Python scipy.linalg 模块,solve() 实例源码


项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lpfls(N,wp,ws,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nq) - W*(ws/np.pi)*np.sinc((ws/np.pi)*nq)
    b = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nb)
    b[0] = wp/np.pi
    q[0] = wp/np.pi + W*(1-ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    a = ln.solve(Q,b)
    h = list(nq)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bpfls(N,ws1,wp1,wp2,ws2,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = W*np.sinc(nq) - (W*ws2/np.pi) * np.sinc(nq* (ws2/np.pi)) + (wp2/np.pi) * np.sinc(nq*(wp2/np.pi)) - (wp1/np.pi) * np.sinc(nq*(wp1/np.pi)) + (W*ws1/np.pi) * np.sinc(nq*(ws1/np.pi))
    b = (wp2/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp2/np.pi)*nb) - (wp1/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp1/np.pi)*nb)
    b[0] = wp2/np.pi - wp1/np.pi
    q[0] = W - W*ws2/np.pi + wp2/np.pi - wp1/np.pi + W*ws1/np.pi # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    a = ln.solve(Q,b)
    h = list(nq)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hpfls(N,ws,wp,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    b = 1 - (wp/np.pi)* np.sinc(nb * wp/np.pi)
    b[0] = 1- wp/np.pi
    q = 1 - (wp/np.pi)* np.sinc(nq * wp/np.pi) + W * (ws/np.pi) * np.sinc(nq * ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    q[0] = b[0] + W* ws/np.pi
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    a = ln.solve(Q,b)
    h = list(nq)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:StructEngPy    作者:zhuoju36    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear2(model:Model.fem_model):
    Dvec=model.D'Solving linear model with %d DOFs...'%model.DOF)
    #sparse matrix solution
    delta_bar = sl.spsolve(sp.csc_matrix(K_bar),F_bar)
    delta = delta_bar
    #fill original displacement vector
    prev = 0
    for idx in index:
        if gap>0:
        prev = idx + 1               
        if idx==index[-1] and idx!=n_nodes-1:
            delta = np.insert(delta,prev, [0]*(n_nodes*6-prev))
    delta += Dvec

    return delta
项目:RevPy    作者:flix-tech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demand_mass_balance_h(odemand, close_prob, recapture_rate):
    """Solve Demand Mass Balance equation for host-level

    odemand: int
        Observerd demand
    close_prob: float
        Probability of selecting a closed element from host set H
    recapture_rate: float
        Estimated recapture rate

        Estimated demand, spill and recapture

    A = np.array([[1, -1, 1], [-close_prob, 1, 0], [0, -recapture_rate, 1]])
    B = np.array([odemand, 0, 0])

    demand, spill, recapture = solve(A, B)

    return demand, spill, recapture
项目:PyRBF    作者:srowe12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, Y):
        Generates the RBF coefficients to fit a set of given data values Y for centers self.centers
        :param Y: A set of dependent data values corresponding to self.centers
        :return: Void, sets the self.coefs values
        kernel_matrix = self.EvaluateCentersKernel()
        kernel_matrix[np.isinf(kernel_matrix)] = 0 # TODO: Is there a better way to avoid the diagonal?
        monomial_basis = poly.GetMonomialBasis(self.dimension, self.poly_degree)
        poly_matrix = poly.BuildPolynomialMatrix(monomial_basis, self.centers.transpose()) # TODO: Probably remove transpose requirement
        poly_shape = np.shape(poly_matrix)
        # Get the number of columns, as we need to make an np.zeros((num_cols,num_cols))
        num_cols = poly_shape[1]
        num_rbf_coefs = len(self.centers)
        zero_mat = np.zeros((num_cols,num_cols))
        upper_matrix = np.hstack((kernel_matrix, poly_matrix))
        lower_matrix = np.hstack((poly_matrix.transpose(),zero_mat))
        rbf_matrix = np.vstack((upper_matrix,lower_matrix))
        Y = np.concatenate((Y,np.zeros((num_cols)))) # Extend with zeros for the polynomial annihilation
        self.coefs = sl.solve(rbf_matrix, Y, sym_pos=False)
项目:ADER-WENO    作者:haranjackson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coeffs(u1):
    """ Calculate coefficients of basis polynomials and weights
    wL  = solve(ML, u1[:N+1])
    wR  = solve(MR, u1[N:])
    oL  = weights(wL, ?s)
    oR  = weights(wR, ?s)
    if N==1:
        return (mult(wL,oL) + mult(wR,oR)) / (oL + oR)

    wCL = solve(MCL, u1[fhN:fhN2])
    oCL = weights(wCL, ?c)
    if nStencils==3:
        return (mult(wL,oL) + mult(wCL,oCL) + mult(wR,oR)) / (oL + oCL + oR)

