def __addAction(self, action, statement): element = self.trans.createElement(action) for item in statement: if isinstance(item, Literal): literal = self.trans.createElement("literal") if item.datatype is not None: literal.setAttribute("datatype", str(item.datatype)) if item.language is not None: literal.setAttribute("xml:lang", str(item.language)) literal.appendChild(self.trans.createTextNode(str(item))) element.appendChild(literal) elif isinstance(item, URIRef): uri = self.trans.createElement("uri") uri.appendChild(self.trans.createTextNode(str(item))) element.appendChild(uri) elif isinstance(item, BNode): bnode = self.trans.createElement("bnode") bnode.appendChild(self.trans.createTextNode(str(item))) element.appendChild(bnode) else: raise Exception("Unknown element: " + item) self.trans.childNodes[0].appendChild(element)
def __setattr__(self, name, values): self._objectGraph._load(self.uri) unwrappedValues = [] for value in values: # unwrap rdfobjects: if isinstance(value, RDFObject): unwrappedValues.append(value.uri) # pass through rdflib objects: elif isinstance(value, URIRef) or isinstance(value, BNode) or isinstance(value, Literal): unwrappedValues.append(value) # wrap literals: else: unwrappedValues.append(Literal(value)) # look for a property mapping for this name: prop = self._getProp(name) if name.startswith("r_"): self._objectGraph._setSubjects(unwrappedValues, prop, self.uri) else: self._objectGraph._setObjects(self.uri, prop, unwrappedValues)
def _object_value_int(self, subject, predicate): ''' Given a subject and a predicate, returns the value of the object as an integer Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects If the value can not be parsed as intger, returns None ''' object_value = self._object_value(subject, predicate) if object_value: try: return int(object_value) except ValueError: pass return None
def _contact_details(self, subject, predicate): ''' Returns a dict with details about a vcard expression Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects Returns keys for uri, name and email with the values set to None if they could not be found ''' contact = {} for agent in self.g.objects(subject, predicate): contact['uri'] = (unicode(agent) if isinstance(agent, rdflib.term.URIRef) else None) contact['name'] = self._object_value(agent, VCARD.fn) contact['email'] = self._object_value(agent, VCARD.hasEmail) return contact
def test_publisher_no_uri(self): dataset = { 'id': '4b6fe9ca-dc77-4cec-92a4-55c6624a5bd6', 'name': 'test-dataset', 'extras': [ {'key': 'publisher_name', 'value': 'Example Publisher'}, ] } extras = self._extras(dataset) s = RDFSerializer() g = s.g dataset_ref = s.graph_from_dataset(dataset) publisher = self._triple(g, dataset_ref, DCT.publisher, None)[2] assert publisher assert_true(isinstance(publisher, BNode)) assert self._triple(g, publisher, RDF.type, FOAF.Organization) assert self._triple(g, publisher, FOAF.name, extras['publisher_name'])
def test_spatial_bad_geojson_no_wkt(self): dataset = { 'id': '4b6fe9ca-dc77-4cec-92a4-55c6624a5bd6', 'name': 'test-dataset', 'extras': [ {'key': 'spatial', 'value': '{"key": "NotGeoJSON"}'}, ] } extras = self._extras(dataset) s = RDFSerializer() g = s.g dataset_ref = s.graph_from_dataset(dataset) spatial = self._triple(g, dataset_ref, DCT.spatial, None)[2] assert spatial assert_true(isinstance(spatial, BNode)) # Geometry in GeoJSON assert self._triple(g, spatial, LOCN.geometry, extras['spatial'], GEOJSON_IMT) # Geometry in WKT eq_(len([t for t in g.triples((spatial, LOCN.geometry, None))]), 1)
def test_spatial_bad_json_no_wkt(self): dataset = { 'id': '4b6fe9ca-dc77-4cec-92a4-55c6624a5bd6', 'name': 'test-dataset', 'extras': [ {'key': 'spatial', 'value': 'NotJSON'}, ] } extras = self._extras(dataset) s = RDFSerializer() g = s.g dataset_ref = s.graph_from_dataset(dataset) spatial = self._triple(g, dataset_ref, DCT.spatial, None)[2] assert spatial assert_true(isinstance(spatial, BNode)) # Geometry in GeoJSON assert self._triple(g, spatial, LOCN.geometry, extras['spatial'], GEOJSON_IMT) # Geometry in WKT eq_(len([t for t in g.triples((spatial, LOCN.geometry, None))]), 1)
