Python scipy.interpolate 模块,RectBivariateSpline() 实例源码


项目:BAG_framework    作者:ucb-art    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, scale_list, values, extrapolate=False):
        # error checking
        if len(values.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError('This class only works for 2D data.')
        elif len(scale_list) != 2:
            raise ValueError('input and output dimension mismatch.')

        nx, ny = values.shape
        offset, scale = scale_list[0]
        x = np.linspace(offset, (nx - 1) * scale + offset, nx)  # type: np.multiarray.ndarray
        offset, scale = scale_list[1]
        y = np.linspace(offset, (ny - 1) * scale + offset, ny)  # type: np.multiarray.ndarray

        self._min = x[0], y[0]
        self._max = x[-1], y[-1]

        DiffFunction.__init__(self, [(x[0], x[-1]), (y[0], y[-1])], delta_list=None) = interp.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, values)
        self._extrapolate = extrapolate
项目:spherical_image_editing    作者:henryseg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_interpolated_pixel_color_rbspline(pts, s_im, size):
    """given pts in floats, linear interpolate pixel values nearby to get a good colour"""
    pts = clamp(pts, size)

    s_im = np.atleast_3d(s_im)
    ys,xs = size
    ycoords, xcoords = np.arange(ys), np.arange(xs)
    out = np.empty(pts.shape[1:] + (s_im.shape[-1],),dtype=s_im.dtype)

    pts_vec = pts.reshape((2,-1))
    out_vec = out.reshape((-1,s_im.shape[-1])) #flatten for easier vectorization
    for i in range(s_im.shape[-1]): #loop over color channels
        rbspline = RectBivariateSpline(ycoords, xcoords, s_im[...,i])
        out_vec[:,i] = rbspline.ev(pts_vec[0],pts_vec[1])
    return out

### Functions generating SL(2,C) matrices ###
# Do not need to be vectorized #
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resample_2d(array, sample_pts, query_pts):
    ''' Resamples 2D array to be sampled along queried points.

        array (numpy.ndarray): 2D array.

        sample_pts (tuple): pair of numpy.ndarray objects that contain the x and y sample locations,
            each array should be 1D.

        query_pts (tuple): points to interpolate onto, also 1D for each array.

        numpy.ndarray.  array resampled onto query_pts via bivariate spline.

    xq, yq = np.meshgrid(*query_pts)
    interpf = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(*sample_pts, array)
    return interpf.ev(yq, xq)
项目:pytrip    作者:pytrip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_2d_function(x, y, z, kind):
        Train 2-D interpolator
        :param x: x-coordinates of data points
        :param y: y-coordinates of data points
        :param z: z-coordinates of data points
        :param kind: 'linear' or 'spline' interpolation type
        :return Interpolator callable object
            from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
        except ImportError as e:
            logger.error("Please install scipy on your platform to be able to use spline-based interpolation")
            raise e
        if len(x) == 2:  # fall-back to linear interpolation
            kx = 1
        elif len(x) == 3:  # fall-back to 2nd degree spline
            kx = 2
            kx = 3
        if len(y) == 2:  # fall-back to linear interpolation
            ky = 1
        elif len(y) == 3:  # fall-back to 2nd degree spline
            ky = 2
            ky = 3
        if kind == 'linear':
            kx, ky = 1, 1
        x_array, y_array, z_array = x, y, z
        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x_array = np.asarray(x)
        if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            y_array = np.asarray(y)
        if not isinstance(z, np.ndarray):
            z_array = np.asarray(z)
        result = RectBivariateSpline(x_array, y_array, z_array, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0)
        return result
项目:PyFRAP    作者:alexblaessle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeInterpolatedICImg(self):

        """Computes interpolation of initial condition image.

        Interpolation is done as in :py:func:`pyfrp.modules.pyfrp_sim_module.applyInterpolatedICs`.

            tuple: Tuple containing:

                * xInt (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid x-coordinates.
                * yInt (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid y-coordinates.
                * f (numpy.ndarray): Interpolated image.


        #Get image resolution and center of geometry

        #Define x/y coordinates of interpolation
        if 'quad' in self.embryo.analysis.process.keys():
            #Shift everything by center to fit with the mesh
            xInt = np.arange(center[0]+1, center[0]+res+1, 1)
            yInt = np.arange(center[1]+1, center[1]+res+1, 1)       
            xInt = np.arange(1, res+1, 1)
            yInt = np.arange(1, res+1, 1)

