Python scipy.ndimage 模块,shift() 实例源码


项目:chordrec    作者:fdlm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, p, max_shift, bins_per_semitone,
        Augmenter that shifts by semitones a spectrum with logarithmically
        spaced frequency bins.

        :param p: percentage of data to be shifted
        :param max_shift: maximum number of semitones to shift
        :param bins_per_semitone: number of spectrogram bins per semitone
        :param target_type: specifies target type
        self.p = p
        self.max_shift = max_shift
        self.bins_per_semitone = bins_per_semitone

        if target_type == 'chords_maj_min':
            self.adapt_targets = self._adapt_targets_chords_maj_min
        elif target_type == 'chroma':
            self.adapt_targets = self._adapt_targets_chroma
项目:chordrec    作者:fdlm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, batch_iterator):
        :param batch_iterator: data iterator that yields the data to be
        :return: augmented data/target pairs
        for data, targets in batch_iterator:
            batch_size = len(data)

            shifts = np.random.rand(batch_size) * 2 * self.max_shift - \

            # zero out shifts for 1-p percentage
            no_shift = random.sample(range(batch_size),
                                     int(batch_size * (1 - self.p)))
            shifts[no_shift] = 0

            new_data = np.empty_like(data)
            for i in range(batch_size):
                new_data[i] = shift(
                    data[i], (shifts[i] * self.bins_per_semitone, 0))

            yield new_data, targets
项目:ZOGY    作者:pmvreeswijk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_optflux_Eran (P, P_noshift, D, S, V):

    """Function that calculates optimal flux and corresponding error based
    on the PSF [P], the PSF shifted by the fractional pixel shift
    [P_shift], data [D], sky [S] and variance [V].  All are assumed to
    be in electrons rather than counts. These can be 1- or
    2-dimensional arrays with the same shape, while the sky can also
    be a scalar. See Eqs. 36 and 37 of Zackay & Ofek 2017, ApJ, 836,


    # and optimal flux and its error
    denominator = np.sum((P_noshift*P)/V)
    optflux = np.sum((P_noshift*(D-S)/V)) / denominator
    optfluxerr = 1./np.sqrt(denominator)
    return optflux, optfluxerr

项目:How-to-Learn-from-Little-Data    作者:llSourcell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_transform(image_path, angle=0., s=(0,0), size=(20,20)):
    #Load the image
    original = imread(image_path, flatten=True)
    #Rotate the image
    rotated = np.maximum(np.minimum(rotate(original, angle=angle, cval=1.), 1.), 0.)
    #Shift the image
    shifted = shift(rotated, shift=s)
    #Resize the image
    resized = np.asarray(imresize(rotated, size=size), dtype=np.float32) / 255 #Note here we coded manually as np.float32, it should be tf.float32
    #Invert the image
    inverted = 1. - resized
    max_value = np.max(inverted)
    if max_value > 0:
        inverted /= max_value
    return inverted
项目:NTM-One-Shot-TF    作者:hmishra2250    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_transform(image_path, angle=0., s=(0,0), size=(20,20)):
    #Load the image
    original = imread(image_path, flatten=True)
    #Rotate the image
    rotated = np.maximum(np.minimum(rotate(original, angle=angle, cval=1.), 1.), 0.)
    #Shift the image
    shifted = shift(rotated, shift=s)
    #Resize the image
    resized = np.asarray(imresize(rotated, size=size), dtype=np.float32) / 255 #Note here we coded manually as np.float32, it should be tf.float32
    #Invert the image
    inverted = 1. - resized
    max_value = np.max(inverted)
    if max_value > 0:
        inverted /= max_value
    return inverted
项目:gconv_experiments    作者:tscohen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_transform_batch(x):

    t = (np.random.rand(x.shape[0], 2) - 0.5) * 4

    x_out = np.empty_like(x)
    for i in range(x.shape[0]):

        # Super slow but whatever...
        shift(x[i, 0], shift=t[i], output=x_out[i, 0], order=3, mode='reflect')
        shift(x[i, 1], shift=t[i], output=x_out[i, 1], order=3, mode='reflect')
        shift(x[i, 2], shift=t[i], output=x_out[i, 2], order=3, mode='reflect')

    return x_out
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shift_fft(array, shift_value):
    Ndim  = array.ndim
    dims  = array.shape
    dtype = array.dtype.kind

    if (dtype != 'f'):
        raise ValueError('Array must be float')

    shifted = array
    if (Ndim == 1):
        Nx = dims[0]

        x_ramp = np.arange(Nx, dtype=array.dtype) - Nx//2

        tilt = (2*np.pi/Nx) * (shift_value[0]*x_ramp)

        cplx_tilt = np.cos(tilt) + 1j*np.sin(tilt)
        cplx_tilt = fft.fftshift(cplx_tilt)
        narray    = fft.fft(fft.ifft(array) * cplx_tilt)
        shifted   = narray.real
    elif (Ndim == 2):
        Nx = dims[0]
        Ny = dims[1]

