Python scipy.ndimage 模块,map_coordinates() 实例源码


项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shift_interp(array, shift_value, mode='constant', cval=0):
    # Manual alternative to built-in function: slightly slower
    Ndim  = array.ndim
    dims  = array.shape
    dtype = array.dtype.kind

    if (Ndim == 1):
    elif (Ndim == 2):
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dims[1], dtype=dtype), np.arange(dims[0], dtype=dtype))

        x -= shift_value[0]
        y -= shift_value[1]

        shifted = ndimage.map_coordinates(img, [y, x], mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return shifted
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rotate_interp(array, alpha, center, mode='constant', cval=0):
    Rotation around a provided center

    This is the only way to be sure where exactly is the center of rotation.

    dtype = array.dtype
    dims  = array.shape
    alpha_rad = -np.deg2rad(alpha)

    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dims[1], dtype=dtype), np.arange(dims[0], dtype=dtype))

    xp = (x-center[0])*np.cos(alpha_rad) + (y-center[1])*np.sin(alpha_rad) + center[0]
    yp = -(x-center[0])*np.sin(alpha_rad) + (y-center[1])*np.cos(alpha_rad) + center[1]

    rotated = ndimage.map_coordinates(img, [yp, xp], mode=mode, cval=cval, order=3)

    return rotated
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _scale_interp(array, scale_value, center, mode='constant', cval=0):
    Ndim  = array.ndim
    dims  = array.shape
    dtype = array.dtype.kind

    if (Ndim == 1):
    elif (Ndim == 2):
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dims[1], dtype=dtype), np.arange(dims[0], dtype=dtype))

        nx = (x - center[0]) / scale_value[0] + center[0]
        ny = (y - center[1]) / scale_value[1] + center[1]

        scaled = ndimage.map_coordinates(array, [ny, nx], mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return scaled
项目:imgProcessor    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linePlot(img, x0, y0, x1, y1, resolution=None, order=3):
    returns [img] intensity values along line
    defined by [x0, y0, x1, y1]

    resolution ... number or data points to evaluate
    order ... interpolation precision
    if resolution is None:
        resolution = int( ((x1-x0)**2 + (y1-y0)**2 )**0.5 )

    if order == 0:
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, resolution, dtype=int)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, resolution, dtype=int)
        return img[y, x]

    x = np.linspace(x0, x1, resolution)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y1, resolution)
    return map_coordinates(img, np.vstack((y,x)), order=order)
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_center_line(self, image, npoints = all, order = 1, overlap = True):
    """Error between worm center line and image

      image (array): gray scale image of worm
    import shapely.geometry as geo

    if overlap:
      xyl, xyr, cl = self.sides(npoints = npoints);
      w = np.ones(npoints);
      #plt.figure(141); plt.clf();
      worm = geo.Polygon();
      for i in range(npoints-1):
        poly = geo.Polygon(np.array([xyl[i,:], xyr[i,:], xyr[i+1,:], xyl[i+1,:]]));
        ovl = worm.intersection(poly).area;
        tot = poly.area;
        w[i+1] = 1 - ovl / tot;
        worm = worm.union(poly);

