Python scipy.linalg 模块,cho_solve() 实例源码


项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def variance_values(self, beta):
        """ Covariance matrix for the estimated function

        beta : np.array
            Contains untransformed starting values for latent variables

        Covariance matrix for the estimated function 
        parm = np.array([self.latent_variables.z_list[k].prior.transform(beta[k]) for k in range(beta.shape[0])])
        L = self._L(parm)
        v = la.cho_solve((L, True), self.kernel.K(parm))
        return self.kernel.K(parm) -, v)
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_gradient_totalcverr_wrt_lambda(self,matrix_results,lambda_val,sigmasq_z):
        # 0: K_tst_tr; 1: K_tr_tr; 2: D_tst_tr; 3: D_tr_tr
        num_sample_cv = self.num_samples
        ttl_num_folds = np.shape(matrix_results)[1]
        gradient_cverr_per_fold = np.zeros(ttl_num_folds)
        for jj in range(ttl_num_folds):
            uu = np.shape(matrix_results[3][jj])[0] # number of training samples
            M_tst_tr = exp(matrix_results[2][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            M_tr_tr = exp(matrix_results[3][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            lower_ZZ = cholesky(M_tr_tr+ lambda_val*eye(uu), lower=True)
            ZZ = cho_solve((lower_ZZ,True),eye(uu))
            first_term = matrix_results[0][jj].dot(
            second_term =
            gradient_cverr_per_fold[jj] = trace(first_term-second_term)
        return 2*sum(gradient_cverr_per_fold)/float(num_sample_cv)

    # lambda = exp(eta)
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_gradient_totalcverr_wrt_sqsigma(self,matrix_results,lambda_val,sigmasq_z):
        # 0: K_tst_tr; 1: K_tr_tr; 2: D_tst_tr; 3: D_tr_tr
        num_sample_cv = self.num_samples
        ttl_num_folds = np.shape(matrix_results)[1]
        gradient_cverr_per_fold = np.zeros(ttl_num_folds)
        for jj in range(ttl_num_folds):
            uu = np.shape(matrix_results[3][jj])[0]
            log_M_tr_tst = matrix_results[2][jj].T*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1)
            M_tr_tst = exp(log_M_tr_tst)
            log_M_tr_tr = matrix_results[3][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1)
            M_tr_tr = exp(log_M_tr_tr)
            lower_ZZ = cholesky(M_tr_tr+ lambda_val*eye(uu), lower=True)
            ZZ = cho_solve((lower_ZZ,True),eye(uu))
            term_1 = matrix_results[0][jj].dot(*sigmasq_z**(-1)*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot(
            term_2 = -matrix_results[0][jj].dot(*(-log_M_tr_tst*sigmasq_z**(-1))))
            term_3 = (sigmasq_z**(-1)*(M_tr_tst.T)*(-log_M_tr_tst.T)).dot([1][jj].dot(
            term_4 = -(M_tr_tst.T).dot(*sigmasq_z**(-1)*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot([1][jj].dot(
            term_5 = -(M_tr_tst.T).dot([1][jj].dot(*sigmasq_z**(-1)*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot(
            term_6 = (M_tr_tst.T).dot([1][jj].dot(*sigmasq_z**(-1)*(-log_M_tr_tst)))))
            gradient_cverr_per_fold[jj] = trace(2*term_1 + 2*term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5 + term_6)
        return sum(gradient_cverr_per_fold)/float(num_sample_cv)
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_totalcverr(self,matrix_results,lambda_val,sigmasq_z):
        # 0: K_tst_tr; 1: K_tr_tr; 2: K_tst_tst; 3: D_tst_tr; 4: D_tr_tr 
        num_sample_cv = self.num_samples
        ttl_num_folds = np.shape(matrix_results)[1]
        cverr_per_fold = np.zeros(ttl_num_folds)
        for jj in range(ttl_num_folds):
            uu = np.shape(matrix_results[4][jj])[0] # number of training samples 
            M_tst_tr = exp(matrix_results[3][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            M_tr_tr = exp(matrix_results[4][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            lower_ZZ = cholesky(M_tr_tr+ lambda_val*eye(uu), lower=True)
            ZZ = cho_solve((lower_ZZ,True),eye(uu))
            first_term = matrix_results[2][jj]
            second_term = - matrix_results[0][jj].dot(
            third_term = np.transpose(second_term)
            fourth_term =
            cverr_per_fold[jj] = trace(first_term + second_term + third_term + fourth_term)
        return sum(cverr_per_fold)/float(num_sample_cv)
项目:pyins    作者:nmayorov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _kalman_correct(x, P, z, H, R, gain_factor, gain_curve):
    PHT =, H.T)

    S =, PHT) + R
    e = z -
    L = cholesky(S, lower=True)
    inn = solve_triangular(L, e, lower=True)

    if gain_curve is not None:
        q = (, inn) / inn.shape[0]) ** 0.5
        f = gain_curve(q)
        if f == 0:
            return inn
        L *= (q / f) ** 0.5

    K = cho_solve((L, True), PHT.T, overwrite_b=True).T
    if gain_factor is not None:
        K *= gain_factor[:, None]

    U =
    U[np.diag_indices_from(U)] += 1
    x += -
    P[:] = +

    return inn
项目:hamiltonian-monte-carlo    作者:matt-graham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def project_onto_nullspace(mom, cache):
    """ Projects a momentum on to the nullspace of the constraint Jacobian.

    mom : vector
        Momentum state to project.
    cache : dictionary
        Dictionary of cached constraint Jacobian results.

