Python random 模块,triangular() 实例源码


项目:identifiera-sarkasm    作者:risnejunior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def modify_samples(samples, random_data, add_snitch, random_labels):
    minval = 1
    maxval = cfg.vocabulary_size - 1
    pb = Progress_bar(len(samples)-1)
    for sample in samples:

        int_vector = sample['int_vector']
        sample_class = sample['sample_class']

        if random_data:
            int_vector = [rt(minval, maxval) for _ in range(cfg.max_sequence)] 

        if add_snitch: 

        if random_labels:
            sample_class = random.randint(1,2)

        sample['int_vector'] = int_vector
        sample['sample_class'] = sample_class
项目:kingpin    作者:pinterest    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_waiting_in_secs(waiting_in_secs,
        """Retrieve the waiting time in seconds.

        This method uses exponential back-off in figuring out the number of
        seconds to wait; however, the max wait time shouldn't be more than
        what is specified via max_waiting_in_seconds.

            waiting_in_secs: waiting time in seconds.
            num_retries: number of retries, starting from 0.
            max_waiting_in_secs: maximum waiting time in seconds.

            The number of seconds to wait.

        # make the backoff going up even faster
        waiting_in_secs *= 2**num_retries
        jitter = waiting_in_secs * 0.2
        waiting_in_secs += random.triangular(-jitter, jitter)
        return min(waiting_in_secs, max_waiting_in_secs)
项目:levis    作者:rawg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_data(config={}):
    """Create data and write to a JSON file."""
    max_weight = config.setdefault("max_weight", 15)
    items = []

    if "num_items" in config:
        num_items = config["num_items"]
        del config["num_items"]
        num_items = 32

    # Generate items
    digits = int(math.ceil(math.log(num_items, 16)))
    fmt = "%0" + str(digits) + "X"

    for i in range(0, num_items):
        name = fmt % (i + 1)
        weight = random.triangular(1.0, max_weight // 3, max_weight)
        value = random.random() * 100

        items.append({"name": name, "weight": weight, "value": value})

    config["items"] = items

项目:levis    作者:rawg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def single_point(parent1, parent2, locus=None):
    """Return a new chromosome created with single-point crossover.

    This is suitable for use with list or value encoding, and will work with
    chromosomes of heterogenous lengths.

        parent1 (List): A parent chromosome.
        parent2 (List): A parent chromosome.
        locus (int): The locus at which to crossover or ``None`` for a randomly
            selected locus.

        List[List]: Two new chromosomes descended from the given parents.
    if len(parent1) > len(parent2):
        parent1, parent2 = parent2, parent1

    if locus is None:
        locus = int(random.triangular(1, len(parent1) / 2, len(parent1) - 2))

    child1 = parent1[0:locus] + parent2[locus:]
    child2 = parent2[0:locus] + parent1[locus:]

    return [child1, child2]
项目:levis    作者:rawg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cut_and_splice(parent1, parent2, loci=None):
    """Return a new chromosome created with cut and splice crossover.

    This is suitable for use with list or value encoding, and will work with
    chromosomes of heterogeneous lengths.

        parent1 (List): A parent chromosome.
        parent2 (List): A parent chromosome.
        loci (Tuple[int, int]): A crossover locus for each parent.

        List[List]: Two new chromosomes descended from the given parents.
    if loci is None:
        loci = []
        loci[0] = int(random.triangular(1, len(parent1) / 2, len(parent1) - 2))
        loci[1] = int(random.triangular(1, len(parent2) / 2, len(parent2) - 2))

    child1 = parent1[0:loci[0]] + parent2[loci[0]:]
    child2 = parent2[0:loci[1]] + parent1[loci[1]:]

    return [child1, child2]
项目:alpg    作者:GENETX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.ConsumptionYearly      = profilegentools.gaussMinMax(3360,600)*config.consumptionFactor #kWh