      #print w
      return np.sum(w * nd.map_coordinates(image.T, cl.T, order = order))
      cl = self.center_line(npoints = npoints);
      return np.sum(nd.map_coordinates(image.T, cl.T, order = order))
项目:AtmosphericCorrection    作者:y-iikura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reflectance(rad,cosb,t_setx,height,r_setx,s_setx,sang):
    ttmp=[x/dtau for x in t_setx]
    htmp=[height/dheight for x in t_setx]
    stmp=[sang-x for x in s_setx]
    #print dir
    #print back
    return np.pi*(rad-path-back)/(dir+sky+env)*np.exp(odep/S)
项目:pyem    作者:asarnow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_slice(f3d, rot, pfac=2, size=None):
    nhalf = f3d.shape[0] / 2
    if size is None:
        phalf = nhalf
        phalf = size / 2
    qot = rot * pfac  # Scaling!
    px, py, pz = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-phalf, phalf), np.arange(-phalf, phalf), 0)
    pr = np.sqrt(px ** 2 + py ** 2 + pz ** 2)
    pcoords = np.vstack([px.reshape(-1), py.reshape(-1), pz.reshape(-1)])
    mcoords =
    mcoords = mcoords[:, pr.reshape(-1) < nhalf]
    pvals = map_coordinates(np.real(f3d), mcoords, order=1, mode="wrap") + \
             1j * map_coordinates(np.imag(f3d), mcoords, order=1, mode="wrap")
    pslice = np.zeros(pr.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    pslice[pr < nhalf] = pvals
    return pslice
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_counts_full(channel, loop, emission_model, flattened_emissivities):
        Calculate the AIA intensity using the wavelength response functions and a 
        full emission model.
        density = loop.density
        electron_temperature = loop.electron_temperature
        counts = np.zeros(electron_temperature.shape)
        itemperature, idensity = emission_model.interpolate_to_mesh_indices(loop)
        for ion, flat_emiss in zip(emission_model, flattened_emissivities):
            if flat_emiss is None:
            ionization_fraction = emission_model.get_ionization_fraction(loop, ion)
            tmp = np.reshape(map_coordinates(flat_emiss.value, np.vstack([itemperature, idensity])),
            tmp = u.Quantity(np.where(tmp < 0., 0., tmp), flat_emiss.unit)
            counts_tmp = ion.abundance*0.83/(4*np.pi*u.steradian)*ionization_fraction*density*tmp
            if not hasattr(counts, 'unit'):
                counts = counts*counts_tmp.unit
            counts += counts_tmp

        return counts
项目:lung-cancer-detector    作者:YichenGong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_elastic(img, indices):
    return nd.map_coordinates(img, indices, order=1).reshape(img.shape)
项目:pypiv    作者:jr7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_displacement_function(self, f):
        Getter function for calculating the displacement.

        :param f: field that is used for the displacement, mainly velocity components
        :returns: function of the Taylor expanded field to first order
        dx = self._distance
        f_x,  f_y  = np.gradient(f  , dx)
        f_xx, f_xy = np.gradient(f_x, dx)
        f_yx, f_yy = np.gradient(f_y, dx)
        return lambda i, j, x, y : (f[i, j] + x*f_x[i, j]  + y*f_y[i, j]
                       + 0.5*(f_xx[i, j]*x**2 + 2*f_xy[i, j]*x*y + f_yy[i, j]*y**2))

    #For the bilinear method the build in scipy method `map_coordinates <>`_ is used with *order* set to 1.
项目:pypiv    作者:jr7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_frame(self, i, j):
        Perform interpolation to produce the deformed window for correlation.

        This function takes the previously set displacement and interpolates the image for these coordinates.
        If the cubic interpolation method is chosen, the cubic interpolation of this API is use.
        For the bilinear method the build in scipy method `map_coordinates <>`_ is used with *order* set to 1.

        :param int i: first index in grid coordinates
        :param int j: second index in grid coordinates
        :returns: interpolated window for the grid coordinates i,j and the image set in initialization
        dws = self._shape[-1]
        offset_x, offset_y = np.mgrid[-dws/2+0.5:dws/2+0.5, -dws/2+0.5:dws/2+0.5]

        gx, gy = np.mgrid[0:dws, 0:dws]

        grid_x = gx + self._distance*i
        grid_y = gy + self._distance*j

        ptsax = (grid_x + self._u_disp(i, j, offset_x, offset_y)).ravel()
        ptsay = (grid_y + self._v_disp(i, j, offset_x, offset_y)).ravel()
        p, q = self._shape[-2:]

        if self._ipmethod == 'bilinear':
            return map_coordinates(self._frame, [ptsax, ptsay], order=1).reshape(p, q)
        if self._ipmethod == 'cubic':
            return  self._cube_ip.interpolate(ptsax, ptsay).reshape(p, q)
项目:phoebe2    作者:phoebe-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate(p, axis_values, pixelgrid, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0.0):
    Interpolates in a grid prepared by create_pixeltypegrid().

