Python scipy.signal 模块,hanning() 实例源码


项目:decode    作者:deshima-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plotpsd(data, dt, ndivide=1, window=hanning, overlap_half=False, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot PSD (Power Spectral Density).

        data (np.ndarray): Input data.
        dt (float): Time between each data.
        ndivide (int): Do averaging (split data into ndivide, get psd of each, and average them).
        overlap_half (bool): Split data to half-overlapped regions.
        ax (matplotlib.axes): Axis the figure is plotted on.
        kwargs (optional): Plot options passed to ax.plot().
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    vk, psddata = psd(data, dt, ndivide, window, overlap_half)
    ax.loglog(vk, psddata, **kwargs)
    ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]', fontsize=20, color='grey')
    ax.set_ylabel('PSD', fontsize=20, color='grey')
项目:demo_OSG_python    作者:srcole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lagged_coherence_1freq(x, f, Fs, N_cycles=3, f_step=1):
    """Calculate lagged coherence of x at frequency f using the hanning-taper FFT method"""
    Nsamp = int(np.ceil(N_cycles*Fs / f))
    # For each N-cycle chunk, calculate phase
    chunks = _nonoverlapping_chunks(x,Nsamp)
    C = len(chunks)
    hann_window = signal.hanning(Nsamp)
    fourier_f = np.fft.fftfreq(Nsamp,1/float(Fs))
    fourier_f_idx = _arg_closest_value(fourier_f,f)
    fourier_coefsoi = np.zeros(C,dtype=complex)
    for i2, c in enumerate(chunks):
        fourier_coef = np.fft.fft(c*hann_window)

        fourier_coefsoi[i2] = fourier_coef[fourier_f_idx]

    lcs_num = 0
    for i2 in range(C-1):
        lcs_num += fourier_coefsoi[i2]*np.conj(fourier_coefsoi[i2+1])
    lcs_denom = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(fourier_coefsoi[:-1])**2)*np.sum(np.abs(fourier_coefsoi[1:])**2))
    return np.abs(lcs_num/lcs_denom)
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ltsd_vad(x, fs, threshold=9, winsize=8192):
    # winsize based on sample rate
    # 1024 for fs = 16000
    orig_dtype = x.dtype
    orig_scale_min = x.min()
    orig_scale_max = x.max()
    x = (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())
    # works with 16 bit
    x = x * (2 ** 15)
    x = x.astype("int32")
    window = sp.hanning(winsize)
    ltsd = LTSD(winsize, window, 5)
    s_vad = ltsd.compute(x)
    # LTSD is 50% overlap, so each "step" covers 4096 samples
    # +1 to cover the extra edge window
    n_samples = int(((len(s_vad) + 1) * winsize) // 2)
    time_s = n_samples / float(fs)
    time_points = np.linspace(0, time_s, len(s_vad))
    time_samples = (fs * time_points).astype(np.int32)
    time_samples = time_samples
    f_vad = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=np.bool)
    offset = winsize
    for n, (ss, es) in enumerate(zip(time_samples[:-1], time_samples[1:])):
        sss = ss - offset
        if sss < 0:
            sss = 0
        ses = es - offset
        if ses < 0:
            ses = 0
        if s_vad[n + 1] < threshold:
            f_vad[sss:ses] = False
            f_vad[sss:ses] = True
    f_vad[ses:] = False
    x = x.astype("float64")
    x = x / float(2 ** 15)
    x = x * (orig_scale_max - orig_scale_min) + orig_scale_min
    x = x.astype(orig_dtype)
    return x[f_vad], f_vad
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ltsd_vad(x, fs, threshold=9, winsize=8192):
    # winsize based on sample rate
    # 1024 for fs = 16000
    orig_dtype = x.dtype
    orig_scale_min = x.min()
    orig_scale_max = x.max()
    x = (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())
    # works with 16 bit
    x = x * (2 ** 15)
    x = x.astype("int32")
    window = sp.hanning(winsize)
    ltsd = LTSD(winsize, window, 5)
    s_vad = ltsd.compute(x)
    # LTSD is 50% overlap, so each "step" covers 4096 samples
    # +1 to cover the extra edge window
    n_samples = int(((len(s_vad) + 1) * winsize) // 2)
    time_s = n_samples / float(fs)
    time_points = np.linspace(0, time_s, len(s_vad))
    time_samples = (fs * time_points).astype(np.int32)
    time_samples = time_samples
    f_vad = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=np.bool)
    offset = winsize
    for n, (ss, es) in enumerate(zip(time_samples[:-1], time_samples[1:])):
        sss = ss - offset
        if sss < 0:
            sss = 0
        ses = es - offset
        if ses < 0:
            ses = 0
        if s_vad[n + 1] < threshold:
            f_vad[sss:ses] = False
            f_vad[sss:ses] = True
    f_vad[ses:] = False
    x = x.astype("float64")
    x = x / float(2 ** 15)
    x = x * (orig_scale_max - orig_scale_min) + orig_scale_min
    x = x.astype(orig_dtype)
    return x[f_vad], f_vad
项目:piradar    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(fn,start,end):
  fn = Path(fn).expanduser()
  #rx_array is loading the last 45% of the waveform from the file
  rx_array = load_bin(fn, start, end)
  #peak_array holds the indexes of each peak in the waveform
  #peak_distance is the smallest distance between each peak
  peak_array,peak_distance = get_peaks(rx_array)
  l = peak_distance-1
  print('using window: ',l,'\n')
  #remove first peak
  peak_array= peak_array[1:]
  print(Npulse,'pulses detected')
  wind = signal.hanning(l)
  Ntone = 2
  Nblockest = 160
  fs = 4e6  # [Hz]
  data = np.empty([Npulse,l])
  #set each row of data to window * (first l samples after each peak)
  for i in range(Npulse):
    data[i,:] = wind * rx_array[peak_array[i]:peak_array[i]+l]

