Python scipy.linalg 模块,inv() 实例源码


项目:MKLMM    作者:omerwe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def infExact_scipy_post(self, K, covars, y, sig2e, fixedEffects):
        n = y.shape[0]

        #mean vector
        m =

        if (K.shape[1] < K.shape[0]): K_true =
        else: K_true = K

        if sig2e<1e-6:
            L = la.cholesky(K_true + sig2e*np.eye(n), overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False)      #Cholesky factor of covariance with noise
            sl =   1
            pL = -self.solveChol(L, np.eye(n))                                                   #L = -inv(K+inv(sW^2))
            L = la.cholesky(K_true/sig2e + np.eye(n), overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False)      #Cholesky factor of B
            sl = sig2e                     
            pL = L                                                                               #L = chol(eye(n)+sW*sW'.*K)
        alpha = self.solveChol(L, y-m, overwrite_b=False) / sl

        post = dict([]) 
        post['alpha'] = alpha                                                                   #return the posterior parameters
        post['sW'] = np.ones(n) / np.sqrt(sig2e)                                                #sqrt of noise precision vector
        post['L'] = pL
        return post
项目:Neural_Artistic_Style    作者:everfor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transfer_color(content, style):
    import scipy.linalg as sl
    # Mean and covariance of content
    content_mean = np.mean(content, axis = (0, 1))
    content_diff = content - content_mean
    content_diff = np.reshape(content_diff, (-1, content_diff.shape[2]))
    content_covariance = np.matmul(content_diff.T, content_diff) / (content_diff.shape[0])

    # Mean and covariance of style
    style_mean = np.mean(style, axis = (0, 1))
    style_diff = style - style_mean
    style_diff = np.reshape(style_diff, (-1, style_diff.shape[2]))
    style_covariance = np.matmul(style_diff.T, style_diff) / (style_diff.shape[0])

    # Calculate A and b
    A = np.matmul(sl.sqrtm(content_covariance), sl.inv(sl.sqrtm(style_covariance)))
    b = content_mean - np.matmul(A, style_mean)

    # Construct new style
    new_style = np.reshape(style, (-1, style.shape[2])).T
    new_style = np.matmul(A, new_style).T
    new_style = np.reshape(new_style, style.shape)
    new_style = new_style + b

    return new_style
项目:PersonalizedMultitaskLearning    作者:mitmedialab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGamma(self):
        task_matrices = np.zeros((self.n_tasks, self.num_feats, self.num_feats))
        for m in range(self.n_tasks):
            rho_vector = rhoFunction(np.array(self.xi[m]))
            rho_vector = rho_vector.reshape((1,-1))             # Make rho vector 2D
            task_X = self.task_dict[m]['X']
            # Note that the transposing doesn't exactly match the paper because our data format is slightly different
            rho_matrix = abs(rho_vector) * task_X.T
            task_matrices[m,:,:] =, task_X)  

        for k in range(self.K):
            inner_sum = np.zeros((self.num_feats,self.num_feats))
            for m in range(self.n_tasks):
                inner_sum = inner_sum + self.phi[m,k] * task_matrices[m,:,:]
            self.gamma[k] = la.inv(la.inv(self.sigma) + 2*inner_sum)
            if self.debug: 
                print "gamma computation {0}".format(k), la.det(la.inv(self.sigma) + 2*inner_sum)
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normal_density_at_zero(m, c):
    """ Compute the normal density with given mean and covariance at zero. 

    m : vector
    c : ndarray
        Covariance matrix. Assumption: c is square matrix and its size is 
        compatible with that of m.

    g : float
        Computed density value.


    dim = len(m)
    g = 1 / ((2 * pi)**(dim / 2) * sqrt(absolute(det(c)))) *\
        exp(-1/2 * dot(dot(m, inv(c)), m))

    return g
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        Fits a t-Student Process regressor

        X: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples, nfeatures)
            Training instances to fit the GP.
        y: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples,)
            Corresponding continuous target values to `X`.

        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self.n1 = X.shape[0]

        if self.optimize:
            self.optHyp(param_key=self.covfunc.parameters, param_bounds=self.covfunc.bounds)

        self.K11 = self.covfunc.K(self.X, self.X)
        self.beta1 =, inv(self.K11)), self.y)
        self.logp = logpdf(self.y,, mu=np.zeros(self.n1), Sigma=self.K11)
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, a_hist, t):
        This function implements the prediction formula discussed is section 6 (1.59)
        It takes a realization for a^N, and the period in which the prediciton is formed

        Output:  E[abar | a_t, a_{t-1}, ..., a_1, a_0]

