Python scipy.signal 模块,argrelextrema() 实例源码


项目:McMurchie-Davidson    作者:jjgoings    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peaks(spectra,frequency,number=3,thresh=0.01):
        """ Return the peaks from the Fourier transform
            number:     integer. number of peaks to print.
            thresh:     float. Threshhold intensity for printing.

            Returns: Energy (eV), Intensity (depends on type of spectra)

        from scipy.signal import argrelextrema as pks
        # find all peak indices [idx], and remove those below thresh [jdx]
        idx = pks(np.abs(spectra),np.greater,order=3)
        jdx = np.where((np.abs(spectra[idx]) >= thresh))
        kdx = idx[0][jdx[0]] # indices of peaks matching criteria
        if number > len(kdx):
            number = len(kdx)
        print("First "+str(number)+" peaks (eV) found: ")
        for i in xrange(number):
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_local_maxima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.greater)[0].tolist()

    # Find the index of the absolute maximum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmax(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_maxima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_maxima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_maxima, y_maxima

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_local_minima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.less)[0].tolist()

    # Find the indx of the absolute minimum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmin(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_minima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_minima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_minima, y_minima

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_local_maxima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.greater)[0].tolist()

    # Find the index of the absolute maximum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmax(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_maxima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_maxima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_maxima, y_maxima

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_local_minima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.less)[0].tolist()

    # Find the indx of the absolute minimum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmin(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_minima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_minima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_minima, y_minima

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:sparks    作者:ImpactHorizon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect_peaks(hist, count=2):
    hist_copy = hist    
    peaks = len(argrelextrema(hist_copy, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0])
    sigma = log1p(peaks)
    print(peaks, sigma)
    while (peaks > count):
        new_hist = gaussian_filter(hist_copy, sigma=sigma)        
        peaks = len(argrelextrema(new_hist, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0])
        if peaks < count:
            peaks = count + 1
            sigma = sigma * 0.5
        hist_copy = new_hist
        sigma = log1p(peaks)
    print(peaks, sigma)
    return argrelextrema(hist_copy, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0]
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_kde(data):
    bw = 1.06 * st.stdev(data) / (len(data) ** .2)
    kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=bw).fit(
        np.array(data).reshape(-1, 1))
    s = np.linspace(0, 1)
    e = kde.score_samples(s.reshape(-1, 1))
    plt.plot(s, e)

    mi, ma = argrelextrema(e, np.less)[0], argrelextrema(e, np.greater)[0]"Minima: %s" % s[mi])"Maxima: %s" % s[ma])

    plt.plot(s[:mi[0] + 1], e[:mi[0] + 1], 'r',
             s[mi[0]:mi[1] + 1], e[mi[0]:mi[1] + 1], 'g',
             s[mi[1]:], e[mi[1]:], 'b',
             s[ma], e[ma], 'go',
             s[mi], e[mi], 'ro')

项目:NoduleX_code    作者:jcausey-astate    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_hist_peaks(img, drop_first_max=False):
    '''Finds the first two interior peaks in the histogram; usually a good binary
    threshold lies halfway between these two peaks.'''
    import scipy.signal as sig
    array        = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)

    hist         = np.histogram(array, 16)
    hist_counts  = np.array(hist[0])
    hist_centers = np.array(hist[1])
    peaks        = sig.argrelextrema(hist_counts, np.greater)[0]

    if hist_counts[peaks[0]] < (0.01 * (hist_counts[peaks].mean())):  # Don't allow a "noise" peak at the beginning.
        peaks = peaks[1:]

    if len(peaks) < 2: # Only one peak is found if the other peak is really at the edge.
        peaks = np.array([0, peaks[0]])
    elif hist_counts[0] > hist_counts[peaks[0]]:
        if not drop_first_max:
            peaks = np.array([0, peaks[0]])
    elif drop_first_max:
        peaks = np.array([peaks[1], peaks[2]])

    i_L    = hist_centers[peaks[0]]
    i_FM   = hist_centers[peaks[1]]
    return i_L, i_FM
项目:bark    作者:kylerbrown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spikes(data, start_sample, threshs, pad_len, order):
    for col_i in range(data.shape[1]):
        column = data[:, col_i]
        rel_extremes, = argrelextrema(
            lambda x, y: thres_extrema(x, y, threshs[col_i]),
        mask = (rel_extremes >= pad_len) & (
            rel_extremes < data.shape[0] - pad_len)
        extreme_samples = rel_extremes[mask] + start_sample - pad_len
        yield from [(col_i, sample) for sample in extreme_samples]
项目:bark    作者:kylerbrown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_thres_extrema():
    rs, = argrelextrema(data1[:, 0], lambda x, y: thres_extrema(x, y, 0.1))
    assert len(rs) == 1
    assert rs == 1
项目:orange3-timeseries    作者:biolab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _significant_periods(periods, pgram):
    # Order ascending
    periods = periods[::-1]
    pgram = pgram[::-1]
    # Scale and extract significant
    pgram = (pgram - pgram.min()) / pgram.ptp()
    significant = argrelextrema(pgram, np.greater, order=5)
    return periods[significant], pgram[significant]
项目:orange3-timeseries    作者:biolab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _significant_acf(corr, has_confint):
    if has_confint:
        corr, confint = corr