    oCR = weights(wCR, ?c)
    wCR = solve(MCR, u1[chN:chN2])
    return (mult(wL,oL) + mult(wCL,oCL) + mult(wCR,oCR) + mult(wR,oR)) / (oL + oCL + oCR + oR)
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic_regression(x, t, w, eps=1e-2, max_iter=int(1e3)):
    N = x.shape[1]
    Phi = np.vstack([np.ones(N), phi(x)]).T

    for k in range(max_iter):
        y = expit(
        R = np.diag(np.ones(N) * (y * (1 - y)))
        H =
        g = - t)

        w_new = w - linalg.solve(H, g)

        diff = linalg.norm(w_new - w) / linalg.norm(w)
        if (diff < eps):

        w = w_new
        print('{0:5d} {1:10.6f}'.format(k, diff))

    return w
项目:FRIDA    作者:LCAV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_mtx_obj(GtG_lst, Tbeta_lst, Rc0, num_bands, K):
    compute the matrix (M) in the objective function:
        min   c^H M c
        s.t.  c0^H c = 1

    :param GtG_lst: list of G^H * G
    :param Tbeta_lst: list of Teoplitz matrices for beta-s
    :param Rc0: right dual matrix for the annihilating filter (same of each block -> not a list)
    mtx = np.zeros((K + 1, K + 1), dtype=float)  # <= assume G, Tbeta and Rc0 are real-valued
    for loop in range(num_bands):
        Tbeta_loop = Tbeta_lst[loop]
        GtG_loop = GtG_lst[loop]
        mtx +=,
                      linalg.solve(, linalg.solve(GtG_loop, Rc0.T)),
    return mtx
项目:pyGrad2Surf    作者:cjordan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mldivide(a, b):
    dimensions = a.shape
    if dimensions[0] == dimensions[1]:
        return la.solve(a, b)
        return la.lstsq(a, b)[0]
项目:Matrix-Analysis    作者:kingofspace0wzz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def qr_ls(A, b):
    least square using QR (A must be full column rank)
    m = A.shape[0]
    n = A.shape[1]
    if rank(A) < n:
        raise Exception('Rank deficient')

    A = qr_householder(A)
    for j in range(n):
        v = np.hstack((1, A[j+1:, j]))
        A[j+1:, j] = 0
        b[j:] = (np.eye(m - j + 1) - 2 * np.outer(v, v) / la.norm(v, 2)).dot(b[j:])

    x_ls = la.solve(A[:n, :n], b[:n])

    return x_ls
项目:Matrix-Analysis    作者:kingofspace0wzz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ls_qr(A, b):
    least square using QR (A must be full column rank)
    m = A.shape[0]
    n = A.shape[1]
    if rank(A) < n:
        raise Exception('Rank deficient')

    A = qr.qr_householder(A)
    for j in range(n):
        v = np.hstack((1, A[j+1:, j]))
        A[j+1:, j] = 0
        b[j:] = (np.eye(m - j + 1) - 2 * np.outer(v, v) / la.norm(v, 2)).dot(b[j:])

    x_ls = la.solve(A, b)

    return x_ls0
项目:pactools    作者:pactools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def single_estimate(sigin, f, fs, hmax):
    """Estimate the contribution of electrical network
    signal in sigin, if ENF is f.

    return the estimated signal
    X = np.empty((len(sigin), hmax))
    fact = 2.0 * np.pi * f / fs * np.arange(1, hmax + 1)[:, None]
    p = np.arange(len(sigin))[:, None]
    X =, p.T)
    X = np.concatenate([X, X + np.pi / 2]).T
    X = np.cos(X)
    XX =, X)
    Xy =, sigin)
    theta = linalg.solve(XX, Xy)
    return, theta)
项目:GP_emu_UQSA    作者:samcoveney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_var(self):

        # self.predict: distinction between prediction and estimation
        self.Dnew.make_A(s2=(self.par.sigma**2), predict=self.predict) 

        invA_H = linalg.solve( self.Dold.A , self.Dold.H )

        temp1 = self.Dnew.H - ( self.covar.T ).dot( invA_H )
        temp2 = ( self.Dold.H.T ).dot( invA_H )
        temp3 = self.Dnew.A \
          - (self.covar.T).dot( linalg.solve( self.Dold.A , self.covar ) )

        self.var = (self.par.sigma**2) \
          * ( temp3 + linalg.solve( temp2 , temp1.T ) ) )

    # create vectors of lower and upper 95% confidence intervals
项目:GP_emu_UQSA    作者:samcoveney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mahalanobis_distance(self):

