def _IsPrefixedWithAlias(self, query: str, tables: [str], column_name: str) -> bool: """If the column has a table prefixed and has an alias Args: query (str): the query to parse tables ([str]): the possible tables column_name (str): the column name Returns: bool: True if it is prefixed, false if it isn't. """ matches = [ re.fullmatch( '.*({0}.)+([^ ])*( )*(as)( )*{1}( ,)*.*'.format(table, column_name), query) for table in tables if re.fullmatch( '.*({0}.)+([^ ])*( )*(as)( )*{1}( ,)*.*'.format( table, column_name), query) is not None] return len(matches) != 0
def _IsPrefixedWithoutAlias(self, query: str, tables: [str], column_name: str) -> bool: """If the column has a table prefixed and has an no alias Args: query (str): the query to parse tables ([str]): the possible tables column_name (str): the column name Returns: bool: True if it is prefixed, false if it isn't. """ matches = [ re.fullmatch( '.*({0}.{1})+([^ ])*( ,)*.*'.format(table, column_name), query) for table in tables if re.fullmatch( '.*({0}.{1})+([^ ])*( ,)*.*'.format( table, column_name), query) is not None] return len(matches) != 0
def getFiles(wc_name): # assume wild card is in the last part path, file = os.path.split(wc_name) returnable = [] if '*' in path: raise ValueError('must implement getFiles better') try: a, dirs, files = next(os.walk(os.path.normpath(path))) except StopIteration: return returnable for com in files: rematcher = wc_name.replace('/', '\\').replace('\\', '\\\\').\ replace('.', '\\.').\ replace('*', '.*').\ replace('(', '\\(').\ replace(')', '\\)') if re.fullmatch(rematcher, path.replace('/', '\\')+ '\\' + com): returnable.append(os.path.join(path, com)) return returnable
def set_heritage_with_date(self): """ Set heritage status (bien interes cultural). Optionally, with start date qualifier. """ pattern = r"(ARI|RI)-(AR|BI|MU|51|52|53|54|55|56)-\d{7}(|-000\d|-000\d\d)" if not re.fullmatch(pattern, self.bic): self.upload = False return # it is a proper bic heritage = self.mapping["heritage"]["item"] if self.has_non_empty_attribute("fecha"): # 20 de febrero de 1985 qualifier = {} es_date = dateparser.parse(self.fecha, languages=['es']) if es_date: date_dict = utils.datetime_object_to_dict(es_date) qualifier = {"start_time": utils.package_time(date_dict)} else: self.add_to_report("fecha", self.fecha, "start_time") self.add_statement("heritage_status", heritage, qualifier) else: self.add_statement("heritage_status", heritage)
def remove_stopwords(self, tokens): """Remove stopwords from token list. :param tokens: tokens from which stopwords should be removed :type tokens: list :return: tokens with filtered out stopwords """ ret = [] for token in tokens: if token in self._raw_stopwords: _logger.debug("Dropping raw stopword '%s'", token) continue for regexp in self._regexp_stopwords: if re.fullmatch(regexp, token): _logger.debug("Dropping stopword '%s' based on regexp '%s'", token, regexp.pattern) continue ret.append(token) return ret
def _getmoji(self, msg): args = msg.content.split() if len(args) > 1: if len(args[1]) == 1: try: await msg.add_reaction(args[1]) except HTTPException: raise CommandSyntaxError(f"Non-emoji character set as spam reaction on server.") else: self.plugin_config[str(msg.guild.id)]["spam_reaction"] = args[1] await respond(msg, f"**AFFIRMATIVE. ANALYSIS: New spam reaction emoji: {args[1]}.**") await msg.remove_reaction(args[1], msg.guild.me) elif re.fullmatch("<:\w{1,32}:\d{1,20}>", args[1]): t_emoji = re.search("\d{1,20}", args[1])[0] if self.client.get_emoji(int(t_emoji)): self.plugin_config[str(msg.guild.id)]["spam_reaction"] = t_emoji.rjust(18, "0") await respond(msg, f"**AFFIRMATIVE. ANALYSIS: New spam reaction emoji: {args[1]}.**") else: raise CommandSyntaxError("Expected a single emoji as argument.") else: self.plugin_config[str(msg.guild.id)]["spam_reaction"] = False await respond(msg, f"**AFFIRMATIVE. Spam reaction disabled.**")