def test_dataset_license_from_distribution_by_title(self): # license_id retrieved from dct:title of dcat:license object g = Graph() dataset = URIRef("http://example.org/datasets/1") g.add((dataset, RDF.type, DCAT.Dataset)) distribution = URIRef("http://example.org/datasets/1/ds/1") g.add((distribution, RDF.type, DCAT.Distribution)) g.add((dataset, DCAT.distribution, distribution)) license = BNode() g.add((distribution, DCT.license, license)) g.add((license, DCT.title, Literal("Creative Commons Attribution"))) p = RDFParser(profiles=['euro_dcat_ap']) p.g = g dataset = [d for d in p.datasets()][0] eq_(dataset['license_id'], 'cc-by')
def _add_agent(self, _dict, ref, basekey, _type): ''' Stores the Agent in this format: <dct:publisher rdf:resource="http://dati.gov.it/resource/Amministrazione/r_liguri"/> <dcatapit:Agent rdf:about="http://dati.gov.it/resource/Amministrazione/r_liguri"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&foaf;Agent"/> <dct:identifier>r_liguri</dct:identifier> <foaf:name>Regione Liguria</foaf:name> </dcatapit:Agent> Returns the ref to the agent node ''' agent_name = self._get_dict_value(_dict, basekey + '_name', 'N/A') agent_id = self._get_dict_value(_dict, basekey + '_identifier','N/A') agent = BNode() self.g.add((agent, RDF['type'], DCATAPIT.Agent)) self.g.add((agent, RDF['type'], FOAF.Agent)) self.g.add((ref, _type, agent)) self.g.add((agent, FOAF.name, Literal(agent_name))) self.g.add((agent, DCT.identifier, Literal(agent_id))) return agent
def complete_definition(subj: Identifier, source_graph: Graph, target_graph: Optional[SNOMEDGraph] = None) -> SNOMEDGraph: """ Add a full definition for the supplied subject, following any object bnodes, to target_graph :param subj: URI or BNode for subject :param source_graph: Graph containing defininition :param target_graph: Graph to carry definition :return: target_graph """ if not target_graph: target_graph = SNOMEDGraph() for p, o in source_graph.predicate_objects(subj): target_graph.add((subj, p, o)) if isinstance(o, BNode): complete_definition(o, source_graph, target_graph) return target_graph
def add_property_definition(self, concept: RF2Files.Concept, concept_uri: URIRef) -> None: """ Add a property definition :param concept: Concept entry for the given property :param concept_uri: Concept URI :return: """ parents = [parent for parent in self._relationships.parents(concept.id) if concept.id != Concept_model_attribute_sctid] if len(parents) > 1 and concept.definitionStatusId == Defined_sctid: target, collection = intersection(self) [collection.append(as_uri(parent)) for parent in parents] self.add_t((concept_uri, OWL.equivalentProperty, target), self._stats.num_properties) else: [self.add_t((concept_uri, RDFS.subPropertyOf, as_uri(parent)), self._stats.num_properties) for parent in parents] # add an owl:propertyChain assertion for $subject if is in the RIGHT_ID if concept.id in self._context.RIGHT_ID: node = BNode() self.add_t((node, RDFS.subPropertyOf, concept_uri), None) coll = BNode() Collection(self, coll, [concept_uri, as_uri(self._context.RIGHT_ID[concept.id])]) self.add_t((node, OWL.propertyChain, coll), self._stats.num_propchains)
def setUp(self): self.ingester = mods.MODSIngester(source=SAMPLE_MODS) self.entity = self.ingester.__generate_uri__() self.cc = rdflib.URIRef("http://coloradocollege.edu/") bc_org = getattr(NS_MGR.kds, "bf-Organization") self.ingester.rules_graph.add(( bc_org, NS_MGR.rdf.type, NS_MGR.kds.PropertyLinker)) self.held_by = rdflib.BNode() self.ingester.rules_graph.add(( bc_org, NS_MGR.kds.destPropUri, self.held_by)) self.ingester.rules_graph.add(( self.held_by, NS_MGR.bf.heldBy, self.cc)) self.ingester.rules_graph.add(( bc_org, NS_MGR.kds.destClassUri, NS_MGR.bf.Item))
