def add_header(self): # # aiddata logo # logo = self.assets_dir + '/templates/aid_data.png' # im = Image(logo, 2.188*inch, 0.5*inch) # im.hAlign = 'LEFT' # self.Story.append(im) # self.Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.25*inch)) # title ptext = '<font size=20>AidData GeoQuery Request Documentation</font>' self.Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, self.styles['Center'])) # report generation info
def tabla_encabezado(self,valorizado): sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=14, fontName="Times-Roman") try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50, hAlign='LEFT') except: imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) if valorizado: titulo = Paragraph(u"REGISTRO DEL INVENTARIO PERMANENTE VALORIZADO", sp) else: titulo = Paragraph(u"REGISTRO DEL INVENTARIO PERMANENTE EN UNIDADES FÍSICAS", sp) encabezado = [[imagen,titulo]] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado, colWidths=[2 * cm, 23 * cm]) return tabla_encabezado
def tabla_encabezado(self, styles): sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=14, fontName="Times-Roman") requerimiento = self.requerimiento try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50, hAlign='LEFT') except: print u"Ingresa acá " imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) nro = Paragraph(u"REQUERIMIENTO DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS<br/>N°" + requerimiento.codigo, sp) encabezado = [[imagen, nro, '']] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado, colWidths=[4 * cm, 11 * cm, 4 * cm]) tabla_encabezado.setStyle(TableStyle( [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (1, 0), 'CENTER'), ] )) return tabla_encabezado
def scale_image(fileish, width: int) -> Image: """ scales image with given width. fileish may be file or path """ img = utils.ImageReader(fileish) orig_width, height = img.getSize() aspect = height / orig_width return Image(fileish, width=width, height=width * aspect)
def create_logo(self, absolute_path): image = Image(absolute_path) image._restrictSize(2.5 * inch, 2.5 * inch) return image
def _header_footer(self, canvas, doc): # Save the state of our canvas so we can draw on it canvas.saveState() styles = getSampleStyleSheet() style_right = ParagraphStyle(name='right', parent=styles['Normal'], fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=10, alignment=TA_RIGHT) # Header fieldsight_logo = Image('http://' + self.base_url +'/static/images/fs1.jpg') fieldsight_logo._restrictSize(1.5 * inch, 1.5 * inch) # headerleft = Paragraph("FieldSight", styles['Normal']) headerright = Paragraph(self.project_name, style_right) # w1, h1 = headerleft.wrap(doc.width, doc.topMargin) w2, h2 = headerright.wrap(doc.width, doc.topMargin) textWidth = stringWidth(self.project_name, fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=10) fieldsight_logo.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, doc.height + doc.topMargin + 12) headerright.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, doc.height + doc.topMargin + 20) project_logo = Image('http://' + self.base_url + self.project_logo) project_logo._restrictSize(0.4 * inch, 0.4 * inch) project_logo.drawOn(canvas, headerright.width + doc.leftMargin -0.5 * inch - textWidth, doc.height + doc.topMargin + 10) # header.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin + doc.width, doc.height + doc.topMargin +20) # Footer footer = Paragraph('Page no. '+str(canvas._pageNumber), style_right) w, h = footer.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) footer.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h + 40) # Release the canvas canvas.restoreState()
def tabla_encabezado(self, styles): orden_compra = self.orden_compra sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment = TA_CENTER, fontSize = 14, fontName="Times-Roman") try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50,hAlign='LEFT') except: imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) nro = Paragraph(u"ORDEN DE COMPRA", sp) ruc = Paragraph("R.U.C."+EMPRESA.ruc, sp) encabezado = [[imagen,nro,ruc],['',u"N°"+orden_compra.codigo,EMPRESA.distrito + " " + orden_compra.fecha.strftime('%d de %b de %Y')]] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado,colWidths=[4 * cm, 9 * cm, 6 * cm]) tabla_encabezado.setStyle(TableStyle( [ ('ALIGN',(0,0),(2,1),'CENTER'), ('VALIGN',(0,0),(2,0),'CENTER'), ('VALIGN',(1,1),(2,1),'TOP'), ('SPAN',(0,0),(0,1)), ] )) return tabla_encabezado