def search_photos(picturepath): assert picturepath, "picturepath not supplied" logger.debug('picturepath<%s>' % picturepath) newsearch = [] for directory, __dirs, files in os.walk(picturepath): for filename in files: if re.fullmatch('|'.join(PICTURE_TYPES), os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:], re.IGNORECASE): newsearch.append({ 'directory' : directory , 'filename' : filename }) logger.debug("Number of photos found: %d" % len(newsearch)) return newsearch
def _get_flickr_id_secret_title_extension(filename): photoid = UNDEFINED secret = UNDEFINED title = UNDEFINED extension = UNDEFINED try: # the flickr title can be null photoid, secret, title, extension = re.fullmatch('^' + general.APPLICATION_NAME + '_([0-9]+)_([a-z0-9]+)_(.*)\.(' + '|'.join(PICTURE_TYPES) + ')', filename, re.IGNORECASE).group(1,2,3,4) except AttributeError: logger.debug('Not found') logger.debug('<{filename}>, <{photoid}>, <{secret}>, <{title}>, <{extension}>'.format( filename=filename, photoid=photoid, secret=secret, title=title, extension=extension)) return photoid, secret, title, extension
def obtener_aptitud(genes, deseadas, noDeseadas): patrón = reparar_regex(genes) longitud = len(patrón) try: re.compile(patrón) except re.error as e: llave = str(e) llave = llave[:llave.index("at position")] info = [str(e), "genes = ['{}']".format("', '".join(genes)), "regex: " + patrón] if llave not in erroresEnRegexes or len(info[1]) < len( erroresEnRegexes[llave][1]): erroresEnRegexes[llave] = info return Aptitud(0, len(deseadas), len(noDeseadas), longitud) númeroDeDeseadosQueCoincidieron = sum( 1 for i in deseadas if re.fullmatch(patrón, i)) númeroDeNoDeseadosQueCoincidieron = sum( 1 for i in noDeseadas if re.fullmatch(patrón, i)) return Aptitud(númeroDeDeseadosQueCoincidieron, len(deseadas), númeroDeNoDeseadosQueCoincidieron, longitud)
def get_fitness(genes, wanted, unwanted): pattern = repair_regex(genes) length = len(pattern) try: re.compile(pattern) except re.error as e: key = str(e) key = key[:key.index("at position")] info = [str(e), "genes = ['{}']".format("', '".join(genes)), "regex: " + pattern] if key not in regexErrorsSeen or len(info[1]) < len( regexErrorsSeen[key][1]): regexErrorsSeen[key] = info return Fitness(0, len(wanted), len(unwanted), length) numWantedMatched = sum(1 for i in wanted if re.fullmatch(pattern, i)) numUnwantedMatched = sum(1 for i in unwanted if re.fullmatch(pattern, i)) return Fitness(numWantedMatched, len(wanted), numUnwantedMatched, length)
def install_command(theme, branch, name): if re.fullmatch('[_\-A-Z0-9a-z]+', theme): theme_name = name or theme theme_path = os.path.join(get_themes_dir(), theme_name) cmd = 'git clone --branch {} https://github.com/veripress/themes.git {}'.format(theme, theme_path) else: m = re.fullmatch('([_\-A-Z0-9a-z]+)/([_\-A-Z0-9a-z]+)', theme) if not m: raise click.BadArgumentUsage('The theme should be like "default" (branch of veripress/themes) ' 'or "someone/the-theme" (third-party theme on GitHub)') user = m.group(1) repo = m.group(2) theme_name = name or repo theme_path = os.path.join(get_themes_dir(), theme_name) cmd = 'git clone --branch {} https://github.com/{}/{}.git {}'.format(branch, user, repo, theme_path) exit_code = os.system(cmd) if exit_code == 0: click.echo('\n"{}" theme has been installed successfully.'.format(theme_name)) else: click.echo('\nSomething went wrong. Do you forget to install git? ' 'Or is there another theme with same name existing?')
