Python random 模块,gauss() 实例源码


项目:UberLens    作者:adamalawrence    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlay_generator(hexgrid, depth=params.shells, major=params.major):
    # GPolygon.RegularPoly(coord,major,poly,rot,"#000000",strokeOpacity,linethick,"#00ffff",fillalpha)
    s1 = ''
    numhextiles = float(len(hexgrid))
    for idx, hexel in enumerate(hexgrid):
        speckle = random.gauss(1, 0.5)
        rank = int((speckle * idx / numhextiles) * 15)
        invrank = 15 - rank
        blue = hex(rank)[2:]
        red = hex(invrank)[2:]
        tilecolor = red + red + '00' + blue + blue
        ts = "map.addOverlay(GPolygon.RegularPoly(new GLatLng{coord},\
            \n".format(coord=hexel, major=major, strokeColor=tilecolor, strokeOpacity=params.opacity,
                       strokeWeight=params.strokeWeight, fillColor=tilecolor, fillalpha=params.opacity)
        s1 += ts
    return s1
项目:UberLens    作者:adamalawrence    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlay_generator(self, hexgrid, depth=params.shells, major=params.major):
        # GPolygon.RegularPoly(coord,major,poly,rot,"#000000",strokeOpacity,linethick,"#00ffff",fillalpha)
        s1 = ''
        numhextiles = float(len(hexgrid))
        for idx, hexel in enumerate(hexgrid):
            speckle = random.gauss(1, 0.5)
            rank = int((speckle * idx / numhextiles) * 15)
            invrank = 15 - rank
            blue = hex(rank)[2:]
            red = hex(invrank)[2:]
            tilecolor = red + red + '00' + blue + blue
            ts = "map.addOverlay(GPolygon.RegularPoly(new GLatLng{coord},\
                \n".format(coord=hexel, major=major, strokeColor=tilecolor, strokeOpacity=params.opacity,
                           strokeWeight=params.strokeWeight, fillColor=tilecolor, fillalpha=params.opacity)
            s1 += ts
        return s1
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pretrained_embeddings(filepath):
  embeddings = dict()
  with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
      info = line.strip().split()
      #lines = [line.strip().split() for line in f.readlines()]
      #embeddings = dict([(line[0], [float(r) for r in line[1:]]) for line in lines])
      embeddings[info[0]] = [float(r) for r in info[1:]]
  embedding_size = len(embeddings.values()[0])
  print 'Embedding size={}'.format(embedding_size)
  embeddings[START_MARKER] = [random.gauss(0, 0.01) for _ in range(embedding_size)]
  embeddings[END_MARKER] = [random.gauss(0, 0.01) for _ in range(embedding_size)]
  if not UNKNOWN_TOKEN in embeddings:
    embeddings[UNKNOWN_TOKEN] = [random.gauss(0, 0.01) for _ in range(embedding_size)]
  return embeddings
项目:CyberScan    作者:medbenali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _bootstraped():
    def worker(n=1000,
               mu1=10, sigma1=1,
               mu2=10.2, sigma2=1):
        def g(mu, sigma): return random.gauss(mu, sigma)

        x = [g(mu1, sigma1) for i in range(n)]
        y = [g(mu2, sigma2) for i in range(n)]
        return n, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, \
               'different' if bootstrap(x, y) else 'same'

