Python scipy.signal 模块,lfilter() 实例源码


项目:EEG-Grasp-Kaggle    作者:esube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_highpass(highcut, fs, order):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, high, btype="highpass")
    return b, a

# Sources for Batch Iterators
# These classes load training and test data and perform some basic preprocessing on it.
# They are then passed to factory functions that create the net. There they are used
# as data sources for the batch iterators that feed data to the net.
# All classes band pass or low pass filter their data based on min / max freq using
# a causal filter (lfilter) when the data is first loaded.
# * TrainSource loads a several series of EEG data and events, splices them together into
#   one long stream, then normalizes the EEG data to zero mean and unit standard deviation.
# * TestSource is like TrainSource except that it uses the mean and standard deviation
#   computed for the associated training source to normalize the EEG data.
# * SubmitSource is like TestSource except that it does not load and event data.
项目:audio-emotion-recognition    作者:sterling239    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def phormants(x, Fs):
    N = len(x)
    w = numpy.hamming(N)

    # Apply window and high pass filter.
    x1 = x * w   
    x1 = lfilter([1], [1., 0.63], x1)

    # Get LPC.    
    ncoeff = 2 + Fs / 1000
    A, e, k = lpc(x1, ncoeff)    
    #A, e, k = lpc(x1, 8)

    # Get roots.
    rts = numpy.roots(A)
    rts = [r for r in rts if numpy.imag(r) >= 0]

    # Get angles.
    angz = numpy.arctan2(numpy.imag(rts), numpy.real(rts))

    # Get frequencies.    
    frqs = sorted(angz * (Fs / (2 * math.pi)))

    return frqs
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sp_filter_butterworth_bandpass(input_data, passband, stopband, max_passband_loss, min_stopband_attenuation):
    # The SciPy signal processing module uses normalised frequencies, so we need to normalise the input values
    norm_passband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(passband)
    norm_stopband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(stopband)
    ord,wn = sp_signal.filter_design.buttord(norm_passband, norm_stopband, max_passband_loss, min_stopband_attenuation)
    b, a = sp_signal.filter_design.butter(ord, wn, btype = 'bandpass')

    output_data = input_data

    for i,s in enumerate(output_data.signal):
        output_data.signal[i] = sp_signal.lfilter(b,a,s)

    return output_data

## wrappers to numpy signal processing ##
项目:nnmnkwii    作者:r9y9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preemphasis(x, coef=0.97):

        x (1d-array): Input signal.
        coef (float): Pre-emphasis coefficient.

        array: Output filtered signal.

    See also:

        >>> from nnmnkwii.util import example_audio_file
        >>> from import wavfile
        >>> fs, x =
        >>> x = x.astype(np.float64)
        >>> from nnmnkwii import preprocessing as P
        >>> y = P.preemphasis(x, coef=0.97)
        >>> assert x.shape == y.shape
    b = np.array([1., -coef], x.dtype)
    a = np.array([1.], x.dtype)
    return signal.lfilter(b, a, x)
项目:backtrackbb    作者:BackTrackBB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Gaussian2D(image, sigma, padding=0):
    n, m = image.shape[0], image.shape[1]
    tmp = np.zeros((n + padding, m + padding))
    if tmp.shape[0] < 4:
        raise ValueError('Image and padding too small')
    if tmp.shape[1] < 4:
        raise ValueError('Image and padding too small')
    B, A = __gausscoeff(sigma)
    tmp[:n, :m] = image
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp, axis=0)
    tmp = np.flipud(tmp)
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp, axis=0)
    tmp = np.flipud(tmp)
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp, axis=1)
    tmp = np.fliplr(tmp)
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp, axis=1)
    tmp = np.fliplr(tmp)
    return tmp[:n, :m]
项目:EEG-Grasp-Kaggle    作者:esube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_series(self, subject, series):
        min_freq = self.min_freq
        max_freq = self.max_freq
        key = (subject, series, min_freq, max_freq) 
        if key not in self._series_cache:
            while len(self._series_cache) > self.MAX_CACHE_SIZE:
                # Randomly throw away an item
            print("Loading", subject, series)
            data = read_csv(path(subject, series, "data"))
            # Filter here since it's slow and we don't want to filter multiple
            # times. `lfilter` is CAUSAL and thus doesn't violate the ban on future data.
            if (self.min_freq is None) or (self.min_freq == 0):
                print("Low pass filtering, f_h =", max_freq)
                b, a = butter_lowpass(max_freq, SAMPLE_RATE, FILTER_N)
                print("Band pass filtering, f_l =", min_freq, "f_h =", max_freq)
                b, a = butter_bandpass(min_freq, max_freq, SAMPLE_RATE, FILTER_N)                
            self._series_cache[key] = lfilter(b, a, data, axis=0)
        return self._series_cache[key]
项目:nengolib    作者:arvoelke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_filter(sys, dt, u):
    # "Correct" implementation of filt that has a single time-step delay
    # see Nengo issue #938
    if dt is not None:
        num, den = cont2discrete(sys, dt).tf
    elif not sys.analog:
        num, den =
        raise ValueError("system (%s) must be discrete if not given dt" % sys)

