Python scipy.cluster.vq 模块,whiten() 实例源码


项目:vapor    作者:mills-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_means_cluster_Predict(data_list,info):
    array_diagnal=np.array([[data_list[0][x],data_list[1][x]] for x in range(len(data_list[0]))])
    ks = list(range(1,len(info)))
    KMeans = [cluster.KMeans(n_clusters = i, init="k-means++").fit(array_diagnal) for i in ks]
    BIC = [compute_bic(kmeansi,array_diagnal) for kmeansi in KMeans]
    if ks_picked==1:
        return [data_list]
        whitened = whiten(array_diagnal)
        centroids, distortion=kmeans(whitened,ks_picked)
        idx,_= vq(whitened,centroids)
        for x in range(ks_picked):
            group1=[[int(i) for i in array_diagnal[idx==x,0]],[int(i) for i in array_diagnal[idx==x,1]]]
        return out
项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_numpy(d, headers, K, whiten=True):
    # assign to A the result of getting the data from your Data object
    A = d.get_data(headers)

    # assign to W the result of calling vq.whiten on A
    W = vq.whiten(A)

    # assign to codebook, bookerror the result of calling vq.kmeans with W and K
    codebook, bookerror = vq.kmeans(W, K)

    # assign to codes, error the result of calling vq.vq with W and the codebook
    codes, error = vq.vq(W, codebook)

    # return codebook, codes, and error
    return codebook, codes, error

# prep the k-means clustering algorithm by getting initial cluster means
项目:GenefyHMM    作者:adit-39    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vector_quantize(data_dict, vs, bins):
    codebooks = {}
    vq_data = {}
    for size in vs.keys():
        all_size_data = []
        for disease in vs[size]:
        #whitened = sp.whiten(all_size_data)
        #codebooks[size] = sp.kmeans(whitened, bins)[0]
        codebooks[size] = sp.kmeans(np.asarray(all_size_data), bins)[0]
    for dis in data_dict.keys():
        n = len(data_dict[dis])
        m = len(data_dict[dis][0])
        vq_data[dis] = map(str,sp.vq(np.reshape(data_dict[dis],(n,m)), codebooks[len(data_dict[dis][0])])[0])
    return vq_data
项目:vapor    作者:mills-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_means_cluster(data_list):
    if max(data_list[0])-min(data_list[0])>10 and max(data_list[1])-min(data_list[1])>10:
        array_diagnal=np.array([[data_list[0][x],data_list[1][x]] for x in range(len(data_list[0]))])
        ks = list(range(1,min([5,len(data_list[0])+1])))
        KMeans = [cluster.KMeans(n_clusters = i, init="k-means++").fit(array_diagnal) for i in ks]
        KMeans_predict=[cluster.KMeans(n_clusters = i, init="k-means++").fit_predict(array_diagnal) for i in ks]
        for x in ks:
            if KMeans_predict[x-1].max()<x-1: continue
                if abs(BIC_i)<10**8:
        #BIC = [compute_bic(kmeansi,array_diagnal) for kmeansi in KMeans]
        if ks_picked==1:
            return [data_list]
            whitened = whiten(array_diagnal)
            centroids, distortion=kmeans(whitened,ks_picked)
            idx,_= vq(whitened,centroids)
            for x in range(ks_picked):
                group1=[[int(i) for i in array_diagnal[idx==x,0]],[int(i) for i in array_diagnal[idx==x,1]]]
            return out
        return [data_list]
项目:speaker_recognizer_robot    作者:shrutiyer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mfcc_feat(self):
        # creating codebook with all models

        mfcc_feats = None

        for filename in glob.iglob('../data/voices/*.wav'):
            print filename
            (rate, sig) =

            # MFCC Features. Each row corresponds to MFCC for a frame
            mfcc_person = mfcc(sig.astype(np.float64), rate)

            if mfcc_feats is None:
                mfcc_feats = mfcc_person 
                mfcc_feats = np.concatenate((mfcc_feats, mfcc_person), axis=0)