    # very different means, same std
    print worker(mu1=10, sigma1=10,
                 mu2=100, sigma2=10)
    # similar means and std
    print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=1,
                 mu2=10.2, sigma2=1)
    # slightly different means, same std
    print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=1,
                 mu2=10.8, sigma2=1)
    # different in mu eater by large std
    print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=10,
                 mu2=10.8, sigma2=1)
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ediv():
  "Demo code to test the above."
  import random
  bell= random.gauss
  def go(lst):
    print ""; print sorted(lst)[:10],"..."
    for d in  ediv(lst,tiny=2):
      rprint(d); nl()
  l[0] = (1,Y)
  for _ in range(1000): 
    l += [(bell(20,1),  X),(bell(10,1),Y),
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sdiv():
  "Demo code to test the above."
  import random
  bell= random.gauss
  def go(lst,cohen=0.3,
         num1=lambda x:x[0],
         num2=lambda x:x[1]):
    print ""; print sorted(lst)[:10],"..."
    for d in  sdiv(lst,cohen=cohen,num1=num1,num2=num2):
      print d[1][0][0]
  l = [ (1,10), (2,11),  (3,12),  (4,13),
       (20,20),(21,21), (22,22), (23,23), (24,24),
       (30,30),(31,31), (32,32), (33,33),(34,34)]
  go(map(lambda x:(x[1],x[1]),l))
  ten     = lambda: bell(10,2)
  twenty  = lambda: bell(20,2)
  thirty  = lambda: bell(30,2)
  for _ in range(1000): 
    l += [(ten(),   ten()), 
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _bootstraped():
  def worker(n=1000,
             mu1=10, sigma1=1,
             mu2=10.2, sigma2=1):
    def g(mu, sigma):
      return random.gauss(mu, sigma)
    x = [g(mu1, sigma1) for i in range(n)]
    y = [g(mu2, sigma2) for i in range(n)]
    return n, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, \
        'different' if bootstrap(x, y) else 'same'
  # very different means, same std
  print worker(mu1=10, sigma1=10,
               mu2=100, sigma2=10)
  # similar means and std
  print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=1,
               mu2=10.2, sigma2=1)
  # slightly different means, same std
  print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=1,
               mu2=10.8, sigma2=1)
  # different in mu eater by large std
  print worker(mu1=10.1, sigma1=10,
               mu2=10.8, sigma2=1)
项目:CVE-2016-6366    作者:RiskSense-Ops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:pfi-internship2016    作者:hvy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rnd(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=0.01):
    """Return a list with the given shape with random float elements.
    The values are generated from a Gaussian distribution.

        shape (tuple, list): A shape to generate random floats for. 1 or 2 dimensional.
        mean (float): Mean of the Gaussian distribution.
        stddev (float): Standard deviation of the distribution.

        list: A list with random float elements with the dimensions specified by `shape`.
    if not isinstance(shape, (tuple, list)):
        raise TypeError('Invalid shape. The shape must be a tuple or a list.')

    dimension = len(shape)

    if dimension is 1:
        # Create a 1 dimensional array with random elements
        return [random.gauss(mean, stddev) for _ in range(shape[0])]
    elif dimension is 2:
        # Create a 2 dimensional matrix with random elements
        return [[random.gauss(mean, stddev) for _ in range(shape[1])] for _ in range(shape[0])]
        raise NotImplementedError('Random generation with dimensions > 2 is not yet implemented.')
项目:luckyhorse    作者:alexmbird    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _makeFakeTrade(self):
    "Generate a realistic-looking trade"
    tp    = self._t_price
    tpf   = self._t_price_sigma
    tv    = self._t_vol
    tvf   = self._t_vol_sigma
    t_exec      = self._prev_time + self._frequency
    t_update    = t_exec + random.uniform(0, self.FAKE_LATENCY)
    self._fake_trade_id += 1
    self._prev_time     = t_update

    return Trade(
      exchange_id = self.EXCHANGE_ID,
      price       = tp if tpf is None else random.gauss(tp, tpf),
      volume      = tv if tvf is None else random.gauss(tv, tvf),
      ts_exec     = t_exec,
      ts_update   = t_update,
      trade_id    = self._fake_trade_id
项目:Houston    作者:squaresLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def current(self, deltat=None):
        """Return current wind speed and direction as a tuple
        speed is in m/s, direction in degrees."""
        if deltat is None:
            tnow = time.time()
            deltat = tnow - self.tlast
            self.tlast = tnow

        # update turbulance random walk
        w_delta = math.sqrt(deltat) * (1.0 - random.gauss(1.0, self.turbulance))
        w_delta -= (self.turbulance_mul - 1.0) * (deltat / self.turbulance_time_constant)
        self.turbulance_mul += w_delta
        speed = self.speed * math.fabs(self.turbulance_mul)
        return (speed, self.direction)

    # Calculate drag.
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o(bytes([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
#            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
            return o([ x._fix(n+1) for x in [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z])
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:scikit-hep    作者:scikit-hep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_simple_tree(nevents):
    """Create a simple TTree with a couple of branches."""
    t = TTree('aTTree','A TTree')
    t.Branch('run', AddressOf(pytree, 'run'),'run/I')
    t.Branch('evt', AddressOf(pytree, 'evt'),'evt/I')
    t.Branch('x', AddressOf(pytree, 'x'),'x/F')
    t.Branch('y', AddressOf(pytree, 'y'),'y/F')
    t.Branch('z', AddressOf(pytree, 'z'),'z/F')
    for i in range(nevents): = 1 if (i<500) else 2
        pytree.evt = i
        pytree.x = gauss(0., 10.)
        pytree.y = gauss(0, 10.)
        pytree.z = gauss(5., 50.)
    return t
项目:Imagyn    作者:zevisert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_normal_distribution(maximum, minimum, mean, deviation, integer=False):
        Build a normal distribution to use for randomizing values for input into transformation functions\n
        :param maximum: Float or int, The maximum value the value can be]\n
        :param minimum: Float or int, The minimum value the value can be\n
        :param mean: Float, the mean (mu) of the normal distribution\n
        :param deviation: Float, the deviation (sigma) of the normal distribution\n
        :param integer: OPTIONAL, whether the value is required to be an integer, otherwise False\n
        :return: Float or int, The value to insert into the transform function
        value = random.gauss(mean, deviation)

