Python scipy.ndimage.filters 模块,maximum_filter() 实例源码


项目:saliency    作者:shuuchen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def N(image):
        Normalization parameter as per Itti et al. (1998).
        returns a normalized feature map image.
    M = 8.  # an arbitrary global maximum to which the image is scaled.
            # (When saving saliency maps as images, pixel values may become
            # too large or too small for the chosen image format depending
            # on this constant)
    image = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=M/image.max(), beta=0.)
    w,h = image.shape
    maxima = maximum_filter(image, size=(w/10,h/1))
    maxima = (image == maxima)
    mnum = maxima.sum()
    logger.debug("Found %d local maxima.", mnum)
    maxima = numpy.multiply(maxima, image)
    mbar = float(maxima.sum()) / mnum
    logger.debug("Average of local maxima: %f.  Global maximum: %f", mbar, M)
    return image * (M-mbar)**2
项目:SegmentationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_colseps_conv(binary,scale=1.0):
    """Find column separators by convoluation and
    h,w = binary.shape
    # find vertical whitespace by thresholding
    smoothed = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary,(scale,scale*0.5))
    smoothed = uniform_filter(smoothed,(5.0*scale,1))
    thresh = (smoothed<amax(smoothed)*0.1)
    # find column edges by filtering
    grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary,(scale,scale*0.5),order=(0,1))
    grad = uniform_filter(grad,(10.0*scale,1))
    # grad = abs(grad) # use this for finding both edges
    grad = (grad>0.5*amax(grad))
    # combine edges and whitespace
    seps = minimum(thresh,maximum_filter(grad,(int(scale),int(5*scale))))
    seps = maximum_filter(seps,(int(2*scale),1))
    # select only the biggest column separators
    seps = morph.select_regions(seps,sl.dim0,min=args['csminheight']*scale,nbest=args['maxcolseps'])
    return seps
项目:Lifting-from-the-Deep-release    作者:DenisTome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect_objects_heatmap(heatmap):
    data = 256 * heatmap
    data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, 3)
    maxima = (data == data_max)
    data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, 3)
    diff = ((data_max - data_min) > 0.3)
    maxima[diff == 0] = 0
    labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
    slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled)
    objects = np.zeros((num_objects, 2), dtype=np.int32)
    pidx = 0
    for (dy, dx) in slices:
        pos = [(dy.start + dy.stop - 1) // 2, (dx.start + dx.stop - 1) // 2]
        if heatmap[pos[0], pos[1]] > config.CENTER_TR:
            objects[pidx, :] = pos
            pidx += 1
    return objects[:pidx]
项目:wrfplot    作者:liamtill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extrema(mat,mode='wrap',window=10): # function to find the pressure extrema
    Find the indices of local extrema (min and max) in the input array.

    mat (input array)
    window (sensitivity)

    Indices of extrema

    mn = minimum_filter(mat, size=window, mode=mode)
    mx = maximum_filter(mat, size=window, mode=mode)
    # (mat == mx) true if pixel is equal to the local max
    # (mat == mn) true if pixel is equal to the local in
    # Return the indices of the maxima, minima
    return np.nonzero(mat == mn), np.nonzero(mat == mx)

#function to interpolate data to given level(s) using np.interp
项目:SegmentationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_line_seeds(binary,bottom,top,colseps,scale):
    """Base on gradient maps, computes candidates for baselines
    and xheights.  Then, it marks the regions between the two
    as a line seed."""
    t = args['threshold']
    vrange = int(args['vscale']*scale)
    bmarked = maximum_filter(bottom==maximum_filter(bottom,(vrange,0)),(2,2))
    bmarked = bmarked*(bottom>t*amax(bottom)*t)*(1-colseps)
    tmarked = maximum_filter(top==maximum_filter(top,(vrange,0)),(2,2))
    tmarked = tmarked*(top>t*amax(top)*t/2)*(1-colseps)
    tmarked = maximum_filter(tmarked,(1,20))
    seeds = zeros(binary.shape,'i')
    delta = max(3,int(scale/2))
    for x in range(bmarked.shape[1]):
        transitions = sorted([(y,1) for y in find(bmarked[:,x])]+[(y,0) for y in find(tmarked[:,x])])[::-1]
        transitions += [(0,0)]
        for l in range(len(transitions)-1):
            y0,s0 = transitions[l]
            if s0==0: continue
            seeds[y0-delta:y0,x] = 1
            y1,s1 = transitions[l+1]
            if s1==0 and (y0-y1)<5*scale: seeds[y1:y0,x] = 1
    seeds = maximum_filter(seeds,(1,int(1+scale)))
    seeds = seeds*(1-colseps)
    seeds,_ = morph.label(seeds)
    return seeds