        N = np.asarray(a_hist).shape[0] - 1        
        a_hist = np.asarray(a_hist).reshape(N + 1, 1)
        V = self.construct_V(N + 1)

        aux_matrix = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1))
        aux_matrix[:(t + 1), :(t + 1)] = np.eye(t + 1)
        L = la.cholesky(V).T
        Ea_hist = la.inv(L) @ aux_matrix @ L @ a_hist

        return Ea_hist
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot4():
    # Density 1
    Z = gen_gaussian_plot_vals(x_hat, ?)
    cs1 = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, 6, colors="black")
    ax.clabel(cs1, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    # Density 2
    M = ? * G.T * linalg.inv(G * ? * G.T + R)
    x_hat_F = x_hat + M * (y - G * x_hat)
    ?_F = ? - M * G * ?
    Z_F = gen_gaussian_plot_vals(x_hat_F, ?_F)
    cs2 = ax.contour(X, Y, Z_F, 6, colors="black")
    ax.clabel(cs2, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    # Density 3
    new_x_hat = A * x_hat_F
    new_? = A * ?_F * A.T + Q
    new_Z = gen_gaussian_plot_vals(new_x_hat, new_?)
    cs3 = ax.contour(X, Y, new_Z, 6, colors="black")
    ax.clabel(cs3, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    ax.contourf(X, Y, new_Z, 6, alpha=0.6, cmap=cm.jet)
    ax.text(float(y[0]), float(y[1]), r"$y$", fontsize=20, color="black")

# == Choose a plot to generate == #
项目:car-detection    作者:mmetcalfe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factor(self):
        """    Factorize the camera matrix into K,R,t as P = K[R|t]. """

        # factor first 3*3 part
        K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])

        # make diagonal of K positive
        T = diag(sign(diag(K)))
        if linalg.det(T) < 0:
            T[1,1] *= -1

        self.K = dot(K,T)
        self.R = dot(T,R) # T is its own inverse
        self.t = dot(linalg.inv(self.K),self.P[:,3])

        return self.K, self.R, self.t
项目:stuff    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, suvi, *args):
    if list_or_tuple(suvi):
      if len(suvi) == 3:
        s, u, v = suvi
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
        s, u, v, inv = suvi
      s = suvi
      u = args[0]
      v = args[1]
      if len(args)>2:
        inv = args[2]
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
    self.s = s
    self.u = u
    self.v = v
    self.inv = inv
项目:stuff    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, suvi, *args):
    if list_or_tuple(suvi):
      if len(suvi) == 3:
        s, u, v = suvi
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
        s, u, v, inv = suvi
      s = suvi
      u = args[0]
      v = args[1]
      if len(args)>2:
        inv = args[2]
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
    self.s = s
    self.u = u
    self.v = v
    self.inv = inv
项目:stuff    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, suvi, *args):
    if list_or_tuple(suvi):
      if len(suvi) == 3:
        s, u, v = suvi
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
        s, u, v, inv = suvi
      s = suvi
      u = args[0]
      v = args[1]
      if len(args)>2:
        inv = args[2]
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
    self.s = s
    self.u = u
    self.v = v
    self.inv = inv
项目:stuff    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, suvi, *args):
    if list_or_tuple(suvi):
      if len(suvi) == 3:
        s, u, v = suvi
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
        s, u, v, inv = suvi
      s = suvi
      u = args[0]
      v = args[1]
      if len(args)>2:
        inv = args[2]
        inv = Identity(s.shape[0])
    self.s = s
    self.u = u
    self.v = v
    self.inv = inv
项目:plda    作者:RaviSoji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_optimized_A_and_?_w_make_eye(cls):
        """ I = (V^T)(?_w)(V), where A = inv(V^T)
        (1) There are two ways to compute ?_w:
            ?_w = (A)(A^T)
            ?_w = n / (n-1) * S_w
        (2) *** COMPUTE PHI WITH S_w: ?_w = n/(n-1) * S_w. ***
        (3) Do NOT use ?_w = (A)(A^T) because that is trivially true:
             (V^T)(?_w)(V), where V = inv(A^T), which gives
             (inv(A))(A)(A^T)(inv(A^T)) = (I)(I) = I.
        tolerance = 1e-13  # Should be smaller than n / (n - 1).