    # convert from the polynomial representation, and add back the leading
    # zeros that were dropped by poly1d, since lfilter will shift it the
    # wrong way (it will add the leading zeros back to the end, effectively
    # removing the delay)
    num, den = map(np.asarray, (num, den))
    num = np.append([0]*(len(den) - len(num)), num)
    return lfilter(num, den, u, axis=-1)
项目:spyking-circus-ort    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process(self):

        # Receive input data.
        batch = self.input.receive()

        self._measure_time('start', frequency=100)

        # Process data.
        for i in xrange(self.nb_channels):
            batch[:, i], self.z[i] = signal.lfilter(self.b, self.a, batch[:, i], zi=self.z[i])
            batch[:, i] -= np.median(batch[:, i])
        if self.remove_median:
            global_median = np.median(batch, 1)
            for i in xrange(self.nb_channels):
                batch[:, i] -= global_median

        # Send output data.

        self._measure_time('end', frequency=100)

项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_noise(info, cov, iir_filter, random_state, n_samples, zi=None):
    """Helper to create spatially colored and temporally IIR-filtered noise"""
    from scipy.signal import lfilter
    noise_cov = pick_channels_cov(cov, include=info['ch_names'], exclude=[])
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    c = np.diag( if noise_cov['diag'] else
    mu_channels = np.zeros(len(c))
    # we almost always get a positive semidefinite warning here, so squash it
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        noise = rng.multivariate_normal(mu_channels, c, n_samples).T
    if iir_filter is not None:
        if zi is None:
            zi = np.zeros((len(c), len(iir_filter) - 1))
        noise, zf = lfilter([1], iir_filter, noise, axis=-1, zi=zi)
        zf = None
    return noise, zf
项目:pdnn    作者:petered    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        y, self.filter_state = lfilter(b=self.b, a=self.a, x = np.array(x)[None], zi = self.filter_state)
        return y[0]
项目:AutoSleepScorerDev    作者:skjerns    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, highpass, fs, order=4):
       b, a = butter_bandpass(0, highpass, fs, order=order)
       y = lfilter(b, a, data)
       return y
项目:pytorch-nec    作者:mjacar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def discount(x, gamma):
  Compute discounted sum of future values
  out[i] = in[i] + gamma * in[i+1] + gamma^2 * in[i+2] + ...
  return signal.lfilter([1],[1,-gamma],x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
项目:Wall-EEG    作者:neurotechuoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, order=order)
    filtered_data = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return filtered_data
项目:nnmnkwii    作者:r9y9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inv_preemphasis(x, coef=0.97):
    """Inverse operation of pre-emphasis

        x (1d-array): Input signal.
        coef (float): Pre-emphasis coefficient.

        array: Output filtered signal.

    See also:

        >>> from nnmnkwii.util import example_audio_file
        >>> from import wavfile
        >>> fs, x =
        >>> x = x.astype(np.float64)
        >>> from nnmnkwii import preprocessing as P
        >>> x_hat = P.inv_preemphasis(P.preemphasis(x, coef=0.97), coef=0.97)
        >>> assert np.allclose(x, x_hat)
    b = np.array([1.], x.dtype)
    a = np.array([1., -coef], x.dtype)
    return signal.lfilter(b, a, x)
项目:SiteResponseTool    作者:GEMScienceTools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Filter(self, LowCorner, HighCorner, Order=3):
    Butterworth bandpass filter

    FS = 1./self.HDR['TSMP']

    if HighCorner >= FS/2.:
      print 'Warning: High corner must be < {0:.2f} Hz'.format(FS/2.)

    if LowCorner < 0.:
      print 'Warning: Low corner must be > 0 Hz'.format(FS/2.)

