Python re 模块,subn() 实例源码


项目:SalesforceXyTools    作者:exiahuang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def del_comment(soql):
    result = soql
    if soql:
        # TODO
        # soql = soql.strip().replace('\t', ' ').replace('\r\n', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')
        soql = soql.strip().replace('\t', ' ')

        # delete // comment
        result1, number = re.subn("//.*", "", soql)
        # delete /**/ comment
        result, number = re.subn("/\*([\s|\S]*?)\*/", "", result1, flags=re.M)
        result = result.strip()
    # show_in_panel(result)

    return result

# get sobject name from soql
项目:Broad_Crawler    作者:rafacheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_process(dates):
    # \u5e74\u6708\u65e5
    # dates = [re.subn(r'[\u4e00-\u5e73]|[\u5e75-\u6707]', '', tm)[0] for tm in dates]
    # dates = [re.subn(r'[\u6709-\u65e4]|[\u65e6-\u9fa5]', '', tm)[0] for tm in dates]
    # ???
    dates = dates[:int(len(dates) / 2)]
    # ?????100??
    dates = [d for d in dates if 100 > len(d) > 0]
    # ????????
    dates = [d.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').replace('\b', ' ').replace(' ', ' ') for d in dates]
    # ????????????????
    new_dates = []
    for v in dates:
        v = re.sub('\A\s*', '', v)
        v = re.sub('\s*\Z', '', v)
        v = re.sub('\s+', ' ', v)
    # ???????????????????????
    shorter_dates = []
    for v in new_dates:
        ffdi = find_first_digit_index(v)
        if ffdi:
    return shorter_dates
项目:python-mysql-binlog-pubsub    作者:tarzanjw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rename_schema(self, schema):
        """ Rename a schema name and return new name

            schema (str): schema nae

            return self._schema_new_names[schema]
        except KeyError:
            new_name = schema
            for pattern, repl in self.schema_rename.items():
                new_name, subs_made = re.subn(pattern, repl, schema)
                if subs_made:

            self._schema_new_names[schema] = new_name
            return new_name
项目:python-mysql-binlog-pubsub    作者:tarzanjw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rename_table(self, schema, table):
        """ Rename a table and rereturn new name

            schema (str): schema name (the new one)
            table (str): table name

            return self._table_new_names[(schema, table)]
        except KeyError:
            new_name = table
            _rules = self.table_rename.get(schema, {})
            for pattern, repl in _rules.items():
                new_name, subs_made = re.subn(pattern, repl, table)
                if subs_made:

            self._table_new_names[(schema, table)] = new_name
            return new_name
项目:drydock    作者:att-comdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_reference_ucp(cls, design_uri):
        """Retrieve artifacts from a UCP service endpoint.

        Return a byte array of the response content. Assumes Keystone
        authentication required.

        :param design_uri: Tuple as returned by urllib.parse for the design reference
        ks_sess = KeystoneUtils.get_session()
        (new_scheme, foo) = re.subn('^[^+]+\+', '', design_uri.scheme)
        url = urllib.parse.urlunparse((new_scheme, design_uri.netloc, design_uri.path,
                                       design_uri.params, design_uri.query, design_uri.fragment))
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("Calling Keystone session for url %s" % str(url))
        resp = ks_sess.get(url)
        if resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise errors.InvalidDesignReference(
                "Received error code for reference %s: %s - %s" % (url, str(resp.status_code), resp.text))
        return resp.content
项目:PythonSed    作者:GillesArcas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, sed):
        _, repl, count, printit, _, write, filename = self.args

        # managing ampersand is done when converting to python format

        # manage empty regexp
        regexp = sed.cache_regexp(self.regexp)

        success, sed.PS = regexp.subn(repl, sed.PS, count=count)

        sed.subst_successful = sed.subst_successful or success

        if success:
            if printit:
            if write:
                sed.write_subst_file(filename, sed.PS)

项目:wiinaq    作者:futurulus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize(word):
    Perform fuzzy search normalization (collapse commonly confused sounds
    so search is resilient to misspellings of Alutiiq words).