        if integer is True:
            value = round(value)

        if value > maximum:
            value = maximum

        elif value < minimum:
            value = minimum

        return value
项目:trex-http-proxy    作者:alwye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:trex-http-proxy    作者:alwye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o(bytes([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
#            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
            return o([ x._fix(n+1) for x in [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z])
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:Udacity_Robotics_cs373    作者:lijiyao111    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def move(self, turn, forward):
        if forward < 0:
            raise ValueError('Robot cant move backwards')         

        # turn, and add randomness to the turning command
        orientation = self.orientation + float(turn) + random.gauss(0.0, self.turn_noise)
        orientation %= 2 * pi

        # move, and add randomness to the motion command
        dist = float(forward) + random.gauss(0.0, self.forward_noise)
        x = self.x + (cos(orientation) * dist)
        y = self.y + (sin(orientation) * dist)
        x %= world_size    # cyclic truncate
        y %= world_size

        # set particle
        res = robot()
        res.set(x, y, orientation)
        res.set_noise(self.forward_noise, self.turn_noise, self.sense_noise)
        return res
项目:Udacity_Robotics_cs373    作者:lijiyao111    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sense(self, add_noise=1):
        for i in range(len(landmarks)):
            bearing=atan2(deltay, deltax)-self.orientation
            if add_noise:
                bearing += random.gauss(0.0, self.bearing_noise)
            bearing %=2*pi
        return Z

    # copy your code from the previous exercise
    # and modify it so that it simulates bearing noise
    # according to
    #           self.bearing_noise

    ############## ONLY ADD/MODIFY CODE ABOVE HERE ####################

# --------
# extract position from a particle set
项目:scapy-bpf    作者:guedou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join(random.choice(self.chars) for _ in xrange(z)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o([self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)._fix(n + 1)
                      for _ in xrange(z)])
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:scapy-radio    作者:BastilleResearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join([random.choice(self.chars) for i in range(z)]))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o(map(lambda x:x._fix(n+1), [self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)]*z))
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:ngas    作者:ICRAR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def acquireDiskResource(ngamsCfgObj,
    Acquire access right to a disk resource.

    ngamsCfgObj:   NG/AMS Configuration Object (ngamsConfig).

    slotId:        Slot ID referring to the disk resource (string).

    Returns:       Void.
    T = TRACE()

    storageSet = ngamsCfgObj.getStorageSetFromSlotId(slotId)
    if (not storageSet.getMutex()): return

    global _diskMutexSems
    if (not _diskMutexSems.has_key(slotId)):
        _diskMutexSems[slotId] = threading.Semaphore(1)
    code = string.split(str(abs(random.gauss(10000000,10000000))), ".")[0]
    logger.debug("Requesting access to disk resource with Slot ID: %s (Code: %s)",
                 slotId, str(code))
    logger.debug("Access granted")
项目:isf    作者:w3h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self, n=0):
        o = random.choice(self.objlist)
        if issubclass(o, ASN1_INTEGER):
            return o(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_IPADDRESS):
            z = RandIP()._fix()
            return o(z)
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_STRING):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.05)+1)
            return o("".join(random.choice(self.chars) for _ in xrange(z)))
        elif issubclass(o, ASN1_SEQUENCE) and (n < 10):
            z = int(random.expovariate(0.08)+1)
            return o([self.__class__(objlist=self.objlist)._fix(n + 1)
                      for _ in xrange(z)])
        return ASN1_INTEGER(int(random.gauss(0,1000)))