def setUp(self): self.graph = rdflib.Graph() self.entity_one = rdflib.URIRef("https://bibcat.org/test-entity") self.graph.add((self.entity_one, rdflib.RDF.type, rdflib.RDFS.Resource)) self.graph.add((self.entity_one, rdflib.RDFS.label, rdflib.Literal("Test Entity One", lang="en"))) self.entity_two = rdflib.URIRef("https://bibcat.org/test-entity-two") self.graph.add((self.entity_two, rdflib.RDF.type, rdflib.RDFS.Resource)) self.graph.add((self.entity_two, rdflib.RDFS.label, rdflib.Literal("Test Entity Two", lang="en"))) title_bnode = rdflib.BNode() self.graph.add((self.entity_two, BF.title, title_bnode)) self.graph.add((title_bnode, rdflib.RDF.type, BF.Title)) self.graph.add((title_bnode, BF.subTitle, rdflib.Literal("Subtitle ")))
def __handle_parents__(self, **kwargs): """Internal method handles parentTriplesMaps Keyword args: ------------- parent_map: SimpleNamespace of ParentTriplesMap subject: rdflib.URIRef or rdflib.BNode predicate: rdflib.URIRef """ parent_map = kwargs.pop("parent_map") subject = kwargs.pop('subject') predicate = kwargs.pop('predicate') parent_objects = self.execute( self.triple_maps[str(parent_map)], **kwargs) for parent_obj in parent_objects: if parent_obj == subject: continue self.output.add(( subject, predicate, parent_obj))
def generate_term(self, **kwargs): """Method generates a rdflib.Term based on kwargs""" term_map = kwargs.pop('term_map') if hasattr(term_map, "termType") and\ term_map.termType == NS_MGR.rr.BlankNode: return rdflib.BNode() if not hasattr(term_map, 'datatype'): term_map.datatype = NS_MGR.xsd.anyURI if hasattr(term_map, "template") and term_map.template is not None: template_vars = kwargs template_vars.update(self.constants) # Call any functions to generate values for key, value in template_vars.items(): if hasattr(value, "__call__"): template_vars[key] = value() raw_value = term_map.template.format(**template_vars) if term_map.datatype == NS_MGR.xsd.anyURI: return rdflib.URIRef(raw_value) return rdflib.Literal(raw_value, datatype=term_map.datatype) if term_map.reference is not None: # Each child will have different mechanisms for referencing the # source based return self.__generate_reference__(term_map, **kwargs)
def add_admin_metadata(self, entity): """Takes a graph and adds the AdminMetadata for the entity Args: entity (rdflib.URIRef): URI of the entity """ generate_msg = "Generated by BIBCAT version {} from KnowledgeLinks.io" generation_process = rdflib.BNode() self.graph.add((generation_process, rdflib.RDF.type, NS_MGR.bf.GenerationProcess)) self.graph.add((generation_process, NS_MGR.bf.generationDate, rdflib.Literal( datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()))) self.graph.add((generation_process, rdflib.RDF.value, rdflib.Literal(generate_msg.format(__version__), lang="en"))) #! Should add bibcat's current git MD5 commit self.graph.add( (entity, NS_MGR.bf.generationProcess, generation_process) )
def new_existing_bnode(self, bf_property, rule): """Returns existing blank node or a new if it doesn't exist Args: bf_property (str): RDF property URI rule (rdflib.URIRef): RDF subject of the map rule Returns: rdflib.BNode: Existing or New blank node """ blank_node = None for row in self.rules_graph.query(HAS_MULTI_NODES.format(rule)): if str(row[0]).lower().startswith("true"): return rdflib.BNode() for subject in self.graph.query(GET_BLANK_NODE.format(bf_property)): # set to first and exist loop blank_node = subject[0] break if not blank_node: blank_node = rdflib.BNode() return blank_node
def create_rdf_list(graph, nodes): """Creates a RDF List with the ordering based on the nodes. Returns a blank node that functions in the object role for adding a triple. Args: graph(rdflib.Graph|rdflib.ConjuctiveGraph): Source graph nodes(list): Python list of nodes """ if len(nodes) < 1: return rdflib.RDF.nil ordered_bnode = rdflib.BNode() graph.add((ordered_bnode, rdflib.RDF.first, nodes[0])) graph.add((ordered_bnode, rdflib.RDF.rest, create_rdf_list(graph, nodes[1:]))) return ordered_bnode
