Python re 模块,html() 实例源码


项目:jiveplot    作者:haavee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quote_split(s, splitchar=';'):
    rv = [""]
    inquote = False
    for i in xrange(len(s)):
        if not inquote and s[i]==splitchar:
            rv.append( "" )
        rv[-1] = rv[-1] + s[i]
        if s[i]=="'":
            inquote = not inquote
    return rv

## Return a compiled regex which matches the word-boundaried word 'x'
## See under the "\b"
## special matcher
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_html(self, html):
        When setting the html for this Google Document we do two

        1. We extract the content from the html. Using a regular
           expression we pull the meat of the document out of the body
           of the html, we also cut off the footer Google adds on

        2. We extract the various sections from the content of the
           document. Again using a regular expression, we look for h1,
           h2, ... tags to split the document up into sections. Note:
           it is important when you are writing your Google Document
           to use the heading text styles, so this code will split
           things correctly.
        self._html = html
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _construct_section_tree(self):
        For some weird reason Google Documents doesn't like nesting
        lists, so their table of contents requires a bunch of special
        formatting. Instead of trying to hack off what they provide
        us, we create a tree of sections based on each sections
        level. This tree will be used to construct the html for the
        table of contents.
        self._section_tree = TreeNode(Section(level=0))
        current_node = self._section_tree
        for section in self._sections:
            while section['level'] <= current_node.value['level']:
                current_node = current_node.parent
            while section['level'] > current_node.value['level'] + 1:
                empty_section = Section(level=current_node.value['level'] + 1)
                current_node = current_node.add_child(empty_section)
            assert section['level'] == current_node.value['level'] + 1
            current_node = current_node.add_child(section)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _navigation_list(self, node=None):
        Return an html representation of the table of contents for
        this document. This is done recursively adding on a list item
        for each element in the tree, and an unordered list if this
        node has children. I might want to double check that this html
        is the correct way to nest lists.
        if node is None:
            return self._navigation_list(self._section_tree)
        result = ""
        if 'title' in node.value and 'id' in node.value:
            result += '<li>%s</li>' % node.value.url()
        if len(node) > 0:
            result += "<ul>%s</ul>" % \
                "\n".join([self._navigation_list(child) for child in node])
        return result
项目:well-being-diary    作者:SunyataZero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_db_connection():
        if DbHelperM.__db_connection is None:
            DbHelperM.__db_connection = sqlite3.connect(wbd.wbd_global.get_database_filename())

            # Upgrading the database
            # Very good upgrade explanation:
            # More info here:
            current_db_ver_it = get_schema_version(DbHelperM.__db_connection)
            target_db_ver_it = max(upgrade_steps)
            for upgrade_step_it in range(current_db_ver_it + 1, target_db_ver_it + 1):
                if upgrade_step_it in upgrade_steps:
                    set_schema_version(DbHelperM.__db_connection, upgrade_step_it)

            # TODO: Where do we close the db connection? (Do we need to close it?)

        return DbHelperM.__db_connection
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_html(self, html):
        When setting the html for this Google Document we do two

        1. We extract the content from the html. Using a regular
           expression we pull the meat of the document out of the body
           of the html, we also cut off the footer Google adds on