def _process_client_archive_info(self, archive_info): if not archive_info.name.startswith(self.job.archive_name): log.error('Client tried to push invalid archive %r (id=%s) to repository. Aborting.', archive_info.name, bin_to_hex(archive_info.id)) raise ValueError('BorgCube: illegal archive push %r' % archive_info.name) log.debug('Adding archive %r (id %s)', archive_info.name, bin_to_hex(archive_info.id)) checkpoint_re = re.escape(self.job.archive_name) + r'\.checkpoint(\d+)?' if re.fullmatch(checkpoint_re, archive_info.name): log.debug('%r is a checkpoint - remembering that', archive_info.name) self._add_checkpoint(archive_info.id) else: log.debug('%r is the finalised archive', archive_info.name) self._final_archive = True if not self._cache_sync_archive(archive_info.id): log.error('Failed to synchronize archive %r into cache (see above), aborting.', archive_info.name) raise ValueError('BorgCube: cache sync failed') # TODO additional sanitation? self._manifest.archives[archive_info.name] = archive_info.id, archive_info.ts log.info('Added archive %r (id %s) to repository.', archive_info.name, bin_to_hex(archive_info.id)) self._got_archive = True
def match(self, domain, **kwargs): match = re.fullmatch(self.pattern, domain) if match: newconfig = deepcopy(self) groups = (domain,) + match.groups(default='') if self.execute: newconfig.execute.command = self.execute.command.format(*groups, domain=domain, **kwargs) if self.deploy_crt: newconfig.deploy_crt.path = self.deploy_crt.path.format(*groups, domain=domain, **kwargs) if self.deploy_key: newconfig.deploy_key.path = self.deploy_key.path.format(*groups, domain=domain, **kwargs) if self.deploy_chain: newconfig.deploy_chain.path = self.deploy_chain.path.format(*groups, domain=domain, **kwargs) if self.deploy_full_chain: newconfig.deploy_full_chain.path = self.deploy_full_chain.path.format(*groups, domain=domain, **kwargs) return newconfig else: return None
def get_from_paths(sub_path, file_pattern): """ Search through the AUTOCOMPOSE_PATHs for files in the sub-path which match the given file_pattern :param sub_path: The sub-path to look for files in each autocompose path directory. :param file_pattern: A pattern to match files. :return: A list of files. """ paths = os.environ['AUTOCOMPOSE_PATH'].split(":") results = [] for path in paths: try: files = os.listdir(path=os.path.join(path, sub_path)) for file in files: if re.fullmatch(file_pattern, file): results.append(os.path.join(path, sub_path, file_pattern)) except FileNotFoundError: pass return results
def get(self, v, full_match=False): """ returns a table from columns given as v this function is equivalent to :func:`__getitem__` but preserve the Table format and associated properties (units, description, header) Parameters ---------- v: str pattern to filter the keys with full_match: bool if set, use :func:`re.fullmatch` instead of :func:`re.match` """ new_keys = self.keys(v) t = self.__class__(self[new_keys]) t.header.update(**self.header) t._aliases.update((k, v) for (k, v) in self._aliases.items() if v in new_keys) t._units.update((k, v) for (k, v) in self._units.items() if v in new_keys) t._desc.update((k, v) for (k, v) in self._desc.items() if v in new_keys) return t
def test_show_missing_relative_app_version(): app_id = _ZERO_INSTANCE_APP_ID with _zero_instance_app(): _update_app( app_id, 'tests/data/marathon/apps/update_zero_instance_sleep.json') # Marathon persists app versions indefinitely by ID, so pick a large # index here in case the history is long cmd = ['dcos', 'marathon', 'app', 'show', '--app-version=-200', app_id] returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(cmd) assert returncode == 1 assert stdout == b'' pattern = ("Application 'zero-instance-app' only has [1-9][0-9]* " "version\\(s\\)\\.\n") assert re.fullmatch(pattern, stderr.decode('utf-8'), flags=re.DOTALL)
def add_app(app_path, wait=True): """ Add an app, and wait for it to deploy :param app_path: path to app's json definition :type app_path: str :param wait: whether to wait for the deploy :type wait: bool :rtype: None """ cmd = ['dcos', 'marathon', 'app', 'add', app_path] returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(cmd) assert returncode == 0 assert re.fullmatch('Created deployment \S+\n', stdout.decode('utf-8')) assert stderr == b'' if wait: watch_all_deployments()