    mom : vector
        Momentum state projected into nullspace of constraint Jacobian.
    dc_dpos = cache['dc_dpos']
    if 'gram_chol' not in cache:
        cache['gram_chol'] = la.cho_factor(
    gram_chol = cache['gram_chol']
    dc_dpos_mom =
    gram_inv_dc_dpos_mom = la.cho_solve(gram_chol, dc_dpos_mom)
    dc_dpos_pinv_dc_dpos_mom =
    mom -= dc_dpos_pinv_dc_dpos_mom
    return mom
项目:hamiltonian-monte-carlo    作者:matt-graham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_kinetic_energy(self):
        mom_resample_coeff = 1.
        dtype = np.float64
        for n_dim in [10, 100, 1000]:
            mass_matrix = self.prng.normal(size=(n_dim, n_dim))
            mass_matrix =
            mass_matrix_chol = la.cholesky(mass_matrix, lower=True)
            sampler = uhmc.EuclideanMetricHmcSampler(
            pos, mom = self.prng.normal(size=(2, n_dim,)).astype(dtype)
            k_energy = sampler.kinetic_energy(pos, mom, {})
            assert np.isscalar(k_energy), (
                'kinetic_energy returning non-scalar value.'
            assert np.allclose(
                0.5 *, True), mom))), (
                    'kinetic_energy returning incorrect value.'
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nci(x, m, P):
    # dimension of state, # time steps, # MC simulations, # inference algorithms (filters/smoothers)
    d, time, mc_sims, algs = m.shape
    dx = x[..., na] - m
    # Mean Square Error matrix
    MSE = np.empty((d, d, time, mc_sims, algs))
    for k in range(time):
        for s in range(mc_sims):
            for alg in range(algs):
                MSE[..., k, s, alg] = np.outer(dx[..., k, s, alg], dx[..., k, s, alg])
    MSE = MSE.mean(axis=3)  # average over MC simulations

    # dx_iP_dx = np.empty((1, time, mc_sims, algs))
    NCI = np.empty((1, time, mc_sims, algs))
    for k in range(1, time):
        for s in range(mc_sims):
            for alg in range(algs):
                # iP_dx = cho_solve(cho_factor(P[:, :, k, s, alg]), dx[:, k, s, alg])
                # dx_iP_dx[:, k, s, alg] = dx[:, k, s, alg].dot(iP_dx)
                # iMSE_dx = cho_solve(cho_factor(MSE[..., k, fi]), dx[:, k, s, alg])
                # NCI[..., k, s, fi] = 10*np.log10(dx_iP_dx[:, k, s, fi]) - 10*np.log10(dx[:, k, s, alg].dot(iMSE_dx))
                dx_iP_dx = dx[:, k, s, alg].dot(np.linalg.inv(P[..., k, s, alg])).dot(dx[:, k, s, alg])
                dx_iMSE_dx = dx[:, k, s, alg].dot(np.linalg.inv(MSE[..., k, alg])).dot(dx[:, k, s, alg])
                NCI[..., k, s, alg] = 10 * np.log10(dx_iP_dx) - 10 * np.log10(dx_iMSE_dx)
    return NCI[:, 1:, ...].mean(axis=1)  # average over time steps (ignore the 1st)
项目:Thor    作者:JamesBrofos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grad_input(self, x):
        """Compute the gradient of the mean function and the standard deviation
        function at the provided input.
        # Compute the gradient of the mean function.
        d_kernel = self.kernel.grad_input(x, self.X)
        d_mean =
        # Compute the gradient of the standard deviation function. It is
        # absolutely crucial to note that the predict method returns the
        # variance, not the standard deviation, of the prediction.
        sd = self.predict(x)[1]
        K_cross = self.kernel.cov(x, self.X)
        M = spla.cho_solve((self.L, True), K_cross.T).ravel()
        d_sd = / sd

        return d_mean, d_sd
项目:Thor    作者:JamesBrofos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit the Bayesian linear regression model leveraging the available

            X (numpy array): A two-dimensional numpy array representing the
                matrix of covariates. Note that if a bias term is expressly
                desired, it must be included in the design matrix.
            y (numpy array): A matrix of target variables to predict.
        P = + self.prior_prec
        L = spla.cholesky(P, lower=True) = spla.cho_solve((L, True),
        self.sigma_sq = np.mean(( - y) ** 2)
        L_inv = spla.solve_triangular(L.T, np.eye(L.shape[0]))
        self.cov = self.sigma_sq *
项目:sgcrfpy    作者:dswah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chol_inv(B, lower=True):
    Returns the inverse of matrix A, where A = B*B.T,
    ie B is the Cholesky decomposition of A.

    Solves Ax = I
    given B is the cholesky factorization of A.
    return cho_solve((B, lower), np.eye(B.shape[0]))
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kalman_filter(y, H, R, F, Q, mu, PI, z=None):
    Given the following sequences (one item of given dimension for
    each time step):
    - *y*: measurements (M)
    - *H*: measurement operator (MxN)
    - *R*: measurement noise covariance (MxM)
    - *F*: time update operator (NxN)
    - *Q*: time update noise covariance (NxN)
    - *mu*: initial state (N)
    - *PI*: initial state covariance (NxN)
    - *z*: (optional) systematic time update input (N)

    Return the :class:`FilterResult` containing lists of posterior
    state estimates and error covariances.
    x_hat = []
    P = []
    x_hat_prior = mu
    P_prior = PI
    if z is None:
        z = repeat(None)
    for i, (y_i, H_i, R_i, F_i, Q_i, z_i) in enumerate(izip(y, H, R, F, Q, z)):
        # measurement update
        A = cho_factor(NP.matmul(H_i, NP.matmul(P_prior, H_i.T)) + R_i)
        B = cho_solve(A, NP.matmul(H_i, P_prior))
        b = cho_solve(A, y_i - NP.matmul(H_i, x_hat_prior))
        C = NP.matmul(P_prior, H_i.T)
        x_hat.append(x_hat_prior + NP.matmul(C, b))
        P.append(P_prior - NP.matmul(C, B))
        # time update
        x_hat_prior = NP.matmul(F_i, x_hat[-1])
        if z_i is not None:
            x_hat_prior += z_i
        P_prior = NP.matmul(F_i, NP.matmul(P[-1], F_i.T)) + Q_i
    return FilterResult(x_hat, P)
项目:aboleth    作者:data61    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def KLdiv(mu0, Lcov0, mu1, Lcov1):
    """Numpy KL calculation."""
    tr, dist, ldet = 0., 0., 0.
    D, n = mu0.shape
    for m0, m1, L0, L1 in zip(mu0, mu1, Lcov0, Lcov1):
        tr += np.trace(cho_solve((L1, True),
        md = m1 - m0
        dist +=, True), md))
        ldet += logdet(L1) - logdet(L0)

    KL = 0.5 * (tr + dist + ldet - D * n)
    return KL
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _alpha(self, L):
        """ Covariance-derived term to construct expectations. See Rasmussen & Williams.