    >>> normalize('tuumiaqlluku')
    >>> normalize("Wiiwaq")
    >>> normalize("estui'isuun")
    word = re.subn(r'(?<!n)g', 'r', word)[0]
    word = re.subn(r'[A-QS-Z]', lambda m:, word)[0]
    word = (word.replace('q', 'k')
                .replace('y', 'i')
                .replace('w', 'u')
                .replace('e', '')
                .replace("'", ''))
    for vowel in 'aiu':
        word = re.sub(vowel + '+', vowel, word)
    return word
项目:refextract    作者:inspirehep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_substring_ignore_special_chars(s, substr):
    s = s.upper()
    substr = substr.upper()
    clean_s, dummy_subs_in_s = re.subn('[^A-Z0-9]', '', s)
    clean_substr, dummy_subs_in_substr = re.subn('[^A-Z0-9]', '', substr)
    startIndex = clean_s.find(clean_substr)
    if startIndex != -1:
        i = 0
        real_index = 0
        re_alphanum = re.compile('[A-Z0-9]')
        for real_index, char in enumerate(s):
            if re_alphanum.match(char):
                i += 1
            if i > startIndex:

        return real_index
        return -1
项目:squid_dedup    作者:frispete    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_and_replace_date(lines, newdate):
    pattern = gpar.date_assign_re % gpar.datevar
    repl = gpar.date_repl_re % newdate
    log.debug('search_and_replace_date: pattern: %s', pattern)
    log.debug('search_and_replace_date: replace: %s', repl)
    for ln, line in enumerate(lines):
        newline, n = re.subn(pattern, repl, line)
        if n:
            if line != newline:
                # pattern matched and line changed
                log.debug('found pattern: %s', line[:-1])
                log.debug('  replacement: %s', newline[:-1])
                lines[ln] = newline
                return True
                # pattern matched, but not changed
                return False
    return False
项目:Eyra    作者:Eyra-is    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logReSubn(subnExpr, preComment, postComment, errorMsg='') -> str:
    Takes in the result of a re.subn call, subnExpr, and
    logs preComment to stdout, then logs postComment and specifies the
    number of subs.
    Prints errorMsg in case of 0 subs.

    Returns the string from subnExpr with replacements made.
    out = subnExpr[0]
    subs = subnExpr[1]
    print(str(subs) + ' ' + postComment)
    if (subs == 0 and errorMsg != ''):
    return out
项目:gateplugin-python    作者:GateNLP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subn(self, repl, string, count=0):
        if (isinstance(repl, SourcedString) or
            isinstance(string, SourcedString)):
            result = ''
            pos = 0
            n = 0
            for match in self.pattern.finditer(string):
                result += string[pos:match.start()]
                result += repl
                pos = match.end()
                n += 1
                if count and n==count: break
            result += string[pos:]
            return result, n
            return self.pattern.subn(repl, string, count)
项目:gateplugin-python    作者:GateNLP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch_re_module():
        Modify the standard ``re`` module by installing new versions of
        the functions ``re.compile``, ``re.sub``, and ``re.subn``,
        causing regular expression substitutions to return
        ``SourcedStrings`` when called with ``SourcedStrings``

        Use this function only if necessary: it potentially affects
        all Python modules that use regular expressions!
        def new_re_sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
            return re.compile(pattern).sub(repl, string, count)
        def new_re_subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
            return re.compile(pattern).subn(repl, string, count)
        re.compile = SourcedStringRegexp
        re.sub = new_re_sub
        re.subn = new_re_subn
项目:gateplugin-python    作者:GateNLP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subn(self, repl, string, count=0):
        if (isinstance(repl, SourcedString) or
            isinstance(string, SourcedString)):
            result = ''
            pos = 0
            n = 0
            for match in self.pattern.finditer(string):
                result += string[pos:match.start()]
                result += repl
                pos = match.end()
                n += 1
                if count and n==count: break
            result += string[pos:]
            return result, n
            return self.pattern.subn(repl, string, count)
项目:gateplugin-python    作者:GateNLP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch_re_module():
        Modify the standard ``re`` module by installing new versions of
        the functions ``re.compile``, ``re.sub``, and ``re.subn``,
        causing regular expression substitutions to return
        ``SourcedStrings`` when called with ``SourcedStrings``