        2. We extract the various sections from the content of the
           document. Again using a regular expression, we look for h1,
           h2, ... tags to split the document up into sections. Note:
           it is important when you are writing your Google Document
           to use the heading text styles, so this code will split
           things correctly.
        self._html = html
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _construct_section_tree(self):
        For some weird reason Google Documents doesn't like nesting
        lists, so their table of contents requires a bunch of special
        formatting. Instead of trying to hack off what they provide
        us, we create a tree of sections based on each sections
        level. This tree will be used to construct the html for the
        table of contents.
        self._section_tree = TreeNode(Section(level=0))
        current_node = self._section_tree
        for section in self._sections:
            while section['level'] <= current_node.value['level']:
                current_node = current_node.parent
            while section['level'] > current_node.value['level'] + 1:
                empty_section = Section(level=current_node.value['level'] + 1)
                current_node = current_node.add_child(empty_section)
            assert section['level'] == current_node.value['level'] + 1
            current_node = current_node.add_child(section)
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _navigation_list(self, node=None):
        Return an html representation of the table of contents for
        this document. This is done recursively adding on a list item
        for each element in the tree, and an unordered list if this
        node has children. I might want to double check that this html
        is the correct way to nest lists.
        if node is None:
            return self._navigation_list(self._section_tree)
        result = ""
        if 'title' in node.value and 'id' in node.value:
            result += '<li>%s</li>' % node.value.url()
        if len(node) > 0:
            result += "<ul>%s</ul>" % \
                "\n".join([self._navigation_list(child) for child in node])
        return result
项目:reframe    作者:eth-cscs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_found(patt, filename, msg=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Assert that regex pattern ``patt`` is found in the file ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
        Any :class:`OSError` raised while processing the file will be
        propagated as a :class:`reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError`.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :returns: ``True`` on success.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: if assertion fails.
    num_matches = count(finditer(patt, filename, encoding))
    except SanityError:
        error_msg = msg or "pattern `{0}' not found in `{1}'"
        raise SanityError(_format(error_msg, patt, filename))
        return True
项目:reframe    作者:eth-cscs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extractall(patt, filename, tag=0, conv=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Extract all values from the capturing group ``tag`` of a matching regex
    ``patt`` in the file ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :arg tag: The regex capturing group to be extracted.
        Group ``0`` refers always to the whole match.
        Since the file is processed line by line, this means that group ``0``
        returns the whole line that was matched.
    :arg conv: A callable that takes a single argument and returns a new value.
        If provided, it will be used to convert the extracted values before
        returning them.
    :returns: A list of the extracted values from the matched regex.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: In case of errors.
    return list(evaluate(x)
                for x in extractiter(patt, filename, tag, conv, encoding))
项目:jiveplot    作者:haavee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        return "the command '{0}' is unknown".format(self.msg)

## The command object will use a "line source" object which
## should expose (at least) the context protocol
## (
## and the iterator protocol
## (
## The ".run( <linesource> )" method uses the line source object
## as:
## <linesource> ):
##          with <linesource> as tmp:
##             for line in tmp:
##                execute( line )
## This allows the linesource object to create a context which
## will be automagically destroyed when the ".run()" is finished.
## The "readkbd" line source class uses this context to save &
## restore the current history [== Python interactive shell's history]
## and to restore and save the history of the command line environment,
## the application's interactive shell.
## This way the two histories remain nicely separated/unpolluted

## This is the base class implementing a push/pop of current history
## and push/pop of (temporary) alternative history. Classes which
## want their own readline history saved can derive from this one.
项目:sff    作者:nevarezs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        """Run module's code."""
        conversations = self._get_conversation_list()

        # Output
        title = "Conversation List"
        header = None
        output_format = self.get_option_value("OUTPUT_FORMAT").lower()
        if (output_format == "stdout"):
            print title
        elif (output_format == "html"):
            if (not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir)):
            output_prefix = self.get_option_value("OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_PREFIX")
            file_full_path = self.output_dir + "/" + output_prefix + ".html"
            print "Output saved to: " + file_full_path
        elif (output_format == "pdf"):
            if (not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir)):
            output_prefix = self.get_option_value("OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_PREFIX")
            file_full_path = self.output_dir + "/" + output_prefix + ".pdf"
            print "Output saved to: " + file_full_path
            print "Unsupported OUTPUT_FORMAT"

    # ***************************************************************
    # HELPER methods
    # ***************************************************************
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_html(self):
        return render_to_string('section.html', self)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _extract_sections(self):
        Here is an example of what a section header looks like in the
        html of a Google Document:

        <h3 class="c1"><a name="h.699ffpepx6zs"></a><span>Hello World

        We split the content of the Google Document up using a regular
        expression that matches the above header. re.split is a pretty
        cool function if you haven't tried it before. It puts the
        matching groups into the list as well as the content between
        the matches. Check it out here:

        One big thing we do in this method is replace the ugly section
        id that Google creates with a nicely slugified version of the
        section title. This makes for pretty urls.
        self._sections = []
        header = r'<h(?P<level>\d) class="[^"]+">' \
            r'<a name="(?P<id>[^"]+)"></a>'      \
            r'<span>(?P<title>[^<]+)</span>'     \
        l = re.split(header, self._content)
        while l:
            section = Section(
                # hack: cause we started with h3 in google docs
                level=int(l.pop(0)) - 2,
            section['id'] = slugify(section['title'])
            if section['level'] >= 1:
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_html(self):
        Return a cleaned up HTML representation of this Google
        return render_to_string('google_doc.html', {
            'nav': self._navigation_html(),
            'content': '\n'.join([s.to_html() for s in self._sections])})
项目:dinant    作者:StyXman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def any_of(s):
    """s must be in the right format.
    See ."""
    return wrap('[', Dinant(s, escape=False), ']')

# another helper function
项目:ox    作者:fabiommendes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simple_lexer(rules):
    A very simple lexer factory based on a recipe on Python's regex module.