def __add_work_title__(self, work_graph, work_uri, instance_uri): """Method takes a new work graph and instance uri, queries for bf:InstanceTitle of instance uri and adds values to work graph Args: work_graph(rdflib.Graph): RDF Graph of new BF Work instance_uri(rdflib.URIRef): URI of BF Instance """ instance_key = str(instance_uri) if instance_key in self.processed and\ "title" in self.processed[instance_key]: work_title_bnode = rdflib.BNode() work_graph.add((work_uri, NS_MGR.bf.title, work_title_bnode)) work_graph.add((work_title_bnode, NS_MGR.rdf.type, NS_MGR.bf.WorkTitle)) for row in self.processed[instance_key]["title"]: main_title, subtitle = row["mainTitle"], row["subtitle"] work_graph.add((work_title_bnode, NS_MGR.bf.mainTitle, rdflib.Literal(main_title))) if subtitle: work_graph.add((work_title_bnode, NS_MGR.bf.subtitle, rdflib.Literal(subtitle)))
def serialize(self, add, delete): diff = Namespace("http://topbraid.org/diff#") g = ConjunctiveGraph() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g) namespace_manager.bind('diff', diff, override=False) namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL, override=False) graphUris = set(delete.keys()) | set(add.keys()) for graphUri in graphUris: if (graphUri in delete.keys() and len(delete[graphUri]) > 0) or (graphUri in add.keys() and len(add[graphUri]) > 0): changeset = Namespace("urn:diff:" + str(uuid.uuid1())) graphTerm = changeset.term("") if str(graphUri) != 'http://quitdiff.default/': g.add((graphTerm, OWL.imports, graphUri, graphTerm)) g.add((graphTerm, RDF.type, OWL.Ontology, graphTerm)) g.add((graphTerm, OWL.imports, diff.term(""), graphTerm)) if graphUri in delete.keys() and len(delete[graphUri]) > 0: i = 0 for triple in delete[graphUri]: deleteStatementName = BNode() g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.type, diff.DeletedTripleDiff, graphTerm)) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.subject, triple[0], graphTerm)) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.predicate, triple[1], graphTerm)) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.object, triple[2], graphTerm)) i += 1 if graphUri in add.keys() and len(add[graphUri]) > 0: i = 0 for triple in add[graphUri]: insertGraphName = BNode() g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.type, diff.AddedTripleDiff, graphTerm)) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.subject, triple[0], graphTerm)) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.predicate, triple[1], graphTerm)) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.object, triple[2], graphTerm)) i += 1 return g.serialize(format="trig").decode("utf-8")
def serialize(self, add, delete): changeset = Namespace("http://purl.org/vocab/changeset/schema#") g = ConjunctiveGraph() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g) namespace_manager.bind('changeset', changeset, override=False) graphUris = set(delete.keys()) | set(add.keys()) for graphUri in graphUris: if (graphUri in delete.keys() and len(delete[graphUri]) > 0) or (graphUri in add.keys() and len(add[graphUri]) > 0): diff = Namespace("urn:changeset:" + str(uuid.uuid1())) graphTerm = diff.term("") g.add((graphTerm, RDF.type, changeset.ChangeSet)) if str(graphUri) != 'http://quitdiff.default/': g.add((graphTerm, changeset.subjectOfChange, graphUri)) if graphUri in delete.keys() and len(delete[graphUri]) > 0: i = 0 for triple in delete[graphUri]: deleteStatementName = BNode() g.add((graphTerm, changeset.removal, deleteStatementName)) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.type, RDF.Statement)) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.subject, triple[0])) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.predicate, triple[1])) g.add((deleteStatementName, RDF.object, triple[2])) i += 1 if graphUri in add.keys() and len(add[graphUri]) > 0: i = 0 for triple in add[graphUri]: insertGraphName = BNode() g.add((graphTerm, changeset.addition, insertGraphName)) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.type, RDF.Statement)) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.subject, triple[0])) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.predicate, triple[1])) g.add((insertGraphName, RDF.object, triple[2])) i += 1 return g.serialize(format="turtle").decode("utf-8")