    # Corner frequencies
    Corners = [2.*LowCorner/FS, 2.*HighCorner/FS]

    # Butterworth filter
    b, a = _sig.butter(Order, Corners, btype='band')

    # Filtering records
    for I,S in enumerate(self.CHN):
      # self.CHN[I] = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S)
      zi = _sig.lfilter_zi(b, a);
      self.CHN[I],_ = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S, zi=zi*S[0])

项目:speech_feature_extractor    作者:ZhihaoDU    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def erb_frilter_bank(x, fcoefs):
    a0 = fcoefs[:, 0]
    a11 = fcoefs[:, 1]
    a12 = fcoefs[:, 2]
    a13 = fcoefs[:, 3]
    a14 = fcoefs[:, 4]
    a2 = fcoefs[:, 5]
    b0 = fcoefs[:, 6]
    b1 = fcoefs[:, 7]
    b2 = fcoefs[:, 8]
    gain = fcoefs[:, 9]

    output = np.zeros((np.size(gain, 0), np.size(x, 0)))

    for chan in range(np.size(gain, 0)):
        y1 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan] / gain[chan], a11[chan] / gain[chan], a2[chan] / gain[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), x)
        y2 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a12[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y1)
        y3 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a13[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y2)
        y4 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a14[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y3)

        output[chan, :] = y4
    return output
项目:speech_feature_extractor    作者:ZhihaoDU    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def erb_frilter_bank(x, fcoefs):
    a0 = fcoefs[:, 0]
    a11 = fcoefs[:, 1]
    a12 = fcoefs[:, 2]
    a13 = fcoefs[:, 3]
    a14 = fcoefs[:, 4]
    a2 = fcoefs[:, 5]
    b0 = fcoefs[:, 6]
    b1 = fcoefs[:, 7]
    b2 = fcoefs[:, 8]
    gain = fcoefs[:, 9]

    output = np.zeros((np.size(gain, 0), np.size(x, 0)))

    for chan in range(np.size(gain, 0)):
        y1 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan] / gain[chan], a11[chan] / gain[chan], a2[chan] / gain[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), x)
        y2 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a12[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y1)
        y3 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a13[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y2)
        y4 = lfilter(np.array([a0[chan], a14[chan], a2[chan]]),
                     np.array([b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]]), y3)

        output[chan, :] = y4
    return output
项目:speech_feature_extractor    作者:ZhihaoDU    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rasta_filt(x):
    number = np.arange(-2., 3., 1.)
    number = -1. * number / np.sum(number*number)
    denom = np.array([1., -0.94])
    zi = lfilter_zi(number, 1)
    zi = zi.reshape(1, len(zi))
    zi = np.repeat(zi, np.size(x, 0), 0)
    y, zf = lfilter(number, 1, x[:,0:4], axis=1, zi=zi)
    y, zf = lfilter(number, denom, x, axis=1, zi=zf)
    return y
项目:speech_feature_extractor    作者:ZhihaoDU    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rasta_filt(x):
    number = np.arange(-2., 3., 1.)
    number = -1. * number / np.sum(number*number)
    denom = np.array([1., -0.94])
    zi = lfilter_zi(number, 1)
    zi = zi.reshape(1, len(zi))
    zi = np.repeat(zi, np.size(x, 0), 0)
    y, zf = lfilter(number, 1, x[:,0:4], axis=1, zi=zi)
    y, zf = lfilter(number, denom, x, axis=1, zi=zf)
    return y
项目:bark    作者:kylerbrown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _analog_filter(self,
        ' Use a classic analog filter on the data, currently butter or bessel'
        from scipy.signal import butter, bessel
        filter_types = {'butter': butter, 'bessel': bessel}
        afilter = filter_types[ftype]
        if highpass is None and lowpass is not None:
            b, a = afilter(order, lowpass / ( / 2), btype='lowpass')
        elif highpass is not None and lowpass is None:
            b, a = afilter(order, highpass / ( / 2), btype='highpass')
        elif highpass is not None and lowpass is not None:
            if highpass < lowpass:
                b, a = afilter(order,
                               (highpass / ( / 2),
                                lowpass / ( / 2)),
                b, a = afilter(order,
                               (lowpass / ( / 2),
                                highpass / ( / 2)),
        if zerophase:
            return self.filtfilt(b, a)
            return self.lfilter(b, a)
项目:bark    作者:kylerbrown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lfilter(self, b, a):
        " Forward only filtering"
        from scipy.signal import lfilter