### The complete line segmentation process.
项目:SegmentationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Dilation with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:SegmentationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_erosion(image,size,origin=0):
    """Erosion with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.minimum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:SegmentationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rg_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Grayscale dilation with maximum/minimum filters."""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:saliency    作者:shuuchen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def markMaxima(saliency):
        Mark the maxima in a saliency map (a gray-scale image).
    maxima = maximum_filter(saliency, size=(5, 5))
    maxima = numpy.array(saliency == maxima, dtype=numpy.float64) * 255
    g = cv2.max(saliency, maxima)
    r = saliency
    b = saliency
    marked = cv2.merge((b,g,r))
    return marked
项目:tf-openpose    作者:ildoonet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def non_max_suppression(np_input, window_size=3, threshold=NMS_Threshold):
    under_threshold_indices = np_input < threshold
    np_input[under_threshold_indices] = 0
    return np_input*(np_input == maximum_filter(np_input, footprint=np.ones((window_size, window_size))))
项目:imgProcessor    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _highGrad(arr):
    # mask high gradient areas in given array
    s = min(arr.shape)
    return maximum_filter(np.abs(laplace(arr, mode='reflect')) > 0.01,  # 0.02
                          min(max(s // 5, 3), 15))
项目:imgProcessor    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _highGrad(arr):
    # mask high gradient areas in given array
    s = min(arr.shape)
    return maximum_filter(np.abs(laplace(arr, mode='reflect')) > 0.01,  # 0.02
                          min(max(s // 5, 3), 15))
项目:dataArtist    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _import():
    global maximum_filter, PerspectiveGridROI, labelCracks, evalCracks, detectLabelCrackParams
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter
    from dataArtist.items.PerspectiveGridROI import PerspectiveGridROI

        from PROimgProcessor.features.crackDetection import labelCracks, evalCracks,\
    except ImportError:
        labelCracks = None
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def autofind_pois(self, neighborhood_size=1, min_threshold=10000, max_threshold=1e6):
        """Automatically search the xy scan image for POIs.

        @param neighborhood_size: size in microns.  Only the brightest POI per neighborhood will be found.

        @param min_threshold: POIs must have c/s above this threshold.

        @param max_threshold: POIs must have c/s below this threshold.

        # Calculate the neighborhood size in pixels from the image range and resolution
        x_range_microns = np.max(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 0]) - np.min(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 0])
        y_range_microns = np.max(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 1]) - np.min(self.roi_map_data[:, :, 1])
        y_pixels = len(self.roi_map_data)
        x_pixels = len(self.roi_map_data[1, :])

        pixels_per_micron = np.max([x_pixels, y_pixels]) / np.max([x_range_microns, y_range_microns])
        # The neighborhood in pixels is nbhd_size * pixels_per_um, but it must be 1 or greater
        neighborhood_pix = int(np.max([math.ceil(pixels_per_micron * neighborhood_size), 1]))

        data = self.roi_map_data[:, :, 3]

        data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, neighborhood_pix)
        maxima = (data == data_max)
        data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, 3 * neighborhood_pix)
        diff = ((data_max - data_min) > min_threshold)
        maxima[diff is False] = 0

        labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)
        xy = np.array(ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled, range(1, num_objects + 1)))

        for count, pix_pos in enumerate(xy):
            poi_pos = self.roi_map_data[pix_pos[0], pix_pos[1], :][0:3]
            this_poi_key = self.add_poi(position=poi_pos, emit_change=False)
            self.rename_poi(poikey=this_poi_key, name='spot' + str(count), emit_change=False)