        # calculate expected value Mahalanobis distance
        MDtheo = self.Dnew.outputs.size
            MDtheovar = 2*self.Dnew.outputs.size*\
                (self.Dnew.outputs.size + self.Dold.outputs.size\
                    -self.par.beta.size - 2.0)/\
            print("theoretical Mahalanobis_distance (mean, var):" \
                  "(", MDtheo, "," , MDtheovar, ")")
        except ZeroDivisionError as e:
            print("theoretical Mahalanobis_distance mean:", MDtheo, \
                  "(too few data for variance)")

        # calculate actual Mahalanobis distance from data
        MD = ( (self.Dnew.outputs-self.mean).T ).dot\
             ( linalg.solve( self.var , (self.Dnew.outputs-self.mean) ) )
        print("calculated Mahalanobis_distance:", MD)
        return retrain
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _int_var_rbf(self, X, hyp, jitter=1e-8):
        Posterior integral variance of the Gaussian Process quadrature.
        X - vector (1, 2*xdim**2+xdim)
        hyp - kernel hyperparameters [s2, el_1, ... el_d]
        # reshape X to SP matrix
        X = np.reshape(X, (self.n, self.d))
        # set kernel hyper-parameters
        s2, el = hyp[0], hyp[1:]
        self.kern.param_array[0] = s2  # variance
        self.kern.param_array[1:] = el  # lengthscale
        K = self.kern.K(X)
        L = np.diag(el ** 2)
        # posterior variance of the integral
        ks = s2 * np.sqrt(det(L + np.eye(self.d))) * multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(self.d), cov=L).pdf(X)
        postvar = + jitter * np.eye(self.n), ks.T))
        return postvar
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _int_var_rbf_hyp(self, hyp, X, jitter=1e-8):
        Posterior integral variance as a function of hyper-parameters
        :param hyp: RBF kernel hyper-parameters [s2, el_1, ..., el_d]
        :param X: sigma-points
        :param jitter: numerical jitter (for stabilizing computations)
        :return: posterior integral variance
        # reshape X to SP matrix
        X = np.reshape(X, (self.n, self.d))
        # set kernel hyper-parameters
        s2, el = 1, hyp  # sig_var hyper always set to 1
        self.kern.param_array[0] = s2  # variance
        self.kern.param_array[1:] = el  # lengthscale
        K = self.kern.K(X)
        L = np.diag(el ** 2)
        # posterior variance of the integral
        ks = s2 * np.sqrt(det(L + np.eye(self.d))) * multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(self.d), cov=L).pdf(X)
        postvar = s2 * np.sqrt(det(2 * inv(L) + np.eye(self.d))) ** -1 -
            solve(K + jitter * np.eye(self.n), ks.T))
        return postvar
项目:Diffusion_Maps    作者:ehthiede    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ht(basis,stateA,traj_edges,test_set=None,delay=1,dt_eff=1.):
    Calculates the hitting time using a galerkin method.
    if test_set is None:
        test_set = basis
    # Check if any of the basis functions are nonzero on target state.
    A_locs = np.where(stateA)[0]

    if np.any(basis[A_locs]):
        raise RuntimeWarning("Some of the basis vectors are nonzero in state A.")

    L = get_generator(basis,traj_edges,test_set=test_set,delay=delay,dt_eff=dt_eff)
    beta = get_beta(stateA-1.,test_set,traj_edges,delay=delay)
    coeffs = spl.solve(L,beta)
    ht =,coeffs)
    return ht,coeffs
项目:Diffusion_Maps    作者:ehthiede    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stationary_distrib(basis,traj_edges,test_set=None,delay=1,fix=0):

    # Initialize params. 
    N, k = np.shape(basis)
    if test_set is None:
        test_set = basis
    # Calculate Generator, Stiffness matrix
    L = get_generator(basis,traj_edges,test_set=test_set,delay=delay,dt_eff=1)
    # Get stationary distribution
    nfi = range(0,fix)+range(fix+1,len(L)) #not fixed indices.
    b = -1*L[fix,nfi]
    L_submat_transpose = (L[nfi,:][:,nfi]).T
    rho_notfixed = spl.solve(L_submat_transpose,b)
    pi = np.ones(k)
    pi[nfi] = rho_notfixed
    # Convert to values in realspace.
    pi_realspace =,pi)
    pi_realspace *= np.sign(np.median(pi_realspace))
    return pi_realspace
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha):
    # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    n_targets = y.shape[1]

    A = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, X, dense_output=True)
    Xy = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, y, dense_output=True)

    one_alpha = np.array_equal(alpha, len(alpha) * [alpha[0]])

    if one_alpha:
        A.flat[::n_features + 1] += alpha[0]
        return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
        coefs = np.empty([n_targets, n_features])
        for coef, target, current_alpha in zip(coefs, Xy.T, alpha):
            A.flat[::n_features + 1] += current_alpha
            coef[:] = linalg.solve(A, target, sym_pos=True,
            A.flat[::n_features + 1] -= current_alpha
        return coefs
项目:shenfun    作者:spectralDNS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_axis(ST, quad, axis):
    ST = ST(N, quad=quad, plan=True)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    f_hat = np.random.random(N)