        #Generate interpolation function
        f=interp.RectBivariateSpline(xInt, yInt, self.ICimg, bbox=[None, None, None, None], kx=3, ky=3, s=0)

        return xInt, yInt, f
项目:lax    作者:XENON1T    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        aftmap_filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 's1_aft_rz_02Mar2017.json')
        with open(aftmap_filename) as data_file:
            data = json.load(data_file)
        r_pts = np.array(data['r_pts'])
        z_pts = np.array(data['z_pts'])
        aft_vals = np.array(data['map']).reshape(len(r_pts), len(z_pts))
        self.aft_map = RectBivariateSpline(r_pts, z_pts, aft_vals)
项目:AtmosphericCorrection    作者:y-iikura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fref(rad,cosb,height,t_setx,r_setx,s_setx,sang):
    return interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(t_setx,r_setx,ref)
项目:optimize-stencil    作者:Ablinne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def omega_spline(self, parameters, s=0):
        omega =
        return spinterp.RectBivariateSpline(self.kx[:,0],[0,:], omega, s=s)
项目:BDD_Driving_Model    作者:gy20073    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_ground(original, theta, horizon=60, half_height=360 / 2, focal=1.0):
        height, width, channel = original.shape
        # the target grids
        yp = range(height - horizon, height)
        xp = range(0, width)

        # from pixel to coordinates
        y0 = (np.array(yp) - half_height) * 1.0 / half_height
        x0 = (np.array(xp) - width / 2) / (width / 2.0)

        # form the mesh
        mesh = MyDataset.generate_meshlist(x0, y0)
        # compute the source coordinates
        st = math.sin(theta)
        ct = math.cos(theta)
        deno = ct * focal + st * mesh[:, 0]
        out = np.array([(-st * focal + ct * mesh[:, 0]) / deno, mesh[:, 1] / deno])

        # interpolate
        vout = []
        for i in range(3):
            f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(y0, x0, original[- horizon:, :, i])
            values = f(out[1, :], out[0, :], grid=False)

        lower = np.reshape(vout, (3, width, horizon)).transpose((2, 1, 0)).astype("uint8")

        # compute the upper part
        out = np.reshape(out[0, :], (width, horizon))
        out = out[:, 0]
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x0, original[:-horizon, :, :], axis=1,
                                 fill_value=(original[:-horizon, 0, :], original[:-horizon, -1, :]),
        ans = f(out)
        ans = ans.astype("uint8")

        return np.concatenate((ans, lower), axis=0)
项目:vivarium    作者:ihmeuw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Should be more defensive about this
        if len(args) == 1:
            # We have a dataframe
            df = args[0]
            # We have parameters for a single invocation
            df = pd.DataFrame(kwargs)

        if self.key_columns:
            sub_tables = df.groupby(self.key_columns)
            sub_tables = [(None, df)]

        result = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
        for key, sub_table in sub_tables:
            if sub_table.empty:
            funcs = self.interpolations[key]
            parameters = tuple(sub_table[k] for k in self.parameter_columns)
            for value_column, func in funcs.items():
                out = func(*parameters)
                # This reshape is necessary because RectBivariateSpline and InterpolatedUnivariateSpline return results
                # in slightly different shapes and we need them to be consistent
                if out.shape:
                    result.loc[sub_table.index, value_column] = out.reshape((out.shape[0],))
                    result.loc[sub_table.index, value_column] = out

        if self.func:
            return self.func(result)

        if len(result.columns) == 1:
            return result[result.columns[0]]

        return result
项目:detection-2016-nipsws    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_2d_features(features):
    out_size = feature_size
    x = np.arange(features.shape[0])
    y = np.arange(features.shape[1])
    z = features
    xx = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), out_size)
    yy = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), out_size)
    new_kernel = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, z, kx=1, ky=1)
    kernel_out = new_kernel(xx, yy)
    return kernel_out

# Interpolation 2d of each channel, so we obtain 3d interpolated feature maps
项目:galario    作者:mtazzari    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_sampleImage(reference_image, dxy, udat, vdat, dRA=0., dDec=0., PA=0.):
    Python implementation of sampleImage.

    nxy = reference_image.shape[0]

    dRA *= 2.*np.pi
    dDec *= 2.*np.pi

    du = 1. / (nxy*dxy)

    # Real to Complex transform
    fft_r2c_shifted = np.fft.fftshift(
                            np.fft.fftshift(reference_image)), axes=0)

    # apply rotation
    cos_PA = np.cos(PA)
    sin_PA = np.sin(PA)

    urot = udat * cos_PA - vdat * sin_PA
    vrot = udat * sin_PA + vdat * cos_PA

    dRArot = dRA * cos_PA - dDec * sin_PA
    dDecrot = dRA * sin_PA + dDec * cos_PA

    # interpolation indices
    uroti = np.abs(urot)/du
    vroti = nxy/2. + vrot/du
    uneg = urot < 0.
    vroti[uneg] = nxy/2 - vrot[uneg]/du