        # Now that all the POIs are created, emit the signal for other things (ie gui) to update
项目:BinarizationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Dilation with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:BinarizationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_erosion(image,size,origin=0):
    """Erosion with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.minimum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:BinarizationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rg_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Grayscale dilation with maximum/minimum filters."""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:BinarizationService    作者:jingchaoluan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_masked(image,linedesc,pad=5,expand=0):
    """Extract a subimage from the image using the line descriptor.
    A line descriptor consists of bounds and a mask."""
    y0,x0,y1,x1 = [int(x) for x in [linedesc.bounds[0].start,linedesc.bounds[1].start, \
    if pad>0:
        mask = pad_image(linedesc.mask,pad,cval=0)
        mask = linedesc.mask
    line = extract(image,y0-pad,x0-pad,y1+pad,x1+pad)
    if expand>0:
        mask = filters.maximum_filter(mask,(expand,expand))
    line = where(mask,line,amax(line))
    return line
项目:deep_ocr    作者:JinpengLI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_colseps_conv(binary, csminheight, maxcolseps, scale=1.0, debug=False):
    """Find column separators by convoluation and
    h,w = binary.shape
    # find vertical whitespace by thresholding
    smoothed = gaussian_filter(1.0 * binary, (scale, scale*0.5))
    smoothed = uniform_filter(smoothed, (5.0*scale,1))
    thresh = (smoothed<np.amax(smoothed)*0.1)
    if debug:
        debug_show(thresh, "compute_colseps_conv thresh")
    # find column edges by filtering
    grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary, (scale, scale*0.5), order=(0,1))
    grad = uniform_filter(grad, (10.0*scale,1))
    # grad = abs(grad) # use this for finding both edges
    grad = (grad>0.5*np.amax(grad))
    if debug:
        debug_show(grad, "compute_colseps_conv grad")
    # combine edges and whitespace
    seps = np.minimum(thresh,maximum_filter(grad, (int(scale), int(5*scale))))
    seps = maximum_filter(seps,(int(2*scale),1))
    if debug:
        debug_show(seps, "compute_colseps_conv seps")
    # select only the biggest column separators
    seps = morph.select_regions(seps,sl.dim0,
    if debug:
        debug_show(seps, "compute_colseps_conv 4seps")
    return seps
项目:deep_ocr    作者:JinpengLI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, threshold, vscale, scale, debug=False):
    """Base on gradient maps, computes candidates for baselines
    and xheights.  Then, it marks the regions between the two
    as a line seed."""
    t = threshold
    vrange = int(vscale*scale)
    bmarked = maximum_filter(bottom==maximum_filter(bottom, (vrange, 0)),(2,2))
    bmarked = bmarked*(bottom>t*np.amax(bottom)*t)*(1-colseps)
    tmarked = maximum_filter(top==maximum_filter(top,(vrange,0)),(2,2))
    tmarked = tmarked*(top>t*np.amax(top)*t/2)*(1-colseps)
    tmarked = maximum_filter(tmarked,(1,20))
    seeds = np.zeros(binary.shape, 'i')
    delta = max(3,int(scale/2))
    for x in range(bmarked.shape[1]):
        transitions = sorted([(y, 1) for y in np.where(bmarked[:,x])[0]]+[(y,0) for y in np.where(tmarked[:,x][0])])[::-1]
        transitions += [(0,0)]
        for l in range(len(transitions)-1):
            y0,s0 = transitions[l]
            if s0==0: continue
            seeds[y0-delta:y0,x] = 1
            y1,s1 = transitions[l+1]
            if s1==0 and (y0-y1)<5*scale: seeds[y1:y0,x] = 1
    seeds = maximum_filter(seeds,(1,int(1+scale)))
    seeds = seeds*(1-colseps)
    if debug:
        debug_show([seeds,0.3*tmarked+0.7*bmarked,binary], "lineseeds")
    seeds,_ = morph.label(seeds)
    return seeds
项目:deep_ocr    作者:JinpengLI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Dilation with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:deep_ocr    作者:JinpengLI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_erosion(image,size,origin=0):
    """Erosion with rectangular structuring element using maximum_filter"""
    return filters.minimum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:deep_ocr    作者:JinpengLI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rg_dilation(image,size,origin=0):
    """Grayscale dilation with maximum/minimum filters."""
    return filters.maximum_filter(image,size,origin=origin)
项目:imgProcessor    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addImg(self, img, maxShear=0.015, maxRot=100, minMatches=12,
               borderWidth=3):  # borderWidth=100
            img (path or array): image containing the same object as in the reference image
            maxShear (float): In order to define a good fit, refect higher shear values between
                              this and the reference image
            maxRot (float): Same for rotation
            minMatches (int): Minimum of mating points found in both, this and the reference image
            fit, img, H, H_inv, nmatched = self._fitImg(img)
        except Exception as e:

        (translation, rotation, scale, shear) = decompHomography(H)
        print('Homography ...\n\ttranslation: %s\n\trotation: %s\n\tscale: %s\n\tshear: %s'
              % (translation, rotation, scale, shear))
        if (nmatched > minMatches
                and abs(shear) < maxShear
                and abs(rotation) < maxRot):
            print('==> img added')
            # HOMOGRAPHY:
            # ADD IMAGE TO THE INITIAL flatField ARRAY:
            i = img > self.signal_ranges[-1][0]

            # remove borders (that might have erroneous light):
            i = minimum_filter(i, borderWidth)

            self._ff_mma.update(img, i)

            # create fit img mask:
            mask = fit < self.signal_ranges[-1][0]
            mask = maximum_filter(mask, borderWidth)
            # IGNORE BORDER
            r = self.remove_border_size
            if r:
                mask[:r, :] = 1
                mask[-r:, :] = 1
                mask[:, -r:] = 1
                mask[:, :r] = 1

            # image added
            return fit
        return False
项目:dataArtist    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process(self):
        d = self.display
        img = d.widget.image
        out = np.empty(shape=img.shape[:3], dtype=bool)
        width = self.pWidth.value()
        debug = self.pDebug.value()
        laps, linelikellyness, params = [], [], []
        ki = self.pKSizeIntensity.value()
        ki += 1 - ki % 2  # enusre odd number

        t =['Selection']
        path = t.findPath(PerspectiveGridROI)
        shape = path.nCells if path is not None else (6, 10)
        border = path.vertices() if path is not None else None
        if border is None:
            print('No [Grid] found, assume image is corrected and there is \
no border around the image')

        v = self.pMask.value()
        if v != '-':
            grid = d.widget.cItems[v].image_full
            grid = None
            print('Please define [Grid Mask] to improve precision')

        for n, im in enumerate(img):

            if self.pDetect.value():
                kwargs = detectLabelCrackParams(img, shape)
                self.pThreshProp.setValue(kwargs['thresh_length'] * 100)
                kwargs = dict(ksize_intensity=ki,
                              thresh_length=self.pThreshProp.value() / 100,

            cracks, h, orient, lap,  mx = labelCracks(im, grid,
                                                      cracks_are_bright=not self.pDark.value(),
            params.append(evalCracks(cracks, h, orient, shape, border))
            if width > 1:
                cracks = maximum_filter(cracks, width)
            out[n] = cracks

            if debug:

        return out, laps, linelikellyness, params
项目:audio-fingerprint-identifying-python    作者:itspoma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_2D_peaks(arr2D, plot=False, amp_min=DEFAULT_AMP_MIN):
    struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    neighborhood = iterate_structure(struct, PEAK_NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE)

    # find local maxima using our fliter shape
    local_max = maximum_filter(arr2D, footprint=neighborhood) == arr2D
    background = (arr2D == 0)
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood,

    # Boolean mask of arr2D with True at peaks
    detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background

    # extract peaks
    amps = arr2D[detected_peaks]
    j, i = np.where(detected_peaks)

    # filter peaks
    amps = amps.flatten()
    peaks = zip(i, j, amps)
    peaks_filtered = [x for x in peaks if x[2] > amp_min]  # freq, time, amp