  fb_est, sigma = esprit(data, Ntone, Nblockest, fs)
  print ('fb_est',fb_est)
  print ('sigma: ', sigma)
  drange = (3e8*fb_est) /  (2e6/.1)
  print ('range: ',drange,'\n')
项目:ASP    作者:TUIlmenauAMS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def NMREval(self, xn, xnhat):
        """ Method to perform NMR perceptual evaluation of audio quality between two signals.
        Args        :
            xn      :   (ndarray) 1D Array containing the true time domain signal.
            xnhat   :   (ndarray) 1D Array containing the estimated time domain signal.
        Returns     :
            NMR     :   (float)   A float measurement in dB providing a perceptually weighted
                        evaluation. Below -9 dB can be considered as in-audible difference/error.
        As appears in :
        - K. Brandenburg and T. Sporer,  “NMR and Masking Flag: Evaluation of Quality Using Perceptual Criteria,” in
        Proceedings of the AES 11th International Conference on Test and Measurement, Portland, USA, May 1992, pp. 169–179
        - J. Nikunen and T. Virtanen, "Noise-to-mask ratio minimization by weighted non-negative matrix factorization," in
         Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, Dallas, TX, 2010, pp. 25-28.
        mX, _ = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(xn, hanning(self.nfft/2 + 1), self.nfft, self.nfft/4)
        mXhat, _ = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(xnhat, hanning(self.nfft/2 + 1), self.nfft, self.nfft/4)

        # Compute Error
        Err = np.abs(mX - mXhat) ** 2.

        # Acquire Masking Threshold
        mT = self.maskingThreshold(mX)

        # Inverse the filter of masking threshold
        imT = 1./(mT + eps)

        # Outer/Middle Ear transfer function on the diagonal
        LTq = 10 ** (self.MOEar()/20.)

        # NMR computation
        NMR = 10. * np.log10((1./mX.shape[0]) * self._maxb * np.sum((imT * (Err*LTq))))
        return NMR
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ft_windows():
    """ Retrieve the available windows to be applied on signal data before FT.

    @return: dict with keys being the window name and items being again a dict
             containing the actual function and the normalization factor to
             calculate correctly the amplitude spectrum in the Fourier Transform

    To find out the amplitude normalization factor check either the scipy
    implementation on
    or just perform a sum of the window (oscillating parts of the window should
    be averaged out and constant offset factor will remain):
        MM=1000000  # choose a big number

    win = {'none': {'func': np.ones, 'ampl_norm': 1.0},
           'hamming': {'func': signal.hamming, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.54},
           'hann': {'func': signal.hann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'blackman': {'func': signal.blackman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.42},
           'triang': {'func': signal.triang, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'flattop': {'func': signal.flattop, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.2156},
           'bartlett': {'func': signal.bartlett, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'parzen': {'func': signal.parzen, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.375},
           'bohman': {'func': signal.bohman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.4052847},
           'blackmanharris': {'func': signal.blackmanharris, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.35875},
           'nuttall': {'func': signal.nuttall, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.3635819},
           'barthann': {'func': signal.barthann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5}}
    return win
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_smooth():
    tr = get_rand_traj()
    assert len(tr.attrs_nstep) > 0
    trs = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11))
    assert len(trs.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert_attrs_not_none(trs, attr_lst=tr.attr_lst)
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs, name)
        assert a1.shape == a2.shape
        assert np.abs(a1 - a2).sum() > 0.0
    assert trs.timestep == tr.timestep
    assert trs.nstep == tr.nstep

