Python scipy.signal 模块,get_window() 实例源码


项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __spectrogram(self,data,samp_rate,window,per_lap,wlen,mult):        
        samp_rate = float(samp_rate)
        if not wlen:
            wlen = samp_rate/100.0

        nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(wlen * samp_rate))
        if nfft > npts:
            nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(npts / 8.0))
        if mult is not None:
            mult = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(mult))
            mult = mult * nfft
        nlap = int(nfft * float(per_lap))
        end = npts / samp_rate

        window = signal.get_window(window,nfft)
        specgram, freq, time = mlab.specgram(data, Fs=samp_rate,window=window,NFFT=nfft,
                                            pad_to=mult, noverlap=nlap)
        return specgram,freq,time

    # Sort data by experimental conditions and plot spectrogram for analog signals (e.g. LFP)
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cw(fc, duration, fs, window=None):
    """Generate a sinusoidal pulse.

    :param fc: frequency of the pulse in Hz
    :param duration: duration of the pulse in s
    :param fs: sampling rate in Hz
    :param window: window function to use (``None`` means rectangular window)

    For supported window functions, see documentation for :func:`scipy.signal.get_window`.

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> x1 =, duration=0.5, fs=250000)
    >>> x2 =, duration=0.5, fs=250000, window='hamming')
    >>> x3 =, duration=0.5, fs=250000, window=('kaiser', 4.0))
    n = int(round(duration*fs))
    x = _np.sin(2*_np.pi*fc*time(n, fs))
    if window is not None:
        w = _sig.get_window(window, n)
        x *= w
    return x
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sweep(f1, f2, duration, fs, method='linear', window=None):
    """Generate frequency modulated sweep.

    :param f1: starting frequency in Hz
    :param f2: ending frequency in Hz
    :param duration: duration of the pulse in s
    :param fs: sampling rate in Hz
    :param method: type of sweep (``'linear'``, ``'quadratic'``, ``'logarithmic'``, ``'hyperbolic'``)
    :param window: window function to use (``None`` means rectangular window)

    For supported window functions, see documentation for :func:`scipy.signal.get_window`.

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> x1 = arlpy.signal.sweep(20000, 30000, duration=0.5, fs=250000)
    >>> x2 =, 30000, duration=0.5, fs=250000, window='hamming')
    >>> x2 =, 30000, duration=0.5, fs=250000, window=('kaiser', 4.0))
    n = int(round(duration*fs))
    x = _sig.chirp(time(n, fs), f1, duration, f2, method)
    if window is not None:
        w = _sig.get_window(window, n)
        x *= w
    return x
项目:audioanalysis    作者:jpalpant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def probs_to_classes(self, probabilities):
        """Takes a likelihood matrix produced by predict_proba and returns
        the classification for each entry

        Naive argmax returns a very noisy signal - windowing helps focus on
        strongly matching areas.
        smooth_time = self.params.get('smooth_time', 0.1)
        dt = self.active_song.time[1] - self.active_song.time[0]
        windowsize = np.round(smooth_time / dt)
        window = signal.get_window('hamming', int(windowsize))
        window /= np.sum(window)

        num_classes = probabilities.shape[0]

        smooth_prbs = [np.convolve(
            probabilities[i, :], window, mode='same') for i in range(num_classes)]

        return np.argmax(np.stack(smooth_prbs, axis=0), axis=0)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _prep_window(self, **kwargs):
        """ provide validation for our window type, return the window """
        window = self._get_window()

        if isinstance(window, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            return com._asarray_tuplesafe(window).astype(float)
        elif com.is_integer(window):
                import scipy.signal as sig
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('Please install scipy to generate window '
            # the below may pop from kwargs
            win_type = _validate_win_type(self.win_type, kwargs)
            return sig.get_window(win_type, window).astype(float)

        raise ValueError('Invalid window %s' % str(window))
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_window(window, frame_length, periodic=True):
  ''' Cached version of scipy.signal.get_window '''
  # Funtion
  if hasattr(window, '__call__'):
    return window(frame_length)
  # Window name or scalar
  elif (isinstance(window, (six.string_types, tuple)) or
    return signal.get_window(window, frame_length, fftbins=periodic)
  # Predefined-array
  elif isinstance(window, (np.ndarray, list)):
    if len(window) == frame_length:
      return np.asarray(window)
    raise ValueError('Window size mismatch: '
                     '{:d} != {:d}'.format(len(window), frame_length))
  # Unknown
    raise ValueError('Invalid window specification: %s' % str(window))