        age = random.triangular(65, 85, 70)
        self.Persons = [ persons.PersonRetired(age), persons.PersonRetired(age)]

        if(random.randint(1,2) == 1):
            self.Fridges = [ devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeBigMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeBigMax)) ]
            self.Fridges = [ devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMax)), devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMax)) ]

        self.hasDishwasher = random.randint(0,5) < 3 #40%

        #Determine washing days

        #Dermine Dishwasher times
        if self.hasDishwasher:
项目:alpg    作者:GENETX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.ConsumptionYearly      = profilegentools.gaussMinMax(2010,400)*config.consumptionFactor #kWh

        age = random.triangular(65, 85, 70)
        self.Persons = [ persons.PersonRetired(age)]

        if(random.randint(1,2) == 1):
            self.Fridges = [ devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeBigMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeBigMax)) ]
            self.Fridges = [ devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMax)), devices.DeviceFridge(random.randint(config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMin,config.ConsumptionFridgeSmallMax)) ]

        self.hasDishwasher = random.randint(0,5) < 3 #40%

        #Determine washing days
        self.generateWashingdays(random.randint(2, 3))

        #Dermine Dishwasher times
        if self.hasDishwasher:
项目:remorse    作者:joe-ds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makedata():
    '''Generates the necessary "data"'''
    coord = (random.triangular((-90),90,0), random.triangular((-180),180,0))
    names = ['J.B.', 'E.A.', 'K.M.', 'D.M', 'W.R.']
    actions = ['EAD', 'TAR', 'OAE', 'AD']
    name = random.choice(names)
    action = random.choice(actions)

    pcoord = "{:6f}\t{:6f}\n{} :: {}".format(coord[0], coord[1], name, action)
    return pcoord
项目:ishihara_generator    作者:franciscouzo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_circle(image_width, image_height, min_diameter, max_diameter):
    radius = random.triangular(min_diameter, max_diameter,
                               max_diameter * 0.8 + min_diameter * 0.2) / 2

    angle = random.uniform(0, math.pi * 2)
    distance_from_center = random.uniform(0, image_width * 0.48 - radius)
    x = image_width  * 0.5 + math.cos(angle) * distance_from_center
    y = image_height * 0.5 + math.sin(angle) * distance_from_center

    return x, y, radius
项目:identifiera-sarkasm    作者:risnejunior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate(self, minval, maxval, steps):
        vals = [round(rt(minval, maxval), 5) for _ in range(steps)]
        for val in vals:
            yield val
项目:kingpin    作者:pinterest    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, host_provider, expire_time=600, retry_time=60,
        """Initialize the host selection.

            host_provider: A ``HostProvider``, used to get the current list
                of live hosts.
            expire_time: An integer, expire time in seconds.
            retry_time: An integer, retry time in seconds.
            invalidation_threshold: A float, when the number of entries
                being invalidated divided by the number of all valid hosts
                is above this threshold, we stop accepting invalidation
                requests. We do this to stay on the conservative side to
                avoid invalidating hosts too fast to starve requests.

        assert host_provider.initialized
        # Current host.
        self._current = None
        # Last host, works even when current host invalided.
        self._last = None
        # Time when we selected the current host.
        self._select_time = None
        # Adjust expire time by +/- 10%, but 0 is special for testing purpose.
        self._expire_time = expire_time
        if expire_time:
            self._expire_time = expire_time + int(
                random.triangular(-expire_time * 0.1, expire_time * 0.1))
        self._retry_time = retry_time
        self._invalidation_threshold = invalidation_threshold
        # Host name -> time when marked bad.
        self._bad_hosts = {}
        self._host_provider = host_provider
项目:levis    作者:rawg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def single_point_bin(parent1, parent2, length=None, locus=None):
    """Return a new chromosome through a single-point crossover.

