Python scipy.ndimage 模块,median_filter() 实例源码


项目:imgProcessor    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def medianThreshold(img, threshold=0.1, size=3, condition='>', copy=True):
    set every the pixel value of the given [img] to the median filtered one
    of a given kernel [size]
    in case the relative [threshold] is exeeded
    condition = '>' OR '<'
    from scipy.ndimage import median_filter

    indices = None
    if threshold > 0:
        blur = np.asfarray(median_filter(img, size=size))
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore', over='ignore'):

            if condition == '>':
                indices = abs((img - blur) / blur) > threshold
                indices = abs((img - blur) / blur) < threshold

        if copy:
            img = img.copy()

        img[indices] = blur[indices]
    return img, indices
项目:event-Python    作者:gorchard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_n_mnist(filename, is_filter, num_spikes, step_factor=1):
    """Creates images from the specified n mnist recording
    filename: path to the recording
    is_filter: True if median filtering should be applied to the constructed image
    num_spikes: number of unique spikes per image
    step_factor: proportional amount to shift before generating the next image
        1 would result in no overlapping events between images
        0.6 would result in the next image overlapping with 40% of the previous image
    returns: list of images, where each image is a 2d numpy array (height, width)
    td = ev.read_dataset(filename)
    #td.show_td(100) = stabilize(td) = td.extract_roi([3, 3], [28, 28], True)
    images = make_td_images(td, num_spikes, step_factor)

    if is_filter:
        images = ndimage.median_filter(images, 3)

    #for image in images:
    #    cv2.imshow('img', image)
    #    cv2.waitKey(70)
    return images
项目:event-Python    作者:gorchard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_n_mnist_continuous(filename, is_filter, is_normalize=False):
    """Creates image with pixel values indicating probability of a spike
    filename: path to the recording
    is_filter: True if median filtering should be applied to the constructed image
    is_normalize: If True, the probabilities will be normalized to make the image more obvious
    returns: image (2d numpy array (height, width))
    td = ev.read_dataset(filename)
    #td.show_td(100) = stabilize(td) = td.extract_roi([0, 0], [28, 28], True) = apply_tracking1(td) = apply_tracking2(td) = apply_tracking3(td) = td.extract_roi([3, 3], [28, 28], True)
    image = make_td_probability_image(td, 9, is_normalize)

    if is_filter:
        image = ndimage.median_filter(image, 3)

    #cv2.imshow('img', image)
    return image
项目:pypiv    作者:jr7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def median_filter(piv, size=2):
    """Computes a median filter on u and v"""
    piv.u = mf(piv.u, footprint=disk(size))
    piv.v = mf(piv.v, footprint=disk(size))
项目:pyxem    作者:pyxem    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subtract_background_median(z, footprint=19, implementation='scipy'):
    """Remove background using a median filter.

    footprint : int
        size of the window that is convoluted with the array to determine
        the median. Should be large enough that it is about 3x as big as the
        size of the peaks.
    implementation: str
        One of 'scipy', 'skimage'. Skimage is much faster, but it messes with
        the data format. The scipy implementation is safer, but slower.

        Pattern with background subtracted as np.array

    if implementation == 'scipy':
        bg_subtracted = z - ndi.median_filter(z, size=footprint)
    elif implementation == 'skimage':
        selem = morphology.square(footprint)
        # skimage only accepts input image as uint16
        bg_subtracted = z - filters.median(z.astype(np.uint16), selem).astype(z.dtype)
        raise ValueError("Unknown implementation `{}`".format(implementation))

    return np.maximum(bg_subtracted, 0)
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, snap, img, para = None):
        nimg.median_filter(snap, para['size'], output=img)
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def medianFilter(data, window, interpolate=True):
    A median filter

    If interpolate is True, data will be interpolated before smoothering.
    Otherwise, all available data within the window will be used

    @param data: Input data
    @param window: Size of filter window
    @param interpolate: Interpolate data before smoothing

    @return Smoothed data

    if interpolate == True:
        data = interpNaN(data)
        result = pd.Series(median_filter(data, size=window), index=data.index)

        result = data.copy()
        for index, value in data.iteritems():
            if not pd.isnull(value):
                result.loc[index] = np.nanmedian(data[np.logical_and(data.index > index-window/2,
                                                                     data.index < index+window/2)])

    return result
项目:sketchKeras    作者:lllyasviel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def denoise_mat(img,i):
    return ndimage.median_filter(img, i)
项目:sketchKeras    作者:lllyasviel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_active_img_and_save_denoise(name,img,path):
    mat = img.astype(np.float)
    mat = - mat + 1
    mat = mat * 255.0
    mat[mat < 0] = 0
    mat[mat > 255] = 255
    mat = ndimage.median_filter(mat, 1)
项目:sketchKeras    作者:lllyasviel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_active_img_and_save_denoise_filter(name,img,path):
    mat = img.astype(np.float)
    mat[mat<0.18] = 0
    mat = - mat + 1
    mat = mat * 255.0
    mat[mat < 0] = 0
    mat[mat > 255] = 255
    mat = ndimage.median_filter(mat, 1)
项目:sketchKeras    作者:lllyasviel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_active_img_and_save_denoise_filter2(name,img,path):
    mat = img.astype(np.float)
    mat[mat<0.1] = 0
    mat = - mat + 1
    mat = mat * 255.0
    mat[mat < 0] = 0
    mat[mat > 255] = 255
    mat = ndimage.median_filter(mat, 1)
项目:stomatameasurer    作者:TeamMacLean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def median_denoise(img, sigma=1):
    return ndimage.median_filter(img, sigma)
项目:zap    作者:ktsoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _icfmedian(i, stack, weight=None, cfwidth=None):
    ufilt = 3  # set this to help with extreme over/under corrections
    return ndi.median_filter(
        ndi.uniform_filter(stack, (ufilt, 1)), (cfwidth, 1))
项目:antares    作者:CONABIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_median(input_image_raster, filter_size):
    Median filtering of raster
    return ndimage.median_filter(input_image_raster, filter_size)
项目:emotion-detection-in-images    作者:davidjeffwen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def denoise(img):
    return ndimage.median_filter(img, 2.5)
项目:nimo    作者:wolfram2012    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def populateMissingData(self,approach="Smooth",ilog=None):
        This function is used to interpolate missing data in the image.
        if approach == 'Smooth':
            # first run a median filter over the array, then smooth the result.
            #xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax = self.getRange()
            mask = np.array(self.flags,dtype=np.bool)