    B = inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))

    c = np.zeros_like(f_hat)
    c = B.solve(f_hat, c)

    # Multidimensional version
    bc = [np.newaxis,]*3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    fk = np.broadcast_to(f_hat[bc], (N,)*3).copy()
    ST.plan((N,)*3, axis, np.float, {})
    if hasattr(ST, 'bc'):
        ST.bc.set_tensor_bcs(ST) # To set Dirichlet boundary conditions on multidimensional array
    ck = np.zeros_like(fk)
    ck = B.solve(fk, ck, axis=axis)
    cc = [0,]*3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(ck[cc], c)

#test_axis(cbases.ShenDirichletBasis, "GC", 1)
项目:shift-detect    作者:paolodedios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def theta_hat(H_hat=None, h_hat=None, lambdaRegularizer=0.0, kernelBasis=None) :
        Calculates theta_hat given H_hat, h_hat, lambda, and the kernel basis function
        Treat as a system of lienar equations and find the exact, optimal
        theta_hat = linalg.solve(H_hat + (lambdaRegularizer * numpy.eye(kernelBasis)), h_hat)

        return theta_hat
项目:TextCategorization    作者:Y-oHr-N    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y, L):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

        X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples]
            Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0).

        L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples]
            Graph Laplacian.

        labeled               = y != 0
        X_labeled             = X[labeled]
        y_labeled             = y[labeled]
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_labeled_samples     = y_labeled.size
        I                     = sp.eye(n_features)
        M                     = X_labeled.T @ X_labeled \
            + self.gamma_a * n_labeled_samples * I \
            + self.gamma_i * n_labeled_samples / n_samples**2 * X.T @ L**self.p @ X

        # Train a classifer
        self.coef_            = LA.solve(M, X_labeled.T @ y_labeled)

        return self
项目:TextCategorization    作者:Y-oHr-N    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y, L):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

        X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples]
            Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0).

        L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples]
            Graph Laplacian.

        labeled               = y != 0
        y_labeled             = y[labeled]
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_labeled_samples     = y_labeled.size
        I                     = sp.eye(n_samples)
        J                     = sp.diags(labeled.astype(np.float64))
        K                     = rbf_kernel(X, gamma=self.gamma_k)
        M                     = J @ K \
            + self.gamma_a * n_labeled_samples * I \
            + self.gamma_i * n_labeled_samples / n_samples**2 * L**self.p @ K

        # Train a classifer
        self.dual_coef_       = LA.solve(M, y)

        return self
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gaus_condition(self, xi):

        if == 0:
            return xi

        a = xi.mask
        b = ~xi.mask

        xb = xi[b].data
        Laa = self.prec[np.ix_(a, a)]
        Lab = self.prec[np.ix_(a, b)]

        xfill = np.empty_like(xi)
        xfill[b] = xb
        xfill[a] = self.mean[a] - solve(Laa, - self.mean[b]))
        return xfill
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lobatto(alpha, beta, xl1, xl2):
    '''Compute the Lobatto nodes and weights with the preassigned node xl1, xl2.
    Based on the section 7 of the paper

        Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems,
        Gene Golub,
        SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334,

    from scipy.linalg import solve_banded, solve
    n = len(alpha)-1
    en = numpy.zeros(n)
    en[-1] = 1
    A1 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha-xl1))
    J1 = numpy.vstack((A1[:, 0:-1], A1[0, 1:]))
    A2 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha-xl2))
    J2 = numpy.vstack((A2[:, 0:-1], A2[0, 1:]))
    g1 = solve_banded((1, 1), J1, en)
    g2 = solve_banded((1, 1), J2, en)
    C = numpy.array(((1, -g1[-1]), (1, -g2[-1])))
    xl = numpy.array((xl1, xl2))
    ab = solve(C, xl)

    alphal = alpha
    alphal[-1] = ab[0]
    betal = beta
    betal[-1] = ab[1]
    x, w = orthopy.line.schemes.custom(alphal, betal, mode='numpy')
    return x, w
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lpfls2notch(N,wp,ws,wn1,wn2,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nq) - W*(ws/np.pi)*np.sinc((ws/np.pi)*nq)
    b = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nb)
    q[0] = wp/np.pi + W*(1-ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = np.asmatrix(b)
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    G1 = np.cos(wn1*nb)
    G2 = np.cos(wn2*nb)
    G = np.matrix([G1,G2])

    d = np.array([0,0])
    d = np.asmatrix(d)
    d = d.transpose()

    c = np.asmatrix(ln.solve(Q,b))