        S_w = cls.model.S_w
        n = cls.model.n_avg
        V = inv(cls.model.A.T)
        cls.assertTrue(tolerance < (n / (n - 1)))

        ?_w = n / (n - 1) * S_w
        result = np.matmul(np.matmul(V.T, ?_w), V)
        cls.assert_same(result, np.eye(cls.dims), tolerance=tolerance)
项目:plda    作者:RaviSoji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_calc_A(self):
        tolerance = 1e-100
        dims = self.dims

        ?_w = np.diag(np.ones(dims))
        W = np.random.randint(0, 9, self.dims ** 2).reshape(dims, dims) + \
        n_avg = 9

        A_truth = ?_w * n_avg / (n_avg - 1)
        A_truth = np.sqrt(A_truth)
        A_truth = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(W).T, A_truth)

        A_model = self.model.calc_A(n_avg, ?_w, W)

        self.assert_same(A_model, A_truth, tolerance=tolerance)
项目:parametrix    作者:vincentchoqueuse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute(self,signal):




        return self
项目:parametrix    作者:vincentchoqueuse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_criterion(self,y):


        #construct matrices

        x=lg.inv(H.T*H)*H.T*y                           #estimation of x

        if self.estimate_sigma2 is True:

        self.criterion=coef*num/den  ## See page 274 / 345
项目:nengolib    作者:arvoelke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_func_realize(radii):
    sys = Alpha(0.1)

    T = np.asarray([[1., 2.], [0, -1.]])

    for Tinv in (None, inv(T)):
        realize_result = _realize(sys, radii, T, Tinv)

        assert realize_result.sys is sys
        assert np.allclose(inv(realize_result.T), realize_result.Tinv)

        rsys = realize_result.realization
        assert ss_equal(rsys, sys.transform(realize_result.T))

        # Check that the state vector are related by T
        length = 1000
        dt = 0.001
        x_old = np.asarray([sub.impulse(length, dt) for sub in sys])
        x_new = np.asarray([sub.impulse(length, dt) for sub in rsys])

        r = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(radii).T).T
        assert np.allclose(, x_new * r), x_old)
项目:nengolib    作者:arvoelke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_identity(radii):
    sys = Alpha(0.1)

    identity = Identity()
    assert repr(identity) == "Identity()"

    I = np.eye(len(sys))
    realize_result = identity(sys, radii)
    assert realize_result.sys is sys
    assert np.allclose(realize_result.T, I * radii)
    assert np.allclose(realize_result.Tinv, inv(I * radii))

    rsys = realize_result.realization
    assert ss_equal(rsys, sys.transform(realize_result.T))

    # Check that it's still the same system, even though different matrices
    assert sys_equal(sys, rsys)
    if radii == 1:
        assert ss_equal(sys, rsys)
        assert not np.allclose(sys.B, rsys.B)
        assert not np.allclose(sys.C, rsys.C)

    # Check that the state vectors have scaled power
    assert np.allclose(state_norm(sys) / radii, state_norm(rsys))
项目:nengolib    作者:arvoelke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _realize(sys, radii, T, Tinv=None):
    """Helper function for producing a RealizerResult."""
    sys = LinearSystem(sys)
    r = np.asarray(radii, dtype=np.float64)
    if r.ndim == 0:
        r = np.ones(len(sys)) * r
    elif r.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("radii (%s) must be a 1-dim array or scalar" % (
    elif len(r) != len(sys):
        raise ValueError("radii (%s) length must match state dimension %d" % (
            radii, len(sys)))

    T = T * r[None, :]
    if Tinv is None:  # this needs to be computed eventually anyways
        Tinv = inv(T)
        Tinv = Tinv / r[:, None]

    return RealizerResult(sys, T, Tinv, sys.transform(T, Tinv))
项目:calibration    作者:ciechowoj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decompose(P):
    M = P[:3, :3]
    T = P[:3, 3]

    K, R = scipy.linalg.rq(M)

    for i in range(2):
        if K[i,i] < 0:
            K[:, i] *= -1
            R[i, :] *= -1

    if K[2,2] > 0:
        K[:, 2] *= -1
        R[2, :] *= -1

    if det(R) < 0:
        R *= -1

    T = linalg.inv(dot(K, -R)).dot(T.reshape((3, 1)))
    K /= -K[2,2]

    return K, R, T
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fwd_bem_multi_solution(solids, gamma, nps):
    """Do multi surface solution

      * Invert I - solids/(2*M_PI)
      * Take deflation into account
      * The matrix is destroyed after inversion
      * This is the general multilayer case

    pi2 = 1.0 / (2 * np.pi)
    n_tot = np.sum(nps)
    assert solids.shape == (n_tot, n_tot)
    nsurf = len(nps)
    defl = 1.0 / n_tot
    # Modify the matrix
    offsets = np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([0], nps)))
    for si_1 in range(nsurf):
        for si_2 in range(nsurf):
            mult = pi2 if gamma is None else pi2 * gamma[si_1, si_2]
            slice_j = slice(offsets[si_1], offsets[si_1 + 1])
            slice_k = slice(offsets[si_2], offsets[si_2 + 1])
            solids[slice_j, slice_k] = defl - solids[slice_j, slice_k] * mult
    solids += np.eye(n_tot)
    return linalg.inv(solids, overwrite_a=True)
项目:mne-hcp    作者:mne-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_infos_trans(infos):
    """XXX this goes to tests later, currently not used"""
    chan_max_idx = np.argmax([c['nchan'] for c in infos])
    chan_template = infos[chan_max_idx]['ch_names']
    channels = [c['ch_names'] for c in infos]
    common_channels = set(chan_template).intersection(*channels)

