Python scipy.linalg 模块,solve_banded() 实例源码


项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _radau(alpha, beta, xr):
    '''From <>:
    Compute the Radau nodes and weights with the preassigned node xr.

    Based on the section 7 of the paper

        Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems,
        Gene Golub,
        SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334.
    from scipy.linalg import solve_banded

    n = len(alpha)-1
    f = numpy.zeros(n)
    f[-1] = beta[-1]
    A = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha-xr))
    J = numpy.vstack((A[:, 0:-1], A[0, 1:]))
    delta = solve_banded((1, 1), J, f)
    alphar = alpha.copy()
    alphar[-1] = xr + delta[-1]
    x, w = orthopy.line.schemes.custom(alphar, beta, mode='numpy')
    return x, w
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lobatto(alpha, beta, xl1, xl2):
    '''Compute the Lobatto nodes and weights with the preassigned node xl1, xl2.
    Based on the section 7 of the paper

        Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems,
        Gene Golub,
        SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334,

    from scipy.linalg import solve_banded, solve
    n = len(alpha)-1
    en = numpy.zeros(n)
    en[-1] = 1
    A1 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha-xl1))
    J1 = numpy.vstack((A1[:, 0:-1], A1[0, 1:]))
    A2 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha-xl2))
    J2 = numpy.vstack((A2[:, 0:-1], A2[0, 1:]))
    g1 = solve_banded((1, 1), J1, en)
    g2 = solve_banded((1, 1), J2, en)
    C = numpy.array(((1, -g1[-1]), (1, -g2[-1])))
    xl = numpy.array((xl1, xl2))
    ab = solve(C, xl)

    alphal = alpha
    alphal[-1] = ab[0]
    betal = beta
    betal[-1] = ab[1]
    x, w = orthopy.line.schemes.custom(alphal, betal, mode='numpy')
    return x, w
项目:pyins    作者:nmayorov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, y):
        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
        y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float)

        n = x.shape[0]
        dx = np.diff(x)
        dy = np.diff(y, axis=0)
        dxr = dx.reshape([dx.shape[0]] + [1] * (y.ndim - 1))

        c = np.empty((3, n - 1) + y.shape[1:])
        if n > 2:
            A = np.ones((2, n))
            b = np.empty((n,) + y.shape[1:])
            b[0] = 0
            b[1:] = 2 * dy / dxr
            s = solve_banded((1, 0), A, b, overwrite_ab=True, overwrite_b=True,
            c[0] = np.diff(s, axis=0) / (2 * dxr)
            c[1] = s[:-1]
            c[2] = y[:-1]
            c[0] = 0
            c[1] = dy / dxr
            c[2] = y[:-1]

        super(_QuadraticSpline, self).__init__(c, x)
项目:redmapper    作者:erykoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, y, yp=None):
        npts = len(x)
        mat = np.zeros((3, npts))
        # enforce continuity of 1st derivatives
        mat[1,1:-1] = (x[2:  ]-x[0:-2])/3.
        mat[2,0:-2] = (x[1:-1]-x[0:-2])/6.
        mat[0,2:  ] = (x[2:  ]-x[1:-1])/6.
        bb = np.zeros(npts)
        bb[1:-1] = ((y[2:  ]-y[1:-1])/(x[2:  ]-x[1:-1]) -
        if yp is None: # natural cubic spline
            mat[1,0] = 1.
            mat[1,-1] = 1.
            bb[0] = 0.
            bb[-1] = 0.
        elif yp == '3d=0':
            mat[1, 0] = -1./(x[1]-x[0])
            mat[0, 1] =  1./(x[1]-x[0])
            mat[1,-1] =  1./(x[-2]-x[-1])
            mat[2,-2] = -1./(x[-2]-x[-1])
            bb[ 0] = 0.
            bb[-1] = 0.
            mat[1, 0] = -1./3.*(x[1]-x[0])
            mat[0, 1] = -1./6.*(x[1]-x[0])
            mat[2,-2] =  1./6.*(x[-1]-x[-2])
            mat[1,-1] =  1./3.*(x[-1]-x[-2])
            bb[ 0] = yp[0]-1.*(y[ 1]-y[ 0])/(x[ 1]-x[ 0])
            bb[-1] = yp[1]-1.*(y[-1]-y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2])
        y2 = solve_banded((1,1), mat, bb)
        self.x, self.y, self.y2 = (x, y, y2)