def randomcat(self, ctx): """Meow.""" channel = ctx.message.channel author = ctx.message.author server = ctx.message.server if not self.canDisplay(server): return url = 'http://random.cat/meow' # Grab our image url r = requests.get(url, headers = {'User-agent': self.ua}) catURL = r.json()['file'] await GetImage.get(catURL, self.bot, channel, 'A cat for you!', self.ua)
def dog(self, ctx): """Get a random cat image! **Usage:** `g_dog` **Permission:** User""" isVideo = True while isVideo: r = requests.get('https://random.dog/woof.json') js = r.json() if js['url'].endswith('.mp4'): pass else: isVideo = False colours = [0x1abc9c, 0x11806a, 0x2ecc71, 0x1f8b4c, 0x3498db, 0x206694, 0x9b59b6, 0x71368a, 0xe91e63, 0xad1457, 0xf1c40f, 0xc27c0e, 0xa84300, 0xe74c3c, 0x992d22, 0x95a5a6, 0x607d8b, 0x979c9f, 0x546e7a] col = int(random.random() * len(colours)) content = [":dog: Don't be sad! This doggy wants to play with you!", "You seem lonely, {0.mention}. Here, have a dog. They're not as nice as cats, but enjoy!".format(ctx.message.author), "Weuf, woof, woooooooooof. Woof you.", "Pupper!", "Meow... wait wrong animal."] con = int(random.random() * len(content)) em = discord.Embed(color=colours[col]) em.set_image(url=js['url']) await ctx.send(content=content[con], embed=em)
def cat(ctx): """Grabs a random cat picture""" r = requests.get("https://random.cat/meow") r = str(r.content) r = r.replace("b'","") r = r.replace("'","") r = r.replace("\\","") url = json.loads(r)["file"] await client.say(url) i = random.randint(0, 29) if i == 0: await asyncio.sleep(3) await client.say("MEOW.") elif i == 1: await asyncio.sleep(3) await client.say("I love cats.") elif i == 2: await asyncio.sleep(3) await client.say("*purr...*") # RANDOM DOG
def cat(self, event): # Sometimes random.cat gives us gifs (smh) for _ in range(3): try: r = requests.get('http://random.cat/meow') r.raise_for_status() except: continue url = r.json()['file'] if not url.endswith('.gif'): break else: return event.msg.reply('404 cat not found :(') r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() event.msg.reply('', attachments=[('cat.jpg', r.content)])
def cats(self, ctx): async with aiohttp.get('http://random.cat/meow') as r: if r.status == 200: js = await r.json() await self.bot.say(js['file'])
def cat(self, ctx): """Get a random cat image! **Usage:** `g_cat` **Permission:** User""" colours = [0x1abc9c, 0x11806a, 0x2ecc71, 0x1f8b4c, 0x3498db, 0x206694, 0x9b59b6, 0x71368a, 0xe91e63, 0xad1457, 0xf1c40f, 0xc27c0e, 0xa84300, 0xe74c3c, 0x992d22, 0x95a5a6, 0x607d8b, 0x979c9f, 0x546e7a] col = int(random.random() * len(colours)) content = [";w; Don't be sad, here's a cat!", "You seem lonely, {0.mention}. Here, have a cat".format(ctx.message.author), "Meeeooowwww!", "Awww, so cute! Look at the kitty!!1!", "Woof... wait wrong animal."] con = int(random.random() * len(content)) r = requests.get('http://random.cat/meow') js = r.json() em = discord.Embed(color=colours[col]) em.set_image(url=js['file']) await ctx.send(content=content[con], embed=em)
def cat(self, ctx): """Fetch a random cat.""" async with ctx.bot.session.get(URL_RANDOM_CAT_API) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await response.text() catto = json.loads(data) url = catto["file"] await ctx.send(url) else: await ctx.send("Could not reach random.cat. :<")
def cat(self, ctx): """Get a random cat! Because why not. Usage: cat""" with async_timeout.timeout(8): async with self.bot.cog_http.get('http://random.cat/meow') as response: ret = await response.json() e = discord.Embed(color=random.randint(1, 255**3-1)) e.set_image(url=ret['file']) await ctx.send(embed=e)
def randomcat(self, ctx): """Display a random cat""" r = requests.get('http://random.cat/meow.php') cat = str(r.json()['file']) embed = discord.Embed(title="Meow", description="[Voir le chat plus grand]({})".format(cat), colour=0x03C9A9) embed.set_thumbnail(url=cat) embed.set_author(name="Random.cat", url='https://random.cat/', icon_url='http://outout.tech/tuxbot/nyancat2.gif') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def neko(self, ctx): '''Zufällige Katzen Bilder nyan~''' #http://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#what-does-blocking-mean async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs: async with cs.get('http://random.cat/meow') as r: res = await r.json() emojis = [':cat2: ', ':cat: ', ':heart_eyes_cat: '] await ctx.send(random.choice(emojis) + res['file'])
def cat(self, ctx): with ctx.channel.typing(): with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get("http://random.cat/meow") as r: r = await r.read() url = json.JSONDecoder().decode(r.decode("utf-8"))["file"] await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(title="Random Cat").set_image(url=url).set_footer(text="Powered by random.cat"))
def c_cat(self): """ Sends a random cat picture {prefix}cat """ cat = await self.req.get('http://random.cat/meow') return Response(cat['file'])