    common_chs = [[c['chs'][c['ch_names'].index(ch)] for ch in common_channels]
                  for c in infos]
    dev_ctf_trans = [i['dev_ctf_t']['trans'] for i in infos]
    cns = [[c['ch_name'] for c in cc] for cc in common_chs]
    for cn1, cn2 in itt.combinations(cns, 2):
        assert cn1 == cn2
    # BTI stores data in head coords, as a consequence the coordinates
    # change across run, we apply the ctf->ctf_head transform here
    # to check that all transforms are correct.
    cts = [np.array([linalg.inv(_loc_to_coil_trans(c['loc'])).dot(t)
                    for c in cc])
           for t, cc in zip(dev_ctf_trans, common_chs)]
    for ct1, ct2 in itt.combinations(cts, 2):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ct1, ct2, 12)
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_graph_lasso_cv(random_state=1):
    # Sample data from a sparse multivariate normal
    dim = 5
    n_samples = 6
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    prec = make_sparse_spd_matrix(dim, alpha=.96,
    cov = linalg.inv(prec)
    X = random_state.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), cov, size=n_samples)
    # Capture stdout, to smoke test the verbose mode
    orig_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = StringIO()
        # We need verbose very high so that Parallel prints on stdout
        GraphLassoCV(verbose=100, alphas=5, tol=1e-1).fit(X)
        sys.stdout = orig_stdout

    # Smoke test with specified alphas
    GraphLassoCV(alphas=[0.8, 0.5], tol=1e-1, n_jobs=1).fit(X)
项目:spyking-circus    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_precision(self):
        """Compute data precision matrix with the generative model.
        Equals the inverse of the covariance but computed with
        the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency.
        precision : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
            Estimated precision of data.
        n_features = self.components_.shape[1]

        # handle corner cases first
        if self.n_components_ == 0:
            return np.eye(n_features) / self.noise_variance_
        if self.n_components_ == n_features:
            return linalg.inv(self.get_covariance())

        # Get precision using matrix inversion lemma
        components_ = self.components_
        exp_var = self.explained_variance_
        exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
        precision =, components_.T) / self.noise_variance_
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / exp_var_diff
        precision =,
                 , components_))
        precision /= -(self.noise_variance_ ** 2)
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / self.noise_variance_
        return precision
项目:PersonalizedMultitaskLearning    作者:mitmedialab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateTheta(self):
        for k in range(self.K):
            inner_sum = np.zeros((1,self.num_feats))
            for m in range(self.n_tasks):
                inner_sum = inner_sum + self.phi[m,k] * np.atleast_2d(self.task_vectors[m,:])
            self.theta[k,:] = ([k],(, + inner_sum.T)  )).T
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lpfls2notch(N,wp,ws,wn1,wn2,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nq) - W*(ws/np.pi)*np.sinc((ws/np.pi)*nq)
    b = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nb)
    q[0] = wp/np.pi + W*(1-ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = np.asmatrix(b)
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    G1 = np.cos(wn1*nb)
    G2 = np.cos(wn2*nb)
    G = np.matrix([G1,G2])

    d = np.array([0,0])
    d = np.asmatrix(d)
    d = d.transpose()

    c = np.asmatrix(ln.solve(Q,b))

    mu = ln.solve(G*ln.inv(Q)*G.transpose(),G*c - d)

    a = c - ln.solve(Q,G.transpose()*mu)
    h = np.zeros(N)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lpfls1notch(N,wp,ws,wn1,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nq) - W*(ws/np.pi)*np.sinc((ws/np.pi)*nq)
    b = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nb)
    q[0] = wp/np.pi + W*(1-ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = np.asmatrix(b)
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    G1 = np.cos(wn1*nb)
    G = np.matrix([G1])

    d = np.array([0])
    d = np.asmatrix(d)

    c = np.asmatrix(ln.solve(Q,b))

    mu = ln.solve(G*ln.inv(Q)*G.transpose(),G*c - d)