def add_pod(pod_path, wait=True): """Add a pod, and wait for it to deploy :param pod_path: path to pod's json definition :type pod_path: str :param wait: whether to wait for the deploy :type wait: bool :rtype: None """ cmd = ['dcos', 'marathon', 'pod', 'add', pod_path] returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(cmd) assert returncode == 0 assert re.fullmatch('Created deployment \S+\n', stdout.decode('utf-8')) assert stderr == b'' if wait: watch_all_deployments()
def add_group(group_path, wait=True): """Add a group, and wait for it to deploy :param group_path: path to pod's json definition :type group_path: str :param wait: whether to wait for the deploy :type wait: bool :rtype: None """ cmd = ['dcos', 'marathon', 'group', 'add', group_path] returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(cmd) assert returncode == 0 assert re.fullmatch('Created deployment \S+\n', stdout.decode('utf-8')) assert stderr == b'' if wait: watch_all_deployments()
def _assert_pod_list_table(): _wait_for_instances({'/double-pod': 2, '/good-pod': 1, '/winston': 1}) returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(_POD_LIST_CMD) assert returncode == 0 assert stderr == b'' stdout_lines = stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') pattern = r'ID\+TASKS +INSTANCES +VERSION +STATUS +STATUS SINCE +WAITING *' assert re.fullmatch(pattern, stdout_lines[0]) assert stdout_lines[1].startswith('/double-pod') assert stdout_lines[2].startswith(' |-thing-1') assert stdout_lines[3].startswith(' |-thing-2') assert stdout_lines[4].startswith('/good-pod') assert stdout_lines[5].startswith(' |-good-container') assert stdout_lines[6].startswith('/winston') assert stdout_lines[7].startswith(' |-the-cat') assert stdout_lines[8].startswith(' |-thing-1') assert stdout_lines[9].startswith(' |-thing-2') assert stdout_lines[10] == '' assert len(stdout_lines) == 11
def name_get(value): ''' Check that a string is a valid name, and return it. A name is a string that is just one word, without whitespace. Raise a GetError if the string is not a valid name. ''' if not isinstance(value, str): raise GetError("non-string value '%s' not a valid name" % value) if not value: raise GetError("empty string not a valid name") name = value.strip() if not re.fullmatch("[^\\s][^\\s]*", name): raise GetError("given string not a valid name (contains whitespace): %s" % name) return name
def test_keyword_parameters(self): # Issue #20283: Accepting the string keyword parameter. pat = re.compile(r'(ab)') self.assertEqual( pat.match(string='abracadabra', pos=7, endpos=10).span(), (7, 9)) self.assertEqual( pat.fullmatch(string='abracadabra', pos=7, endpos=9).span(), (7, 9)) self.assertEqual( pat.search(string='abracadabra', pos=3, endpos=10).span(), (7, 9)) self.assertEqual( pat.findall(string='abracadabra', pos=3, endpos=10), ['ab']) self.assertEqual( pat.split(string='abracadabra', maxsplit=1), ['', 'ab', 'racadabra']) self.assertEqual( pat.scanner(string='abracadabra', pos=3, endpos=10).search().span(), (7, 9))
def _create_pattern_from_string(self, string): parts = re.split("\W", string) pattern = re.sub("\w+", "{}", string) pattern_list = [] for part in parts: if len(part) > 0: if re.fullmatch("[a-z]+", part): pattern_list.append("\l") elif re.fullmatch("[A-Z]+", part): pattern_list.append("\L") elif re.fullmatch("[a-zA-Z]+", part): pattern_list.append("\i") elif re.fullmatch("\d+", part): pattern_list.append("\d") else: pattern_list.append("\w") return pattern.format(*pattern_list)
def re_fullmatch(regex, string, flags=0): """Emulate python-3.4 re.fullmatch().""" return re.match("(?:" + regex + r")\Z", string, flags=flags) # The issue this function tries to solve is to have a text writer where unicode # data can be written without decoding error. It should work in the following # conditions: # - python 2 & 3, output to terminal # - python 2 & 3, output to a pipe or shell redirection # - python 2 & 3, output to a StringIO # # When using python 2, if the program output is redirected to a pipe or file, # the output encoding may be set to 'ascii', # potentially producing UnicodeEncodeError. # Redirections do not seem to cause such issue with python 3 # but explicit utf-8 encoding seems a sensible choice to output data to be # consumed by other programs (e.g: JSON).