        def filter_func(x):
            return lfilter(b, a, x, axis=0)

        return self.new_stream(self.vector_map(filter_func))
项目:Epileptic-Seizure-Prediction    作者:cedricsimar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def low_pass_filter(self, sig, low_cut, high_cut, nyq):

        Apply a low pass filter to the data to take the relevant frequencies
        and to smooth the drop-out regions

        No resample necessary because all files have the same sampling frequency

        b, a = signal.butter(5, np.array([low_cut, high_cut]) / nyq, btype='band')
        sig_filt = signal.lfilter(b, a, sig, axis=0)

项目:srep    作者:Answeror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
    from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter

    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq

    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='bandpass')
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:srep    作者:Answeror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_bandstop_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
    from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter

    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq

    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='bandstop')
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:srep    作者:Answeror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cut, fs, order, zero_phase=False):
    from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt

    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    cut = cut / nyq

    b, a = butter(order, cut, btype='low')
    y = (filtfilt if zero_phase else lfilter)(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:kaggle-seizure-prediction    作者:sics-lm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_ellip_filter(self, data, order, cutoff, btype):
        ripple = 3
        attenuation = 50
        cutoff /= self.nyq
        b, a = iirfilter(N=order, Wn=cutoff, rp=ripple, rs=attenuation,
                         btype=btype, ftype='ellip')
        return lfilter(b, a, data, axis=0)
项目:kaggle-seizure-prediction    作者:sics-lm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, data):
        nyq = self.f / 2.0
        cutoff = min(self.f, nyq-1)
        h = signal.firwin(numtaps=101, cutoff=cutoff, nyq=nyq)

        # data[i][ch][dim0]
        for i in range(len(data)):
            data_point = data[i]
            for j in range(len(data_point)):
                data_point[j] = signal.lfilter(h, 1.0, data_point[j])

        return data
项目:nec_tensorflow    作者:toth-adam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _discount(self, x):
        a = np.asarray(x)
        return lfilter([1], [1, -self.discount_factor], a[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
项目:relaax    作者:deeplearninc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def discount(self, x, gamma):
        computes discounted sums along 0th dimension of x.

        x: ndarray
        gamma: float

        y: ndarray with same shape as x, satisfying

            y[t] = x[t] + gamma*x[t+1] + gamma^2*x[t+2] + ... + gamma^k x[t+k],
                    where k = len(x) - t - 1
        x = np.array(x)
        assert x.ndim >= 1
        return lfilter([1], [1, -gamma], x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, *, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    """Band filter data using a butterworth filter."""
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lfilter_gen(self):
        x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
        hb = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=np.float)
        f = signal.lfilter_gen(hb, 1)
        y = [f.send(v) for v in x]
        self.assertArrayEqual(np.append([0, 0], x[:-2]), y)
        hb, ha = sp.iirfilter(4, 0.01, btype='lowpass')
        y1 = sp.lfilter(hb, ha, x)
        f = signal.lfilter_gen(hb, ha)
        y2 = [f.send(v) for v in x]
        self.assertArrayEqual(y1, y2, precision=6)
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mfilter(s, x, axis=0, complex_output=False):
    """Matched filter recevied signal using a reference signal.