def generate_RDF_collection( graph, vals ) : """ Generate an RDF List from vals, returns the head of the list @param graph: RDF graph @type graph: RDFLib Graph @param vals: array of RDF Resources @return: head of the List (an RDF Resource) """ # generate an RDF List, returns the head # list has all the elements in RDF format already heads = [ BNode() for r in vals ] + [ ns_rdf["nil"] ] for i in range(0, len(vals)) : graph.add( (heads[i], ns_rdf["first"], vals[i]) ) graph.add( (heads[i], ns_rdf["rest"], heads[i+1]) ) return heads[0] #################################################################################
def parseTerm(element): """rdflib object (Literal, URIRef, BNode) for the given elementtree element""" tag, text = element.tag, element.text if tag == RESULTS_NS_ET + 'literal': if text is None: text = '' datatype = None lang = None if element.get('datatype', None): datatype = URIRef(element.get('datatype')) elif element.get("{%s}lang" % XML_NAMESPACE, None): lang = element.get("{%s}lang" % XML_NAMESPACE) ret = Literal(text, datatype=datatype, lang=lang) return ret elif tag == RESULTS_NS_ET + 'uri': return URIRef(text) elif tag == RESULTS_NS_ET + 'bnode': return BNode(text) else: raise TypeError("unknown binding type %r" % element)
def parseJsonTerm(d): """rdflib object (Literal, URIRef, BNode) for the given json-format dict. input is like: { 'type': 'uri', 'value': 'http://famegame.com/2006/01/username' } { 'type': 'literal', 'value': 'drewp' } """ t = d['type'] if t == 'uri': return URIRef(d['value']) elif t == 'literal': if 'xml:lang' in d: return Literal(d['value'], lang=d['xml:lang']) return Literal(d['value']) elif t == 'typed-literal': return Literal(d['value'], datatype=URIRef(d['datatype'])) elif t == 'bnode': return BNode(d['value']) else: raise NotImplementedError("json term type %r" % t)
def termToJSON(self, term): if isinstance(term, URIRef): return {'type': 'uri', 'value': unicode(term)} elif isinstance(term, Literal): if term.datatype is not None: return {'type': 'typed-literal', 'value': unicode(term), 'datatype': unicode(term.datatype)} else: r = {'type': 'literal', 'value': unicode(term)} if term.language is not None: r['xml:lang'] = term.language return r elif isinstance(term, BNode): return {'type': 'bnode', 'value': str(term)} elif term is None: return None else: raise ResultException( 'Unknown term type: %s (%s)' % (term, type(term)))
def _node_from_result(node): """ Helper function that casts XML node in SPARQL results to appropriate rdflib term """ if node.tag == '{%s}bnode' % SPARQL_NS: return BNode(node.text) elif node.tag == '{%s}uri' % SPARQL_NS: return URIRef(node.text) elif node.tag == '{%s}literal' % SPARQL_NS: value = node.text if node.text is not None else '' if 'datatype' in node.attrib: dt = URIRef(node.attrib['datatype']) return Literal(value, datatype=dt) elif '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang' in node.attrib: return Literal(value, lang=node.attrib[ "{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"]) else: return Literal(value) else: raise Exception('Unknown answer type')
def customEval(ctx, part): """ Rewrite triple patterns to get super-classes """ if part.name == 'BGP': # rewrite triples triples = [] for t in part.triples: if t[1] == rdflib.RDF.type: bnode = rdflib.BNode() triples.append((t[0], t[1], bnode)) triples.append((bnode, inferredSubClass, t[2])) else: triples.append(t) # delegate to normal evalBGP return evalBGP(ctx, triples) raise NotImplementedError()
def add_test(test, res, info=None): a = BNode() report.add((a, RDF.type, EARL.Assertion)) report.add((a, EARL.assertedBy, me)) report.add((a, EARL.test, test)) report.add((a, EARL.subject, rdflib)) report.add((a, DC.date, now)) r = BNode() report.add((a, EARL.result, r)) report.add((r, RDF.type, EARL.TestResult)) report.add((r, EARL.outcome, EARL[res])) if info: report.add((r, EARL.info, Literal(info)))