    p is an array of parameter arrays

    @param p: Npar x Ninterpolate array
    @type p: array
    @return: Ndata x Ninterpolate array
    @rtype: array
    # convert requested parameter combination into a coordinate
    p_ = np.array([np.searchsorted(av_,val) for av_, val in zip(axis_values,p)])
    lowervals_stepsize = np.array([[av_[p__-1], av_[p__]-av_[p__-1]] \
                         for av_, p__ in zip(axis_values,p_)])
    p_coord = (p-lowervals_stepsize[:,0])/lowervals_stepsize[:,1] + p_-1

    # interpolate
    if order > 1:
        prefilter = False
        prefilter = False

    return [ndimage.map_coordinates(pixelgrid[...,i],p_coord, order=order,
                                    prefilter=prefilter, mode=mode, cval=cval) \
                for i in range(np.shape(pixelgrid)[-1])]
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize_center_line(self, image, deviation = 5, samples = 20):
    """Optimize center points separately

    #cl = self.center_line();
    #ts = self.normals();    
    #for i in range(self.npoints):
    #  errors = np.zeros(samples);
    #  nd.map_coordinates(z, np.vstack((x,y)))
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def intensity_along_curve(image, curve, order = 3):
  """Returns intensity profile along a curve in an image

    image (array): the grayscale image
    curve (nx2 array): points defining the curve
    order (int): interpolation order

    n array: intensity values along curve

  return ndi.map_coordinates(image, curve.T[::-1], order = order);
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
  import numpy as np;
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
  import imageprocessing.smoothing as sth;

  data = np.random.rand(10,2);
  img = sth.smooth_data(data, bounds = [(0,1),(0,1)], sigma = None, nbins = 100);
  imgs = sth.smooth_data(data, bounds = [(0,1),(0,1)], sigma = 10, nbins = 100);
  plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
  plt.plot(data[:,1], data[:,0], '.');
  plt.xlim(0,1); plt.ylim(0,1);

  x,y = img.nonzero()
  print (x/100.0);
  print np.sort(data[:,0])

  curve = np.vstack([range(30,70), [90-i*1.5 for i in range(40)]]).T;
  ic0 = sth.intensity_along_curve(imgs, curve);

  #cc = curve.T;
  #cc = cc[::-1];
  #cc[1] = 100-cc[1];
  #import scipy.ndimage as ndi
  #ic = ndi.map_coordinates(imgs, cc);

  plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
  plt.plot(curve[:,0], curve[:,1], 'r');
  #plt.plot(cc[0,:], cc[1,:])
  plt.plot(ic0, 'r')
项目:AtmosphericCorrection    作者:y-iikura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def radiance(ref,cosb,t_setx,height,r_setx,sang):
    if isinstance(t_setx,(int,float)): ttmp=[t_setx/dtau]
    else: ttmp=t_setx/dtau
    if isinstance(height,(int,float)): htmp=[height/dheight]
    else: htmp=height/dheight
    if isinstance(sang,(int,float)): stmp=[sang-smin]
    else: stmp=sang-smin
    #print dir
    #print back
    return rad
    #return np.pi*(rad-path-back)/(dir+sky+env)*np.exp(odep/S)

