Python scipy.cluster.vq 模块,kmeans() 实例源码


项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_numpy(d, headers, K, whiten=True):
    # assign to A the result of getting the data from your Data object
    A = d.get_data(headers)

    # assign to W the result of calling vq.whiten on A
    W = vq.whiten(A)

    # assign to codebook, bookerror the result of calling vq.kmeans with W and K
    codebook, bookerror = vq.kmeans(W, K)

    # assign to codes, error the result of calling vq.vq with W and the codebook
    codes, error = vq.vq(W, codebook)

    # return codebook, codes, and error
    return codebook, codes, error

# prep the k-means clustering algorithm by getting initial cluster means
项目:GenefyHMM    作者:adit-39    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vector_quantize(data_dict, vs, bins):
    codebooks = {}
    vq_data = {}
    for size in vs.keys():
        all_size_data = []
        for disease in vs[size]:
        #whitened = sp.whiten(all_size_data)
        #codebooks[size] = sp.kmeans(whitened, bins)[0]
        codebooks[size] = sp.kmeans(np.asarray(all_size_data), bins)[0]
    for dis in data_dict.keys():
        n = len(data_dict[dis])
        m = len(data_dict[dis][0])
        vq_data[dis] = map(str,sp.vq(np.reshape(data_dict[dis],(n,m)), codebooks[len(data_dict[dis][0])])[0])
    return vq_data
项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, A, categories, K=None):
        '''Builds the classifier give the data points in A and the categories'''

        # figure out how many categories there are and get the mapping (np.unique)
        unique, mapping = np.unique(np.array(categories.T), return_inverse=True)
        self.num_classes = len(unique)
        self.num_features = A.shape[0]
        self.categories = categories

        # for each category i, build the set of exemplars
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            if K is None:
                self.exemplars.append(A[(mapping == i),:])
                codebook,codes = vq.kmeans(A[(mapping == i),:],K)

项目:PyME    作者:vikramsunkara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seperate_via_kmeans(state_space,p,K,tau=0.1):
    from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans 
    #centres= np.floor(kmeans2(state_space,K)[0]) # these are the original lines

    # the following are being added as hacks

    #_all_cores_filled_ = False
    #while(_all_cores_filled_ == False):
        #centres, distributed = kmeans(state_space,K)
        #print("going into k means" + "we only have " + str(np.max(distributed)))
        #if np.max(distributed) == K-1:
            #_all_cores_filled_ = True

    # bhack to make just the K means work

    centres, stuff = kmeans(state_space,K)

    # hack ends here    

    #proportions = partition_algo_distances(state_space,centres,tau)
    proportions = partition_algo_distances_tight(state_space,centres,tau)
    sub_state_space, sub_prob = seperate_via_proportions(state_space,proportions, p)
    return sub_state_space, sub_prob, centres
项目:pymatgen-diffusion    作者:materialsvirtuallab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cluster(self):
        data = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 5))
        data = list(data)
        d2 = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 5)) + ([5] * 5)
        d2 = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 5)) + ([-5] * 5)
        data = np.array(data)

        k = Kmeans()
        clusters = []
        for i in range(10):
            clusters.append(k.cluster(data, 3))
        c1, l1, ss = min(clusters, key=lambda d: d[2])
        c2, d = kmeans(data, 3)
        same = False
        for a in itertools.permutations(c2):
            if np.allclose(c1, a):
                same = True
项目:cg    作者:michaelhabeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans(X, K):
        km = KMeans(K).fit(X)
        return km.cluster_centers_
项目:cg    作者:michaelhabeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans(X, K):
        return vq.kmeans(X, K)[0]
项目:Caffe-Python-Tutorial    作者:tostq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_net(net, layers, num_c=16, initials=None):
    # net: ??
    # layers: ??????
    # num_c: ???????
    # initials: ??????
    codebook = {} # ????
    if type(num_c) == type(1):
        num_c = [num_c] * len(layers)
        assert len(num_c) == len(layers)

    # ?????????
    print "==============Perform K-means============="
    for idx, layer in enumerate(layers):
        print "Eval layer:", layer
        W = net.params[layer][0].data.flatten()
        W = W[np.where(W != 0)] # ????0???
        # ?????????????????
        if initials is None:  # Default: uniform sample
            min_W = np.min(W)
            max_W = np.max(W)
            initial_uni = np.linspace(min_W, max_W, num_c[idx] - 1)
            codebook[layer], _ = scv.kmeans(W, initial_uni)
        elif type(initials) == type(np.array([])):
            codebook[layer], _ = scv.kmeans(W, initials)
        elif initials == 'random':
            codebook[layer], _ = scv.kmeans(W, num_c[idx] - 1)
            raise Exception