        Use this function only if necessary: it potentially affects
        all Python modules that use regular expressions!
        def new_re_sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
            return re.compile(pattern).sub(repl, string, count)
        def new_re_subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
            return re.compile(pattern).subn(repl, string, count)
        re.compile = SourcedStringRegexp
        re.sub = new_re_sub
        re.subn = new_re_subn
项目:pytemplate    作者:krotos139    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unescape_entities(xml_text):
        Strips tags of the form <text:span ...> from inside Jinja elements
        and unescapes HTML codes for >, <, & and "
        unescape_rules = {
            r'(?is)({([{%])[^%}]*?)(</?text:s.*?>)(.*?[%}]})': r'\1 \4',
            r'(?is)({([{%])[^%}]*?)(&gt;)(.*?[%}]})'         : r'\1>\4',
            r'(?is)({([{%])[^%}]*?)(&lt;)(.*?[%}]})'         : r'\1<\4',
            r'(?is)({([{%])[^%}]*?)(&amp;)(.*?[%}]})'        : r'\1&\4',
            r'(?is)({([{%])[^%}]*?)(&quot;)(.*?[%}]})'       : r'\1"\4',

        for regexp, replacement in unescape_rules.items():
            subs_made = True
            while subs_made:
                xml_text, subs_made = re.subn(regexp, replacement, xml_text)

        return xml_text
项目:Tutorial-Chatterbot    作者:isipalma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def datetime_parsing(text,
    Extract datetime objects from a string of text.
    matches = []
    found_array = []

    # Find the position in the string
    for expression, function in regex:
        for match in expression.finditer(text):
            matches.append((, function(match, base_date), match.span()))

    # Wrap the matched text with TAG element to prevent nested selections
    for match, value, spans in matches:
        subn = re.subn(
            '(?!<TAG[^>]*?>)' + match + '(?![^<]*?</TAG>)', '<TAG>' + match + '</TAG>', text
        text = subn[0]
        is_substituted = subn[1]
        if is_substituted != 0:
            found_array.append((match, value, spans))

    # To preserve order of the match, sort based on the start position
    return sorted(found_array, key=lambda match: match and match[2][0])
项目:HDUACM_ACer    作者:HScarb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getTextFromSoup(htmlsoup):
    text = str(htmlsoup)
    imgurls = []
    imgs = htmlsoup.find_all('img')
    for img in imgs:
        imgurls.append('' % img['src'])
    if len(imgurls) != 0:
        for url in imgurls:
            text, number = re.subn(r'<img.+?>', r'![image](%s)' % url, text)
    text, number = re.subn(r'<br>', '\n', text)
    text, number = re.subn(r'<.+?>', '', text)
    return text
    # res = htmlsoup.replace('<br/>', '\r\n')
    # result, number = re.subn('<.+?>', '', res)
    # print(result)
    # print(number)
项目:vkstruct    作者:cheery    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_enumeration(types, enum, constructor):
    name = enum["name"]
    name = rename_enumeration(name)

    types[name] = this = {"type":constructor, "ctype":"i32"}
    this["constants"] = constants = {}

    # turns out the "expand" was insufficient nearly everywhere.
    prefix = "^VK_"
    for cell in split_case(name):
        prefix += "(" + cell.upper() + "_)?"
    for tag in enum:
        if == "enum":
            name_ = re.subn(prefix, "", tag["name"])[0]
            if "bitpos" in tag.attrs:
                value = 1 << int(tag["bitpos"])
            elif tag["value"].startswith("0x"):
                value = int(tag["value"], 16)
                value = int(tag["value"])
            constants[name_] = value
    return name
项目:vkstruct    作者:cheery    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_enumeration(enum, constructor):
    name = enum["name"]
    name = rename_enumeration(name)
    print "{0} = {1}({0!r}, {{".format(name, constructor)
    # turns out the "expand" was insufficient nearly everywhere.
    prefix = "^VK_"
    for cell in split_case(name):
        prefix += "(" + cell.upper() + "_)?"
    for tag in enum:
        if == "enum":
            name_ = re.subn(prefix, "", tag["name"])[0]
            if "bitpos" in tag.attrs:
                value = "1 << " + tag["bitpos"]
                value = tag["value"]
            print "    {!r:<50}: {!s},".format(name_, value)
    print "})"
    return name
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_unpair_tag(text, tag, count_selfclosing=True):
    Fix self-closing unpair tags and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple.
    tag parameter must contains only name of the tag, for example, "br" for <br>.
    If self-closing tags are correct, set count_selfclosing param to False.
    self-closing still will be corrected in the name of unification, but those
    replacements will not be counted.
    Used in 2nd error.
    correct_tag = "<{}>".format(tag)
    all_tags = r"<[/\\ ]*{}[/\\ ]*>".format(tag)