项目:text-renderer    作者:cjnolet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_distortion_maps(self, arr, dispx, dispy):
        Applies distortion maps generated from ElasticDistortionState
        origarr = arr.copy()
        xx, yy = n.mgrid[0:dispx.shape[0], 0:dispx.shape[1]]
        xx = xx + dispx
        yy = yy + dispy
        coords = n.vstack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])
        arr = ndimage.map_coordinates(origarr, coords, order=1, mode='nearest')
        return arr.reshape(origarr.shape)
项目:pyem    作者:asarnow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resample_volume(vol, r=None, t=None, ori=None, order=3, compat="mrc2014", indexing="ij"):
    if r is None and t is None:
        return vol.copy()

    center = np.array(vol.shape) // 2

    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(-c, c) for c in center], indexing=indexing)
    xyz = np.vstack([x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1), z.reshape(-1), np.ones(x.size)])

    if ori is not None:
        xyz -= ori[:, None]

    th = np.eye(4)
    if t is None and r.shape[1] == 4:
        t = np.squeeze(r[:, 3])
    elif t is not None:
        th[:3, 3] = t

    rh = np.eye(4)
    if r is not None:
        rh[:3:, :3] = r[:3, :3].T

    xyz =[:3, :] + center[:, None]
    xyz = np.array([arr.reshape(vol.shape) for arr in xyz])

    if "relion" in compat.lower() or "xmipp" in compat.lower():
        xyz = xyz[::-1]

    newvol = map_coordinates(vol, xyz, order=order)
    return newvol
项目:ChiantiPy    作者:chianti-atomic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sutherland_gaunt_factor(self, wavelength):
        Calculates the free-free gaunt factor calculations of [1]_.

        The Gaunt factors of [1]_ are read in using ``
        as a function of :math:`u` and :math:`\gamma^2`. The data are interpolated
        to the appropriate wavelength and temperature values using

        .. [1] Sutherland, R. S., 1998, MNRAS, `300, 321 <>`_
        # calculate scaled quantities
        lower_u = ch_const.planck*(1.e8*ch_const.light)/ch_const.boltzmann/np.outer(self.Temperature,wavelength)
        gamma_squared = (self.Z**2)*ch_const.ryd2erg/ch_const.boltzmann/self.Temperature[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(lower_u.shape)
        # convert to index coordinates
        i_lower_u = (np.log10(lower_u) + 4.)*10.
        i_gamma_squared = (np.log10(gamma_squared) + 4.)*5.
        # read in sutherland data
        gf_sutherland_data = ch_io.gffRead()
        # interpolate data to scaled quantities
        gf_sutherland = map_coordinates(gf_sutherland_data['gff'],
                                        [i_gamma_squared.flatten(), i_lower_u.flatten()]).reshape(lower_u.shape)

        return np.where(gf_sutherland < 0., 0., gf_sutherland)
项目:word-render    作者:eragonruan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_distortion_maps(self, arr, dispx, dispy):
        Applies distortion maps generated from ElasticDistortionState
        origarr = arr.copy()
        xx, yy = n.mgrid[0:dispx.shape[0], 0:dispx.shape[1]]
        xx = xx + dispx
        yy = yy + dispy
        coords = n.vstack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])
        arr = ndimage.map_coordinates(origarr, coords, order=1, mode='nearest')
        return arr.reshape(origarr.shape)
项目:word-render    作者:eragonruan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_distortion_maps(self, arr, dispx, dispy):
        Applies distortion maps generated from ElasticDistortionState
        origarr = arr.copy()
        xx, yy = n.mgrid[0:dispx.shape[0], 0:dispx.shape[1]]
        xx = xx + dispx
        yy = yy + dispy
        coords = n.vstack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])
        arr = ndimage.map_coordinates(origarr, coords, order=1, mode='nearest')
        return arr.reshape(origarr.shape)
项目:geonum    作者:jgliss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_line_profile(self, array):
        """Retrieve line profile of data on a 2D array

        :param ndarray array: the data array
        # Extract the values along the line, using cubic interpolation
        zi = map_coordinates(array, self.profile_coords)
        return zi
项目:surface-area-regularization    作者:VLOGroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def imresize(img, sz):
    Resize image

        img: A grayscale image
        sz: A tuple with the new size (rows, cols)