    # This is a simplified version of the techique described at

    regex = '|'.join(r'(?P<%s>%s)' % item for item in rules)
    regex += r'|(?P<whitespace>\s+)|(?P<error>.+)'
    regex = re.compile(regex)

    def lexer(expr):
        for match in re.finditer(regex, expr):
            typ = match.lastgroup
            value =

            if typ == 'whitespace':
            elif typ == 'error':
                raise SyntaxError('invalid value: %r' % value)

            yield Token(typ, value)

    lexer.which = 'simple'
    return lexer
项目:well-being-diary    作者:SunyataZero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_tags_or_friends(i_special_char_str: str) -> list:
        ret_tag_tuple_list_list = []
        # ret_tag_tuple_list_list: [("#tag1", [id1, id2, ___]), ("#tag2", [id1, id3, ___]), ___]
        db_connection = DbHelperM.get_db_connection()
        db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()
        db_cursor_result = db_cursor.execute(
            "SELECT * FROM " +
            + " WHERE " + DbSchemaM.DiaryEntryTable.Cols.diary_entry
            + " LIKE " + '"%' + i_special_char_str + '%"'
        # -
        diary_db_te_list = db_cursor_result.fetchall()
        for diary_db_te in diary_db_te_list:
            diary_entry = DiaryEntryM(*diary_db_te)
            string_with_hashtag_str = diary_entry.diary_text
            t_diary_id_int =
            regexp_pattern_obj = re.compile("\\" + i_special_char_str + r"\w+")
            # Please note: we need to escape the caret ("^") character becase this is a
            # special character ("literal")
            regexp_search_result_list = regexp_pattern_obj.findall(string_with_hashtag_str)

            for t_re_tag_str in regexp_search_result_list:
                # -regexp_search_result_list: ["#tag1", "#tag2", ___]
                flag_boolean = False
                for (t_ret_tag_str, t_ret_diary_id_list) in ret_tag_tuple_list_list:
                    if t_re_tag_str == t_ret_tag_str:
                        flag_boolean = True
                if flag_boolean:
                    ret_tag_tuple_list_list.append((t_re_tag_str, [t_diary_id_int]))


        # TODO: Removing duplicates

        return ret_tag_tuple_list_list
项目:lehrex    作者:lkluft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_mpl_date(dates, fmt='%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'):
    """Convert date strings into matplotlib time format.

        dates (ndarray): Array containing date strings.
        fmt (str): Date string format [0].


        np.array: Matplotlib time values.
    return np.array([strpdate2num(fmt)(d) for d in dates])
项目:lehrex    作者:lkluft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_profile(filename, var_regex=None, var_key='PROFILE', **kwargs):
    """Read scattering coefficients from CSV file.

        filename (str): Path to CSV file.
        var_regex (str): Python regular expression [0] matching
            the variable name of the profile.
        var_key (str): Dictionary key for extracted profile.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `read`.


        dict: Dictionary containing the data arrays and the stacked profile.
    profile_key = var_key + '_Z'

    output = read(filename, **kwargs)

    p = re.compile(var_regex)

    var_names = [var for var in output.keys() if p.match(var)]

    profile = np.vstack([output[v] for v in var_names])

    z = [float(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', v)) for v in var_names]

    # Extract height information from variable name.
    output[var_key] =
    output[profile_key] = np.array(z)

    return output
项目:lehrex    作者:lkluft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_scat(filename, var_regex='CLB_B\d{5}', var_key='CLB_MATRIX',
    """Read scattering coefficients from CSV file.

        filename (str): Path to CSV file.
        var_regex (str): Python regular expression [0] matching
            the variable name of the profile.
        var_key (str): Dictionary key for extracted profile.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `read_profile`.


        ndarray, ndarray: scattering coefficient, height levels
    output = read_profile(

    back_scat = output[var_key]
    back_scat =, 0)

    output[var_key] = back_scat

    return output
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_html(self):
        return render_to_string('section.html', self)
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _extract_sections(self):
        Here is an example of what a section header looks like in the
        html of a Google Document:

        <h3 class="c1"><a name="h.699ffpepx6zs"></a><span>Hello World

        We split the content of the Google Document up using a regular
        expression that matches the above header. re.split is a pretty
        cool function if you haven't tried it before. It puts the
        matching groups into the list as well as the content between
        the matches. Check it out here:

        One big thing we do in this method is replace the ugly section
        id that Google creates with a nicely slugified version of the
        section title. This makes for pretty urls.
        self._sections = []
        header = r'<h(?P<level>\d) class="[^"]+">' \
            r'<a name="(?P<id>[^"]+)"></a>'      \
            r'<span>(?P<title>[^<]+)</span>'     \
        l = re.split(header, self._content)
        while l:
            section = Section(
                # hack: cause we started with h3 in google docs
                level=int(l.pop(0)) - 2,
            section['id'] = slugify(section['title'])
            if section['level'] >= 1:
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_html(self):
        Return a cleaned up HTML representation of this Google
        return render_to_string('google_doc.html', {
            'nav': self._navigation_html(),
            'content': '\n'.join([s.to_html() for s in self._sections])})
项目:typped    作者:abarker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _convert_simple_pattern(self, regex_string): # EXPERIMENTAL
    """This is EXPERIMENTAL: Consider option to recognize "simple" patterns and
    automatically put them in the trie, otherwise use Python matcher.

    Convet a simple pattern to a form that can be inserted into a
    `RegexTrieDict`, if possible.  Returns `None` if the pattern is too
    complicated.  Simple pattern is essentially defined by what this routine
    is implemented to do (and a `RegexTrieDict` can/should do)"""
    return None
    # TODO the immediate below seems to work for some very simple patterns.

    simple_regex_patt = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$", re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE)
    match = simple_regex_patt.match(regex_string)
    if match is None: return None
    return regex_string # No processing needed for very simple.


    # Note negative lookbehind assertion (?<!\\) for escape before
    # the strings which start Python regex special chars.
    non_simple_regex_contains = \
                    ( (?<!\\)[.^$*+?{[|(] )+ # Start of special char.
                |   ( [\\][ABdDsSwWZ] )+     # Python regex escape.
    compiled_non_simple_regex_contains = re.compile(
                              non_simple_regex_contains, re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE)
    def is_simple_pattern(regex_string):
        # Could be single-char in brackets!
        match_object =
        #matched_string = regex_string[match_object.start():match_object.end()]
        #print(" substring", matched_string)
        return not bool(match_object)
    #if is_simple_pattern(regex_string):
    #    print("simple pattern", regex_string)
    #    print("non-simple pattern", regex_string)
项目:reframe    作者:eth-cscs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findall(patt, filename, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Get all matches of regex ``patt`` in ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :returns: A list of raw `regex match objects
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: In case an :class:`OSError` is
        raised while processing ``filename``.
    return list(evaluate(x) for x in finditer(patt, filename, encoding))
项目:h4h_2017    作者:flyrightsister    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_phone(phone_num):
    """Takes a phone number in a variety of formats and returns 10 digits.

        phone_num: string containing a phone number, in one of these formats: 
            (555) 555-5555

        string of 10 digits (neglecting errors for now), or None if error.

    Examples / doctests:

        >>> print parse_phone("(555) 555-5555")

        >>> print parse_phone("(555)555-5555")

        >>> print parse_phone("555-555-5555")

        >>> print parse_phone("555555-5555")

        >>> print parse_phone("(555) 555-55555")


    # a somewhat obscure regular expression to get the data out of the phone
    # number in various formats. (see for more details on 
    # -- and a sandbox for -- regular expressions.)
    matches = re.match(r'^\(?(\d{3})\)?[\s\-]?(\d{3})-?(\d{4})$', phone_num)

    if not matches: 
        # the phone number wasn't in one of the acceptable formats
        return None

    # get the data from the regular expression
    # for more details, see 
    area_code =
    exchange =
    other_part =
    return "{}{}{}".format(area_code, exchange, other_part)
项目:fbpic    作者:fbpic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_ionization_energies( element ):
    Read the ionization energies from a data file

    element: string
        The atomic symbol of the considered ionizable species
        (e.g. 'He', 'N' ;  do not use 'Helium' or 'Nitrogen')