        L : np.ndarray
            Cholesky triangular

        np.ndarray (alpha)
        return la.cho_solve((L.T, True), la.cho_solve((L, True), np.transpose(
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chol2inv(chol):
    return spla.cho_solve((chol, False), np.eye(chol.shape[ 0 ]))
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chol2inv(chol):
    return spla.cho_solve((chol, False), np.eye(chol.shape[0]))
项目:pmml-scoring-engine    作者:maxkferg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,gamma,beta,nugget,kernelName,k_lambda,xTrain,yTrain):
        Create a new GaussianProcess Object
        gamma: Hyperparameter
        beta: Hyperparameter
        k_lambda: Hyperparameter
        nugget: The noise hyperparameter
        kernelName: The name of the covariance kernel
        xTrain: Numpy array containing x training values
        yTrain: Numpy array containing y training values

        self.xTrain = xTrain
        self.yTrain = yTrain
        self.k_lambda = k_lambda
        self.beta = beta
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.nugget = nugget
        self.kernelName = kernelName

        # Setup the regressor as if had been called
        # See
        kernel = self._getKernel()
        gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=0)
        gp.K = kernel(xTrain);
        gp.X_train_ = xTrain;
        gp.y_train_ = yTrain;
        gp.L_ = cholesky(gp.K, lower=True)
        gp.alpha_ = cho_solve((gp.L_, True), yTrain),yTrain)
        gp.kernel_ = kernel = gp
        self.kernel = kernel

        # Calculate the matrix inverses once. Save time later
        # This is only used for own own implimentation of the scoring engine
        self.L_inv = solve_triangular(self.L_.T, np.eye(self.L_.shape[0]))
        self.K_inv =
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(self, other):
        if other.ndim == 1:
            Nx = np.array(other / self.N)
        elif other.ndim == 2:
            Nx = np.array(other / self.N[:,None])
        UNx =, Nx)

        Sigma = np.diag(1/self.J) +, self.U/self.N[:,None])
        cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma)
        if UNx.ndim == 1:
            tmp =, sl.cho_solve(cf, UNx)) / self.N
            tmp =, sl.cho_solve(cf, UNx)) / self.N[:,None]
        return Nx - tmp
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, other):
            return sl.cho_solve(, other)
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inv(self):
            return sl.cho_solve(, np.eye(len([0])))
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _solve_ZNX(self, X, Z):
        """Solves :math:`Z^T N^{-1}X`, where :math:`X`
        and :math:`Z` are 1-d or 2-d arrays.
        if X.ndim == 1:
            X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1)
        if Z.ndim == 1:
            Z = Z.reshape(Z.shape[0], 1)

        n, m = Z.shape[1], X.shape[1]
        ZNX = np.zeros((n, m))
        if len(self._idx) > 0:
            ZNXr =[self._idx,:].T, X[self._idx,:] /
                          self._nvec[self._idx, None])
            ZNXr = 0
        for slc, block in zip(self._slices, self._blocks):
            Zblock = Z[slc, :]
            Xblock = X[slc, :]

            if slc.stop - slc.start > 1:
                cf = sl.cho_factor(block+np.diag(self._nvec[slc]))
                bx = sl.cho_solve(cf, Xblock)
                bx = Xblock / self._nvec[slc][:, None]
            ZNX +=, bx)
        ZNX += ZNXr
        return ZNX.squeeze() if len(ZNX) > 1 else float(ZNX)
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _solve_NX(self, X):
        """Solves :math:`N^{-1}X`, where :math:`X`
        is a 1-d or 2-d array.
        if X.ndim == 1:
            X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1)

        NX = X / self._nvec[:,None]
        for slc, block in zip(self._slices, self._blocks):
            Xblock = X[slc, :]
            if slc.stop - slc.start > 1:
                cf = sl.cho_factor(block+np.diag(self._nvec[slc]))
                NX[slc] = sl.cho_solve(cf, Xblock)
        return NX.squeeze()
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(self, Y):
    return la.cho_solve(self._cholesky, Y)
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_gradient_totalcverr_wrt_eta(self,matrix_results,lambda_val,sigmasq_z):
        # 0: K_tst_tr; 1: K_tr_tr; 2: D_tst_tr; 3: D_tr_tr
        #eta = log(lambda_val)
        #gamma = log(sigmasq_z)
        num_sample_cv = self.num_samples
        ttl_num_folds = np.shape(matrix_results)[1]
        gradient_cverr_per_fold = np.zeros(ttl_num_folds)
        for jj in range(ttl_num_folds):
            uu = np.shape(matrix_results[3][jj])[0] # number of training samples
            M_tst_tr = exp(matrix_results[2][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            M_tr_tr = exp(matrix_results[3][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1))
            lower_ZZ = cholesky(M_tr_tr+ lambda_val*eye(uu), lower=True)
            ZZ = cho_solve((lower_ZZ,True),eye(uu))
            EE = lambda_val*eye(uu)
            first_term = matrix_results[0][jj].dot(
            second_term = first_term.T
            third_term =
            forth_term =
            gradient_cverr_per_fold[jj] = trace(first_term + second_term + third_term + forth_term)
        return sum(gradient_cverr_per_fold)/float(num_sample_cv)