    a = c - ln.solve(Q,G.transpose()*mu)
    h = np.zeros(N)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:Stereo-Pose-Machines    作者:ppwwyyxx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, K,R,t):
        self.K = K
        self.R = R
        self.t = t
        self.invR = self.R.T
        self.P = np.matmul(self.K,
                np.concatenate((self.R, self.t.reshape((3,1))), axis=1))
        self.invP3 = la.inv(self.P[:3,:3]) = np.matmul(-self.invP3, self.P[:3,3])
项目:Stereo-Pose-Machines    作者:ppwwyyxx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def triangulate(cam1, cam2, p1, p2):
    p1 = np.asarray([p1[0],p1[1],1])
    p2 = np.asarray([p2[0],p2[1],1])
    c1, v1 = cam_center_vector(cam1, p1)
    c2, v2 = cam_center_vector(cam2, p2)
    t = c2 - c1
    v3 = np.cross(v1, v2)
    X = np.stack((v1, v3, -v2), axis=1)

    alpha = np.matmul(la.inv(X), t)
    output = c1 + v1 * alpha[0] + alpha[1]*0.5*v3
    return output
项目:DAB_analyzer    作者:meklon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_deconv_matrix(matrix_vector_dab_he):
    Custom calculated matrix of lab's stains DAB + Hematoxylin
    The raw matrix was moved to the global scope before main() function as a constant

    matrix_vector_dab_he[2, :] = np.cross(matrix_vector_dab_he[0, :], matrix_vector_dab_he[1, :])
    matrix_dh = linalg.inv(matrix_vector_dab_he)
    return matrix_dh
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analytical_value_c_cross_entropy(distr1, distr2, par1, par2):
    """ Analytical value of the cross-entropy for the given distributions.

    distr1, distr2 : str
                     Name of the distributions.
    par1, par2 : dictionaries
                 Parameters of the distribution. If distr1 = distr2 =
                 'normal': par1["mean"], par1["cov"] and par2["mean"],
                 par2["cov"] are the means and the covariance matrices.

    c : float
        Analytical value of the cross-entropy.


    if distr1 == 'normal' and distr2 == 'normal':
        # covariance matrices, expectations:
        c1, m1 = par1['cov'], par1['mean']
        c2, m2 = par2['cov'], par2['mean']
        dim = len(m1)

        invc2 = inv(c2)
        diffm = m1 - m2

        c = 1/2 * (dim * log(2*pi) + log(det(c2)) + trace(dot(invc2, c1)) +
                   dot(diffm, dot(invc2, diffm)))
        raise Exception('Distribution=?')

    return c
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analytical_value_d_kullback_leibler(distr1, distr2, par1, par2):
    """ Analytical value of the KL divergence for the given distributions.

    distr1, distr2 : str-s
                    Names of the distributions.
    par1, par2 : dictionary-s
                 Parameters of the distributions. If distr1 = distr2 =
                 'normal': par1["mean"], par1["cov"] and par2["mean"],
                 par2["cov"] are the means and the covariance matrices.

    d : float
        Analytical value of the Kullback-Leibler divergence.


    if distr1 == 'normal' and distr2 == 'normal':
        # covariance matrices, expectations:
        c1, m1 = par1['cov'], par1['mean']
        c2, m2 = par2['cov'], par2['mean']
        dim = len(m1)    

        invc2 = inv(c2)
        diffm = m1 - m2

        d = 1/2 * (log(det(c2)/det(c1)) + trace(dot(invc2, c1)) +
                   dot(diffm, dot(invc2, diffm)) - dim)
        raise Exception('Distribution=?')

    return d
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analytical_value_i_renyi(distr, alpha, par):
    """ Analytical value of the Renyi mutual information.

    distr : str
            Name of the distribution.
    alpha : float
            Parameter of the Renyi mutual information.
    par : dictionary
          Parameters of the distribution. If distr = 'normal': par["cov"]
          is the covariance matrix.

    i : float
        Analytical value of the Renyi mutual information.


    if distr == 'normal':
        c = par["cov"]        

        t1 = -alpha / 2 * log(det(c))
        t2 = -(1 - alpha) / 2 * log(prod(diag(c)))
        t3 = log(det(alpha * inv(c) + (1 - alpha) * diag(1 / diag(c)))) / 2
        i = 1 / (alpha - 1) * (t1 + t2 - t3)            
        raise Exception('Distribution=?')

    return i
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analytical_value_d_hellinger(distr1, distr2, par1, par2):
    """ Analytical value of Hellinger distance for the given distributions.

    distr1, distr2 : str-s
                    Names of the distributions.
    par1, par2 : dictionary-s
                 Parameters of the distributions. If distr1 = distr2 =
                 'normal': par1["mean"], par1["cov"] and par2["mean"],
                 par2["cov"] are the means and the covariance matrices.

    d : float
        Analytical value of the Hellinger distance.


    if distr1 == 'normal' and distr2 == 'normal':
        # covariance matrices, expectations:
        c1, m1 = par1['cov'], par1['mean']
        c2, m2 = par2['cov'], par2['mean']