def testTurtleBoolList(): subject = URIRef("http://localhost/user") predicate = URIRef("http://localhost/vocab#hasList") g1 = Graph() list_item1 = BNode() list_item2 = BNode() list_item3 = BNode() g1.add((subject, predicate, list_item1)) g1.add((list_item1, RDF.first, Literal(True))) g1.add((list_item1, RDF.rest, list_item2)) g1.add((list_item2, RDF.first, Literal(False))) g1.add((list_item2, RDF.rest, list_item3)) g1.add((list_item3, RDF.first, Literal(True))) g1.add((list_item3, RDF.rest, RDF.nil)) ttl_dump = g1.serialize(format="turtle") g2 = Graph() g2.parse(data=ttl_dump, format="turtle") list_id = g2.value(subject, predicate) bool_list = [i.toPython() for i in Collection(g2, list_id)] assert bool_list == [True, False, True]
def _testNegative(uri, manifest): if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri) result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"])) store = Graph() test = BNode() results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri)) results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system)) try: if inDoc[-3:] == ".nt": format = "nt" else: format = "xml" store.parse(cached_file(inDoc), publicID=inDoc, format=format) except ParserError: results.add((test, RDF.type, RESULT["PassingRun"])) # pass else: write(u"""Failed: '%s'""" % uri) results.add((test, RDF.type, RESULT["FailingRun"])) result = 1 return result
def testPositive(self): manifest = self.manifest uris = list(manifest.subjects(RDF.type, TEST["PositiveParserTest"])) uris.sort() num_failed = total = 0 for uri in uris: status = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["status"])) # Failing tests, skipped if uri[44:] in skipped: status = Literal("Locally DISAPPROVED") write("Skipping %s" % uri) if status == Literal("APPROVED"): result = _testPositive(uri, manifest) test = BNode() results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri)) results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system)) if not result: results.add((test, RDF.type, RESULT["PassingRun"])) else: results.add((test, RDF.type, RESULT["FailingRun"])) total += 1 num_failed += result self.assertEquals( num_failed, 0, "Failed: %s of %s." % (num_failed, total))
def __init__(self, graph=None, bindings=None): self.bindings = bindings or Bindings() if isinstance(graph, ConjunctiveGraph): self._dataset = graph if rdflib.plugins.sparql.SPARQL_DEFAULT_GRAPH_UNION: self.graph = self.dataset else: self.graph = self.dataset.default_context else: self._dataset = None self.graph = graph self.prologue = None self.now = datetime.datetime.now() self.bnodes = collections.defaultdict(BNode)
def getgraphuris(self): """Method to get all available named graphs. Returns: A list containing all graph uris found in store. """ graphs = [] for graph in self.store.contexts(): if isinstance(graph, BNode) or str(graph.identifier) == 'default': pass else: graphs.append(graph.identifier) return graphs
def add_year(self, year): bnode = rdflib.BNode() self.graph.add((self.work, BF.subject, bnode)) self.graph.add((bnode, rdflib.RDF.type, BF.Temporal)) self.graph.add((bnode, rdflib.RDF.value, rdflib.Literal(year)))
def agent_relationship_inv_lod(request, agent_assoc_id): aa = AgentAssociation.objects.filter(id=agent_assoc_id) if not aa: return HttpResponse({}, content_type='application/json') else: agent_association = aa[0] from rdflib import Graph, Literal, BNode from rdflib.namespace import FOAF, RDF, RDFS, OWL, SKOS from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef path, instance_abbrv, context, store, vf_ns = get_lod_setup_items() ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-inv-lod/" + str(agent_association.id) + "/") inv_ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-lod/" + str(agent_association.id) + "/") ref_object = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-lod/" + str(agent_association.is_associate.id) + "/") ref_subject = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-lod/" + str(agent_association.has_associate.id) + "/") property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_association.association_type.inverse_label) ref_relationship = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-type-lod/" + property_name) store.add((ref, RDF.type, vf_ns["Relationship"])) store.add((ref, vf_ns["subject"], ref_subject)) store.add((ref, vf_ns["object"], ref_object)) store.add((ref, vf_ns["relationship"], ref_relationship)) store.add((ref, OWL.inverseOf, inv_ref)) ser = store.