    This is suitable for use with binary encoding.

        parent1 (List): A parent chromosome.
        parent2 (List): A parent chromosome.
        locus (int): The crossover point or ``None`` to choose one at random.
            If ``None``, then ``length`` must be the number of bits used in the
            parent chromosomes.
        length(int): The number of bits used. Not used if a locus is provided.

        List[int]: Two new chromosomes descended from the given parents.

        ValueError: if neither ``locus`` or ``length`` is specified.

    if locus is None and length is None:
        raise ValueError("Either the length or a locus is required.")

    if locus is None:
        locus = int(random.triangular(1, length / 2, length - 2))

    if length is None:
        length = 2 * locus

    maskr = 2 ** locus - 1
    maskl = (2 ** length - 1) & ~maskr

    child1 = parent1 & maskl | parent2 & maskr
    child2 = parent2 & maskl | parent1 & maskr

    return [child1, child2]
项目:intel-manager-for-lustre    作者:intel-hpdd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_random_size(self):
        MIN_FILESIZE = 1024
        MAX_FILESIZE = 2 ** 41  # 2TB
        MODE = MAX_FILESIZE * .025  # cluster around 51GB

        return int(random.triangular(MIN_FILESIZE, MAX_FILESIZE, MODE))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self):
        if self._start is None:
            self._start = time.perf_counter()

        if self.is_finished():

        self.distance += random.triangular(0, 10, 3)
        if self.is_finished() and self._end is None:
            self._end = time.perf_counter()
项目:blackout    作者:lizadaly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_vertical_lines(draw, boxes, doc_bounding_box, line_width):
    line_weight_factor = random.triangular(0.005, 1.2)
    current_x = doc_bounding_box[0] - line_width / 2
    color = get_color()

    while current_x < doc_bounding_box[2]:
        start_x = current_x
        start_y = doc_bounding_box[1] - line_width / 2
        end_x = start_x
        end_y = doc_bounding_box[3] - line_width / 2

        bx0 = start_x
        bx1 = start_x + line_width

        select_boxes = []
        for box in boxes:
            wx0 = box.position[0][0] - BOUND_PADDING
            wx1 = box.position[1][0] + BOUND_PADDING
            if bx0 < wx0 and wx1 < bx1 or \
               wx0 < bx1 and bx1 < wx1 or \
               wx0 < bx0 and bx0 < wx1:

        if select_boxes:
            y0 = start_y
            y1 = end_y
            for box in select_boxes:
                y1 = box.position[0][1] - BOX_PADDING
                draw_line(draw, [start_x, y0, end_x, y1], line_width=line_width, color=color,
                          line_weight_factor=line_weight_factor, dir='v')
                y0 = box.position[1][1] + BOX_PADDING
            draw_line(draw, [start_x, y0, end_x, end_y], line_width=line_width,  color=color,
                      line_weight_factor=line_weight_factor, dir='v')
            draw_line(draw, [start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y], line_width=line_width,  color=color,
                      line_weight_factor=line_weight_factor, dir='v')

        current_x = start_x + line_width
项目:blackout    作者:lizadaly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_color():
    if random.randint(0, 100) == 0:
        color = (179, 27, 27)
        color = (int(random.triangular(0, 10, 1)),
                 int(random.triangular(0, 10, 1)),
                 int(random.triangular(0, 10, 1)),
    return color
项目:blackout    作者:lizadaly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_horizontal_lines(draw, boxes, doc_bounding_box, line_width):
    """Draw black horizontal lines across the page _except_ for that word"""
    line_weight_factor = random.triangular(0.005, 1.2)
    color = get_color()
    start_x = doc_bounding_box[0]
    current_y = doc_bounding_box[1]
    end_x = doc_bounding_box[2]
    end_y = doc_bounding_box[3] - line_width / 2

    while current_y < doc_bounding_box[3]:
        by0 = current_y
        by1 = current_y + line_width