#### ASN1 ####
项目:ase16    作者:txt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _bootstraped(): 
  def worker(n=1000,
             mu1=10,  sigma1=1,
             mu2=10.2, sigma2=1):
    def g(mu,sigma) : return random.gauss(mu,sigma)
    x = [g(mu1,sigma1) for i in range(n)]
    y = [g(mu2,sigma2) for i in range(n)]
    return n,mu1,sigma1,mu2,sigma2,\
        'different' if bootstrap(x,y) else 'same'
  # very different means, same std
  print(worker(mu1=10, sigma1=10, 
               mu2=100, sigma2=10))
  # similar means and std
  print(worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1=1, 
               mu2= 10.2, sigma2=1))
  # slightly different means, same std
  print(worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1= 1, 
               mu2= 10.8, sigma2= 1))
  # different in mu eater by large std
  print(worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1= 10, 
               mu2= 10.8, sigma2= 1))
项目:mlAlgorithms    作者:gu-yan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gradient(train,
    for epoch in range(nepoch):
        sum_error = 0.0
        for index in range(len(train)):
            pred = predict(train[index], coef, bias)
            sum_error += (labels[index] - pred)
            bias = (bias + learn_rate * sum_error * pred * (1 - pred))
            for i in range(len(coef)):
                coef[i] = (coef[i] + learn_rate * sum_error * pred * (1 - pred) * train[index][i])
    return coef, bias

#generate standard normal distribution
#TODO the function random.gauss() can not generate stable distribution which causes diffusion gradient
项目:pygame-robotics    作者:ioarun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def move(self, turn, forward):
        if forward < 0:
            raise ValueError, 'Cant move backwards'

        self.orientation = self.orientation + turn + random.gauss(0.0, self.turn_noise)
        self.orientation %= 2*pi

        dist = forward + random.gauss(0.0, self.forward_noise)
        self.x = self.x + dist*cos(self.orientation)
        self.y = self.y - dist*sin(self.orientation)

        self.x %= world_size
        self.y %= world_size

        temp = robot()
        temp.set_noise(0.001, 0.1, 0.1)
        temp.set(self.x, self.y, self.orientation)
        temp.set_noise(self.forward_noise, self.turn_noise, self.sense_noise)
        return temp
项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateRandomData(self, event=None):
        print "X-Direction:", self.distribution[0]
        print "Y-Direction:", self.distribution[1]
        dx = 3
        dy = 3
        for i in range(int(self.num_pts.get())):
            if self.distribution[0] == "Uniform":
                x = random.randint(dx, self.canvas.winfo_width() - dx)
                # According to Adam Carlson, there's 99.8% chance that data in a normal distribution is within 3 standard deviations of the mean.
                # mu = mean, sigma = standard deviation. Look and infer.
                x = random.gauss(mu=(self.canvas.winfo_width() - dx) / 2, sigma=self.canvas.winfo_width() / 6)
            if self.distribution[1] == "Uniform":
                y = random.randint(dy, self.canvas.winfo_height() - dy)
                y = random.gauss(mu=(self.canvas.winfo_height() - dy) / 2, sigma=self.canvas.winfo_height() / 6)

            # make sure that the coords are not out of bounds!
            x %= self.canvas.winfo_width() - dx / 2
            y %= self.canvas.winfo_height() - dy / 2

            pt = self.canvas.create_oval(x - dx, y - dy, x + dx, y + dy, fill=self.colorOption.get(), outline='')

    # handle the clear command
项目:Computer-Graphic-Toolbox    作者:KerouichaReda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_gradient(self):
        # Generate a random unit vector at each grid point -- this is the
        # "gradient" vector, in that the grid tile slopes towards it

        # 1 dimension is special, since the only unit vector is trivial;
        # instead, use a slope between -1 and 1
        if self.dimension == 1:
            return (random.uniform(-1, 1),)

        # Generate a random point on the surface of the unit n-hypersphere;
        # this is the same as a random unit vector in n dimensions.  Thanks
        # to:
        # Pick n normal random variables with stddev 1
        random_point = [random.gauss(0, 1) for _ in range(self.dimension)]
        # Then scale the result to a unit vector
        scale = sum(n * n for n in random_point) ** -0.5
        return tuple(coord * scale for coord in random_point)
项目:cbc-casper    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_gaussian_validator_set(
    """Generates a random validator set."""