    mu = ln.solve(G*ln.inv(Q)*G.transpose(),G*c - d)

    a = c - ln.solve(Q,G.transpose()*mu)
    h = np.zeros(N)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:Least-Squared-Error-Based-FIR-Filters    作者:fourier-being    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lpfls1notch(N,wp,ws,wn1,W):
    M = (N-1)/2
    nq = np.arange(0,2*M+1)
    nb = np.arange(0,M+1)
    q = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nq) - W*(ws/np.pi)*np.sinc((ws/np.pi)*nq)
    b = (wp/np.pi)*np.sinc((wp/np.pi)*nb)
    q[0] = wp/np.pi + W*(1-ws/np.pi) # since sin(pi*n)/pi*n = 1, not 0
    b = np.asmatrix(b)
    b = b.transpose()

    Q1 = ln.toeplitz(q[0:M+1])
    Q2 = ln.hankel(q[0:M+1],q[M:])
    Q = Q1+Q2

    G1 = np.cos(wn1*nb)
    G = np.matrix([G1])

    d = np.array([0])
    d = np.asmatrix(d)

    c = np.asmatrix(ln.solve(Q,b))

    mu = ln.solve(G*ln.inv(Q)*G.transpose(),G*c - d)

    a = c - ln.solve(Q,G.transpose()*mu)
    h = np.zeros(N)
    for i in nb:
        h[i] = 0.5*a[M-i]
        h[N-1-i] = h[i]
    h[M] = 2*h[M]
    hmax = max(np.absolute(h))
    for i in nq:
        h[i] = (8191/hmax)*h[i]
    return h
项目:accpy    作者:kramerfelix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lowess(x, y, f=1. / 3., iter=5):
    """lowess(x, y, f=2./3., iter=3) -> yest
    Lowess smoother: Robust locally weighted regression.
    The lowess function fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot.
    The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair
    (x[i], y[i]) defines a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns
    the estimated (smooth) values of y.
    The smoothing span is given by f. A larger value for f will result in a
    smoother curve. The number of robustifying iterations is given by iter. The
    function will run faster with a smaller number of iterations.
    n = len(x)
    r = int(np.ceil(f * n))
    h = [np.sort(np.abs(x - x[i]))[r] for i in range(n)]
    w = np.clip(np.abs((x[:, None] - x[None, :]) / h), 0.0, 1.0)
    w = (1 - w ** 3) ** 3
    yest = np.zeros(n)
    delta = np.ones(n)
    for iteration in range(iter):
        for i in range(n):
            weights = delta * w[:, i]
            b = np.array([np.sum(weights * y), np.sum(weights * y * x)])
            A = np.array([[np.sum(weights), np.sum(weights * x)],
                          [np.sum(weights * x), np.sum(weights * x * x)]])
            beta = linalg.solve(A, b)
            yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1] * x[i]

        residuals = y - yest
        s = np.median(np.abs(residuals))
        delta = np.clip(residuals / (6.0 * s), -1, 1)
        delta = (1 - delta ** 2) ** 2
    return yest
项目:simupy    作者:sixpearls    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def control_systems(request):
    ct_sys, ref = request.param
    Ac, Bc, Cc =
    Dc = np.zeros((Cc.shape[0], 1))

    Q = np.eye(Ac.shape[0])
    R = np.eye(Bc.shape[1] if len(Bc.shape) > 1 else 1)

    Sc = linalg.solve_continuous_are(Ac, Bc.reshape(-1, 1), Q, R,)
    Kc = linalg.solve(R, Bc.T @ Sc).reshape(1, -1)
    ct_ctr = LTISystem(Kc)

    evals = np.sort(np.abs(
        linalg.eig(Ac, left=False, right=False, check_finite=False)
    dT = 1/(2*evals[-1])

    Tsim = (8/np.min(evals[~np.isclose(evals, 0)])
            if np.sum(np.isclose(evals[np.nonzero(evals)], 0)) > 0
            else 8

    dt_data = signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc.reshape(-1, 1), Cc, Dc), dT)
    Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd = dt_data[:-1]
    Sd = linalg.solve_discrete_are(Ad, Bd.reshape(-1, 1), Q, R,)
    Kd = linalg.solve(Bd.T @ Sd @ Bd + R, Bd.T @ Sd @ Ad)

    dt_sys = LTISystem(Ad, Bd, dt=dT)
    dt_sys.initial_condition = ct_sys.initial_condition
    dt_ctr = LTISystem(Kd, dt=dT)

    yield ct_sys, ct_ctr, dt_sys, dt_ctr, ref, Tsim
项目:simupy    作者:sixpearls    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_events():
    # use bouncing ball to test events work

