def N(image): """ Normalization parameter as per Itti et al. (1998). returns a normalized feature map image. """ M = 8. # an arbitrary global maximum to which the image is scaled. # (When saving saliency maps as images, pixel values may become # too large or too small for the chosen image format depending # on this constant) image = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=M/image.max(), beta=0.) w,h = image.shape maxima = maximum_filter(image, size=(w/10,h/1)) maxima = (image == maxima) mnum = maxima.sum() logger.debug("Found %d local maxima.", mnum) maxima = numpy.multiply(maxima, image) mbar = float(maxima.sum()) / mnum logger.debug("Average of local maxima: %f. Global maximum: %f", mbar, M) return image * (M-mbar)**2
def compute_colseps_conv(binary,scale=1.0): """Find column separators by convoluation and thresholding.""" h,w = binary.shape # find vertical whitespace by thresholding smoothed = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary,(scale,scale*0.5)) smoothed = uniform_filter(smoothed,(5.0*scale,1)) thresh = (smoothed<amax(smoothed)*0.1) DSAVE("1thresh",thresh) # find column edges by filtering grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary,(scale,scale*0.5),order=(0,1)) grad = uniform_filter(grad,(10.0*scale,1)) # grad = abs(grad) # use this for finding both edges grad = (grad>0.5*amax(grad)) DSAVE("2grad",grad) # combine edges and whitespace seps = minimum(thresh,maximum_filter(grad,(int(scale),int(5*scale)))) seps = maximum_filter(seps,(int(2*scale),1)) DSAVE("3seps",seps) # select only the biggest column separators seps = morph.select_regions(seps,sl.dim0,min=args['csminheight']*scale,nbest=args['maxcolseps']) DSAVE("4seps",seps) return seps
def detect_objects_heatmap(heatmap): data = 256 * heatmap data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, 3) maxima = (data == data_max) data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, 3) diff = ((data_max - data_min) > 0.3) maxima[diff == 0] = 0 labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima) slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled) objects = np.zeros((num_objects, 2), dtype=np.int32) pidx = 0 for (dy, dx) in slices: pos = [(dy.start + dy.stop - 1) // 2, (dx.start + dx.stop - 1) // 2] if heatmap[pos[0], pos[1]] > config.CENTER_TR: objects[pidx, :] = pos pidx += 1 return objects[:pidx]
def extrema(mat,mode='wrap',window=10): # function to find the pressure extrema """ Find the indices of local extrema (min and max) in the input array. Parameters mat (input array) mode window (sensitivity) Returns Indices of extrema """ mn = minimum_filter(mat, size=window, mode=mode) mx = maximum_filter(mat, size=window, mode=mode) # (mat == mx) true if pixel is equal to the local max # (mat == mn) true if pixel is equal to the local in # Return the indices of the maxima, minima return np.nonzero(mat == mn), np.nonzero(mat == mx) #function to interpolate data to given level(s) using np.interp
def compute_line_seeds(binary,bottom,top,colseps,scale): """Base on gradient maps, computes candidates for baselines and xheights. Then, it marks the regions between the two as a line seed.""" t = args['threshold'] vrange = int(args['vscale']*scale) bmarked = maximum_filter(bottom==maximum_filter(bottom,(vrange,0)),(2,2)) bmarked = bmarked*(bottom>t*amax(bottom)*t)*(1-colseps) tmarked = maximum_filter(top==maximum_filter(top,(vrange,0)),(2,2)) tmarked = tmarked*(top>t*amax(top)*t/2)*(1-colseps) tmarked = maximum_filter(tmarked,(1,20)) seeds = zeros(binary.shape,'i') delta = max(3,int(scale/2)) for x in range(bmarked.shape[1]): transitions = sorted([(y,1) for y in find(bmarked[:,x])]+[(y,0) for y in find(tmarked[:,x])])[::-1] transitions += [(0,0)] for l in range(len(transitions)-1): y0,s0 = transitions[l] if s0==0: continue seeds[y0-delta:y0,x] = 1 y1,s1 = transitions[l+1] if s1==0 and (y0-y1)<5*scale: seeds[y1:y0,x] = 1 seeds = maximum_filter(seeds,(1,int(1+scale))) seeds = seeds*(1-colseps) DSAVE("lineseeds",[seeds,0.3*tmarked+0.7*bmarked,binary]) seeds,_ = morph.label(seeds) return seeds ################################################################ ### The complete line segmentation process. ################################################################
def r_dilation(image,size,origin=0): """Dilation with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter""" return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
def r_erosion(image,size,origin=0): """Erosion with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter""" return filters.minimum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