    # Give the validators random weights in 0.,BIGINT;
    # this "big" integer's job is to guarantee the "tie-breaking property"
    # that no two subsets of validator's total weights are exactly equal.
    # In prod, we will add a random epsilon to weights given by bond amounts,
    # however, for the purposes of the current work, this will suffice.
    BIGINT = 1000000000000

    names = set(range(num_validators))
    weights = {
        i: max(min_weight, r.gauss(mu, sigma))
        + 1.0/(BIGINT + r.uniform(0, 1)) + r.random()
        for i in names

    return ValidatorSet(weights, protocol)
项目:cbc-casper    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validator_generator(config, protocol):
    if config['gen_type'] == 'gauss':

        def gauss_generator():
            return generate_random_gaussian_validator_set(

        return gauss_generator

    if config['gen_type'] == 'weights':
        jitter_weights = {
            i: weight + r.random()
            for i, weight in enumerate(config['weights'])

        def weights_generator():
            return ValidatorSet(jitter_weights, protocol)

        return weights_generator
项目:stn-ocr    作者:Bartzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_paste_location(self, bbox, already_pasted_bboxes):

        while True:
            x_derivation = random.gauss(0, self.variance) * (self.image_size // 2)
            y_derivation = random.gauss(0, self.variance) * (self.image_size // 2)
            center = Point(x=self.image_size // 2, y=self.image_size // 2)

            bbox.left = max(min(center.x + x_derivation, self.image_size), 0)
   = max(min(center.y + y_derivation, self.image_size), 0)

            if bbox.left + bbox.width > self.image_size:
                bbox.left = self.image_size - bbox.width
            if + bbox.height > self.image_size:
       = self.image_size - bbox.height

            if not any(intersects(bbox, box) for box in already_pasted_bboxes):
                return bbox
项目:kuryr-kubernetes    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _provisioning_timer(self, timeout):
        # REVISIT(ivc): consider integrating with Retry
        interval = 3
        max_interval = 15
        with timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout) as timer:
            while not timer.expired():
                yield timer.leftover()
                interval = interval * 2 * random.gauss(0.8, 0.05)
                interval = min(interval, max_interval)
                interval = min(interval, timer.leftover())
                if interval:
项目:sappho    作者:lily-mayfield    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brownian(cls, dt):
        return random.gauss(0, math.sqrt(dt))
项目:nameko-amqp-retry    作者:nameko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next(self, message, backoff_exchange_name):

        total_attempts = 0
        for deadlettered in message.headers.get('x-death', ()):
            if deadlettered['exchange'] == backoff_exchange_name:
                total_attempts += int(deadlettered['count'])

        if self.limit and total_attempts >= self.limit:
            expired = Backoff.Expired(
                "Backoff aborted after '{}' retries (~{:.0f} seconds)".format(
                    self.limit, self.max_delay / 1000
            six.raise_from(expired, self)

        expiration = self.get_next_schedule_item(total_attempts)

        if self.random_sigma:
            randomised = int(random.gauss(expiration, self.random_sigma))
            group_size = self.random_sigma / self.random_groups_per_sigma
            expiration = round_to_nearest(randomised, interval=group_size)

        # Prevent any negative values created by randomness
        expiration = abs(expiration)

        # store calculation results on self.
        self._next_expiration = expiration
        self._total_attempts = total_attempts

        return expiration
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    for j in xrange(1000):
        vals = [7, 1e100, -7, -1e100, -9e-20, 8e-20] * 10
        s = 0
        for i in range(200):
            v = gauss(0, random()) ** 7 - s
            s += v
        assert msum(vals) == lsum(vals) == dsum(vals) == frsum(vals) == lsum_26(vals)
        print '.',
    print 'Tests Passed'
项目:AI-Pacman    作者:AUTBS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateMaze(seed = None):
  if not seed:
    seed = random.randint(1,MAX_DIFFERENT_MAZES)
  maze = Maze(16,16)
  gapfactor = min(0.65,random.gauss(0.5,0.1))
  skip = make_with_prison(maze, depth=0, gaps=3, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=gapfactor)
  add_pacman_stuff(maze, 2*(maze.r*maze.c/20), 4, skip)
  return str(maze)
项目:gilc    作者:meco-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def h(self,xk,uk):
        y = xk[0]
        y += random.gauss(0.0,self.noisestd)
        return y
项目:robograph    作者:csparpa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def output(self):
        if self._params['mu'] is None:
            mu = self.DEFAULT_MU
            mu = self._params['mu']

        if self._params['sigma'] is None:
            sigma = self.DEFAULT_SIGMA
            sigma = self._params['sigma']
        return random.gauss(mu, sigma)
项目:PyNEAT    作者:hugofragata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mutate_response(self):
        self.response = random.gauss(0.5 , 0.15)
项目:CyberScan    作者:medbenali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self):
        return int(round(random.gauss(, self.sigma)))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self):
        return int(round(random.gauss(, self.sigma)))
项目:TwitPy    作者:timgrossmann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_time(mean):
  allowed_range = mean * STDEV
  stdev = allowed_range / 3  # 99.73% chance to be in the allowed range