# ===========================================================================
# Array utils
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项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __spectrogram(self,data,samp_rate,window,per_lap,wlen,mult):        
        samp_rate = float(samp_rate)
        if not wlen:
            wlen = samp_rate/100.0

        nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(wlen * samp_rate))
        if nfft > npts:
            nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(npts / 8.0))
        if mult is not None:
            mult = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(mult))
            mult = mult * nfft
        nlap = int(nfft * float(per_lap))
        end = npts / samp_rate

        window = signal.get_window(window,nfft)
        specgram, freq, time = mlab.specgram(data, Fs=samp_rate,window=window,NFFT=nfft,
                                            pad_to=mult, noverlap=nlap)
        return specgram,freq,time

    # Sort data by experimental conditions and plot spectrogram for analog signals (e.g. LFP)
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blackman_tukey(x,
    Compute the Blackman-Tukey cross power spectral density (PSD)
    estimate between the time-domain signals *x* and *y* (must be the
    same length as *x*). If *y* is not given, compute the power
    spectral density estimate of *x*.  Use the spectral window with
    identifier *window* (see the options in
    :func:scipy.`signal.get_window`, e.g., a tuple can be used to pass
    arguments to the window function) and length *M* (i.e., the
    maximum auto-correlation lag to include in the estimate). Compute
    the estimate at *L* uniformly spaced frequency samples where *d*
    is the time domain sample interval. If not *full*, return the
    tuple containing the length *L* PSD estimate and length *L*
    corresponding frequencies. If *full*, also return the estimated
    cross correlation and window function (i.e., a tuple with four
    N = len(x)
    assert M <= N
    if y is None:
        y = x
        assert len(y) == N
    Rxy = scipy.signal.correlate(x, y) / N
    Rxy_window = Rxy[(N - 1) - M:(N - 1) + M + 1]
    window = scipy.signal.get_window(window, 2*M + 1, fftbins=False)
    k_range = NP.arange(0, L)
    shift = NP.exp(2j * NP.pi * k_range * M / L)
    Sxy = NP.fft.fft(window * Rxy_window, n=L) * shift * d
    f = NP.fft.fftfreq(L, d=d)
    if full:
        return (Sxy, f, Rxy, window)
        return (Sxy, f)
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blackman_tukey(x,
    Compute the Blackman-Tukey cross power spectral density (PSD)
    estimate between the time-domain signals *x* and *y* (must be the
    same length as *x*). If *y* is not given, compute the power
    spectral density estimate of *x*.  Use the spectral window with
    identifier *window* (see the options in
    :func:scipy.`signal.get_window`, e.g., a tuple can be used to pass
    arguments to the window function) and length *M* (i.e., the
    maximum auto-correlation lag to include in the estimate). Compute
    the estimate at *L* uniformly spaced frequency samples where *d*
    is the time domain sample interval. If not *full*, return the
    tuple containing the length *L* PSD estimate and length *L*
    corresponding frequencies. If *full*, also return the estimated
    cross correlation and window function (i.e., a tuple with four
    N = len(x)
    assert M <= N
    if y is None:
        y = x
        assert len(y) == N
    Rxy = scipy.signal.correlate(x, y) / N
    Rxy_window = Rxy[(N - 1) - M:(N - 1) + M + 1]
    window = scipy.signal.get_window(window, 2*M + 1, fftbins=False)
    k_range = NP.arange(0, L)
    shift = NP.exp(2j * NP.pi * k_range * M / L)
    Sxy = NP.fft.fft(window * Rxy_window, n=L) * shift * d
    f = NP.fft.fftfreq(L, d=d)
    if full:
        return (Sxy, f, Rxy, window)
        return (Sxy, f)
项目:slitSpectrographBlind    作者:aasensio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def window(sw, window = 'barthann'):
    Creates 2d window of size sw


    Call:  w = window(sw, window = 'barthann')

    Input: sw       size of window 
           window   string specifying window type

    Output: Window of size sw 

    Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Hirsch

    w1  = signal.get_window(window,sw[0])
    w1  = (w1 + w1[::-1])/2
    w1 -= w1.min()
    w2  = signal.get_window(window,sw[1])
    w2  = (w2 + w2[::-1])/2
    w2 -= w2.min()

    www = np.outer(w1,w2)
    www = www/www.max()

    www = np.maximum(www, 1e-16)

    return www
项目:pyrpl    作者:lneuhaus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_window(self):
        :return: filter window
        window = sig.get_window(self.window, self.data_length, fftbins=False)
        # empirical value for scaling flattop to sqrt(W)/V
        return window
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_window_function(self, torch_method, scipy_name):
        for size in [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1024, 2048]:
            for periodic in [True, False]:
                ref = torch.from_numpy(signal.get_window(scipy_name, size, fftbins=periodic))
                self.assertEqual(torch_method(size, periodic=periodic), ref)
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def istft(stft_matrix, frame_length, step_length=None,
          window='hann', padding=False):
  Inverse short-time Fourier transform (ISTFT).