def search_for_images(root_path): extensions = [extension for x in models.FORMAT_EXTENSIONS for extension in x[1]] logging.debug("Looking for extensions: %s", str(extensions)) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_path): for d in dirnames[:]: for sd in app.config["SEARCH_EXCLUDE_DIRS"]: if re.fullmatch(sd, os.path.join(dirname, d)) is not None: logging.debug("Skipping directory %s", os.path.join(dirname, d)) dirnames.remove(d) break for filename in filenames: for sf in app.config["SEARCH_EXCLUDE_FILES"]: if re.fullmatch(sf, os.path.join(dirname, filename)) is not None: logging.debug("Skipping file %s", os.path.join(dirname, filename)) break else: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()[1:] in extensions: yield os.path.join(dirname, filename)
def replace_emoji(text, client): if text is None: return '' output = text symbols = re.findall(r'\{([A-Z0-9/]{1,3})\}', text) for symbol in symbols: name = symbol name = name.replace('/', '') if len(name) == 1: if re.fullmatch('[0-9]', name): name = '0' + name else: name = name + name emoji = find_emoji(name, client) if emoji is not None: output = output.replace('{' + symbol + '}', str(emoji)) return output
def get_ss(self): containers = self.get_containers() for container in containers['data']: # ???????? cmd = None if re.fullmatch(ss_image_name, container['attributes']['image_name']): cmd = re.fullmatch(re_pwd_encry, container['attributes']['cmd']) password = cmd.group('password') encryption = cmd.group('encryption') for ss in container['attributes']['port_mappings']: ss_dict = dict() ss_dict['ip'] = re.search(re_ss_ip, ss[0]['host']).group().replace('-', '.') ss_dict['port'] = ss[0]['service_port'] ss_dict['password'] = password ss_dict['encryption'] = encryption ss_dict['uri'] = generate_ss_uri(ss_dict) self.ss_set.append(ss_dict)
def retro(self, ctx, line_1: str, line_2: str = '', *, line_3: str = ''): """Credits: ReinaSakuraba (Reina#0277)""" if not re.fullmatch(r'[A-Za-z0-9 ]+', line_1): return await ctx.send('First line only supports alphanumerical characters.') data = { 'bcg': random.randint(1, 5), 'txt': random.randint(1, 4), 'text1': line_1, 'text2': line_2, 'text3': line_3, } async with ctx.session.post('https://photofunia.com/effects/retro-wave', data=data) as r: txt = await r.text() link = re.search(r'(https?.+?.jpg\?download)', txt) async with ctx.session.get(link.group(1)) as r: await ctx.send(file=discord.File(io.BytesIO(await r.read()), 'retro.jpg'))
def validate_user_name(ctx, param, value: str) -> str: """Validates if ``value`` is a correct user name. Parameters ---------- value : str Possible user name. Returns ------- value : str Valid user name. Raises ------ click.BadParameter If user name is not valid for unix systems. """ if re.fullmatch(r'^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{5,}', value): return value else: raise click.BadParameter( 'User names can only contain 0-9, a-z and _.')
def parse_user_name(user_name: str) -> str: """Checks if ``user_name`` is valid. Parameters ---------- user_name : str Possible user name. Returns ------- user_name : str Valid user name. Raises ------ click.BadParameter If user name is not valid. """ if re.fullmatch(r'^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{5,}', user_name): return user_name else: raise click.BadParameter( 'ERROR: Use at least six lower-case characters, ' 'digits and underscores.', param=user_name)
def parse_password(password: str) -> str: """Checks if ``password`` is suffiently strong. Parameters ---------- password : str Possible password. Returns ------- password : str Valid password. Raises: click.BadParameter If password is not sufficiently strong. """ if password in ['password', 'hallo123', 'admin']: raise click.BadParameter('ERROR: You are kidding, right?') elif re.fullmatch(r'[A-Za-z0-9]{{{},}}'.format(PASSWORD_LENGTH), password): return password else: raise click.BadParameter('ERROR: Use only alphanumeric characters.')