    An array with one array element per ionization state, containing the
    ionization energy in Joules.
    # Open and read the file atomic_data.txt
    filename = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'atomic_data.txt' )
    with open(filename) as f:
        text_data =
    # Parse the data using regular expressions (a.k.a. regex)
    # (see
    # The regex command below parses lines of the type
    # '\n     10 | Ne IV         |         +3 |           [97.1900]'
    # and only considers those for which the element (Ne in the above example)
    # matches the element which is passed as argument of this function
    # For each line that satisfies this requirement, it extracts a tuple with
    # - the atomic number (represented as (\d+))
    # - the ionization level (represented as the second (\d+))
    # - the ionization energy (represented as (\d+\.*\d*))
    regex_command = \
        '\n\s+(\d+)\s+\|\s+%s\s+\w+\s+\|\s+\+*(\d+)\s+\|\s+\(*\[*(\d+\.*\d*)' \
    list_of_tuples = re.findall( regex_command, text_data )
    # Return None if the requested element was not found
    if list_of_tuples == []:
    # Go through the list of tuples and fill the array of ionization energies.
    atomic_number = int( list_of_tuples[0][0] )
    assert atomic_number > 0
    energies = np.zeros( atomic_number )
    for ion_level in range( atomic_number ):
        # Check that, when reading the file,
        # we obtained the correct ionization level
        assert ion_level == int( list_of_tuples[ion_level][1] )
        # Get the ionization energy and convert in Joules using e
        energies[ ion_level ] = e * float( list_of_tuples[ion_level][2] )

    return( energies )
项目:well-being-diary    作者:SunyataZero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initial_schema_and_setup(i_db_conn):
    """Auto-increment is not needed in our case:
        "CREATE TABLE " + + "("
        + + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.sort_order + " INTEGER NOT NULL, "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.title + " TEXT NOT NULL, "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.question + " TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.archived + " INTEGER DEFAULT " + str(SQLITE_FALSE)
        + ")"

        "INSERT INTO " + + "("
        + + ", "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.sort_order + ", "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.title + ", "
        + DbSchemaM.QuestionTable.Cols.question
        + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (wbd.wbd_global.NO_ACTIVE_QUESTION_INT, -1, "<i>no question</i>", "")

        "CREATE TABLE " + + "("
        + + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
        + DbSchemaM.DiaryEntryTable.Cols.date_added + " INTEGER, "
        + DbSchemaM.DiaryEntryTable.Cols.favorite + " INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '"
        + str(SQLITE_FALSE) + "', "
        + DbSchemaM.DiaryEntryTable.Cols.diary_entry + " TEXT, "
        + DbSchemaM.DiaryEntryTable.Cols.question_ref
        + " INTEGER REFERENCES " +
        + "(" + + ")"
        + " NOT NULL DEFAULT '" + str(wbd.wbd_global.NO_ACTIVE_QUESTION_INT) + "'"
        + ")"

    # + " NOT NULL DEFAULT '" + str(wbd.bwbglobal.NO_ACTIVE_QUESTION_INT) + "'"

        "CREATE INDEX " + + "("
        + ")"

        "CREATE TABLE " + + "("
        + + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
        + DbSchemaM.ReminderTable.Cols.title + " TEXT DEFAULT '', "
        + DbSchemaM.ReminderTable.Cols.reminder + " TEXT DEFAULT ''"
        + ")"

    if wbd.wbd_global.testing_bool:
项目:funcmap    作者:AKuederle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map(self, regex):
        """Decorate a function to map it to a regex expression.

        Decorator that allows to map a Python function to a regex expression provided as argument. The regex expression
        is parsed using the 're' module ( Therefore, all regex syntax that
        this module supports is also supported by this regex matcher. To encapsulate arguments for the function in the
        regex expression use named capture groups (see examples).

        Inspired by the URL mapping of the Flask microframework (

            regex: An Python raw string (r'I am a raw string') that can be interpreted as regular expression

            func: The input function without modfication

            The simplest case just maps a function to a name:

                >>> mapper = FuncMapper()
                >>>'a name')
                ... def my_func():
                ...    return 'I, my_func, have been called'
                >>> mapper('a name')
                'I, my_func, have been called'

            But you can also use variables by adding regex capture groups:
            (Note: Only named match groups are supported!)

                >>> mapper = FuncMapper()
                ... def adder(first, second):
                ...    return '{} + {} = {}'.format(first, second, int(first) + int(second))
                >>> mapper('3+5')
                '3 + 5 = 8'

        def wrapper(f):
            self._mapped_functions[regex] = f
            compiled_regex = re.compile(regex)
            if compiled_regex.groups > 0 and len(compiled_regex.groupindex) < compiled_regex.groups:
                raise NotSupportedError("Only named matched groups are Supported!")
            self._mapped_regex[regex] = compiled_regex
            return f

        return wrapper