        # ?0?????
        codebook[layer] = np.append(0.0, codebook[layer])
        print "codebook size:", len(codebook[layer])

    return codebook

# ???????
项目:noteshrink    作者:mzucker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_palette(samples, options, return_mask=False, kmeans_iter=40):

    '''Extract the palette for the set of sampled RGB values. The first
palette entry is always the background color; the rest are determined
from foreground pixels by running K-means clustering. Returns the
palette, as well as a mask corresponding to the foreground pixels.


    if not options.quiet:
        print('  getting palette...')

    bg_color = get_bg_color(samples, 6)

    fg_mask = get_fg_mask(bg_color, samples, options)

    centers, _ = kmeans(samples[fg_mask].astype(np.float32),

    palette = np.vstack((bg_color, centers)).astype(np.uint8)

    if not return_mask:
        return palette
        return palette, fg_mask

项目:LyricsMoodClassifier    作者:valeriaalampi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def relevant_moods(song):
    :param song: single song document, taken from a previously filled queue
    :return moods: list of relevant moods
    all_moods = song['moods']

    if len(all_moods) == 0:
        return None

    ordered_score_moods = sorted(all_moods.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    # pprint(ordered_score_moods)
    ordered_scores = sorted(all_moods.values(), reverse=True)

    # print(ordered_scores)

    features = np.asarray(ordered_scores)
    codebook, distortion = kmeans(features, 2)
    codebook = sorted(codebook.tolist(), reverse=True)

    moods = []

    for m in ordered_score_moods:
        mood = m[0]
        score = m[1]
        if len(codebook) > 1:
            if abs(score - codebook[0]) < abs(score - codebook[1]):

    # print(moods)
    return moods

# ### Quering the DB to retrieve the songs moods

# create a shared queue for all songs
项目:simple-linear-regression    作者:williamd4112    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans(x, k):
    centroids, dist = _kmeans(x, k)
    idx, _ = vq(x,centroids)
    return idx, centroids, dist
项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans(d, headers, K, metric, whiten=True, categories=None):
    '''Takes in a Data object, a set of headers, and the number of clusters to create
    Computes and returns the codebook, codes and representation errors.
    If given an Nx1 matrix of categories, it uses the category labels
    to calculate the initial cluster means.

    # assign to A the result getting the data given the headers
        A = d.get_data(headers)
    except AttributeError:
        A = d

    if whiten:
        W = vq.whiten(A)
        W = A

    codebook = kmeans_init(W, K, categories)

    # assign to codebook, codes, errors, the result of calling kmeans_algorithm with W and codebook
    codebook, codes, errors = kmeans_algorithm(W, codebook, metric)

    # return the codebook, codes, and representation error
    return codebook, codes, errors

# test function
项目:deep_learning_chemical    作者:samocooper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster(matrix):
    whitened = whiten(matrix.todense())

    # for x in range(25, 40):
    #     means, distortion = kmeans(whitened, x)
    #     print distortion

    means, distortion = kmeans(whitened, 30)

    # pickle.dump(means, open('30means-' + sys.argv[1] + '.pkl', 'wb'))

    return means, distortion
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_means(points, k, **kwargs):
    Find k centroids that attempt to minimize the k- means problem:

    points: (n, d) set of points
    k: int, number of centroids to compute
    **kwargs: passed directly to scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans

    centroids: (k, d) set of points
    labels: (n) set of indexes for which points belong to which centroid
    from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

    points = np.asanyarray(points)
    points_std = points.std(axis=0)
    whitened = points / points_std
    centroids_whitened, distortion = kmeans(whitened, k, **kwargs)
    centroids = centroids_whitened * points_std
    tree = cKDTree(centroids)
    labels = tree.query(points, k=1)[1]
    return centroids, labels
项目:clitorisvulgaris    作者:fhoehl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_dominant_colors(image):
    """Cluster the colors of the image in CLUSTER_NUMBER of clusters. Returns
    an array of dominant colors reverse sorted by cluster size.

    array = img_as_float(fromimage(image))

    # Reshape from MxNx4 to Mx4 array
    array = array.reshape(scipy.product(array.shape[:2]), array.shape[2])

    # Remove transparent pixels if any (channel 4 is alpha)
    if array.shape[-1] > 3:
        array = array[array[:, 3] == 1]