def obtener_firma(self, firma_trabajador): p = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=8, fontName="Times-Roman") if firma_trabajador != '': archivo_firma = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(firma_trabajador)) firma = Image(archivo_firma, width=90, height=50, hAlign='CENTER') else: firma = Paragraph(u"Firma No Encontrada", p) return firma
def tabla_encabezado(self, styles): movimiento = self.movimiento sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment = TA_CENTER, fontSize = 14, fontName="Times-Roman") try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50,hAlign='LEFT') except: imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) if movimiento.tipo_movimiento.incrementa: nota = Paragraph(u"NOTA DE INGRESO N°", sp) else: nota = Paragraph(u"NOTA DE SALIDA N°", sp) id_movimiento = Paragraph(movimiento.id_movimiento, sp) fecha = Paragraph("FECHA: "+movimiento.fecha_operacion.strftime('%d/%m/%y'), sp) encabezado = [[imagen,nota,fecha], ['',id_movimiento,''] ] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado,colWidths=[4 * cm, 9 * cm, 6 * cm]) tabla_encabezado.setStyle(TableStyle( [ ('VALIGN',(0,0),(2,0),'CENTER'), ('VALIGN',(1,1),(2,1),'TOP'), ('SPAN',(0,0),(0,1)), ] )) return tabla_encabezado
def _header_footer(self, canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=14, fontName="Times-Roman") try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50, hAlign='LEFT') except: imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) ruc_empresa = "RUC: " + EMPRESA.ruc if self.grupos: titulo = Paragraph(u"RESUMEN MENSUAL DE ALMACÉN POR GRUPOS Y CUENTAS", sp) else: titulo = Paragraph(u"RESUMEN MENSUAL DE ALMACÉN", sp) periodo = "PERIODO: " + self.desde.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') + ' - ' + self.hasta.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') pagina = u"Página " + str(doc.page) + " de " + str(self.total_paginas) encabezado = [[imagen, titulo, pagina],[ruc_empresa,periodo,""]] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado, colWidths=[3 * cm, 20 * cm, 3 * cm]) style = TableStyle( [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ] ) tabla_encabezado.setStyle(style) tabla_encabezado.wrapOn(canvas, 50, 510) tabla_encabezado.drawOn(canvas, 50, 510) canvas.restoreState()
def _header(self, canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() sp = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=14, fontName="Times-Roman") try: archivo_imagen = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(EMPRESA.logo)) imagen = Image(archivo_imagen, width=90, height=50, hAlign='LEFT') except: imagen = Paragraph(u"LOGO", sp) ruc_empresa = "RUC: " + EMPRESA.ruc if self.valorizado: titulo = Paragraph(u"REGISTRO DEL INVENTARIO PERMANENTE VALORIZADO", sp) else: titulo = Paragraph(u"REGISTRO DEL INVENTARIO PERMANENTE EN UNIDADES FÍSICAS",sp) pagina = u"Página " + str(doc.page) + " de " + str(self.total_paginas) encabezado = [[imagen, titulo, pagina], [ruc_empresa, "", ""]] tabla_encabezado = Table(encabezado, colWidths=[3 * cm, 20 * cm, 3 * cm]) style = TableStyle( [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ] ) tabla_encabezado.setStyle(style) tabla_encabezado.wrapOn(canvas, 50, 510) tabla_encabezado.drawOn(canvas, 50, 510) canvas.restoreState()
def draw(self): self.canv.saveState() self.canv.translate(20,-5)# 23,-10 self.canv.rotate(90) Paragraph.draw(self) self.canv.restoreState() #I = Image('Resources/BS.jpeg') #I.drawHeight =1*inch
def get_template(self, template_file, url): formatted_time = time.ctime() company = self.application.config['mailer.company_name'] sender = self.application.config['mailer.source_email_alias'] story = [] click_me = saxutils.escape(self.config['link_text']) link = '<font color=blue><link href="' + url + '">' + click_me + '</link></font>' logo_path = self.config['logo'] if logo_path: img = platypus.Image(logo_path, 2 * inch, inch) story.append(img) style_sheet = styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style_sheet.add(styles.ParagraphStyle(name='Justify', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)) ptext = '<font size=10>' + formatted_time + '</font>' story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 12)) story.append(platypus.Paragraph(ptext, style_sheet['Normal'])) story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 12)) with open(template_file, 'r') as file_h: for line in file_h: story.append(platypus.Paragraph(line, style_sheet['Normal'])) story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 8)) story.append(platypus.Paragraph(link, style_sheet['Justify'])) story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 12)) ptext = '<font size=10>Sincerely,</font>' story.append(platypus.Paragraph(ptext, style_sheet['Normal'])) story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 12)) ptext = '<font size=10>' + sender + '</font>' story.append(platypus.Paragraph(ptext, style_sheet['Normal'])) story.append(platypus.Spacer(1, 12)) ptext = '<font size=10>' + company + '</font>' story.append(platypus.Paragraph(ptext, style_sheet['Normal'])) return story