        x_ramp = np.outer(np.full(Nx, 1.), np.arange(Ny, dtype=array.dtype)) - Nx//2
        y_ramp = np.outer(np.arange(Nx, dtype=array.dtype), np.full(Ny, 1.)) - Ny//2

        tilt = (2*np.pi/Nx) * (shift_value[0]*x_ramp+shift_value[1]*y_ramp)

        cplx_tilt = np.cos(tilt) + 1j*np.sin(tilt)        
        cplx_tilt = fft.fftshift(cplx_tilt)

        narray    = fft.fft2(fft.ifft2(array) * cplx_tilt)
        shifted   = narray.real
        raise ValueError('This function can shift only 1D or 2D arrays')

    return shifted
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shift_interp_builtin(array, shift_value, mode='constant', cval=0):
    shifted = ndimage.shift(array, np.flip(shift_value, 0), order=3, mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return shifted
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shift_roll(array, shift_value):
    Ndim  = array.ndim

    if (Ndim == 1):
        shifted = np.roll(array, shift_value[0])
    elif (Ndim == 2):
        shifted = np.roll(np.roll(array, shift_value[0], axis=1), shift_value[1], axis=0)
        raise ValueError('This function can shift only 1D or 2D arrays')

    return shifted
项目:tensorflow-mnist-VAE    作者:hwalsuklee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expend_training_data(images, labels):

    expanded_images = []
    expanded_labels = []

    j = 0 # counter
    for x, y in zip(images, labels):
        j = j+1
        if j%100==0:
            print ('expanding data : %03d / %03d' % (j,numpy.size(images,0)))

        # register original data

        # get a value for the background
        # zero is the expected value, but median() is used to estimate background's value
        bg_value = numpy.median(x) # this is regarded as background's value
        image = numpy.reshape(x, (-1, 28))

        for i in range(4):
            # rotate the image with random degree
            angle = numpy.random.randint(-15,15,1)
            new_img = ndimage.rotate(image,angle,reshape=False, cval=bg_value)

            # shift the image with random distance
            shift = numpy.random.randint(-2, 2, 2)
            new_img_ = ndimage.shift(new_img,shift, cval=bg_value)

            # register new training data
            expanded_images.append(numpy.reshape(new_img_, 784))

    # images and labels are concatenated for random-shuffle at each epoch
    # notice that pair of image and label should not be broken
    expanded_train_total_data = numpy.concatenate((expanded_images, expanded_labels), axis=1)

    return expanded_train_total_data

# Prepare MNISt data
项目:Multi-views-fusion    作者:luogongning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shift_augmentation(X, h_range, w_range):
    progbar = Progbar(X.shape[0])  # progress bar for augmentation status tracking