    if count_selfclosing:
        correct = count_ignore_case(text, correct_tag)
        correct = len(re.findall(r"<{}\s*/?>".format(tag), text))
    (text, fixed) = re.subn(all_tags, correct_tag, text, flags=re.I)
    return (text, fixed - correct)
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_pair_tag(text, tag, recursive=False):
    Fix self-closing pair tags and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple.
    tag parameter must contains only name of the tag, for example, "b" for <b>.
    recursive flag must be True if nested tags are correct. The default value is False.
    Checks tag balance: if something going wrong, function willn't change anything.
    Used in 2nd error.
    old_text = text
    correct_tag = "</{}>".format(tag)

    (text, fixed1) = re.subn(r"<[ ]*{}[ ]*[/\\]>".format(tag), correct_tag, text, flags=re.I)
    (text, fixed2) = re.subn(r"<\\[ ]*{}[ ]*>".format(tag), correct_tag, text, flags=re.I)

    if check_tag_balance(text, tag, recursive):
        return (text, fixed1 + fixed2)
        return (old_text, 0)
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_002_invalid_tags(text):
    """Fix the error and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple."""
    (text, fixed_br) = fix_unpair_tag(text, "br", count_selfclosing=False)
    (text, fixed_hr) = fix_unpair_tag(text, "hr", count_selfclosing=False)
    fixed_total = fixed_br + fixed_hr

    (text, fixed_clear) = re.subn(r"<br clear=\"?(left|right)\"?\s*/?>", "{{clear|\\1}}", text)
    (text, fixed_clear_all) = re.subn(r"<br clear=\"?(?:all|both)\"?\s*/?>", "{{clear}}", text)
    fixed_total += fixed_clear + fixed_clear_all

    (text, fixed_small) = fix_pair_tag(text, "small")
    (text, fixed_center) = fix_pair_tag(text, "center")
    (text, fixed_div) = fix_pair_tag(text, "div", recursive=True)
    (text, fixed_span) = fix_pair_tag(text, "span", recursive=True)
    fixed_total += fixed_small + fixed_center + fixed_div + fixed_span

    return (text, fixed_total)
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_068_interwiki_link(text):
    Fix links to Special:BookSearch and direct links, written like interwiki
    ones. For example, for ruwiki fixes [[:ru:Example|Something]].
    Return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple.
    def _check_link(match_obj):
        """Check if founded link is a link to a file or a category and insert extra ":" if so."""
        link =
        if"^" + IMAGE, link) is None and"^" + CATEGORY, link) is None:
            return +
            return + ":" +