    # simulate in block diagram
    int_opts = block_diagram.DEFAULT_INTEGRATOR_OPTIONS.copy()
    int_opts['rtol'] = 1E-12
    int_opts['atol'] = 1E-15
    int_opts['nsteps'] = 1000
    int_opts['max_step'] = 2**-3
    x = x1, x2 = Array(dynamicsymbols('x_1:3'))
    mu, g = sp.symbols('mu g')
    constants = {mu: 0.8, g: 9.81}
    ic = np.r_[10, 15]
    sys = SwitchedSystem(
        x1, Array([0]),
        state_equations=r_[x2, -g],
        state_update_equation=r_[sp.Abs(x1), -mu*x2],
    bd = BlockDiagram(sys)
    res = bd.simulate(5, integrator_options=int_opts)

    # compute actual impact time
    tvar = dynamicsymbols._t
    impact_eq = (x2*tvar - g*tvar**2/2 + x1).subs(
        {x1: ic[0], x2: ic[1], g: 9.81}
    t_impact = sp.solve(impact_eq, tvar)[-1]

    # make sure simulation actually changes velocity sign around impact
    abs_diff_impact = np.abs(res.t - t_impact)
    impact_idx = np.where(abs_diff_impact == np.min(abs_diff_impact))[0]
    assert np.sign(res.x[impact_idx-1, 1]) != np.sign(res.x[impact_idx+1, 1])
项目:MarkovModels    作者:pmontalb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_markov_operator(self, base_operator, dt, method="CrankNicolson"):
        """ Let u be the Markov operator and L be the base generator. The model dynamic
            is given by
                            u ' = L \cdot u
            Following the Method Of Line (MOL) discretization,
            let u(n) = u(t_n) where t_n is the discretized time domain.

            The following schemes can be used:
            - Explicit Euler --> u(n + 1) = (I + L * dt) \cdot u(n)
            - Implicit Euler --> (I - L * dt) \cdot u(n + 1) = u(n)
            - Crank Nicolson --> (I - L * dt / 2) \cdot u(n + 1) = (I + L * dt / 2) \cdot u(n)
        :param base_operator:
        :param dt:
        :param method:
        if method == "ExplicitEuler":
            u = np.eye(self.d) + dt * base_operator
        elif method == "ImplicitEuler":
            u = linalg.solve(np.eye(self.d) - dt * base_operator, np.eye(self.d))
        elif method == "CrankNicolson":
            u = linalg.solve(np.eye(self.d) - .5 * dt * base_operator,
                             np.eye(self.d) + .5 * dt * base_operator)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported SDE resolution method")
        return u
项目:MarkovModels    作者:pmontalb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_base_operator(self, t):
        :param t: Not used as mu and sigma are constant
        # Update drift and volatility

        base_operator = np.zeros((self.d, self.d))

        nabla = linalg.block_diag(*[self.build_gradient_matrix(x) for x in range(1, self.d - 1)])

        moments = np.zeros(2 * (self.d - 2))
        for i in range(0, self.d - 2):
            moments[2 * i] = self.drift[i + 1]
            moments[2 * i + 1] = self.volatility[i + 1]

        generator_elements = linalg.solve(nabla, moments)

        r_idx, c_idx = np.diag_indices_from(base_operator)
        base_operator[r_idx[1:-1], c_idx[:-2]] = generator_elements[::2]
        base_operator[r_idx[1:-1], c_idx[2:]] = generator_elements[1::2]
        np.fill_diagonal(base_operator, -np.sum(base_operator, axis=1))

        # -- Boundary Condition: Volatility Matching --
        nabla_0 = self.grid[1] - self.grid[0]
        base_operator[0, 0] = - 1. * self.volatility[0] / (nabla_0 * nabla_0)
        base_operator[0, 1] = - base_operator[0, 0]

        nabla_d = self.grid[self.d - 1] - self.grid[self.d - 2]
        base_operator[self.d - 1, self.d - 1] = - 1. * self.volatility[self.d - 1] / (nabla_d * nabla_d)
        base_operator[self.d - 1, self.d - 2] = - base_operator[self.d - 1, self.d - 1]
        # ----------------------------------------------


        return base_operator
项目:RevPy    作者:flix-tech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demand_mass_balance_c(host_odemand, class_odemand, avail, host_recapture):
    """Solve Demand Mass Balance equation for class-level

    host_odemand: int
        Observerd host demand
    class_odemand: int
        Observed class demand
    avail: dict
        Availability of demand open during period considered
    host_recapture: float
        Estimated host level recapture

        Estimated demand, spill and recapture

    # if observed demand of a class is 0 demand mass balance can't
    # estimate demand and spill alone without additioanl information
    demand = spill = recapture = 0
    if class_odemand:
        recapture = host_recapture * class_odemand / host_odemand

