def _get_service_names(self): """ Get a list of service names from Sentinel. Tries Sentinel hosts until one succeeds; if none succeed, raises a ConnectionError. :return: the list of service names from Sentinel. """ master_info = None connection_errors = [] for sentinel in self._sentinel.sentinels: # Unfortunately, redis.sentinel.Sentinel does not support sentinel_masters, so we have to step # through all of its connections manually try: master_info = sentinel.sentinel_masters() break except (redis.ConnectionError, redis.TimeoutError) as e: connection_errors.append('Failed to connect to {} due to error: "{}".'.format(sentinel, e)) continue if master_info is None: raise redis.ConnectionError( 'Could not get master info from Sentinel\n{}:'.format('\n'.join(connection_errors)) ) return list(master_info.keys())
def _get_connection(self, index=None): if index is None: index = self._get_random_index() if not 0 <= index < self._ring_size: raise ValueError( 'There are only {count} hosts, but you asked for connection {index}.'.format( count=self._ring_size, index=index, ) ) for i in range(self._sentinel_failover_retries + 1): try: return self._get_master_client_for(self._services[index]) except redis.sentinel.MasterNotFoundError: self.reset_clients() # make sure we reach out to get master info again on next call if i == self._sentinel_failover_retries: raise CannotGetConnectionError('Master not found; gave up reloading master info after failover.') self._get_counter('backend.sentinel.master_not_found_retry').increment() time.sleep((2 ** i + random.random()) / 4.0)
def _get_service_names(self): """ Get a list of service names from Sentinel. Tries Sentinel hosts until one succeeds; if none succeed, raises a ConnectionError. """ master_info = None connection_errors = [] for sentinel in self._sentinel.sentinels: # Unfortunately, redis.sentinel.Sentinel does not support sentinel_masters, so we have to step # through all of its connections manually try: master_info = sentinel.sentinel_masters() break except (redis.ConnectionError, redis.TimeoutError) as e: connection_errors.append("Failed to connect to {}: {}".format(sentinel, e)) continue if master_info is None: raise redis.ConnectionError( "Could not get master info from sentinel\n{}.".format("\n".join(connection_errors))) return list(master_info.keys()) ### Connection handling ####
def __init__( self, hosts=None, connection_kwargs=None, sentinel_services=None, sentinel_refresh_interval=0, # noqa TODO Unused; remove this after all settings have been changed sentinel_failover_retries=0, ): # Master client caching self._master_clients = {} # Master failover behavior assert sentinel_failover_retries >= 0 self._sentinel_failover_retries = sentinel_failover_retries self._sentinel = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(self._setup_hosts(hosts), **(connection_kwargs or {})) if sentinel_services: self._validate_service_names(sentinel_services) self._services = sentinel_services else: self._services = self._get_service_names() self._ring_size = len(self._services) self._connection_index_generator = itertools.cycle(range(self._ring_size)) self.metrics_counter_getter = None super(SentinelRedisClient, self).__init__(ring_size=len(self._services))
def _get_master_client_for(self, service_name): if service_name not in self._master_clients: self._get_counter('backend.sentinel.populate_master_client').increment() self._master_clients[service_name] = self._sentinel.master_for(service_name) return self._master_clients[service_name]
def sentinel_exists(): if not SENTINEL_HOSTS: return False sen = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(SENTINEL_HOSTS) try: sen.discover_master(SERVICE_NAMES[0]) except MasterNotFoundError: return False return True # Default conformance tests
def _setup_hosts(self, hosts): # Override to only accept tuples, since the redis.sentinel.Sentinel does not accept URLs if not hosts: hosts = [("localhost", 26379)] final_hosts = list() if isinstance(hosts, six.string_types): # user accidentally used one host string instead of providing a list of hosts raise ValueError("ASGI Redis hosts must be specified as an iterable list of hosts.") for entry in hosts: if isinstance(entry, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Sentinel Redis host entries must be specified as tuples, not strings.") else: final_hosts.append(entry) return final_hosts