    # compute the gradient of the total cverror with respect to sigma_z squared
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_gradient_totalcverr_wrt_gamma(self,matrix_results,lambda_val,sigmasq_z):
        # 0: K_tst_tr; 1: K_tr_tr; 2: D_tst_tr; 3: D_tr_tr
        #eta = log(lambda_val)
        #gamma = log(sigmasq_z)
        num_sample_cv = self.num_samples
        ttl_num_folds = np.shape(matrix_results)[1]
        gradient_cverr_per_fold = np.zeros(ttl_num_folds)
        for jj in range(ttl_num_folds):
            uu = np.shape(matrix_results[3][jj])[0]
            log_M_tr_tst = matrix_results[2][jj].T*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1)
            M_tr_tst = exp(log_M_tr_tst)
            log_M_tr_tr = matrix_results[3][jj]*float(-1/2)*sigmasq_z**(-1)
            M_tr_tr = exp(log_M_tr_tr)
            lower_ZZ = cholesky(M_tr_tr+ lambda_val*eye(uu), lower=True)
            ZZ = cho_solve((lower_ZZ,True),eye(uu))
            term_1 = matrix_results[0][jj].dot(*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot(
            term_2 = -matrix_results[0][jj].dot(*(-log_M_tr_tst)))
            term_3 = (M_tr_tst.T*(-log_M_tr_tst).T).dot([1][jj].dot(
            term_4 = -(M_tr_tst.T).dot(*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot([1][jj].dot(
            term_5 = -(M_tr_tst.T).dot([1][jj].dot(*(-log_M_tr_tr)).dot(
            term_6 = (M_tr_tst.T).dot([1][jj].dot(*(-log_M_tr_tst)))))
            gradient_cverr_per_fold[jj] = trace(2*term_1 + 2*term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5 + term_6)
        return sum(gradient_cverr_per_fold)/float(num_sample_cv)

    # compute the total cverror
项目:pyins    作者:nmayorov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rts_pass(x, P, xa, Pa, Phi):
    n_points, n_states = x.shape
    I = np.identity(n_states)
    for i in reversed(range(n_points - 1)):
        L = cholesky(Pa[i + 1], check_finite=False)
        Pa_inv = cho_solve((L, False), I, check_finite=False)

        C = P[i].dot(Phi[i].T).dot(Pa_inv)

        x[i] +=[i + 1] - xa[i + 1])
        P[i] +=[i + 1] - Pa[i + 1]).dot(C.T)

    return x, P
项目:hamiltonian-monte-carlo    作者:matt-graham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kinetic_energy(self, pos, mom, cache={}):
        return 0.5 *
            (self.mass_matrix_chol, True), mom))
项目:hamiltonian-monte-carlo    作者:matt-graham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simulate_dynamic(self, n_step, dt, pos, mom, cache={}):
        mom = mom - 0.5 * dt * self.energy_grad(pos, cache)
        pos = pos + dt * la.cho_solve((self.mass_matrix_chol, True), mom)
        for s in range(1, n_step):
            mom -= dt * self.energy_grad(pos, cache)
            pos += dt * la.cho_solve((self.mass_matrix_chol, True), mom)
        mom -= 0.5 * dt * self.energy_grad(pos, cache)
        return pos, mom, None
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chol2inv(chol):
    return spla.cho_solve((chol, False), np.eye(chol.shape[ 0 ]))
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _measurement_update(self, y):
        gain = cho_solve(cho_factor(self.z_cov_pred), self.xz_cov).T
        self.x_mean_filt = self.x_mean_pred + - self.z_mean_pred)
        self.x_cov_filt = self.x_cov_pred -
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _smoothing_update(self):
        gain = cho_solve(cho_factor(self.x_cov_pred), self.xx_cov).T
        self.x_mean_smooth = self.x_mean_filt + - self.x_mean_pred)
        self.x_cov_smooth = self.x_cov_filt + - self.x_cov_pred).dot(gain.T)
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weights_rbf(self, unit_sp, hypers):
        # BQ weights for RBF kernel with given hypers, computations adopted from the GP-ADF code [Deisenroth] with
        # the following assumptions:
        #   (A1) the uncertain input is zero-mean with unit covariance
        #   (A2) one set of hyper-parameters is used for all output dimensions (one GP models all outputs)
        d, n = unit_sp.shape
        # GP kernel hyper-parameters
        alpha, el, jitter = hypers['sig_var'], hypers['lengthscale'], hypers['noise_var']
        assert len(el) == d
        # pre-allocation for convenience
        eye_d, eye_n = np.eye(d), np.eye(n)
        iLam1 = np.atleast_2d(np.diag(el ** -1))  # sqrt(Lambda^-1)
        iLam2 = np.atleast_2d(np.diag(el ** -2))

        inp =  # sigmas / el[:, na] (x - m)^T*sqrt(Lambda^-1) # (numSP, xdim)
        K = np.exp(2 * np.log(alpha) - 0.5 * maha(inp, inp))
        iK = cho_solve(cho_factor(K + jitter * eye_n), eye_n)
        B = iLam2 + eye_d  # (D, D)
        c = alpha ** 2 / np.sqrt(det(B))
        t =  # inn*(P + Lambda)^-1
        l = np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(inp * t, 1))  # (N, 1)
        zet = 2 * np.log(alpha) - 0.5 * np.sum(inp * inp, 1)
        inp =
        R = 2 * iLam2 + eye_d
        t = 1 / np.sqrt(det(R))
        L = np.exp((zet[:, na] + zet[:, na].T) + maha(inp, -inp, V=0.5 * inv(R)))
        q = c * l  # evaluations of the kernel mean map (from the viewpoint of RHKS methods)
        # mean weights
        wm_f =
        iKQ = * L)
        # covariance weights
        wc_f =
        # cross-covariance "weights"
        wc_fx = np.diag(q).dot(iK)
        # used for - mean).dot(wc_fx).dot(fx)
        self.D = inv(eye_d + np.diag(el ** 2))  # S(S+Lam)^-1; for S=I, (I+Lam)^-1
        # model variance; to be added to the covariance
        # this diagonal form assumes independent GP outputs (cov(f^a, f^b) = 0 for all a, b: a neq b)
        self.model_var = np.diag((alpha ** 2 - np.trace(iKQ)) * np.ones((d, 1)))
        return wm_f, wc_f, wc_fx
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_gp_model(self, f, unit_sp, args, test_range=(-5, 5, 50), plot_dims=(0, 0)):
        # plot out_dim vs. in_dim
        in_dim, out_dim = plot_dims
        # test input must have the same dimension as specified in kernel
        test = np.linspace(*test_range)
        test_pts = np.zeros((self.d, len(test)))
        test_pts[in_dim, :] = test
        # function value observations at training points (unit sigma-points)
        y = np.apply_along_axis(f, 0, unit_sp, args)
        fx = np.apply_along_axis(f, 0, test_pts, args)  # function values at test points
        K = self.kern.K(unit_sp.T)  # covariances between sigma-points
        k = self.kern.K(test_pts.T, unit_sp.T)  # covariance between test inputs and sigma-points
        kxx = self.kern.Kdiag(test_pts.T)  # prior predictive variance
        k_iK = cho_solve(cho_factor(K), k.T).T
        gp_mean =[out_dim, :])  # GP mean
        gp_var = np.diag(np.diag(kxx) -  # GP predictive variance
        # plot the GP mean, predictive variance and the true function
        plt.plot(test, fx[out_dim, :], color='r', ls='--', lw=2, label='true')
        plt.plot(test, gp_mean, color='b', ls='-', lw=2, label='GP mean')
        plt.fill_between(test, gp_mean + 2 * np.sqrt(gp_var), gp_mean - 2 * np.sqrt(gp_var),
                         color='b', alpha=0.25, label='GP variance')
        plt.plot(unit_sp[in_dim, :], y[out_dim, :],
                 color='k', ls='', marker='o', ms=8, label='data')
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _pull_from_cache_or_compute(self):
        if self.caching and len(self._cache_list) == self.num_states:
            chol  = self._cache_list[self.state]['chol']
            alpha = self._cache_list[self.state]['alpha']
            chol  = spla.cholesky(self.kernel.cov(self.inputs), lower=True)
            alpha = spla.cho_solve((chol, True), self.values - self.mean.value)