  Converts a complex-valued spectrogram `stft_matrix` to time-series `y`
  by minimizing the mean squared error between `stft_matrix` and STFT of
  `y` as described in [1]_.

  In general, window function, hop length and other parameters should be same
  as in stft, which mostly leads to perfect reconstruction of a signal from
  unmodified `stft_matrix`.

  .. [1] D. W. Griffin and J. S. Lim,
      "Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform,"
      IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol.32, no.2, pp.236–243, Apr. 1984.

  stft_matrix : np.ndarray [shape=(1 + n_fft/2, t)]
      STFT matrix from `stft`
  frame_length: int
      number of samples point for 1 frame
  step_length: int
      number of samples point for 1 step (when shifting the frames)
      If unspecified, defaults `frame_length / 4`.
  window      : string, tuple, number, function, np.ndarray [shape=(n_fft,)]
      - a window specification (string, tuple, or number);
        see `scipy.signal.get_window`
      - a window function, such as `scipy.signal.hanning`
      - a user-specified window vector of length `n_fft`
  padding: boolean
      - If `True`, the signal `y` is padded so that frame
        `D[:, t]` is centered at `y[t * step_length]`.
      - If `False`, then `D[:, t]` begins at `y[t * step_length]`

  y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,), dtype=float32]
      time domain signal reconstructed from `stft_matrix`
  # ====== check arguments ====== #
  frame_length = int(frame_length)
  if step_length is None:
    step_length = frame_length // 4
    step_length = int(step_length)
  nfft = 2 * (stft_matrix.shape[1] - 1)
  # ====== use scipy here ====== #
    from scipy.signal.spectral import istft as _istft
  except ImportError:
    raise RuntimeError("`istft` requires scipy version >= 0.19")
  return _istft(stft_matrix, fs=1.0, window=window,
                nperseg=frame_length, noverlap=frame_length - step_length, nfft=nfft,
                input_onesided=True, boundary=padding,
                time_axis=0, freq_axis=-1)[-1]
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ispec(spec, frame_length, step_length=None, window="hann",
          nb_iter=48, normalize=True, db=False, padding=False):
  """ Invert power spectrogram back to raw waveform

  spec : np.ndarray [shape=(t, n_fft / 2 + 1)]
      magnitude, power, or DB spectrogram of STFT
  frame_length: int
      number of samples point for 1 frame
  step_length: int
      number of samples point for 1 step (when shifting the frames)
      If unspecified, defaults `frame_length / 4`.
  window : string, tuple, number, function, or np.ndarray [shape=(n_fft,)]
      - a window specification (string, tuple, or number);
        see `scipy.signal.get_window`
      - a window function, such as `scipy.signal.hanning`
      - a vector or array of length `n_fft`
  nb_iter: int
      number of iteration, the higher the better audio quality
  db: bool
      if the given spectrogram is in decibel (dB) units (used logarithm)
  normalize: bool
      normalize output raw signal to have mean=0., and std=1.

  spec = spec.astype('float64')
  # ====== check arguments ====== #
  frame_length = int(frame_length)
  if step_length is None:
    step_length = frame_length // 4
    step_length = int(step_length)
  # ====== convert to power spectrogram ====== #
  if db:
    spec = db2power(spec)
  # ====== iterative estmate best phase ====== #
  X_best = copy.deepcopy(spec)
  nfft = (spec.shape[1] - 1) * 2
  for i in range(nb_iter):
    X_t = istft(X_best, frame_length=frame_length, step_length=step_length,
                window=window, padding=padding)
    est = stft(X_t, frame_length=frame_length, step_length=step_length,
               nfft=nfft, window=window, padding=padding, energy=False)
    phase = est / np.maximum(1e-8, np.abs(est))
    X_best = spec * phase
  X_t = istft(X_best, frame_length=frame_length, step_length=step_length,
              window=window, padding=padding)
  y = np.real(X_t)
  if normalize:
    y = (y - y.mean()) / y.std()
  return y

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# F0 analysis
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