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context, indent=4) return HttpResponse(ser, content_type='application/json') #return render_to_response("valueaccounting/agent_association.html", { # "agent_association": agent_association, #}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def agent_type_lod(request, agent_type_name): ats = AgentType.objects.all() agent_type = None #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for at in ats: if camelcase(at.name) == agent_type_name: agent_type = at if not agent_type: return HttpResponse({}, content_type='application/json') from rdflib import Graph, Literal, BNode from rdflib.namespace import FOAF, RDF, RDFS, OWL, SKOS from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef path, instance_abbrv, context, store, vf_ns = get_lod_setup_items() if agent_type.name != "Person" and agent_type.name != "Group" and agent_type.name != "Individual": class_name = camelcase(agent_type.name) ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-type-lod/" +class_name) store.add((ref, RDF.type, OWL.Class)) store.add((ref, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(class_name, lang="en"))) if agent_type.party_type == "individual": store.add((ref, RDFS.subClassOf, vf_ns.Person)) else: store.add((ref, RDFS.subClassOf, vf_ns.Group)) ser = store.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context, indent=4) return HttpResponse(ser, content_type='application/json') #return render_to_response("valueaccounting/agent_type.html", { # "agent_type": agent_type, #}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def agent_relationship_type_lod(request, agent_assoc_type_name): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() aats = AgentAssociationType.objects.all() agent_assoc_type = None for aat in aats: if camelcase_lower(aat.label) == agent_assoc_type_name: agent_assoc_type = aat inverse = False elif camelcase_lower(aat.inverse_label) == agent_assoc_type_name: agent_assoc_type = aat inverse = True if not agent_assoc_type: return HttpResponse({}, content_type='application/json') from rdflib import Graph, Literal, BNode from rdflib.namespace import FOAF, RDF, RDFS, OWL, SKOS from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef path, instance_abbrv, context, store, vf_ns = get_lod_setup_items() if inverse: property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_assoc_type.inverse_label) inverse_property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_assoc_type.label) label = agent_assoc_type.inverse_label else: property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_assoc_type.label) inverse_property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_assoc_type.inverse_label) label = agent_assoc_type.label ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-type-lod/" + property_name) inv_ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-type-lod/" + inverse_property_name) store.add((ref, RDF.type, RDF.Property)) store.add((ref, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label, lang="en"))) store.add((ref, OWL.inverseOf, inv_ref)) ser = store.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context, indent=4) return HttpResponse(ser, content_type='application/json') #return render_to_response("valueaccounting/agent_assoc_type.html", { # "agent_assoc_type": agent_assoc_type, #}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def agent_relationship_lod(request, agent_assoc_id): aa = AgentAssociation.objects.filter(id=agent_assoc_id) if not aa: return HttpResponse({}, content_type='application/json') else: agent_association = aa[0] from rdflib import Graph, Literal, BNode from rdflib.namespace import FOAF, RDF, RDFS, OWL, SKOS from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef path, instance_abbrv, context, store, vf_ns = get_lod_setup_items() ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-lod/" + str(agent_association.id) + "/") inv_ref = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-inv-lod/" + str(agent_association.id) + "/") ref_subject = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-lod/" + str(agent_association.is_associate.id) + "/") ref_object = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-lod/" + str(agent_association.has_associate.id) + "/") property_name = camelcase_lower(agent_association.association_type.label) ref_relationship = URIRef(instance_abbrv + ":agent-relationship-type/" + property_name) store.add((ref, RDF.type, vf_ns["Relationship"])) store.add((ref, vf_ns["subject"], ref_subject)) store.add((ref, vf_ns["object"], ref_object)) store.add((ref, vf_ns["relationship"], ref_relationship)) store.add((ref, OWL.inverseOf, inv_ref)) ser = store.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context, indent=4) return HttpResponse(ser, content_type='application/json') #return render_to_response("valueaccounting/agent_association.html", { # "agent_association": agent_association, #}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def make_rdf_graph(movies): mg=ConjunctiveGraph() mg.bind('fb',FB) mg.bind('dc',DC) for movie in movies: # Make a movie node movie_node=IVA_MOVIE[movie['id']] mg.add((movie_node,DC['title'],Literal(movie['title']))) # Make the director node, give it a name and link it to the movie dir_node=IVA_PERSON[movie['director']['id']] mg.add((movie_node,FB['film.film.directed_by'],dir_node)) mg.add((dir_node,DC['title'],Literal(movie['director']['name']))) for actor in movie['actors']: # The performance node is a blank node -- it has no URI performance=BNode() # The performance is connected to the actor and the movie actor_node=IVA_PERSON[actor['id']] mg.add((actor_node,DC['title'],Literal(actor['name']))) mg.add((performance,FB['film.performance.actor'],actor_node)) # If you had the name of the role, you could also add it to the # performance node, e.g. # mg.add((performance,FB['film.performance.role'],Literal('Carrie Bradshaw'))) mg.add((movie_node,FB['film.film.performances'],performance)) return mg
def _object(self, subject, predicate): ''' Helper for returning the first object for this subject and predicate Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects Returns an rdflib reference (URIRef or BNode) or None if not found ''' for _object in self.g.objects(subject, predicate): return _object return None
def _object_value(self, subject, predicate): ''' Given a subject and a predicate, returns the value of the object Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects If found, the unicode representation is returned, else None ''' for o in self.g.objects(subject, predicate): return unicode(o) return None
def _object_value_list(self, subject, predicate): ''' Given a subject and a predicate, returns a list with all the values of the objects Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects If no values found, returns an empty string ''' return [unicode(o) for o in self.g.objects(subject, predicate)]
def _time_interval(self, subject, predicate): ''' Returns the start and end date for a time interval object Both subject and predicate must be rdflib URIRef or BNode objects It checks for time intervals defined with both schema.org startDate & endDate and W3C Time hasBeginning & hasEnd. Note that partial dates will be expanded to the first month / day value, eg '1904' -> '1904-01-01'. Returns a tuple with the start and end date values, both of which can be None if not found ''' start_date = end_date = None for interval in self.g.objects(subject, predicate): # Fist try the schema.org way start_date = self._object_value(interval, SCHEMA.startDate) end_date = self._object_value(interval, SCHEMA.endDate) if start_date or end_date: return start_date, end_date # If no luck, try the w3 time way start_nodes = [t for t in self.g.objects(interval, TIME.hasBeginning)] end_nodes = [t for t in self.g.objects(interval, TIME.hasEnd)] if start_nodes: start_date = self._object_value(start_nodes[0], TIME.inXSDDateTime) if end_nodes: end_date = self._object_value(end_nodes[0], TIME.inXSDDateTime) return start_date, end_date