        return chol, alpha
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _prepare_cache(self):
        inputs_hash = hash(self.inputs.tostring())
        for i in xrange(self.num_states):
            chol  = spla.cholesky(self.kernel.cov(self.inputs), lower=True)
            alpha = spla.cho_solve((chol, True), self.values - self.mean.value)
            cache_dict = {
                'chol'  : chol,
                'alpha' : alpha
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_likelihood(self):
        GP Marginal likelihood

        This is called by the samplers when fitting the hyperparameters.
        cov   = self.kernel.cov(self.observed_inputs)
        chol  = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True)
        solve = spla.cho_solve((chol, True), self.observed_values - self.mean.value)

        # Uses the identity that log det A = log prod diag chol A = sum log diag chol A
        return -np.sum(np.log(np.diag(chol)))-0.5* - self.mean.value, solve)
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _pull_from_cache_or_compute(self):
        if self.caching and len(self._cache_list) == self.num_states:
            chol  = self._cache_list[self.state]['chol']
            alpha = self._cache_list[self.state]['alpha']
            chol  = spla.cholesky(self.kernel.cov(self.inputs), lower=True)
            alpha = spla.cho_solve((chol, True), self.values - self.mean.value)

        return chol, alpha
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_likelihood(self):
        GP Marginal likelihood

        This is called by the samplers when fitting the hyperparameters.
        cov   = self.kernel.cov(self.observed_inputs)
        chol  = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True)
        solve = spla.cho_solve((chol, True), self.observed_values - self.mean.value)

        # Uses the identity that log det A = log prod diag chol A = sum log diag chol A
        return -np.sum(np.log(np.diag(chol)))-0.5* - self.mean.value, solve)
项目:Thor    作者:JamesBrofos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit the parameters of the probabilistic process based on the
        available training data.
        # Store the training data (both the inputs and the targets).
        self.X, self.y = X, y
        # Compute the covariance matrix of the observed inputs.
        K = self.kernel.cov(self.X)
        # For a numerically stable algorithm, we use Cholesky decomposition.
        self.L = spla.cholesky(K, lower=True)
        self.alpha = spla.cho_solve((self.L, True), self.y).ravel()
        L_inv = spla.solve_triangular(self.L.T, np.eye(self.L.shape[0]))
        self.K_inv =
        self.beta =
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _construct_predict(self, beta, h):    
        """ Creates h-step ahead forecasts for the Gaussian process

        beta : np.array
            Contains untransformed starting values for the latent variables

        h: int
            How many steps ahead to forecast

        - predictions
        - variance of predictions

        # Refactor this entire code in future
        parm = np.array([self.latent_variables.z_list[k].prior.transform(beta[k]) for k in range(beta.shape[0])])
        Xstart = self.X().copy()
        Xstart = [i for i in Xstart]
        predictions = np.zeros(h)
        variances = np.zeros(h)

        for step in range(0,h):
            Xstar = []

            for lag in range(0,self.max_lag):
                if lag == 0:
                    if step == 0:
                        Xstart[0] = np.append(Xstart[0],[-1])
                        Xstart[0] = np.append(Xstart[0],predictions[step-1])
                    Xstart[lag] = np.append(Xstart[lag],Xstart[lag-1][-2])

            Kstar = self.kernel.Kstar(parm, np.transpose(np.array(Xstar)))

            L = self._L(parm)
            alpha = self._alpha(L)   

            predictions[step] =, alpha)
            v = la.cho_solve((L, True), Kstar)
            variances[step] = self.kernel.Kstarstar(parm, np.transpose(np.array(Xstar))) -, v)

        return predictions, variances, predictions - 1.98*np.power(variances,0.5), predictions + 1.98*np.power(variances,0.5)
项目:elfi    作者:elfi-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate(self, theta_new, t=None):
        """Evaluate the acquisition function at the location theta_new.

        theta_new : array_like
            Evaluation coordinates.
        t : int, optional
            Current iteration, (unused).