        # availability of demand closed during period considered
        k = 1 - avail
        A = np.array([[1, -1], [-k, 1]])
        B = np.array([class_odemand - recapture, 0])
        demand, spill = solve(A, B)

    return demand, spill, recapture
项目:linreg-mpc    作者:schoppmp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_lin_system_from_regression_problem(n, d, sigma, filepath=None):
    (X, y, beta, e) = generate_lin_regression(n, d, sigma)
    # lambda_ = 6. * sigma**2. / n
    lambda_ = sigma**2. / (n * numpy.linalg.norm(beta) ** 2)
    A = 1. / (d * n) * + numpy.identity(d) * lambda_
    b = 1. / (d * n) *
    x = linalg.solve(A, b)
    cn = numpy.linalg.cond(A)
    obj = objective(X, y, x, lambda_, n)
    if filepath:
        write_system(A, b, x, filepath)
    return (A, b, X, y, lambda_, x, cn, obj)
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        Fits a Gaussian Process regressor

        X: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples, nfeatures)
            Training instances to fit the GP.
        y: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples,)
            Corresponding continuous target values to X.

        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self.nsamples = self.X.shape[0]
        if self.optimize:
            grads = None
            if self.usegrads:
                grads = self._grad
            self.optHyp(param_key=self.covfunc.parameters, param_bounds=self.covfunc.bounds, grads=grads)

        self.K = self.covfunc.K(self.X, self.X)
        self.L = cholesky(self.K).T
        self.alpha = solve(self.L.T, solve(self.L, y - self.mprior))
        self.logp = -.5 *, self.alpha) - np.sum(np.log(np.diag(self.L))) - self.nsamples / 2 * np.log(
            2 * np.pi)
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def param_grad(self, k_param):
        Returns gradient over hyperparameters. It is recommended to use `self._grad` instead.

        k_param: dict
            Dictionary with keys being hyperparameters and values their queried values.

            Gradient corresponding to each hyperparameters. Order given by `k_param.keys()`
        k_param_key = list(k_param.keys())
        covfunc = self.covfunc.__class__(**k_param)
        n = self.X.shape[0]
        K = covfunc.K(self.X, self.X)
        L = cholesky(K).T
        alpha = solve(L.T, solve(L, self.y))
        inner =, np.atleast_2d(alpha)) - np.linalg.inv(K)
        grads = []
        for param in k_param_key:
            gradK = covfunc.gradK(self.X, self.X, param=param)
            gradK = .5 * np.trace(, gradK))
        return np.array(grads)
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, Xstar, return_std=False):
        Returns mean and covariances for the posterior Gaussian Process.

        Xstar: np.ndarray, shape=((nsamples, nfeatures))
            Testing instances to predict.
        return_std: bool
            Whether to return the standard deviation of the posterior process. Otherwise,
            it returns the whole covariance matrix of the posterior process.

            Mean of the posterior process for testing instances.
            Covariance of the posterior process for testing instances.
        Xstar = np.atleast_2d(Xstar)
        kstar = self.covfunc.K(self.X, Xstar).T
        fmean = self.mprior +, self.alpha)
        v = solve(self.L, kstar.T)
        fcov = self.covfunc.K(Xstar, Xstar) -, v)
        if return_std:
            fcov = np.diag(fcov)
        return fmean, fcov
项目:PyRBF    作者:srowe12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, Y):
        Generates the RBF coefficients to fit a set of given data values Y for centers self.centers
        :param Y: A set of dependent data values corresponding to self.centers
        :return: Void, sets the self.coefs values
        kernel_matrix = self.EvaluateCentersKernel()
        self.coefs = sl.solve(kernel_matrix, Y, sym_pos=True)
项目:ADER-WENO    作者:haranjackson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Aint(qL, qR, d):
    """ Returns the Osher-Solomon jump matrix for A, in the dth direction
        NB: eig function should be replaced with analytical function, if known
    ret = zeros(n, dtype=complex128)
    ?q = qR - qL
    for i in range(N+1):
        q = qL + nodes[i] * ?q
        J = jacobian(q, d)
        ?, R = eig(J, overwrite_a=1, check_finite=0)
        b = solve(R, ?q, check_finite=0)
        ret += weights[i] * dot(R, abs(?)*b)
    return ret.real
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def additive_decomp(self):
        Return values for the martingale decomposition 
            - ?         : unconditional mean difference in Y
            - H         : coefficient for the (linear) martingale component (kappa_a)
            - g         : coefficient for the stationary component g(x)
            - Y_0       : it should be the function of X_0 (for now set it to 0.0)
        I = np.identity(self.nx)
        A_res = la.solve(I - self.A, I)
        g = self.D @ A_res
        H = self.F + self.D @ A_res @ self.B

        return self.?, H, g
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maximization_tv(self, LU, RU):
    # ML re-estimation of the total subspace matrix or the factor loading
    # matrix
    for mix in range(self.nmix):
      idx = np.arange(self.ndim) + mix * self.ndim
      Lu = np.zeros((self.tv_dim, self.tv_dim))
      Lu[self.itril] = LU[mix, :]
      Lu += np.tril(Lu, -1).T
      self.Tm[:, idx] = solve(Lu, RU[:, idx])
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, T):
        Phi = self.nonlinear_transformation(X)