        # "": Examples:
        diffm = m1 - m2
        avgc = (c1 + c2) / 2
        inv_avgc = inv(avgc)
        d = 1 - det(c1)**(1/4) * det(c2)**(1/4) / sqrt(det(avgc)) * \
            exp(-dot(diffm, dot(inv_avgc, diffm))/8)  # D^2

        d = sqrt(d)
        raise Exception('Distribution=?')

    return d
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logpdf(x, df, mu, Sigma):
    Marginal log-likelihood of a Student-t Process

    x: array-like
        Point to be evaluated
    df: float
        Degrees of freedom (>2.0)
    mu: array-like
        Mean of the process.
    Sigma: array-like
        Covariance matrix of the process.

    logp: float

    d = len(x)
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    xm = x - mu
    V = df * Sigma
    V_inv = np.linalg.inv(V)
    _, logdet = slogdet(np.pi * V)

    logz = -gamma(df / 2.0 + d / 2.0) + gamma(df / 2.0) + 0.5 * logdet
    logp = -0.5 * (df + d) * np.log(1 + np.sum(, V_inv) * xm, axis=1))

    logp = logp - logz

    return logp[0]
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, Xstar, return_std=False):
        Returns mean and covariances for the posterior t-Student process.

        Xstar: np.ndarray, shape=((nsamples, nfeatures))
            Testing instances to predict.
        return_std: bool
            Whether to return the standard deviation of the posterior process. Otherwise,
            it returns the whole covariance matrix of the posterior process.

            Mean of the posterior process for testing instances.
            Covariance of the posterior process for testing instances.
        Xstar = np.atleast_2d(Xstar)
        self.K21 = self.covfunc.K(Xstar, self.X)
        self.K22 = self.covfunc.K(Xstar, Xstar)
        self.K12 = self.covfunc.K(self.X, Xstar)
        self.K22_tilde = self.K22 -, inv(self.K11)), self.K12)

        phi2 =, inv(self.K11)), self.y)
        cov = ( + self.beta1 - 2) / ( + self.n1 - 2) * self.K22_tilde
        if return_std:
            return phi2, np.diag(cov)
        return phi2, cov
项目:astrology    作者:mattsgithub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train(self, X, y, **kwargs):
        features = kwargs.get('features')
        self.fit_intercept = kwargs.get('fit_intercept')

        self.y = y
        self.N = y.shape[0]
        # Ignore column vector
        if self.fit_intercept:
            self.features = ['bias'] + features
            X = np.concatenate((np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X), axis=1)
            self.p = X.shape[1] - (1 if self.fit_intercept else 0)
            self.features = features
            self.p = X.shape[1]

        self.X = X
        XT = X.T
        std_error_matrix = inv(
        self.beta =

        # Prediction
        self.y_hat =

        # Residual sum of squares
        self.rss = np.sum((y - self.y_hat)**2)

        # Estimated variance
        self.df = (self.N - self.p - 1)
        self.pop_var = self.rss / self.df

        # Standard error
        self.std_error = np.sqrt(std_error_matrix.diagonal() * self.pop_var)

        # t scores
        self.t = self.beta / self.std_error
项目:astrology    作者:mattsgithub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_f_distrib_for_many_coefficients(self, features):
        from scipy.stats import f

        # Remove a particular subset of features
        X = np.delete(self.X, [self.features.index(_) for _ in features], 1)

        # Prediction from reduced model
        XT = X.T
        std_error_matrix = inv(
        beta =
        y_hat =
        rss_reduced_model = np.sum((self.y - y_hat)**2)

        dfn = len(features)
        dfd = self.df

        # This should be distributed as chi squared
        # with degrees of freedom equal to number
        # of dropped features
        rss_diff = (rss_reduced_model - self.rss)
        chi_1 = rss_diff / dfn
        chi_2 = self.pop_var
        f_score = chi_1 / chi_2

        # 5% and 95% percentile
        f_05, f_95 = f.ppf([0.05, 0.95], dfn, dfd)

        x = np.linspace(0.001, 5.0)


        plt.scatter(f_score, f.pdf(f_score, dfn, dfd), marker='o', color='red')
        plt.plot(x, f.pdf(x, dfn, dfd), color='gray', lw=5, alpha=0.6)
        plt.title('f-distribtion for dropping features: {0}'.format(features))
项目:pysptools    作者:ctherien    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ACE(M, t):
    Performs the adaptive cosin/coherent estimator algorithm for target

        M: `numpy array`
            2d matrix of HSI data (N x p).

        t: `numpy array`
            A target endmember (p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        Vector of detector output (N).