            Expected loss's term dependent on theta_new.

        gp = self.model
        n_imp, n_dim = self.points_int.shape
        # Alter the shape of theta_new.
        if n_dim != 1 and theta_new.ndim == 1:
            theta_new = theta_new[np.newaxis, :]
        elif n_dim == 1 and theta_new.ndim == 1:
            theta_new = theta_new[:, np.newaxis]

        # Calculate the integrand term w.
        # Note: w's second term (given in Järvenpää et al., 2017) is dismissed
        # because it is constant with respect to theta_new.
        _, var_new = gp.predict(theta_new, noiseless=True)
        k_old_new = self._K(self.thetas_old, theta_new)
        k_int_new = self._K(self.points_int, theta_new).T
        # Using the Cholesky factorisation to avoid computing matrix inverse.
        term_chol = sl.cho_solve(sl.cho_factor(self.K), k_old_new)
        cov_int = k_int_new -, term_chol).T
        delta_var_int = cov_int**2 / (self.sigma2_n + var_new)
        a = np.sqrt((self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T - delta_var_int) /
                    (self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T + delta_var_int))
        # Using the skewnorm's cdf to substitute the Owen's T function.
        phi_skew_imp = ss.skewnorm.cdf(self.eps, a, loc=self.mean_int.T,
                                       scale=np.sqrt(self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T))
        w = ((self.phi_int - phi_skew_imp) / 2)

        loss_theta_new = 2 * np.sum(self.omegas_int * self.priors_int * w, axis=1)
        return loss_theta_new
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, xs, phiinv_method='partition'):
        # map parameter vector if needed
        params = xs if isinstance(xs,dict) else self.pta.map_params(xs)

        # phiinvs will be a list or may be a big matrix if spatially
        # correlated signals
        TNrs = self.pta.get_TNr(params)
        TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(params)
        phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(params, logdet=True,

        # get -0.5 * (rNr + logdet_N) piece of likelihood
        loglike = -0.5 * np.sum([l for l in self.pta.get_rNr_logdet(params)])

        # red noise piece
        if self.pta._commonsignals:
            phiinv, logdet_phi = phiinvs

            Sigma = self._make_sigma(TNTs, phiinv)
            TNr = np.concatenate(TNrs)

            cf = cholesky(Sigma)
            expval = cf(TNr)

            logdet_sigma = cf.logdet()

            loglike += 0.5*(, expval) - logdet_sigma - logdet_phi)
            for TNr, TNT, (phiinv, logdet_phi) in zip(TNrs, TNTs, phiinvs):
                Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv)

                    cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma)
                    expval = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNr)
                    return -np.inf

                logdet_sigma = np.sum(2 * np.log(np.diag(cf[0])))

                loglike += 0.5*(, expval) -
                                logdet_sigma - logdet_phi)

        return loglike
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_phiinv_byfreq_cliques(self, params, logdet=False, cholesky=False):
        phi = self.get_phi(params, cliques=True)

        if isinstance(phi, list):
            return [None if phivec is None else phivec.inv(logdet)
                    for phivec in phi]
            ld = 0

            # first invert all the cliques
            for clcount in range(self._clcount):
                idx = (self._cliques == clcount)

                if np.any(idx):
                    idx2 = np.ix_(idx,idx)

                    if cholesky:
                        cf = sl.cho_factor(phi[idx2])

                        if logdet:
                            ld += 2.0*np.sum(np.log(np.diag(cf[0])))

                        phi[idx2] = sl.cho_solve(
                            cf, np.identity(cf[0].shape[0]))
                        phi2 = phi[idx2]

                        if logdet:
                            ld += np.linalg.slogdet(phi2)[1]

                        phi[idx2] = np.linalg.inv(phi2)

            # then do the pure diagonal terms
            idx = (self._cliques == -1)

            if logdet:
                ld += np.sum(np.log(phi[idx,idx]))

            phi[idx,idx] = 1.0/phi[idx,idx]

            return (phi, ld) if logdet else phi

    # we use "cliques" to account for sparse non-diagonal Phi matrices
    # for each value in self._cliques, the matrix indices with that value form
    # an independent submatrix that can be inverted separately

    # reset clique index
项目:tensortools    作者:ahwillia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normal_eq_comb(AtA, AtB, PassSet=None):
    """ Solve many systems of linear equations using combinatorial grouping.

    M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450

    AtA : numpy.array, shape (n,n)
    AtB : numpy.array, shape (n,k)

    Z : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
    num_cholesky : int - the number of unique cholesky decompositions done
    num_eq: int - the number of systems of linear equations solved
    num_cholesky = 0
    num_eq = 0
    if AtB.size == 0:
        Z = np.zeros([])
    elif (PassSet is None) or np.all(PassSet):
        Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB)
        num_cholesky = 1
        num_eq = AtB.shape[1]
        Z = np.zeros(AtB.shape)
        if PassSet.shape[1] == 1:
            if np.any(PassSet):
                cols = PassSet.nonzero()[0]
                Z[cols] = nla.solve(AtA[np.ix_(cols, cols)], AtB[cols])
                num_cholesky = 1
                num_eq = 1
            # Both _column_group_loop() and _column_group_recursive() work well.
            # Based on preliminary testing,
            # _column_group_loop() is slightly faster for tiny k(<10), but
            # _column_group_recursive() is faster for large k's.
            grps = _column_group_recursive(PassSet)
            for gr in grps:
                cols = PassSet[:, gr[0]].nonzero()[0]
                if cols.size > 0:
                    ix1 = np.ix_(cols, gr)
                    ix2 = np.ix_(cols, cols)
                    # scipy.linalg.cho_solve can be used instead of numpy.linalg.solve.
                    # For small n(<200), numpy.linalg.solve appears faster, whereas
                    # for large n(>500), scipy.linalg.cho_solve appears faster.
                    # Usage example of scipy.linalg.cho_solve:
                    # Z[ix1] = sla.cho_solve(sla.cho_factor(AtA[ix2]),AtB[ix1])
                    Z[ix1] = nla.solve(AtA[ix2], AtB[ix1])
                    num_cholesky += 1
                    num_eq += len(gr)
                    num_eq += len(gr)
    return Z, num_cholesky, num_eq
项目:Echobase    作者:akhambhati    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normal_eq_comb(AtA, AtB, PassSet=None):
    """ Solve many systems of linear equations using combinatorial grouping.