    periods = argrelextrema(np.abs(corr), np.greater, order=3)[0]
    corr = corr[periods]
    if has_confint:
        confint = confint[periods]

    result = np.column_stack((periods, corr))
    if has_confint:
        result = (result, np.column_stack((periods, confint)))
    return result
项目:strategy    作者:kanghua309    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_max_min(prices):
    prices_ = prices.copy()
    prices_.index = linspace(1., len(prices_), len(prices_))
    #kr = KernelReg([prices_.values], [prices_.index.values], var_type='c', bw=[1.8, 1])
    kr = KernelReg([prices_.values], [prices_.index.values], var_type='c', bw=[2]) # ????????????? ?
    # Either a user-specified bandwidth or the method for bandwidth selection.
    # If a string, valid values are ‘cv_ls’ (least-squares cross-validation) and ‘aic’ (AIC Hurvich bandwidth estimation).
    # Default is ‘cv_ls’.
    f =[prices_.index.values])

    smooth_prices = pd.Series(data=f[0], index=prices.index)

    local_max = argrelextrema(smooth_prices.values, np.greater)[0]
    local_min = argrelextrema(smooth_prices.values, np.less)[0]
    price_local_max_dt = []
    for i in local_max:
        if (i > 1) and (i < len(prices) - 1):
            price_local_max_dt.append(prices.iloc[i - 2:i + 2].argmax())

    price_local_min_dt = []
    for i in local_min:
        if (i > 1) and (i < len(prices) - 1):
            price_local_min_dt.append(prices.iloc[i - 2:i + 2].argmin()) = 'price'
    maxima = pd.DataFrame(prices.loc[price_local_max_dt])
    minima = pd.DataFrame(prices.loc[price_local_min_dt])
    max_min = pd.concat([maxima, minima]).sort_index() = 'date'
    max_min = max_min.reset_index()
    max_min = max_min[]
    p = prices.reset_index()
    max_min['day_num'] = p[p['index'].isin(].index.values
    max_min = max_min.set_index('day_num').price

    return max_min
项目:ddc    作者:chrisdonahue    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_pred_onsets(scores, window):
    if window.shape[0] > 0:
        onset_function = np.convolve(scores, window, mode='same')
        onset_function = scores
    # see page 592 of "Universal onset detection with bidirectional long short-term memory neural networks"
    maxima = argrelextrema(onset_function, np.greater_equal, order=1)[0]
    return set(list(maxima))
项目:ddc    作者:chrisdonahue    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_pred_onsets(scores, window):
    if window.shape[0] > 0:
        onset_function = np.convolve(scores, window, mode='same')
        onset_function = scores
    # see page 592 of "Universal onset detection with bidirectional long short-term memory neural networks"
    maxima = argrelextrema(onset_function, np.greater_equal, order=1)[0]
    return set(list(maxima))
项目:extract    作者:dblalock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def idxsOfRelativeExtrema(x, maxima=True, allowEq=False, axis=0):
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([2,1,5])
    array([0, 2])
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([2,1])
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([1,2])
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([2,1,5], maxima=False)
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([1,1,1], allowEq=False)
    array([], dtype=int64)
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([0,1,1,1,0], allowEq=False)
    array([], dtype=int64)
    >>> idxsOfRelativeExtrema([1,1,1], allowEq=True)
    array([0, 1, 2])
    if len(x) == 0:
        return np.empty(1) # []
    if len(x) == 1:
        return np.zeros(1) # [0]

    x = np.asarray(x)
    pad = -np.inf if maxima else np.inf
    if maxima:
        if allowEq:
            func = np.greater_equal
            func = np.greater
        if allowEq:
            func = np.less_equal
            func = np.less
    if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x = np.r_[x, pad] # combine with wrap to check endpoints
        return signal.argrelextrema(x, func, mode='wrap')[0]
    elif axis == 0:
        pad = np.zeros((1, x.shape[1])) + pad
        x = np.vstack((x, pad))
        return signal.argrelextrema(x, func, mode='wrap', axis=axis)
    elif axis == 1:
        pad = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1)) + pad
        x = np.hstack((x, pad))
        return signal.argrelextrema(x, func, mode='wrap', axis=axis)
        raise NotImplementedError("only supports axis={0, 1}!")