    # Finding centroids (centroids are colors)
    centroids, _ = kmeans(array, CLUSTER_NUMBER)

    # Allocate pixel to a centroid cluster
    observations, _ = vq(array, centroids)

    # Calculate the number of pixels in a cluster
    histogram, _ = scipy.histogram(observations, len(centroids))

    # Sort centroids by number of pixels in their cluster
    sorted_centroids = sorted(zip(centroids, histogram),
                              key=lambda x: x[1],

    sorted_colors = tuple((couple[0] for couple in sorted_centroids))

    return sorted_colors
项目:mht    作者:jonatanolofsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_kmeans(img):
    """Run kmeans and plot result."""
    features, shape = get_features(img)
    classified = kmeans_classify(features, shape)
    indices, num_objs = label(classified, shape)

    plot_classes(indices, num_objs)
    globpos = find_point_objects(, img.lon, indices, num_objs)
    return globpos
项目:mht    作者:jonatanolofsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_classify(features, shape, label=True, fill=False):
    """Run the k-means algorithm."""
    print("Starting kmeans")
    whitened = whiten(features)
    init = np.array((whitened.min(0), whitened.mean(0), whitened.max(0)))
    codebook, _ = kmeans(whitened, init)
    classified, _ = vq(whitened, codebook)
    print("Finished kmeans")
    return classified
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_means_clustering(instance_array, n_clusters=9, sin_cos = 1, number_of_starts = 30, seed=None, use_scikit=1,**kwargs):
    This runs the k-means clustering algorithm as implemented in scipy - change to scikit-learn?

    SH: 7May2013
    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
    print 'starting kmeans algorithm, k=%d, retries : %d, sin_cos = %d'%(n_clusters,number_of_starts,sin_cos)
    if sin_cos==1:
        print '  using sine and cosine of the phases'
        sin_cos_instances = np.zeros((instance_array.shape[0],instance_array.shape[1]*2),dtype=float)
        input_array = sin_cos_instances
        #code_book,distortion = vq.kmeans(sin_cos_instances, n_clusters,iter=number_of_starts)
        #cluster_assignments, point_distances = vq.vq(sin_cos_instances, code_book)
        print '  using raw phases'
        input_array = instance_array
        #code_book,distortion = vq.kmeans(instance_array, n_clusters,iter=number_of_starts)
        #cluster_assignments, point_distances = vq.vq(instance_array, code_book)
    if use_scikit:
        print 'using scikit learn'
        tmp = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init = number_of_starts, n_jobs=1, random_state = seed)
        cluster_assignments = tmp.fit_predict(input_array)
        code_book = tmp.cluster_centers_
        print 'using vq from scipy'
        code_book,distortion = vq.kmeans(input_array, n_clusters,iter=number_of_starts)
        cluster_assignments, point_distances = vq.vq(input_array, code_book)
    if sin_cos:
        cluster_details = {'k_means_centroids_sc':code_book}
        cluster_details = {'k_means_centroids':code_book}
    return cluster_assignments, cluster_details

#############################k-means periodic algorithm##############################
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:crikey    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_fruitspeech_softmax():
    fs, d, wav_names = fetch_sample_speech_fruit()
    def matcher(name):
        return name.split("/")[1]

    classes = [matcher(wav_name) for wav_name in wav_names]
    all_chars = [c for c in sorted(list(set("".join(classes))))]
    char2code = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(all_chars)}
    vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
    y = []
    for n, cl in enumerate(classes):
        y.append(tokenize_ind(cl, char2code))

    # Is it kosher to kmeans on all the data?
    X, _apply, _re = apply_lpc_softmax_preproc(d)

    for n, Xi in enumerate(X[::8]):
        di = _re(Xi)
        wavfile.write("t_%i.wav" % n, fs, soundsc(di))

    raise ValueError()

    speech = {}
    speech["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
    speech["vocabulary"] = char2code
    speech["sample_rate"] = fs
    speech["data"] = X
    speech["target"] = y
    speech["reconstruct"] = _re
    return speech
项目:attributeBasedClustering    作者:silenteddie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_clustering (vectorLayer, attributesList, normalize, clusterNumber, outputFieldName):
    from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans,vq
    from numpy import array
    fullObjectsList = []
    features = vectorLayer.getFeatures()

    for feature in features:
        for attribute in attributesList:
            if feature[attribute[0]]:

    if normalize:
        i = 0
        maxValues = []
        while i < len(attributesList):

            maxValues.append(max(abs(item[i]) for item in fullObjectsList))
            i += 1

        j = 0
        while j < len(fullObjectsList):
            i = 0
            while i < len(fullObjectsList[j]):
                fullObjectsList[j][i] = (fullObjectsList[j][i] * 1.0) / (maxValues[i] * 1.0)
                i += 1
            j += 1

    data = array(fullObjectsList)

    centroids,_ = kmeans(data, clusterNumber, 25)
    idx,_ = vq(data,centroids)
    idx = idx.tolist()
    vectorLayerDataProvider = vectorLayer.dataProvider()

    # Create field of not exist
    if vectorLayer.fieldNameIndex(outputFieldName) == -1:
        vectorLayerDataProvider.addAttributes([QgsField(outputFieldName, QVariant.Int)])

    attrIdx = vectorLayer.fieldNameIndex(outputFieldName)
    features = vectorLayer.getFeatures()

    i = 0
    for feature in features:
        vectorLayer.changeAttributeValue(, attrIdx, int(idx[i]))
        i += 1
