def test_unicode_header_name(self, httpbin): requests.put( httpbin('put'), headers={str('Content-Type'): 'application/octet-stream'}, data='\xff') # compat.str is unicode.
def _to_binary(body): from requests.compat import json as complexjson data = complexjson.dumps(body) if not isinstance(data, bytes): return data.encode('utf-8') else: return data
def test_guess_filename_with_file_like_obj(self): from requests.utils import guess_filename from requests import compat fake = type('Fake', (object,), {'name': b'value'})() guessed_name = guess_filename(fake) assert b'value' == guessed_name assert isinstance(guessed_name, compat.bytes)
def test_guess_filename_with_unicode_name(self): from requests.utils import guess_filename from requests import compat filename = b'value'.decode('utf-8') fake = type('Fake', (object,), {'name': filename})() guessed_name = guess_filename(fake) assert filename == guessed_name assert isinstance(guessed_name, compat.str)
def test_get_auth_from_url(self): """Ensures that username and password in well-encoded URI as per RFC 3986 are correclty extracted.""" from requests.utils import get_auth_from_url from requests.compat import quote percent_encoding_test_chars = "%!*'();:@&=+$,/?#[] " url_address = "request.com/url.html#test" url = "http://" + quote( percent_encoding_test_chars, '') + ':' + quote( percent_encoding_test_chars, '') + '@' + url_address (username, password) = get_auth_from_url(url) assert username == percent_encoding_test_chars assert password == percent_encoding_test_chars