    :param s: reference signal
    :param x: recevied signal
    :param axis: axis of the signal, if multiple signals specified
    :param complex_output: True to return complex signal, False for absolute value of complex signal
    hb = _np.conj(_np.flipud(s))
    x = _np.pad(x, (0, len(s)-1), 'constant')
    y = _sig.lfilter(hb, 1, x, axis)[len(s)-1:]
    if not complex_output:
        y = _np.abs(y)
    return y
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lfilter0(b, a, x, axis=0):
    """Filter data with an IIR or FIR filter with zero DC group delay.

    :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter` provides a way to filter a signal `x` using a FIR/IIR
    filter defined by `b` and `a`. The resulting output is delayed, as compared to the
    input by the group delay. This function corrects for the group delay, resulting in
    an output that is synchronized with the input signal. If the filter as an acausal
    impulse response, some precursor signal from the output will be lost. To avoid this,
    pad input signal `x` with sufficient zeros at the beginning to capture the precursor.
    Since both, :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter` and this function return a signal with the
    same length as the input, some signal tail is lost at the end. To avoid this, pad
    input signal `x` with sufficient zeros at the end.

    See documentation for :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter` for more details.

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> fs = 250000
    >>> b = arlpy.uwa.absorption_filter(fs, distance=500)
    >>> x = np.pad(arlpy.signal.sweep(20000, 40000, 0.5, fs), (127, 127), 'constant')
    >>> y = arlpy.signal.lfilter0(b, 1, x)
    w, g = _sig.group_delay((b, a))
    ndx = _np.argmin(_np.abs(w))
    d = int(round(g[ndx]))
    x = _np.pad(x, (0, d), 'constant')
    y = _sig.lfilter(b, a, x, axis)[d:]
    return y
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def harvest_filter_f0_contour(f0, st, ed, b, a):
    smoothed_f0 = f0.copy()
    smoothed_f0[:st] = smoothed_f0[st]
    smoothed_f0[ed + 1:] = smoothed_f0[ed]
    aaa = sg.lfilter(b, a, smoothed_f0)
    bbb = sg.lfilter(b, a, aaa[::-1])
    smoothed_f0 = bbb[::-1].copy()
    smoothed_f0[:st] = 0.
    smoothed_f0[ed + 1:] = 0.
    return smoothed_f0
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def harvest_filter_f0_contour(f0, st, ed, b, a):
    smoothed_f0 = f0.copy()
    smoothed_f0[:st] = smoothed_f0[st]
    smoothed_f0[ed + 1:] = smoothed_f0[ed]
    aaa = sg.lfilter(b, a, smoothed_f0)
    bbb = sg.lfilter(b, a, aaa[::-1])
    smoothed_f0 = bbb[::-1].copy()
    smoothed_f0[:st] = 0.
    smoothed_f0[ed + 1:] = 0.
    return smoothed_f0
项目:timbral_models    作者:AudioCommons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=2):
     This function designs a Butterworth lowpass filter and applies it to the data 

    :param data:    Audio data to be lowpass filtered
    :param cutoff:  Cutoff frequency in Hz
    :param fs:      Samplerate of audio
    :param order:   Order of the filter, defaults to second order filter as required by timbral_metallic
    :return:        Returns the filtered signal
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:DeepRL    作者:arnomoonens    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def discount_rewards(x, gamma):
    Given vector x, computes a vector y such that
    y[i] = x[i] + gamma * x[i+1] + gamma^2 x[i+2] + ...
    return signal.lfilter([1], [1, -gamma], x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]

# Source:
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SPBFILTER(df, n1 = 40, n2 = 60, n3 = 0, field = 'close'):
    if n3 == 0:
        n3 = int((n1 + n2)/2)
    a1 = 5.0/n1
    a2 = 5.0/n2
    B = [a1-a2, a2-a1]
    A = [1, (1-a1)+(1-a2), -(1-a1)*(1-a2)]
    PB = pd.Series(signal.lfilter(B, A, df[field]), name = 'SPB_%s_%s' % (n1, n2))
    RMS = pd.Series(pd.rolling_mean(PB*PB, n3)**0.5, name = 'SPBRMS__%s_%s' % (n1, n2))
    return pd.concat([PB, RMS], join='outer', axis=1)
项目:jingjuSingingPhraseMatching    作者:ronggong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Fdeltas(x,w=9):
    # D = deltas(X,W)  Calculate the deltas (derivatives) of a sequence
    input feature*frame
    # nr feature, nc frame
    nr,nc = x.shape