      X Jin, S Paswater, H Cline.  "A Comparative Study of Target Detection
      Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery."  SPIE Algorithms and Technologies
      for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XV.  Vol
      7334.  2009.
    N, p = M.shape
    # Remove mean from data
    u = M.mean(axis=0)
    M = M - np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), u)
    t = t - u;

    R_hat = np.cov(M.T)
    G = lin.inv(R_hat)

    results = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ##% From Broadwater's paper
    ##%tmp = G*S*inv(S.'*G*S)*S.'*G;
    tmp = np.array(,, t)))
    dot_G_M =, M[0:,:].T)
    num = np.square(, dot_G_M))
    for k in range(N):
        denom =,[k], dot_G_M[:,k]))
        results[k] = num[k] / denom
    return results
项目:pysptools    作者:ctherien    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MatchedFilter(M, t):
    Performs the matched filter algorithm for target

        M: `numpy array`
            2d matrix of HSI data (N x p).

        t: `numpy array`
            A target endmember (p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        Vector of detector output (N).

      X Jin, S Paswater, H Cline.  "A Comparative Study of Target Detection
     Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery."  SPIE Algorithms and Technologies
     for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XV.  Vol
     7334.  2009.

    N, p = M.shape
    # Remove mean from data
    u = M.mean(axis=0)
    M = M - np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), u)
    t = t - u;

    R_hat = np.cov(M.T)
    G = lin.inv(R_hat)

    tmp = np.array(,, t)))
    w =, t)
    return, M.T) / tmp
项目:pysptools    作者:ctherien    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CEM(M, t):
    Performs the constrained energy minimization algorithm for target

        M: `numpy array`
            2d matrix of HSI data (N x p).

        t: `numpy array`
            A target endmember (p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        Vector of detector output (N).

        Qian Du, Hsuan Ren, and Chein-I Cheng. A Comparative Study of
        Orthogonal Subspace Projection and Constrained Energy Minimization.
        IEEE TGRS. Volume 41. Number 6. June 2003.
    def corr(M):
        p, N = M.shape
        return, M.T) / N

    N, p = M.shape
    R_hat = corr(M.T)
    Rinv = lin.inv(R_hat)
    denom =,, t))
    t_Rinv =, Rinv)
    return , M[0:,:].T) / denom
项目:pysptools    作者:ctherien    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GLRT(M, t):
    Performs the generalized likelihood test ratio algorithm for target

        M: `numpy array`
            2d matrix of HSI data (N x p).

        t: `numpy array`
            A target endmember (p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        Vector of detector output (N).

        T F AyouB, "Modified GLRT Signal Detection Algorithm," IEEE
        Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol 36, No 3, July
    N, p = M.shape

    # Remove mean from data
    u = M.mean(axis=0)
    M = M - np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), u)
    t = t - u;

    R = lin.inv(np.cov(M.T))
    results = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float)

    t_R_t_dot =,, t.T))
    for k in range(N):
        x = M[k]
        R_x_dot =, x)
        num =, R_x_dot)**2
        denom = t_R_t_dot * (1 +, R_x_dot))
        results[k] = num / denom
    return results
项目:ThermoCodeLib    作者:longlevan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MultiDimNewtRaph(f,x0,dx=1e-6,args=(),ytol=1e-5,w=1.0,JustOneStep=False):
    A Newton-Raphson solver where the Jacobian is always re-evaluated rather than
    re-using the information as in the fsolve method of scipy.optimize
    #Convert to numpy array, force type conversion to float

    #If a float is passed in for dx, convert to a numpy-like list the same shape
    #as x
    if isinstance(dx,int):
    elif isinstance(dx,float):