        Ir: Resized image
    if np.all(img.shape==sz):
        return img;

    factors = (np.array(sz)).astype('f') / (np.array(img.shape)).astype('f')

    if np.any(factors < 1):               # smooth before downsampling
        sigmas = (1.0/factors)/3.0
        #print img.shape, sz, sigmas
        I_filter = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(img,sigmas)
        I_filter = img

    u,v = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,sz[1]).astype('f'), np.arange(0,sz[0]).astype('f'))
    fx = (float(img.shape[1])) / (sz[1])     # multiplicative factors mapping new coords -> old coords
    fy = (float(img.shape[0])) / (sz[0])

    u *= fx; u += (1.0/factors[1])/2 - 1 + 0.5    # sample from correct position
    v *= fy; v += (1.0/factors[0])/2 - 1 + 0.5

    # bilinear interpolation
    Ir = ndimage.map_coordinates(I_filter, np.vstack((v.flatten().transpose(),u.flatten().transpose())), order=1, mode='nearest')
    Ir = np.reshape(Ir, (sz[0], sz[1]))
    return Ir
项目:surface-area-regularization    作者:VLOGroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def warp_zeta(Iref, I, Grel, K, zeta):

    Xn = backproject(zeta.shape, K)
    X = np.vstack((Xn, 1/to_z(zeta.flatten())))    # homogeneous coordinate = inverse depth

    if Grel.shape[0] < 4:
        Grel = np.vstack((Grel, np.array([0,0,0,1])))

    dX =[0:3,0:3], Xn)*1/to_z(zeta.flatten())   # derivative of transformation G*X

    X2 =, X)             # transform point
    x2 =, X2[0:3,:])        # project to image plane

    x2[0,:] /= x2[2,:]             # dehomogenize
    x2[1,:] /= x2[2,:]
    Iw = ndimage.map_coordinates(I, np.vstack(np.flipud(x2[0:2,:])), order=1, cval=np.nan)
    Iw = np.reshape(Iw, I.shape)      # warped image
    gIwy,gIwx = np.gradient(Iw)

    fx = K[0,0]; fy = K[1,1]
    for i in range(0,3):           # dehomogenize
        X2[i,:] /= X2[3,:]
    z2 = X2[2,:]**2
    dT = np.zeros((2,X2.shape[1]))
    dT[0,:] = fx/X2[2,:]*dX[0,:] - fx*X2[0,:]/z2*dX[2,:]    # derivative of projected point x2 = pi(G*X)
    dT[1,:] = fy/X2[2,:]*dX[1,:] - fy*X2[1,:]/z2*dX[2,:]

    # full derivative I(T(x,z)), T(x,z)=pi(G*X)
    Ig = np.reshape(gIwx.flatten()*dT[0,:] + gIwy.flatten()*dT[1,:], zeta.shape)
    It = Iw - Iref       # 'time' derivative'

    It[np.where(np.isnan(Iw))] = 0;
    Ig[np.where( (np.isnan(gIwx).astype('uint8') + np.isnan(gIwy).astype('uint8'))>0 ) ] = 0

    return Iw, It, Ig
项目:AdK_analysis    作者:orbeckst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolationFunction(self,data=None,spline_order=3,cval=None):
        """Returns a function W(x,y) that interpolates any values on the PMF.

        W = interpolationFunction(self,data=None,spline_order=3,cval=None)

        cval is set to data.max() by default (works for the PMF) but for the
        probability this should be 0 or data.min(). cval cannot be chosen too large
        or too small or NaN because otherwise the spline interpolation breaks down
        near the region and produces wild oscillations.
        # see
        from scipy import ndimage

        if data is None:
            data = self.free_energy

        if cval is None:
            cval = data.max()
        _data = data.filled(cval)   # fill with max, not 1000 to keep spline happy

        coeffs = ndimage.spline_filter(_data,order=spline_order)
        x0,y0 = self.X[0], self.Y[0]
        dx,dy = self.X[1] - x0, self.Y[1] - y0
        def _transform(cnew, c0, dc):
            return (numpy.atleast_1d(cnew) - c0)/dc
        def interpolatedF(NMP,LID):
            """B-spline function over the PMF, W(NMP,LID).