  t = 0
  while abs(mean - t) > allowed_range:
    t = gauss(mean, stdev)

  return t
项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sharpe_noise(self, small, large):
        index = pd.date_range('2000-1-30', periods=1000, freq='D')
        smaller_normal = pd.Series(
            [random.gauss(.01, small) for i in range(1000)],
        larger_normal = pd.Series(
            [random.gauss(.01, large) for i in range(1000)],
        assert self.empyrical.sharpe_ratio(smaller_normal, 0.001) > \
            self.empyrical.sharpe_ratio(larger_normal, 0.001)

    # Regressive downside risk tests
项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_downside_risk_std(self, smaller_std, larger_std):
        less_noise = pd.Series(
            [random.gauss(0, smaller_std) for i in range(1000)],
            index=pd.date_range('2000-1-30', periods=1000, freq='D')
        more_noise = pd.Series(
            [random.gauss(0, larger_std) for i in range(1000)],
            index=pd.date_range('2000-1-30', periods=1000, freq='D')
        assert self.empyrical.downside_risk(less_noise) < \

    # Regressive sortino ratio tests
项目:EMFT    作者:132nd-etcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gauss(mean, sigma) -> int:
        return int(random.gauss(mean, sigma))
项目:HTM_experiments    作者:ctrl-z-9000-times    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_control_vectors(num_cv, pos_stddev, angle_stddev, scale_stddev):
        Argument num_cv is the approximate number of control vectors to create
        Arguments pos_stddev, angle_stddev, and scale_stddev are the standard
                  deviations of the controls effects of position, angle, and 

        Returns pair of control_vectors, control_sdr

        The control_vectors determines what happens for each output. Each
        control is a 4-tuple of (X, Y, Angle, Scale) movements. To move,
        active controls are summed and applied to the current location.
        control_sdr contains the shape of the control_vectors.
        cv_sz = int(round(num_cv // 6))
        control_shape = (6*cv_sz,)

        pos_controls = [
            (random.gauss(0, pos_stddev), random.gauss(0, pos_stddev), 0, 0)
                for i in range(4*cv_sz)]

        angle_controls = [
            (0, 0, random.gauss(0, angle_stddev), 0)
                for angle_control in range(cv_sz)]

        scale_controls = [
            (0, 0, 0, random.gauss(0, scale_stddev))
                for scale_control in range(cv_sz)]

        control_vectors = pos_controls + angle_controls + scale_controls
        control_vectors = np.array(control_vectors)

        # Add a little noise to all control vectors
        control_vectors[:, 0] += np.random.normal(0, pos_stddev/10,    control_shape)
        control_vectors[:, 1] += np.random.normal(0, pos_stddev/10,    control_shape)
        control_vectors[:, 2] += np.random.normal(0, angle_stddev/10,  control_shape)
        control_vectors[:, 3] += np.random.normal(0, scale_stddev/10,  control_shape)
        return control_vectors, SDR(control_shape)
项目:HTM_experiments    作者:ctrl-z-9000-times    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mutate_standard(self, percent, population):
        Randomly change some parameters.  The change in value uses the populations
        standard deviation.
        def mutate_value(value, pop_values):
            if random.random() > percent:
                return value

            pop_values = [v for v in pop_values if v is not None]
            if len(np.unique(pop_values)) < 3:
                # Use alternative method when diversity is very low.
                return value * 1.5 ** (random.random()*2-1)
                std = np.std(pop_values)
                return float(random.gauss(value, std))

        for param in self.parameters:
            value      = getattr(self, param)
            pop_values = [getattr(indiv, param) for indiv in population]

            if value is None:
                continue # cant mutate.

            elif isinstance(value, Parameters):
                value.mutate_standard(percent, pop_values)

            elif isinstance(value, tuple):
                new_tup = []
                for index, value_indexed in enumerate(value):
                    pop_values_indexed = [v[index] for v in pop_values]
                    new_value = mutate_value(value_indexed, pop_values_indexed)
                setattr(self, param, tuple(new_tup))

            else:   # Mutate a floating point or boolean number.
                setattr(self, param, mutate_value(value, pop_values))
项目:CVE-2016-6366    作者:RiskSense-Ops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fix(self):
        return int(round(random.gauss(, self.sigma)))