        # Normalize the features
        whitened = whiten(mfcc_feats)
        self.codebook, labeled_obs = kmeans2(data=whitened, k=3)
项目:BioNLP-2016    作者:cambridgeltl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def argparser():
        import argparse
    except ImportError:
        import compat.argparse as argparse

    ap.add_argument('vectors', nargs=1, metavar='FILE', help='word vectors')
    ap.add_argument('-a', '--approximate', default=False, action='store_true',
                    help='filter by approximate similarity (with -t)')
    ap.add_argument('-i', '--min-index', default=0, type=int,
                    help='index of first word (default 0)')
    ap.add_argument('-M', '--metric', default=DEFAULT_METRIC, 
                    help='distance metric to apply')
    ap.add_argument('-n', '--normalize', default=False, action='store_true',
                    help='normalize vectors to unit length')
    ap.add_argument('-r', '--max-rank', metavar='INT', default=None, 
                    type=int, help='only consider r most frequent words')
    ap.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', metavar='FLOAT', default=None,
                    type=float, help='only output distances <= t')
    ap.add_argument('-T', '--tolerance', metavar='FLOAT', default=0.1,
                    type=float, help='approximation tolerace (with -a)')
    ap.add_argument('-w', '--whiten', default=False, action='store_true',
                    help='normalize features to unit variance ')
    ap.add_argument('-W', '--words',  default=False, action='store_true',
                    help='output words instead of indices')
    return ap
项目:BioNLP-2016    作者:cambridgeltl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_options(args):    
    options = argparser().parse_args(args)

    if options.max_rank is not None and options.max_rank < 1:
        raise ValueError('max-rank must be >= 1')
    if options.threshold is not None and options.threshold < 0.0:
        raise ValueError('threshold must be >= 0')
    if options.tolerance is not None and options.tolerance < 0.0:
        raise ValueError('tolerance must be >= 0')
    if options.approximate and not options.threshold:
        raise ValueError('approximate only makes sense with a threshold')
    if options.approximate and options.metric != 'cosine':
        raise NotImplementedError('approximate only supported for cosine')

    wv = wvlib.load(options.vectors[0], max_rank=options.max_rank)

    if options.normalize:'normalize vectors to unit length')

    words, vectors = wv.words(), wv.vectors()

    if options.whiten:
        # whitening should be implemented in wvlib to support together with
        # approximate similarity
        if options.approximate:
            raise NotImplemenedError'normalize features to unit variance')
        vectors = whiten(vectors)

    return words, vectors, wv, options
项目:data-analysis    作者:ymohanty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans(d, headers, K, metric, whiten=True, categories=None):
    '''Takes in a Data object, a set of headers, and the number of clusters to create
    Computes and returns the codebook, codes and representation errors.
    If given an Nx1 matrix of categories, it uses the category labels
    to calculate the initial cluster means.

    # assign to A the result getting the data given the headers
        A = d.get_data(headers)
    except AttributeError:
        A = d

    if whiten:
        W = vq.whiten(A)
        W = A

    codebook = kmeans_init(W, K, categories)

    # assign to codebook, codes, errors, the result of calling kmeans_algorithm with W and codebook
    codebook, codes, errors = kmeans_algorithm(W, codebook, metric)

    # return the codebook, codes, and representation error
    return codebook, codes, errors

# test function
项目:deep_learning_chemical    作者:samocooper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster(matrix):
    whitened = whiten(matrix.todense())

    # for x in range(25, 40):
    #     means, distortion = kmeans(whitened, x)
    #     print distortion

    means, distortion = kmeans(whitened, 30)

    # pickle.dump(means, open('30means-' + sys.argv[1] + '.pkl', 'wb'))

    return means, distortion
项目:mht    作者:jonatanolofsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmeans_classify(features, shape, label=True, fill=False):
    """Run the k-means algorithm."""
    print("Starting kmeans")
    whitened = whiten(features)
    init = np.array((whitened.min(0), whitened.mean(0), whitened.max(0)))
    codebook, _ = kmeans(whitened, init)
    classified, _ = vq(whitened, codebook)
    print("Finished kmeans")
    return classified