    # bot will not fix links without a pipe: manual control needed
    (text, direct) = re.subn(r"(\[\[):{}:([^|\[\]\n]+\|[^|\[\]\n]+\]\])".format(LANG_CODE),
                             _check_link, text, flags=re.I)
    (text, books) = re.subn(r"\[\[:..:Special:BookSources/\d+X?\|(ISBN [0-9\-X]+)\]\]",
                            "\\1", text, flags=re.I)
    return (text, direct + books)
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_086_ext_link_two_brackets(text):
    """Fix some cases and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple."""
    # case: [[|YouTube]]
    def _process_link(match_obj):
        """Deals with founded wiki-link."""
        link =
        name =
        if "" in link.lower():
            link = re.sub(" ", "_", link)
            link = re.sub(" ", "%20", link)
        return "[" + link + " " + name + "]"
    exp1 = r"\[\[(https?://[^|\[\]\n]+)\|([^|\[\]\n]+)\]\]"
    (text, count1) = re.subn(exp1, _process_link, text, flags=re.I)
    # case: [[ YouTube]]
    exp2 = r"\[(\[https?://[^\[\]\n]+\])\]"
    (text, count2) = re.subn(exp2, "\\1", text, flags=re.I)
    return (text, count1 + count2)
项目:NapalmBot    作者:Facenapalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_104_quote_marks_in_refs(text):
    """Fix the error and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple."""
    count3 = 0
    def quote_ref(match):
        """Quote ref name if it's neccessary."""
        #pylint: disable=undefined-variable
        nonlocal count3
        name =
        if"group\s*=", name):
        if "\"" in name or re.match(r"^'.*'$", name):
            # ref is already quotetd (all is ok) or has a quote (dangerous to fix)
        if"['/\\=?#\s]", name):
            count3 += 1
            return + "\"" + name + "\"" +

    (text, count1) = re.subn(r"(<ref\s+name\s*=\s*\"[^\">]+?)(\s*/?>)", "\\1\"\\2", text)
    (text, count2) = re.subn(r"(<ref\s+name\s*=\s*)([^\">]+?\"\s*/?>)", "\\1\"\\2", text)
    text = re.sub(r"(<ref\s+name\s*=\s*)(.*?)(\s*/?>)", quote_ref, text)
    return (text, count1 + count2 + count3)
项目:social-core    作者:python-social-auth    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def modify_start_url(self, start_url):
        Given a SAML redirect URL, parse it and change the ID to
        a consistent value, so the request is always identical.
        # Parse the SAML Request URL to get the XML being sent to TestShib
        url_parts = urlparse(start_url)
        query = dict((k, v[0]) for (k, v) in
        xml = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.decode_base64_and_inflate(
        # Modify the XML:
        xml = xml.decode()
        xml, changed = re.subn(r'ID="[^"]+"', 'ID="TEST_ID"', xml)
        self.assertEqual(changed, 1)
        # Update the URL to use the modified query string:
        query['SAMLRequest'] = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.deflate_and_base64_encode(
        url_parts = list(url_parts)
        url_parts[4] = urlencode(query)
        return urlunparse(url_parts)
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def removebackspaces(text):
    backspace_or_eol = r'(.\010)|(\033\[K)'
    n = 1
    while n > 0:
        text, n = re.subn(backspace_or_eol, '', text, 1)
    return text
项目:photinia    作者:XoriieInpottn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load(self, name, model, alias_list=None):
        param_dict = self._load(name)
        if alias_list:
            new_dict = {}
            for key, value in param_dict.items():
                for src, dst in alias_list:
                    if not key.startswith(src):
                    if isinstance(dst, widgets.Widget):
                        dst = dst.prefix()
                    key, _ = re.subn('^{}'.format(src), dst, key)
                    new_dict[key] = value
            param_dict = new_dict
        model.parameters = param_dict
项目:satellite-tracker    作者:lofaldli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checksum(line):
    line, n = re.subn('-', '1', line)     # replace dashes with 1's
    line, n = re.subn('[^\d]', '', line)  # remove non-digit chars
    # compare with last digit with sum modulo 10
    digits = [int(x) for x in line[:-1]]
    return int(line[-1]) == sum(digits) % 10
项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stamp_source(base_dir, version, dry_run=False):
    """update version string in passlib dist"""
    path = os.path.join(base_dir, "passlib", "")
    with open(path) as fh:
        input =
    output, count = re.subn('(?m)^__version__\s*=.*$',
                    '__version__ = ' + repr(version),
    assert count == 1, "failed to replace version string"
    if not dry_run:
        os.unlink(path) # sdist likes to use hardlinks
        with open(path, "w") as fh:
项目:Ugly-Distributed-Crawler    作者:A1014280203    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_text(text=''):
    t_text = text.replace(r'\xa0', ' ')
    t_text = t_text.replace('????', '')
    t_text = re.subn('\(.* Bytes, ????: .*\)', '', t_text)[0]
    t_text = re.subn('\d*-\d*-\d* \d*:\d* ??', '', t_text)[0]
    t_text = re.subn('.*\.png\s', '', t_text)[0]
    return t_text.strip()
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def safe_name(self):
        if is not None:
            return re.subn(r"[^\w]", "_",[0]
项目:PythonSed    作者:GillesArcas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subn(self, repl, string, count):
        return re_sub_ex(self.pattern, self.compiled, repl, string, count, self.flags)