    X_shift = np.copy(X)
    size = X.shape[2:]
    for i in range(len(X)):
        h_random = np.random.rand() * h_range * 2. - h_range
        w_random = np.random.rand() * w_range * 2. - w_range
        h_shift = int(h_random * size[0])
        w_shift = int(w_random * size[1])
        for j in range(X.shape[1]):
            X_shift[i, j] = ndimage.shift(X[i, j], (h_shift, w_shift), order=0)
    return X_shift
项目:FingerNet    作者:felixTY    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_load_data(data, img_size, aug): 
    img_name, dataset = data
    img = misc.imread(dataset+'images/'+img_name+'.bmp', mode='L')
    seg = misc.imread(dataset+'seg_labels/'+img_name+'.png', mode='L')
        ali = misc.imread(dataset+'ori_labels/'+img_name+'.bmp', mode='L')
        ali = np.zeros_like(img)
    mnt = np.array(mnt_reader(dataset+'mnt_labels/'+img_name+'.mnt'), dtype=float)
    if any(img.shape != img_size):
        # random pad mean values to reach required shape
        if np.random.rand()<aug:
            tra = np.int32(np.random.rand(2)*(np.array(img_size)-np.array(img.shape)))
            tra = np.int32(0.5*(np.array(img_size)-np.array(img.shape)))
        img_t = np.ones(img_size)*np.mean(img)
        seg_t = np.zeros(img_size)
        ali_t = np.ones(img_size)*np.mean(ali)
        img_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = img
        seg_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = seg
        ali_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = ali
        img = img_t
        seg = seg_t
        ali = ali_t
        mnt = mnt+np.array([tra[1],tra[0],0]) 
    if np.random.rand()<aug:
        # random rotation [0 - 360] & translation img_size / 4
        rot = np.random.rand() * 360
        tra = (np.random.rand(2)-0.5) / 2 * img_size 
        img = ndimage.rotate(img, rot, reshape=False, mode='reflect')
        img = ndimage.shift(img, tra, mode='reflect')
        seg = ndimage.rotate(seg, rot, reshape=False, mode='constant')
        seg = ndimage.shift(seg, tra, mode='constant')
        ali = ndimage.rotate(ali, rot, reshape=False, mode='reflect')
        ali = ndimage.shift(ali, tra, mode='reflect') 
        mnt_r = point_rot(mnt[:, :2], rot/180*np.pi, img.shape, img.shape)  
        mnt = np.column_stack((mnt_r+tra[[1, 0]], mnt[:, 2]-rot/180*np.pi))
    # only keep mnt that stay in pic & not on border
    mnt = mnt[(8<=mnt[:,0])*(mnt[:,0]<img_size[1]-8)*(8<=mnt[:, 1])*(mnt[:,1]<img_size[0]-8), :]
    return img, seg, ali, mnt
项目:FingerNet    作者:felixTY    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_load_data(data, img_size, aug): 
    img_name, dataset = data
    img = misc.imread(dataset+'images/'+img_name+'.bmp', mode='L')
    seg = misc.imread(dataset+'seg_labels/'+img_name+'.png', mode='L')
        ali = misc.imread(dataset+'ori_labels/'+img_name+'.bmp', mode='L')
        ali = np.zeros_like(img)
    mnt = np.array(mnt_reader(dataset+'mnt_labels/'+img_name+'.mnt'), dtype=float)
    if any(img.shape != img_size):
        # random pad mean values to reach required shape
        if np.random.rand()<aug:
            tra = np.int32(np.random.rand(2)*(np.array(img_size)-np.array(img.shape)))
            tra = np.int32(0.5*(np.array(img_size)-np.array(img.shape)))
        img_t = np.ones(img_size)*np.mean(img)
        seg_t = np.zeros(img_size)
        ali_t = np.ones(img_size)*np.mean(ali)
        img_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = img
        seg_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = seg
        ali_t[tra[0]:tra[0]+img.shape[0],tra[1]:tra[1]+img.shape[1]] = ali
        img = img_t
        seg = seg_t
        ali = ali_t
        mnt = mnt+np.array([tra[1],tra[0],0]) 
    if np.random.rand()<aug:
        # random rotation [0 - 360] & translation img_size / 4
        rot = np.random.rand() * 360
        tra = (np.random.rand(2)-0.5) / 2 * img_size 
        img = ndimage.rotate(img, rot, reshape=False, mode='reflect')
        img = ndimage.shift(img, tra, mode='reflect')
        seg = ndimage.rotate(seg, rot, reshape=False, mode='constant')
        seg = ndimage.shift(seg, tra, mode='constant')
        ali = ndimage.rotate(ali, rot, reshape=False, mode='reflect')
        ali = ndimage.shift(ali, tra, mode='reflect') 
        mnt_r = point_rot(mnt[:, :2], rot/180*np.pi, img.shape, img.shape)  
        mnt = np.column_stack((mnt_r+tra[[1, 0]], mnt[:, 2]-rot/180*np.pi))
    # only keep mnt that stay in pic & not on border
    mnt = mnt[(8<=mnt[:,0])*(mnt[:,0]<img_size[1]-8)*(8<=mnt[:, 1])*(mnt[:,1]<img_size[0]-8), :]
    return img, seg, ali, mnt
项目:ntm-one-shot    作者:tristandeleu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_transform(image_path, angle=0., s=(0, 0), size=(20, 20)):
    # Load the image
    original = imread(image_path, flatten=True)
    # Rotate the image
    rotated = np.maximum(np.minimum(rotate(original, angle=angle, cval=1.), 1.), 0.)
    # Shift the image
    shifted = shift(rotated, shift=s)
    # Resize the image
    resized = np.asarray(scipy.misc.imresize(rotated, size=size), dtype=theano.config.floatX) / 255.
    # Invert the image
    inverted = 1. - resized
    max_value = np.max(inverted)
    if max_value > 0.:
        inverted /= max_value
    return inverted
项目:one-shot-mann    作者:vineetjain96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_image(image_path, angle=0., s=(0,0), size=(20,20)):
    original = imread(image_path, flatten=True)
    rotated = np.maximum(np.minimum(rotate(original, angle=angle, cval=1.), 1.), 0.)
    shifted = shift(rotated, shift=s)
    resized = np.asarray(imresize(rotated, size=size), dtype=np.float32)/255
    inverted = 1. - resized
    max_value = np.max(inverted)
    if max_value > 0:
        inverted /= max_value
    return inverted
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nudge_images(X, y):
    # Having a larger dataset shows more clearly the behavior of the
    # methods, but we multiply the size of the dataset only by 2, as the
    # cost of the hierarchical clustering methods are strongly
    # super-linear in n_samples
    shift = lambda x: ndimage.shift(x.reshape((8, 8)),
                                  .3 * np.random.normal(size=2),
    X = np.concatenate([X, np.apply_along_axis(shift, 1, X)])
    Y = np.concatenate([y, y], axis=0)
    return X, Y