def generatePdf(transductor_id): import time from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer, Image from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib.units import inch doc = SimpleDocTemplate("src/report/static/Relatorio"+transductor_id+".pdf", pagesize=letter, rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, topMargin=72, bottomMargin=18) Story = [] logo = "src/report/static/currentGraphic"+transductor_id+".png" logo2 = "src/report/static/voltageGraphic"+transductor_id+".png" logo3 = "src/report/static/activePowerGraphic"+transductor_id+".png" logo4 = "src/report/static/reactivePowerGraphic"+transductor_id+".png" logo5 = "src/report/static/apparentPowerGraphic"+transductor_id+".png" magName = "Pythonista" issueNum = 12 subPrice = "99.00" limitedDate = "03/05/2010" freeGift = "tin foil hat" formatted_time = time.ctime() full_name = "SME-UnB" address_parts = ["Campus Universitario UnB", "Brasilia-DF, 70910-900"] im = Image(logo, 8 * inch, 5 * inch) im2 = Image(logo2, 8 * inch, 5 * inch) im3 = Image(logo3, 8 * inch, 5 * inch) im4 = Image(logo4, 8 * inch, 5 * inch) im5 = Image(logo5, 8 * inch, 5 * inch) Story.append(im) Story.append(im2) Story.append(im3) Story.append(im4) Story.append(im5) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Justify', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)) ptext = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % formatted_time Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"])) Story.append(Spacer(1, 12)) ptext = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % full_name Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"])) for part in address_parts: ptext = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % part.strip() Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"])) Story.append(Spacer(1, 12)) Story.append(Spacer(1, 12)) ptext = '<font size=12>{ % trans Report Energy Monitoring % }</font>' Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"])) doc.build(Story) return 1
def _flowable(self, node): if node.localName=='para': style = self.styles.para_style_get(node) return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))) elif node.localName=='name': self.styles.names[ node.getAttribute('id')] = node.getAttribute('value') return None elif node.localName=='xpre': style = self.styles.para_style_get(node) return platypus.XPreformatted(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str','dedent':'int','frags':'int'}))) elif node.localName=='pre': style = self.styles.para_style_get(node) return platypus.Preformatted(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str','dedent':'int'}))) elif node.localName=='illustration': return self._illustration(node) elif node.localName=='blockTable': return self._table(node) elif node.localName=='title': styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style = styles['Title'] return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))) elif node.localName=='h1': styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style = styles['Heading1'] return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))) elif node.localName=='h2': styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style = styles['Heading2'] return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))) elif node.localName=='h3': styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style = styles['Heading3'] return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))) elif node.localName=='image': return platypus.Image(node.getAttribute('file'), mask=(250,255,250,255,250,255), **(utils.attr_get(node, ['width','height']))) elif node.localName=='spacer': if node.hasAttribute('width'): width = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('width')) else: width = utils.unit_get('1cm') length = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')) return platypus.Spacer(width=width, height=length) elif node.localName=='pageBreak': return platypus.PageBreak() elif node.localName=='condPageBreak': return platypus.CondPageBreak(**(utils.attr_get(node, ['height']))) elif node.localName=='setNextTemplate': return platypus.NextPageTemplate(str(node.getAttribute('name'))) elif node.localName=='nextFrame': return platypus.CondPageBreak(1000) # TODO: change the 1000 ! else: sys.stderr.write('Warning: flowable not yet implemented: %s !\n' % (node.localName,)) return None