Python scipy.signal 模块,correlate() 实例源码


项目:hand_eye_calibration    作者:ethz-asl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_and_smooth_angular_velocity(angular_velocity,
                                       low_pass_kernel_size, clip_percentile, plot=False):
  """Reduce the noise in a velocity signal."""

  max_value = np.percentile(angular_velocity, clip_percentile)
  print("Clipping angular velocity norms to {} rad/s ...".format(max_value))
  angular_velocity_clipped = np.clip(angular_velocity, -max_value, max_value)
  print("Done clipping angular velocity norms...")

  low_pass_kernel = np.ones((low_pass_kernel_size, 1)) / low_pass_kernel_size
  print("Smoothing with kernel size {} samples...".format(low_pass_kernel_size))

  angular_velocity_smoothed = signal.correlate(angular_velocity_clipped,
                                               low_pass_kernel, 'same')

  print("Done smoothing angular velocity norms...")

  if plot:
    plot_angular_velocities("Angular Velocities", angular_velocity,
                            angular_velocity_smoothed, True)

  return angular_velocity_smoothed.copy()
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def x_corr(a,b,center_time_s=1000.0,window_len_s=50.0,plot=True):

      center_index = int(center_time_s/a.dt)
      window_index = int(window_len_s/(a.dt))
      print "center_index is", center_index
      print "window_index is", window_index

      t1 = a.trace_x[(center_index - window_index) : (center_index + window_index)]
      t2 = b.trace_x[(center_index - window_index) : (center_index + window_index)]
      print t1

      time_window = np.linspace((-window_len_s/2.0), (window_len_s/2), len(t1))
      #print time_window

      #plt.plot(time_window, t1)
      #plt.plot(time_window, t2)

      x_corr_time = correlate(t1, t2)
      delay = (np.argmax(x_corr_time) - (len(x_corr_time)/2) ) * a.dt
      #print "the delay is ", delay
      return delay
项目:AutismVoicePrint    作者:opraveen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_periodic(aud_sample, SAMPLING_RATE = 8000):
    :param aud_sample: Numpy 1D array rep of audio sample
    :param SAMPLING_RATE: Used to focus on human speech freq range
    :return: True if periodic, False if aperiodic

    threshold = 20

    # Use auto-correlation to find if there is enough periodicity in [50-400] Hz range
    values = signal.correlate(aud_sample, aud_sample, mode='full')

    # [50-400 Hz] corresponds to [2.5-20] ms OR [20-160] samples for 8 KHz sampling rate
    l_idx = int(SAMPLING_RATE*2.5/1000)
    r_idx = int(SAMPLING_RATE*20/1000)
    values = values[len(values)/2:]

    subset_values = values[l_idx:r_idx]

    if np.argmax(subset_values) < threshold:
        return False
        return True
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """Initialize kernel, apply it to an image (via crosscorrelation, convolution)."""
    img =
    kernel = np.array([
        [-1, -2, -1],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [1, 2, 1]

    cc_response = crosscorrelate(img, kernel)
    cc_gt = signal.correlate(img, kernel, mode="same")

    conv_response = convolve(img, kernel)
    conv_gt = signal.convolve(img, kernel, mode="same")

        [img, cc_response, cc_gt, conv_response, conv_gt],
        ["Image", "Cross-Correlation", "Cross-Correlation (Ground Truth)", "Convolution", "Convolution (Ground Truth)"]
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grad_magnitude(img):
    """Calculate the gradient magnitude of an image.
        img The image
        gradient image"""
    img = img / 255.0
    sobel_y = np.array([
        [-1, -2, -1],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [1, 2, 1]
    sobel_x = np.rot90(sobel_y) # rotates counter-clockwise

    # apply x/y sobel filter to get x/y gradients
    imgx = signal.correlate(img, sobel_x, mode="same")
    imgy = signal.correlate(img, sobel_y, mode="same")
    imgmag = np.sqrt(imgx**2 + imgy**2)

    return imgmag
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """Load image, apply filter, plot."""
    img =

