_reads_weights, w=winsize) ## write to obam for read in multi_reads_weights: for node in multi_reads_weights[read]: alignment = read_to_locations[read][node] score = round(multi_reads_weights[read][node][0], 3) alignment.set_tag('AS', score) alignment.set_tag('PG', 'CLAM') obam.write(alignment) # sort the final output logger.info('sorting output') obam.close() ubam.close() mbam.close() obam_sorted_fn = os.path.join(out_dir, 'realigned.sorted.bam') pysam.sort('-o', obam_sorted_fn, os.path.join(out_dir, 'realigned.bam')) pysam.index(obam_sorted_fn) os.remove(os.path.join(out_dir, 'realigned.bam')) return
def filter_bam_maxtags(obam_fn, ibam_fn, max_tags=1): """DOCSTRING Args Returns """ assert max_tags>0 # prepare files ibam = pysam.Samfile(ibam_fn, 'rb') obam = pysam.Samfile(obam_fn, 'wb', template=ibam) # init collapse_dict = defaultdict(list) chr_list=[x['SN'] for x in ibam.header['SQ']] input_counter = 0 output_counter = 0 for chr in chr_list: # empty stack for each new chromosome stack = [] last_pos = -1 for read in ibam.fetch(chr): input_counter += 1 if not (input_counter % (5*(10**6)) ): logger.debug('collapsed %i alignments'%input_counter) if read.positions[0] > last_pos: new_alignment_list, collapse_dict = collapse_stack(stack, collapse_dict, max_tags) output_counter += len(new_alignment_list) last_pos = read.positions[0] stack = [read] for new_alignment in new_alignment_list: new_alignment.query_sequence = '*' new_alignment.query_qualities = '0' _ = obam.write(new_alignment) else: stack.append(read) new_alignment_list, collapse_dict = collapse_stack(stack, collapse_dict, max_tags) output_counter += len(new_alignment_list) last_pos = read.positions[0] for new_alignment in new_alignment_list: new_alignment.query_sequence = '*' new_alignment.query_qualities = '0' _ = obam.write(new_alignment) ibam.close() obam.close() #os.rename(obam_fn, ibam_fn) #pysam.sort(obam_fn) pysam.index(obam_fn) logger.info('Input = %s; Output = %s; Redundancy = %.2f'%(input_counter,output_counter, 1-float(output_counter)/input_counter)) return
def TrimCigar(cigar) : clippings = [1 for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar if cigartype in [4,5]] if not clippings : return cigar, 0, None start = 0 end = 0 # soft and hard clippings can either be in the beginning or end of a read for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar[:] : if cigartype == 4 : # soft clipping start = cigarlength cigar.remove((cigartype, cigarlength)) elif cigartype == 5 : # hard clipping cigar.remove((cigartype, cigarlength)) else : break for cigartype, cigarlength in reversed(cigar[:]) : if cigartype == 4 : # soft clipping end -= cigarlength cigar.remove((cigartype, cigarlength)) elif cigartype == 5 : # hard clipping cigar.remove((cigartype, cigarlength)) else : break return cigar, start, end if not end == 0 else None # Give as input the quality string, md from Tags field, cigar, and mincut and maxcut, # and ipos (starting index of current read in terms of quality sequence) # and adjustbase (only needed if two reads # are being merged, and second read starts later than first read). # Md tells whether there are any base-changes lying closer or equal to mincut from # read start edge, or at least maxcut away from same edge. These base-changes will be # discarded, that is, their corresponding base # quality will be set to 0 (or ! in ascii format). # Returns updated quality string.
def pandas_parallel(df, func, nthreads, mp_type, split, *opts): '''wrapper to run pandas apply function with multiprocessing. *opts will take any number of optional arguments to be passed into the function. Note these will be passed to the function as a tuple and need to be parsed. ''' def init_worker(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) logger.info("Begin multiprocessing of function %s in a pool of %s workers using %s protocol" % (str(func.__name__), nthreads, mp_type)) if split == '': logger.debug("*The dataframe will be split evenly across the %s workers" % nthreads) df_split = np.array_split(df, min(nthreads, len(df.index))) else: logger.debug('*The dataframe will be split on the column %s' % split) df_split = (df.loc[df[split] == sub, :] for sub in df[split].unique()) # Pack params for processing if not opts: params = df_split elif len(opts) == 1: params = zip(df_split, repeat(opts[0])) elif len(opts) > 1: params = zip(df_split, repeat(opts)) init = time.time() try: logger.debug("*Initializing a %s pool with %s workers" % (mp_type, nthreads)) pool = mp.Pool(nthreads, init_worker) # Initialize the pool pool_func = getattr(pool, mp_type) # set the function (map, imap, etc) if mp_type == "map_async": these_res = pool_func(func, params).get() out = pd.concat(these_res, axis=0) elif mp_type in ["map", "imap", "imap_unordered"]: these_res = pool_func(func, params) out = pd.concat(these_res, axis=0) # this works even for iterables pool.close() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.error("Error: Keyboard interrupt") pool.terminate() raise e except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception: " + str(e)) pool.terminate() traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] raise_(ValueError, e, traceback) finally: pool.join() logger.debug("*Time to run pandas_parallel on " + str(func.__name__) + " took %g seconds" % (time.time() - init)) return(out)