    # coordinates of FT
    u_axis = np.linspace(0., nxy // 2, nxy // 2 + 1)
    v_axis = np.linspace(0., nxy - 1, nxy)

    # We use RectBivariateSpline to do only linear interpolation, which is faster
    # than interp2d for our case of a regular grid.
    # RectBivariateSpline does not work for complex input, so we need to run it twice.
    f_re = RectBivariateSpline(v_axis, u_axis, fft_r2c_shifted.real, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
    ReInt = f_re.ev(vroti, uroti)
    f_im = RectBivariateSpline(v_axis, u_axis, fft_r2c_shifted.imag, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
    ImInt = f_im.ev(vroti, uroti)

    # correct for Real to Complex frequency mapping
    uneg = urot < 0.
    ImInt[uneg] *= -1.

    # apply the phase change
    theta = urot*dRArot + vrot*dDecrot
    vis = (ReInt + 1j*ImInt) * (np.cos(theta) + 1j*np.sin(theta))

    return vis
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ionex_stec_map(ionex_fname,
    """'computing interpolated and mapped STEC from {}'.format(ionex_fname))
    # compute temporally interpolated IONEX VTEC maps
    dt_list = get_dt_list(augmented_arc_map)
    (grid_lon, grid_lat, vtec,
     _, sat_biases, _) = interpolate2D_temporal(ionex_fname,
    # compute spline interpolators
    bbox = [-180, 180, -90, 90]
    # check that latitude grid is in decreasing order
    assert grid_lat[1] < grid_lat[0]
    interp_map = {dt: RectBivariateSpline(grid_lon,
                                          vtec[:, ::-1, i],
                                          bbox=bbox) for i, dt in enumerate(dt_list)}
    # compute interpolated stec
    stec_map = defaultdict(list)
    for key, arc_list in augmented_arc_map.iteritems():
        for arc in arc_list:
            ionex_stec = []
            for (dt_i, ipp_lat_i, ipp_lon_i, el_map_i) in zip(arc.dt,
                i, _ = find_le(dt_list, dt_i)
                interpolator = interp_map[dt_list[i]]
                vtec_i = float(interpolator.ev(ipp_lon_i,
                ionex_stec.append(vtec_i * el_map_i)
    return stec_map, sat_biases
项目:pypiv    作者:jr7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scale_field(self, f):
        Scaling of the field according to calculated meshgrid.

        For the interpolation rectangular bivariate Splines are used.
        These are implemented from the scipy function `RectBivariateSpline <>`_.

        :param f: field to be interpolated
        :returns: field after interpolation
        rbs = RBS(self._tx, self._ty, f)
        return rbs.ev(self._out_x, self._out_y)
项目:pyxem    作者:pyxem    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(image, pattern,
    """The correlation between a diffraction pattern and a simulation.
    Calculated using
        .. math::
            \frac{\sum_{j=1}^m P(x_j, y_j) T(x_j, y_j)}{\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^m P^2(x_j, y_j)} \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^m T^2(x_j, y_j)}}
    image : :class:`np.ndarray`
        A single electron diffraction signal. Should be appropriately scaled
        and centered.
    pattern : :class:`DiffractionSimulation`
        The pattern to compare to.
    sim_threshold : float
        The threshold simulation intensity to consider for correlation
    interpolate : bool
        If True, perform sub-pixel interpolation of the image.
        Arguments to pass to scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
        The correlation coefficient.
    E. F. Rauch and L. Dupuy, “Rapid Diffraction Patterns identification through
        template matching,” vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 87–99, 2005.
    shape = image.shape
    half_shape = tuple(i // 2 for i in shape)

    pixel_coordinates = pattern.calibrated_coordinates.astype(int)[
        :, :2] + half_shape
    in_bounds = np.product((pixel_coordinates > 0) *
                           (pixel_coordinates < shape[0]), axis=1).astype(bool)
    pattern_intensities = pattern.intensities
    large_intensities = pattern_intensities > sim_threshold
    mask = np.logical_and(in_bounds, large_intensities)

    if interpolate:
        x = np.arange(shape[0], dtype='float') - half_shape[0]
        y = np.arange(shape[1], dtype='float') - half_shape[1]
        for ar, i in zip([x, y], shape):
            if not i % 2:
                ar += 0.5
        x = x * pattern.calibration[0]
        y = y * pattern.calibration[1]
        ip = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, image.T, **kwargs)
        image_intensities = ip.ev(pattern.coordinates[:, 0][mask],
                                  pattern.coordinates[:, 1][mask])
        image_intensities = image.T[pixel_coordinates[:, 0][mask], pixel_coordinates[:, 1][mask]]
    pattern_intensities = pattern_intensities[mask]
    return np.nan_to_num(_correlate(image_intensities, pattern_intensities))
项目:mrflow    作者:jswulff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interp_spline(I, xn, yn, compute_derivs=True):
    """ Perform spline interpolation of I.

    I is evaluated at xn, yn.