            Example usage:
            >>> XX,YY = numpy.mgrid[40:75:0.5,96:150:0.5]
            >>> FF = FreeEnergy.W(XX,YY)
            >>> contourf(XX,YY,FF, numpy.linspace(-3,11,100),extend='both')
            return ndimage.map_coordinates(coeffs,
        return interpolatedF
项目:AdK_analysis    作者:orbeckst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolationFunction(self,data=None,spline_order=3,cval=None):
        """Returns a function F(x,y) that interpolates any values of the 2D observable.

        F = interpolationFunction(self,data=None,spline_order=3,cval=None)

        cval is set to data.mean() by default. cval cannot be chosen too large
        or too small or NaN because otherwise the spline interpolation breaks
        down near the region and produces wild oscillations.
        # see
        from scipy import ndimage

        if data is None:
            data = self.observable

        if cval is None:
            cval = data.mean()
        _data = data.filled(cval)   # fill with moderate value, not 1000 to keep spline happy

        coeffs = ndimage.spline_filter(_data,order=spline_order)
        x0,y0 = self.mNMP[0], self.mLID[0]
        dx,dy = self.mNMP[1] - x0, self.mLID[1] - y0
        def _transform(cnew, c0, dc):
            return (numpy.atleast_1d(cnew) - c0)/dc
        def interpolatedF(NMP,LID):
            """B-spline function over the 2D observable, F(NMP,LID).

            Example usage:
            >>> XX,YY = numpy.mgrid[40:75:0.5,96:150:0.5]
            >>> FF = Observable.F(XX,YY)
            >>> contourf(XX,YY,FF, numpy.linspace(-3,11,100),extend='both')
            return ndimage.map_coordinates(coeffs,
        return interpolatedF
项目:sparselab    作者:eht-jp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cpimage(self, fitsdata, save_totalflux=False, order=3):
        Copy the first image into the image grid specified in the secondaly input image.

          fitsdata: input imagefite.imagefits object. This image will be copied into self.
          self: input imagefite.imagefits object specifying the image grid where the orgfits data will be copied.
          save_totalflux (boolean): If true, the total flux of the image will be conserved.
        # generate output imfits object
        outfits = copy.deepcopy(self)

        dx0 = fitsdata.header["dx"]
        dy0 = fitsdata.header["dy"]
        Nx0 = fitsdata.header["nx"]
        Ny0 = fitsdata.header["ny"]
        Nxr0 = fitsdata.header["nxref"]
        Nyr0 = fitsdata.header["nyref"]

        dx1 = outfits.header["dx"]
        dy1 = outfits.header["dy"]
        Nx1 = outfits.header["nx"]
        Ny1 = outfits.header["ny"]
        Nxr1 = outfits.header["nxref"]
        Nyr1 = outfits.header["nyref"]

        coord = np.zeros([2, Nx1 * Ny1])
        xgrid = (np.arange(Nx1) + 1 - Nxr1) * dx1 / dx0 + Nxr0 - 1
        ygrid = (np.arange(Ny1) + 1 - Nyr1) * dy1 / dy0 + Nyr0 - 1
        x, y = np.meshgrid(xgrid, ygrid)
        coord[0, :] = y.reshape(Nx1 * Ny1)
        coord[1, :] = x.reshape(Nx1 * Ny1)

        for idxs in np.arange(outfits.header["ns"]):
            for idxf in np.arange(outfits.header["nf"]):
      [idxs, idxf] = sn.map_coordinates(
          [idxs, idxf], coord, order=order,
                    mode='constant', cval=0.0, prefilter=True).reshape([Ny1, Nx1]
                                                                       ) * dx1 * dy1 / dx0 / dy0
                # Flux Scaling
                if save_totalflux:
                    totalflux = fitsdata.totalflux(istokes=idxs, ifreq=idxf)
          [idxs, idxf] *= totalflux / \
                        outfits.totalflux(istokes=idxs, ifreq=idxf)

        return outfits