Python scipy.linalg 模块,orth() 实例源码


项目:tensorflow-isan-rnn    作者:philipperemy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call(self, step_inputs, state, scope=None, initialization='gaussian'):
        Make one step of ISAN transition.

          step_inputs: one-hot encoded inputs, shape bs x n
          state: previous hidden state, shape bs x d
          scope: current scope
          initialization: how to initialize the transition matrices:
            orthogonal: usually speeds up training, orthogonalize Gaussian matrices
            gaussian: sample gaussian matrices with a sensible scale
        d = self._num_units
        n = step_inputs.shape[1].value

        if initialization == 'orthogonal':
            wx_ndd_init = np.zeros((n, d * d), dtype=np.float32)
            for i in range(n):
                wx_ndd_init[i, :] = orth(np.random.randn(d, d)).astype(np.float32).ravel()
            wx_ndd_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(wx_ndd_init)
        elif initialization == 'gaussian':
            wx_ndd_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=1.0 / np.sqrt(d))
            raise Exception('Unknown init type: %s' % initialization)

        wx_ndd = tf.get_variable('Wx', shape=[n, d * d],
        bx_nd = tf.get_variable('bx', shape=[n, d],

        # Multiplication with a 1-hot is just row selection.
        # As of Jan '17 this is faster than doing gather.
        Wx_bdd = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(step_inputs, wx_ndd), [-1, d, d])
        bx_bd = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(step_inputs, bx_nd), [-1, 1, d])

        # Reshape the state so that matmul multiplies different matrices
        # for each batch element.
        single_state = tf.reshape(state, [-1, 1, d])
        new_state = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(single_state, Wx_bdd) + bx_bd, [-1, d])
        return new_state, new_state
项目:smp_base    作者:x75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate(self, type="2d"):
        if type == "2d":
            M = np.random.rand(self.ndims, self.ndims)
            print (M)
            M = sLA.orth(M)
            print (M)
            S =[0, .25]), np.random.randn(self.ndims, self.l))
            print ("S.shape", S.shape)
            print (S)
            A =, S)
            print ("A.shape", A.shape)
            # print A
            return(A, S, M)

        elif type == "close":
            S = 2 * (np.random.rand(self.ndims, self.l) - 0.5)
            A = S
            print (A.shape)
            # A(2:end,:) = A(2:end,:) + A(1:end-1, :)/2;
            A[1:-1,:] = A[1:-1,:] + A[0:-2, :]/2.
            return (A, S, np.zeros((1,1)))

        elif type == "noisysinewave":
            t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.l)
            sine = np.sin(t * 10)
            # sine = 1.2 * (np.random.rand(1, self.l) - 0.5)
            # nu = 0.1 * (np.random.rand(1, self.l) - 0.5)
            # sine = 2.3 * np.random.randn(1, self.l)
            nu = 0.7 * np.random.randn(1, self.l)
            c1 = (2.7 * sine) + (2 * nu)
            c2 = (1.1 * sine) + (1.2 * nu)
            A = np.vstack((c1, c2))
            print (A.shape)
            # A(2:end,:) = A(2:end,:) + A(1:end-1, :)/2;
            # A[1:-1,:] = A[1:-1,:] + A[0:-2, :]/2.
            return (A, np.zeros((2, self.l)), np.zeros((1,1)))
项目:dca    作者:BenjoCowley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialization(Xs, u_0s, results):
    # results is a dictionary from preprocessing
    # initialize U, U_orth, and dcovs
    # U_orth keeps track of the orthogonal space of U

    ### for first dim, initialize u with either user input or randomly
        num_datasets = results['num_datasets'];
        u = [];
        for iset in range(num_datasets):
            num_vars = Xs[iset].shape[0];
            if (u_0s != [] and u_0s[iset].shape[0] == num_vars):  # if user input initialized weights for first dim
                u.append(orth(np.random.randn(num_vars, 1)));

    ### get initial recentered matrices for each dataset based on u
        R = [];
        if (results['num_stoch_batch_samples'] == 0): # only for full gradient descent
            for iset in range(num_datasets):
                R.append(get_recentered_matrix(u[iset], Xs[iset]));

            total_dcov = get_total_dcov(R,results['D_given']);
            total_dcov_old = total_dcov * 0.5; # set old value to half, so it'll pass threshold

    ### stochastic gradient descent initialization
        momented_gradf = [];
        stoch_learning_rate = 1;  # initial learning rate for SGD
        if (results['num_stoch_batch_samples'] > 0):
            for iset in range(num_datasets):

            total_dcov = get_total_dcov_randomlysampled(u, Xs, results['D_given'], results);
            total_dcov_old = total_dcov * 0.5;

        return u, momented_gradf, R, total_dcov, total_dcov_old, stoch_learning_rate, results;