            z = self.getZImage().asMatrix2D()
            median = nd.median_filter(z,size=(15,15))

            mask = mask.flatten()
            z = z.flatten()
            median = median.flatten()

            z[ mask==False ] = median[ mask==False ]

            if ilog != None:

            mask = mask.flatten()
            z = z.flatten()
            median = median.flatten()

            for i in range(5):
                tmp = z.copy()
                smooth = nd.gaussian_filter(z.reshape(self.width,self.height),2.0).flatten()
                z[ mask==False ] = smooth[ mask==False ]
                print "Iteration:",i,(z-tmp).max(),(z-tmp).min()

        if approach == 'RBF':
            mask = np.array(self.flags,dtype=np.bool)
            mask = mask.flatten()

            x = np.arange(self.width).reshape(self.width,1)
            x = x*np.ones((1,self.height))
            x = x.flatten()

            y = np.arange(self.height).reshape(1,self.height)
            y = y*np.ones((self.width,1))
            y = y.flatten()

            z = self.z.copy()
            z = z.flatten()

            print "Coords:"
            print len(mask)
            print len(x[mask])
            print len(y[mask])
            print len(z[mask])

            # this produces an error.  Probably has too much data
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_badpix_vip(img, bpm, box=5):
    Corrects the bad pixels, marked in the bad pixel mask.

    The bad pixels are replaced by the median of the adjacent pixels
    in a box of the povided box size. This function is very fast but
    works best with isolated (sparse) pixels or very small clusters.

    Copied and adapted from the the Vortex Image Processing package,, in which the function is
    called fix_badpix_isolated.

    This version is improved with respect to the VIP one by replacing
    the bad pixels with NaNs in the image before applying the
    median_filter. This allows to make sure that adjacent bad pixels
    will not be taken into account when calculating the median.

    img : array_like
        Input 2D image

    bpm : array_like, optional
        Input bad pixel map. Good pixels have a value of 0, bad pixels
        a value of 1.

    box : odd int, optional
        The size the box (box x box) of adjacent pixels for the
        median filter. Default value is 5

    img_clean : array_like
        Cleaned image


    if not img.ndim == 2:
        raise ValueError('Main input is not a 2D array')

    if not bpm.ndim == 2:
        raise ValueError('Bad pixel map input is not a 2D array')

    if box % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('Box size of the median blur kernel must be an odd integer')

    bpm = bpm.astype('bool')

    bp = np.where(bpm)

    img_clean = img.copy()
    img_clean[bp] = np.nan

    smoothed = ndimage.median_filter(img_clean, box, mode='mirror')
    img_clean[bp] = smoothed[bp]

    # replace uncorrected bad pixels with original value
    mask = ~np.isfinite(img_clean)
    img_clean[mask] = img[mask]

    return img_clean
项目:skan    作者:jni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold(image, *, sigma=0., radius=0, offset=0.,
              method='sauvola', smooth_method='Gaussian'):
    """Use scikit-image filters to "intelligently" threshold an image.

    image : array, shape (M, N, ...[, 3])
        Input image, conformant with scikit-image data type
        specification [1]_.
    sigma : float, optional
        If positive, use Gaussian filtering to smooth the image before
    radius : int, optional
        If given, use local median thresholding instead of global.
    offset : float, optional
        If given, reduce the threshold by this amount. Higher values
        result in fewer pixels above the threshold.
    method: {'sauvola', 'niblack', 'median'}
        Which method to use for thresholding. Sauvola is 100x faster, but
        median might be more accurate.
    smooth_method: {'Gaussian', 'TV', 'NL'}
        Which method to use for smoothing. Choose from Gaussian smoothing,
        total variation denoising, and non-local means denoising.

    thresholded : image of bool, same shape as `image`
        The thresholded image.

    .. [1]
    if sigma > 0:
        if smooth_method.lower() == 'gaussian':
            image = filters.gaussian(image, sigma=sigma)
        elif smooth_method.lower() == 'tv':
            image = restoration.denoise_tv_bregman(image, weight=sigma)
        elif smooth_method.lower() == 'nl':
            image = restoration.denoise_nl_means(image,
                                             patch_size=round(2 * sigma))
    if radius == 0:
        t = filters.threshold_otsu(image) + offset
        if method == 'median':
            footprint = hyperball(image.ndim, radius=radius)
            t = ndi.median_filter(image, footprint=footprint) + offset
        elif method == 'sauvola':
            w = 2 * radius + 1
            t = threshold_sauvola(image, window_size=w, k=offset)
        elif method == 'niblack':
            w = 2 * radius + 1
            t = threshold_niblack(image, window_size=w, k=offset)
            raise ValueError('Unknown method %s. Valid methods are median,'
                             'niblack, and sauvola.' % method)
    thresholded = image > t
    return thresholded