        # MLE for w
        self.w = linalg.solve(
   + np.eye(self.n_basis) * self.lamb,

        # MLE for beta
        n_output = 1 if T.ndim < 2 else T.shape[1]
        self.beta = n_output / np.mean(linalg.norm(T -**2)

        return self
项目:FRIDA    作者:LCAV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_b(G_lst, GtG_lst, beta_lst, Rc0, num_bands, a_ri):
    compute the uniform sinusoidal samples b from the updated annihilating
    filter coeffiients.
    :param GtG_lst: list of G^H G for different subbands
    :param beta_lst: list of beta-s for different subbands
    :param Rc0: right-dual matrix, here it is the convolution matrix associated with c
    :param num_bands: number of bands
    :param L: size of b: L by 1
    :param a_ri: a 2D numpy array. each column corresponds to the measurements within a subband
    b_lst = []
    a_Gb_lst = []
    for loop in range(num_bands):
        GtG_loop = GtG_lst[loop]
        beta_loop = beta_lst[loop]
        b_loop = beta_loop - \
                                     linalg.solve(, linalg.solve(GtG_loop, Rc0.T)),
                                        , beta_loop)))

        a_Gb_lst.append(a_ri[:, loop] -[loop], b_loop))

    return np.column_stack(b_lst), linalg.norm(np.concatenate(a_Gb_lst))
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_phi_posterior(self):
        logZ_posterior = 0
        for i in range(self.no_layers):

            Dout_i = self.layer_sizes[i+1]
            for d in range(Dout_i):
                mud_val =[i][d]
                Sud_val = self.Su[i][d]
                (sign, logdet) = np.linalg.slogdet(Sud_val)
                # print 'phi_poste: ', 0.5 * logdet, 0.5 * np.sum(mud_val * spalg.solve(Sud_val, mud_val.T))
                logZ_posterior += 0.5 * logdet
                logZ_posterior += 0.5 * np.sum(mud_val * spalg.solve(Sud_val, mud_val.T))
        return logZ_posterior
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_phi_cavity(self):
        phi_cavity = 0
        for i in range(self.no_layers):
            Dout_i = self.layer_sizes[i+1]
            for d in range(Dout_i):
                muhatd_val = self.muhat[i][d]
                Suhatd_val = self.Suhat[i][d]
                (sign, logdet) = np.linalg.slogdet(Suhatd_val)
                phi_cavity += 0.5 * logdet
                phi_cavity += 0.5 * np.sum(muhatd_val * spalg.solve(Suhatd_val, muhatd_val.T))
        return phi_cavity
项目:kfac-theano    作者:r00tman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getUpdate(W, x, y, lambd):
    G = getG(W, x)  # PxP
    Gdamp = G + np.identity(P) * lambd

    J = getJ(W, x)  # NxP
    grad = np.mean(J * np.tile(y-getz(W, x), (1, P)), 0)

    upd = solve(Gdamp, grad)  # P
    return upd
项目:Matrix-Analysis    作者:kingofspace0wzz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def power_inverse(A, x, tol = 0.0001, N =5000):
    inverse power method
    faster convergence rate

        tol: tolerance
        N: maximum number of iterations


    q =,, x))/, x)

    p = -1
    u0, u1 = 0, 0
    for i in range(A.shape[1]):
        p += 1
        if la.norm(x, np.inf) == x[i]:

    x = x / x[p]

    for k in range(N):
            y = la.solve(A - q * np.eye(A.shape[0]), x)
        except LinAlgError:
            return q, x
            u = y[p]

            p = -1

            for i in range(len(y)):
                p += 1
                if la.norm(y, np.inf) == y[i]:

            err = la.norm(x - (y/y[p]), np.inf)
            x = y/y[p]
            if err < tol:
                u = 1/u + q
                return u, x
项目:Matrix-Analysis    作者:kingofspace0wzz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ls_fast_givens(A, b):

    m = A.shape[0]
    n = A.shape[1]
    if rank(A) < n:
        raise Exception('Rank deficient')

    S = qr.qr_fast_givens(A)
    M^T =, la.inv(A))
    b = M^
    x_ls = la.solve(S[:n, :n], b[:n])

    return x_ls
项目:mle_rev    作者:trendelkampschroer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mysolve(LU, b):
    if isinstance(LU, SuperLU):
        return LU.solve(b)
        return lu_solve(LU, b)    

# Solve via full system