    # just like sobel, but no -2/+2 in the middle
    prewitt_y = np.array([
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [1, 1, 1]
    prewitt_x = np.rot90(prewitt_y) # rotates counter-clockwise

    img_sx = signal.correlate(img, prewitt_x, mode="same")
    img_sy = signal.correlate(img, prewitt_y, mode="same")
    g_magnitude = np.sqrt(img_sx**2 + img_sy**2)

    ground_truth = skifilters.prewitt(

        [img, img_sx, img_sy, g_magnitude, ground_truth],
        ["Image", "Prewitt (x)", "Prewitt (y)", "Prewitt (both/magnitude)",
         "Prewitt (Ground Truth)"]
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pdos_1d():
    pad=lambda x: pad_zeros(x, nadd=len(x)-1)
    n=500; w=welch(n)
    # 1 second signal
    t=np.linspace(0,1,n); dt=t[1]-t[0]
    # sum of sin()s with random freq and phase shift, 10 frequencies from
    # f=0...100 Hz
    v=np.array([np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t + rand()*2*np.pi) for f in rand(10)*100]).sum(0)
    f=np.fft.fftfreq(2*n-1, dt)[:n]

    assert np.allclose(c1, c2)
    assert np.allclose(c1, c3)

    assert np.allclose(p1, p2)

    assert np.allclose(p1, p2)
项目:dem    作者:hengyuan-hu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conv4d(x, weights, bias, output):
    # print 'called'
    assert len(x.shape) == 4 and len(output.shape) == 4
    batch_size, input_channel = x.shape[:2]
    output_batch_size, output_channel = output.shape[:2]
    num_filters, filter_channel = weights.shape[:2]
    assert batch_size == output_batch_size, '%d vs %d' % (batch_size, output_batch_size)
    assert output_channel == num_filters
    assert filter_channel == input_channel

    # func = convolve if true_conv else correlate
    for img_idx in range(batch_size):
        for c in range(output_channel):
            output[img_idx][c] = (correlate(x[img_idx], weights[c], mode='valid')
                                  + bias[c].reshape((1, 1, 1)))
            # if img_idx == 0 and c == 0:
            #     print output[img_idx][c]
            #     print bias[c].reshape((1, 1, 1))
项目:hand_eye_calibration    作者:ethz-asl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_time_offset_from_signals(times_A, signal_A,
                                       times_B, signal_B,
                                       plot=False, block=True):
  """ Calculates the time offset between signal A and signal B. """
  convoluted_signals = signal.correlate(signal_B, signal_A)
  dt_A = np.mean(np.diff(times_A))
  offset_indices = np.arange(-len(signal_A) + 1, len(signal_B))
  max_index = np.argmax(convoluted_signals)
  offset_index = offset_indices[max_index]
  time_offset = dt_A * offset_index + times_B[0] - times_A[0]
  if plot:
    plot_results(times_A, times_B, signal_A, signal_B, convoluted_signals,
                 time_offset, block=block)
  return time_offset
项目:scipy-lecture-notes-zh-CN    作者:jayleicn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def local_mean(img, size=3):
    """ Compute a image of the local average
    structure_element = np.ones((size, size), dtype=img.dtype)
    l_mean = signal.correlate(img, structure_element, mode='same')
    l_mean /= size**2
    return l_mean
项目:scipy-lecture-notes-zh-CN    作者:jayleicn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def local_var(img, size=3):
    """ Compute a image of the local variance
    structure_element = np.ones((size, size), dtype=img.dtype)
    l_var = signal.correlate(img**2, structure_element, mode='same')
    l_var /= size**2
    l_var -= local_mean(img, size=size)**2
    return l_var
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, station_name, plot=True):

          seismogram = np.loadtxt(station_name) 
          self.t = seismogram[:,0]
          self.trace_x = seismogram[:,1]
          self.nt = len(self.t)
          self.dt = np.max(self.t)/len(self.t)

          #if (plot == true):

          plt.plot(self.t, self.trace_x)

 #              cross correlate travel times
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def harris_ones(img, window_size, k=0.05):
    """Calculate the harris score based on a window function of diagonal ones.
        img The image to use for corner detection.
        window_size Size of the window (NxN).
        k Weighting parameter during the final scoring (det vs. trace).
        Corner score image
    # Gradients
    img = skiutil.img_as_float(img)
    imgy, imgx = np.gradient(img)

    imgxy = imgx * imgy
    imgxx = imgx ** 2
    imgyy = imgy ** 2

    # window function (matrix of diagonal ones)
    window = np.ones((window_size, window_size))

    # compute parts of harris matrix
    a11 = signal.correlate(imgxx, window, mode="same") / window_size
    a12 = signal.correlate(imgxy, window, mode="same") / window_size
    a21 = a12
    a22 = signal.correlate(imgyy, window, mode="same") / window_size