# -- Parser ------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:StrepHit    作者:Wikidata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clean(s, unicode=True):
    flags = re.UNICODE if unicode else 0
    return re.subn(r'(\s){2,}', '\g<1>', s, flags)[0].strip()
项目:StrepHit    作者:Wikidata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def refine_item(self, response, item):
        birth_death = text.clean_extract(response,

        birth_death = re.subn(r'<[^>]+>', '', birth_death)[0].split('d.')
        if len(birth_death) == 2:
            birth, death = birth_death
            birth = birth[len('b.'):].strip()
            death = death.strip()

            item['birth'] = birth if birth != '?' else None
            item['death'] = death if death != '?' else None

        return super(MunksrollSpider, self).refine_item(response, item)
项目:Natural-Language-Processing-Python-and-NLTK    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def replace(self, text):
        s = text
        for (pattern, repl) in self.patterns:
            (s, count) = re.subn(pattern, repl, s)
        return s
项目:DevOps    作者:YoLoveLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def html2bash(str):#??HTML p??
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_BR,'\n',str)
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_P,'\n',result)
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_F_P, '\n', result)
    return result
项目:DevOps    作者:YoLoveLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def html2bash(str):#??HTML p??
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_BR,'\n',str)
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_P,'\n',result)
    result , number = re.subn(constant.PATTERN_F_P, '\n', result)
    return result
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def money_str(self, with_symbol=True):
        """ Format money using the currency's format string.

        If amount is negative, the sign is moved to the front of the string

        >>> Money(-12).money_str()
        >>> Money(123456.789).money_str()
        >>> Money(987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp 987654321
        >>> Money(-987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp -987654321
        # Strip the sign and move it to the front of the string
        #fails if any component cannot be converted to ascii -kurtis
        string = self.currency.format_str.format(
        if self.amount_raw < 0:
            string, n = re.subn(r'\s', r' -', string, count=1)
            if n == 0:
                string = '-' + string
        return string
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def money_str(self, with_symbol=True):
        """ Format money using the currency's format string.

        If amount is negative, the sign is moved to the front of the string

        >>> Money(-12).money_str()
        >>> Money(123456.789).money_str()
        >>> Money(987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp 987654321
        >>> Money(-987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp -987654321
        # Strip the sign and move it to the front of the string
        #fails if any component cannot be converted to ascii -kurtis
        string = self.currency.format_str.format(
        if self.amount_raw < 0:
            string, n = re.subn(r'\s', r' -', string, count=1)
            if n == 0:
                string = '-' + string
        return string
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def money_str(self, with_symbol=True):
        """ Format money using the currency's format string.

        If amount is negative, the sign is moved to the front of the string

        >>> Money(-12).money_str()
        >>> Money(123456.789).money_str()
        >>> Money(987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp 987654321
        >>> Money(-987654321, currency=CURRENCIES['IDR']).money_str()
        Rp -987654321
        # Strip the sign and move it to the front of the string
        #fails if any component cannot be converted to ascii -kurtis
        string = self.currency.format_str.format(
        if self.amount_raw < 0:
            string, n = re.subn(r'\s', r' -', string, count=1)
            if n == 0:
                string = '-' + string
        return string
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_as_replace_function(self):
        """Test that replace can be used as a replace function."""

        text = "this will be fed into re.subn!  Here we go!  this will be fed into re.subn!  Here we go!"
        text_pattern = r"(?P<first>this )(?P<second>.*?)(!)"
        pattern = bre.compile_search(text_pattern)
        replace = bre.compile_replace(pattern, r'\c\g<first>is awesome\g<3>')
        result, count = pattern.subn(replace, text)

        self.assertEqual(result, "This is awesome!  Here we go!  This is awesome!  Here we go!")
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sub_wrong_replace_type(self):
        """Test sending wrong type into `sub`, `subn`."""