def parse_port(port: str) -> str: """Checks if port is valid. Parameters ---------- port : str Possible port name. Returns ------- port : str Valid port name Raises ------ click.BadParameter If ``port`` is not a four-digit number not starting with zero. """ if re.fullmatch(r'^[1-9][0-9]{,3}', port): return port else: raise click.BadParameter( 'ERROR: Use up to four digits not starting with zero.')
def parse_table_name(table_name: str) -> str: """Checks if ``table_name`` is a valid name for a PostgreSQL table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Possible table name. Returns ------- table_name : str Valid table name Raises ------ click.BadParameter If ``table_name`` is not valid for PSQL. """ if re.fullmatch(r'^[a-z][a-z_]{5,}', table_name): return table_name else: raise click.BadParameter( 'ERROR: Use only lower-case characters and underscores.')
def test_file_writer_decorator(call, call_init_kwargs, call_kwargs, dec_kwargs, exp, tmpdir): tmp_dec_kwargs = dict(dec_kwargs) tmp_dec_kwargs['filename'] = os.path.join('%s' % tmpdir, dec_kwargs['filename']) call = fuzzinator.call.FileWriterDecorator(**tmp_dec_kwargs)(call) if inspect.isclass(call): call = call(**call_init_kwargs) out = call(**call_kwargs) if out is not None: assert re.fullmatch(pattern=dec_kwargs['filename'].format(uid='.*'), string=out['filename']) is not None assert out['test'] == os.path.join('%s' % tmpdir, out['filename']) assert not os.path.exists(out['test']) del out['filename'] del out['test'] assert out == exp
def cli(ctx, url): """ Thumb-up issues, PRs, or comments thereon """ for u in url: m = re.fullmatch(r'(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?github\.com' r'/(?P<owner>[^/]+)' r'/(?P<repo>[^/]+)' r'/(?:issues|pull)' r'/(?P<issue>\d+)' r'(?:#issuecomment-(?P<comment>\d+))?', u) if not m: click.echo('{}: could not parse {!r}'.format(ctx.command_path, u), err=True) continue endpoint = ctx.obj.repos[m.group('owner')][m.group('repo')].issues if m.group('comment') is None: endpoint = endpoint[m.group('issue')].reactions else: endpoint = endpoint.comments[m.group('comment')].reactions endpoint.post(json={"content": "+1"})
def __init__(self, text: str, start_location: Location, end_location: Location): super().__init__(text, start_location, end_location) if self._clean_text.startswith('0b'): self._base = IntegerBase.base2 m = re.fullmatch(self._regex2, self._clean_text) elif self._clean_text.startswith('0o'): self._base = IntegerBase.base8 m = re.fullmatch(self._regex8, self._clean_text) elif self._clean_text.startswith('0x'): self._base = IntegerBase.base16 m = re.fullmatch(self._regex16, self._clean_text) else: self._base = IntegerBase.base10 m = re.fullmatch(self._regex10, self._clean_text) if m is None: raise SyntacticalError(self, 'Malformed {}'.format(self.short_name())) self._value = int(m.group(1), self._base.value) suffix = m.group(2) if suffix is not None: self._kind = IntegerKind(suffix) else: self._kind = IntegerKind.NONE
def GetColumnAsSnakeCase(self) -> str: """SQL column name to snake case. Returns: str: the column name from the SQL in snake case """ if re.fullmatch("[a-zA-Z0-9]*", self.sql_column): substitute_first_part = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', self.sql_column) substitute_second_part = re.sub( '([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', substitute_first_part).lower() return substitute_second_part else: return self.sql_column.lower()