def rg_dilation(image,size,origin=0): """Grayscale dilation with maximum/minimum filters.""" return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
def markMaxima(saliency): """ Mark the maxima in a saliency map (a gray-scale image). """ maxima = maximum_filter(saliency, size=(5, 5)) maxima = numpy.array(saliency == maxima, dtype=numpy.float64) * 255 g = cv2.max(saliency, maxima) r = saliency b = saliency marked = cv2.merge((b,g,r)) return marked
def non_max_suppression(np_input, window_size=3, threshold=NMS_Threshold): under_threshold_indices = np_input < threshold np_input[under_threshold_indices] = 0 return np_input*(np_input == maximum_filter(np_input, footprint=np.ones((window_size, window_size))))
def _highGrad(arr): # mask high gradient areas in given array s = min(arr.shape) return maximum_filter(np.abs(laplace(arr, mode='reflect')) > 0.01, # 0.02 min(max(s // 5, 3), 15))
def _import(): global maximum_filter, PerspectiveGridROI, labelCracks, evalCracks, detectLabelCrackParams from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter from dataArtist.items.PerspectiveGridROI import PerspectiveGridROI try: from PROimgProcessor.features.crackDetection import labelCracks, evalCracks,\ detectLabelCrackParams except ImportError: labelCracks = None
def autofind_pois(self, neighborhood_size=1, min_threshold=10000, max_threshold=1e6): """Automatically search the xy scan image for POIs. @param neighborhood_size: size in microns. Only the brightest POI per neighborhood will be found. @param min_threshold: POIs must have c/s above this threshold. @param max_threshold: POIs must have c/s below this threshold. """ # Calculate the neighborhood size in pixels from the image range and resolution x_range_microns = np.max(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 0]) - np.min(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 0]) y_range_microns = np.max(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 1]) - np.min(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 1]) y_pixels = len(self.roi_map_data) x_pixels = len(self.roi_map_data[1, :]) pixels_per_micron = np.max([x_pixels, y_pixels]) / np.max([x_range_microns, y_range_microns]) # The neighborhood in pixels is nbhd_size * pixels_per_um, but it must be 1 or greater neighborhood_pix = int(np.max([math.ceil(pixels_per_micron * neighborhood_size), 1])) data = self.roi_map_data[:, :, 3] data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, neighborhood_pix) maxima = (data == data_max) data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, 3 * neighborhood_pix) diff = ((data_max - data_min) > min_threshold) maxima[diff is False] = 0 labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima) xy = np.array(ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled, range(1, num_objects + 1))) for count, pix_pos in enumerate(xy): poi_pos = self.roi_map_data[pix_pos[0], pix_pos[1], :][0:3] this_poi_key = self.add_poi(position=poi_pos, emit_change=False) self.rename_poi(poikey=this_poi_key, name='spot' + str(count), emit_change=False) # Now that all the POIs are created, emit the signal for other things (ie gui) to update self.signal_poi_updated.emit()
def extract_masked(image,linedesc,pad=5,expand=0): """Extract a subimage from the image using the line descriptor. A line descriptor consists of bounds and a mask.""" y0,x0,y1,x1 = [int(x) for x in [linedesc.bounds[0].start,linedesc.bounds[1].start, \ linedesc.bounds[0].stop,linedesc.bounds[1].stop]] if pad>0: mask = pad_image(linedesc.mask,pad,cval=0) else: mask = linedesc.mask line = extract(image,y0-pad,x0-pad,y1+pad,x1+pad) if expand>0: mask = filters.maximum_filter(mask,(expand,expand)) line = where(mask,line,amax(line)) return line
def compute_colseps_conv(binary, csminheight, maxcolseps, scale=1.0, debug=False): """Find column separators by convoluation and thresholding.""" h,w = binary.shape # find vertical whitespace by thresholding smoothed = gaussian_filter(1.0 * binary, (scale, scale*0.5)) smoothed = uniform_filter(smoothed, (5.0*scale,1)) thresh = (smoothed<np.amax(smoothed)*0.1) if debug: debug_show(thresh, "compute_colseps_conv thresh") # find column edges by filtering grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary, (scale, scale*0.5), order=(0,1)) grad = uniform_filter(grad, (10.0*scale,1)) # grad = abs(grad) # use this for finding both edges grad = (grad>0.5*np.amax(grad)) if debug: debug_show(grad, "compute_colseps_conv grad") # combine edges and whitespace seps = np.minimum(thresh,maximum_filter(grad, (int(scale), int(5*scale)))) seps = maximum_filter(seps,(int(2*scale),1)) if debug: debug_show(seps, "compute_colseps_conv seps") # select only the biggest column separators seps = morph.select_regions(seps,sl.dim0, min=csminheight*scale, nbest=maxcolseps) if debug: debug_show(seps, "compute_colseps_conv 4seps") return seps
def compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, threshold, vscale, scale, debug=False): """Base on gradient maps, computes candidates for baselines and xheights. Then, it marks the regions between the two as a line seed.""" t = threshold vrange = int(vscale*scale) bmarked = maximum_filter(bottom==maximum_filter(bottom, (vrange, 0)),(2,2)) bmarked = bmarked*(bottom>t*np.amax(bottom)*t)*(1-colseps) tmarked = maximum_filter(top==maximum_filter(top,(vrange,0)),(2,2)) tmarked = tmarked*(top>t*np.amax(top)*t/2)*(1-colseps) tmarked = maximum_filter(tmarked,(1,20)) seeds = np.zeros(binary.shape, 'i') delta = max(3,int(scale/2)) for x in range(bmarked.shape[1]): transitions = sorted([(y, 1) for y in np.where(bmarked[:,x])[0]]+[(y,0) for y in np.where(tmarked[:,x][0])])[::-1] transitions += [(0,0)] for l in range(len(transitions)-1): y0,s0 = transitions[l] if s0==0: continue seeds[y0-delta:y0,x] = 1 y1,s1 = transitions[l+1] if s1==0 and (y0-y1)<5*scale: seeds[y1:y0,x] = 1 seeds = maximum_filter(seeds,(1,int(1+scale))) seeds = seeds*(1-colseps) if debug: debug_show([seeds,0.3*tmarked+0.7*bmarked,binary], "lineseeds") seeds,_ = morph.label(seeds) return seeds
def addImg(self, img, maxShear=0.015, maxRot=100, minMatches=12, borderWidth=3): # borderWidth=100 """ Args: img (path or array): image containing the same object as in the reference image Kwargs: maxShear (float): In order to define a good fit, refect higher shear values between this and the reference image maxRot (float): Same for rotation minMatches (int): Minimum of mating points found in both, this and the reference image """ try: fit, img, H, H_inv, nmatched = self._fitImg(img) except Exception as e: print(e) return # CHECK WHETHER FIT IS GOOD ENOUGH: (translation, rotation, scale, shear) = decompHomography(H) print('Homography ...\n\ttranslation: %s\n\trotation: %s\n\tscale: %s\n\tshear: %s' % (translation, rotation, scale, shear)) if (nmatched > minMatches and abs(shear) < maxShear and abs(rotation) < maxRot): print('==> img added') # HOMOGRAPHY: self.Hs.append(H) # INVERSE HOMOGRSAPHY self.Hinvs.append(H_inv) # IMAGES WARPED TO THE BASE IMAGE self.fits.append(fit) # ADD IMAGE TO THE INITIAL flatField ARRAY: i = img > self.signal_ranges[-1][0] # remove borders (that might have erroneous light): i = minimum_filter(i, borderWidth) self._ff_mma.update(img, i) # create fit img mask: mask = fit < self.signal_ranges[-1][0] mask = maximum_filter(mask, borderWidth) # IGNORE BORDER r = self.remove_border_size if r: mask[:r, :] = 1 mask[-r:, :] = 1 mask[:, -r:] = 1 mask[:, :r] = 1 self._fit_masks.append(mask) # image added return fit return False
def _process(self): d = self.display img = d.widget.image out = np.empty(shape=img.shape[:3], dtype=bool) width = self.pWidth.value() debug = self.pDebug.value() laps, linelikellyness, params = [], [], [] ki = self.pKSizeIntensity.value() ki += 1 - ki % 2 # enusre odd number t = d.tools['Selection'] path = t.findPath(PerspectiveGridROI) shape = path.nCells if path is not None else (6, 10) border = path.vertices() if path is not None else None if border is None: print('No [Grid] found, assume image is corrected and there is \ no border around the image') v = self.pMask.value() if v != '-': grid = d.widget.cItems[v].image_full else: grid = None print('Please define [Grid Mask] to improve precision') for n, im in enumerate(img): if self.pDetect.value(): kwargs = detectLabelCrackParams(img, shape) self.pKSizeProp.setValue(kwargs['ksize_length']) self.pThreshProp.setValue(kwargs['thresh_length'] * 100) self.pKSizeIntensity.setValue(kwargs['ksize_intensity']) self.pThreshIntensity.setValue(kwargs['thresh_intensity']) else: kwargs = dict(ksize_intensity=ki, ksize_length=self.pKSizeProp.value(), thresh_length=self.pThreshProp.value() / 100, norientations=self.pNorient.value(), thresh_intensity=self.pThreshIntensity.value()) cracks, h, orient, lap, mx = labelCracks(im, grid, cracks_are_bright=not self.pDark.value(), **kwargs) params.append(evalCracks(cracks, h, orient, shape, border)) if width > 1: cracks = maximum_filter(cracks, width) out[n] = cracks if debug: laps.append(lap) linelikellyness.append(mx) return out, laps, linelikellyness, params