    # compute score per pixel
    det_a = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21
    trace_a = a11 + a22

    return det_a - k * trace_a ** 2
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """Load image, apply Canny, plot."""
    img = skiutil.img_as_float(
    img = filters.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=1.0)

    sobel_y = np.array([
        [-1, -2, -1],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [1, 2, 1]
    sobel_x = np.rot90(sobel_y) # rotates counter-clockwise

    img_sx = signal.correlate(img, sobel_x, mode="same")
    img_sy = signal.correlate(img, sobel_y, mode="same")

    g_magnitudes = np.sqrt(img_sx**2 + img_sy**2) / np.sqrt(2)
    g_orientations = np.arctan2(img_sy, img_sx)

    g_mag_nonmax = non_maximum_suppression(g_magnitudes, g_orientations)
    canny = hysteresis(g_mag_nonmax, 0.35, 0.05)

    ground_truth = feature.canny(

        [img, g_magnitudes, g_mag_nonmax, canny, ground_truth],
        ["Image", "After Sobel", "After nonmax", "Canny", "Canny (Ground Truth)"]
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_gauss(img, filter_mask):
    """Apply a gaussian filter to an image.
        img The image
        filter_mask The filter mask (2D numpy array)
        Modified image
    return signal.correlate(img, filter_mask, mode="same") / np.sum(filter_mask)

# from
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def erosion(img):
    """Perform Erosion on an image.
        img The image to be changed.
        Changed image
    img = np.copy(img).astype(np.float32)
    mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    corr = signal.correlate(img, mask, mode="same") / 9.0
    corr[corr < 255.0 - 1e-8] = 0
    corr = corr.astype(np.uint8)
    return corr
项目:computer-vision-algorithms    作者:aleju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """Load image, apply sobel (to get x/y gradients), plot the results."""
    img =

    sobel_y = np.array([
        [-1, -2, -1],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [1, 2, 1]
    sobel_x = np.rot90(sobel_y) # rotates counter-clockwise

    # apply x/y sobel filter to get x/y gradients
    img_sx = signal.correlate(img, sobel_x, mode="same")
    img_sy = signal.correlate(img, sobel_y, mode="same")

    # combine x/y gradients to gradient magnitude
    # scikit-image's implementation divides by sqrt(2), not sure why
    img_s = np.sqrt(img_sx**2 + img_sy**2) / np.sqrt(2)

    # create binarized image
    threshold = np.average(img_s)
    img_s_bin = np.zeros(img_s.shape)
    img_s_bin[img_s > threshold] = 1

    # generate ground truth (scikit-image method)
    ground_truth = skifilters.sobel(

    # plot
        [img, img_sx, img_sy, img_s, img_s_bin, ground_truth],
        ["Image", "Sobel (x)", "Sobel (y)", "Sobel (magnitude)",
         "Sobel (magnitude, binarized)", "Sobel (Ground Truth)"]
项目:plasma    作者:jnkh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self,shot):
        window_decay = self.conf['data']['window_decay']
        window_size = self.conf['data']['window_size']
        window = exponential(window_size,0,window_decay,False)
        window /= np.sum(window)
        shot.signals = apply_along_axis(lambda m : correlate(m,window,'valid'),axis=0,arr=shot.signals)
        shot.ttd = shot.ttd[-shot.signals.shape[0]:]
项目:picasso    作者:jungmannlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_group(self, signalimg, group, translateaxis):
        n_channels = len(self.locs)
        all_xcorr = np.zeros((1, n_channels))
        all_da = np.zeros((1, n_channels))

        if translateaxis == 'x':
            proplane = 'xy'
        elif translateaxis == 'y':
            proplane = 'xy'
        elif translateaxis == 'z':
            proplane = 'xz'

        plotmode = 0

        for j in range(n_channels):
            if plotmode:
                fig = plt.figure()
                ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
                ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)

            if self.dataset_dialog.checks[j].isChecked():
                index = self.group_index[j][group].nonzero()[1]
                x_rot = self.locs[j].x[index]
                y_rot = self.locs[j].y[index]
                z_rot = self.locs[j].z[index]

                xcorr_max = 0.0
                plane = self.render_planes(x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, proplane, self.pixelsize) #
                if translateaxis == 'x':
                    projection = np.sum(plane, axis=0)
                elif translateaxis == 'y':
                    projection = np.sum(plane, axis=1)
                elif translateaxis == 'z':
                    projection = np.sum(plane, axis=1)

                if plotmode:
                #print('Step X')
                #ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3)
                #plt.imshow(plane, interpolation='nearest',
                corrval = np.max(signal.correlate(signalimg[j],projection))
                shiftval = np.argmax(signal.correlate(signalimg[j], projection))-len(signalimg[j])+1
                all_xcorr[0,j] = corrval
                all_da[0,j] = shiftval/self.oversampling

            if plotmode:

        #value with biggest cc value form table
        maximumcc = np.argmax(np.sum(all_xcorr,axis = 1))
        dafinal = np.mean(all_da[maximumcc,:])
        for j in range(n_channels):
            index = self.group_index[j][group].nonzero()[1]
            if translateaxis == 'x':
                self.locs[j].x[index] += dafinal
            elif translateaxis == 'y':
                self.locs[j].y[index] += dafinal
            elif translateaxis == 'z':
                self.locs[j].z[index] += dafinal*self.pixelsize
项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cross_correlation(self, reference, new_array, mode='full'):
        """Do cross correlation to two arrays

            reference (array): Reference array.
            new_array (array): Array to be matched.
            mode (str): Correlation mode for `scipy.signal.correlate`.

            correlation_value (int): Shift value in pixels.

        # print(reference, new_array)
        cyaxis2 = new_array
        if float(re.sub('[A-Za-z" ]', '', self.lamp_header['SLIT'])) > 3:

            box_width = float(
                re.sub('[A-Za-z" ]', '', self.lamp_header['SLIT'])) / 0.15

            self.log.debug('BOX WIDTH: {:f}'.format(box_width))
            box_kernel = Box1DKernel(width=box_width)
            max_before = np.max(reference)
            cyaxis1 = convolve(reference, box_kernel)
            max_after = np.max(cyaxis1)
            cyaxis1 *= max_before / max_after

            gaussian_kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=2.)
            cyaxis1 = convolve(reference, gaussian_kernel)
            cyaxis2 = convolve(new_array, gaussian_kernel)
        # plt.plot(cyaxis1, color='k', label='Reference')
        # plt.plot(cyaxis2, color='r', label='New Array')
        # plt.plot(reference, color='g')
            ccorr = signal.correlate(cyaxis1, cyaxis2, mode=mode)
        except ValueError:
            print(cyaxis1, cyaxis2)
        # print('Corr ', ccorr)
        max_index = np.argmax(ccorr)

        x_ccorr = np.linspace(-int(len(ccorr) / 2.),
                              int(len(ccorr) / 2.),

        correlation_value = x_ccorr[max_index]
        if False:
            plt.title('Cross Correlation')
            plt.xlabel('Lag Value')
            plt.ylabel('Correlation Value')
            plt.plot(x_ccorr, ccorr)
        return correlation_value
项目:stfinv    作者:seismology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_timeshift(self, st_b, allow_negative_CC=False):
        dt_all, CC = calc_timeshift(self, st_b, allow_negative_CC)

        Calculate timeshift between two waveforms using the maximum of the
        cross-correlation function.

        self : obspy.Stream
            Stream that contains the reference traces

        st_b : obspy.Stream
            Stream that contains the traces to compare

        allow_negative_CC : boolean
            Pick the maximum of the absolute values of CC(t). Useful,
            if polarity may be wrong.

        dt_all : dict
            Dictionary with entries station.location and the estimated
            time shift in seconds.

        CC : dict
            Dictionary with the correlation coefficients for each station.

        dt_all = dict()
        CC_all = dict()
        for tr_a in self:
                tr_b =,
                corr = signal.correlate(,

                if allow_negative_CC:
                    idx_CCmax = np.argmax(abs(corr))
                    CC = abs(corr[idx_CCmax])
                    idx_CCmax = np.argmax(corr)
                    CC = corr[idx_CCmax]

                dt = (idx_CCmax - tr_a.stats.npts + 1) *
                CC /= np.sqrt(np.sum(**2) * np.sum(**2))
                # print('%s.%s: %4.1f sec, CC: %f' %
                #       (tr_a.stats.station, tr_a.stats.location, dt, CC))
                code = '%s.%s' % (tr_a.stats.station, tr_a.stats.location)
                dt_all[code] = dt
                CC_all[code] = CC
            except IndexError:
                print('Did not find %s' % (tr_a.stats.station))
        return dt_all, CC_all