        select_boxes = []
        for box in boxes:
            wy0 = box.position[0][1]
            wy1 = box.position[1][1]
            if by0 <= wy0 and wy1 <= by1 or \
               wy0 <= by1 and by1 <= wy1 or \
               wy0 <= by0 and by0 <= wy1:

        if select_boxes:
            x0 = start_x
            x1 = end_x
            for box in select_boxes:
                x1 = box.position[0][0] - BOX_PADDING
                draw_line(draw, [x0, current_y, x1, current_y],
                          line_weight_factor=line_weight_factor, color=color,
                x0 = box.position[1][0] + BOX_PADDING
            draw_line(draw, [x0 + BOX_PADDING, current_y, end_x, current_y],
                      line_width=line_width, line_weight_factor=line_weight_factor, dir="h", color=color)
            draw_line(draw, [start_x, current_y, end_x, current_y],
                      line_width=line_width, color=color,
        current_y = by1
项目:blackout    作者:lizadaly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_line(draw, pos, line_width, dir="h", color=(0, 0, 0), line_weight_factor=1):
    # Draw a fuzzy line of randomish width repeat times
    repeat = random.randint(10, 20)
    width = int(line_width) * line_weight_factor
    default_padding = line_width / 3

    margin_extent = 20 # random.randint(1, 20)
    # Slide the center of the line down width/2 based on dir
    if dir == 'h':
        pos[1] += width / 2
        pos[3] += width / 2
        # Introduce some randomness into the margins
        pos[0] -= random.triangular(width / margin_extent, width * margin_extent)
        pos[2] += random.triangular(width / margin_extent, width * margin_extent)
        pos[0] -= width / 2
        pos[2] -= width / 2
        # Introduce some randomness into the margins
        pos[1] -= random.triangular(width / margin_extent, width * margin_extent)
        pos[3] += random.triangular(width / margin_extent, width * margin_extent)

    for i in range(0, repeat):

        width = int(random.uniform(line_width - default_padding, line_width))
        padding = default_padding * 4

        pos[0] = random.triangular(pos[0] - padding, pos[0] + padding)
        pos[1] = random.triangular(pos[1] - padding, pos[1] + padding)
        pos[2] = random.triangular(pos[2] - padding, pos[2] + padding)
        pos[3] = random.triangular(pos[3] - padding, pos[3] + padding)

        opacity = 240 + i
        width_factor = random.triangular(1, 10, 1)
        draw.line(pos, width=int(width / width_factor), fill=(*color, opacity))
项目:ase16    作者:txt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def one(o):
    return, o.hi, o.mode))
项目:ceph-lcm    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_time_bounce(self):
        left_bound = timeutils.current_unix_timestamp() + BOUNCE_TIMEOUT
        right_bound = left_bound + self.bounced * BOUNCE_TIMEOUT
        bounce_time = random.triangular(left_bound, right_bound)
        bounce_time = int(bounce_time)

        return bounce_time
项目:tedbot    作者:alexislloyd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initTarget():
    return GRAF_LENGTH + int(math.floor(random.triangular(0-GRAF_RANGE, GRAF_RANGE)))
项目    作者:jonay2000    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random(low,up = None):
    if type(low) not in [int,float]:
        return low[randint(0,len(low)-1)]
    return triangular(low,up)
项目:sr    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.config = {
            "max_population": 10,

            "tree_generation": {
                "method": "FULL_METHOD",
                "initial_max_depth": 3

            "selection": {
                    "method": "ROULETTE_SELECTION"

            "function_nodes": [
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "ADD", "arity": 2},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "SUB", "arity": 2},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "MUL", "arity": 2},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "DIV", "arity": 2},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "COS", "arity": 1},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "SIN", "arity": 1},
                {"type": "FUNCTION", "name": "RAD", "arity": 1}

            "terminal_nodes": [
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 1.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 2.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 2.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 3.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 4.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 5.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 6.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 7.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 8.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 9.0},
                {"type": "CONSTANT", "value": 10.0}