def get_2D_peaks(arr2D, plot=False, amp_min=DEFAULT_AMP_MIN): # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.morphology.iterate_structure.html#scipy.ndimage.morphology.iterate_structure struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1) neighborhood = iterate_structure(struct, PEAK_NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE) # find local maxima using our fliter shape local_max = maximum_filter(arr2D, footprint=neighborhood) == arr2D background = (arr2D == 0) eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1) # Boolean mask of arr2D with True at peaks detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background # extract peaks amps = arr2D[detected_peaks] j, i = np.where(detected_peaks) # filter peaks amps = amps.flatten() peaks = zip(i, j, amps) peaks_filtered = [x for x in peaks if x[2] > amp_min] # freq, time, amp # get indices for frequency and time frequency_idx = [x[1] for x in peaks_filtered] time_idx = [x[0] for x in peaks_filtered] # scatter of the peaks if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(arr2D) ax.scatter(time_idx, frequency_idx) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_title("Spectrogram") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.show() return zip(frequency_idx, time_idx) # Hash list structure: sha1_hash[0:20] time_offset # example: [(e05b341a9b77a51fd26, 32), ... ]
def find_extrema(cls, image): """ Finds extrema, both mininma and maxima, based on local maximum filter. Returns extrema in form of two rows, where the first and second are positions of x and y, respectively. Parameters ---------- image : numpy 2D array Monochromatic image or any 2D array. Returns ------- min_peaks : numpy array Minima positions. max_peaks : numpy array Maxima positions. """ # define an 3x3 neighborhood neighborhood = generate_binary_structure(2,2) # apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value # in their neighborhood are set to 1 local_min = maximum_filter(-image, footprint=neighborhood)==-image local_max = maximum_filter(image, footprint=neighborhood)==image # can't distinguish between background zero and filter zero background = (image==0) #appear along the bg border (artifact of the local max filter) eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1) # we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks, # by removing the background from the local_max mask (xor operation) min_peaks = local_min ^ eroded_background max_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background min_peaks[[0,-1],:] = False min_peaks[:,[0,-1]] = False max_peaks[[0,-1],:] = False max_peaks[:,[0,-1]] = False min_peaks = np.nonzero(min_peaks) max_peaks = np.nonzero(max_peaks) return min_peaks, max_peaks
def eval_baseline_on_photo(pixel_labels_dir, thres_list, photo_id, pred_shading_dir, bl_filter_size): """ This method generates a list of precision-recall pairs and confusion matrices for each threshold provided in ``thres_list`` for a specific photo. :param pixel_labels_dir: Directory which contains the SAW pixel labels for each photo. :param thres_list: List of shading gradient magnitude thresholds we use to generate points on the precision-recall curve. :param photo_id: ID of the photo we want to evaluate on. :param pred_shading_dir: Directory which contains the intrinsic image decompositions for all photos generated by a decomposition algorithm. :param bl_filter_size: The size of the maximum filter used on the shading gradient magnitude image. We used 10 in the paper. If 0, we do not filter. """ shading_image_arr = load_shading_image_arr( pred_shading_dir=pred_shading_dir, photo_id=photo_id ) shading_image_linear = srgb_to_rgb(shading_image_arr) shading_image_linear_grayscale = np.mean(shading_image_linear, axis=2) shading_gradmag = compute_gradmag(shading_image_linear_grayscale) if bl_filter_size: shading_gradmag = maximum_filter(shading_gradmag, size=bl_filter_size) # We have the following ground truth labels: # (0) normal/depth discontinuity non-smooth shading (NS-ND) # (1) shadow boundary non-smooth shading (NS-SB) # (2) smooth shading (S) # (100) no data, ignored y_true = load_pixel_labels(pixel_labels_dir=pixel_labels_dir, photo_id=photo_id) y_true = np.ravel(y_true) ignored_mask = y_true == 100 # If we don't have labels for this photo (so everything is ignored), return # None if np.all(ignored_mask): return [None] * len(thres_list) ret = [] for thres in thres_list: y_pred = (shading_gradmag < thres).astype(int) y_pred = np.ravel(y_pred) # Note: y_pred should have the same image resolution as y_true assert y_pred.shape == y_true.shape ret.append(grouped_confusion_matrix(y_true[~ignored_mask], y_pred[~ignored_mask])) return ret