    M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450

    AtA : numpy.array, shape (n,n)
    AtB : numpy.array, shape (n,k)

    Z : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
    num_cholesky : int - the number of unique cholesky decompositions done
    num_eq: int - the number of systems of linear equations solved
    num_cholesky = 0
    num_eq = 0
    if AtB.size == 0:
        Z = np.zeros([])
    elif (PassSet is None) or np.all(PassSet):
        Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB)
        num_cholesky = 1
        num_eq = AtB.shape[1]
        Z = np.zeros(AtB.shape)
        if PassSet.shape[1] == 1:
            if np.any(PassSet):
                cols = PassSet.nonzero()[0]
                Z[cols] = nla.solve(AtA[np.ix_(cols, cols)], AtB[cols])
                num_cholesky = 1
                num_eq = 1
            # Both _column_group_loop() and _column_group_recursive() work well.
            # Based on preliminary testing,
            # _column_group_loop() is slightly faster for tiny k(<10), but
            # _column_group_recursive() is faster for large k's.
            grps = _column_group_recursive(PassSet)
            for gr in grps:
                cols = PassSet[:, gr[0]].nonzero()[0]
                if cols.size > 0:
                    ix1 = np.ix_(cols, gr)
                    ix2 = np.ix_(cols, cols)
                    # scipy.linalg.cho_solve can be used instead of numpy.linalg.solve.
                    # For small n(<200), numpy.linalg.solve appears faster, whereas
                    # for large n(>500), scipy.linalg.cho_solve appears faster.
                    # Usage example of scipy.linalg.cho_solve:
                    # Z[ix1] = sla.cho_solve(sla.cho_factor(AtA[ix2]),AtB[ix1])
                    Z[ix1] = nla.solve(AtA[ix2], AtB[ix1])
                    num_cholesky += 1
                    num_eq += len(gr)
                    num_eq += len(gr)
    return Z, num_cholesky, num_eq
项目:icinco-code    作者:jacobnzw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weights_rbf(self, unit_sp, hypers):
        d, n = unit_sp.shape
        # GP kernel hyper-parameters
        alpha, el, jitter = hypers['sig_var'], hypers['lengthscale'], hypers['noise_var']
        assert len(el) == d
        # pre-allocation for convenience
        eye_d, eye_n, eye_y = np.eye(d), np.eye(n), np.eye(n + d * n)

        K = self.kern_eq_der(unit_sp, hypers)  # evaluate kernel matrix BOTTLENECK
        iK = cho_solve(cho_factor(K + jitter * eye_y), eye_y)  # invert kernel matrix BOTTLENECK
        Lam = np.diag(el ** 2)
        iLam = np.diag(el ** -1)  # sqrt(Lambda^-1)
        iiLam = np.diag(el ** -2)  # Lambda^-1
        inn =  # (x-m)^T*iLam  # (N, D)
        B = iiLam + eye_d  # P*Lambda^-1+I, (P+Lam)^-1 = Lam^-1*(P*Lam^-1+I)^-1 # (D, D)
        cho_B = cho_factor(B)
        t = cho_solve(cho_B, inn)  # dot(inn, inv(B)) # (x-m)^T*iLam*(P+Lambda)^-1  # (D, N)
        l = np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(inn * t, 0))  # (N, 1)
        q = (alpha ** 2 / np.sqrt(det(B))) * l  # (N, 1)
        Sig_q = cho_solve(cho_B, eye_d)  # B^-1*I
        eta =  # (D,N) Sig_q*x
        mu_q =  # (D,N)
        r = q[na, :] * - unit_sp)  # * q  # (D, N)
        q_tilde = np.hstack((q.T, r.T.ravel()))  # (1, N+N*D)

        # weights for mean
        wm =

        #  quantities for cross-covariance "weights"
        iLamSig =  # (D,D)
        r_tilde = (q[na, na, :] * iLamSig[..., na] + mu_q[na, ...] * r[:, na, :]).T.reshape(n * d, d).T  # (D, N*D)
        R_tilde = np.hstack((q[na, :] * mu_q, r_tilde))  # (D, N+N*D)

        # input-output covariance (cross-covariance) "weights"
        Wcc =  # (D, N+N*D)

        # quantities for covariance weights
        zet = 2 * np.log(alpha) - 0.5 * np.sum(inn * inn, 0)  # (D,N) 2log(alpha) - 0.5*(x-m)^T*Lambda^-1*(x-m)
        inn =  # inp / el[:, na]**2
        R = 2 * iiLam + eye_d  # 2P*Lambda^-1 + I
        # (N,N)
        Q = (1.0 / np.sqrt(det(R))) * np.exp((zet[:, na] + zet[:, na].T) + maha(inn.T, -inn.T, V=0.5 * solve(R, eye_d)))
        cho_LamSig = cho_factor(Lam + Sig_q)
        Sig_Q = cho_solve(cho_LamSig, Sig_q).dot(iiLam)  # (D,D) Lambda^-1 (Lambda*(Lambda+Sig_q)^-1*Sig_q) Lambda^-1
        eta_tilde =, eta))  # Lambda^-1(Lambda+Sig_q)^-1*eta
        ETA = eta_tilde[..., na] + eta_tilde[:, na, :]  # (D,N,N) pairwise sum of pre-multiplied eta's (D,N,N)
        # mu_Q = ETA + in_mean[:, na]  # (D,N,N)
        xnmu = inn[..., na] - ETA  # (D,N,N) x_n - mu^Q_nm
        # xmmu = sigmas[:, na, :] - mu_Q  # x_m - mu^Q_nm
        E_dff = (-Q[na, ...] * xnmu).swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(d * n, n)
        # (D,D,N,N) (x_n - mu^Q_nm)(x_m - mu^Q_nm)^T + Sig_Q
        T = xnmu[:, na, ...] * xnmu.swapaxes(1, 2)[na, ...] + Sig_Q[..., na, na]
        E_dffd = (Q[na, na, ...] * T).swapaxes(0, 3).reshape(d * n, -1)  # (N*D, N*D)
        Q_tilde = np.vstack((np.hstack((Q, E_dff.T)), np.hstack((E_dff, E_dffd))))  # (N+N*D, N+N*D)

        # weights for covariance
        iKQ =
        Wc =
        # model variance
        self.model_var = np.diag((alpha ** 2 - np.trace(iKQ)) * np.ones((d, 1)))
        return wm, Wc, Wcc
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, pred, full_cov=False, compute_grad=False):
        inputs = self.inputs
        values = self.values

        # Special case if there is no data yet (everything from the prior)
        if inputs is None:
            return self.predict_from_prior(pred, full_cov, compute_grad)

        if pred.shape[1] != self.num_dims:
            raise Exception("Dimensionality of inputs must match dimensionality given at init time.")