            "input_variables": [
                {"type": "INPUT", "name": "x"}

        self.functions = FunctionRegistry("SYMBOLIC_REGRESSION")
        self.generator = TreeGenerator(self.config)

        self.selection = Selection(self.config)
        self.population = self.generator.init()

        # give population random scores
        for inidividual in self.population.individuals:
            inidividual.score = random.triangular(1, 100)
项目:HyperStream    作者:IRC-SPHERE    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _execute(self, sources, alignment_stream, interval):
        if alignment_stream is None:
            raise ToolExecutionError("Alignment stream expected")

        for ti, _ in alignment_stream.window(interval, force_calculation=True):
            yield StreamInstance(ti, random.triangular(low=self.low, high=self.high, mode=self.mode))
项目:levis    作者:rawg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, chromosome, filepath):
        """Render a chromosome to an SVG file."""
        import svgwrite

        margin = 100
        unit = 200
        radius = 50
        pad = 10

        width = (self.width + 1) * unit + margin * 2
        height = (self.height + 1) * unit + margin * 2

        doc = svgwrite.Drawing(filename=filepath, size=(width, height))

        # Color theme to match the talk...
        colors = ["#ff9999", "#9999ff", "#99ff99", "#ffffff"]

        # Fill colors at random
        def channel():
            return int(random.triangular(0, 255, 175))

        while len(colors) < len(self.roles):
            colors.append("#%02x%02x%02x" % (channel(), channel(), channel()))

        # Map row, col to pixels
        def origin(row, col):
            x = row * unit + margin
            y = col * unit + margin
            return (x, y)

        def color_of_group(group):
            idx = self.roles.index(group)
            return colors[idx]

        def color_of_person(person_id):
            group = self.people[person_id][1]
            return color_of_group(group)

        # Render seating assignments
        for seat, person in enumerate(chromosome):
            row, col =

            x, y = origin(row, col)
            x, y = (x + radius, y + radius)

                center=(x, y),

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
项目:sentry-health    作者:getsentry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate(random, timestamp):
    projects = range(1, PROJECT_POOL_INITIAL_SIZE + 1)

    session_sequences = defaultdict(lambda: itertools.count(1))
    sessions = defaultdict(lambda: itertools.count(0))

    # Initialize the session pool.
    for project in projects:
        for session in range(1, SESSION_POOL_INITIAL_SIZE + 1):
            sid = next(session_sequences[project])
            sessions[(project, sid)]  # touch

    logger.debug('Initialized session pool, %s sessions '
                 'currently active.', len(sessions))

    def create_session():
        project = random.choice(projects)
        sid = next(session_sequences[project])
        key = (project, sid)
        sessions[key]  # touch
        logger.debug('Created session %r, %s sessions currently '
                     'active.', key, len(sessions))
        return key

    while True:
        if random.random() <= TICK_PROBABILITY:
            timestamp = timestamp + TICK_DURATION

        if random.random() <= SESSION_CREATION_PROBABILITY:
            key = create_session()
                key = random.sample(sessions.keys(), 1)[0]
            except ValueError:
                key = create_session()

        project, sid = key

        # TODO: Skip or generate out-of-order operation IDs.
        oid = next(sessions[key])

        ty = 'op'

        if random.random() <= SESSION_FALSE_CLOSE_PROBABILITY:
            ty = 'cl'
        if random.random() <= SESSION_CLOSE_PROBABILITY:
            del sessions[key]
            logger.debug('Deleted session %r, %s sessions currently '
                         'active.', key, len(sessions))
            ty = 'cl'
        elif random.random() <= SESSION_DROP_PROBABILITY:
            del sessions[key]
            logger.debug('Dropped session %r, %s sessions currently '
                         'active.', key, len(sessions))

        yield timestamp, project, {
            'sid': sid,
            'oid': oid,
            'ts': timestamp + random.triangular(-5 * 60, 10 * 60, 0),
            'ty': ty,