    # reproduce data with kernel [0,1,0]
    trs = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3))
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)

    trs1 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3), method=1)
    trs2 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3), method=2)
    assert len(trs1.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert len(trs2.attrs_nstep) > 0
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs1, name)
        a3 = getattr(trs2, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a3)

    trs1 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11), method=1)
    trs2 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11), method=2)
    assert len(trs1.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert len(trs2.attrs_nstep) > 0
    for name in trs1.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(trs1, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs2, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)
项目:decode    作者:deshima-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def psd(data, dt, ndivide=1, window=hanning, overlap_half=False):
    """Calculate power spectrum density of data.

        data (np.ndarray): Input data.
        dt (float): Time between each data.
        ndivide (int): Do averaging (split data into ndivide, get psd of each, and average them).
        ax (matplotlib.axes): Axis you want to plot on.
        doplot (bool): Plot how averaging works.
        overlap_half (bool): Split data to half-overlapped regions.

        vk (np.ndarray): Frequency.
        psd (np.ndarray): PSD
    logger = getLogger('decode.utils.ndarray.psd')

    if overlap_half:
        step = int(len(data) / (ndivide + 1))
        size = step * 2
        step = int(len(data) / ndivide)
        size = step

    if bin(len(data)).count('1') != 1:
        logger.warning('warning: length of data is not power of 2: {}'.format(len(data)))
    size = int(len(data) / ndivide)
    if bin(size).count('1') != 1.:
        if overlap_half:
            logger.warning('warning: ((length of data) / (ndivide+1)) * 2 is not power of 2: {}'.format(size))
            logger.warning('warning: (length of data) / ndivide is not power of 2: {}'.format(size))
    psd = np.zeros(size)
    T   = (size - 1) * dt
    vs  = 1 / dt
    vk_ = fftfreq(size, dt)
    vk  = vk_[np.where(vk_ >= 0)]

    for i in range(ndivide):
        d = data[i * step:i * step + size]
        if window is None:
            w    = np.ones(size)
            corr = 1.0
            w    = window(size)
            corr = np.mean(w**2)
        psd = psd + 2 * (np.abs(fft(d * w)))**2 / size * dt / corr

    return vk, psd[:len(vk)] / ndivide
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to, zero_phase=True)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to, zero_phase=True)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m
项目:demo_OSG_python    作者:srcole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def f_psd(x, Fs, method,
        Hzmed=0, welch_params={'window':'hanning','nperseg':1000,'noverlap':None}):
    Calculate the power spectrum of a signal

    x : array
        temporal signal
    Fs : integer
        sampling rate
    method : str in ['fftmed','welch']
        Method for calculating PSD
    Hzmed : float
        relevant if method == 'fftmed'
        Frequency width of the median filter
    welch_params : dict
        relevant if method == 'welch'
        Parameters to sp.signal.welch

    f : array
        frequencies corresponding to the PSD output
    psd : array
        power spectrum

    if method == 'fftmed':
        # Calculate frequencies
        N = len(x)
        f = np.arange(0,Fs/2,Fs/N)

        # Calculate PSD
        rawfft = np.fft.fft(x)
        psd = np.abs(rawfft[:len(f)])**2

        # Median filter
        if Hzmed > 0:
            sampmed = np.argmin(np.abs(f-Hzmed/2.0))
            psd = signal.medfilt(psd,sampmed*2+1)

    elif method == 'welch':
        f, psd = sp.signal.welch(x, fs=Fs, **welch_params)

        raise ValueError('input for PSD method not recognized')

    return f, psd
项目:demo_OSG_python    作者:srcole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lagged_coherence(x, frange, Fs, N_cycles=3, f_step=1, return_spectrum=False):
    Quantify the rhythmicity of a time series using lagged coherence.
    Return the mean lagged coherence in the frequency range as an
    estimate of rhythmicity.
    As in Fransen et al. 2015

    x : array-like 1d
        voltage time series
    f_range : (low, high), Hz
        frequency range for narrowband signal of interest, used to find 
        zerocrossings of the oscillation
    Fs : float
        The sampling rate (default = 1000Hz)
    N_cycles : float
        Number of cycles of the frequency of interest to be used in lagged coherence calculate
    f_step : float, Hz
        step size to calculate lagged coherence in the frequency range.
    return_spectrum : bool
        if True, return the lagged coherence for all frequency values. otherwise, only return mean
    fourier_or_wavelet : string {'fourier', 'wavelet'}
        method for estimating phase.
        fourier: calculate fourier coefficients for each time window. hanning tpaer.
        wavelet: multiply each window by a N-cycle wavelet

    rhythmicity : float
        mean lagged coherence value in the frequency range of interest
    # Identify Fourier components of interest
    freqs = np.arange(frange[0],frange[1]+f_step,f_step)

    # Calculate lagged coherence for each frequency
    F = len(freqs)
    lcs = np.zeros(F)
    for i,f in enumerate(freqs):
        lcs[i] = _lagged_coherence_1freq(x, f, Fs, N_cycles=N_cycles, f_step=f_step)

    if return_spectrum:
        return lcs
        return np.mean(lcs)