def ExecuteQueryDetailed( self, query: str) -> sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: """Executes the SQL Query and gets detailed information. Args: query (str): The SQL Query to execute on the SQLite database. Returns: sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: The data to the Query """ query_data = sql_query_data.SQLQueryData( data=None, has_error=True, columns=None) if not re.fullmatch('[A-Za-z,.;*=_0-9 ]*', query): query_data.error_message = ('Warning: Don\'t use any characters beside' ' a-z A-Z 0-9 . ; , * = _') return query_data if query.lower()[query.lower().find(' from '):].find(' as ') != -1: query_data.error_message = ('Warning: ' 'Don\'t use any alias for a table name') return query_data data_from_executed_query = self._ExecuteQuery(query, True) if not data_from_executed_query.has_error: duplicate_names = self._type_helper.GetDuplicateColumnNames( data_from_executed_query.columns) if duplicate_names: duplicate_names_as_string = ' '.join(duplicate_names) data_from_executed_query.has_error = True data_from_executed_query.error_message = ( 'Please use an alias (AS) for ' 'those column names: {0}'.format(duplicate_names_as_string)) if not data_from_executed_query.has_error: data_from_executed_query.columns = ( self._type_helper.AddMissingTypesFromSchema( data_from_executed_query.columns, query)) return data_from_executed_query
def parse_float_value_from_text_stream(text, key): """Parse float value from the text. Go through all lines of the text file, find the line with given key and parse float value specified here. """ regexp = key + "\s*=\s*(\d.\d*)" for line in text.split("\n"): if line.startswith(key): # the key was found, now try to find and parse the float value match = re.fullmatch(regexp, line) assert match is not None assert match.lastindex == 1 return float(match.group(1))
def filter_pattern(values, pattern): for value in values: if not pattern or fullmatch(pattern, value): yield value
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> str: if name not in self.keys(): with _GLOBAL_LOCK: if re.fullmatch(_ALLOWED_NAME, name) is None: raise exceptions.BotoEra( ("Unacceptable API Method Name: {}, " "r\"^[a-z]([a-z\_]+)?$\" is expected.").format(name)) self[name] = name.strip().replace("_", "") return dict.__getitem__(self, name)
def get_tk_patchlevel(): global _tk_patchlevel if _tk_patchlevel is None: tcl = tkinter.Tcl() patchlevel = tcl.call('info', 'patchlevel') m = re.fullmatch(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)([ab.])(\d+)', patchlevel) major, minor, releaselevel, serial = m.groups() major, minor, serial = int(major), int(minor), int(serial) releaselevel = {'a': 'alpha', 'b': 'beta', '.': 'final'}[releaselevel] if releaselevel == 'final': _tk_patchlevel = major, minor, serial, releaselevel, 0 else: _tk_patchlevel = major, minor, 0, releaselevel, serial return _tk_patchlevel
def _parameters_valid(meetup_name, event_id): return re.fullmatch('[0-9a-zA-Z-]*', meetup_name) and re.fullmatch('[0-9]*', event_id)
def parse_log(self, logdir): logpath = self.find_log(logdir) if not logpath: return {} fh = open(logpath, "rt", encoding='cp437') try: stage_pattern = re.compile(r'^\S+\s+\S+\s+Texture stage #(\d+)\s.*\\([^\\]+)\\(Tex_\d+_\d+\.dds)\s*$') mesh_pattern = re.compile(r'^\S+\s+\S+\s+Mesh saved as:.*\\([^\\]+)\\(Mesh_\d+\.rip)\s*$') logtable = {} stage_accum = {} for line in fh: match = mesh_pattern.fullmatch(line) if match: subdir = match.group(1).lower() if subdir not in logtable: logtable[subdir] = {} logtable[subdir][match.group(2).lower()] = stage_accum stage_accum = {} else: match = stage_pattern.fullmatch(line) if match: stage_accum[int(match.group(1))] = match.group(3) return logtable finally: fh.close()
def check_mac_format(mac): if not re.fullmatch('([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', mac): return False return True
def _is_valid_fn_name(maybe_fn_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if this is a valid function name. """ return (re.fullmatch(_VALID_FN_NAME_RE, maybe_fn_name) is not None)
def ldh_convert_check(name): name_con = re.sub(r'[^-a-z0-9]', '-', name.lower()) logging.info("Converted \"{}\" to \"{}\" for" " TPR/CRD name".format(name, name_con)) if not re.fullmatch('[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?', name_con): logging.error("Cant create valid TPR/CRD name using " "\"{}\" - must match regex " "[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?".format(name_con)) exit(1) return name_con