    # Define window shape
    hlen = int(np.floor(w/2))
    w = 2*hlen + 1
    win = np.arange(hlen,-hlen-1,-1)

    # normalisation
    win = win/np.sum(np.abs(win))

    # pad data by repeating first and last columns
    xx = np.hstack((np.tile(x[:,0],(hlen,1)).transpose(),x,np.tile(x[:,-1],(hlen,1)).transpose()))

    # Apply the delta filter
    d = lfilter(win, 1, xx, 1)  # filter along dim 1 (rows)

    # Trim edges
    d = d[:,2*hlen:2*hlen+nc]

    return d
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter(self, s, axis=0):
        """Filter new data.
        if self.bandType == 'allpass':
            return s
        if self.bandType == 'allstop':
            return np.zeros_like(s)

        """ Should be very close to filtfilt, padding? XXX - idfah
        if self.zeroPhase:
            rev = [slice(None),]*s.ndim
            rev[axis] = slice(None,None,-1)

            #ziScaled = self.scaleZi(s[rev], axis)

            y, newZi = spsig.lfilter(self.numCoef, self.denomCoef, s[rev], axis=axis, zi=newZi)
            y = y[rev]

        # if zeroPhase and signal is shorter than padlen (default in filtfilt function)
        if self.zeroPhase and \
            (3*max(len(self.numCoef), len(self.denomCoef))) < s.shape[axis]:

            # need astype below since filtfilt calls lfilter_zi, which does not preserve dtype XXX - idfah
            return spsig.filtfilt(self.numCoef, self.denomCoef,
                        s, axis=axis, padtype='even').astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

            ziScaled = self.scaleZi(s, axis)

            # even padding to help reduce edge effects
            nPad = 3*max(len(self.numCoef), len(self.denomCoef))
            sPad = np.apply_along_axis(np.pad, axis, s, pad_width=nPad, mode='reflect') # edge for constant padding
            slc = [slice(nPad,-nPad) if i == axis else slice(None) for i in range(s.ndim)]

            y, newZi = spsig.lfilter(self.numCoef, self.denomCoef, sPad, axis=axis, zi=ziScaled)

            return y[slc]
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter(self, s, axis=0):
        if self.bandType == 'allpass':
            return s
        if self.bandType == 'allstop':
            return np.zeros_like(s)

        if not self.ziSaved:
            # use padding to find initial zi? XXX - idfah

            self.zi = self.scaleZi(s, axis)
            self.ziSaved = True

        y, self.zi = spsig.lfilter(nc, dc, s, axis=axis, zi=self.zi)
        return y
项目:DTW_physionet2016    作者:JJGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_highpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y
项目:audioanalysis    作者:jpalpant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def butter_highpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
        b, a = AudioAnalyzer.butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
        y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
        return y
项目:SamplerBox    作者:alexmacrae    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sosfilter(sos, zi_in, x):
    y = x
    zi_out = zi_in
    for i in range(len(sos)):
        y, zi_out[i] = lfilter(sos[i,:3], sos[i,3:], y, zi = zi_in[i])
    return y, zi_out
项目:cu-perception-manipulation-stack    作者:correlllab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter(self):
        path = os.getcwd()+'/trialGraspEventDetection_dataFiles'
        self.Fgr = np.sum(self.values[:, 9:15], axis=1)  # SAI
        self.Fgl = np.sum(self.values[:, 0:7], axis=1)  # SAI

        # can use this to plot in matlab graspeventdetection_plot.m
        np.savetxt(path+'/SAI_Fgr.txt', self.Fgr)
        # can use this to plot in matlab
        np.savetxt(path+'/SAI_Fgl.txt', self.Fgl)

        # 0.55*pi rad/samples
        b1, a1 = signal.butter(1, 0.55, 'high', analog=False)
        self.f_acc_x = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_x, axis=-1, zi=None)
        self.f_acc_y = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_y, axis=-1, zi=None)
        self.f_acc_z = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_z, axis=-1, zi=None)
        # self.f_eff = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.eff, axis=-1, zi=None)
        # type(eff)
        self.FAII = np.sqrt(np.square(self.f_acc_x) +
                            np.square(self.f_acc_y) +
        # can use this to plot in matlab
        np.savetxt(path+'/FAII.txt', self.FAII)