        # The primary covariances for prediction.
        cand_cross = self.noiseless_kernel.cross_cov(inputs, pred)

        chol, alpha = self._pull_from_cache_or_compute()

        # Solve the linear systems.
        # Note: if X = LL^T, cho_solve performs X\b whereas solve_triangular performs L\b
        beta = spla.solve_triangular(chol, cand_cross, lower=True)

        # Predict the marginal means at candidates.
        func_m =, alpha) + self.mean.value

        if full_cov:
            # Return the covariance matrix of the pred inputs, 
            # rather than just the individual variances at each input
            cand_cov = self.noiseless_kernel.cov(pred)
            func_v = cand_cov -, beta)
            cand_cov = self.noiseless_kernel.diag_cov(pred)
            func_v = cand_cov - np.sum(beta**2, axis=0)

        if not compute_grad:
            return func_m, func_v

        grad_cross = self.noiseless_kernel.cross_cov_grad_data(inputs, pred)
        grad_xp_m  = np.tensordot(np.transpose(grad_cross, (1,2,0)), alpha, 1)

        # this should be faster than (and equivalent to) spla.cho_solve((chol, True),cand_cross))
        gamma = spla.solve_triangular(chol.T, beta, lower=False)

        # Using sum and multiplication and summing instead of matrix multiplication
        # because I only want the diagonals of the gradient of the covariance matrix, not the whole thing
        grad_xp_v = -2.0*np.sum(gamma[:,:,np.newaxis] * grad_cross, axis=0)

        # Not very important -- just to make sure grad_xp_v.shape = grad_xp_m.shape
        if values.ndim > 1:
            grad_xp_v = grad_xp_v[:,:,np.newaxis]

        # In case this is a function over a 1D input,
        # return a numpy array rather than a float
        if np.ndim(grad_xp_m) == 0:
            grad_xp_m = np.array([grad_xp_m])
            grad_xp_v = np.array([grad_xp_v])

        return func_m, func_v, grad_xp_m, grad_xp_v
项目:product-taz    作者:TheAnomalieZ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, pred, full_cov=False, compute_grad=False):
        inputs = self.inputs
        values = self.values

        # Special case if there is no data yet (everything from the prior)
        if inputs is None:
            return self.predict_from_prior(pred, full_cov, compute_grad)

        if pred.shape[1] != self.num_dims:
            raise Exception("Dimensionality of inputs must match dimensionality given at init time.")

        # The primary covariances for prediction.
        cand_cross = self.noiseless_kernel.cross_cov(inputs, pred)

        chol, alpha = self._pull_from_cache_or_compute()

        # Solve the linear systems.
        # Note: if X = LL^T, cho_solve performs X\b whereas solve_triangular performs L\b
        beta = spla.solve_triangular(chol, cand_cross, lower=True)

        # Predict the marginal means at candidates.
        func_m =, alpha) + self.mean.value

        if full_cov:
            # Return the covariance matrix of the pred inputs, 
            # rather than just the individual variances at each input
            cand_cov = self.noiseless_kernel.cov(pred)
            func_v = cand_cov -, beta)
            cand_cov = self.noiseless_kernel.diag_cov(pred)
            func_v = cand_cov - np.sum(beta**2, axis=0)

        if not compute_grad:
            return func_m, func_v

        grad_cross = self.noiseless_kernel.cross_cov_grad_data(inputs, pred)
        grad_xp_m  = np.tensordot(np.transpose(grad_cross, (1,2,0)), alpha, 1)

        # this should be faster than (and equivalent to) spla.cho_solve((chol, True),cand_cross))
        gamma = spla.solve_triangular(chol.T, beta, lower=False)

        # Using sum and multiplication and summing instead of matrix multiplication
        # because I only want the diagonals of the gradient of the covariance matrix, not the whole thing
        grad_xp_v = -2.0*np.sum(gamma[:,:,np.newaxis] * grad_cross, axis=0)

        # Not very important -- just to make sure grad_xp_v.shape = grad_xp_m.shape
        if values.ndim > 1:
            grad_xp_v = grad_xp_v[:,:,np.newaxis]

        # In case this is a function over a 1D input,
        # return a numpy array rather than a float
        if np.ndim(grad_xp_m) == 0:
            grad_xp_m = np.array([grad_xp_m])
            grad_xp_v = np.array([grad_xp_v])

        return func_m, func_v, grad_xp_m, grad_xp_v
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _posterior_mode(self, K, return_temporaries=False):
        """Mode-finding for binary Laplace GPC and fixed kernel.

        This approximates the posterior of the latent function values for given
        inputs and target observations with a Gaussian approximation and uses
        Newton's iteration to find the mode of this approximation.
        # Based on Algorithm 3.1 of GPML

        # If warm_start are enabled, we reuse the last solution for the
        # posterior mode as initialization; otherwise, we initialize with 0
        if self.warm_start and hasattr(self, "f_cached") \
           and self.f_cached.shape == self.y_train_.shape:
            f = self.f_cached
            f = np.zeros_like(self.y_train_, dtype=np.float64)

        # Use Newton's iteration method to find mode of Laplace approximation
        log_marginal_likelihood = -np.inf
        for _ in range(self.max_iter_predict):
            # Line 4
            pi = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-f))
            W = pi * (1 - pi)
            # Line 5
            W_sr = np.sqrt(W)
            W_sr_K = W_sr[:, np.newaxis] * K
            B = np.eye(W.shape[0]) + W_sr_K * W_sr
            L = cholesky(B, lower=True)
            # Line 6
            b = W * f + (self.y_train_ - pi)
            # Line 7
            a = b - W_sr * cho_solve((L, True),
            # Line 8
            f =

            # Line 10: Compute log marginal likelihood in loop and use as
            #          convergence criterion
            lml = -0.5 * \
                - np.log(1 + np.exp(-(self.y_train_ * 2 - 1) * f)).sum() \
                - np.log(np.diag(L)).sum()
            # Check if we have converged (log marginal likelihood does
            # not decrease)
            # XXX: more complex convergence criterion
            if lml - log_marginal_likelihood < 1e-10:
            log_marginal_likelihood = lml

        self.f_cached = f  # Remember solution for later warm-starts
        if return_temporaries:
            return log_marginal_likelihood, (pi, W_sr, L, b, a)
            return log_marginal_likelihood