    while abs(error)>ytol:
        #Build the Jacobian matrix by columns
        for i in range(len(x)):
        #Calculate the residual vector at the new step
        error = np.max(np.abs(r0))
        #Just do one step and stop
        if JustOneStep==True:
            return x
    return x
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_induced_kernel_matrix_on_data(self,data_x,data_y):
        '''Z follows the same distribution as X; W follows that of Y.
        The current data generating methods we use 
        generate X and Y at the same time. '''
        size_induced_set = max(self.num_inducex,self.num_inducey)
        #print "size_induce_set", size_induced_set
        if self.data_generator is None:
            subsample_idx = np.random.randint(self.num_samples, size=size_induced_set)
            self.data_z = data_x[subsample_idx,:]
            self.data_w = data_y[subsample_idx,:]
            self.data_z, self.data_w = self.data_generator(size_induced_set)
        print 'Induce Set'
        if self.kernelX_use_median:
            sigmax = self.kernelX.get_sigma_median_heuristic(data_x)
        if self.kernelY_use_median:
            sigmay = self.kernelY.get_sigma_median_heuristic(data_y)
        Kxz = self.kernelX.kernel(data_x,self.data_z)
        Kzz = self.kernelX.kernel(self.data_z)
        #R = inv(sqrtm(Kzz))
        R = inv(sqrtm(Kzz + np.eye(np.shape(Kzz)[0])*10**(-6)))
        phix =
        Kyw = self.kernelY.kernel(data_y,self.data_w)
        Kww = self.kernelY.kernel(self.data_w)
        #S = inv(sqrtm(Kww))
        S = inv(sqrtm(Kww + np.eye(np.shape(Kww)[0])*10**(-6)))
        phiy =
        return phix, phiy
项目:Boxy-disky-parameter-of-E-galaxies    作者:spica095    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fitEllipse (x, y):
     x = x [:, np.newaxis]
     y = y [:, np.newaxis]
     D = np.hstack(( x*x , x*y , y*y , x, y, np.ones_like(x)))
     S = (D.T ,D)
     C = np.zeros ([6 , 6])
     C[0, 2] = C[2, 0] = 2 
     C[1, 1] = -1
     E ,V = eig(,C ))
     n = np.argmax(np.abs(E))
     a = V[:, n]
     if a[0] < 0 : a = -a
     return a
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def price_single_beliefs(transition, dividend_payoff, ?=.75):
    Function to Solve Single Beliefs
    # First compute inverse piece
    imbq_inv = la.inv(np.eye(transition.shape[0]) - ?*transition)

    # Next compute prices
    prices = ? *, transition), dividend_payoff)

    return prices
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot3():
    Z = gen_gaussian_plot_vals(x_hat, ?)
    cs1 = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, 6, colors="black")
    ax.clabel(cs1, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    M = ? * G.T * linalg.inv(G * ? * G.T + R)
    x_hat_F = x_hat + M * (y - G * x_hat)
    ?_F = ? - M * G * ?
    new_Z = gen_gaussian_plot_vals(x_hat_F, ?_F)
    cs2 = ax.contour(X, Y, new_Z, 6, colors="black")
    ax.clabel(cs2, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    ax.contourf(X, Y, new_Z, 6, alpha=0.6, cmap=cm.jet)
    ax.text(float(y[0]), float(y[1]), r"$y$", fontsize=20, color="black")
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract(self, N, F):
    L = np.zeros((self.tv_dim, self.tv_dim))
    L[self.itril] =
    L += np.tril(L, -1).T + self.Im
    Cxx = inv(L)
    B =
    Ex =
    return Ex
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expectation_tv(self, data_list):
    N, F = read_data(data_list, self.nmix, self.ndim)
    nfiles = F.shape[0]
    nframes = N.sum()
    LU = np.zeros((self.nmix, self.tv_dim * (self.tv_dim + 1) // 2))
    RU = np.zeros((self.tv_dim, self.nmix * self.ndim))
    LLK = 0.
    T_invS = self.Tm / self.Sigma
    T_iS_Tt = self.comp_T_invS_Tt()
    parts = 2500  # modify this based on your HW resources (e.g., memory)
    nbatch = int(nfiles / parts + 0.99999)
    for batch in range(nbatch):
      start = batch * parts
      fin = min((batch + 1) * parts, nfiles)
      length = fin - start
      N1 = N[start:fin]
      F1 = F[start:fin]
      L1 =
      B1 =
      Ex = np.empty((length, self.tv_dim))
      Exx = np.empty((length, self.tv_dim * (self.tv_dim + 1) // 2))
      llk = np.zeros((length, 1))
      for ix in range(length):
        L = np.zeros((self.tv_dim, self.tv_dim))
        L[self.itril] = L1[ix]
        L += np.tril(L, -1).T + self.Im
        Cxx = inv(L)
        B = B1[ix][:, np.newaxis]
        this_Ex =
        llk[ix] = self.res_llk(this_Ex, B)
        Ex[ix] = this_Ex.T
        Exx[ix] = (Cxx +[self.itril]
      RU +=
      LU +=
      LLK += llk.sum()
    self.Tm = None
    tmp_string = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=16))
    tmpfile = self.tmpdir + 'tmat_' + tmp_string + '.h5'
    h5write(tmpfile, LU, 'LU')
    return RU, LLK, nframes
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_one(self, X, T, x, beta, C):
        """Predict one single new point ``x``.
        The hyperparameter ``beta`` and Gram matrix ``C`` should be estimated
        and calculated from the training data, respectively. """

        kXx = self.kernel.inner(X, x)
        kxx = self.kernel.inner(x, x)

        inv_C = linalg.inv(C)
        c = kxx + 1 / beta

        self.pred_mean =
        self.pred_cov = c -  # Why the cov so small ?

        return self.pred_mean, self.pred_cov