        pattern = re.compile('test')
        replace = bre.compile_replace(pattern, 'whatever', bre.FORMAT)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            bre.sub(pattern, replace, 'test')

        assert "Compiled replace cannot be a format object!" in str(excinfo.value)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            bre.subn(pattern, replace, 'test')

        assert "Compiled replace cannot be a format object!" in str(excinfo.value)
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sub_wrong_replace_format_type(self):
        """Test sending wrong format type into `sub`, `subn`."""

        pattern = re.compile('test')
        replace = bre.compile_replace(pattern, 'whatever')

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            bre.subf(pattern, replace, 'test')

        assert "Compiled replace is not a format object!" in str(excinfo.value)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            bre.subfn(pattern, replace, 'test')

        assert "Compiled replace is not a format object!" in str(excinfo.value)
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_subn(self):
        """Test that `subn` works."""

            bre.subn(r'tset', 'test', r'This is a tset for subn! This is a tset for subn!'),
            ('This is a test for subn! This is a test for subn!', 2)
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compile_replace(pattern, repl, flags=0):
    """Construct a method that can be used as a replace method for `sub`, `subn`, etc."""

    call = None
    if pattern is not None and isinstance(pattern, RE_TYPE):
        if isinstance(repl, (compat.string_type, compat.binary_type)):
            repl = ReplaceTemplate(pattern, repl, bool(flags & FORMAT))
            call = Replace(
                functools.partial(_apply_replace_backrefs, repl=repl), repl.use_format, repl.pattern_hash
        elif isinstance(repl, Replace):
            if flags:
                raise ValueError("Cannot process flags argument with a compiled pattern!")
            if repl.pattern_hash != hash(pattern):
                raise ValueError("Pattern hash doesn't match hash in compiled replace!")
            call = repl
        elif isinstance(repl, ReplaceTemplate):
            if flags:
                raise ValueError("Cannot process flags argument with a ReplaceTemplate!")
            call = Replace(
                functools.partial(_apply_replace_backrefs, repl=repl), repl.use_format, repl.pattern_hash
            raise TypeError("Not a valid type!")
        raise TypeError("Pattern must be a compiled regular expression!")
    return call

# Convenience methods like re has, but slower due to overhead on each call.
# It is recommended to use compile_search and compile_replace
项目:backrefs    作者:facelessuser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subfn(pattern, format, string, count=0, flags=0):  # noqa B002
    """Apply `subn` after applying backrefs."""

    is_replace = _is_replace(format)
    is_string = isinstance(format, (compat.string_type, compat.binary_type))
    if is_replace and not format.use_format:
        raise ValueError("Compiled replace is not a format object!")

    pattern = compile_search(pattern, flags)
    rflags = FORMAT if is_string else 0
    return re.subn(
        pattern, (compile_replace(pattern, format, flags=rflags) if is_replace or is_string else format),
        string, count, flags
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_re_subn(self):
        self.assertEqual(re.subn("(?i)b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB"), ('x x', 2))
        self.assertEqual(re.subn("b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB"), ('x BBBB', 1))
        self.assertEqual(re.subn("b+", "x", "xyz"), ('xyz', 0))
        self.assertEqual(re.subn("b*", "x", "xyz"), ('xxxyxzx', 4))
        self.assertEqual(re.subn("b*", "x", "xyz", 2), ('xxxyz', 2))
项目:landscape-client    作者:CanonicalLtd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_memory_info_without_swap(self):
        sample = re.subn(r"Swap(Free|Total): *\d+ kB", r"Swap\1:       0",
        filename = self.makeFile(sample)
        memstats = MemoryStats(filename)
        self.assertEqual(memstats.total_swap, 0)
        self.assertEqual(memstats.free_swap, 0)
        self.assertEqual(memstats.used_swap, 0)
        self.assertEqual(memstats.used_swap_percentage, 0)
        self.assertEqual(memstats.free_swap_percentage, 0)
        self.assertEqual(type(memstats.used_swap_percentage), float)
        self.assertEqual(type(memstats.free_swap_percentage), float)