    I_warped : array_like
        Warped image
    dI_warped_dx : array_like
        Derivative of warped image in x direction
    dI_warped_dy : array_like
        Derivative of warped image in y direction

    h,w = I.shape[:2]
    xar = np.arange(w)
    yar = np.arange(h)

    if I.ndim > 2:
        I_warped = np.zeros_like(I)
        dI_warped_dx = np.zeros_like(I)
        dI_warped_dy = np.zeros_like(I)

        for d in range(I.shape[2]):
            result = interp_spline(I[:,:,d], xn, yn, compute_derivs=compute_derivs)
            if compute_derivs:
                I_warped[:,:,d] = result[0]
                dI_warped_dx[:,:,d] = result[1]
                dI_warped_dy[:,:,d] = result[2]
                I_warped[:,:,d] = result
        S = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(yar,xar,I,kx=2,ky=2)
        I_warped = np.clip(S.ev(yn,xn),0,1.0)
        #I_warped = S.ev(yn,xn)
        if compute_derivs:
            dI_warped_dx = S.ev(yn,xn,dy=1) # Note that y and x are swapped!
            dI_warped_dy = S.ev(yn,xn,dx=1)

    if compute_derivs:
        return I_warped, dI_warped_dx, dI_warped_dy
        return I_warped
项目:adel    作者:openalea-incubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_curvature(curvatures, times, kind='cubic'):
    """ Interpolate the curvatures.

    A curvature is a parametrisation `s`, d(angle)/ ds and a parameter between [0,1].
    Return a surface f(s,t).
    import numpy as np

    from scipy import interpolate
    from scipy.ndimage import measurements

    if len(curvatures) == 3 and not isinstance(curvatures[2], tuple):
        curvatures= [curvatures]

    curv_abs = [c[0] for c in curvatures]
    curves = [c[1] for c in curvatures]
    params = [c[2] for c in curvatures]

    n = len(params)
    if n==1:
        params = [0.,1.]
    elif False:
        if params[0] != 0.:
            curv_abs.insert(0, curv_abs[0])
        if params[-1] != 0:

    # compute a common parametrisation s
    # We conserve the last parametrisation because the result is very sensitive
    if True:
        min_s = min(np.diff(s).min() for s in curv_abs)
        s_new = np.unique(np.array(curv_abs).flatten())
        ds = np.diff(s_new)
        k = np.cumsum(ds >= min_s)
        labels = range(k.min(), k.max()+1)
        s = np.zeros(len(labels)+1)
        s[1:] = measurements.mean(s_new[1:], k, labels)
        s = s_new
        s = np.array(curv_abs[-1])

    # renormalise all the curves
    curves = [np.interp(s[1:-1], old_s[1:-1], old_crv) for old_s, old_crv in zip(curv_abs,curves)]

    # interpolate correctly the curvatures
    x = s[1:-1]
    y = np.array(params)
    z = np.array(curves)

    #f = interpolate.interp2d(y, x, z, kind=kind)
    f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, z.T, kx=1, ky=1)
    return s, f(x,times)
项目:vivarium    作者:ihmeuw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, data, categorical_parameters, continuous_parameters, func=None, order=1):
        self.key_columns = categorical_parameters
        self.parameter_columns = continuous_parameters
        self.func = func

        if len(self.parameter_columns) not in [1, 2]:
            raise ValueError("Only interpolation over 1 or 2 variables is supported")
        if len(self.parameter_columns) == 1 and order == 0:
            raise ValueError("Order 0 only supported for 2d interpolation")

        # These are the columns which the interpolation function will approximate
        value_columns = sorted(data.columns.difference(set(self.key_columns)|set(self.parameter_columns)))

        if self.key_columns:
            # Since there are key_columns we need to group the table by those
            # columns to get the sub-tables to fit
            sub_tables = data.groupby(self.key_columns)
            # There are no key columns so we will fit the whole table
            sub_tables = {None: data}.items()

        self.interpolations = {}

        for key, base_table in sub_tables:
            if base_table.empty:
            # For each permutation of the key columns build interpolations
            self.interpolations[key] = {}
            for value_column in value_columns:
                # For each value in the table build an interpolation function
                if len(self.parameter_columns) == 2:
                    # 2 variable interpolation
                    if order == 0:
                        x = base_table[list(self.parameter_columns)]
                        y = base_table[value_column]
                        func = interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator(x=x.values, y=y.values)
                        index, column = self.parameter_columns
                        table = base_table.pivot(index=index, columns=column, values=value_column)
                        x = table.index.values
                        y = table.columns.values
                        z = table.values
                        func = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x=x, y=y, z=z, ky=order, kx=order).ev
                    # 1 variable interpolation
                    base_table = base_table.sort_values(by=self.parameter_columns[0])
                    x = base_table[self.parameter_columns[0]]
                    y = base_table[value_column]
                    func = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k=order)
                self.interpolations[key][value_column] = func