    # get indices for frequency and time
    frequency_idx = [x[1] for x in peaks_filtered]
    time_idx = [x[0] for x in peaks_filtered]

    # scatter of the peaks
    if plot:
      fig, ax = plt.subplots()
      ax.scatter(time_idx, frequency_idx)

    return zip(frequency_idx, time_idx)

# Hash list structure: sha1_hash[0:20] time_offset
# example: [(e05b341a9b77a51fd26, 32), ... ]
项目:PyEMD    作者:laszukdawid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_extrema(cls, image):
        Finds extrema, both mininma and maxima, based on local maximum filter.
        Returns extrema in form of two rows, where the first and second are
        positions of x and y, respectively.

        image : numpy 2D array
            Monochromatic image or any 2D array.

        min_peaks : numpy array
            Minima positions.
        max_peaks : numpy array
            Maxima positions.

        # define an 3x3 neighborhood
        neighborhood = generate_binary_structure(2,2)

        # apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value
        # in their neighborhood are set to 1
        local_min = maximum_filter(-image, footprint=neighborhood)==-image
        local_max = maximum_filter(image, footprint=neighborhood)==image

        # can't distinguish between background zero and filter zero
        background = (image==0)

        #appear along the bg border (artifact of the local max filter)
        eroded_background = binary_erosion(background,
                                structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)

        # we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks,
        # by removing the background from the local_max mask (xor operation)
        min_peaks = local_min ^ eroded_background
        max_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background

        min_peaks[[0,-1],:] = False
        min_peaks[:,[0,-1]] = False
        max_peaks[[0,-1],:] = False
        max_peaks[:,[0,-1]] = False

        min_peaks = np.nonzero(min_peaks)
        max_peaks = np.nonzero(max_peaks)

        return min_peaks, max_peaks
项目:saw_release    作者:kovibalu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_baseline_on_photo(pixel_labels_dir, thres_list, photo_id,
                           pred_shading_dir, bl_filter_size):
    This method generates a list of precision-recall pairs and confusion
    matrices for each threshold provided in ``thres_list`` for a specific

    :param pixel_labels_dir: Directory which contains the SAW pixel labels for each photo.

    :param thres_list: List of shading gradient magnitude thresholds we use to
    generate points on the precision-recall curve.

    :param photo_id: ID of the photo we want to evaluate on.

    :param pred_shading_dir: Directory which contains the intrinsic image
    decompositions for all photos generated by a decomposition algorithm.

    :param bl_filter_size: The size of the maximum filter used on the shading
    gradient magnitude image. We used 10 in the paper. If 0, we do not filter.
    shading_image_arr = load_shading_image_arr(
        pred_shading_dir=pred_shading_dir, photo_id=photo_id
    shading_image_linear = srgb_to_rgb(shading_image_arr)
    shading_image_linear_grayscale = np.mean(shading_image_linear, axis=2)
    shading_gradmag = compute_gradmag(shading_image_linear_grayscale)

    if bl_filter_size:
        shading_gradmag = maximum_filter(shading_gradmag, size=bl_filter_size)

    # We have the following ground truth labels:
    # (0) normal/depth discontinuity non-smooth shading (NS-ND)
    # (1) shadow boundary non-smooth shading (NS-SB)
    # (2) smooth shading (S)
    # (100) no data, ignored
    y_true = load_pixel_labels(pixel_labels_dir=pixel_labels_dir, photo_id=photo_id)
    y_true = np.ravel(y_true)
    ignored_mask = y_true == 100

    # If we don't have labels for this photo (so everything is ignored), return
    # None
    if np.all(ignored_mask):
        return [None] * len(thres_list)

    ret = []
    for thres in thres_list:
        y_pred = (shading_gradmag < thres).astype(int)
        y_pred = np.ravel(y_pred)
        # Note: y_pred should have the same image resolution as y_true
        assert y_pred.shape == y_true.shape
        ret.append(grouped_confusion_matrix(y_true[~ignored_mask], y_pred[~ignored_mask]))

    return ret