def gather_stage(harvester, job): '''Calls the harvester's gather_stage, returning harvest object ids, with some error handling. This is split off from gather_callback so that tests can call it without dealing with queue stuff. ''' job.gather_started = datetime.datetime.utcnow() try: harvest_object_ids = harvester.gather_stage(job) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): harvest_objects = model.Session.query(HarvestObject).filter_by( harvest_job_id=job.id ) for harvest_object in harvest_objects: model.Session.delete(harvest_object) model.Session.commit() raise finally: job.gather_finished = datetime.datetime.utcnow() job.save() return harvest_object_ids
def kick(m): if m.from_user.id == 223404066: redis.delete('banlist') bot.send_message(m.chat.id, '<code>Cleaned :(</code>',parse_mode='HTML') #################################################################################################################################################################################################
def resubmit_jobs(): ''' Examines the fetch and gather queues for items that are suspiciously old. These are removed from the queues and placed back on them afresh, to ensure the fetch & gather consumers are triggered to process it. ''' if config.get('ckan.harvest.mq.type') != 'redis': return redis = get_connection() # fetch queue harvest_object_pending = redis.keys(get_fetch_routing_key() + ':*') for key in harvest_object_pending: date_of_key = datetime.datetime.strptime(redis.get(key), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") # 3 minutes for fetch and import max if (datetime.datetime.now() - date_of_key).seconds > 180: redis.rpush(get_fetch_routing_key(), json.dumps({'harvest_object_id': key.split(':')[-1]}) ) redis.delete(key) # gather queue harvest_jobs_pending = redis.keys(get_gather_routing_key() + ':*') for key in harvest_jobs_pending: date_of_key = datetime.datetime.strptime(redis.get(key), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") # 3 hours for a gather if (datetime.datetime.now() - date_of_key).seconds > 7200: redis.rpush(get_gather_routing_key(), json.dumps({'harvest_job_id': key.split(':')[-1]}) ) redis.delete(key)
def basic_ack(self, message): self.redis.delete(self.persistance_key(message))
def del_all(redis=r): keys = redis.keys('*') for k in keys: print 'Deleting:', k, 'result is', redis.delete(k)
def _clean_up_entries_from_shard(self, object_ids, task_ids, shard_index): redis = self.state.redis_clients[shard_index] # Clean up (in the future, save) entries for non-empty objects. object_ids_locs = set() object_ids_infos = set() for object_id in object_ids: # OL. obj_loc = redis.zrange(OBJECT_LOCATION_PREFIX + object_id, 0, -1) if obj_loc: object_ids_locs.add(object_id) # OI. obj_info = redis.hgetall(OBJECT_INFO_PREFIX + object_id) if obj_info: object_ids_infos.add(object_id) # Form the redis keys to delete. keys = [TASK_TABLE_PREFIX + k for k in task_ids] keys.extend([OBJECT_LOCATION_PREFIX + k for k in object_ids_locs]) keys.extend([OBJECT_INFO_PREFIX + k for k in object_ids_infos]) if not keys: return # Remove with best effort. num_deleted = redis.delete(*keys) log.info( "Removed {} dead redis entries of the driver from redis shard {}.". format(num_deleted, shard_index)) if num_deleted != len(keys): log.warning( "Failed to remove {} relevant redis entries" " from redis shard {}.".format(len(keys) - num_deleted))
def _entries_for_driver_in_shard(self, driver_id, redis_shard_index): """Collect IDs of control-state entries for a driver from a shard. Args: driver_id: The ID of the driver. redis_shard_index: The index of the Redis shard to query. Returns: Lists of IDs: (returned_object_ids, task_ids, put_objects). The first two are relevant to the driver and are safe to delete. The last contains all "put" objects in this redis shard; each element is an (object_id, corresponding task_id) pair. """ # TODO(zongheng): consider adding save & restore functionalities. redis = self.state.redis_clients[redis_shard_index] task_table_infos = {} # task id -> TaskInfo messages # Scan the task table & filter to get the list of tasks belong to this # driver. Use a cursor in order not to block the redis shards. for key in redis.scan_iter(match=TASK_TABLE_PREFIX + b"*"): entry = redis.hgetall(key) task_info = TaskInfo.GetRootAsTaskInfo(entry[b"TaskSpec"], 0) if driver_id != task_info.DriverId(): # Ignore tasks that aren't from this driver. continue task_table_infos[task_info.TaskId()] = task_info # Get the list of objects returned by these tasks. Note these might # not belong to this redis shard. returned_object_ids = [] for task_info in task_table_infos.values(): returned_object_ids.extend([ task_info.Returns(i) for i in range(task_info.ReturnsLength()) ]) # Also record all the ray.put()'d objects. put_objects = [] for key in redis.scan_iter(match=OBJECT_INFO_PREFIX + b"*"): entry = redis.hgetall(key) if entry[b"is_put"] == "0": continue object_id = key.split(OBJECT_INFO_PREFIX)[1] task_id = entry[b"task"] put_objects.append((object_id, task_id)) return returned_object_ids, task_table_infos.keys(), put_objects
def travis(): signature = base64.b64decode(request.headers.get('Signature')) try: public_key = _get_travis_public_key() except requests.Timeout: print("Timed out when attempting to retrieve Travis CI public key") abort(500) except requests.RequestException as e: print("Failed to retrieve Travis CI public key") abort(500) try: check_authorized(signature, public_key, request.form["payload"]) except SignatureError: abort(401) data = json.loads(request.form["payload"]) repo = data["repository"]["owner_name"] + "/" + data["repository"]["name"] build_number = data["id"] sha = data["commit"] if data["type"] == "pull_request": sha = data["head_commit"] tag = None if data["type"] == "push" and data["tag"] != None: tag = data["tag"] print(data) key = sha if tag is not None: key = tag upload_lock = "upload-lock:" + sha if data["state"] in ("started", ): print("travis started", key) # Handle pulls differently. if data["pull_request"]: load_code.delay(repo, "pull/" + str(data["pull_request_number"]) + "/head") elif data["tag"]: load_code.delay(repo, "refs/tags/" + tag) else: load_code.delay(repo, "refs/heads/" + data["branch"]) redis.setex(upload_lock, 20 * 60, "locked") set_status(repo, sha, "pending", data["build_url"], "Waiting on Travis to complete.") elif data["state"] in ("passed", "failed"): print("travis finished") key = repo + "/" + key set_status(repo, sha, "pending", "https://rosie-ci.ngrok.io/log/" + key, "Queueing Rosie test.") redis.delete(upload_lock) test_commit(repo, sha, tag) elif data["state"] is ("cancelled", ): print("travis cancelled") redis.delete(upload_lock) set_status(repo, sha, "error", data["build_url"], "Travis cancelled.") elif data["status"] is None: set_status(repo, sha, "error", data["build_url"], "Travis error.") else: print("unhandled state:", data["state"]) print(data) return jsonify({'status': 'received'})