        # subtract base values from the values array
        self.values1 = self.values - self.values.min(axis=0)
        # pass the filter for each sensor
        self.fvalues1 = np.zeros(self.values1.shape)
        # 0.48*pi rad/samples
        b, a = signal.butter(1, 0.48, 'high', analog=False)
        for i in range(16):
            self.fvalues1[:, i] = signal.lfilter(b, a, self.values1[:, i],
                                                 axis=-1, zi=None)
        self.FAI = np.sum(self.fvalues1, axis=1)
        # can use this to plot in matlab
        np.savetxt(path+'/FAI.txt', self.FAI)
项目:cu-perception-manipulation-stack    作者:correlllab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_fai(self):

        filtered_values = signal.lfilter(self.b, self.a,
                                         self.sensor_values, axis=0)
        # print shape()
        finger1 = filtered_values[-1][0:1].sum()
        finger2 = filtered_values[-1][1:2].sum()
        finger3 = filtered_values[-1][2:3].sum()
        msg = FingerSAI()
        msg.finger1 = float(finger1)
        msg.finger2 = float(finger2)
        msg.finger3 = float(finger3)
        if self.recording:
            t = time()
  ['fair'].append((t, right))
  ['fail'].append((t, left))
  ['faim'].append((t, middle))
项目:cu-perception-manipulation-stack    作者:correlllab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_faii(self):
        filtered_acc = signal.lfilter(self.b1, self.a1, self.acc, axis=0)
        self.faii = np.sqrt((filtered_acc**2).sum(axis=1))
        # Publish just the last value
        val = self.faii[-1]
        if self.recording:
            t = time()
  ['faii'].append((t, val))
项目:backtrackbb    作者:BackTrackBB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __gausscoeff(s):
    """Python implementation of the algorithm by Young & Vliet, 1995."""
    if s < .5:
        raise ValueError('Sigma for Gaussian filter must be >0.5 samples')
    q = 0.98711*s - 0.96330 if s > 0.5 else 3.97156 \
        - 4.14554*np.sqrt(1.0 - 0.26891*s)
    b = np.zeros(4)
    b[0] = 1.57825 + 2.44413*q + 1.4281*q**2 + 0.422205*q**3
    b[1] = 2.44413*q + 2.85619*q**2 + 1.26661*q**3
    b[2] = -(1.4281*q**2 + 1.26661*q**3)
    b[3] = 0.422205*q**3
    B = 1.0 - ((b[1] + b[2] + b[3])/b[0])
    # convert to a format compatible with lfilter's
    # difference equation
    B = np.array([B])
    A = np.ones(4)
    A[1:] = -b[1:]/b[0]
    return B, A
项目:backtrackbb    作者:BackTrackBB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Gaussian1D(signal, sigma, padding=0):
    n = signal.shape[0]
    tmp = np.zeros(n + padding)
    if tmp.shape[0] < 4:
        raise ValueError('Signal and padding too short')
    tmp[:n] = signal
    B, A = __gausscoeff(sigma)
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp)
    tmp = tmp[::-1]
    tmp = lfilter(B, A, tmp)
    tmp = tmp[::-1]
    return tmp[:n]
项目:SCaIP    作者:simonsfoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def G_inv_mat(x,mode,NT,gs,gd_vec,bas_flag = True, c1_flag = True):
    Fast computation of G^{-1}*x and G^{-T}*x 
    from scipy.signal import lfilter
    if mode == 1:
        b = lfilter(np.array([1]),np.concatenate([np.array([1.]),-gs]),x[:NT]) + bas_flag*x[NT-1+bas_flag] + c1_flag*gd_vec*x[-1]
        #b =,b)
    elif mode == 2:
        #x =,x)
        b = np.hstack((np.flipud(lfilter(np.array([1]),np.concatenate([np.array([1.]),-gs]),np.flipud(x))),np.ones(bas_flag)*np.sum(x),np.ones(c1_flag)*np.sum(gd_vec*x)))

    return b